
 "metadata": {

  "name": "",

  "signature": "sha256:6f3332c2cf8866e9257d8f3e11193b59b2e8f54645aa9a7c58a49b95bb6e6cc9"


 "nbformat": 3,

 "nbformat_minor": 0,

 "worksheets": [


   "cells": [


     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 1,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "Tc=3.7      #critical temperature in K\n",

      "Hc_0=0.0306 #critical magnetic field in Tesla at 0K\n",

      "T=2         #temperature in K\n",


      "print\"Critical field at 2 K is \",round(Hc,4),\"Tesla\""


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Critical field at 2 K is  0.0217 Tesla\n"




     "prompt_number": 2



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "Tc=7.2     #transition temperature in K\n",

      "T=5        #temperature in K\n",

      "Hc_T=3.3e4 #critical magnetic field at 5K in A/m\n",


      "print\"Maximum value of H at 0 K is \",\"{:.2e}\".format(Hc_0),\"A/m\""


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Maximum value of H at 0 K is  6.37e+04 A/m\n"




     "prompt_number": 3



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "Tc=7.2  #critical temperature in K\n",

      "Hc_0=1  #let,critical magnetic field at 0K\n",

      "Hc_T=0.1*Hc_0 #critical magnetic field at T Kelvin\n",


      "print\"Temperature is \",round(T,2),\"K\""


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Temperature is  6.83 K\n"




     "prompt_number": 3



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "T=4.2        #temperature in K\n",

      "Hc_0=0.0803  #critical magnetic field at 0K in Wb/m**2\n",

      "Tc=7.2       #critical temperature for Pb in K\n",


      "print\"Critical field at 4.2 K is \",round(Hc_T,5),\"Tesla\"#answer is wrong in book"


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Critical field at 4.2 K is  0.05298 Tesla\n"




     "prompt_number": 4



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "Hc_T=105e3 #critical magnetic field at T Kelvin in A/m\n",

      "Hc_0=150e3 #critical magnetic field at 0K in A/m\n",

      "Tc=9.2     #critical temperature in K\n",


      "print\"Temperature is \",round(T,2),\"K\""


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Temperature is  5.04 K\n"




     "prompt_number": 5



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "Hc_T=1e5  #critical magnetic field at 8K in A/m\n",

      "T=8       #temperature in K\n",

      "Hc_0=2e5  #critical magnetic field at 0K in A/m\n",


      "print\"Transition temperature is \",round(Tc,1),\"K\""


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Transition temperature is  11.3 K\n"




     "prompt_number": 6



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "Tc=7.26   #critical temperature in K\n",

      "Hc_0=8e5  #critical magnetic field at 0K in A/m\n",

      "Hc_T=4e4  #critical magnetic field at T kelvin in A/m\n",


      "print\"T =\",round(T,2),\"K\",\"\\nThe temperature of the metal should be held below\",round(T,2),\"K\" "


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "T = 7.08 K \n",

        "The temperature of the metal should be held below 7.08 K\n"




     "prompt_number": 7



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "T1=14       #temperature in K\n",

      "T2=12       #temperature in K\n",

      "T=4.2       #temperature in K\n",

      "Hc_T1=0.176 #critical magnetic field at temperature T1\n",

      "Hc_T2=0.528 #critical magnetic field at temperature T2\n",


      "Tc=int(Tc*10)/10. #rounding off\n",



      "print\"Transition temperature is \",Tc,\"K\"\n",

      "print\"Critical field at 0 K is \",round(Hc_0,3),\"Tesla\"\n",

      "print\"Critical field at 4.2 K is \",round(Hc_T,2),\"Tesla\"\n",

      "#answers in book are wrong because value of T2 is taken as 13K in calculation which is wrong."


