 "metadata": {
  "name": ""
 "nbformat": 3,
 "nbformat_minor": 0,
 "worksheets": [
   "cells": [
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h1>Chapter 8: Working with Strings & Standard Functions<h1>"
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.1, Page number: 236<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Display string without considering NULL character\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "name1 = 'SANJAY'\n",
      "#There is no null termination character in python\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Name1 = %s\"%(name1))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Name1 = SANJAY"
     "prompt_number": 23
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.2, Page number: 236<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Display successive strings\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "name1 = 'SANJAY'\n",
      "name2 = 'SANJAY'\n",
      "#There is no null termination character in python\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Name1 = %s\"%name1)\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nName2 = %s\"%(name2))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Name1 = SANJAY\n",
        "Name2 = SANJAY"
     "prompt_number": 21
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.3, Page number: 237<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Print \"WELCOME\" by using different formats of initialization \n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "#in python, string initialization can be done using single quotes and double quotes\n",
      "arr1 = 'WELCOME'\n",
      "arr2 = \"WELCOME\"\n",
      "arr3 = 'WELCOME'\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nArray1 = %s\"%(arr1))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nArray2 = %s\"%(arr2))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nArray3 = %s\"%(arr3))\n"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Array1 = WELCOME\n",
        "Array2 = WELCOME\n",
        "Array3 = WELCOME"
     "prompt_number": 24
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.4, Page number: 238<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Display the string 'PRABHAKAR' using various format specifications\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text = \"PRABHAKAR\"\n",
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "PRAB      \n",
        "  PRABHAKAR\n"
     "prompt_number": 25
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.5, Page number: 239<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Print the elements of the character array using while loop.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text = \"HAVE A NICE DAY\"\n",
      "i = 0\n",
      "#There is no null character for strings in python\n",
      "while i < 15:\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"%c\"%(text[i]))\n",
      "    i += 1"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "HAVE A NICE DAY"
     "prompt_number": 27
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.6, Page number: 239<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Print the elements of the character array.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text = \"HAVE A NICE DAY\"\n",
      "i = 0\n",
      "#There is no null character for strings in python\n",
      "while i < 15:\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"%c\"%(text[i]))\n",
      "    i += 1"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "HAVE A NICE DAY"
     "prompt_number": 28
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.7, Page number: 241<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Count the number of characters in a given string\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text = raw_input(\"Type Text Below\")\n",
      "len1 = len(text)    #since len in a built in function in python, len1 is used\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Length of String = %d\"%(len1))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Type Text BelowHello\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Length of String = 5"
     "prompt_number": 1
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.8, Page number: 241<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Determine the length of the string\n",
      "#and find its equivalent ASCII codes.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "name = raw_input(\"Enter your name : \")\n",
      "l = len(name)\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Your Name is %s & \"%(name))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"it contains %d characters\"%(l))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\n\\nName & it's Ascii Equivalent.\\n\")\n",
      "for i in range(0,l):\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\n%c\\t\\t%d\"%(name[i],ord(name[i])))   #ord() function is used to get the ASCII value of a character"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter your name : SACHIN\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Your Name is SACHIN & it contains 6 characters\n",
        "Name & it's Ascii Equivalent.\n",
     "prompt_number": 2
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.9, Page number: 242<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Remove the occurrences of 'The' word from entered text\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "j = 0\n",
      "line = raw_input(\"Enter Text Below.\")\n",
      "l = len(line)\n",
      "line2 = ['0' for i in range(0,80)]\n",
      "i = 0\n",
      "while i < l:\n",
      "    if (i >= l-4 or l ==3) and (line[l-4] == ' ' and line[l-3] == 't' and line[l-2] == 'h' and line[l-1] == 'e'):\n",
      "        continue\n",
      "    if line[i] == 't' and line[i+1] == 'h' and line[i+2] == 'e' and line[i+3] == ' ':\n",
      "        i += 3\n",
      "        continue\n",
      "    else:\n",
      "        line2[j] = line[i]\n",
      "        j += 1\n",
      "    i += 1\n",
      "        \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nText With 'The' -: %s\"%(line))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nText Without 'The' -: \")\n",
      "for l in range(0,j):\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"%c\"%(line2[l]))\n",
      "        "
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text Below.Printf write data to the screen.\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Text With 'The' -: Printf write data to the screen.\n",
        "Text Without 'The' -: Printf write data to  screen."
