diff options
Diffstat (limited to '1340')
61 files changed, 0 insertions, 914 deletions
diff --git a/1340/CH2/EX2.1/2_1.sce b/1340/CH2/EX2.1/2_1.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 52e81295b..000000000 --- a/1340/CH2/EX2.1/2_1.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -syms t s;
-y = laplace('A*%e^(-a*t)',t,s);
-disp(y,"Laplace transform = ")
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH2/EX2.14/2_14.sce b/1340/CH2/EX2.14/2_14.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 38f756133..000000000 --- a/1340/CH2/EX2.14/2_14.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s =%s;
-c1 = 5.6*10^(-6);
-r1 = 360*10^3;
-c2 = 0.1*10^(-6);
-r2 = 220*10^3;
-z1 = r1/(1+r1*c1*s);disp(z1,"z1=");
-z2 = (1+r2*c2*s)/(c2*s);disp(z2,"z2=");
-z3 = -(z2/z1);
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH2/EX2.15/2_15.sce b/1340/CH2/EX2.15/2_15.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 441a4ce5d..000000000 --- a/1340/CH2/EX2.15/2_15.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-syms s r1 r2 c1 c2 z1 z2;
-z1 = (1+r1*c1*s)/(c1*s);disp(z1);
-z2 = r2/(1+(r2*c2*s));disp(z2)
-disp("for large A Vo(s)/Vi(s)= (z1(s)+z2(s))/z1(s)");
-g = (z1+z2)/z1;
diff --git a/1340/CH2/EX2.17/2_17.sce b/1340/CH2/EX2.17/2_17.sce deleted file mode 100755 index bcd57db19..000000000 --- a/1340/CH2/EX2.17/2_17.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-syms M1 M2 K1 K2 K3 fv1 fv2 fv3 X1 X2 F s delta;
-A = [M1*s^2+s*(fv1+fv3)+(K1+K2) -(fv3*s+K2);-(fv3*s+K2) M2*s^2+s*(fv3+fv2)+(K3+K2)];
-B = [X1;X2];
-C = [F;0];
-B = inv(A)*C;
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH2/EX2.2/2_2.sce b/1340/CH2/EX2.2/2_2.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 18178fe62..000000000 --- a/1340/CH2/EX2.2/2_2.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-syms t s;
-y = ilaplace(1/(s+3)^2,s,t);
-disp(y,"Inverse Lapalce Transform =");
diff --git a/1340/CH2/EX2.23/2_23.sce b/1340/CH2/EX2.23/2_23.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 60fb79440..000000000 --- a/1340/CH2/EX2.23/2_23.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s =%s;
-Ja = 5;
-disp("kg-m^2",Ja,"Ja =")
-Jl = 700;
-disp("kg-m^2",Jl,"Jl =");
-N1 = 100;disp("turns",N1,"N1=");
-N2= 1000;disp("turns",N2,"N2=");
-Da = 2;disp("N-m sec/rad",Da,"Da=")
-Dl = 800;disp("N-m sec/rad",Dl,"Dl=");
-Tstall = 500;disp("N-m",Tstall,"Tstall=");
-Wnl = 50;disp("rad/sec",Wnl,"no load frequency =");
-Ea = 100;disp("volts",Ea,"Ea=");
-Jm = Ja + Jl*((N1/N2))^2;
-Dm = Da + Dl*((N1/N2))^2;
-k = Tstall/Ea;//k = Kt/Ra
-Kb = Ea/Wnl;
-G = syslin('c',(k/Jm)/(s*(s+(Dm+k*Kb)/Jm)));
-disp(G,"transfer function in terms of motor position and applied voltage :");
-disp(G*(N1/N2),"transfer function in terms of load position and applied voltage:")
diff --git a/1340/CH2/EX2.26/2_26.sce b/1340/CH2/EX2.26/2_26.sce deleted file mode 100755 index b3db06ac6..000000000 --- a/1340/CH2/EX2.26/2_26.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-syms y y1 y2 x;
-t = %pi/2;j = 0:%pi;
-y = 5*cos(t);disp(y,"at x = pi/2, y =");
-y1 = -5*sin(t);disp(y1,"at x = pi/2, dy/dt =");
-printf("\n neglecting higher order terms");
-k = y + y1*(x-%pi/2);
-disp(k,"linearized y =");
diff --git a/1340/CH2/EX2.3/2_3.sce b/1340/CH2/EX2.3/2_3.sce deleted file mode 100755 index c1e6316bf..000000000 --- a/1340/CH2/EX2.3/2_3.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-syms t;
-num = 32;
-den = s*(s^2+12*s+32);
-y = syslin('c',num/den);
-[A] = pfss(y);G = 0;disp(A);
-for k = 1:size(A)
- f(k) = ilaplace(A(k),s,t);
- G = G + f(k);
diff --git a/1340/CH2/EX2.5/2_5.sce b/1340/CH2/EX2.5/2_5.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 105338668..000000000 --- a/1340/CH2/EX2.5/2_5.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-G = syslin('c',1/(s+2));
-disp("input is a step function:");
-R = laplace(1,t,s);// for unit step function
-C = G*R;
-syms t s;
-c = ilaplace(C,s,t);
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH3/EX3.6/3_6.sce b/1340/CH3/EX3.6/3_6.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 501518b40..000000000 --- a/1340/CH3/EX3.6/3_6.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-A =[0 1 0;0 0 1;-1 -2 -3];//A matrix
-B =[10;0;0];//B matrix
-C = [1 0 0];//C matrix
-ss = syslin('c',A,B,C,0);//defining a linear system
-tf = ss2tf(ss);//conversion from steady state to transfer function
-disp(tf,"Transfer Function :");
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.1/4_1.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.1/4_1.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 61cfa6c8e..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.1/4_1.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-num = poly([-3],'s','roots');
-den = poly([-2 -4 -5],'s','roots');
-G = num/den;
-disp(laplace(1,t,s),"input is a step function:");
