//Example 7.1 clear; clc; //Given w2=4.450;//weight of solute in g m2=98;//molecular mass of solute in g mol^-1 W1=0.0822;//weight of solvent in kg w1=82.2;//weight of solvent in g m1=18;//molecular mass of solvent in g mol^-1 p=1.029;//density of solution in g cm^-3 //To calculate mass percent,mole fraction,mole percent,molarity,molality,normality P2=(w2/(w1+w2))*100;//Mass percent mprintf('(a) Mass percent = %f',P2); x2=(w2/m2)/((w1/m1)+(w2/m2));//Mole fraction mprintf('\n (b) Mole fraction = %f',x2); M=x2*100;//Mole percent mprintf('\n (c) Mole percent = %f',M); V=(w1+w2)/p;//volume in cm^3 c2=(w2/m2)*(1000/V);//Molarity in mol dm^-3 mprintf('\n (d) Molarity = %f mol dm^-3',c2); M2=w2/(m2*W1);//Molality in mol kg^-1 mprintf('\n (e) Molality = %f mol kg^-1',M2); N=(w2/(m2/2))*((1000/V));//normality mprintf('\n (f) normality = %f',N); //end