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   "cells": [
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 1,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "chapter08:Microwave Tubes and Circuits"
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.1, Page number 336"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate dc electron velocity,dc Phase Constant,Plasma Frequency,Reduced Plasma Frequency,dc beam current density,instantaneous beam current density \n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "Vo = 14.5*10**3      #beam voltage(V)\n",
      "i = 1.4              #beam current(A)\n",
      "f = 10*10**9         #frequency(Hz)\n",
      "rho_o = 10**-6       #dc electron charge density(c/m^3)\n",
      "rho = 10**-8         #RF charge density(c/m^3)\n",
      "V = 10**5            #velocity perturbations(m/s)\n",
      "eo = 8.854*10**-12\n",
      "R = 0.4\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "vo = 0.593*10**6*math.sqrt(Vo)        #dc electron velocity\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "w = 2.*math.pi*f\n",
      "ip = w/vo                             #dc phase current\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "wp = math.sqrt((1.759*10**11*rho_o)/eo)\n",
      "#Part d\n",
      "wq = R*wp\n",
      "#Part e\n",
      "Jo = rho_o * vo\n",
      "#Part f\n",
      "J = rho*vo+rho_o*V\n",
      "print \"dc electron velocity =\",round((vo/1E+8),3),\"*10**8 m/sec\"\n",
      "print \"dc phase curent =\",round(ip,2),\"rad/sec (Calculation mistake in the textbook)\"\n",
      "print \"plasma frequency =\",round((wp/1E+8),2),\"*10**8 rad/sec\"\n",
      "print \"Reduced plasma frequency =\",round((wq/1E+8),3),\"*10**8 rad/sec\"\n",
      "print \"dc beam current density =\",round(Jo,1), \"A/m^2\"\n",
      "print \"instantaeneous beam current density =\",round(J,3),\"A/m^2\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "dc electron velocity = 0.714 *10**8 m/sec\n",
        "dc phase curent = 879.92 rad/sec (Calculation mistake in the textbook)\n",
        "plasma frequency = 1.41 *10**8 rad/sec\n",
        "Reduced plasma frequency = 0.564 *10**8 rad/sec\n",
        "dc beam current density = 71.4 A/m^2\n",
        "instantaeneous beam current density = 0.814 A/m^2\n"
     "prompt_number": 1
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.2, Page number 337"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate input rms voltage,output rms voltage,output power\n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "Av = 15.              #voltage gain(dB)\n",
      "Pin = 5*10**-3       #input power(W)\n",
      "Rsh_in = 30*10**3    #Rsh of input cavity(Ohms)\n",
      "Rsh_out = 20.*10**3   #Rsh of output cavity(Ohms)\n",
      "Rl = 40*10**4        #load impedance(Ohms)\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "V1 = math.sqrt(Pin*Rsh_in)       #input rms voltage\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "#Av = 20log(V2/V1) db\n",
      "V2 = V1*10**(Av/20)             #deriving V2 from above equation\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "Pout = (V2**2)/Rsh_out           #output power\n",
      "print \"input rms voltage =\",round(V1,2),\"V\"\n",
      "print \"output rms voltage =\",round(V2,2),\"V\"\n",
      "print \"output power =\",round((Pout/1E-3),1),\"mW\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "input rms voltage = 12.25 V\n",
        "output rms voltage = 68.87 V\n",
        "output power = 237.2 mW\n"
     "prompt_number": 2
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.3, Page number 338"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate input power output power,efficiency\n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "n = 2               #no. of modes\n",
      "Vo = 300            #beam voltage(V)\n",
      "Io = 20*10**-3      #beam current(A)\n",
