 "metadata": {
  "name": "Chapter IX"
 "nbformat": 3,
 "nbformat_minor": 0,
 "worksheets": [
   "cells": [
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 1,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Chapter 9: Working with structures"
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 3,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Program 9.1, Page number: 167"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "def main():\n",
      "        #Class Declaration\n",
      "        class date:\n",
      "                'python classes are equivalent to C structures'\n",
      "                def __init__(self):                     #Class Constructor\n",
      "                        #Set default values\n",
      "                        self.month=0\n",
      "                        self.day=0\n",
      "                        self.year=0\n",
      "        #Creating instance\n",
      "        today=date()     \n",
      " \n",
      "        #Modifying values\n",
      "        today.month=9       \n",
      "        today.day=25\n",
      "        today.year=2004\n",
      "        #Result\n",
      "        print(\"Today's date is {0}/{1}/{2}\".format(today.month,today.day,today.year%100));\n",
      "if __name__=='__main__':\n",
      "        main()"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Today's date is 9/25/4\n"
     "prompt_number": 1
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 3,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Program 9.2, Page number: 169"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "def main():\n",
      "        #Class Declaration\n",
      "        class date:\n",
      "                def __init__(self):   #Class Constructor\n",
      "                        #Default values\n",
      "                        month=0\n",
      "                        day=0\n",
      "                        year=0\n",
      "        #creating instances\n",
      "        today=date()\n",
      "        tomorrow=date()\n",
      "        #List Declaration\n",
      "        daysPerMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ]\n",
      "        \n",
      "        print(\"Enter today's date (mm/dd/yyyy):\")\n",
      "        today.month,today.day,today.year=map(int,\"12/17/2004\".split('/'))\n",
      "        #today.month,today.day,today.year=map(int,raw_input().split('/'))\n",
      "        #Calculations\n",
      "        if( today.day != daysPerMonth[today.month - 1] ):\n",
      "                tomorrow.day = today.day + 1;\n",
      "                tomorrow.month = today.month;\n",
      "                tomorrow.year = today.year;\n",
      "        elif( today.month == 12 ):\n",
      "                tomorrow.day = 1;\n",
      "                tomorrow.month = 1;\n",
      "                tomorrow.year = today.year + 1;\n",
      "        else:\n",
      "                tomorrow.day = 1;\n",
      "                tomorrow.month = today.month + 1;\n",
      "                tomorrow.year = today.year;\n",
      "        #Result\n",
      "        print(\"Tomorrow's date is {0}/{1}/{2}\\n\".format(tomorrow.month,tomorrow.day,tomorrow.year));\n",
      "if __name__=='__main__':\n",
      "        main()"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter today's date (mm/dd/yyyy):\n",
        "Tomorrow's date is 12/18/2004\n",
     "prompt_number": 2
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 3,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Program 9.3, Page number: 171"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "class date:\n",
      "        def __init__(self):   #Class Constructor\n",
      "                #Default values\n",
      "                month=0\n",
      "                day=0\n",
      "                year=0\n",
      " \n",
      "def main():\n",
      "       #creating instances\n",
      "        today=date()\n",
      "        tomorrow=date()\n",
      "        print(\"Enter today's date (mm/dd/yyyy):\")\n",
      "        today.month,today.day,today.year=map(int,\"2/28/2004\".split('/'))\n",
      "        #today.month,today.day,today.year=map(int,raw_input().split('/'))\n",
      "        #Calculations\n",
      "        if( today.day != numberOfDays(today) ):\n",
      "                tomorrow.day = today.day + 1;\n",
      "                tomorrow.month = today.month;\n",
      "                tomorrow.year = today.year;\n",
      "        elif( today.month == 12 ):\n",
      "                tomorrow.day = 1;\n",
      "                tomorrow.month = 1;\n",
      "                tomorrow.year = today.year + 1;\n",
      "        else:\n",
      "                tomorrow.day = 1;\n",
      "                tomorrow.month = today.month + 1;\n",
      "                tomorrow.year = today.year;\n",
      "        #Result\n",
      "        print(\"Tomorrow's date is {0}/{1}/{2}\\n\".format(tomorrow.month,tomorrow.day,tomorrow.year));\n",
      "def numberOfDays(d):\n",
      "        \n",
      "        #List Declaration\n",
      "        daysPerMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ]\n",
