
 "metadata": {

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  "signature": "sha256:349ae7afdee1d1b3c3dc4037b8dc3bb200738707d16369e5edfee0d065859f9b"


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 "worksheets": [


   "cells": [


     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 1,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [

      "Chapter 9: Signal Analysis"




     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "# To find dynamic range of spectrum analyser\n",


      "# Given data\n",

      "I_p = +25.0; #Third order intercept point in dBm\n",

      "MDS = -85.0; #noise level in dBm\n",




      "dynamic_range = 2/3.0*(I_p -MDS);\n",

      "print \"The dynamic range of the spectrum analyser =\",int(dynamic_range),\" dB\"\n",



     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "The dynamic range of the spectrum analyser = 73  dB\n"




     "prompt_number": 2



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "# To find minimum detectable signal\n",


      "import math\n",


      "# Given data\n",

      "NF = 20.0; #Noise figure in dB\n",

      "BW = 1*10.0**3; #Bandwidth in Hz\n",




      "print \"The minimum detectable signal of the spectrum analyser = \",int(MDS),\" dBm\"\n",



     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "The minimum detectable signal of the spectrum analyser =  -124  dBm\n"




     "prompt_number": 13



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "# To find dynamic range and total frequency display\n",


      "import math\n",

      "# Given data\n",

      "T = 4.0; #Sample window in s\n",

      "f_s = 20*10.0**3; # sample frequency in Hz\n",

      "N = 10.0; #no of bits\n",



      "f_r = 1/T;\n",

      "f_h = f_s/2.0; \n",

      "R_d = 20*math.log10(2.0**N);\n",


      "print \"The ratio of the spectral calculation = \",round(f_r,2),\" Hz\\n\"\n",

      "print \"The maximum calculated spectral frequency = \",int(f_h),\" Hz\\n\"\n",

      "print \"The dynamic range = \",int(R_d),\" dB\"\n"


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "The ratio of the spectral calculation =  0.25  Hz\n",


        "The maximum calculated spectral frequency =  10000  Hz\n",


        "The dynamic range =  60  dB\n"




     "prompt_number": 15



   "metadata": {}


