
 "metadata": {

  "name": "",

  "signature": "sha256:99acc61267a81b1afad3a95ee2f2b991fd04bf73d9065c7e2427d0f97c316207"


 "nbformat": 3,

 "nbformat_minor": 0,

 "worksheets": [


   "cells": [


     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 1,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [

      "Chapter09:Fracture of Metals"




     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "#Example 9.1 : difference\n",

      "import math \n",

      "#given data :\n",

      "E=200*10**9; # in N/m**2\n",

      "C=(4*10**-6)/2;# in m\n",

      "gama=1.48; # in J/m**2\n",


      "print round(sigma*10**-6),\"= fracture strength,sigma(MN/m**2) \"\n"


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "307.0 = fracture strength,sigma(MN/m**2) \n"




     "prompt_number": 2



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "#Example 9.2 : the fracture strength and compare\n",

      " \n",

      "import math\n",

      "#given data :\n",

      "E=70*10**9; # in N/m**2\n",

      "C=(4.2*10**-6)/2;# in m\n",

      "gama=1.1; # in J/m**2\n",


      "print \"{:.3e}\".format(sigma),\"= fracture strength,sigma(N/m**2)  \"\n"


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "1.528e+08 = fracture strength,sigma(N/m**2)  \n"




     "prompt_number": 2



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "#Example 9.3 : maximum length of surface\n",

      "import math\n",


      "#given data :\n",

      "sigma=36;#in MN/m**2\n",

      "gama=0.27;# in J/m**2\n",

      "E=70*10**9;#in N/m**2\n",



      "print round(C2,3),\"= maximum length of surface flow,C2(micro-m)   \"\n"


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "18.568 = maximum length of surface flow,C2(micro-m)   \n"




     "prompt_number": 5



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "# Example 9.4.a: Temperature\n",

      " \n",

      "import math\n",

      "E=350;# in GN/m**2\n",

      "Y=2;# in J/m**2\n",

      "C=2;# in micro meter\n",

      "sg=math.sqrt((2*E*10**9*Y)/(math.pi*C*10**-6));# IN mn/M**2\n",

      "e=10**-2;# per second\n",

      "T=173600/(round(sg*10**-6)-20.6-61.3*(math.log10(e)));# in kelvin\n",

      "print round(T,1),\"= temperature in kelvin for ductile to brittle transition at a strain rate of 10**-2 per second\"\n"


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "302.4 = temperature in kelvin for ductile to brittle transition at a strain rate of 10**-2 per second\n"




     "prompt_number": 8



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "# Example 9.4.b: Temperature\n",

      "import math\n",


      "E=350;# in GN/m**2\n",

      "Y=2;# in J/m**2\n",

      "C=2;# in micro meter\n",

      "sg=math.sqrt((2*E*10**9*Y)/(math.pi*C*10**-6));# IN mn/M**2\n",

      "e=10**-5;# per second\n",

      "T=173600/(round(sg*10**-6)-20.6-61.3*(math.log10(e)));# in kelvin\n",

      "print round(T),\"= temperature in kelvin for ductile to brittle transition at a strain rate of 10**-5 per second\"\n"


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "229.0 = temperature in kelvin for ductile to brittle transition at a strain rate of 10**-5 per second\n"




     "prompt_number": 10



   "metadata": {}


