path: root/497
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diff --git a/497/CH15/EX15.5/Chap15_Ex5.sce b/497/CH15/EX15.5/Chap15_Ex5.sce
index 62f3b87b6..f270ef438 100755
--- a/497/CH15/EX15.5/Chap15_Ex5.sce
+++ b/497/CH15/EX15.5/Chap15_Ex5.sce
@@ -1,58 +1,59 @@
-//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491
-//Chapter-15, Example 5, Page 381
-//Title: Steam Seal of a Coarse Particle Downcomer
-dp=10^-3;//Particle diameter in m
-dt=0.8;//Diameter of reactor in m
-us=0.15;//Descend velocityo of solids in m/s
-L=15;//Length of downcomer
-deltap1=300;//Pressure in lower vessel in kPa
-deltap2=240;//Pressure in upper vessel in kPa
-phis=0.8;//Sphericity of solids
-ephsilonm=0.45;//Void fraction of bed
-myu=4E-5;//Viscosity of gas in kg/m s
-rhogl=2;//Density of gas in lower vessel in kg/m^3
-rhogu=1.6;//Density of gas in upper vessel in kg/m^3
-rhogbar=0.5*(rhogl+rhogu);//Average density in kg/m^3
-gc=1;//Conversion factor
-//(a)Without steam seal
-deltapfr=(deltap1-deltap2)*10^3;//Frictional pressure drop between two levels in Pa
-deluguess=50;//Guess value of deltau
-function[fn]=solver_func(delu)//Function defined for solving the system
- fn=(deltapfr*gc/L)-(150*(1-ephsilonm)^2*myu*delu/(ephsilonm^2*(phis*dp)^2))-(1.75*(1-ephsilonm)*rhogbar*delu^2/(ephsilonm*phis*dp));
-[delu]=fsolve(deluguess,solver_func,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(25) for deltau
-uo=(delu-us)*ephsilonm;//Superficial gas velocity
-Fg=rhogbar*uo*(pi/4)*dt^2;//Flow rate of gs up the tube
-//(c)With steam seal
-//For section 1 to 3
-deluguess1=50;//Guess value of deltau
-function[fn]=solver_func1(delu1)//Function defined for solving the system
- fn=(deltapfr*gc/L1)-(150*(1-ephsilonm)^2*myu*delu1/(ephsilonm^2*(phis*dp)^2))-(1.75*(1-ephsilonm)*rhogbar*delu1^2/(ephsilonm*phis*dp));
-[delu1]=fsolve(deluguess1,solver_func1,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(25) for deltau
-uou=(delu1-us)*ephsilonm;//Upward superficial gas velocity
-Fgu=rhogbar*uou*(pi/4)*dt^2;//Upward flow rate of gs up the tube
-//For section 3 to 2
-ugd=0.15;//Downward velocity of gas
-uod=ugd*ephsilonm;//Downward superficial gas velocity
-Fgd=rhogbar*uod*(pi/4)*dt^2;//Downward flow rate of gas up the tube
-Fgt=Fgu+Fgd;//Total flow rate of gas
-printf('\nWithout steam seal');
-printf('\n\tFlow rate of gas up the tube:%fkg/s',Fg);
-printf('\nWith steam seal');
-printf('\n\tTotal flow rate of gas:%fkg/s',Fgt);
+//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491
+//Chapter-15, Example 5, Page 381
+//Title: Steam Seal of a Coarse Particle Downcomer
+pi = %pi;
+dp=10^-3;//Particle diameter in m
+dt=0.8;//Diameter of reactor in m
+us=0.15;//Descend velocityo of solids in m/s
+L=15;//Length of downcomer
+deltap1=300;//Pressure in lower vessel in kPa
+deltap2=240;//Pressure in upper vessel in kPa
+phis=0.8;//Sphericity of solids
+ephsilonm=0.45;//Void fraction of bed
+myu=4E-5;//Viscosity of gas in kg/m s
+rhogl=2;//Density of gas in lower vessel in kg/m^3
+rhogu=1.6;//Density of gas in upper vessel in kg/m^3
+rhogbar=0.5*(rhogl+rhogu);//Average density in kg/m^3
+gc=1;//Conversion factor
+//(a)Without steam seal
+deltapfr=(deltap1-deltap2)*10^3;//Frictional pressure drop between two levels in Pa
+deluguess=50;//Guess value of deltau
+function[fn]=solver_func(delu)//Function defined for solving the system
+ fn=(deltapfr*gc/L)-(150*(1-ephsilonm)^2*myu*delu/(ephsilonm^2*(phis*dp)^2))-(1.75*(1-ephsilonm)*rhogbar*delu^2/(ephsilonm*phis*dp));
+[delu]=fsolve(deluguess,solver_func,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(25) for deltau
+uo=(delu-us)*ephsilonm;//Superficial gas velocity
+Fg=rhogbar*uo*(pi/4)*dt^2;//Flow rate of gs up the tube
+//(c)With steam seal
+//For section 1 to 3
+deluguess1=50;//Guess value of deltau
+function[fn]=solver_func1(delu1)//Function defined for solving the system
+ fn=(deltapfr*gc/L1)-(150*(1-ephsilonm)^2*myu*delu1/(ephsilonm^2*(phis*dp)^2))-(1.75*(1-ephsilonm)*rhogbar*delu1^2/(ephsilonm*phis*dp));
+[delu1]=fsolve(deluguess1,solver_func1,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(25) for deltau
+uou=(delu1-us)*ephsilonm;//Upward superficial gas velocity
+Fgu=rhogbar*uou*(pi/4)*dt^2;//Upward flow rate of gs up the tube
+//For section 3 to 2
+ugd=0.15;//Downward velocity of gas
+uod=ugd*ephsilonm;//Downward superficial gas velocity
+Fgd=rhogbar*uod*(pi/4)*dt^2;//Downward flow rate of gas up the tube
+Fgt=Fgu+Fgd;//Total flow rate of gas
+printf('\nWithout steam seal');
+printf('\n\tFlow rate of gas up the tube:%fkg/s',Fg);
+printf('\nWith steam seal');
+printf('\n\tTotal flow rate of gas:%fkg/s',Fgt);
//====================================END OF PROGRAM ====================================================== \ No newline at end of file