     "prompt_number": 3
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.10, Page number: 243<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Delete all the occurrences of vowels in a given text.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "j = 0\n",
      "line = raw_input(\"Enter Text Below.\")\n",
      "for i in range(0,len(line)):\n",
      "    if line[i] == 'a' or line[i] == 'e' or line[i] == 'i' or line[i] == 'o' or line[i] == 'u':\n",
      "        continue\n",
      "    else:\n",
      "        line2[j] = line[i]\n",
      "        j += 1\n",
      "      \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Text With Vowels -:  %s\"%(line))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nText Without Vowels -:  \")\n",
      "for l in range(0,j):                                  #There is no null terminating character in python, so we have to specify length\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"%c\"%(line2[l])) \n",
      "        "
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text Below.Have a nice day.\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Text With Vowels -:  Have a nice day.\n",
        "Text Without Vowels -:  Hv  nc dy."
     "prompt_number": 4
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.11, Page number: 244<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Find the length of characteres in a given string including and excluding spaces.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "i = 0\n",
      "len1 = 0       #Since len is a built in function in python, len1 is used\n",
      "ex = 0\n",
      "text = raw_input(\"Enter Text Here : \")\n",
      "while i != len(text)-1:           #There is no null terminating character in python.\n",
      "    if text[i] == ' ':\n",
      "        ex += 1\n",
      "    else:\n",
      "        len1 += 1\n",
      "    i += 1\n",
      "    \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nLengh of String Including Spaces : %d\"%(len1+ex))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nLengh of String Excluding Spaces : %d\"%(len1))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text Here : Time is Money.\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Lengh of String Including Spaces : 13\n",
        "Lengh of String Excluding Spaces : 11"
     "prompt_number": 5
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.12, Page number: 245<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Display the length of entered string and display it as per output shown.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "string = raw_input(\"Enter a String\")\n",
      "ln = len(string)\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nLength of Given String : %d\"%(ln))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nSequence of Characters Displayed on Screen\")\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\n======== == ========== ========= == ======\")\n",
      "for c in range(0,ln-2+1):\n",
      "    d = c + 1\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\t%.*s\\n\"%(d,string))\n",
      "for c in range(ln,0-1,-1):\n",
      "    d = c + 1\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\t%.*s\\n\"%(d,string))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter a StringHAPPY\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Length of Given String : 5\n",
        "Sequence of Characters Displayed on Screen\n",
        "======== == ========== ========= == ======\n",
     "prompt_number": 6
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.13, Page number: 247<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Copy contents of one string to another string by using strcpy()\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "ori = raw_input(\"Enter Your Name : \")\n",
      "dup = ori                  #In python, string values can be simply copied using assignment operator\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Original String : %s\"%(ori))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nDuplicate String : %s\"%(dup))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Your Name : SACHIN\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Original String : SACHIN\n",
        "Duplicate String : SACHIN"
     "prompt_number": 7
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.14, Page number: 247<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Copy contents of one string to another, without strcpy() function.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "ori = raw_input(\"Enter Your Name : \")\n",
      "dup = ori                  #In python, string values can be simply copied using assignment operator\n",
      "    \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Original String : %s\"%(ori))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nDuplicate String : %s\"%(dup))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Your Name : SACHIN\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Original String : SACHIN\n",
        "Duplicate String : SACHIN"
     "prompt_number": 8
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.15, Page number: 248<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Copy source string to destination string upto a specified length.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "str1 = raw_input(\"Enter Source String : \")\n",
      "str2 = raw_input(\"Enter Destination String : \")\n",
      "n = int(raw_input(\"Enter Number of Characters to Replace in Destination String :\"))\n",
      "str2 = str1[:n] + str2[n:]         #Since python strings are not mutable, first and second array elements to be added to make a new one\n",
      "    \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Source String -: %s\"%(str1))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nDestination String -: %s\"%(str2))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Source String : wonderful\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Destination String : beautiful\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Number of Characters to Replace in Destination String :6\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Source String -: wonderful\n",
        "Destination String -: wonderful"
     "prompt_number": 10
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.16, Page number: 249<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Compare the two string using stricmp() function. \n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "sr = raw_input(\"Enter String(1) :\")\n",
      "tar = raw_input(\"Enter String(2) :\")\n",
      "diff = (sr == tar)           #in python, relational operators can be used directly\n",
      "if diff == 0:\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"The Two Strings are Identical.\")\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"The Tow Strings are Different\")"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter String(1) :HELLO\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter String(2) :hello\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "The Two Strings are Identical."
