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 "worksheets": [
   "cells": [
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 1,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Chapter 5: Fundamentals of Cellular Communications"
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 5.1, Page 130"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "ToCH=960.;# Total available channels\n",
      "Cellarea=6.; #in km^2\n",
      "Covarea=2000.;#in km^2\n",
      "N1=4.;  # Cluster Size\n",
      "N2=7.;  #Cluster Size\n",
      "Area1=N1*Cellarea;#for N=4\n",
      "Area2=N2*Cellarea;#For N=7\n",
      "No_of_CH1=ToCH/N1;    # No of channels with cluster size 4\n",
      "No_of_CH2=ToCH/N2;    # No of channels with cluster size 7\n",
      "print 'System Capacity with cluster size 4 is %d channels'%SysCap1\n",
      "print 'Number of clusters for covering total area with N equals 4 are %d'%No_of_clusters1\n",
      "print 'System Capacity with cluster size 7 is %d channels'%SysCap2\n"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "System Capacity with cluster size 4 is 79680 channels\n",
        "Number of clusters for covering total area with N equals 4 are 83\n",
        "System Capacity with cluster size 7 is 46080 channels\n"
     "prompt_number": 2
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 5.2, Page 132"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "S_IAMP=18.;# S/I ratio in dB\n",
      "S_IGSM=12.;# S/I ratio in dB\n",
      "PPL=4.; # propogation path loss coefficient\n",
      "# Using Equation 5.16 on page no 132, we get\n",
      "N_AMP=(1./3)*((6*10**(0.1*S_IAMP))**(2/PPL));#reuse factor for AMPS\n",
      "  \n",
      "N_GSM=(1./3)*((6*10**(0.1*S_IGSM))**(2/PPL));#reuse factor for GSM\n",
      "print 'Reuse Factor for AMP system is N = %.3f = approx %d \\n'%(N_AMP,N_AMP+1);\n",
      "print 'Reuse Factor for GSM system is N = %.3f = approx %d \\n'%(N_GSM,N_GSM+1);"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Reuse Factor for AMP system is N = 6.486 = approx 7 \n",
        "Reuse Factor for GSM system is N = 3.251 = approx 4 \n",
     "prompt_number": 6
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 5.3, Page 132"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "VCH=395.;#Total voice channels\n",
      "CallHT=120.;#average call holding time in sec\n",
      "Blocking=0.02;# 2%\n",
      "PPL=4.;  #propogation path loss coefficient\n",
      "N1=4.      #reuse factor\n",
      "N2=7.;     #reuse factor\n",
      "N3=12.;    #reuse factor\n",
      "No_of_VCH1=VCH/N1;  #for reuse factor N1\n",
      "No_of_VCH2=VCH/N2;  #for reuse factor N2\n",
      "No_of_VCH3=VCH/N3;  #for reuse factor N3\n",
      "print 'NO of voice channels for N=4 are %d'%(round(No_of_VCH1));\n",
      "print 'NO of voice channels for N=7 are %d'%(round(No_of_VCH2));\n",
      "print 'NO of voice channels for N=12 are %d\\n'%(round(No_of_VCH3));\n",
      "# To find cell capacity\n",
      "Ncall1=Carryload1*3600/CallHT;#Calls per hour per cell \n",
      "print 'calls per hour per cell for N=4 are %d'%(round(Ncall1));\n",
      "print 'calls per hour per cell for N=7 are %d'%(round(Ncall2));\n",
      "print 'calls per hour per cell for N=12 are %d  \\n'%(Ncall3);\n",
      "# To find S BY I\n",
      "# N=(1/3)[6*(S/I)]**(2/PPL)\n",
      "S_I1=10*(PPL/2)*(math.log10(N1)-math.log10(1./3)-(2./PPL)*math.log10(6));#Mean S/I (dB)\n",
      "print 'Mean S/I(dB) for N=4 is %.1f'%S_I1\n",
      "print 'Mean S/I(dB) for N=7 is %.1f'%S_I2\n",
      "print 'Mean S/I(dB) for N=12 is %.1f'%S_I3"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "NO of voice channels for N=4 are 99\n",
        "NO of voice channels for N=7 are 56\n",
        "NO of voice channels for N=12 are 33\n",
        "calls per hour per cell for N=4 are 2558\n",
        "calls per hour per cell for N=7 are 1349\n",
        "calls per hour per cell for N=12 are 724  \n",
        "Mean S/I(dB) for N=4 is 13.8\n",
        "Mean S/I(dB) for N=7 is 18.7\n",
        "Mean S/I(dB) for N=12 is 23.3\n"
     "prompt_number": 12
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 5.4, Page 154"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "spectrum=12.5*10**6; #in Hz\n",
      "CHBW=200*10**3;#in Hz\n",
      "N=4.;#reuse factor\n",
      "Blocking=0.02; # 2%\n",
      "callHT=120.;#average call holding time in sec\n",
      "PPL=4.;#propogation path loss coefficient\n",
      "CntrlCH=3.; #No of control channels\n",
      "Ts=8.; # No of voice channels per RF channel\n",
      "print 'No of voice channels for N=4 are %d'%(No_ofVCH)\n",
      "print 'Calls per hour per cell for N=4 are %d calls/hour/cell \\n '%(round(Ncall));\n",
      "print 'Mean S/I(dB) for N=4 is %.1f dB \\n '%(S_I)"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "No of voice channels for N=4 are 122\n",
        "Calls per hour per cell for N=4 are 3234 calls/hour/cell \n",