-syms t ;
-K = G/s;
-C = syslin('c',K);
-[A] = pfss(C);l=0;disp(A);
-for k = 1:size(A)
- F(k)= ilaplace(A(k),s,t);
- l = l+F(k);
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.10/4_10.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.10/4_10.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 58ecd4673..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.10/4_10.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-C1 = 26.25*(s+4)/(s*(s+3.5)*(s+5)*(s+6));
-pf = pfss(C1);
-k = numer(pf(4));
-disp("cannot be made",C1,"second order approx of",k,"since the residue of pole at -3.5,which is close to zero at 4 is =");
-C2 = 26.25*(s+4)/(s*(s+4.01)*(s+5)*(s+6));
-pf1 = pfss(C2);
-l = numer(pf(4));
-disp("is small compared to the residues at other poles",l,"residue of pole at -4.01");
-C2 = C2 -pf1(4);
-syms t s;
-td = ilaplace(C2,s,t)
-disp(td,"second order approx of C2 = ")
diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.11/4_11.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.11/4_11.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 3a61d1b3a..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.11/4_11.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -s = %s;
-A = [0 1 0;0 0 1;-24 -26 -9];
-B = [0;0;1];
-C = [1 1 0];
-x0 = [1;0;2];
-I = eye(3,3);
-syms t ;
-U = syslin('c', 1/(s+1));
-L = inv(s*I-A)*(x0+B*U);disp(L,"x1,x2 and x3 are :");
-Y = C*L;
-y = ilaplace(Y,s,t);disp(y,"output y(t)=");
-D = det(s*I-A);
-printf("Roots are the eigenvalues of the system");
-root = roots(D);
diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.13/4_13.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.13/4_13.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 7e6c85cf6..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.13/4_13.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-A =[0 1;-8 -6];
-I = eye(2,2);
-phi = inv(s*I-A);
-disp(phi,"inverse of (sI-A)=");
-syms t;
-for i =1:2
- for j =i:2
- pho(i,j) = ilaplace(phi(i,j),s,t);
- end
-disp(pho,"State transition matrix is :");
diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.2/4_2.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.2/4_2.sce deleted file mode 100755 index a46ded3f5..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.2/4_2.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',200/(s^2+10*s+200));
-printf("input is a Step function");
-syms t s;
-R = laplace(1,t,s);
-C = G*R;
-l = ilaplace(C,s,t);
diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.3/4_3.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.3/4_3.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 355349bea..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.3/4_3.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',36/(s^2+4.2*s+36));
-K = denom(G);
-coef = coeff(K);
-Wn = sqrt(coef(1,1));
-disp(Wn,"Undamped Natural Frequency =");
-zeta = coef(1,2)/(2*Wn);
-disp(zeta,"damping ratio =")
diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.4/4_4.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.4/4_4.sce deleted file mode 100755 index a2492327f..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.4/4_4.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s =%s;
-for k = 12:4:20
-G = syslin('c',k/(s^2+8*s+k));
-den = denom(G);
-coef = coeff(den);
-Wn = sqrt(coef(1,1));disp(Wn,"Natural Frequency = ");
-zeta = coef(1,2)/(2*Wn);disp(zeta,"Daming ratio = ");
- printf("system is critically damped");
-else if(zeta>1)
- printf("overdamped");
- else printf("underdamped");
- end
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.5/4_5.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.5/4_5.sce deleted file mode 100755 index a83d4fdf2..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.5/4_5.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',100/(s^2+15*s+100));
-den = denom(G);
-coef = coeff(den);
-Wn = sqrt(coef(1,1));
-disp(Wn,"Natural Frequency =");
-zeta = coef(1,2)/(2*Wn);
-disp(zeta,"Damping Ratio =");
-Tp = %pi/(Wn*sqrt(1-zeta^2));
-disp(Tp,"Peak time");
-Os = %e^(-%pi*zeta/sqrt(1-zeta^2))*100;
-disp(Os,"Pecentage overshoot =");
-Ts = 4/(zeta*Wn);
-disp(Ts,"Settling time for 2% tolerance =");
-Tr = (%pi - atan(sqrt(1-zeta^2)/zeta))/(Wn*sqrt(1-zeta^2));
-disp(Tr,"Rise time =");
-C = syslin('c',G/s);
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.6/4_6.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.6/4_6.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 9d50ddeb0..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.6/4_6.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,17 +0,0 @@ -s = %s;
-G = poly([-3+%i*7 -3-%i*7 ],'s','roots');
-K = poly([-3+%i*7],'s','roots')
-k = plzr(1/G);
-t = roots(K);
-Wn = abs(t);
-disp(Wn,"natural frequency=");
-theta = atan(imag(t)/real(t));
-disp(theta,"phase =");