     "prompt_number": 11
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.17, Page number: 250<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Perform following.\n",
      "#  1.  Display the question \"What is the Unit of Traffic?\"\n",
      "#  2.  Accept the Answer.\n",
      "#  3.  If the answer is wrong (other than Earlang) display \"Try again!\" & continues to answer.\n",
      "#  4.  Otherwise, if it is correct \"Earlang\" display the message \"Answer is correct\".\n",
      "#  5.  If the user gives correct anser in first two attempts the program will terminate.\n",
      "#  6.  If the user fails to provide correct answer in three attempts the program itself gives the answer.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Calculation & Result\n",
      "for i in range(0,3):\n",
      "    ans = raw_input(\"What is the Unit of Traffic ?\")\n",
      "    \n",
      "    if ans == \"Earlang\":\n",
      "        sys.stdout.write(\"\\nAnswer is Correct.\")\n",
      "    else:\n",
      "        if i < 3:\n",
      "            sys.stdout.write(\"\\nTry Again !\\n\")\n",
      "            \n",
      "if i == 3:\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\nUnit of Traffic is Earlang.\")"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "What is the Unit of Traffic ?Earlan\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Try Again !\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "What is the Unit of Traffic ?Earlam\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Try Again !\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "What is the Unit of Traffic ?Earlang\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Answer is Correct."
     "prompt_number": 13
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.18, Page number: 252<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Compare two strings upto specified length.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "sr = raw_input(\"Enter String(1):\")\n",
      "tar = raw_input(\"Enter String(2):\")\n",
      "n = int(raw_input(\"Enter Lenght upto which comparison is to be made\"))\n",
      "#Calculation & Result\n",
      "diff = (sr == tar[:n])\n",
      "if diff == 0:\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"The Two Strings are Identical upto %d characters.\"%(n))\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"The Two Strings are Different\")\n",
      "    "
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter String(1):HELLO\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter String(2):HE MAN\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Lenght upto which comparison is to be made2\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "The Two Strings are Identical upto 2 characters."
     "prompt_number": 14
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.19, Page number: 253<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Compare two strings and display the position in which it is different.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "diff = 0\n",
      "sr = raw_input(\"Enter String(1) :\")\n",
      "tar = raw_input(\"Enter String(2) :\")\n",
      "for i in range(0,len(sr)):\n",
      "    if sr[i] != tar[i]:\n",
      "        sys.stdout.write(\"%c  %c\\n\"%(sr[i],tar[i]))\n",
      "        diff += 1\n",
      "        \n",
      "if len(sr) == len(tar) and diff == 0:\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\nThe Two Strings are Identical\")\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\nThe Two Strings are Different at %d places.\"%(diff))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter String(1) :BEST LUCK\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter String(2) :GOOD LUCK\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "B  G\n",
        "E  O\n",
        "S  O\n",
        "T  D\n",
        "The Two Strings are Different at 4 places."
     "prompt_number": 15
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.20, Page number: 254<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Convert upper case string to lower case using strlwr().\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "upper = raw_input(\"Enter a string in Upper case :\")\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"After strlwr() : %s\"%(upper.lower()))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter a string in Upper case :ABCDEFG\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "After strlwr() : abcdefg"
     "prompt_number": 16
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.21, Page number: 254<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Convert Lower case string to upper case using strupr()\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "upper = raw_input(\"Enter a string in Lower Case :\")\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"After strupr() : %s\"%(upper.upper()))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter a string in Lower Case :abcdefg\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "After strupr() : ABCDEFG"
     "prompt_number": 17
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.22, Page number: 255<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Display the duplicate string using strdup() function\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text1 = raw_input(\"Enter Text : \")\n",
      "text2 = text1              #in python, a string can be duplicated by just using the assignment operator\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Original String = %s\\nDuplicate String = %s\"%(text1,text2))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text : Today is a Good Day.\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Original String = Today is a Good Day.\n",
        "Duplicate String = Today is a Good Day."
