//chapter-1,Example1_2,pg 40 //miller plane 231 a=1.2*10^-10 b=1.8*10^-10 c=2*10^-10//primitives of crystal //intercepts of ABC plane a1=a/2 b1=b/3 c1=c/1 //intercept of ABC plane along X-axis =0.6*10^-10 //ABC is not the reqd. plane //intercept of DEF plane parallel to ABC a2=a b2=(2*b)/3 c2=2*c //miller indices for DEF //1:(3/2):(1/2) printf("intercept of DEF plane\n") printf("along x-axis=%.11f\n",a2) printf("along y-axis=%.11f\n",b2) printf("\nalong z-axis=%.11f",c2) printf("\nDEF is the reqd. plane")