      "J1X = 1.25\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "Pdc = Vo*Io         #input power\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "Pac = (2*Pdc*J1X)/(2*math.pi*n-(math.pi/2))\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "N = (Pac/Pdc)*100.  #efficiency\n",
      "print \"Input power =\",round(Pdc,2),\"W\"\n",
      "print \"Output power =\",round(Pac,2),\"W\"\n",
      "print \"Efficiency =\",round(N,1),\"%\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Input power = 6.0 W\n",
        "Output power = 1.36 W\n",
        "Efficiency = 22.7 %\n"
     "prompt_number": 3
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.4, Page number 338"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate Electron velocity,dc transit time of electrons,Maximum input voltage,Volatge gain\n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Varaible declaration\n",
      "Vo = 900           #beam voltage(V)\n",
      "Io = 30*10**-3     #beam current(A)\n",
      "f = 8*10**9        #frequency(Hz)\n",
      "d = 1*10**-3       #gap spacing in either cavity(m)\n",
      "L = 4*10**-2       #spacing between centers of cavities(m)\n",
      "Rsh = 40*10**3     #effective shunt impedance(Ohms)\n",
      "J1X = 0.582\n",
      "X = 1.841\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "vo = 0.593*10**6*math.sqrt(Vo)\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "To = L/vo\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "w = 2*math.pi*f\n",
      "theta_o = w*To\n",
      "theta_g = (w*d)/vo\n",
      "Bo = math.sin(theta_g/2)/(theta_g/2)\n",
      "V1_max = (Vo*3.68)/(Bo*theta_o)\n",
      "#Part d\n",
      "Ro = Vo/Io\n",
      "Av = ((Bo**2)*theta_o*J1X*Rsh)/(Ro*X)\n",
      "print \"Electron velocity =\",round((vo/1E+6),2),\"*10**6 m/sec\"\n",
      "print \"dc transit time of electrons =\",round((To/1E-8),3),\"*10**-8 sec\"\n",
      "print \"Maximum input voltage =\",round(V1_max,3),\"V\"\n",
      "print \"Volatge gain =\",round(Av,3),\"V\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Electron velocity = 17.79 *10**6 m/sec\n",
        "dc transit time of electrons = 0.225 *10**-8 sec\n",
        "Maximum input voltage = 41.923 V\n",
        "Volatge gain = 23.278 V\n"
     "prompt_number": 4
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.5, Page number 339"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate input microwave voltage V1 in order to generate maximum output voltage, \n",
      "#Calculate voltage gain,efficiency of the amplifier neglecting beam loading, beam loading conductance\n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "Vo = 1200.         #beam voltage(V)\n",
      "Io = 28*10**-3     #beam current(A)\n",
      "f = 8*10**9        #frequency(Hz)\n",
      "d = 1*10**-3       #gap spacing in either cavity(m)\n",
      "L = 4.*10**-2      #spacing between centers of cavities(m)\n",
      "Rsh = 40*10**3     #effective shunt impedance(Ohms)\n",
      "J1X = 0.582\n",
      "X = 1.841\n",
      "Go = 23.3*10**-6\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "vo = 0.593*10**6*math.sqrt(Vo)\n",
      "w = 2*math.pi*f\n",
      "theta_o = (w*L)/vo\n",
      "theta_g = (w*d)/vo\n",
      "Bo = math.sin(theta_g/2)/(theta_g/2)\n",
      "V1_max = (Vo*3.68)/(Bo*theta_o)\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "Ro = Vo/Io\n",
      "Av = ((Bo**2)*theta_o*J1X*Rsh)/(Ro*X)\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "V2 = 2*Io*J1X*Bo*Rsh\n",
      "N = ((0.58*V2)/Vo)*100\n",
      "#Part d\n",
      "Gb = (Go*((Bo**2)-(Bo*math.cos(theta_g))))/2\n",
      "Rb = 1/Gb\n",
      "print \"The input microwave voltage V1 in order to generate maximum output voltage is\",round(V1_max,2),\"V\"\n",
      "print \"The voltage gain (reflecting beam loading in the output cavity) is\",round(Av,3)\n",
      "print \"The efficiency of the amplifier neglecting beam loading is\",round(N,2),\"%\" \n",