     "prompt_number": 18
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.23, Page number: 256<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Find first occurrence of a given character in a given string. \n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "string = raw_input(\"Enter Text Below :\")\n",
      "ch = raw_input(\"Character to find :\")\n",
      "chp = string.count(ch)\n",
      "if chp:\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"Character %s found in string\"%(ch))\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"Character %s not found in string\"%(ch))\n"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text Below :Hello Begineers.\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Character to find :r\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Character r found in string"
     "prompt_number": 19
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.24, Page number: 257<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Find first occurrence of a given character in a given string and display the memory location. \n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "line1 = raw_input(\"Enter Text :\")\n",
      "line2 = raw_input(\"Enter Character to find from the text : \")\n",
      "for i in range(0,len(line1)):\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"%c  %d\\n\"%(line1[i],id(line1[i])))\n",
      "chp = line1.count(line2)\n",
      "if chp:\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\nAddress of first %s returned by strchr() is %d\"%(line2,id(line1[chp])))\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"'%s' String is not present in Given String \"%(line2))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text :HELLO\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Character to find from the text : L\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "H  20382328\n",
        "E  20384080\n",
        "L  19678272\n",
        "L  19678272\n",
        "O  20198416\n",
        "Address of first L returned by strchr() is 19678272"
     "prompt_number": 20
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.25, Page number: 258<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Find the occurrence of second string in the first string.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "line1 = raw_input(\"Enter Line1 :\")\n",
      "line2 = raw_input(\"Enter Line2 :\")\n",
      "#Calculation & Result\n",
      "chp = line1.count(line2)\n",
      "if chp:\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"'%s' String is present in Given String.\"%(line2))\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"'%s' String is not present in Given String.\"%(line2))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Line1 :INDIA IS MY COUNTRY.\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Line2 :INDIA\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "'INDIA' String is present in Given String."
     "prompt_number": 21
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.26, Page number: 259<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Append second string at the end of first string using strcat() function\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text1 = raw_input(\"Enter Text1 :\")\n",
      "text2 = raw_input(\"Enter Text2 :\")\n",
      "#Calculation and Result\n",
      "text1 = text1 + \" \" + text2        #in python, '+' operator can also be used for string concatenation\n",
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text1 :I Am\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text2 :an Indian\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "I Am an Indian"
     "prompt_number": 22
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.27, Page number: 259<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Concatenate two strings without use of standard functions.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "fname = raw_input(\"First Name :\")\n",
      "sname = raw_input(\"Second Name :\")\n",
      "lname = raw_input(\"Last Name :\")\n",
      "name = fname + \" \" + sname + \" \" + lname\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nComplete Name After Concatenation.\\n\")\n",
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "First Name :MOHAN\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Second Name :KARAMCHAND\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Last Name :GANDHI\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Complete Name After Concatenation.\n",
     "prompt_number": 23
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.28, Page number: 261<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Append second string with specified (n) number of characters at the end of first string.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text1 = raw_input(\"Enter Text1 :\")\n",
      "text2 = raw_input(\"Enter Text2 :\")\n",
      "n = int(raw_input(\"Enter Number of Characters to Add :\"))\n",
      "#Calculation & Result\n",
      "text1 = text1 + \" \" + text2[:n]\n",
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text1 :MAY I\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text2 :COME IN ?\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Number of Characters to Add :4\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "MAY I COME\n"
     "prompt_number": 24
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.29, Page number: 261<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Reverse of the given string.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text = raw_input(\"Enter String\")\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Reverse String\\n\")\n",
      "text = text[::-1]\n",
      "#This is extended slice syntax. It works by doing [begin:end:step] \n",
      "#by leaving begin and end off and specifying a step of -1, it reverses a string.\n",
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter StringABCDEFGHI\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Reverse String\n",
     "prompt_number": 25
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.30, Page number: 262<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Reverse of the given string.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text = raw_input(\"Enter String\")\n",
      "i = 0\n",
      "while i < len(text):\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\n%c is stored at location %d\"%(text[i],id(text[i])))\n",
      "    i += 1\n",
