path: root/3542/CH5/EX5.3
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/3542/CH5/EX5.3/5_3.jpg
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diff --git a/3542/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce b/3542/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce
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index 000000000..37ea944d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3542/CH5/EX5.3/Ex5_3.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// Example no 5.3
+// To find average narrowband power & to compare average narrow band and wideband power
+// Page no. 190
+clear all;
+// Given data
+v=10; // Velocity of moving mobile
+f=1000*10^6; // Carrier frequency in Hz
+c=3*10^8; // Speed of ligth in air (m/s)
+P1=-70; // Received power of first component in dBm
+P2=P1-3; // Received power of second component in dBm
+theta=0; // Initial phase for both component
+P1=(10^(P1/10))*10^-3; // Received power of first component in Watt
+P2=(10^(P2/10))*10^-3; // Received power of second component in Watt
+lambda=c/f; // Wavelength
+// Narrowband instantaneous power
+rt2=(sqrt(P1)*cosd(0)+sqrt(P2)*cosd(0))^2; // Narrowband instantaneous power in pW
+// Displaying the result in command window
+printf('\n The narrowband instantaneous power = %0.0f pW',rt2*10^12);
+// Answer is varrying due to round-off error
+// To find average narrowband instantaneous power
+t=0.1; // Time interval in seconds
+theta=((2*%pi*v*t)/lambda)/10; // Phase interval in rad
+theta=theta*(180/%pi); // Phase interval in degree
+theta1=theta; // Phase of first component at t=0.1s
+theta2=-theta; // Phase of second component at t=0.1s
+rt21=(sqrt(P1)*(complex(cosd(theta1),sind(theta1)))+sqrt(P2)*(complex(cosd(theta2),sind(theta2))))^2; // Narrowband instantaneous power in pW at t=0.1s
+// Displaying the result in command window
+printf('\n The narrowband instantaneous power (at t=0.1s) = %0.1f pW',mgrt21*10^12);
+theta1=theta1+theta; // Phase of first component at t=0.2s
+theta2=theta2-theta; // Phase of second component at t=0.2s
+rt22=(sqrt(P1)*(complex(cosd(theta1),sind(theta1)))+sqrt(P2)*(complex(cosd(theta2),sind(theta2))))^2; // Narrowband instantaneous power in pW at t=0.2s
+// Displaying the result in command window
+printf('\n The narrowband instantaneous power (at t=0.2s) = %0.1f pW',mgrt22*10^12);
+theta1=theta1+theta; // Phase of first component at t=0.3s
+theta2=theta2-theta; // Phase of second component at t=0.3s
+rt23=(sqrt(P1)*(complex(cosd(theta1),sind(theta1)))+sqrt(P2)*(complex(cosd(theta2),sind(theta2))))^2; //Narrowband instantaneous power in pW at t=0.3s
+// Displaying the result in command window
+printf('\n The narrowband instantaneous power (at t=0.3s) = %0.0f pW',mgrt23*10^12);
+mgrt24=mgrt21; // Narrowband instantaneous power in pW at t=0.4s due to repeating phase
+// Displaying the result in command window
+printf('\n The narrowband instantaneous power (at t=0.4s) = %0.1f pW',mgrt24*10^12);
+mgrt25=mgrt22; // Narrowband instantaneous power in pW at t=0.5s due to repeating phase
+// Displaying the result in command window
+printf('\n The narrowband instantaneous power (at t=0.5s) = %0.1f pW',mgrt25*10^12);
+rt=(rt2+mgrt21+mgrt22+mgrt23+mgrt24+mgrt25)/6; // The average narrowband instantaneous power in pW
+// Displaying the result in command window
+printf('\n An average narrowband instantaneous power = %0.0f pW',rt*10^12);
+// Wideband power
+Pwb=(P1+P2); // Widebnd received power in pW
+// Displaying the result in command window
+printf('\n The wideband received power = %0.0f pW',Pwb*10^12);
+printf('\n Comparing narrowband and wideband received power, it is observed that they are vertually identical. But CW signal fades over observation interval (0-0.5S)');