{% extends 'page.html'%} {% block userblock %} {% if current_user != "anonymous" %}
  • {{ current_user }}
  • Logout
  • {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %}
    {% if status == "up" %}

    We have succcessfully received your proposal. Thank You !

    {% endif %}

    Call for Proposals

    We look forward to submissions for presentations at SciPy India 2013. Please submit an abstract of 400 to 700 words describing the topic, including its relevance to Python. Only submissions with an actual implementation will be considered for presentation (i.e. proposals to implement the code are not acceptable, partial implementations are acceptable so long as they demonstrate the features discussed). Please provide links to your code if this is an open source implementation. Based on the quality of the submissions, the conference organizers will select it either as a full fledged talk (20-30 mins) or Pecha Kucha style talk.

    If you wish to present a talk at the conference, please follow the guidelines below.

    Submission Guidelines

    Important Dates

    Call for proposals start: 7th October 2013
    Call for proposals end: 2nd December 2013
    List of accepted proposals will be published: 6th December 2013
    {% endblock %}