      "    \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nReverse String :- \")\n",
      "text = text[::-1]\n",
      "#This is extended slice syntax. It works by doing [begin:end:step] \n",
      "#by leaving begin and end off and specifying a step of -1, it reverses a string.\n",
      "i = 0\n",
      "while i < len(text):\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\n%c is stored at location %d\"%(text[i],id(text[i])))\n",
      "    i += 1\n",
      "#Memory address differs in different systems"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter StringABC\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "A is stored at location 20383432\n",
        "B is stored at location 20198992\n",
        "C is stored at location 20199040\n",
        "Reverse String :- CBA\n",
        "C is stored at location 20199040\n",
        "B is stored at location 20198992\n",
        "A is stored at location 20383432"
     "prompt_number": 26
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.31, Page number: 263<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Replace (set) given string with given symbol. \n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "string = raw_input(\"Enter String :\")\n",
      "symbol = raw_input(\"Enter Symbol for Replacement : \")\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Before strset(): %s\\n\"%(string))\n",
      "string = symbol*len(string)\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"After strset() : %s\"%(string))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter String :LEARN C\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Symbol for Replacement : Y\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Before strset(): LEARN C\n",
        "After strset() : YYYYYYY"
     "prompt_number": 27
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.32, Page number: 264<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Replace (set) given string with given symbol for given number of arguments.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "string = raw_input(\"Enter String :\")\n",
      "symbol = raw_input(\"Enter Symbol for Replacement : \")\n",
      "n = int(raw_input(\"How many String Character to be replaced.\"))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Before strset() : %s\\n\"%(string))\n",
      "string = symbol * n + string[n:]\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"After strset() : %s\\n\"%(string))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter String :ABCDEFGHIJ\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Symbol for Replacement : +\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "How many String Character to be replaced.4\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Before strset() : ABCDEFGHIJ\n",
        "After strset() : ++++EFGHIJ\n"
     "prompt_number": 28
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.33, Page number: 265<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Display the position from which the two strings are different.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "stra = raw_input(\"First String : \")\n",
      "strb = raw_input(\"Second String : \")\n",
      "#There is no built in function for python to check upto which position the strings are equal.\n",
      "for length in range(min(len(stra), len(strb))):\n",
      "        if stra[length] != strb[length]:\n",
      "            break\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"After %d Characters there is no match.\"%(length))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "First String : GOOD MORNING\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Second String : GOOD BYE\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "After 5 Characters there is no match."
     "prompt_number": 29
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.34, Page number: 266<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Print given string from first occurrence of given character.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text1 = raw_input(\"Enter String : \")\n",
      "text2 = raw_input(\"Enter Character :\")\n",
      "for length in range(0,len(text1)):\n",
      "        if text1[length] == text2[0]:\n",
      "            break\n",
      "            \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"String from given Character : %s\"%(text1[length:]))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter String : INDIA IS GREAT\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Character :G\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "String from given Character : GREAT"
     "prompt_number": 30
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.35, Page number: 266<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Count a character that appears in a given text\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "i = 0\n",
      "count = 0\n",
      "text = raw_input(\"Type Text Below.\")\n",
      "find = raw_input(\"Type a character to count : \")\n",
      "while i < len(text):             #There is no null terminating character for python string\n",
      "    if text[i] == find:\n",
      "        count += 1\n",
      "    i += 1\n",
      "    \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nCharacter (%s) found in Given String = %d Times.\"%(find,count))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Type Text Below.Programming\n"
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Type a character to count : m\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Character (m) found in Given String = 2 Times."
     "prompt_number": 32
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.36, Page number: 267<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Count the character 'm' in a given string.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "count = 0\n",
      "text = raw_input(\"\")  #it is easy to get string at once in python\n",
      "for i in range(0,len(text)):\n",
      "    if text[i] == '\\n':\n",
      "        break\n",
      "    else:\n",
      "        if text[i] == 'm':\n",
      "            count += 1\n",
      "            \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\n\\nCharacter 'm' Found in Text = %d times.\"%(count))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Programming is a skill.\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Programming is a skill.\n",
        "Character 'm' Found in Text = 2 times."
