AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-12-15user-login None checkJayaram Pai
2013-12-15minor design changeshardythe1
2013-12-15correcting wrongly written URLhardythe1
2013-12-15updating stylinghardythe1
2013-12-15updating stylinghardythe1
2013-12-14fix merge conflictJayaram Pai
2013-12-14bootswatchedJayaram Pai
2013-12-14correcting URL errorhardythe1
2013-12-14changing the links to tbc-python.fossee.inhardythe1
2013-12-10changes to redirect according to user rightshardythe1
2013-12-04removing unwanted files & notifying mail for changeshardythe1
2013-12-04adding success messages for various activiteshardythe1
2013-11-29adding interfacte to update a book & its contenthardythe1
2013-11-22changes to redirect reviewer to resp. interface & notify user about chages ↵hardythe1
2013-11-19removing LDAP & SMTP Authhardythe1
2013-11-19making changes to approve a bookhardythe1
2013-11-12editing category names in browse bookshardythe1
2013-11-12editing category names in browse bookshardythe1
2013-11-12changing automatic push view to add permissionshardythe1
2013-11-12changing automatic push view to add permissionshardythe1
2013-11-12wrote function to send mailhardythe1
2013-11-12resolving few bugshardythe1
2013-11-11approve and push the repohardythe1
2013-11-08adding reviewer interfacehardythe1
2013-10-28removed explicitly specified passwords for db & LDAPhardythe1
2013-10-25Updated Profile details & book details to match with SciLab TBChardythe1
2013-10-22Adding the project initial commithardythe1
2013-10-22first commithardythe1