"""Base option parser setup""" import sys import optparse import pkg_resources import os from distutils.util import strtobool from pip.backwardcompat import ConfigParser, string_types from pip.locations import default_config_file, default_log_file class UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter): """Custom help formatter for use in ConfigOptionParser that updates the defaults before expanding them, allowing them to show up correctly in the help listing""" def expand_default(self, option): if self.parser is not None: self.parser.update_defaults(self.parser.defaults) return optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.expand_default(self, option) class ConfigOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): """Custom option parser which updates its defaults by by checking the configuration files and environmental variables""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() self.name = kwargs.pop('name') self.files = self.get_config_files() self.config.read(self.files) assert self.name optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def get_config_files(self): config_file = os.environ.get('PIP_CONFIG_FILE', False) if config_file and os.path.exists(config_file): return [config_file] return [default_config_file] def update_defaults(self, defaults): """Updates the given defaults with values from the config files and the environ. Does a little special handling for certain types of options (lists).""" # Then go and look for the other sources of configuration: config = {} # 1. config files for section in ('global', self.name): config.update(self.normalize_keys(self.get_config_section(section))) # 2. environmental variables config.update(self.normalize_keys(self.get_environ_vars())) # Then set the options with those values for key, val in config.items(): option = self.get_option(key) if option is not None: # ignore empty values if not val: continue # handle multiline configs if option.action == 'append': val = val.split() else: option.nargs = 1 if option.action in ('store_true', 'store_false', 'count'): val = strtobool(val) try: val = option.convert_value(key, val) except optparse.OptionValueError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] print("An error occured during configuration: %s" % e) sys.exit(3) defaults[option.dest] = val return defaults def normalize_keys(self, items): """Return a config dictionary with normalized keys regardless of whether the keys were specified in environment variables or in config files""" normalized = {} for key, val in items: key = key.replace('_', '-') if not key.startswith('--'): key = '--%s' % key # only prefer long opts normalized[key] = val return normalized def get_config_section(self, name): """Get a section of a configuration""" if self.config.has_section(name): return self.config.items(name) return [] def get_environ_vars(self, prefix='PIP_'): """Returns a generator with all environmental vars with prefix PIP_""" for key, val in os.environ.items(): if key.startswith(prefix): yield (key.replace(prefix, '').lower(), val) def get_default_values(self): """Overridding to make updating the defaults after instantiation of the option parser possible, update_defaults() does the dirty work.""" if not self.process_default_values: # Old, pre-Optik 1.5 behaviour. return optparse.Values(self.defaults) defaults = self.update_defaults(self.defaults.copy()) # ours for option in self._get_all_options(): default = defaults.get(option.dest) if isinstance(default, string_types): opt_str = option.get_opt_string() defaults[option.dest] = option.check_value(opt_str, default) return optparse.Values(defaults) try: pip_dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution('pip') version = '%s from %s (python %s)' % ( pip_dist, pip_dist.location, sys.version[:3]) except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: # when running pip.py without installing version=None parser = ConfigOptionParser( usage='%prog COMMAND [OPTIONS]', version=version, add_help_option=False, formatter=UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(), name='global') parser.add_option( '-h', '--help', dest='help', action='store_true', help='Show help') parser.add_option( # Run only if inside a virtualenv, bail if not. '--require-virtualenv', '--require-venv', dest='require_venv', action='store_true', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Give more output') parser.add_option( '-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action='count', default=0, help='Give less output') parser.add_option( '--log', dest='log', metavar='FILENAME', help='Log file where a complete (maximum verbosity) record will be kept') parser.add_option( # Writes the log levels explicitely to the log' '--log-explicit-levels', dest='log_explicit_levels', action='store_true', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( # The default log file '--local-log', '--log-file', dest='log_file', metavar='FILENAME', default=default_log_file, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( # Don't ask for input '--no-input', dest='no_input', action='store_true', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( '--proxy', dest='proxy', type='str', default='', help="Specify a proxy in the form user:passwd@proxy.server:port. " "Note that the user:password@ is optional and required only if you " "are behind an authenticated proxy. If you provide " "user@proxy.server:port then you will be prompted for a password.") parser.add_option( '--timeout', '--default-timeout', metavar='SECONDS', dest='timeout', type='float', default=15, help='Set the socket timeout (default %default seconds)') parser.add_option( # The default version control system for editables, e.g. 'svn' '--default-vcs', dest='default_vcs', type='str', default='', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( # A regex to be used to skip requirements '--skip-requirements-regex', dest='skip_requirements_regex', type='str', default='', help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option( # Option when path already exist '--exists-action', dest='exists_action', type='choice', choices=['s', 'i', 'w', 'b'], default=[], action='append', help="Default action when a path already exists." "Use this option more then one time to specify " "another action if a certain option is not " "available, choices: " "(s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup") parser.disable_interspersed_args()