{% load static %} {% block title %} Python Textbook Companion Project | FOSSEE, IIT Bombay {% endblock %} {% block meta %} {% endblock %} {% block css %} {% endblock %}
{% block content %} {% if up %}

Book has been uploaded successfully !

{% endif %} {% if login %}

Login Successful !

{% endif %} {% if logout %}

You have logged out successfully !

{% endif %} {% if update_book %}

Book has been updated successfully !

{% endif %} {% if not_found %}

It seems that currently there is no book that you can update ! Please submit one.

{% endif %} {% if proposal_submitted %}

Thank you for showing interest in contributing to Python TBC.
We have received your proposal. Please be patient we will get back to you within few days.

{% endif %} {% if proposal_pending %}

You either have a proposal pending or you are already working on a book. You cannot submit a proposal at this moment.

{% endif %} {% if no_book_alloted %}

There is no book alloted to you. You cannot submit codes.

{% endif %} {% if sample_notebook %}

Sample notebook has been submitted successfully. Please be patient while the reviewer reviews your codes & get backs to you.

{% endif %} {% if cannot_submit_sample %}

You have not been permitted to send sample notebook.

{% endif %}

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{% for item in items %} {% endfor %}

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{% endblock %}
{% block script %} {% endblock %}