      "        if(isLeapYear(d)==True and d.month==2):\n",
      "                days=29\n",
      "        else:\n",
      "                days = daysPerMonth[d.month - 1];\n",
      "        return days\n",
      "def isLeapYear(d):\n",
      "        if ( (d.year % 4 == 0 and d.year % 100 != 0) or  d.year % 400 == 0 ):\n",
      "                leapYearFlag = True        # Its a leap year\n",
      "        else:\n",
      "                leapYearFlag = False       # Not a leap year\n",
      "        \n",
      "        return leapYearFlag;\n",
      "if __name__=='__main__':\n",
      "        main()"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter today's date (mm/dd/yyyy):\n",
        "Tomorrow's date is 2/29/2004\n",
     "prompt_number": 3
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 3,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Program 9.4, Page number: 174"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "class date:\n",
      "        def __init__(self):   #Class Constructor\n",
      "                #Default values\n",
      "                month=0\n",
      "                day=0\n",
      "                year=0\n",
      " \n",
      "        def dateUpdate(self,today):\n",
      "                #Calculations                \n",
      "                tomorrow=date()\n",
      "                if( today.day != numberOfDays(today) ):\n",
      "                        tomorrow.day = today.day + 1;\n",
      "                        tomorrow.month = today.month;\n",
      "                        tomorrow.year = today.year;\n",
      "                elif( today.month == 12 ):\n",
      "                        tomorrow.day = 1;\n",
      "                        tomorrow.month = 1;\n",
      "                        tomorrow.year = today.year + 1;\n",
      "                else:\n",
      "                        tomorrow.day = 1;\n",
      "                        tomorrow.month = today.month + 1;\n",
      "                        tomorrow.year = today.year;\n",
      "             \n",
      "                return tomorrow\n",
      "def main():\n",
      "       #creating instances\n",
      "        thisDay=date()\n",
      "        nextDay=date()\n",
      "        \n",
      "        print(\"Enter today's date (mm/dd/yyyy):\")\n",
      "        thisDay.month,thisDay.day,thisDay.year=map(int,\"2/22/2004\".split('/'))\n",
      "        #thisDay.month,thisDay.day,thisDay.year=map(int,raw_input().split('/'))\n",
      "        nextDay=thisDay.dateUpdate(thisDay)\n",
      "        #Result\n",
      "        print(\"Tomorrow's date is {0}/{1}/{2}\\n\".format(nextDay.month,nextDay.day,nextDay.year));\n",
      "def numberOfDays(d):\n",
      "        \n",
      "        #List Declaration\n",
      "        daysPerMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 ]\n",
      "        if(isLeapYear(d)==True and d.month==2):\n",
      "                days=29\n",
      "        else:\n",
      "                days = daysPerMonth[d.month - 1];\n",
      "        return days\n",
      "def isLeapYear(d):\n",
      "        if ( (d.year % 4 == 0 and d.year % 100 != 0) or  d.year % 400 == 0 ):\n",
      "                leapYearFlag = True        # Its a leap year\n",
      "        else:\n",
      "                leapYearFlag = False       # Not a leap year\n",
      "        \n",
      "        return leapYearFlag;\n",
      "if __name__=='__main__':\n",
      "        main()"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter today's date (mm/dd/yyyy):\n",
        "Tomorrow's date is 2/23/2004\n",
     "prompt_number": 4
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 3,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Program 9.5, Page number: 178"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "class time:\n",
      "        def __init__(self):\n",
      "                hour=0\n",
      "                minutes=0\n",
      "                seconds=0\n",
      "        def timeUpdate(self,now):\n",
      "                #Calculation\n",
      "                now.seconds+=1\n",
      "                if ( now.seconds == 60):             #next minute\n",
      "                        now.seconds = 0\n",
      "                        now.minutes+=1   \n",
      "                        if ( now.minutes == 60 ):            #next hour\n",
      "                                now.minutes = 0\n",
      "                                now.hour+=1;\n",
      "                                if ( now.hour == 24 ):                 #  midnight\n",
      "                                        now.hour = 0\n",
      "        \n",
      "                return now\n",
      "def main():\n",
      "        #Creating instances\n",
      "        currentTime=time()\n",
      "        nextTime=time()\n",
      "        #User Input\n",
      "        print(\"Enter the time (hh:mm:ss):\")\n",
      "        currentTime.hour,currentTime.minutes,currentTime.seconds=map(int,\"16:14:59\".split(':'))\n",
      "        #currentTime.hour,currentTime.minutes,currentTime.seconds=map(int,raw_input().split(':'))\n",
      "        \n",
