import htmlPy from htmlPy import Bridge, attach import urllib2, cookielib, urllib import time import os, json, sys, logging from threading import Thread logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) global_cur_heat = 0 global_cur_fan = 0 global_cur_temp = 0 global_iter = 0 global_remaining_time = 0 global_error = "" class SBHSClient(Bridge): def __init__(self): self.path = os.path.dirname(sys.executable) if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False) else os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) super(SBHSClient, self).__init__() = htmlPy.AppWindow(title="SBHS Vlabs Client", width=360, height=600, x_pos=32, y_pos=32), 600) try: config_options = {} with open(os.path.join(self.path, "config.txt")) as f: logging.debug("config.txt present. Loading configuration.") for line in f: if len(line.strip()) > 2: opt = line.split(":") config_options[opt[0].strip()] = opt[1].strip() if config_options["base_link"] != "None" and len(config_options["base_link"]) > 2: link = config_options["base_link"] else: link = "" ############################################# link = "" if config_options["use_proxy"] != "Yes": proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({}) logging.debug("Proxy: None") else: logging.debug("Loading proxy.") proxy_url = config_options["proxy_type"] + "://" proxy_url += (urllib.quote(config_options["proxy_username"]) + ":" if config_options["proxy_username"] != "" else "") proxy_url += (urllib.quote(config_options["proxy_password"]) + "@" if config_options["proxy_username"] != "" else "") proxy_url += config_options["proxy_host"] + ":" proxy_url += config_options["proxy_port"] + "/" proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({config_options["proxy_type"]: proxy_url}) logging.debug("Proxy: " + config_options["proxy_type"] + ": " + proxy_url) logging.debug("BASE_LINK: " + link) except Exception: logging.exception("Error while loading config. Switching to default configuration.") link = "" ############################################# link = "" proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({}) logging.debug("Proxy: None") logging.debug("BASE_LINK: " + link) self.base_url = link + "experiment/" self.version = "3" self.urllib2 = urllib2 self.logdir = "logs" self.scilabreadfname = "scilabread.sce" self.scilabwritefname = "scilabwrite.sce" self.cur_heat = 0 self.cur_fan = 0 self.cur_temp = 0 self.iter = 0 self.remaining_time = 0 self.error = "" self.status = False self.machine_ip=""#ADDED self.machine_url=""#ADDED = link cookie_support = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler, urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_support)) self.urllib2.install_opener(opener) @attach(result=str) def check_connection(self): try: print self.base_url+"check_connection" br = urllib2.urlopen(self.base_url + "check_connection") return except Exception: logging.exception("Failed in checking server connection") return "NO" @attach(result=bool) def client_version(self): try: br = urllib2.urlopen(self.base_url + "client_version") return == self.version except Exception: logging.exception("Failed in checking client version") return False @attach(str, str, result=str) def authenticate(self, username, password): try: username = str(username) password = str(password) input_data = urllib.urlencode({"username": username, "password": password}) ip_req = self.urllib2.Request(self.base_url + "initiate", input_data) json_response = urllib2.urlopen(ip_req) data = json.loads( if not data["STATUS"]==200: self.error = data["MESSAGE"] global_error = self.error return data["MESSAGE"] self.machine_ip = data["MESSAGE"] self.machine_url = self.base_url + "/pi/" + self.machine_ip +"/pi/experiment/" req = self.urllib2.Request(self.machine_url + "initiate", input_data) br = urllib2.urlopen(req) data = json.loads( if data["STATUS"] == 1: self.username = username if not os.path.exists(self.logdir): os.makedirs(self.logdir) logdir = os.path.join(self.logdir, username) if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) self.logfile_handler = open(os.path.join(logdir, data["MESSAGE"]), "a") self.status = True"document.getElementById('logfile').innerHTML='" + data["MESSAGE"] + "'") f = open(self.scilabreadfname, 'w') f.close() f = open(self.scilabwritefname, 'w') f.close() global global_error global_error = "" return "TRUE" else: self.error = data["MESSAGE"] global_error = self.error return data["MESSAGE"] except Exception: logging.exception("Error in authentication") self.error = "Cannot connect to SBHS server." global global_error global_error = self.error return self.error @attach(result=str) def get_data(self): return json.dumps({ "iter": global_iter, "heat": global_cur_heat, "fan": global_cur_fan, "temp": global_cur_temp, "time": global_remaining_time, "error": global_error }) def experiment(self): while self.status == False: time.sleep(0.2) try: scilabreadf = file(self.scilabreadfname, 'w') scilabwritef = file(self.scilabwritefname, 'r') logf = self.logfile_handler self.scilabreadf = scilabreadf self.scilabwritef = scilabwritef scilabreadf.flush() except Exception: logging.exception("Error in experiment files.") self.error = 'Failed to access files needed for experiment' global global_error global_error = self.error return False while True: # read data from file that scilab writes to retry_read = True while retry_read: time.sleep(0.001) cur_scilabwrite_pos = scilabwritef.tell() scilabwritestr = scilabwritef.readline() if not scilabwritestr.endswith('\n'): retry_read = True else: retry_read = False scilabwritestr = scilabwritestr.strip() if scilabwritestr != "": try: scilabwritedata = scilabwritestr.split(' ', 3) cur_iter = int(float(scilabwritedata[0])) cur_heat = int(float(scilabwritedata[1])) cur_fan = int(float(scilabwritedata[2])) if (cur_heat > 100): cur_heat = 100 elif (cur_heat < 0): cur_heat = 0 if (cur_fan > 100): cur_fan = 100 elif (cur_fan < 0): cur_fan = 0 cur_variables = ''.join(scilabwritedata[3:]) # converting variable arguments list to string cur_time = int(time.time() * 1000) self.cur_heat = cur_heat self.cur_fan = cur_fan self.iter = cur_iter except Exception: logging.exception("Error in reading data.") self.error = 'Invalid data format in ' + self.scilabwritefname + '.' global global_error global_error = self.error return False else: continue # read data from server srv_data = False while not srv_data: try: url_com = self.machine_url + 'experiment' postdata = urllib.urlencode({ 'iteration' : cur_iter, 'heat' : cur_heat, 'fan' : cur_fan, 'variables' : cur_variables, 'timestamp' : cur_time }) req = self.urllib2.Request(url_com) res = self.urllib2.urlopen(req, postdata) content = srv_data = True content = json.loads(content) # print content # check if content is received properly if content["STATUS"] == 1: data_str = content["MESSAGE"] data = data_str.split(",") data_str = data[0] data_str += ' %d' % int(time.time() * 1000) # add client received time stamp # if variable arguments present in server response append it if data[1] != "": data_str += ' ' + data[1] # calculating and printing time remaining in minutes self.remaining_time = data[2] # write data to file scilabreadf.write(data_str + '\n') scilabreadf.flush() templist = data_str.split(" ") self.cur_temp = templist[3] # write data to log logf.write(data_str + '\n') logf.flush() global global_cur_heat, global_cur_fan, global_cur_temp global global_iter, global_remaining_time, global_error global_cur_heat = self.cur_heat global_cur_fan = self.cur_fan global_cur_temp = self.cur_temp global_iter = self.iter global_remaining_time = self.remaining_time global_error = "" else: self.error = content["MESSAGE"] global global_error global_error = self.error self.status = False return False except Exception: logging.exception("Error in communicating data to server") self.error = "Failed to connect to SBHS. Retrying....." global global_error global_error = self.error time.sleep(0.1) srv_data = False def run(self):"index.html") t2 = Thread(target=self.experiment) t2.setDaemon(True) t2.start(),, def runner(): try: self.reset() self.logfile_handler.close() self.scilabreadf.close() self.scilabwritef.close() except Exception: logging.exception("Error while reseting SBHS.") pass import sys sys.exit(runner()) def reset(self): print self.machine_url + "reset" self.urllib2.urlopen(self.machine_url + "reset") if __name__ == "__main__": s = SBHSClient()