      "print \"The beam loading conductance is\",round((Rb/1E+3)),\"K Ohms\"\n",
      "print \"The value of\",round((Rb/1E+3)),\"K Ohms is very much comparable to Rsh and cannot be neglected because theta_g is quite high\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "The input microwave voltage V1 in order to generate maximum output voltage is 58.71 V\n",
        "The voltage gain (reflecting beam loading in the output cavity) is 17.058\n",
        "The efficiency of the amplifier neglecting beam loading is 48.43 %\n",
        "The beam loading conductance is 73.0 K Ohms\n",
        "The value of 73.0 K Ohms is very much comparable to Rsh and cannot be neglected because theta_g is quite high\n"
     "prompt_number": 5
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.6, Page number 341"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate value of repeller voltage,dc necesaary to give the microwave gap of voltage of 200V,elctron efficiency\n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "Vo = 500.          #beam voltage(V)\n",
      "Rsh = 20*10**3     #effective shunt impedance(Ohms)\n",
      "f = 8*10**9        #frequency(Hz)\n",
      "L = 1.*10**-3      #spacing between centers of cavities(m)\n",
      "n = 2\n",
      "e_m = 1.759*10**11\n",
      "V1 = 200\n",
      "J1X = 0.582\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "w = 2*math.pi*f\n",
      "x = (e_m*((2*math.pi*n)-(math.pi/2))**2)/(8*(w**2)*(L**2))\n",
      "y = math.sqrt(Vo/x)\n",
      "Vr = y+Vo\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "Bo = 1              #Assumption\n",
      "Io = V1/(2*J1X*Rsh)\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "vo = 0.593*10**6*math.sqrt(Vo)\n",
      "theta_o = (w*2*L*vo)/(e_m*(Vr+Vo))\n",
      "Bi = 1                             #Assumption\n",
      "X_dash = (V1*theta_o)/(2*Vo)\n",
      "X = 1.51                           #from graph\n",
      "J1X = 0.84\n",
      "N = ((2*J1X)/((2*math.pi*n)-(math.pi/2)))*100\n",
      "print \"The value of repeller voltage is\",round(Vr,2),\"V (Calculation mistake in the textbook)\"\n",
      "print \"The dc necesaary to give the microwave gap of voltage of 200V is\",round((Io/1E-3),2),\"mA\"\n",
      "print \"The elctron efficiency is\", round(N,2),\"%\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "The value of repeller voltage is 1189.36 V (Calculation mistake in the textbook)\n",
        "The dc necesaary to give the microwave gap of voltage of 200V is 8.59 mA\n",
        "The elctron efficiency is 15.28 %\n"
     "prompt_number": 6
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.7, Page number 342"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate efficiency of the reflex klystron,total power output,elctron efficiency\n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "n = 1               #no. of modes\n",
      "Pdc = 40*10**-3     #input power(W)\n",
      "V1_Vo = 0.278          #ratio\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "N = (V1_Vo*3*math.pi)/4\n",
      "#Part b \n",
      "Pout = (8.91*Pdc)/100\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "Pl = (Pout*80)/100\n",
      "print \"The efficiency of the reflex klystron is\",round(N,3)\n",
      "print \"The total power output is\",round((Pout/1E-3),3),\"W\"\n",
      "print \"The power delivered to the load is\",round((Pl/1E-3),2),\"W\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "The efficiency of the reflex klystron is 0.655\n",
        "The total power output is 3.564 W\n",
        "The power delivered to the load is 2.85 W\n"
     "prompt_number": 7
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.8, Page number 343"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#calculate Hull cut-off voltage,Cut-off magnetic flux density,Cyclotron frequency\n",
      "#chapter-8 page 342 example 8.8\n",
      "#For a circular magnetron\n",
      "import math\n",
      "a=0.15##inner radius in m\n",