     "prompt_number": 33
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.37, Page number: 268<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Count the characters 'm', 'r', and 'o' that appears in a string without using any functions\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "text = \"Programming is good habit\"\n",
      "m = 0\n",
      "o = 0\n",
      "r = 0\n",
      "for i in range(0,len(text)):\n",
      "    if text[i] == 'm':\n",
      "        m += 1\n",
      "    if text[i] == 'r':\n",
      "        r += 1\n",
      "    if text[i] == 'o':\n",
      "        o += 1\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nCharacter 'm' Found in Text = %d times.\\n\"%(m))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nCharacter 'r' Found in Text = %d times.\\n\"%(r))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nCharacter 'o' Found in Text = %d times.\"%(o))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Character 'm' Found in Text = 2 times.\n",
        "Character 'r' Found in Text = 2 times.\n",
        "Character 'o' Found in Text = 3 times."
     "prompt_number": 46
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.38, Page number: 269<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Copy contents of one string to another string\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "ori = raw_input(\"Enter Your Name :\")\n",
      "#Since strings in python are immutable, individual character assignment is not possible.\n",
      "#but assignment operator simply copies the entire string to another\n",
      "dup = ori\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Original String : %s\"%(ori))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nDuplicate String : %s\"%(dup))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Your Name :SACHIN\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Original String : SACHIN\n",
        "Duplicate String : SACHIN"
     "prompt_number": 34
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.39, Page number: 270<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Palindrome or not.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "i = 0\n",
      "str1 = raw_input(\"Enter the word : \")   #Since str is a keyword in python, str1 is used\n",
      "j = len(str1)-1\n",
      "while i < j:\n",
      "    if str1[i] == str1[j]:\n",
      "        test = 1\n",
      "    else:\n",
      "        test = 0\n",
      "        break\n",
      "    i += 1\n",
      "    j -= 1\n",
      "    \n",
      "if test == 1:\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"Word is palindrome.\")\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\nWord is not Palindrome.\")"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter the word : ABBA\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Word is palindrome."
     "prompt_number": 35
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.40, Page number: 271<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Compare the string using strcmp() function and display their ASCII difference.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "a1 = \"NAGPUR\"\n",
      "a2 = \"NAGPUR\"\n",
      "a3 = \"PANDHARPUR\"\n",
      "a4 = \"KOLHAPUR\"\n",
      "a5 = \"AURANGABAD\"\n",
      "a6 = \"HYDERABAD\"\n",
      "#There is no built in function which returns the ascii value differece of two strings\n",
      "#ord function gives the ascii value of a character\n",
      "c1 = ord(a1[0]) - ord(a2[0])\n",
      "c2 = ord(a3[0]) - ord(a4[0])\n",
      "c3 = ord(a5[0]) - ord(a6[0])\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nAscii Difference between two strings\\n\")\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Difference between (%s %s) = %d\\n\"%(a1,a2,c1))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Difference between (%s %s) = %d\\n\"%(a3,a4,c2))\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Difference between (%s %s) = %d\\n\"%(a5,a6,c3))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Ascii Difference between two strings\n",
        "Difference between (NAGPUR NAGPUR) = 0\n",
        "Difference between (PANDHARPUR KOLHAPUR) = 5\n",
        "Difference between (AURANGABAD HYDERABAD) = -7\n"
     "prompt_number": 53
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.41, Page number: 272<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Sort city names alphabetically.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "city = [['0' for i in range(5)]for i in range(20)]\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Enter Names of Cities.  \")\n",
      "for i in range(5):\n",
      "    city[i] = raw_input(\"\")\n",
      "    \n",
      "#Sorting & Result\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Sorted List of Cities.\\n\\n\")\n",
      "for i in range(65,122+1):\n",
      "    for j in range(0,5):\n",
      "        if ord(city[j][0]) == i:\n",
      "            sys.stdout.write(\"\\n%s\"%(city[j]))\n"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Names of Cities.  "
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Sorted List of Cities.\n",
     "prompt_number": 37
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.42, Page number: 273<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Sort city names alphabetically\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "city = [['0' for i in range(5)]for i in range(20)]\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Enter Names of Cities.  \")\n",
