AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-09-30Changes on Home pagekomalsheth286
2016-09-30Home page to be made livekomalsheth286
2016-09-29Code of conduct text is addedkomalsheth286
2016-09-29login using Facebookkomalsheth286
2016-09-29COC added in tabkomalsheth286
2016-09-29Code of Conductkomalsheth286
2016-09-28Delete Sheth
2016-09-28Config file addedkomalsheth286
2016-09-26Font-awsome addedkomalsheth286
2016-09-26Guidelines addedkomalsheth286
2016-09-26Merge pull request #8 from FOSSEE/Alert_on_CFPKomal Sheth
DO attend link added
2016-09-26DO attend link addedkomalsheth286
2016-09-23Merge pull request #7 from FOSSEE/Alert_on_CFPKomal Sheth
Alert on cfp
2016-09-23captcha added in Requirements.txtkomalsheth286
2016-09-23Alerts added on CFP clickkomalsheth286
2016-09-23Changes of links to 2016komalsheth286
2016-09-21CSS files addedkomalsheth286
2016-09-20New Commitkomalsheth286
2016-09-14Images added on home pagekomalsheth286
2016-09-14Add gitignore fileThomas Stephen Lee
2016-09-14UploadsThomas Stephen Lee
2016-09-14Merge branch 'master' of Stephen Lee
Conflicts: scipy2016/urls.pyc website/forms.pyc website/urls.pyc website/views.pyc
2016-09-14Second CommitThomas Stephen Lee
2016-09-14Changes in main pagekomalsheth286
2016-09-08First Commitkomalsheth286