-zeta = cos(theta);disp(zeta,"damping ratio =");
-Tp = %pi/(Wn*sqrt(1-zeta^2));
-disp(Tp,"Peak time =");
-Os = 100*%e^((-%pi*zeta)/sqrt(1-zeta^2));
-disp(Os,"percentage overshoot =");
-Ts = 4/abs(real(t));
-disp(Ts,"settling time with 2% tolerance =");
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.7/4_7.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.7/4_7.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 49c5d47fd..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.7/4_7.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-disp("N-m/rad",k,"Given value of K =");
-printf("percentage overshoot =");
-Os = 20;
-printf("settling time =");
-Ts = 2;
-zeta = (-log(Os/100)/sqrt((%pi^2)+(log(Os/100))^2));disp(zeta,"damping ratio =");
-Wn = 4/(2*zeta);disp(Wn,"natural frequency =");
-A = Wn^2;
-disp(A,"K/J =");
-B = 2*zeta*Wn;
-disp(B,"D/J =");
-j = k/A;
-disp("kg-m^2",j,"value of J is =");
-d = j*B;
-disp("N-m-s/rad",d,"value of D is =");
diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.8/4_8.jpg b/1340/CH4/EX4.8/4_8.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100755 index 160dedc2b..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.8/4_8.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/1340/CH4/EX4.8/4_8.sce b/1340/CH4/EX4.8/4_8.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 2a50f84c3..000000000 --- a/1340/CH4/EX4.8/4_8.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-t = 0:0.05:3;
-s = %s;
-T1 = 24.542/(s^2+4*s+24.542);
-T2 = 245.42/((s+10)*(s^2+4*s+24.542));
-T3 = 73.626/((s+3)*(s^2+4*s+24.542));
-f1 = syslin('c',T1);
-f2 = syslin('c',T2);
-f3 = syslin('c',T3);
-c1 = csim('step',t,f1);
-c2 = csim('step',t,f2);
-c3 = csim('step',t,f3);plot(t,c1,t,c2,t,c3);
-printf("c2 is a better approximation of c1 as the pole =-10 is far from dominant poles");
diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.1/6_1.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.1/6_1.sce deleted file mode 100755 index a430983d7..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.1/6_1.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,28 +0,0 @@ -//routh hurwitz criterion for system transfer function given by:
-// g(s)=1000/(s^3+10*s^2+31*s+1030)
-s = poly(0,'s');
-po = syslin('c',1000/(s^3+10*s^2+31*s+1030));//creates LTI system
-m = denom(po);//extracts the denominator of the transfer function
-co = coeff(m);//extracts the coefficients of the denominator
- routh=[co([4,2]); co([3,1])] ;
- D = det(routh)/routh(2,1);
- routh =[routh ;-D 0];
- t=routh (2:3 ,1:2) ;
- M = det(t)/t(2,1);
- routh =[routh ;-M 0];
- c=0;
- disp(routh);
- n = length(co);
- for i =1:n
- if(routh(i,1)<0) then
- c= c+1;
- end
- end
- if (c>=1) then
- printf("system is unstable because there is sign change in the 1st row");
- else printf("system is stable");
- end
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.10/6_10.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.10/6_10.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 955139be6..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.10/6_10.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = s^4+3*s^3+30*s^2+30*s+200;
-co = coeff(G);
-routh = [co([5,3,1]);co([4,2]) 0];
-routh = [routh;-det(routh(1:2,1:2))/routh(2,1) routh(1,3) 0];
-routh = [routh;-det(routh(2:3,1:2))/routh(3,1) (routh(3,1)*routh(2,3)-routh(2,1)*routh(3,3))/routh(3,1) 0];
-routh= [routh;-det(routh(3:4,1:2))/routh(4,1) 0 0];
-disp(routh,"routh table:");
-printf("\n routh table contains a row of all zeroes.");
-//creating an auxillary polynomial
-temp = routh(3,:);
-coef = coeff(temp);
-aux = poly([coef(2) 0 coef(1)],"s","coeffs")/coef(1);
-disp(aux,"auxillary polynomial:");
-z = roots(G);
-disp(z,"roots of polynomial:")
-for i = 1:4
- A(i)=s+z(i);
- disp(A(i),"=",i,"factor");
-//can be done by using factors(G) and roots(G) directly
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.11/6_11.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.11/6_11.sce deleted file mode 100755 index c235cba25..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.11/6_11.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-A = [0 3 1;2 8 1;-10 -5 -2];
-B = [10;0;0];
-C = [1 0 0];
-ss = syslin('c',A,B,C,0);
-tf = ss2tf(ss);disp(tf);
-H = denom(tf);
-routh = routh_t(H);
-printf("one sign change hence one pole in RHP");
diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.2/6_2.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.2/6_2.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 1044abd6d..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.2/6_2.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = poly(0,'s');//defines a polynomial
-po = syslin('c',10/(s^5+2*s^4+3*s^3+6*s^2+5*s+3));//defines a transfer function
-m = denom(po);//extraction of the denominator polynomial of the transfer function