      "        nextTime =currentTime.timeUpdate (currentTime);\n",
      "        \n",
      "        #Result\n",
      "        print(\"Updated time is {0}:{1}:{2}\\n\".format(nextTime.hour,nextTime.minutes,nextTime.seconds))\n",
      "if __name__=='__main__':\n",
      "        main()"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Enter the time (hh:mm:ss):\n",
        "Updated time is 16:15:0\n",
     "prompt_number": 6
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 3,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Program 9.6, Page number: 183"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "import sys\n",
      "class time:\n",
      "        def __init__(self,h,m,s):\n",
      "                #Variable Declarations\n",
      "                self.hour=h\n",
      "                self.minutes=m\n",
      "                self.seconds=s\n",
      "        def timeUpdate(self,now):\n",
      "                #Calculation\n",
      "                now.seconds+=1\n",
      "                if ( now.seconds == 60):             #next minute\n",
      "                        now.seconds = 0\n",
      "                        now.minutes+=1   \n",
      "                        if ( now.minutes == 60 ):            #next hour\n",
      "                                now.minutes = 0\n",
      "                                now.hour+=1;\n",
      "                                if ( now.hour == 24 ):                 #  midnight\n",
      "                                        now.hour = 0\n",
      "        \n",
      "                return now\n",
      "def main():\n",
      "        #Creating instances\n",
      "        testTimes = []\n",
      "        testTimes.append(time(11,59,59))\n",
      "        testTimes.append(time(12,0,0))\n",
      "        testTimes.append(time(1,29,59))\n",
      "        testTimes.append(time(23,59,59))\n",
      "        testTimes.append(time(19,12,27))\n",
      "        #Result\n",
      "        for i in range(0,5):\n",
      "               \n",
      "                sys.stdout.write(\"Time is {0:2}:{1:2}:{2:2}  \".format(testTimes[i].hour,testTimes[i].minutes,testTimes[i].seconds))\n",
      "                nextTime =testTimes[i].timeUpdate(testTimes[i])\n",
      "        \n",
      "        \n",
      "                sys.stdout.write(\"...one second later it's {0:2}:{1:2}:{2:2}\\n\".format(testTimes[i].hour,testTimes[i].minutes,testTimes[i].seconds))\n",
      "if __name__=='__main__':\n",
      "        main()"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Time is 11:59:59  ...one second later it's 12: 0: 0\n",
        "Time is 12: 0: 0  ...one second later it's 12: 0: 1\n",
        "Time is  1:29:59  ...one second later it's  1:30: 0\n",
        "Time is 23:59:59  ...one second later it's  0: 0: 0\n",
        "Time is 19:12:27  ...one second later it's 19:12:28\n"
     "prompt_number": 2
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 3,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Program 9.7, Page number: 188"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "def main():\n",
      "        #Class Declaration\n",
      "        class month:\n",
      "                def __init__(self,n,na):                 #Class Constructor\n",
      "                        self.numberOfDays=n\n",
      "                        self.name=na\n",
      "        #List Declaration\n",
      "        months=[]\n",
      "        months.append(month(31,['j','a','n']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(28,['f','e','b']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(31,['m','a','r']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(30,['a','p','r']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(31,['m','a','y']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(30,['j','u','n']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(31,['j','u','l']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(31,['a','u','g']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(30,['s','e','p']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(31,['o','c','t']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(30,['n','o','v']))\n",
      "        months.append(month(31,['d','e','c']))\n",
      "        \n",
      "        \n",
      "        #Result\n",
      "        print(\"Month     NumberOfDays\")\n",
      "        print(\"-----     ------------\")\n",
      "        for i in range (0,12):\n",
      "                 print(\"{0}{1}{2}           {3}\\n\".format(months[i].name[0],months[i].name[1],months[i].name[2], months[i].numberOfDays))\n",
      "if __name__=='__main__':\n",
      "        main()"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Month     NumberOfDays\n",
        "-----     ------------\n",
        "jan           31\n",
        "feb           28\n",
        "mar           31\n",
        "apr           30\n",
        "may           31\n",
        "jun           30\n",
        "jul           31\n",
        "aug           31\n",
        "sep           30\n",
        "oct           31\n",
        "nov           30\n",
        "dec           31\n",
     "prompt_number": 3
   "metadata": {}