path: root/3311/CH5/EX5.1/Ex5_1.sce
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1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
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+// chapter 5
+// example 5.1
+// Fig. 5.15
+// What will be the maximum and minimum firing angle
+// page-155
+// given
+Vc=40; // in V (breakdown voltage)
+R1_min=1; R1_max=25; // in k-ohm
+C=470; // in nF
+Erms=240; // in V
+f=50; // in Hz (AC supply frequency)
+// calculate
+C=C*1E-9; // changing unit from nF to F
+R1_min=R1_min*1E3; // changing unit from k-ohm to ohm
+R1_max=R1_max*1E3; // changing unit from k-ohm to ohm
+Zc=1/(2*%pi*f*C); // impedence of capacitor
+phi_min=90-atand(1/(2*%pi*f*R1_min*C)); // calculation of minimum phase angle
+phi_max=90-atand(1/(2*%pi*f*R1_max*C)); // calculation of minimum phase angle
+Zd_min=sqrt(R1_min^2+Zc^2); // calculation of minimum impedence
+Zd_max=sqrt(R1_max^2+Zc^2); // calculation of maximum impedence
+Em=Erms*sqrt(2); // calculation of maximum value of voltage
+Id_min=Em/Zd_max; //
+Id_max=Em/Zd_min; // calculation of maximum impedence
+// Now Vc=Vc_max_peak*sin(wt_min+phi_min) and Vc=Vc_min_peak*sin(wt_max+phi_max)
+// evaluating both these, we get wt_min=asind(Vc/Vc_max_peak)+phi_min and wt_max=asind(Vc/Vc_min_peak)+phi_max
+printf("\nThe value of impedence of capacitor is \t\t Zc=%.f ohm",Zc);
+printf("\n\nThe value of minimum phase difference is \t %.1f degree",phi_min);
+printf("\nThe value of maximum phase difference is \t %.2f degree",phi_max);
+printf("\n\nThe value of minimum total impedence is \t Zd_min=%.f ohm",Zd_min);
+printf("\nThe value of maximum total impedence is \t Zd_max=%.f ohm",Zd_max);
+printf("\n\nThe value of minimum peak current is \t\t Id_min=%.3f A",Id_min);
+printf("\nThe value of maximum peak current is \t\t Id_max=%.3f A",Id_max);
+printf("\n\nThe value of minimum peak total voltage is \t Vc_min_peak=%.2f V",Vc_min_peak);
+printf("\nThe value of maximum peak total voltage is \t Vc_max_peak=%.1f V",Vc_max_peak);
+printf("\n\nThe value of minimum delay is \t\t\t =%.2f degree",wt_min);
+printf("\nThe value of maximum delay is \t\t\t =%.1f degree",wt_max);