-co = coeff(m);//extraction of the coefficients of the denominator polynomial
-n = length(co);
-syms eps ;
-flag = 0;
-routh = [co([6,4,2]);co([5,3,1])];//generates the first two rows of the routh table
-for j=1:n-2
- t = routh(j:j+1,1:3);
- t1 = t(1:2,1:2);
- Dt1 = det(t1)/t(2,1);
- Dt2 = (t(2,1)*t(1,3)-t(1,1)*t(2,3))/t(2,1);
- if(flag == 0) then
- if(Dt1==0) then
- Dt1= -eps;
- flag = 1;
- end
- end
- temp = [-Dt1 Dt2 0];
- routh = [routh;temp];
-routh(3,1)= limit(routh(3,1),eps,0);
-routh(4,1) = -limit(routh(4,1),eps,0);//problem getting -infinity
-routh(5,1) = limit(routh(4,1),eps,0);
-printf("routh table has one negative sign in the s^2 row");
-printf("\nhence 2 poles in RHP");
-//does not recognize infinity
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.3/6_3.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.3/6_3.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 847ad066b..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.3/6_3.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -
-//stability via reversing coefficients
-s = poly(0,'s');
-tf = syslin('c',10/(s^5+2*s^4+3*s^3+6*s^2+5*s+3));
-deno = denom(tf);
-coef = coeff(deno);
-//reversing coefficients of tf
-tf2 = poly([coef(6) coef(5) coef(4) coef(3) coef(2) coef(1)],"s","coeff");
-x = routh_t(tf2);//using routh_t function to generate the routh table
-c = 0;
-for i=1:length(coef)
- if(x(i,1)<0)
- c = c+1;
- end
-if (c>=1)
- printf("system is unstable");
- else printf("system is stable")
-//since there is sign change in the first column of the table
-// the system is unstable
-//note: the first column does not contain any zeroes
diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.4/6_4.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.4/6_4.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 0c494884e..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.4/6_4.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -clc;// in-built fuction routh_t can be used to generate the routh table
-s = poly(0,'s');
-tf = syslin('c',10/(s^5+7*s^4+6*s^3+42*s^2+8*s+56));
-deno = denom(tf);
-coef = coeff(deno);
-routh = [coef([6,4,2]);coef([5,3,1])];
-// we will get a row of all zeroes
-T = routh(2,:)/7;
-coef1 = coeff(T);
-// auxillary polynomial s^2+6*s+8 generation
-second = poly([coef1(3) 0 coef1(2) 0 coeff(1)],"s","coeff");disp(second);
-aux = derivat(second);//auxillary polynomial
-len = coeff(aux);
-routh = [routh;len(4) len(2) 0];
-t = routh(2:3,1:3);
-det1 = det(t(1:2,1:2))/t(2,1);
-det2 = -(t(1,1)*t(2,3)-t(2,1)*t(1,3))/t(2,1);
-routh = [routh;-det1 det2 0];
-t1 = routh(3:4,1:2);
-det3 = det(t1(1:2,1:2))/t1(2,1);
-routh = [routh;-det3 0 0];
-t2 = routh(4:5,1:2);
-det4 = det(t2(1:2,1:2))/t2(2,1);
-routh = [routh;-det4 0 0];
-c = 0;
-for k = 1:length(coef)
- if(routh(k,1)<0)
- c =c +1;
- end
- printf("system is unstable")
-else printf("system is stable,hence no poles in RHP")
- end
diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.5/6_5.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.5/6_5.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 1c930dbed..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.5/6_5.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = s^8+s^7+12*s^6+22*s^5+39*s^4+59*s^3+48*s^2+38*s+20;
-x = routh_t(G);
-disp(x);c = 0;
-for i = 1:length(coeff(G))
- if(x(i,1)<0)
- c=c+1;
- end
- end
- if(c>=1)
- printf("poles in RHP,thus unstable");
- else printf("stable system") ;
- end
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.6/6_6.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.6/6_6.sce deleted file mode 100755 index a24cca1f8..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.6/6_6.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = poly(0,"s");
-G = syslin('c',200/(s*(s^3+11*s^2+11*s+6)));disp(G,"G(s)=");
-CL = G/(1+G);disp(CL,"Closed-loop transfer function:")
-deno = denom(CL);
-coef = coeff(deno);
-routh = routh_t(deno);
-c = 0;
-for i = 1:length(coef)
- if(routh(i,1)<0)
- c = c+1;
- end
-disp(c,"Number of negative signs in 1st column:");
-if(c >=1)
- disp(c+1,"poles in RHP");
- printf("no poles on jw- axis,no rows of all zeroes");
- printf("\n rest of the poles in LHP");
- printf("stable system")
- end
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.7/6_7.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.7/6_7.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 52a1e61cb..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.7/6_7.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = 1/(s*(2*s^4+3*s^3+2*s^2+3*s+2));
-den = denom(G);
-num = numer(G);
-tf = den+num;
-disp(tf,"closed loop transfer function characteristic polynomial is");
-routh = routh_t(tf);
-printf("since the entire row of s^3 is not zero");
-printf("\n putting eps = 0 we get one negative sign in 1st row \n");
-printf(" \nhence 2 poles in RHP \n");
diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.8/6_8.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.8/6_8.sce deleted file mode 100755 index f89058d48..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.8/6_8.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',128/(s*(s^7+3*s^6+10*s^5+24*s^4+48*s^3+96*s^2+128*s+192)));
-CL = denom(G)+numer(G);
-routh = routh_t(CL);
-disp(routh,"routh table:");
-printf("fourth row is a row of all zeroes substituted by the coefficients of the auxillary polynomial");
-c = 0;
-for i =1:length(coeff(CL))
- if(routh(i,1)<0)
- c = c+1;
- end
-if(c >=1)
- disp(c+1,"number of poles in RHP:");
- printf("2 poles on jw-axis due to row of all zeroes and rest in LHP");
- printf("stable system");
- end
diff --git a/1340/CH6/EX6.9/6_9.sce b/1340/CH6/EX6.9/6_9.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 7665d7370..000000000 --- a/1340/CH6/EX6.9/6_9.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -
-syms K ;
-G = s^3+18*s^2+77*s+K;
-co0 = coeffs(G,'s',0);
-co1 = coeffs(G,'s',1);
-co2 = coeffs(G,'s',2);
-co3 = coeffs(G,'s',3);
-R =[co0 co1 co2 co3];
-N = length(R);
-routh = [R([4,2]);R([3,1])];
-routh = [routh;-det(routh(1:2,1:2))/routh(2,1) 0];
-routh = [routh;-det(routh(2:3,1:2))/routh(3,1) 0];
-printf("For K>1386 system is unstable. \n");
-printf("For K = 1386 system is marginally stable. \n");
-printf("For 0<K<1386 system is stable.")
-routh(3,1)=0;//for marginally stable
-K = 1386;
-disp(K,"Marginal value of K:")
-aux = 18*s^2+1386;
-Wn = roots(aux);
-disp(abs(Wn(1)),"frequency of oscillation in rad/sec:");
diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.1/7_1.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.1/7_1.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 22df04735..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.1/7_1.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-T = syslin('c',5/(s^2+7*s+10));disp(T,"T(s)=");
-R = syslin('c',1/s);disp(R,"R(s)= unit step:");
-E = R*(1-T);
-syms t s;
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);
-disp(sse,"Steady state error :")
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.10/7_10.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.10/7_10.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 72cf7410b..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.10/7_10.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-syms s a K;
-G = K/(s^2+a*s+K);
-disp(G,"Closed loop transfer function:");
-DG = diff(G,K);
-sta = (a/G)*diff(G,a);
-sta = simple(sta);
-disp(sta,"Sensitivity wrt parameter a = ")
diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.11/7_11.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.11/7_11.sce deleted file mode 100755 index f7cd13384..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.11/7_11.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-syms K s a;
-G = K/(s*(s+a));
-E = (1/s^2)/(1+G);
-e = limit(s*E,s,0);
-e = simple(e);
-disp(e,"steady state error = ");
-sea = (a/e)*diff(e,a);
-sek = (K/e)*diff(e,K);
-sea = simple(sea);
-sek = simple(sek);
-disp(sea,"sensitivity of error wrt parameter a = ");
-disp(sek,"\n sensitivity of error wrt parameter K =");
diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.12/7_12.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.12/7_12.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 75e4e6d64..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.12/7_12.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-syms K a b s;
-G = K/((s+a)*(s+b));
-Kp = limit(G,s,0);
-e = 1/(1+Kp);
-sea = (a/e)*diff(e,a);
-sea = simple(sea);
-disp(sea,"Sensitivity of error wrt a =");
-sek = (K/e)*diff(e,K);
-sek = simple(sek);
-disp(sek,"Sensitivity of error wrt K =");
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.13/7_13.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.13/7_13.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 23f0770e0..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.13/7_13.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -s = %s;
-A = [-5 1 0;0 -2 1;20 -10 1];
-B = [0;0;1];
-C = [-1 1 0];
-syms t s;
-tf = ss2tf(S1);
-R = laplace(1,t,s);
-E = R*(1- tf);
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);
-disp(sse,"steady state error for step input:");
-R = laplace(t,t,s);
-E = R*(1- tf);
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);
-disp(sse,"steady state error for ramp input:");
-printf("G(s)is type-0 system");
diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.14/7_14.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.14/7_14.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 0ad671187..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.14/7_14.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-A = [-5 1 0;0 -2 1;20 -10 1];
-C = [-1 1 0];
-B = [0;0;1];
