{ "metadata": { "name": "", "signature": "sha256:aaada7e9a1621c5448fcc2c4bafb69518918476f74efee2f04521ed97f085e1c" }, "nbformat": 3, "nbformat_minor": 0, "worksheets": [ { "cells": [ { "cell_type": "heading", "level": 1, "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Chapter 6: Heat Transfer by Natural convection" ] }, { "cell_type": "heading", "level": 2, "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Example 6.1, Page no:258" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "import math\n", "from __future__ import division\n", "\n", "#Variable declaration\n", "H = 0.5 ; #m\n", "Th = 100; #degree C\n", "Tl = 40; #degree C\n", "Pr = 0.694;\n", "k = 0.0297; #W/m K\n", "\n", "#calculations\n", "v = 20.02*10**-6 ; #m/s\n", "T = (Th+ Tl )/2 + 273 ; #K\n", "B = 1/T;\n", "Gr = 9.81* B *(( Th - Tl )*H**3) /(v**2) ;\n", "Ra = Gr*Pr;\n", "Nua = 0.64*( Gr**(1/4) )*( Pr**0.5) *((0.861+ Pr)**( -1/4) ); #Exact analysis\n", "Nub = 0.68*( Gr**(1/4) )*( Pr**0.5) *((0.952+ Pr)**( -1/4) ); #Integral method\n", "Nuc = 0.59*( Ra)**(1/4) ; #McAdams correlation\n", "Nud = 0.68 + 0.670*( Ra**(1/4) ) /(1+(0.492/ Pr)**(9/16))**(4/9) ; #Churchill and Chu correlation\n", "\n", "#result\n", "print\"Mean film temperature =\",round(T,4),\"K\";\n", "print\" ( a ) \";\n", "print\"Exact analysis\";\n", "print\"NuL =\",round(Nua,4);\n", "print\"\\n ( b ) \";\n", "print\"Integral method\";\n", "print\"NuL =\",round(Nub,4);\n", "print\"\\n ( c ) \";\n", "print\"McAdams correlation\";\n", "print\"NuL =\",round(Nuc,4);\n", "print\"\\n ( d ) \";\n", "print\"Churchill and Chu correlation\";\n", "print\"NuL =\",round(Nud,4);" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "Mean film temperature = 343.0 K\n", " ( a ) \n", "Exact analysis\n", "NuL = 72.6196\n", "\n", " ( b ) \n", "Integral method\n", "NuL = 76.0691\n", "\n", " ( c ) \n", "McAdams correlation\n", "NuL = 81.9066\n", "\n", " ( d ) \n", "Churchill and Chu correlation\n", "NuL = 71.887\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 1 }, { "cell_type": "heading", "level": 2, "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Example 6.3, Page no:260" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "import math\n", "from __future__ import division\n", "\n", "#Variable declaration\n", "s = 0.2 ; #m\n", "d = 0.005 ; #m\n", "rho = 7900 ; #kg/m^3\n", "Cp = 460 ; #J/kg K\n", "Tair = 20 ; #C\n", "Tavg = 380 ; #C\n", "Pr = 0.680 ;\n", "k = 0.0393 ; #W/m K\n", "h2 = 7.348 ; #W/m^2 K\n", "h3 = 6.780; #W/m^2 K\n", "\n", "#calculations\n", "Tm = ( Tavg + Tair )/2 ; #C\n", "v = 34.85*10**-6 ; #m^2/s\n", "Re = 9.81*1/(273+ Tm)*( Tavg - Tair )*(s**3) /(v**2) *Pr;\n", "Nu = 0.68 + 0.670*( Re**(1/4) ) /(1+(0.492/ Pr)**(4/9))**(4/9) ;\n", "h = Nu*k/s; #W/m^2 K\n", "t1 = rho*s*s*d*Cp /(( s**2) *2*h)* math.log ((430 - Tair )/(330 -Tair )); #s\n", "t2 = rho*s*s*d*Cp /(( s**2) *2* h2)* math.log ((330 - Tair )/(230 -Tair )); #s\n", "t3 = rho*s*s*d*Cp /(( s**2) *2* h3)* math.log ((230 - Tair )/(130 -Tair )); #s\n", "time = t1+t2+t3; #Total time\n", "minute = time /60;\n", "\n", "#result\n", "print\"Time required for the plate to cool from 430 C to 330 C is\",round(t1,4),\"s\";\n", "print\"Time required for the plate to cool from 330 C to 230 C is\",round(t2,4),\"s\";\n", "print\"Time required for the plate to cool from 230 C to 130 C is\",round(t3,4),\"s\";\n", "print\"Hence, time required for the plate to cool from 430 C to 130 C\";\n", "print\" =\",round(time,4),\"s\";\n", "print\" =\",round(minute,4),\"min\";" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "Time required for the plate to cool from 430 C to 330 C is 328.9673 s\n", "Time required for the plate to cool from 330 C to 230 C is 481.5307 s\n", "Time required for the plate to cool from 230 C to 130 C is 866.4613 s\n", "Hence, time required for the plate to cool from 430 C to 130 C\n", " = 1676.9593 s\n", " = 27.9493 min\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 2 }, { "cell_type": "heading", "level": 2, "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Example 6.4, Page no:264" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "import