from import BaseCommand, CommandError from sbhs_server import settings, helpers from sbhs_server.tables.models import Board import os, json from datetime import datetime class Command(BaseCommand): args = '' help = 'Sends email to admin' def handle(self, *args, **options): # Store all Raspberry Pi IP's in a list with open(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, "sbhs_server/RPi_data/ipaddrs.txt"), "r") as filehandler: ipaddrs = filehandler.readlines() # Strip whitespaces (in case) ipaddrs = [ip.strip() for ip in ipaddrs] new_offlines = [] faulty_boards = {} # Create data for offline and faulty boards for ip in ipaddrs: filename = "sbhs_server/RPi_data/report/" + ip + ".txt" with open(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, filename), "r") as filehandler: data = data = json.loads(data) new_offlines.append(set(data["new_offlines"])) faulty_boards.update(data["faulty_boards"]) # Find intersection of offline boards from all RPi's new_offlines = list(set.intersection(*new_offlines)) # Update database if len(new_offlines) > 0: Board.objects.filter(mid__in=new_offlines).update(online=False) if len(faulty_boards.keys()) > 0: Board.objects.filter(mid__in=faulty_boards.keys()).update(online=True,temp_offline=True) # Compose body for the email message = "SBHS Administrator,\n\n" message += "Following issue requires immidiate attention.\n\n" if len(new_offlines) > 0: message += "SBHS could not be connected\n" for n in new_offlines: message += ("MID: %d\n" % n) if bool(faulty_boards): message += "Following devices are suspected to be faulty.\n\n" for key in faulty_boards: message += "MID : {} Cause : {}\n" .format(key,faulty_boards[key]) message += "\nYou can check the SBHS status on" message += " Possible correction actions are:\n" message += "1. Run this command without brackets -> ( cd $SBHS_SERVER_ROOT; ./ )\n" message += "2. If same machine comes offline multiple times, replacement of the machine is advised.\n\n\n" message += "Regards,\nSBHS Vlabs Server Code" print "New offline board mids", new_offlines subject = "SBHS Vlabs: Notice - SBHS not connected" # Send email try: if len(new_offlines) > 0 or len(faulty_boards)>0: for admin in settings.SBHS_ADMINS:[2], subject, message) except Exception as e: with open("mail_dump.txt", "a") as handler: delimiter = " " + "#"*10 + " " handler.write("\n" + delimiter +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + delimiter + "\n") handler.write(message) print message