path: root/3733/CH22/EX22.11/Ex22_11.sce
diff options
authorprashantsinalkar2017-10-10 12:27:19 +0530
committerprashantsinalkar2017-10-10 12:27:19 +0530
commit7f60ea012dd2524dae921a2a35adbf7ef21f2bb6 (patch)
treedbb9e3ddb5fc829e7c5c7e6be99b2c4ba356132c /3733/CH22/EX22.11/Ex22_11.sce
parentb1f5c3f8d6671b4331cef1dcebdf63b7a43a3a2b (diff)
initial commit / add all books
Diffstat (limited to '3733/CH22/EX22.11/Ex22_11.sce')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3733/CH22/EX22.11/Ex22_11.sce b/3733/CH22/EX22.11/Ex22_11.sce
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bbeee15b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3733/CH22/EX22.11/Ex22_11.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Example 22_11
+//Given data
+P=27000;// kW
+p_1=60;// bar
+T_1=450;// °C
+p_v=707.5;// The condenser vaccum in mm of Hg
+n_t=87;// The turbine efficiency
+n_b=90;// The boiler efficiency in %
+n_a=95;//The alternator efficiency in %
+n_m=98;//The mechanical efficiency in %
+p_b=760;// cm of Hg
+p_3=((p_b-p_v)/p_b)*1.013;//The condenser pressure bar
+// From h-s chart:
+h_1=3296;// kJ/kg
+h_2a=2606;// kJ/kg
+h_3a=2163;// kJ/kg
+h_2=h_1-((n_t/100)*(h_1-h_2a));// kJ/kg
+h_3=h_2-((n_t/100)*(h_2-h_3a));// kJ/kg
+//From steam tables
+h_f4=162;// kJ/kg (at 0.07 bar)
+h_f5=558;// kJ/kg (at 3 bar)
+//Assume m=y(1)
+ X(1)=((1-y(1))*(h_f5-h_f4))-(y(1)*(h_2-h_f5));
+m=z(1);// kg/kg of steam generated
+W=(h_1-h_2)+((1-m)*(h_2-h_3));//Work developed per kg of steam in kJ/kg
+W_act=(P/((n_a/100)*(n_m/100)));//Actual work developed by the turbine kW
+m_s=(W_act/W)*(3600/1000);// Steam generated per second in tons/hr
+P_p=P*(10/100);// Pump power in kW
+P_net=P*(1-(10/100));// Net power available in kW
+Q_s=((m_s*1000*(h_1-h_f5))/((n_b/100)*3600));// Heat supplied in the boiler in kW
+n_o=(P_net/Q_s)*100;// The overall efficiency of the plant in %
+printf('\n(a)The steam bled per kg of steam supplied to the turbine=%0.3f kg/kg of steam generated \n(b)Steam generated per hour=%0.1f tons/hr \n(c)The overall efficiency of the plant=%0.1f percentage',m,m_s,n_o);
+// The answer vary due to round off error