      "for i in range(5):\n",
      "    city[i] = raw_input(\"\")\n",
      "    \n",
      "#Sorting & Result\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Sorted List of Cities.\\n\\n\")\n",
      "for i in range(0,5):\n",
      "    for j in range(0,5):\n",
      "        if city[j-1] > city[j]:\n",
      "            temp = city[j-1]\n",
      "            city[j-1] = city[j]\n",
      "            city[j] = temp\n",
      "            \n",
      "for i in range(0,5):\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\n%s\"%(city[i]))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Names of Cities.  "
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Sorted List of Cities.\n",
     "prompt_number": 38
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.43, Page number: 274<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Find number of words in a given statement.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "count = 1                #Counts the starting word\n",
      "i = 0\n",
      "text = raw_input(\"Enter The Line of Text\\nGive One Space After Each Word\")\n",
      "while i < len(text):      #There is no null terminating character in python\n",
      "    if ord(text[i]) == 32:\n",
      "        count += 1\n",
      "    i += 1\n",
      "        \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"\\nThe Number of words in line = %d\"%(count))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter The Line of Text\n",
        "Give One Space After Each WordRead Books\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "The Number of words in line = 2"
     "prompt_number": 40
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.44, Page number: 275<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Find number of words in a given statement.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "count = 0          \n",
      "i = 0\n",
      "text = raw_input(\"Enter Text Below :\")\n",
      "while i < len(text):     #There is no null terminating character in python for strings\n",
      "    if ord(text[i]) >= 97 and ord(text[i]) <= 122 or ord(text[i]) >= 65 and ord(text[i]) <= 90:\n",
      "        i += 1\n",
      "        continue\n",
      "    if ord(text[i]) == 32:\n",
      "        count += 1\n",
      "        i += 1\n",
      "        continue\n",
      "if i == len(text):\n",
      "    count += 1\n",
      "    \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"The Number of words in line = %d\"%(count))\n",
      "    "
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter Text Below :Reading is a good Habit\n"
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "The Number of words in line = 5"
     "prompt_number": 41
     "cell_type": "markdown",
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "<h3>Example 8.45, Page number: 276<h3>"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Sort the last name of mobile customers alphabetically.\n",
      "import sys\n",
      "#Variable Initialization\n",
      "fname = [['0' for i in range(20)] for i in range(10)]\n",
      "sname = [['0' for i in range(20)] for i in range(10)]\n",
      "surname = [['0' for i in range(20)] for i in range(10)]\n",
      "name = [['0' for i in range(20)] for i in range(20)]\n",
      "mobile = [['0' for i in range(20)] for i in range(10)]\n",
      "temp = ['0' for i in range(20)]\n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"Enter First Name, Second Name, surname and Mobile Number \")\n",
      "for i in range(0,5):\n",
      "    fname[i] = raw_input(\"\")\n",
      "    sname[i] = raw_input(\"\")\n",
      "    surname[i] = raw_input(\"\")\n",
      "    mobile[i] = raw_input(\"\")\n",
      "    \n",
      "    name[i] = surname[i] + \" \" \n",
      "    temp[0] = fname[i][0]\n",
      "    name[i] = name[i] + temp[0] + \".\"\n",
      "    temp[0] = sname[i][0]\n",
      "    name[i] = name[i] + temp[0]\n",
      "    \n",
      "for i in range(0,5):\n",
      "    for j in range(1,5-i):\n",
      "        if name[j-1] > name[j]:\n",
      "            temp = name[j-1]\n",
      "            name[j-1] = name[j]\n",
      "            name[j] = temp\n",
      "            temp = mobile[j-1]\n",
      "            mobile[j-1] = mobile[j]\n",
      "            mobile[j] = temp\n",
      "            \n",
      "sys.stdout.write(\"List of Customers in alphanetical Order.\")\n",
      "for i in range(0,5):\n",
      "    sys.stdout.write(\"\\n%-20s\\t %-10s\\n\"%(name[i],mobile[i]))"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter First Name, Second Name, surname and Mobile Number "
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "name": "stdout",
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "List of Customers in alphanetical Order.\n",
        "CHATE J.M           \t 658963    \n",
        "GORE M.M            \t 660585    \n",
        "JAIN L.K            \t 547855    \n",
        "JOSHI J.J           \t 354258    \n",
        "MORE K.S            \t 458454    \n"
     "prompt_number": 43
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [],
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": []
   "metadata": {}