//Harriot P.,2003,Chemical Reactor Design (I-Edition) Marcel Dekker,Inc.,USA,pp 436. //Chapter-1 Ex3.1 Pg No.84 //Title:Time to reach desired conversion for bimolecular batch reaction //======================================================================================== clear clc //INPUT C_A0=1;//Assuming 1mol basis for the limiting reactant C_B0_old=1.02;//2% Excess of reactant B is supplied R_old=C_B0_old/C_A0;//Refer equation 3.7 Pg No. X_A=0.995;// Conversion interms of limiting reactant t_old=6.5;//Time required for the given conversion (hr) C_B0_new=1.05;//5% Excess of reactant B R_new=C_B0_new/C_A0;//Refer equation 3.7 Pg No.83 //CALCULATION k=(log((R_old-X_A)/(R_old*(1-X_A)))/((R_old-1)*t_old *C_A0)); t_new=log((R_new-X_A)/(R_new*(1-X_A)))/((R_new-1)*k*C_A0); //OUTPUT mprintf('\nTime required to achieve required conversion for 5%% excess of B= %f hr',t_new); //FILE OUTPUT fid=mopen('.\Chapter3-Ex1-Output.txt','w'); mfprintf(fid,'\nTime required to achieve required conversion for 5%% excess of B= %f hr',t_new); mclose(fid); //=================================================END OF PROGRAM==================================