      "b=0.45##outer radius in m\n",
      "B=1.2*10**(-3)##magnetic flux density in Wb/sqm\n",
      "x=1.759*10**11##Value of e/m in C/kg\n",
      "V=6000.##beam voltage in V\n",
      "V0=((x/8.)*(B**2.)*(b**2.)*(1.-(a/b)**2.)**2.)/1000.##Hull cut-off voltage in kV\n",
      "Bc=((math.sqrt(8.*(V/x)))/(b*(1.-(a/b)**2.)))*1000.##Cut-off magnetic flux density in mWb/sqm\n",
      "fc=((x*B)/(2.*(math.pi)))/10.**9.##Cyclotron frequency in GHz\n",
      "print '%s %2.3f %s %s %3.3f %s %s %.4f %s' %('\\nHull cut-off voltage is V0=',V0,'kV','\\nCut-off magnetic flux density is Bc=',Bc,'mWb/sqm','\\nCyclotron frequency is fc=',fc,'GHz')#\n",
      "#Check the answers once \n",
      "#Correct answers are\n",
      "#Hull cut-off voltage is V0=5.066 kV\n",
      "#Cut-off magnetic flux density is Bc=1.305953 mWb/sqm \n",
      "#Cyclotron frequency is fc=0.0336 GHz \n"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Hull cut-off voltage is V0= 5.066 kV \n",
        "Cut-off magnetic flux density is Bc= 1.306 mWb/sqm \n",
        "Cyclotron frequency is fc= 0.0336 GHz\n"
     "prompt_number": 8
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.9, Page number 343"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate Axial phase velocity, anode voltage\n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "d = 2*10**-3         #diameter of helical TWT(m)\n",
      "n = 50.              #no. of turns per cm\n",
      "v = 3*10**8          #velocity of light(m/s)\n",
      "m = 9.1*10**-31      #mass of electron\n",
      "e = 1.6*10**-19      #charge on electron\n",
      "p = 1/n*10**-2       #pitch(m)\n",
      "c = math.pi*d        #circumference(m)\n",
      "Vp = (v*p)/c     \n",
      "Vo = (m*(Vp**2))/(2*e)\n",
      "print \"Axial phase velociity =\",round(Vp,2),\"m/sec\"\n",
      "print \"Anode voltage =\",round(Vo,2),\"V(Calculation mistake in the textbook)\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Axial phase velociity = 9549296.59 m/sec\n",
        "Anode voltage = 259.32 V(Calculation mistake in the textbook)\n"
     "prompt_number": 9
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.10, Page number 344"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate dc electron velocity,Transit time,Input voltage,Voltage gain \n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "Vo = 900              #beam voltage(V)\n",
      "Io = 30.*10**-3       #beam current(A)\n",
      "f = 8.*10**9          #frequency(Hz)\n",
      "d = 1.*10**-3         #gap spacing in either cavity(m)\n",
      "L = 4.*10**-2         #spacing between centres of cavity(m)\n",
      "Rsh = 40.*10**3       #effective shunt impedance(Ohms)\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "vo = 0.593*10**6*math.sqrt(Vo)\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "Tt = d/vo\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "w = 2*math.pi*f\n",
      "theta_g = (w*d)/vo\n",
      "Bo = math.sin(theta_g/2)/(theta_g/2)   #Beam coupling coefficient\n",
      "theta_o = (w*L)/vo                     #dc transit angle\n",
      "#For maximum o/p volltage,\n",
      "J1X = 0.582\n",
      "X = 1.841\n",
      "V1max = (2*Vo*X)/(Bo*theta_o)\n",
      "#Part d\n",
      "Av = (Bo**2*theta_o*J1X*Rsh)/(Io*X)\n",
      "print \"dc electron velocity =\",round((vo/1E+7),1),\"*10**7 m/sec\"\n",
      "print \"Transit time =\",round((Tt/1E-10),2),\"*10^-10 s\"\n",
      "print \"Input voltage for maximum output voltage =\",round(V1max,2),\"V\"\n",
      "print \"Voltage gain =\",round((Av/1E+6),2),\"dB\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "dc electron velocity = 1.8 *10**7 m/sec\n",
        "Transit time = 0.56 *10^-10 s\n",
        "Input voltage for maximum output voltage = 41.95 V\n",
        "Voltage gain = 23.28 dB\n"
     "prompt_number": 10