        " \n",
        "Mean S/I(dB) for N=4 is 13.8 dB \n",
        " \n"
     "prompt_number": 18
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 5.5, Page 139"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "VCH=395.;#Total allocated voice channels\n",
      "CHBW=30.; # in kHz\n",
      "Spectrum=12.5;  # in MHz\n",
      "CallHT=120.; #Average call holding time in sec\n",
      "Blocking=0.02; # 2%\n",
      "PL=40.;  #slope of path loss in dBperdecade\n",
      "print \"We consider only the \ufb01rst tier interferers and neglect the effects of cochannel interference from the second and other higher tiers.\"\n",
      "#FOR 120degree sectorization\n",
      "OffLoad11=24.629;  #  Offered traf\ufb01c load per sector from Erlang-B table(Appendix A)\n",
      "OffLoad12=12.341;  #  Offered traf\ufb01c load per sector from Erlang-B table(Appendix A)\n",
      "OffLoad13=5.842;  #  Offered traf\ufb01c load per sector from Erlang-B table(Appendix A)\n",
      "#For omnidirectional \n",
      "OffLoad21=87.004;  #  Offered traf\ufb01c load per sector from Erlang-B table(Appendix A)\n",
      "OffLoad22=46.817;  #  Offered traf\ufb01c load per sector from Erlang-B table(Appendix A)\n",
      "OffLoad23=24.629;  #  Offered traf\ufb01c load per sector from Erlang-B table(Appendix A)\n",
      "# For 60degree Sectorization\n",
      "OffLoad31=14.902;  #  Offered traf\ufb01c load per sector from Erlang-B table(Appendix A)\n",
      "OffLoad32=10.656;  #  Offered traf\ufb01c load per sector from Erlang-B table(Appendix A)\n",
      "OffLoad33=5.084;  #  Offered traf\ufb01c load per sector from Erlang-B table(Appendix A)\n",
      "OffLoad34=2.227;  #  Offered traf\ufb01c load per sector from Erlang-B table(Appendix A)\n",
      "print 'For Omnidirectional    Calls_per_hour_per_cellsite      Mean S_I ratio      SpecrtalEfficiency'\n",
      "print 'For N=4                         %d                           %.1f          %.3f\\n'%(Calls_hr_site21,S_I21,Seff21);\n",
      "print 'For N=7                         %d                           %.1f          %.3f\\n'%(Calls_hr_site22,S_I22,Seff22);\n",
      "print 'For N=12                        %d                            %.1f          %.3f\\n'%(Calls_hr_site23,S_I23,Seff23);\n",
      "print 'For 120deg sector    Calls_per_hour_per_cellsite      Mean S_I ratio      SpecrtalEfficiency\\n'\n",
      "print 'For N=4                         %d                           %.1f          %.3f\\n'%(Calls_hr_site11,S_I11,Seff11);\n",
      "print 'For N=7                         %d                           %.1f          %.3f\\n'%(Calls_hr_site12,S_I12,Seff12);\n",
      "print 'For N=12                        %d                            %.1f          %.3f\\n'%(Calls_hr_site13,S_I13,Seff13);\n",
      "print 'For 60 deg Sector    Calls_per_hour_per_cellsite        Mean S_I ratio      SpecrtalEfficiency\\n'\n",
      "print 'For N=3                         %d                           %.1f          %.3f\\n'%(Calls_hr_site31,S_I31,Seff31);\n",
      "print 'For N=4                         %d                           %.1f          %.3f\\n'%(Calls_hr_site32,S_I32,Seff32);\n",
      "print 'For N=7                          %d                           %.1f          %.3f\\n'%(Calls_hr_site33,S_I33,Seff33);\n",
      "print 'For N=12                         %d                           %.1f          %.3f\\n'%(Calls_hr_site34,S_I34,Seff34);"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "We consider only the \ufb01rst tier interferers and neglect the effects of cochannel interference from the second and other higher tiers.\n",
        "For Omnidirectional    Calls_per_hour_per_cellsite      Mean S_I ratio      SpecrtalEfficiency\n",
        "For N=4                         2557                           13.8          0.016\n",
        "For N=7                         1376                           18.7          0.016\n",
        "For N=12                        724                            23.3          0.016\n",
        "For 120deg sector    Calls_per_hour_per_cellsite      Mean S_I ratio      SpecrtalEfficiency\n",
        "For N=4                         2172                           18.6          0.016\n",
        "For N=7                         1088                           23.4          0.016\n",
        "For N=12                        515                            28.1          0.016\n",
        "For 60 deg Sector    Calls_per_hour_per_cellsite        Mean S_I ratio      SpecrtalEfficiency\n",
        "For N=3                         2628                           19.1          0.016\n",
        "For N=4                         1879                           21.6          0.016\n",
        "For N=7                          896                           26.4          0.016\n",
        "For N=12                         392                           31.1          0.016\n",
     "prompt_number": 22
   "metadata": {}