{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "#Chapter-1, Section-1.22, pg-24, problem 1\n", "\n", "L=20; #True length of the chain is defined as L\n", "print(' the length of the chain is ',L,'meters'); #Print L\n", "\n", "E=0.03; # Error in chain\n", "print(' the error in the chain is ',E); # Print E\n", "\n", "ML=327; # Measured length is defined as ML\n", "print(' the measured length ',ML,'meters'); #print ML\n", "\n", "tlength=((L+E)/L)*ML; #True length of L calculated\n", "print(' the ture length of the chain is ',tlength,'meters') # Print true length.\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Chapter-1, Section-1.23, pg 39, Problem- 4\n", "\n", "import math # Library imported.\n", "\n", "ab=28.7*math.cos(5*(math.pi/180)); #AB calculated using trigonometry\n", "b1c=23.4*math.cos(7*(math.pi/180)); #B'C calculated\n", "c1d=20.9*math.cos(10*(math.pi/180)); # C'D calculated\n", "d1e=29.6*math.cos(12*(math.pi/180)) ; # D'E calculated\n", "print(' the value of ab is ',ab,'meters'); #AB printed\n", "\n", "print(' the value of b1c is ',b1c,'meters'); #B'C printed\n", "\n", "print(' the value of c1d is ',c1d,'meters'); #C'D printed\n", "\n", "print(' the value of d1e is ',d1e,'meters'); #D'E printed\n", "\n", "\n", "total=ab+b1c+c1d+d1e; #total calculated.\n", "print('the total distance is ',total,'meters') #total printed\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Chapter 1, Section 1.22, Problem 6, pg 27.\n", "\n", "L=30; # Length of tape\n", "t0=20; # Temperature of tape\n", "p0=10; # Pull under which tape is present\n", "pm=15; # Measured line pull\n", "tm=32; # Mean temperature.\n", "a=0.03; # Cross-sectional area\n", "al=11/(1000000); # Temperature correction co-efficient\n", "E=2.1*(1000000); # E for steel\n", "w=0.693; #Total weight\n", "ml=780; #measured length\n", "\n", "n=1; #n defined\n", "print(' for n=1'); #print n value\n", "ct=al*L*(tm-t0); # temperature correction calculated\n", "print('the temperature correction is',ct,'meters'); # print temperature correction\n", "\n", "cp=(pm-p0)*L/(a*E); #pull correction calculated\n", "print('the pull corretion is ',cp,' meters'); #print pull correction\n", "\n", "cs=-L*w*w/(24*pm*pm*n*n); #sag correction calculated\n", "print('the sag correction is ',cs,'meters'); # print sag correction\n", "\n", "e=ct+cp+cs; #total correction calculated\n", "print('the total correction is ',e,'meters'); # total correction printed\n", "\n", "l1=L+e; # correction in length =sum of correction and measured length \n", "\n", "truelength=(l1/L)*ml; #true length calculated\n", "print('the true length is ',truelength); #true length printed\n", "\n", "n=2; #new n defined\n", "\n", "print(' for n=2'); # print n value\n", "ct=al*L*(tm-t0); # temperature correction calculated\n", "print('the temperature correction is',ct,'meters'); # print temperature correction\n", "\n", "\n", "cp=(pm-p0)*L/(a*E); #pull correction calculated\n", "print('the pull corretion is ',cp,' meters'); #print pull correction\n", "\n", "cs=-L*w*w/(24*pm*pm*n*n); #sag correction calculated\n", "print('the sag correction is ',cs,'meters'); #print sag correction\n", "\n", "e=ct+cp+cs; #total correction calculated\n", "print('the total correction is ',e,'meters'); # total correction printed\n", "\n", "l1=L+e; #correction in length =sum of correction and measured length \n", "\n", "truelength=(l1/L)*ml; #true length calculated\n", "print('the true length is ',truelength); #true length printed\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": { "collapsed": true }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Chapter-2, Section-2.4, Problem 2, Page number 56\n", "\n", "import math #Library to be used is imported\n", "\n", "cd=(15-15*math.cos(3*(math.pi/180)))/10; #displacement perpendicular to chain line.\n", "\n", "print('the required displacement perpendicular to char line is ',cd); #Print cd\n", "bc=15*(math.sin(3*(math.pi/180)))/10; #displacement parallel to chain line.\n", "print('the displacemenet parllel to the chain line is ',bc) #print bc" ] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.5.1" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0 }