''' Created on 25-May-2015 @author: subhrajit ''' ''' Example 5.18 Page 412 N. Subramanium Design of steel structures Design of fin-plate: Design a web side plate connection (welded to the column and site bolted to the beam) for ISMB 400 in Fe 410 grade steel and to carry a reaction of 140 kN due to factored loads. The connection is to the flange of an ISSC 200 column. ''' import cmath; import math import sys; from model import * from PyQt4.Qt import QString import logging flag = 1 logger = None def module_setup(): global logger logger = logging.getLogger("osdag.finPlateCalc") module_setup() # def set_designlogger(): # global logger # logger = logging.getLogger("Designlogger") # logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # # # create the logging file handler # fh = logging.FileHandler("fin.log", mode="w") # # #,datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' # #formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') # # formatter = logging.Formatter(''' #
# %(asctime)s # %(levelname)s # %(message)s #
''') # formatter.datefmt = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S' # fh.setFormatter(formatter) # # # add handler to logger object # logger.addHandler(fh) # #FUNCTION DEFINITIONS--------------- #BOLT: determination of shear capacity = fu * n * A / (root(3) * Y) def bolt_shear(dia, n, fu): A = cmath.pi * dia * dia * 0.25 * 0.78; #threaded area = 0.78 x shank area root3 = cmath.sqrt(3); Vs = fu * n * A / (root3 * 1.25 * 1000); Vs = round(Vs.real,3); return Vs #BOLT: determination of bearing capacity = 2.5 * kb * d * t * fu / Y def bolt_bearing(dia, t, fu): #add code to determine kb if pitch, gauge, edge distance known kb = 0.5; #assumption Vb = 2.5 * kb * dia * t * fu / (1.25 * 1000); Vb = round(Vb.real,3); return Vb; # PLATE: minimum thickness of web plate for eccentricity def web_min_h(shear, fy, thk): min_plate_ht = 5*shear*1000/(fy*thk); return min_plate_ht; def finConn(uiObj): global logger beam_sec = uiObj['Member']['beamSection'] column_sec = uiObj['Member']['columSection'] connectivity = uiObj['Member']['connectivity'] beam_fu = uiObj['Member']['fu(MPa)'] beam_fy = uiObj['Member']['fy(MPa)'] shear_load = uiObj['Load']['shearForce(kN)'] bolt_dia = uiObj['Bolt']['diameter(mm)'] bolt_type = uiObj["Bolt"]["type"] bolt_grade = uiObj['Bolt']['grade'] web_plate_t = uiObj['Plate']['thickness(mm)'] web_plate_w = uiObj['Plate']['width(mm)'] web_plate_l = uiObj['Plate']['height(mm)'] web_plate_fu = uiObj['Member']['fu(MPa)'] web_plate_fy = uiObj['Member']['fy(MPa)'] weld_t = uiObj["Weld"]['size(mm)'] weld_fu = 410 bolt_planes = 1 dictbeamdata = get_beamdata(beam_sec) print dictbeamdata beam_w_t = float(dictbeamdata[QString("tw")]) beam_f_t = float(dictbeamdata[QString("T")]) beam_d = float(dictbeamdata[QString("D")]) # ############### Need to discuss with sir ######################## # #Bolt grade chosen from drop down list # # #Bolt dia chosen from list of standard sizes between 12 and 36 # # # web_plate_t lies between (5, 63) # if web_plate_t < 5 | web_plate_t > 63: # sys.exit(); # # #weld_fu lies between (410, 610) # if weld_fu <= 410 | weld_fu >= 610: # sys.exit(); ######################################################################## # INPUT FOR PLATE DIMENSIONS (FOR OPTIONAL INPUTS) AND VALIDATION # Plate thickness check if web_plate_t < beam_w_t: web_plate_t = beam_w_t #logger.error("The length of the plate is more than the available depth of %2.2f mm " % (plate_len)) logger.error(": Chosen web plate thickness is not sufficient" ) logger.warning(" : Minimum required thickness %2.2f mm" % (beam_w_t)) # print "ERROR: Chosen web plate