path: root/3685/CH17/EX17.3/Ex17_3.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '3685/CH17/EX17.3/Ex17_3.sce')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3685/CH17/EX17.3/Ex17_3.sce b/3685/CH17/EX17.3/Ex17_3.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97f9045ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3685/CH17/EX17.3/Ex17_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+M2 = 2.197 // Mach number
+P2P0 = 0.0939 // pressure ratio
+T2T0 = 0.5089 // Temperature ratio
+P0 = 1 // Stagnation pressure in MPa
+T0 = 360 // Stagnation temperature in K
+g = 1.4 // Heat capacity ratio
+R = 0.287 // Gas constant
+P2 = P2P0*P0*1e3 // Static Pressure
+T2 = T2T0*T0 // Static temperature
+c2 = sqrt(g*R*T2*1000)
+V2 = c2*M2 //velocity at the exit from the nozzle
+// for air
+P_P0 = 0.528 // pressure ratio
+T_T0 = 0.833 // Temperature ratio
+P_ = P_P0*P0*1e3 // Static Pressure
+T_ = T_T0*T0 //Static temperature
+rho_ = P_/(R*T_) // density
+V_ = sqrt(g*R*T_*1000) // Velocity at the exit from the nozzle
+At = 500e-06 // throat area
+w = At*V_*rho_// Maximum flow rate of air
+printf("\n Example 17.3\n")
+printf("\n When divergent section act as a nozzle")
+printf("\n Maximum flow rate of air is %f kg/s",w)
+printf("\n Static temperature is %f K",T2)
+printf("\n Static Pressure is %f kPa",P2)
+printf("\n Velocity at the exit from the nozzle is %f m/s",V2)
+//The answers vary due to round off error
+// Part (b)
+Mb = 0.308 // Mach number
+P2P0b = 0.936 // Pressure ratio
+T2T0b = 0.9812 // Temperature ratio
+P2b = P2P0b*P0*1e3//Static Pressure
+T2b = T2T0b*T0 // Static temperature
+c2b = sqrt(g*R*T2b*1000) // Velocity
+V2b = c2b*Mb //Velocity at the exit from the nozzle
+printf("\n\n When divergent section act as a diffuser")
+printf("\n Maximum flow rate of air is %f kg/s",w)
+printf("\n Static temperature is %f K",T2b)
+printf("\n Static Pressure is %d kPa",P2b)
+printf("\n Velocity at the exit from the nozzle is %d m/s",V2b)