AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-09-21fixed google auth loginprashantsinalkar
2017-09-20Merge pull request #11 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Added Responsiveness to speakers and sponsors section
2017-09-20Added Responsiveness to speakers and sponsors sectionSashi20
2017-09-20Merge pull request #10 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Added Speaker and Sponsorship Prospectus
2017-09-20Added Speaker and Sponsorship ProspectusSashi20
2017-09-19added redirect urlThomas Stephen Lee
2017-09-19done minor changesprashantsinalkar
2017-09-19fixed url of forgot passwordprashantsinalkar
2017-09-19Merge pull request #9 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Forgot Password url fixed
2017-09-19Forgot Password url fixedSashi20
2017-09-19Merge pull request #8 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Resolved Forgot password Issue
2017-09-19Merge branch 'devel' of into develSashi20
2017-09-19Resolved Forgot password issueSashi20
2017-09-19Merge pull request #7 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Forgot Password Issue Fixed and Added Sponsors text
2017-09-19Merge branch 'devel' into develPrashant S
2017-09-19Added Sponsors SectionSashi20
2017-09-19Forgot Password Issue Fixed and Added Sonsors textSashi20
2017-09-18Merge pull request #6 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Added Poster
2017-09-18Added PosterSashi20
2017-09-18Merge pull request #5 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Minor changes to dates,cfp and cfw
2017-09-18Minor changes to dates,cfp and cfwSashi20
2017-09-18Merge pull request #4 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Minor Changes to Navbar
2017-09-18Minor Changes to NavbarSashi20
2017-09-18fixed url issueprashantsinalkar
2017-09-18fixed conflictsprashantsinalkar
2017-09-18Merge pull request #3 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Changes to Login Interface
2017-09-18fixed emailprashantsinalkar
2017-09-18updated the templatesprashantsinalkar
2017-09-18email settings updatedprashantsinalkar
2017-09-18Changes to Login InterfaceSashi20
2017-09-15Fixed merge conflictSashi20
2017-09-15Changed Regsiter and Submit buttonsSashi20
2017-09-14fixed email idprashantsinalkar
2017-09-14fixed from validationprashantsinalkar
2017-09-14updated submit proposal datesprashantsinalkar
2017-09-14added base urlprashantsinalkar
2017-09-14fixed submit cfp urlprashantsinalkar
2017-09-14fixed html templatesprashantsinalkar
2017-09-13added new templatesprashantsinalkar
2017-09-13Merge pull request #2 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Added Keynote Speaker
2017-09-13Added Keynote SpeakerSashi20
2017-09-13fixed into develprashantsinalkar
2017-09-13disabled send email function temporary purposeprashantsinalkar
2017-09-13fixed urlsprashantsinalkar
2017-09-13fixed urlsprashantsinalkar
2017-09-13added sql port and hostprashantsinalkar
2017-09-08Fixed Urls.pySashi20
2017-09-08Merge pull request #1 from Sashi20/develPrashant S
Updated Show More Position
2017-09-08Merge branch 'master' of into develSashi20