thickness is not sufficient" + "\n Minimum required thickness = " + str(beam_w_t) + "mm"; # print "\n Suggestion: Re-design with a plate thickness more than the connecting beam web thickness" # Plate height check # Maximum/minimum plate height max_plate_height = beam_d - 2 * beam_f_t - 40; min_plate_height = web_min_h(shear_load,web_plate_fy,web_plate_t); min_plate_height = int(min_plate_height) /10 * 10 +10; min_plate_height = round(min_plate_height,3) # Height input and check if web_plate_l != 0: if web_plate_l > max_plate_height : logger.error(": Height of plate is more than the clear depth of the beam") logger.warning(": Maximum plate height allowed is %2.2f mm " % (max_plate_height)) #print "Error: Height of plate is more than the clear depth of the beam" #print" Maximum plate height allowed is " + str(max_plate_height) + " mm" web_plate_l = max_plate_height ; elif min_plate_height > max_plate_height: logger.error(": Minimum required plate height is more than the clear depth of the beam") logger.warning(": Minimum plate height required is %2.2f mm " % (min_plate_height)) logger.warning(": Maximum plate height allowed is %2.2f mm " % (max_plate_height)) logger.info(": Increase the plate thickness") #print "Error: Height of plate is more than the clear depth of the beam" #print" Maximum plate height allowed is " + str(max_plate_height) + " mm" web_plate_l = max_plate_height; elif min_plate_height > web_plate_l: logger.error(": Plate height provided is less than the minimum required ") logger.warning(": Minimum plate height required is %2.2f mm " % (min_plate_height)) # print "\nERROR: Chosen plate height is not sufficient" + "\n Minimum required height = " + str(min_plate_height) + " mm"; # print "\nSuggestion: Re-design with a different plate height or thickness" web_plate_l = min_plate_height else: if min_plate_height < max_plate_height: web_plate_l = min_plate_height +10 elif min_plate_height >= max_plate_height: web_plate_l = (max_plate_height-10)//10*10 ; ######################################################################## # Bolt design: # I: Check for number of bolts ------------------- bolt_fu = int(bolt_grade) * 100 bolt_fy = (bolt_grade - int(bolt_grade))*bolt_fu; t_thinner = min(beam_w_t.real,web_plate_t.real); bolt_shear_capacity = bolt_shear(bolt_dia,bolt_planes,bolt_fu).real; bolt_bearing_capacity = bolt_bearing(bolt_dia,t_thinner,beam_fu).real; bolt_capacity = min(bolt_shear_capacity, bolt_bearing_capacity); bolts_required = int(shear_load/bolt_capacity) + 1; if bolts_required <= 2: bolts_required = 3; bolt_group_capacity = bolts_required * bolt_capacity; # Spacing of bolts for web plate ------------------- if bolt_dia == 12 or bolt_dia == 14: dia_hole = bolt_dia + 1 elif bolt_dia == 16 or bolt_dia == 18 or bolt_dia == 20 or bolt_dia == 22 or bolt_dia == 24: dia_hole = bolt_dia + 2 else: dia_hole = bolt_dia + 3 # Minimum/maximum pitch and gauge min_pitch = int(2.5 * bolt_dia); min_gauge = int(2.5 * bolt_dia); if min_pitch%10 != 0 or min_gauge%10 != 0: min_pitch = (min_pitch/10)*10 + 10; min_gauge = (min_gauge/10)*10 + 10; else: min_pitch = min_pitch; min_gauge = min_gauge; #clause 10.2.2 is800 max_spacing = int(min(100 + 4 * t_thinner, 200)); #clause is800 min_edge_dist = int(1.5 * (dia_hole)) + 10; # 10 mm added than min. value if min_edge_dist%10 != 0: min_edge_dist = (min_edge_dist/10)*10 + 10; else: min_edge_dist = min_edge_dist; max_edge_dist = int((12 * t_thinner * cmath.sqrt(250/beam_fy)).real)-1; # Determine single or double line of bolts length_avail = (web_plate_l-2*min_edge_dist); pitch = round(length_avail/(bolts_required-1),3); ## Calculation of moment demand M1 = bolt_shear_capacity * (20+min_edge_dist/2); # Single line of bolts if pitch >= min_pitch: bolt_line =1; gauge = 0; # print " Number of bolt lines = " + str(bolt_line); # print " Pitch distance = " + str(pitch) + " mm" + "\n Gauge distance = " + str(gauge) + " mm"; bolts_one_line = bolts_required; K = bolts_one_line / 2; M2=0; if bolts_required % 2 ==0 or bolts_required % 2 !