path: root/866
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '866')
4 files changed, 79 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/866/CH14/EX14.1/14_1.sce b/866/CH14/EX14.1/14_1.sce
index 7ead5d32e..d92386d33 100755
--- a/866/CH14/EX14.1/14_1.sce
+++ b/866/CH14/EX14.1/14_1.sce
@@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
-//initialisation of variables
-d= 2 //m
-t= 20 //mm
-p= 1.5 //N/mm^2
-load= 2500 //KN
-alpha= 60 //degrees
-Cs= (p*d*10^3)/(2*t)
-Ls= (p*d*10^3)/(4*t)
-Ds= (load*10^3)/(%pi*d*t*10^3)
-Ts= Ls+Ds
-sigman= (Ts*t*(cosd(90-alpha))^2+Cs*t*(cosd(alpha))^2)/t
-tab= Ts*sind(alpha)*cosd(alpha)-Cs*sind(alpha)*cosd(alpha)
-tmax= (Ts-Cs)/2
-printf ('direct stress= %.1f N/mm^2',sigman)
-printf (' \n Shear stress=%.1f N/mm^2',tab)
-printf (' \n maximum Shear stress=%.1f N/mm^2',tmax)
+//initialisation of variables
+d= 2 //m
+t= 20 //mm
+p= 1.5 //N/mm^2
+Load= 2500 //KN
+alpha= 60 //degrees
+Cs= (p*d*10^3)/(2*t)
+Ls= (p*d*10^3)/(4*t)
+Ds= (Load*10^3)/(%pi*d*t*10^3)
+Ts= Ls+Ds
+sigman= (Ts*t*(cosd(90-alpha))^2+Cs*t*(cosd(alpha))^2)/t
+tab= Ts*sind(alpha)*cosd(alpha)-Cs*sind(alpha)*cosd(alpha)
+tmax= (Ts-Cs)/2
+printf ('direct stress= %.1f N/mm^2',sigman)
+printf (' \n Shear stress=%.1f N/mm^2',tab)
+printf (' \n maximum Shear stress=%.1f N/mm^2',tmax) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/866/CH14/EX14.2/14_2.sce b/866/CH14/EX14.2/14_2.sce
index 12ff51aff..d32f2d3e2 100755
--- a/866/CH14/EX14.2/14_2.sce
+++ b/866/CH14/EX14.2/14_2.sce
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-//initialisation of variables
-load= 50000 //N
-torque= 1200 //Nm
-d= 60//mm
-t= 1.5 //mm
-alpha= 60 //degrees
-BM= load*t
-axialload= (load*4)/(%pi*d^2)
-bendingmoment= (BM*d*64)/(%pi*d^4*2)
-Ts= axialload+bendingmoment
-shearstress= (torque*10^3*d*32)/(2*%pi*d^4)
-sigman= -Ts*(cosd(alpha-30))^2+shearstress*cosd(alpha-30)*sind(alpha-30)+shearstress*cosd(alpha-30)*sind(alpha-30)
-T= -Ts*sind(alpha)*cosd(alpha)-shearstress*(sind(alpha))^2+shearstress*(cosd(alpha)^2)
-printf ('direct stress= %.1f N/mm^2',sigman)
-printf (' \n Shear stress=%.1f N/mm^2',T)
+//initialisation of variables
+Load= 50000 //N
+torque= 1200 //Nm
+d= 60//mm
+t= 1.5 //mm
+alpha= 60 //degrees
+BM= Load*t
+axialLoad= (Load*4)/(%pi*d^2)
+bendingmoment= (BM*d*64)/(%pi*d^4*2)
+Ts= axialLoad+bendingmoment
+shearstress= (torque*10^3*d*32)/(2*%pi*d^4)
+sigman= -Ts*(cosd(alpha-30))^2+shearstress*cosd(alpha-30)*sind(alpha-30)+shearstress*cosd(alpha-30)*sind(alpha-30)
+T= -Ts*sind(alpha)*cosd(alpha)-shearstress*(sind(alpha))^2+shearstress*(cosd(alpha)^2)
+printf ('direct stress= %.1f N/mm^2',sigman)
+printf (' \n Shear stress=%.1f N/mm^2',T) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/866/CH5/EX5.2/5_2.sce b/866/CH5/EX5.2/5_2.sce
index 736dcf619..962795beb 100755
--- a/866/CH5/EX5.2/5_2.sce
+++ b/866/CH5/EX5.2/5_2.sce
@@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
-//initialisation of variables
-Fc= -10.0 //KN
-Fd= -6.0 //KN
-y= 0.5 //m
-x1= 1.5 //m
-x2= 2.0 //m
-x3= 1.8 //m
-//The values in the textbook are rounded off. hence, there is a small variation in the result of this code.
