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     "input": [

      "#example 1\n",

      "#to calculate value of Temperature\n",

      "import math\n",

      "Bc=105.0*10**3 #magnetic field in amp/m\n",

      "Bo=150.0*10**3 #critical field of the metal in amp/m \n",

      "Tc=9.2 #critical temperature of the metal in K\n",


      "print\"\\n the value of temperature is\",round(T,3),\"K\"\n",



     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [


        " the value of temperature is 5.039 K\n"




     "prompt_number": 9



     "cell_type": "heading",

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     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "#example 2\n",

      "#to calculate temperature\n",

      "import math\n",

      "Tc=7.18 #critical temperature in K\n",

      "Bc=4.5*10**3  #critical field in A/m\n",

      "Bo=6.5*10**3 #critical magnetic field in A/m\n",

      "T=Tc*math.sqrt(1-(Bc/Bo))# temperature\n",

      "print\"\\n the temperature is\",round(T,2),\"K\"\n",

      "#to calculate critical current density at that temperature\n",

      "r=1*10**-3 #diameter of the wire in mm\n",

      "TJc=(Bc*2*math.pi*r)/(math.pi*r**2)# critical current density\n",

      "print\"\\n the critical current density at that temperature is\",round(TJc,2),\"A/m^2\"\n"


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [


        " the temperature is 3.98 K\n",


        " the critical current density at that temperature is 9000000.0 A/m^2\n"




     "prompt_number": 10



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     "input": [],

     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": []



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