=0: for k in range (0,K): M2 = M2 + 2*(bolt_shear_capacity * ((length_avail/2 - k * pitch)**2/(length_avail/2 - k * pitch))); moment_demand = max(M1,M2); moment_demand = round(moment_demand * 0.001,3) # Multi-line of bolts if pitch < min_pitch: bolt_line = 2; if bolts_required % 2 == 0: bolts_one_line = bolts_required/2; else: bolts_one_line = (bolts_required/2) + 1; pitch = round(length_avail/(bolts_one_line-1),3); gauge = min_gauge; M1 = bolt_shear_capacity * (20+ min_edge_dist + gauge/2); if pitch >= min_pitch: K = bolts_one_line / 2; M2=0; if bolts_required % 2 ==0 or bolts_required % 2 !=0: for k in range (0,K): V = length_avail/2 - k * pitch H = gauge/2; d = math.sqrt(V**2 + H**2); M2 = M2 + 2*(bolt_shear_capacity * (d**2/d)); M2=M2*2; moment_demand = max(M1,M2); moment_demand = round(moment_demand * 0.001,3) # Needs discussion with Sir else: logger.error(": Bolt strength is insufficient to carry the shear force") logger.warning (": Increase bolt diameter and/or bolt grade") moment_demand=0.0 #################################################################################### # Design of plate: # Width input (optional) and validation if bolt_line == 1: web_plate_w_req = 2 * min_edge_dist if bolt_line == 2: web_plate_w_req = gauge + 2 * min_edge_dist if web_plate_w == 0: if bolt_line == 1: web_plate_w_req = 2 * min_edge_dist; web_plate_w = web_plate_w_req if bolt_line == 2: web_plate_w_req = gauge + 2 * min_edge_dist; web_plate_w = web_plate_w_req; # if web_plate_w < web_plate_w_req: # web_plate_w = web_plate_w_req; # Moment capacity of web plate moment_capacity = 1.2 * (web_plate_fy/1.1) * (web_plate_t * web_plate_l * web_plate_l)/6 * 0.001; moment_capacity = round(moment_capacity * 0.001,3); # print " Moment capacity = " + str(moment_capacity) + " Nm"; if moment_capacity > moment_demand: pass else: logger.error(": Plate moment capacity is less than the moment demand") logger.warning(": Re-design with increased plate dimensions") # Plate dimension optimisation web_plate_l_req1 = math.sqrt((moment_demand*1000*6*1.1)/(1.2*beam_fy*web_plate_t)); # Single line of bolts if bolt_line == 1: web_plate_l_req2 = (bolts_required-1) * min_pitch + 2 * min_edge_dist; if web_plate_l == 0 or web_plate_l == min_plate_height or web_plate_l == max_plate_height: web_plate_l_req = max(web_plate_l_req1, web_plate_l_req2, web_plate_l); else: web_plate_l_req = max(web_plate_l_req1, web_plate_l_req2,min_plate_height); # Multi line of bolts if bolt_line == 2: web_plate_l_req2 = (bolts_one_line-1) * min_pitch + 2 * min_edge_dist; if web_plate_l == 0 or web_plate_l == min_plate_height or web_plate_l == max_plate_height: web_plate_l_req = max(web_plate_l_req1, web_plate_l_req2, web_plate_l); elif web_plate_l > min_plate_height or web_plate_l < max_plate_height: web_plate_l_req = max(web_plate_l_req1, web_plate_l_req2, min_plate_height); if web_plate_l != min_plate_height +10 or web_plate_l != (max_plate_height-10)//10*10 : pass else: if web_plate_l < web_plate_l_req: logger.error(": Plate height provided is less than the minimum required") if web_plate_w < web_plate_w_req: logger.error(": Plate width provided is less than the minimum required") logger.warning(": Minimum plate width required is %2.2f mm " %(web_plate_w_req)) ################################################################################## ## Weld design # V: Weld shear strength ------------------- weld_l = web_plate_l - weld_t * 2; #direct shear Vy1 = shear_load *1000 /float(2*weld_l); #shear due to moment xCritical = 0; #single line weld yCritical = weld_l * 0.5; #single line weld Ip = weld_l * weld_l * weld_l / 12; Vx = moment_demand * yCritical *1000000 / (2 * Ip); Vy2 = moment_demand * xCritical * 1000000 / (2 * Ip); Vr = math.sqrt(Vx ** 2 + (Vy1 + Vy2) ** 2); Vr = round(Vr,3); weld_strength = 0.7 * weld_t * weld_fu / (math.sqrt(3) * 1.25); weld_strength = round(weld_strength,3); weld_t_req = (Vr * (math.sqrt(3) * 1.25))/(0.7 * weld_fu) ; if weld_t_req != int(weld_t_req): weld_t_req = int(weld_t_req) + 1; else: weld_t_req = weld_t_req; if weld_t >= weld_t_req: pass else: logger.error(": Weld thickness is not sufficient") # End of calculation outputObj = {} outputObj['Bolt'] ={} outputObj['Bolt']['status'] = True outputObj['Bolt']['shearcapacity'] = bolt_shear_capacity outputObj['Bolt']['bearingcapacity'] = bolt_bearing_capacity outputObj['Bolt']['boltcapacity'] = bolt_capacity outputObj['Bolt']['numofbolts'] = bolts_required outputObj['Bolt']['boltgrpcapacity'] = bolt_group_capacity outputObj['Bolt']['numofrow'] = bolts_one_line outputObj['Bolt']['numofcol'] = bolt_line outputObj['Bolt']['pitch'] = pitch outputObj['Bolt']['enddist'] = min_edge_dist outputObj['Bolt']['edge'] = min_edge_dist outputObj['Bolt']['gauge'] = gauge outputObj['Weld'] = {} outputObj['Weld']['thickness'] = weld_t_req outputObj['Weld']['resultantshear'] = Vr outputObj['Weld']['weldstrength'] = weld_strength outputObj['Plate'] = {} outputObj['Plate']['minHeight'] = web_plate_l_req outputObj['Plate']['minWidth'] = web_plate_w_req outputObj['Plate']['externalmoment'] = moment_demand outputObj['Plate']['momentcapacity'] = moment_capacity outputObj['Plate']['height'] = web_plate_l outputObj['Plate']['width'] = web_plate_w #return outputObj if web_plate_l == (min_plate_height+10) or web_plate_l == ((max_plate_height-10)//10*10): if bolt_line==2: if pitch < min_pitch: for k in outputObj.keys(): for key in outputObj[k].keys(): outputObj[k][key] = "" else: return outputObj elif web_plate_l == (min_plate_height+10) or web_plate_l == ((max_plate_height-10)//10*10): if web_plate_l == min_plate_height or web_plate_l == max_plate_height or web_plate_l < web_plate_l_req or web_plate_w < web_plate_w_req: for k in outputObj.keys(): for key in outputObj[k].keys(): outputObj[k][key] = "" elif moment_capacity < moment_demand: for k in outputObj.keys(): for key in outputObj[k].keys(): outputObj[k][key] = "" elif bolt_line==2: if pitch < min_pitch: for k in outputObj.keys(): for key in outputObj[k].keys(): outputObj[k][key] = "" else: if web_plate_l == min_plate_height or web_plate_l == max_plate_height or web_plate_l < web_plate_l_req or web_plate_w < web_plate_w_req: for k in outputObj.keys(): for key in outputObj[k].keys(): outputObj[k][key] = "" elif moment_capacity < moment_demand: for k in outputObj.keys(): for key in outputObj[k].keys(): outputObj[k][key] = "" elif bolt_line==2: if pitch < min_pitch: for k in outputObj.keys(): for key in outputObj[k].keys(): outputObj[k][key] = "" # if web_plate_l == min_plate_height or web_plate_l == max_plate_height or web_plate_l < web_plate_l_req or web_plate_w < web_plate_w_req: # outputObj = {} # # elif moment_capacity < moment_demand: # outputObj = {} if outputObj['Bolt']['status'] == True: logger.info(": Overall finplate connection design is safe") else: logger.error(": Design is not safe") return outputObj