// Scilab Code Ex12.15 Binding energy of Fe using Weizsaecker formula: Pg: 251 (2008) amu = 931.5; // Energy equivalent of 1 amu, MeV A = 56; // Mass number of Fe Z = 26; // Atomic number of Fe av = 15.7; // Binding energy per nucleon due to volume effect, MeV as = 17.8; // Surface energy constant, MeV ac = 0.711; // Coulomb energy constant, MeV aa = 23.7; // asymmetric energy constant, MeV ap = 11.18; // Pairing energy constant, MeV BE = av*A - as*A^(2/3) - ac*Z^2*A^(-1/3)-aa*(A-2*Z)^2*A^(-1)+ap*A^(-1/2); // Weizsaecker Semiempirical mass formula M_Fe = 55.939395; // Atomic mass of Fe-56 mp = 1.007825; // Mass of proton, amu mn = 1.008665; // Mass of neutron, amu E_B = (Z*mp+(A-Z)*mn-M_Fe)*amu; // Binding energy of Fe-56, MeV printf("\nThe binding energy of Fe-56 using Weizsaecker formula = %6.2f MeV", BE); printf("\nThe binding energy of Fe-56 using mass defect = %6.2f MeV", E_B); printf("\nThe result of the semi empirical formula agrees with the experimental value within %3.1f percent", abs((BE-E_B)/BE*100)); // Result // The binding energy of Fe-56 using Weizsaecker formula = 487.75 MeV // The binding energy of Fe-56 using mass defect = 488.11 MeV // The result of the semi empirical formula agrees with the experimental value within 0.1 percent