path: root/632
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '632')
6 files changed, 91 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/632/CH11/EX11.20/example11_20.sce b/632/CH11/EX11.20/example11_20.sce
index 8eff4b35e..6a92a5400 100755
--- a/632/CH11/EX11.20/example11_20.sce
+++ b/632/CH11/EX11.20/example11_20.sce
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-T = 273.15 - 30;//K
-//lnPs = 14.2410 - 2137.72 / (T-26.72)
-//dlnPs/dT = Hv / RT2
-Hv = 2137.72 * R * T^2 / ( T - 26.72 )^2;
+T = 273.15 - 30;//K
+R = 8.314;
+//lnPs = 14.2410 - 2137.72 / (T-26.72)
+//dlnPs/dT = Hv / RT2
+Hv = 2137.72 * R * T^2 / ( T - 26.72 )^2;
disp("kJ/kmol",Hv,"Heat of vaporization = ") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/632/CH11/EX11.3/example11_3.sce b/632/CH11/EX11.3/example11_3.sce
index 76fcb6dbb..1f3507a1d 100755
--- a/632/CH11/EX11.3/example11_3.sce
+++ b/632/CH11/EX11.3/example11_3.sce
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-d = 100 /1000;//m
-m = 50;//kg
-P = 1.01325*10^5;//Pa
-A = %pi * (d^2)/4;
-Fatm = P * A;
-Fwt = m * g;
-Ftotal = Fatm + Fwt;
-P = Ftotal / A;
-disp("bar",P/10^5,"(a)Pressure of the gas = ")
-z = 500/1000;//m
-w = Ftotal * z;
+d = 100 /1000;//m
+g = 9.81;
+m = 50;//kg
+P = 1.01325*10^5;//Pa
+A = %pi * (d^2)/4;
+Fatm = P * A;
+Fwt = m * g;
+Ftotal = Fatm + Fwt;
+P = Ftotal / A;
+disp("bar",P/10^5,"(a)Pressure of the gas = ")
+z = 500/1000;//m
+w = Ftotal * z;
disp("J",w,"(b)Work done by the gas = ") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/632/CH11/EX11.38/example11_38.sce b/632/CH11/EX11.38/example11_38.sce
index 63a9d790c..007079f7c 100755
--- a/632/CH11/EX11.38/example11_38.sce
+++ b/632/CH11/EX11.38/example11_38.sce
@@ -1,37 +1,38 @@
-m = 1000;//kg/h (dried product)
-// S be the amount of dry solid in the product stream
-Pmoisture1 = 4;//%
-Pmoisture2 = 0.2;//%
-S = m *(1 - P/1000);
-X1 = Pmoisture1/(100 - Pmoisture1);
-X2 = Pmoisture2/(100 - Pmoisture2);
-//let G be the weight of dry air in the air stream
-Y1 = 0.01;//kg water/kg dry solid
-Cp = 1.507;
-Cw = 4.2;
-T1 = 298;//K
-T = 273;//K
-T2 = 333;//K
-Tg1 = 363;//K
-Tg2 = 305;//K
-Hs1 = (Cp + X1 * Cw) * (T1 - T);
-Hs2 = (Cp + X2 * Cw) * (T2 - T);
-//Hg = Cs(Tg - To) + Y*L
-//Cs = 1.005 + 1.884*Y
-L = 2502.3;//kJ/kg dry air
-Hg1 = (1.005 + 1.884 * Y1)*(Tg1 - T) + Y1 * L;
-Q = -40000;//kJ/h
-//Calculating for T2, Hg2 = 32.16 + 2562.59*Y
-//change in enthalpy = Q
-//H1 = S * Hs1 + G * HG1 = 37814.22 + 117.17G
-//H2 = 100728.14 + G* (32.16 + 2561.59*Y)
-//change in enthalpy = Q
-//62913.92 + G *(-85.01 + 2561.59*Y) + 40000 = 0
-//102913.92 + G *(-85.01 + 2561.59*Y) = 0 (1)
-//moisture balance, S*X1 + G*Y1 = S*X2 + G*Y2
-//G*(Y-0.01) = 39.62 (2)
-//solving simultaneously ( 1 ) and ( 2 ),
-Gdry = 3443;//kg/h
-G = Gdry*(1 + Y1);
-disp("kg/h",G,"Air requirement = ")
+m = 1000;//kg/h (dried product)
+// S be the amount of dry solid in the product stream
+Pmoisture1 = 4;//%
+Pmoisture2 = 0.2;//%
+P = 1;
+S = m *(1 - P/1000);
+X1 = Pmoisture1/(100 - Pmoisture1);
+X2 = Pmoisture2/(100 - Pmoisture2);
+//let G be the weight of dry air in the air stream
+Y1 = 0.01;//kg water/kg dry solid
+Cp = 1.507;
+Cw = 4.2;
+T1 = 298;//K
+T = 273;//K
+T2 = 333;//K
+Tg1 = 363;//K
+Tg2 = 305;//K
+Hs1 = (Cp + X1 * Cw) * (T1 - T);
+Hs2 = (Cp + X2 * Cw) * (T2 - T);
+//Hg = Cs(Tg - To) + Y*L
