path: root/Principles_Of_Geotechnical_Engineering/Chapter12.ipynb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Principles_Of_Geotechnical_Engineering/Chapter12.ipynb')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Principles_Of_Geotechnical_Engineering/Chapter12.ipynb b/Principles_Of_Geotechnical_Engineering/Chapter12.ipynb
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..da95df97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Principles_Of_Geotechnical_Engineering/Chapter12.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ "metadata": {
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+ "worksheets": [
+ {
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 1,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Chapter12-Shear Strength of Soil"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Ex1-pg378"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "#Determine the relationships for peak shear strength(tf) and residual shear strength(tr).\n",
+ "D=50 ## in mm\n",
+ "A= math.pi/4. *(D/1000.)**2\n",
+ "## solving for test 1 \n",
+ "N=150.\n",
+ "Sp=157.5\n",
+ "Sr=44.2\n",
+ "Tf=Sp/A\n",
+ "Tr=Sr/A\n",
+ "## from graph\n",
+ "k=math.tan(27/57.3)\n",
+ "k1=math.tan(14.6/57.3)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print'%s %.3f %s'%('Peak strength Tf = 40+ t*',k,'')\n",
+ "print'%s %.3f %s'%(' Residual strength Tr = t*',k1,'')\n",
+ "\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "Peak strength Tf = 40+ t* 0.509 \n",
+ " Residual strength Tr = t* 0.260 \n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Ex2-pg385"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "#Determine\n",
+ "#a.Angle of friction,f\u0004\n",
+ "#b.Angleuthat the failure plane makes with the major principal plane\n",
+ "T3=16. ## lb/in^2\n",
+ "Tf=25. ## lb/in^2\n",
+ "T1=T3+Tf\n",
+ "a= math.asin((T1-T3)/(T1+T3))*57.3 ## Mohr's circle\n",
+ "print'%s %.2f %s'%('a)Angle of friction,a = ',a,'')\n",
+ "b= 45.+ a/2.\n",
+ "print'%s %.2f %s'%(' b)Angle b that the failure plane makes with the major principal plane = ',b,'')\n",
+ "\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "a)Angle of friction,a = 26.02 \n",
+ " b)Angle b that the failure plane makes with the major principal plane = 58.01 \n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 9
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Ex3-pg386"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "#Find the normal stress s\u0004and the shear stress tfon the failure plane.\n",
+ "#b.Determine the effective normal stress on the plane of maximum shear stress\n",
+ "T1=41.\n",
+ "T3=16.\n",
+ "a=58.\n",
+ "T=(T1+T3)/2. + (T1-T3)*math.cos(2.*a/57.3)/2.\n",
+ "tf=(T1-T3)*math.sin(2.*a/57.3)/2\n",
+ "print'%s %.2f %s'%('a)the normal stress T = ',T,' lb/in^2')\n",
+ "print'%s %.2f %s'%('(b) and the shear stress tf = ',tf,' lb/in^2')\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "a)the normal stress T = 23.02 lb/in^2\n",
+ "(b) and the shear stress tf = 11.24 lb/in^2\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 11
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Ex4-pg387"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "#The equation of the effective stress failure envelope for normally consolidated clayey soilistf \u0001s\u0004tan 30\u0005. A drained triaxial test was conducted with the same soil at a chamberconfining pressure of 10 lb/in.2Calculate the deviator stress at failure.\n",
+ "##For normally consolidated clay, c' \u0004= 0.\n",
+ "a=30.\n",
+ "T3=10.\n",
+ "T1=T3*(math.tan(60/57.3))**2\n",
+ "Tf=T1-T3\n",
+ "print'%s %.2f %s'%('The deviator stress at failure = ',Tf,' lb/in^2')\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "The deviator stress at failure = 19.99 lb/in^2\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 12
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Ex5-pg387"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "#Determine the shear strength parameters.\n",
+ "T13=70.\n",
+ "T1f=130.\n",
+ "T11=T13+T1f\n",
+ "\n",
+ "T23=160.\n",
+ "T2f=223.5\n",
+ "T21=T23+T2f\n",
+ "\n",
+ "a= 2*(math.atan(((T11-T21)/(T13-T23))**0.5) *57.3-45)\n",
+ "c= (T11-T13*((math.tan((45+a/2.)/57.3))**2)/(2*math.tan(45+a/2.)/57.3))\n",
+ "d=c-267\n",
+ "print('the shear strength parameter d = ',d,' kN/m^2')\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "('the shear strength parameter d = ', 20.686836038348247, ' kN/m^2')\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 5
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Ex6-pg394"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "#a.Consolidated-undrained angle of shearing resistance,f\n",
+ "#b.Drained friction angle,f\u0004\n",
+ "T3=12.\n",
+ "Tf=9.1\n",
+ "T1=T3+Tf\n",
+ "u=6.8\n",
+ "a=math.asin((T1-T3)/(T1+T3))\n",
+ "\n",
+ "a1= math.asin((T1-T3)/(T1+T3-2*u))\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print'%s %.1f %s'%('a)Consolidated-undrained angle of shearing resistance = ',a*57.3,' degrees')\n",
+ "print'%s %.1f %s'%(' b)Drained friction angle =',a1*57.3,' degrees')\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "a)Consolidated-undrained angle of shearing resistance = 16.0 degrees\n",
+ " b)Drained friction angle = 27.8 degrees\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 13
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Ex7-pg395"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "#What would be the deviatorstress at failure, (\u0010sd)f, if a drained test was conducted with the same chamber allaround pressure (that is, 12 lb/in.2)?\n",
+ "T3=12.\n",
+ "a=27.8\n",
+ "T1=T3*(math.tan(59./57.3))**2\n",
+ "Tf=T1-T3\n",
+ "print'%s %.1f %s'%('the deviator stress at failure = ',Tf,' lb/in^2')\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "the deviator stress at failure = 21.2 lb/in^2\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 15
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "heading",
+ "level": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "Ex8-pg400"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "collapsed": false,
+ "input": [
+ "import math\n",
+ "#Estimate the average undrained shear strength of the clay [that is,cu(VST)].\n",
+ "PI=28.\n",
+ "OCR=3.2\n",
+ "To=160.\n",
+ "Kn=0.11+0.0037*PI\n",
+ "Ko=OCR**0.8 * Kn\n",
+ "Cu=Ko*To\n",
+ "print'%s %.1f %s'%('the average undrained shear strength of the clay =',Cu,' kN/m^2')\n"
+ ],
+ "language": "python",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "stream": "stdout",
+ "text": [
+ "the average undrained shear strength of the clay = 86.7 kN/m^2\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "prompt_number": 16
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {}
+ }
+ ]
+} \ No newline at end of file