-a= inv(A);
-syms t k;
-t = 1/k;
-x = (1+C*a*B);
-y = (C*(a^2)*B);
-disp(x,"steady state error due to step input:");
-z = x*t + y;
-sse = limit(z,k,0);
-disp(sse,"steady state error due to ramp input:");
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.2/7_2.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.2/7_2.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 1a8421b8d..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.2/7_2.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',120*(s+2)/((s+3)*(s+4)));disp(G,"G(s)=");
-syms t s;
-R = laplace(5,t,s);
-E = R/(1+G);
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);disp(sse,"Steady state error for step input:");
-R = laplace(5*t,t,s);
-E = R/(1+G);
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);disp(sse,"Steady state error for ramp input:");
-R = laplace(5*t^2,t,s);
-E = R/(1+G);
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);disp(sse,"Steady state error for parabola input:");
-printf("for TYPE-0 systems steady state error for ramp and parabola inputs is Infinity")
diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.3/7_3.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.3/7_3.sce deleted file mode 100755 index b4293222e..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.3/7_3.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',100*((s+2)*(s+6))/(s*(s+3)*(s+4)));disp(G,"G(s)=");
-syms t s;
-R = laplace(5,t,s);
-E = R/(1+G);
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);disp(sse,"Steady state error for step input:");
-R = laplace(5*t,t,s);
-E = R/(1+G);
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);disp(sse,"Steady state error for ramp input:");
-R = laplace(5*t^2,t,s);
-E = R/(1+G);
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);disp(sse,"Steady state error for parabola input:");
-printf("for TYPE-1 systems steady state error for parabola inputs is Infinity")
diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.4/7_4.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.4/7_4.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 4a0f7ff6b..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.4/7_4.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G1 = syslin('c',500*(s+2)*(s+5)/((s+8)*(s+10)*(s+12)));
-G2 = syslin('c',500*(s+2)*(s+5)*(s+6)/(s*(s+8)*(s+10)*(s+12)));
-G3 = syslin('c',500*(s+2)*(s+4)*(s+5)*(s+6)*(s+7)/(s^2*(s+8)*(s+10)*(s+12)));
-printf("G1,G2,G3 have poles in the LHP and on origin,hence all are stable");
-syms t s;
-R11 = laplace(1,t,s);
-es1= limit(s*E1,s,0);
-R12 = laplace(t,t,s);
-er1 = limit(s*E2,s,0);
-R13 = laplace(t^2,t,s);
-E3 = R13/(1+G3);
-ep1 = limit(s^2*E3,s,0);
-R21 = laplace(1,t,s);
-es2= limit(s*E1,s,0);
-R22= laplace(t,t,s);
-R23 = laplace(t^2,t,s);
-E3 = R23/(1+G2);
-er2 = limit(s^2*E3,s,0);
-disp(ep1,"err parabolic",er1,"err ramp",es1,"err step","for G =500(s+2)(s+5)/((s+8)(s+10)(s+12)) ");
-disp(ep2,"err parabolic",er2,"err ramp",es2,"err step","for G =500(s+2)(s+5)(s+6)/(s(s+8)(s+10)(s+12)) ");
-disp(ep3,"err parabolic",er3,"err ramp",es3,"err step","for G =500(s+2)(s+4)(s+5)(s+6)(s+7)/(s^2(s+8)(s+10)(s+12)) ");
diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.5/7_5.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.5/7_5.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 03485c6c0..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.5/7_5.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-Kp = 1000;disp(Kp,"value of Kp:");
-printf("Kp is finite implies a type-0 system \n");
-printf("The system is stable\n");
-printf("Input is a step since Kp is specified\n");
-E = 1/(1+Kp);
-disp(E,"Steady state error =");
diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.6/7_6.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.6/7_6.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 1ea46b925..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.6/7_6.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-printf("S.S. error = 0.1");
-Kv = 1/0.1
-G = syslin('c',(s+5)/((s*(s+6)*(s+7)*(s+8))));
-printf("\n For type-1 system and finite steady state error implies a ramp input. \n")
-syms k s;
-l = limit(s*G,s,0);
-k = Kv/l;
-disp(k,"Value of K:");
diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.7/7_7.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.7/7_7.sce deleted file mode 100755 index c7b3ee66f..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.7/7_7.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G2 = syslin('c',1/(s*(s+25)));
-syms s;
-limG1= limit(1000*s/s,s,0);//limit of G1
-limG2 = limit(s/(s*G2),s,0);//limit of G2
-ess = -1/(limG1+limG2);
-disp(ess,"S.S. error due to step disturbance:");
-printf("Steady state error is inversely proportional to d.c.gain of G1(s)=1000");