math\n", "from __future__ import division\n", "\n", "#Variable declaration\n", "D = 0.006 ; #m\n", "e = 0.1 ;\n", "Ti = 800 ; #C\n", "Ta = 1000 ; #C\n", "k = 0.0763 ; #W/m K\n", "Pr = 0.717 ;\n", "Ra2 = 6.42 ;\n", "Nu2 = 0.9841 ;\n", "h2 = 12.15 ;\n", "Ra3 = 6.93 ;\n", "Nu3 = 0.9963 ;\n", "h3 = 12.33 ;\n", "\n", "#calculations\n", "Tm = (Ta+Ti) /2;\n", "v = 155.1*10**-6 ; #m^2/s\n", "Gr = 9.81*1/1173*(200* D**3) /(v**2) ;\n", "Ra = Gr*Pr ;\n", "Nu = 0.36 + 0.518*( Ra**(1/4) ) /(1+(0.559/ Pr)**(9/16))**(4/9) ;\n", "h = Nu*k/D;\n", "x = h*(Ta -Ti); #W/m^2\n", "x2 = h2 *(900 -800) ;\n", "x3 = h3 *(910 -800) ;\n", "T = 900 + (910 -900) *(1306 - x2)/(x3 -x2); #Interpolation\n", "\n", "#result\n", "print\"Trial 1\";\n", "print\"Let Ta =10000 C\";\n", "print\"Value of h(Ta-800) =\",round(x,4),\"W/m^2, which is much larger than the required value of 1306 W/m^2\";\n", "print\"\\nTrial 2\";\n", "print\"Let Ta = 900 C\";\n", "print\"Value of h(Ta-800) =\",round(x2,4),\"W/m^2, which is a little less than the required value of 1306 W/m^2\";\n", "print\"\\nTrial 3\";\n", "print\"Let Ta = 910 C\";\n", "print\"Value of h(Ta-800) =\",round(x3,4),\"W/m^2 \\nThis value is little more than the required value of 1306 W/m^2\";\n", "print\"\\nThe correct value of Ta obtained by interpolation is\",round(T,4),\"C\";" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "Trial 1\n", "Let Ta =10000 C\n", "Value of h(Ta-800) = 2722.8585 W/m^2, which is much larger than the required value of 1306 W/m^2\n", "\n", "Trial 2\n", "Let Ta = 900 C\n", "Value of h(Ta-800) = 1215.0 W/m^2, which is a little less than the required value of 1306 W/m^2\n", "\n", "Trial 3\n", "Let Ta = 910 C\n", "Value of h(Ta-800) = 1356.3 W/m^2 \n", "This value is little more than the required value of 1306 W/m^2\n", "\n", "The correct value of Ta obtained by interpolation is 906.4402 C\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 3 }, { "cell_type": "heading", "level": 2, "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Example 6.5, Page no:269" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "import math\n", "from __future__ import division\n", "\n", "#Variable declaration\n", "Tp = 75 ; #Temperature of absorber plate , degree C\n", "Tc = 55 ; #Temperature of glass cover , degree C\n", "L = 0.025 ; #m\n", "H = 2 ; #m\n", "Y = 70 ; #degree\n", "k = 0.0294 ; #W/m K\n", "Pr = 0.695 ;\n", "\n", "#calculations\n", "a = 19/180*3.14 ; #Radians\n", "r = H/L ;\n", "Tavg = ( Tp +Tc) /2+273 ; #K\n", "v = 19.50*10**-6 ; #m^2/s\n", "Ra = 9.81*(1/ Tavg )*( Tp -Tc)*(L**3) /(v**2) *Pr*math.cos(a);\n", "Nu = 0.229*( Ra)**0.252;\n", "h = Nu*k/L ; #W/m^2 K\n", "Rate = h *2*1*( Tp -Tc); #W\n", "\n", "#result\n", "print\"Heat transfer rate =\",round(Rate,4),\"W\";" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "Heat transfer rate = 122.8843 W\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 4 }, { "cell_type": "heading", "level": 2, "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Example 6.6, Page no:270" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "collapsed": false, "input": [ "import math\n", "from __future__ import division\n", "\n", "#Variable declaration\n", "Tair = 30 ;\n", "D = 0.04 ;\n", "Ts = 70 ;\n", "V = 0.3 ;\n", "Pr = 0.698 ;\n", "k = 0.0283 ;\n", "\n", "#calculations\n", "Tm = ( Tair + Ts )/2 ;\n", "v = 17.95*10**-6 ;\n", "Gr = 9.81*1/323*( Ts - Tair )*(D**3) /v**2;\n", "Re = V*D/v ;\n", "X = Gr/Re**2 ;\n", "Nuforced = 0.3 + 0.62*( Re**0.5) *( Pr**(1/3) ) /((1+(0.4/Pr)**(2/3) )**(1/4))*(1+( Re /282000)**(5/8))**(4/5) ;\n", "Nu = Nuforced *(1+6.275*( X)**(7/4))**(1/7) ;\n", "h = Nu *(k/D);\n", "\n", "#result\n", "print\"Since Gr/Re^2 =\",round(X,4),\"is > 0.2, we have a combined convection situation.\";\n", "print\"The Average heat transfer coefficient =\",round(h,4),\"W/m^2 K\";" ], "language": "python", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "stream": "stdout", "text": [ "Since Gr/Re^2 = 0.5399 is > 0.2, we have a combined convection situation.\n", "The Average heat transfer coefficient = 10.8276 W/m^2 K\n" ] } ], "prompt_number": 5 } ], "metadata": {} } ] }