+//Cs = 1.005 + 1.884*Y
+L = 2502.3;//kJ/kg dry air
+Hg1 = (1.005 + 1.884 * Y1)*(Tg1 - T) + Y1 * L;
+Q = -40000;//kJ/h
+//Calculating for T2, Hg2 = 32.16 + 2562.59*Y
+//change in enthalpy = Q
+//H1 = S * Hs1 + G * HG1 = 37814.22 + 117.17G
+//H2 = 100728.14 + G* (32.16 + 2561.59*Y)
+//change in enthalpy = Q
+//62913.92 + G *(-85.01 + 2561.59*Y) + 40000 = 0
+//102913.92 + G *(-85.01 + 2561.59*Y) = 0 (1)
+//moisture balance, S*X1 + G*Y1 = S*X2 + G*Y2
+//G*(Y-0.01) = 39.62 (2)
+//solving simultaneously ( 1 ) and ( 2 ),
+Gdry = 3443;//kg/h
+G = Gdry*(1 + Y1);
+disp("kg/h",G,"Air requirement = ") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/632/CH5/EX5.2/example5_2.sce b/632/CH5/EX5.2/example5_2.sce
index e630e0e70..79229ae68 100755
--- a/632/CH5/EX5.2/example5_2.sce
+++ b/632/CH5/EX5.2/example5_2.sce
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-P = 10^7;//Pa;
-T = 500;//K
-R = 8.314;//Pa * L / mol K
-V = N * R * T / ( P * 1000);
-disp("m^3",V,"(a)Volume of CO2 calculated using ideal gas equation = ")
+P = 10^7;//Pa;
+N = 1000;
+T = 500;//K
+R = 8.314;//Pa * L / mol K
+V = N * R * T / ( P * 1000);
+disp("m^3",V,"(a)Volume of CO2 calculated using ideal gas equation = ") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/632/CH6/EX6.4/example6_4.sce b/632/CH6/EX6.4/example6_4.sce
index 3409c63d8..4bfae3561 100755
--- a/632/CH6/EX6.4/example6_4.sce
+++ b/632/CH6/EX6.4/example6_4.sce
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-A = 13.8587;
-B = 2911.32;
-C = 56.56;
-T1 = 325;//K
-//Pressure at normal condition = 101.3kPa
-P2 = 101.3;//kPa
-//Antoine equation - lnP = A - B / (T - C)
-lnP = A - (B / (T - C));
-P1 = exp(lnP);
-disp("kPa",P1,"(a)Vapour pressure of n-heptane at 325K = ")
-T2 = B/(A - log(P2)) + C;
+A = 13.8587;
+B = 2911.32;
+C = 56.56;
+T1 = 325;//K
+//Pressure at normal condition = 101.3kPa
+P2 = 101.3;//kPa
+//Antoine equation - lnP = A - B / (T - C)
+lnP = A - (B / (T1 - C));
+P1 = exp(lnP);
+disp("kPa",P1,"(a)Vapour pressure of n-heptane at 325K = ")
+T2 = B/(A - log(P2)) + C;
disp("K",T2,"(b)Normal boiling point of n-heptane = ") \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/632/CH7/EX7.14/example7_14.sce b/632/CH7/EX7.14/example7_14.sce
index e1d9b82ca..d2aab7667 100755
--- a/632/CH7/EX7.14/example7_14.sce
+++ b/632/CH7/EX7.14/example7_14.sce
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-//the three phase temperature is first find out, which comes to be 342K, the corresponding Ps1 = 71.18, Ps2 = 30.12
-T = [342 343 348 353 363 373];
-Ps2 = [30.12 31.06 37.99 47.32 70.11 101.3];
-Ps1 = [71.18 72.91 85.31 100.5 135.42 179.14];
-P = 101.3;//kPa
-for i = 1:4
- y1(i) = 1 - (Ps1(i))/P;
-for i = 1:6
- y2(i) = 1 - (Ps2(i))/P;
-plot2d(1-y1,T,rect = [0,320,1,380]);
-xtitle('Temperature - compositon diagram','x, y (mole fraction of benzene)','Temperature')
+//the three phase temperature is first find out, which comes to be 342K, the corresponding Ps1 = 71.18, Ps2 = 30.12
+T = [342 343 348 353 363 373];
+Ps2 = [30.12 31.06 37.99 47.32 70.11 101.3];
+Ps1 = [71.18 72.91 85.31 100.5 135.42 179.14];
+P = 101.3;//kPa
+for i = 1:6
+ y1(i) = 1 - (Ps1(i))/P;
+for i = 1:6
+ y2(i) = 1 - (Ps2(i))/P;
+plot2d(1-y1,T,rect = [0,320,1,380]);
+xtitle('Temperature - compositon diagram','x, y (mole fraction of benzene)','Temperature') \ No newline at end of file