from django.shortcuts import render, redirect from sbhs_server.tables.models import Account from django.contrib import messages from sbhs_server.helpers import simple_encrypt from pages.views import index as INDEX_PAGE import datetime # Create your views here. def new(req): """ Returns html page to set new password Input: request object Output: renders new.html page through render function. """ return render(req, 'password/new.html') def password_token(username): """ Returns encrypted token Input: username Output: encrypted token returned by encrypt() function. """ return simple_encrypt.encrypt(username + ",,," + str( def email(req): """ Sends the reset password link to the email Checks if the user has an account Input: request object Output: INDEX_PAGE returned by redirect() function. """ email = req.POST.get("email") account = Account.objects.filter(email=email) if len(account) == 1: account[0].send_password_link(password_token(account[0].username)) messages.add_message(req, messages.SUCCESS, "Password reset link has been sent to your email address.") return redirect(INDEX_PAGE) def validate_token(req, token): """ Checks if the token is valid Decrypts token and checks for validity Input: request object, token. Output: INDEX_PAGE returned by redirect() function if Invalid link data if Valid link. """ try: data = simple_encrypt.decrypt(token) except: messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, "Invalid link") return redirect(INDEX_PAGE), False data = data.split(",,,") if len(data) != 2: messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, "Invalid link") return redirect(INDEX_PAGE), False return data, True def edit(req, token): """ Makes user able to edit the password calculates the time and checks if reset link is expired Input: request object, token Output: renders edit.html page if link is not expired shows error message if link is expired and returns the Index_page through redirect() function. """ data, flag = validate_token(req, token) if not flag: return data timediff = - datetime.datetime.strptime(data[1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") if timediff.total_seconds() < 7200: return render(req, "password/edit.html", {"token": token}) else: messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, "The reset link is expired.") return redirect(INDEX_PAGE) def update(req, token): """ Makes user able to update the password -Checks if token is valid -Checks if the link is expired -Checks if email entered by user is valid -Checks if passwords of password and confirm field matches Input: request object , token. Output: Message "Password changed successfully" if success Message "Invalid link" or "Reset link is expired" if respective validations fails. """ data, flag = validate_token(req, token) if not flag: return data timediff = - datetime.datetime.strptime(data[1], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") if timediff.total_seconds() < 7200: username = data[0] account = Account.objects.filter(username=username) if len(account) == 1: error = "" if req.POST.get("email") != account[0].email: error = "Invalid email" if req.POST.get("password") != req.POST.get("confirm"): error = "Passwords do not match" if error != "": messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, error) return redirect(INDEX_PAGE) account[0].set_password(req.POST.get("password")) account[0].save() messages.add_message(req, messages.SUCCESS, "Password changed successfully") return redirect(INDEX_PAGE) else: messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, "Invalid link") return redirect(INDEX_PAGE) else: messages.add_message(req, messages.ERROR, "The reset link is expired.") return redirect(INDEX_PAGE)