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.11, Page number 345"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate dc electron velocity,dc phase constant,plasma frequency ,Reduced plasma frequency ,dc beam current density,instantaeneous beam current density\n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "Vo = 20*10**3        #beam voltage(V)\n",
      "Io = 2               #beam current(A)\n",
      "f = 9*10**9          #frequency(Hz)\n",
      "rho_o = 10**-6       #dc electron charge density(c/m^3)\n",
      "rho = 10**-8         #RF charge density(c/m^3)\n",
      "V = 10**5            #velocity perturbations(m/s)\n",
      "eo = 8.854*10**-12\n",
      "R = 0.5\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "vo = 0.59*10**6*math.sqrt(Vo)\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "w = 2.*math.pi*f\n",
      "ip = w/vo                             #dc phase current\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "wp = math.sqrt((1.759*10**11*rho_o)/eo)\n",
      "#Part d\n",
      "wq = R*wp\n",
      "#Part e\n",
      "Jo = rho_o * vo\n",
      "#Part f\n",
      "J = rho*vo-rho_o*V\n",
      "print \"dc electron velocity =\",round((vo/1E+7),3),\"*10**7 m/sec\"\n",
      "print \"dc phase constant =\",round(ip,2),\"rad/sec (Calculation mistake in the textbook)\"\n",
      "print \"plasma frequency =\",round((wp/1E+8),2),\"*10**8 rad/sec\"\n",
      "print \"Reduced plasma frequency =\",round((wq/1E+8),3),\"*10**8 rad/sec\"\n",
      "print \"dc beam current density =\",round(Jo,2), \"A/m^2\"\n",
      "print \"instantaeneous beam current density =\",round(J,4),\"A/m^2\"\n"
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "dc electron velocity = 8.344 *10**7 m/sec\n",
        "dc phase constant = 677.73 rad/sec (Calculation mistake in the textbook)\n",
        "plasma frequency = 1.41 *10**8 rad/sec\n",
        "Reduced plasma frequency = 0.705 *10**8 rad/sec\n",
        "dc beam current density = 83.44 A/m^2\n",
        "instantaeneous beam current density = 0.7344 A/m^2\n"
     "prompt_number": 11
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.12, Page number 345"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate Transit angle \n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "f = 5*10**9         #frequency(Hz)\n",
      "Vo = 1000           #operating voltage(V)\n",
      "n = 1.75            #no. of turns\n",
      "Vr = -500           #repeller voltage(V)\n",
      "d = 2*10**-3        #cavity gap(m)\n",
      "w = 2*math.pi*f\n",
      "uo = 5.93*10**5*math.sqrt(Vo)\n",
      "theta_g = (w*d)/uo\n",
      "print \"Transit angle =\",round(theta_g,3),\"radians\"\n",
      "print \"\\nThe length of drift region cannot be computed as the value of F is not given\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Transit angle = 3.351 radians\n",
        "The length of drift region cannot be computed as the value of F is not given\n"
     "prompt_number": 12
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.13, Page number 346"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate Input RF voltage ,Voltage gain ,efficiency \n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "import math\n",
      "f = 10*10**9         #frequency(Hz)\n",
      "Vo = 1200            #beam voltage(V)\n",
      "Io = 30*10**-3       #beam current(A)\n",
      "d = 1*10**-3         #diameter(m)\n",
      "Rsh = 40*10**3       #shunt resistance(Ohms)\n",
      "L = 4*10**-2         #length(m)\n",
      "X = 1.84\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "vo = 0.59*10**6*math.sqrt(Vo)\n",
      "w = 2*math.pi*f\n",
      "theta_o = (w*L)/vo\n",
      "V1 = (2*X*Vo)/theta_o\n",
      "theta_g = (theta_o*d)/L\n",
      "Bi = (math.sin(theta_g/2))/(theta_g/2)\n",
      "V1max = V1/Bi\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "J1X = 0.58      #from table\n",
      "I2 = 2*Io*J1X\n",
      "V2 = Bi*I2*Rsh\n",
      "A = V2/V1\n",
