AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-10-11added google cseJayaram R Pai
2014-10-09added about tbc back from python.fossee.inhardythe1
2014-10-09removed no of chapters while submitting the proposalhardythe1
2014-10-04changed BookDetails chapter ordering field to pkJayaram R Pai
2014-09-30reverting back to order_byhardythe1
2014-09-30trying to implement natural sortinghardythe1
2014-09-30sorting the chapter names based on idhardythe1
2014-09-30sorting the chapter names based on idhardythe1
2014-09-25added JS to track page hitshardythe1
2014-09-25Fixed minor problems before deploying the automated proposalhardythe1
2014-09-24resolved merge conflictshardythe1
2014-09-24Merge pull request #4 from prathamesh920/submit_proposal_againHardik Ghaghada
2014-09-24Merge branch 'Proposal' of int...prathamesh
2014-09-24Modification to submit another proposal after completingprathamesh
2014-09-23sorting the chapter names so they appear in an orderhardythe1
2014-09-23Updating listhardythe1
2014-09-16made pre-filled fields read onlyhardythe1
2014-09-16integrated aicte proposal with normal proposal:hardythe1
2014-09-12minor changeprathamesh
2014-09-12Merge pull request #3 from prathamesh920/log_activities_extensionHardik Ghaghada
2014-09-12Merge branch 'Proposal' of int...prathamesh
2014-09-12Activity log extended.prathamesh
2014-09-11udating listhardythe1
2014-09-10updating listhardythe1
2014-08-28updating listhardythe1
2014-08-28added status for sample disapprovalhardythe1
2014-08-28added condition to remove options to approve & notify book if the book is app...hardythe1
2014-08-27conflict resolvedhardythe1
2014-08-27Merge pull request #2 from prathamesh920/log_activitiesHardik Ghaghada
2014-08-27Merge pull request #1 from prathamesh920/proposal_samplebook_flowHardik Ghaghada
2014-08-27Model added for activity log. Model is inheriting admins log modelprathamesh
2014-08-25removed links to ipynb server & added to the custom jshardythe1
2014-08-25correcting error in the tablehardythe1
2014-08-25correcting error in the tablehardythe1
2014-08-25adding tablehardythe1
2014-08-25adding tablehardythe1
2014-08-25updating listhardythe1
2014-08-25added changes to put the AICTE books listhardythe1
2014-08-20updating listhardythe1
2014-08-20updating listhardythe1
2014-08-19Tracking all the activities of the user.prathamesh
2014-08-18Modification to proposal and sample notebook flowprathamesh
2014-08-14udating listhardythe1
2014-08-14udating listhardythe1
2014-08-11added changes to submit codes directly for a book & to overwrite the previous...hardythe1
2014-08-07updating listhardythe1
2014-08-07added Creative Commonshardythe1
2014-08-05updating listhardythe1
2014-07-30added changes to check matching books while submitting proposalhardythe1
2014-07-30added changes to reject proposalhardythe1