path: root/587/CH7/EX7.2
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Diffstat (limited to '587/CH7/EX7.2')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/587/CH7/EX7.2/example7_2.sce b/587/CH7/EX7.2/example7_2.sce
index 780a50018..3e80d6250 100755
--- a/587/CH7/EX7.2/example7_2.sce
+++ b/587/CH7/EX7.2/example7_2.sce
@@ -1,44 +1,35 @@
-//Example7.2[Cooling of a Hot Block by Forced Air at High Elevation]
-ReC=5*10^5;//critical Reynolds number
-v=8;//Velocity of air[m/s]
-T_air=20;//Initial Temperature of air[degree Celcius]
-T_plate=140;//Temperature of flat plate[degree Celcius]
-T_film=(T_air+T_plate)/2;//Film Temperature of air[degree Celcius]
-//Properties of air at film temperature[degree Celcius]
-k=0.02953;//[W/ Celcius]
-Pr=0.7154;//Prandtl Number
-nu=2.097*10^(-5);//Kinematic Viscosity at 1 atm Pressure [m^2/s]
-nu_ac=nu/0.823;//Kinematic viscosity at pressure 0.823 atm[m^2/s]
-L1=6;//Characteristic length of plate along the flow of air[m]
-ReL1=(v*L1)/nu_ac;//Reynolds number
-if(ReL1>ReC) then,
- disp("Flow is not laminar")
- //We have average Nusselt Number
- Nu1=((0.037*(ReL1^(0.8)))-871)*(Pr^(1/3));
- disp(ceil(Nu1),"Nusselt Number is")
- h1=k*Nu1/L1;//[W/m^ Celcius]
- As1=w1*L1;//Flow Area of plate[m^2]
- Q1=h1*As1*(T_plate-T_air);
- disp("W",Q1,"Heat Flow Rate is")
- disp("Flow is laminar")
-L2=1.5;//Characteristic length of plate along flow of air[m]
-ReL2=v*L2/nu_ac;//Reynolds Number
-if(ReL2<Rec) then,
- disp("Flow is laminar")
- Nu2=0.664*(ReL2^(0.5))*(Pr^(1/3));
- disp(ceil(Nu2),"Nusselt Number is")
- h2=k*Nu2/L2;//[W/m^ Celcius]
- Q2=h2*As1*(T_plate-T_air);
- disp("W",ceil(Q2),"The heat transfer rate is")
- disp("Flow is turbulent")
+//Example7.2[Cooling of a Hot Block by Forced Air at High Elevation]
+ReC=5*10^5;//critical Reynolds number
+v=8;//Velocity of air[m/s]
+T_air=20;//Initial Temperature of air[degree Celcius]
+T_plate=140;//Temperature of flat plate[degree Celcius]
+T_film=(T_air+T_plate)/2;//Film Temperature of air[degree Celcius]
+//Properties of air at film temperature[degree Celcius]
+k=0.02953;//[W/ Celcius]
+Pr=0.7154;//Prandtl Number
+nu=2.097*10^(-5);//Kinematic Viscosity at 1 atm Pressure [m^2/s]
+nu_ac=nu/0.823;//Kinematic viscosity at pressure 0.823 atm[m^2/s]
+L1=6;//Characteristic length of plate along the flow of air[m]
+ReL1=(v*L1)/nu_ac;//Reynolds number
+if(ReL1&gt;ReC) then,
+ disp("Flow is not laminar")
+ //We have average Nusselt Number
+ Nu1=((0.037*(ReL1^(0.8)))-871)*(Pr^(1/3));
+ disp(ceil(Nu1),"Nusselt Number is")
+ h1=k*Nu1/L1;//[W/m^ Celcius]
+ As1=w1*L1;//Flow Area of plate[m^2]
+ Q1=h1*As1*(T_plate-T_air);
+ disp("W",Q1,"Heat Flow Rate is")
+ disp("Flow is laminar")
+L2=1.5;//Characteristic length of plate along flow of air[m]
+ReL2=v*L2/nu_ac;//Reynolds Number
+if(ReL2<ReC) then,="" disp("flow="" is="" laminar")="" nu2="0.664*(ReL2^(0.5))*(Pr^(1/3));" disp(ceil(nu2),"nusselt="" number="" is")="" h2="k*Nu2/L2;//[W/m^" celcius]="" q2="h2*As1*(T_plate-T_air);" disp("w",ceil(q2),"the="" heat="" transfer="" rate="" else,="" turbulent")="" end="" <="" div=""></rec)> \ No newline at end of file