Guidelines for Coding
- Strictly use Python 2.7.X version for coding
- IPython Notebook version 1.1.0 or higher should be used (which supports user input)
- Each chapter should be an individual IPython Notebook
- Do not copy problem statement from the Textbook in the code (write it in your own words)
- Round-off the final answers according to the textbook
- Do not use reference Figures/Diagrams given in the book anywhere in your code. All the outputs must be displayed in appropriate format (along with units mentioned)
- Appropriate comments should be put, which will make the code easily understandable. The comments should help in highlighting the flow of logic being used. For example, the equation like R = V/I can have comment as "Ohm's Law" along with it.
- All the plots must be named and have appropriate labels on its axes
- The symbols used in the code should be same as those being used in the textbook
- Check for using correct formulae while using in-built functions. (For example, the angles must be converted to degree (or radians) before calculating the sine or cosine etc.)
- Material of any kind (pdf of book or image of a certain page) will not be provided to the participant. It is the participant's responsibility to arrange for the same.