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.8/7_8.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.8/7_8.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 84bd17829..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.8/7_8.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',100/(s*(s+10)));
-H = syslin('c',1/(s+5));
-Ge = G/(1+G*H-G);
-disp("It is a Type-0 system,does not contain integration term");
-syms s;
-Kp = limit(s*Ge/s,s,0);
-disp(Kp,"Kp :");
-sse = 1/(1+Kp);disp(sse,"S.S.error:")
-printf("\n negative value of Steady state error implies the output step is larger than the input step")
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH7/EX7.9/7_9.sce b/1340/CH7/EX7.9/7_9.sce deleted file mode 100755 index ed24c9521..000000000 --- a/1340/CH7/EX7.9/7_9.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',100/(s*(s+10)));
-H = syslin('c',1/(s+5));
-syms t s;
-R = laplace(1,t,s);
-E = R/(1+G*H);
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);disp(sse,"steady state error for step input:");
-R1 = laplace(t,t,s);
-E = R1/(1+G*H);
-sse = limit(s*E,s,0);disp(sse,"steady state error for ramp input:");
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.2/8_2.jpg b/1340/CH8/EX8.2/8_2.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100755 index 03ef7a417..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.2/8_2.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.2/8_2.sce b/1340/CH8/EX8.2/8_2.sce deleted file mode 100755 index b523ca26a..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.2/8_2.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-f = (s+3)/(s*(s+1)*(s+2)*(s+4));
-printf("\n Poles at 0,-1,-2 and -4, zero at -3 \n");
-x = denom(f);
-y = numer(f);
-xr = roots(x);
-yr = roots(y);
-sumX=0, sumY=0;
-for j = 1:kx
- sumX = sumX + xr(j);
-for j = 1:ky
- sumY = sumY + yr(j);
-disp((sumX-sumY)/(kx-ky),"Real axis intercept:");
-printf("\n angle = (2k+1)*180/(sum of finite poles-sum of finte zeroes)");
-printf("\n for k=0")
- theta = 180/(kx-ky);
- disp(theta,"angles made by the asymptote to the real axis for :");
-printf("1 finite zero and 3 infinite zeroes");
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.3/8_3.jpg b/1340/CH8/EX8.3/8_3.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100755 index aea33d49f..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.3/8_3.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.3/8_3.sce b/1340/CH8/EX8.3/8_3.sce deleted file mode 100755 index fc8b71426..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.3/8_3.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',((s-3)*(s-5))/((s+1)*(s+2)));
-printf("For all the points on the root locus K.G(s).H(s) = -1");
-K = -G^(-1);
-Kdot = derivat(K);disp(Kdot,"dK/ds =");
-root = roots(numer(Kdot));
-disp(root(2),"Break away point at ",root(1),"Break in point at");
diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.4/8_4.sce b/1340/CH8/EX8.4/8_4.sce deleted file mode 100755 index d83d06103..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.4/8_4.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s =%s;
-printf("Break in and Break away points satisy the relation:\n");
-printf("sum(1/(real(s)+Zi)= sum(1/(real(s)+Pi)");
-G = syslin('c',1/(s-3)+1/(s-5)-1/(s+2)-1/(s+1));
-disp(G);x =roots(numer(G));
-disp(x(2),"break-away point =",x(1),"break-in point =");
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.5/8_5.sce b/1340/CH8/EX8.5/8_5.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 24d7ccc79..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.5/8_5.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -clc;
-s =%s;
-syms K ;
-G = s^4+7*s^3+14*s^2+(8+K)*s+3*K;
-disp(G,"characteristic polynomial:");
-co0 = coeffs(G,'s',0);
-co1 = coeffs(G,'s',1);
-co2 = coeffs(G,'s',2);
-co3 = coeffs(G,'s',3);
-co4 = coeffs(G,'s',4);
-R =[co0 co1 co2 co3 co4];
-N = length(R);
-routh = [R([5,3,1]);R([4,2]) 0];
-D1 = -(routh(1,1)*routh(2,3)-routh(2,1)*routh(1,3));
-routh = [routh;-det(routh(1:2,1:2)) D1 0];
-routh = [routh;-det(routh(2:3,1:2))/routh(3,1) 0 0];
-routh = [routh;-det(routh(3:4,1:2))/routh(4,1) 0 0]
-disp(routh,"routh table:");
-printf("\n the possibility for imaginary axis roots implies a row of all zeroes ");
-printf("\n s1 row should have all zeroes for positive gain K");
-K = 9.65;
-disp(K,"marginal value of K:")
-//producing an auxillary polynomial from s2 row
-aux = 80.35*s^2+202.65;
-Wn = roots(aux);
-disp(Wn,"points where root locus intersects jw-axis:");
diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.6/8_6.jpg b/1340/CH8/EX8.6/8_6.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100755 index 7314a34de..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.6/8_6.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.6/8_6.sce b/1340/CH8/EX8.6/8_6.sce deleted file mode 100755 index eceee048d..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.6/8_6.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -