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Transition temperature is  14.8 K\n",

        "Critical field at 0 K is  1.673 Tesla\n",

        "Critical field at 4.2 K is  1.54 Tesla\n"




     "prompt_number": 8



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "D=1.0      #diameter of Pb wire in mm\n",

      "Bc=0.0548  #in Tesla\n",

      "mu_0=4*math.pi*1e-7 #absolute permeability of air in N/A**2\n",


      "print\"Current is \",int(Ic),\"amp\""


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Current is  137 amp\n"




     "prompt_number": 9



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "Hc_0=6.5e3   #critical magnetic field at 0K in A/m\n",

      "Tc=7.18      #critical temperature in K\n",

      "Hc_T=4.5e3   #critical magnetic field at T Kelvin in A/m\n",


      "print\"Temperature is \",round(T,2),\"K\"\n",

      "D=2          #diameter of the lead wire in mm\n",

      "r=D/2          \n",



      "print\"Critical current density is \",\"{:.1e}\".format(Jc),\"A/m**2\""


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Temperature is  3.98 K\n",

        "Critical current density is  9.0e+06 A/m**2\n"




     "prompt_number": 10



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "T=3.5       #temperature in K\n",

      "lamda_T=750 #penetration depth of Hg at 3.5K in Angstrom\n",

      "Tc=4.153    #critical temperature in K\n",


      "print\"Penetration depth at 0 K is\",round(lamda_0,1),\"Angstrom\"#answer is wrong in book because of calculation mistake  "


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Penetration depth at 0 K is 528.2 Angstrom\n"




     "prompt_number": 11



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "m=9.1e-31     #mass of electron kg\n",

      "mu_0=12.56e-7 #absolute permeability of air in N/A**2\n",

      "e=1.6e-19     #charge of electron in coulomb\n",

      "ns=1e28       #number of super electrons per meter cube\n",



      "print\"Penetration depth at 0 K is \",int(lamda_0),\"Angstrom\"\n",

      "Tc=3          #critical temperature in K\n",

      "T=1.          #temperature in K\n",


      "print\"Penetration depth at 1 K is \",int(lamda_T),\"Angstrom\"\n",

      "#in book lamda(at 3K) is printed,which is wrong. Correct notation is lamda(at 1K)"


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Penetration depth at 0 K is  530 Angstrom\n",

        "Penetration depth at 1 K is  533 Angstrom\n"




     "prompt_number": 12



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "Tc=9.25     #critical temperature in K\n",

      "T=0         #temperature in K\n",

      "Kb=1.38e-23 #Boltzmann's constant in J/K\n",


      "h=6.63e-34  #planck constant joule-sec\n",

      "c=3e8       #speed of light in m/sec\n",

      "print\"Energy gap Eg is \",round(Eg*1e3,2),\"meV\"\n",


      "print\"Minimum photon wavelength is \",\"{:.2e}\".format(lamda_min),\"m\"\n",

      "print\"  This wavelength lie in the far-infrared region of electromagnetic radiations.\"\n",


      "print\"Frequency needed is \",\"{:.2e}\".format(v),\"s**-1\""


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Energy gap Eg is  2.82 meV\n",

        "Minimum photon wavelength is  4.42e-04 m\n",

        "  This wavelength lie in the far-infrared region of electromagnetic radiations.\n",

        "Frequency needed is  6.79e+11 s**-1\n"




     "prompt_number": 13



     "cell_type": "heading",

     "level": 2,

     "metadata": {},

     "source": [





     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [

      "M=200.59  #average atomic mass of Hg in amu\n",

      "m=204     #mass of isotope in amu\n",

      "T=4.153   #temperature in K\n",

      "t=4.118   #temperature in K\n",




      "print\"Isotope effect coefficient is \",round(alpha,3)"


     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": [


       "output_type": "stream",

       "stream": "stdout",

       "text": [

        "Isotope effect coefficient is  0.496\n"




     "prompt_number": 1



     "cell_type": "code",

     "collapsed": false,

     "input": [],

     "language": "python",

     "metadata": {},

     "outputs": []



   "metadata": {}


