from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from django.contrib import messages from sbhs_server.tables.models import Account, Slot, Booking import datetime LIMIT = 2 """Defines an upper limit for the number of slots that can be booked by an user in advance.""" @login_required(redirect_field_name=None) def new(req): """ Shows currently available slots. Input: req:request object. Output: HttpResponse object. """ cur_slots = Slot.current_slots(req.user.board.mid) all_slots = Slot.get_free_slots(req.user.board.mid) date = ("%Y-%m-%d") return render(req, "slot/new.html", {"all_slots": all_slots, "cur_slots": cur_slots, "nowdate": date}) @login_required(redirect_field_name=None) def show(req, date_string): """ Shows all available slots. Input: req:request object. Output: HttpResponse object. """ date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d") all_slots = Slot.get_free_slots_on(date, req.user.board.mid) return render(req, "slot/show.html", {"all_slots": all_slots}) @login_required(redirect_field_name=None) def create(req): """ Books a new slot for the user. Shows user alters if: Slot is booked succesfully. User exceeds the limit of number of slots that can be booked in advance for a day. User attmpts to book two consecutive slots in a day in advance. Requested slot is already booked by another user. Input: req:request object. Output: HttpResponseRedirect object. """ slot = Slot.objects.get(id=req.POST.get("slot")) date_string = req.POST.get("date") date = if date_string == "CURRENT" else datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d") all_slots = Slot.get_free_slots(req.user.board.mid) if date_string == "CURRENT" else Slot.get_free_slots_on(date, req.user.board.mid) if slot in all_slots: if date_string == "CURRENT": Booking.objects.create(slot=slot, account=req.user, booking_date=date) messages.add_message(req, messages.SUCCESS, "Slot " + str(slot) + " booked successfully.") else: bookings = req.user.booking_set.select_related("slot").filter(booking_date__year=date.year, booking_date__month=date.month, if len(bookings) >= LIMIT: messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, "Can't book more than " + str(LIMIT) + " slots in a day in advance.") elif len(bookings) < LIMIT: consecutive_check = True for b in bookings: if abs(b.slot.start_hour - slot.start_hour) <= 1: consecutive_check = False break if not consecutive_check: messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, "Can't book 2 consecutive slots in a day in advance.") else: Booking.objects.create(slot=slot, account=req.user, booking_date=date) messages.add_message(req, messages.SUCCESS, "Slot " + str(slot) + " booked successfully.") else: messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, "Slot " + str(slot) + " already booked.") return redirect(index) @login_required(redirect_field_name=None) def index(req): """ Shows indices of booked slots. Input: req:request object. Output: HttpResponse object. """ bookings = req.user.booking_set.select_related("slot").filter(trashed_at__isnull=True).order_by("booking_date") return render(req, "slot/index.html", {"bookings": reversed(bookings), "now_time":}) @login_required(redirect_field_name=None) def delete(req, booking_id): """ Deletes a previously booked slot. Shows user alerts if: Booked slot is deleted succesfully. Slot cannot be deleted as it doesn't exist. Slot cannot be deleted as it has expired. Input: req:request object, booking_id: slot booking id. Output: HttpResponseRedirect object. """ try: booking = Booking.objects.select_related("slot").get(id=booking_id) assert booking.account_id == if booking.start_time() > booking.delete() messages.add_message(req, messages.SUCCESS, "Slot booking deleted successfully.") else: messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, "Slot time is over. Cannot delete this booking now.") except: messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, "Booking does not exist.") return redirect(index)