path: root/409/CH10/EX10.4/Example10_4.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '409/CH10/EX10.4/Example10_4.sce')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/409/CH10/EX10.4/Example10_4.sce b/409/CH10/EX10.4/Example10_4.sce
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+++ b/409/CH10/EX10.4/Example10_4.sce
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+// Example 10.4
+printf('Example 10.4\n\n');
+// Page no. 273
+// Solution
+F = 4000 ;//[kg]
+m_H2O = 18.02 ;// molecular masss of water
+m_C6H12O6 = 180.1 ;// molecular mass of glucose
+m_CO2 = 44 ;//molecular mass of CO2
+m_C2H3CO2H = 72.03 ;// molecular mass of C2H3CO2H
+m_C2H5OH = 46.05 ;// molecular mass of ethanol
+p_H2O = 88 ;// [%]
+p_C6H12O6 = 12;// [%]
+ni_H2O = (F*p_H2O/100)/m_H2O ;// initial moles of water
+ni_C6H12O6 = (F*(p_C6H12O6/100))/m_C6H12O6 ;// initial moles of glucose
+// Degree of freedom analysis
+n_un = 9 ;// Number of unknowns in the given problem
+n_ie = 9 ;// Number of independent equations
+d_o_f = n_un-n_ie ;// Number of degree of freedom
+printf('Number of degree of freedom for the given system is %i \n',d_o_f);
+ur_C6H12O6 = 90 ;//[kg]
+pr_CO2 = 120 ;//[kg]
+nf_C6H12O6 = ur_C6H12O6/m_C6H12O6 ;// [kmoles]
+nf_CO2 = pr_CO2/m_CO2 ;// [kmoles]
+// solve following eqn. (b) and (e)simultaneously
+//(b): nf_C6H12O6 = ni_C6H12O6+-1*ex_r1+-1*ex_r2
+//(e): nf_CO2 = 0+2*ex_r1+ 0*ex_r2
+a = [-1 -1;2 0];// matrix formed by coefficients of unknowns
+b = [(nf_C6H12O6-ni_C6H12O6);nf_CO2];//matrix formed by constant
+x = a^(-1)*b;//matrix formed by solution
+printf(' Extent of reaction 1 is %.3f kg moles reacting \n',x(1));
+printf(' Extent of reaction 2 is %.3f kg moles reacting \n',x(2));
+nf_H2O = ni_H2O+0*x(1) +2*x(2);// from eqn. (a)-[kmoles]
+nf_C2H5OH = 0+2*x(1)+0*x(2);// from eqn.(c)-[kmoles]
+nf_C2H3CO2H = 0+0*x(1)+2*x(2) ;//from eqn.(d)-[kmoles]
+total_wt = m_H2O*nf_H2O + m_C6H12O6*nf_C6H12O6 + m_CO2*nf_CO2 + m_C2H3CO2H*nf_C2H3CO2H + m_C2H5OH*nf_C2H5OH;
+mp_C2H5OH = (m_C2H5OH*nf_C2H5OH*100)/total_wt ;// Mass percent of ethanol -[%]
+mp_C2H3CO2H = (m_C2H3CO2H*nf_C2H3CO2H*100)/total_wt ;//Mass percent of propenoic acid -[%]
+printf(' \n Mass percent of ethanol in broth at end of fermentation process is %.1f %%\n',mp_C2H5OH);
+printf(' Mass percent of propenoic acid in broth at end of fermentation process is %.1f %%\n',mp_C2H3CO2H); \ No newline at end of file