-alpha= atand(y/x1)
-Rav= (-Fd*x3-Fc*(x2+x3))/(x1+x2+x3)
-Rah= Rav*x1/y
-Tca= sqrt(Rah^2+Rav^2)
-tanbeta= ((-Fc-Tca*sind(alpha)))/(Tca*cosd(alpha))
-Tcd= Tca*cosd(alpha)/cosd(beta)
-gama= atand((-Fd+Tcd*sind(beta)))/(Tcd*cosd(beta))
-Tdb= (Tcd*cosd(beta))/cosd(gama)
-printf ('Tca= %.1f KN',Tca)
-printf (' \n Tcd=%.1f KN',Tcd)
-printf (' \n Tdb=%.2f KN',Tdb)
+//initialisation of variables
+Fc= -10.0 //KN
+Fd= -6.0 //KN
+y= 0.5 //m
+x1= 1.5 //m
+x2= 2.0 //m
+x3= 1.8 //m
+//The values in the textbook are rounded off. hence, there is a small variation in the result of this code.
+alpha= atand(y/x1)
+Rav= (-Fd*x3-Fc*(x2+x3))/(x1+x2+x3)
+Rah= Rav*x1/y
+Tca= sqrt(Rah^2+Rav^2)
+tanbeta= ((-Fc-Tca*sind(alpha)))/(Tca*cosd(alpha))
+Beta = atand(tanbeta);
+Tcd= Tca*cosd(alpha)/cosd(Beta)
+gama= atand((-Fd+Tcd*sind(Beta)))/(Tcd*cosd(Beta))
+Tdb= (Tcd*cosd(Beta))/cosd(gama)
+printf ('Tca= %.1f KN',Tca)
+printf (' \n Tcd=%.1f KN',Tcd)
+printf (' \n Tdb=%.2f KN',Tdb) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/866/CH9/EX9.4/9_4.sce b/866/CH9/EX9.4/9_4.sce
index c3e7e2746..7899cb205 100755
--- a/866/CH9/EX9.4/9_4.sce
+++ b/866/CH9/EX9.4/9_4.sce
@@ -1,19 +1,16 @@
-//initialisation of variables
-BeamB= 300 //mm
-BeamL= 200 //mm
-BeamT= 25 //mm
-BeamT2= 20 //mm
-alpha= 30 //degrees
-Mz= 100*10^6*cosd(alpha)//Nmm
-My= 100*10^6*sind(alpha)//Nmm
-Iz= ((BeamL*BeamB^3)/12)-((BeamL-BeamT)*(BeamB-2*BeamT2)^3)/12
-Iy= (2*BeamT2*BeamL^3/12)+((BeamB-2*BeamT2)*BeamT^3/12)
-sigmaxtl= (+Mz/Iz)*(BeamB/2)+(My/Iy)*(BeamH/2)
-sigmaxtr= (+Mz/Iz)*(BeamB/2)+(My/Iy)*(-BeamH/2)
-inclination= atand((My*Iz)/(Mz*Iy))
-printf ('Stress at top left of the beam= %.2fN/mm^2(Tension)',sigmaxtl)
-printf ('\n Stress at top right of the beam= %.2fN/mm^2(compression)',sigmaxtr)
-printf ('\n Incination= %.2fdegrees',inclination)
+//initialisation of variables
+M= 100*10^6 //Nmm
+BeamB= 300 //mm
+BeamL= 200 //mm
+BeamT= 25 //mm
+BeamT2= 20 //mm
+Iz= ((BeamL*BeamB^3)/12)-((BeamL-BeamT)*(BeamB-2*BeamT2)^3)/12
+sigmaxbyY= -M/Iz
+SB= sigmaxbyY*(BeamB/2)
+ST= sigmaxbyY*(-BeamB/2)
+printf ('Stress at top of the beam= %.2fN/mm^2(Tension)',ST)
+printf ('\n Stress at bottom of the beam= %.2fN/mm^2(compression)',SB) \ No newline at end of file