//Example 8.1 clear; clc; //Given Kp=0.10;//equillibrium constant at 300K Pa=20;// Partial pressure of A in atm Pm=1.0;///partial pressure of M in atm T=300;//Temperature in K R=8.314;// gas constant in J K^-1 mol^-1 //To determine the free energy Qp=Pm/Pa;//reaction quotient delG=R*T*log(Qp/Kp);//free energy change mprintf('(a) delG = %f J mol^-1',delG); delG0=-R*T*log(Kp);//standard free energy in J mol^-1 mprintf('\n (b) standard free energy = %f J mol^-1',delG0); mprintf('\n (c) Since delG is negetive,the reaction proceeds spontaneously in forward direction') //end