path: root/3685/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce
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Diffstat (limited to '3685/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3685/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce b/3685/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..034425410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3685/CH13/EX13.11/Ex13_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Ta = 15 // Atmospheric temperature in degree Celsius
+rp = 8 // pressure ratio
+g = 1.33 // heat capacity ratio for gas
+g1 = 1.40 // heat capacity ratio for air
+cv = 0.718 // Constant volume heat capacity
+cpa = 1.005 // Constant pressure heat capacity for air
+cpg = 1.11 // Constant pressure heat capacity for gas
+R = 0.287 // Gas constant
+Tb = (Ta+273)*(rp)^((g1-1)/g1) // Temperature after compression
+Tc = 800 // Temperature after heat addition in degree Celsius
+Td = (Tc+273)/((rp)^((g-1)/g)) // Temperature after expansion
+Wgt = cpg*(Tc+273-Td)-cpa*(Tb-Ta-273)
+Q1 = cpg*(Tc+273-Tb)
+Q1_ = cpg*(Tc+273-Td)
+h1 = 3775 // Enthalpy at state 1 in kJ/kg
+h2 = 2183 // Enthalpy at state2 in kJ/kg
+h3 = 138 // Enthalpy at state3 in kJ/kg
+h4 = h3 // Isenthalpic process
+Q1_st = h1-h3 // Total heat addition
+Q_fe = cpg*(Tc-100) // Heat transfer by steam
+was = Q1_st/Q_fe // air steam mass ratio
+Wst = h1-h2// work done by steam turbine
+PO = 190e03 // Power output in kW
+ws = PO/(was*Wgt+Wst)// steam flow rate
+wa = was*ws // Air flow rate
+CV = 43300 // Calorific volume of fuel in kJ/kg
+waf = CV/(Q1+Q1_) // Air fuel ratio
+FEI = (wa/waf)*CV // Fuel energy input
+noA = PO/FEI // combined cycle efficiency
+printf("\n Example 13.11 \n")
+printf("\n Air fuel ratio is %f ",waf)
+printf("\n Overall efficiency of combined plant is %f percent ",noA*100)
+//The answers vary due to round off error