      "Av = 20*math.log10(A)\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "N = ((0.58*V2)/Vo)*100\n",
      "print \"Input RF voltage is\",round(V1max,3),\"V\" \n",
      "print \"Voltage gain is\",round(Av,2),\"dB\"\n",
      "print \"efficiency is\",round(N,2),\"%\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Input RF voltage is 55.231 V\n",
        "Voltage gain is 28.03 dB\n",
        "efficiency is 43.75 %\n"
     "prompt_number": 13
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.14, Page number 347"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate Cyclotron angular frequency,Hull cut-off voltage,Cut-off magnetic flux density\n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "Vo = 30*10**3        #beam voltage(V)\n",
      "Io = 80              #beam current(A)\n",
      "Bo = 0.01            #Wb/m**2\n",
      "a = 4*10**-2         #length of magnetron(m)\n",
      "b = 8*10**-2         #breadth of magnetron(m)\n",
      "e = 1.6*10**-19      #charge on electron(C)\n",
      "m = 9.1*10**-31      #mass of electron\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "w = (e*Bo)/m\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "Vhc = (e*(Bo**2)*(b**2)*((1-((a/b)**2))**2))/(8*m)\n",
      "#PArt c\n",
      "Bc = ((8*Vo*(m/e))**0.5)/(b*(1-((a/b)**2)))\n",
      "print \"Cyclotron angular frequency =\",round((w/1E+9),3),\"*10**9 rad/s\"\n",
      "print \"Hull cut-off voltage =\",round((Vhc/1E+3),4),\"kV\"\n",
      "print \"Cut-off magnetic flux density =\",round((Bc/1E-3),3),\"mWb/m**2\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Cyclotron angular frequency = 1.758 *10**9 rad/s\n",
        "Hull cut-off voltage = 7.9121 kV\n",
        "Cut-off magnetic flux density = 19.472 mWb/m**2\n"
     "prompt_number": 14
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.15, Page number 348"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "#Calculate Input power,Output power,Efficiency\n",
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "n = 2            #mode\n",
      "Vo = 280         #beam volatge(V)\n",
      "Io = 22*10**-3   #beam current(A)\n",
      "V1 = 30          #signal voltage(V)\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "Pdc = Vo*Io\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "J1X = 1.25       #from table\n",
      "Pac = (2*Pdc*J1X)/((2*n*math.pi)-(math.pi/2))\n",
      "#Part c\n",
      "N = (Pac/Pdc)*100\n",
      "print \"Input power =\",round(Pdc,2),\"W\"\n",
      "print \"Output power =\",round(Pac,2),\"W\"\n",
      "print \"Efficiency =\",round(N,2),\"%\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Input power = 6.16 W\n",
        "Output power = 1.4 W\n",
        "Efficiency = 22.74 %\n"
     "prompt_number": 15
     "cell_type": "heading",
     "level": 2,
     "metadata": {},
     "source": [
      "Example 8.16, Page number 348"
     "cell_type": "code",
     "collapsed": false,
     "input": [
      "import math\n",
      "#Variable declaration\n",
      "f = 8*10**9        #frequency(Hz)\n",
      "Vo = 300           #beam voltage(V)\n",
      "Rsh = 20*10**3     #shunt resistance(Ohms)\n",
      "L = 1*10**-3       #length(m)\n",
      "V1 = 200           #gap voltage(V)\n",
      "e_m = 1.759*10**11\n",
      "n = 2              #mode\n",
      "#Part a\n",
      "w = 2*math.pi*f\n",
      "x = (e_m*((2*math.pi*n)-(math.pi/2))**2)/(8*(w**2)*(L**2))\n",
      "y = math.sqrt(Vo/x)\n",
      "Vr = y+Vo\n",
      "#Part b\n",
      "Bo = 1             #assumption\n",
      "J1X = 0.582        #from table\n",
      "Io = V1/(2*J1X*Rsh)\n",
      "print \"Repeller voltage =\",round(Vr,3),\"V\"\n",
      "print \"Beam current =\",round((Io/1E-3),2),\"mA\""
     "language": "python",
     "metadata": {},
     "outputs": [
       "output_type": "stream",
       "stream": "stdout",
       "text": [
        "Repeller voltage = 833.98 V\n",
        "Beam current = 8.59 mA\n"
     "prompt_number": 16
   "metadata": {}