-clear; clc;
-xdel(winsid()); //close all windows
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',(s+2)/((s+3)*(s^2+2*s+2)));
-a = gca();
-a.box = "on";
-a.data_bounds = [-6 -3; 2 3];
-a.children(1).visible = 'off';
-xtitle('Root locus of G(s) = (s+2)/ ((s+3)*(s^2+2*s+2))');
-up = roots(numer(G));disp(up,"zero of G(s)=");
-down = roots(denom(G));disp(down,"poles of G(s)=");
-test = -1+%i;
-//calculating the angle made by the vector from zero to the pole
-zeroangle = atan((imag(down(2))-imag(up)),(real(down(2))-real(up)))*180/%pi;
-//calculating the angle made by the vector from rest of the poles to the pole
-pole1angle = atan((imag(down(2))-imag(down(1))),(real(down(2))-real(down(1))))*180/%pi;
-pole3angle = atan((imag(down(2))-imag(down(3))),(real(down(2))-real(down(3))))*180/%pi;
-//angle of departure = 180-(sum of angles from the rest of the poles)+(sum of angles from the zeroes)
-depang = 180-(pole1angle+pole3angle)+zeroangle;
-disp(depang,"=",down(2),"angle of departure from ");
diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.7/8_7.jpg b/1340/CH8/EX8.7/8_7.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100755 index 9ca561c85..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.7/8_7.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.7/8_7.sce b/1340/CH8/EX8.7/8_7.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 2050581b2..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.7/8_7.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -clear; clc;
-xdel(winsid()); //close all windows
-s = %s;
-G = syslin('c',(s^2-4*s+20)/((s+2)*(s+4)));
-zeroes = roots(numer(G));
-disp(zeroes,"zeroes are:");
-poles = roots(denom(G));
-disp(poles,"poles are:");
-v = [-6 6 -6 6];
-sgrid([0.45,0],[0],32);//displays the zeta = 0,0.45 line
-curve_handles=datatipGetEntities()//gets the entities required
-zeta = 0.45;//damping ratio = 0.45
-anglezeta = (%pi-acos(0.45))*180/%pi;
-disp(anglezeta,"angle made by the line with zeta = 0.45 to the root locus:");
-printf("from root locus plotwe have for stable system gain K =(0,1.5)");
diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.8/8_8.jpg b/1340/CH8/EX8.8/8_8.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100755 index 856d05e5d..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.8/8_8.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.8/8_8.sce b/1340/CH8/EX8.8/8_8.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 590c0bbce..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.8/8_8.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ -clear; clc;
-xdel(winsid()); //close all windows
-s = poly(0,"s");
-G = syslin('c',(s+1.5)/(s*(s+1)*(s+10)));
-zeroes = roots(numer(G));disp(zeroes,"zeroes are:");
-poles = roots(denom(G));disp(poles,"poles are:");
-po = 1.52;disp(po,"percentage overshoot:");
-zeta = -log(po/100)/sqrt(%pi^2+(log(po/100))^2);//calculation for damping ratio
-disp(zeta,"damping ratio :");
-evans(G,100);//max gain =100
-v = [-12 2 -10 10];//fitting the axes
-sgrid([zeta],[0],20);//displays the zeta = 0.8 line
-curve_handles=datatipGetEntities()//gets the entities required
-//aproximate values of gain and position can be found out from the plot by sliding datatip
-//here there are 3 points satisfying the criteria for zeta = 0.8 line
-printf("for zeta =0.8 line points on the root locus are:");
-printf("\n -0.87+ j0.66 and -0.87- j0.66 with gain = 7.36");
-printf("\n -1.19+ j0.9 and -1.19- j0.9 with gain = 12.79");
-printf("\n and -4.6+ j3.45 and -4.6- j3.45 with gain = 39.64");
-breakin = -2.8;
-Kbreakin = 27.91;
-breakaway = [-0.62 -4.4];
-Kbreakaway = [2.511 28.89];
-disp(Kbreakin," gain =",breakin,"break-in point at");
-disp(Kbreakaway,"with respective gains = ",breakaway,"break-away points at");
-wn1 = 0.66;disp(wn1,"Natural frequency for points -0.87+j0.66 and -0.87-j0.66 = ");
-wn2 = 0.9;disp(wn2,"Natural frequency for points -1.19+j0.9 and -1.19-j0.9 = ");
-wn3 = 3.45;disp(wn3,"Natural frequency for points -0.87+j0.66 and -0.87-j0.66 = ")
diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.9/8_9.jpg b/1340/CH8/EX8.9/8_9.jpg Binary files differdeleted file mode 100755 index 358fba6f8..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.9/8_9.jpg +++ /dev/null diff --git a/1340/CH8/EX8.9/8_9.sce b/1340/CH8/EX8.9/8_9.sce deleted file mode 100755 index 0cc41ada2..000000000 --- a/1340/CH8/EX8.9/8_9.sce +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -clear; clc;
-xdel(winsid()); //close all windows
-s = %s;
-G =-(s+3)/(s*(s+1)*(s+2)*(s+4));
-evans(G,100);//max gain =100
-v = [-5 1 -4 4];//fitting the axes
-zeta = 0.8;
-//sgrid([zeta],[0],20);//displays the zeta = 0.8 line
-curve_handles=datatipGetEntities()//gets the entities required
\ No newline at end of file |