''' Created on 11-May-2015 @author: deepa ''' import numpy from OCC.Graphic3d import Graphic3d_NOT_2D_ALUMINUM from bolt import Bolt from nut import Nut import copy from OCC.BRepPrimAPI import BRepPrimAPI_MakeSphere from OCC.gp import gp_Pnt class ColWebBeamWeb(object): def __init__(self,column,beam,Fweld,plate,boltRadius,nutRadius,boltPlaceObj): self.column = column self.beam = beam self.weldLeft = Fweld self.weldRight = copy.deepcopy(Fweld) self.plate = plate self.boltRadius = boltRadius self.nutRadius = nutRadius self.pitch = boltPlaceObj['Bolt']['pitch'] self.gauge = boltPlaceObj['Bolt']['gauge'] self.edge = boltPlaceObj['Bolt']['edge'] self.end = boltPlaceObj['Bolt']['enddist'] self.row = boltPlaceObj['Bolt']['numofrow'] self.col = boltPlaceObj['Bolt']['numofcol'] self.columnModel = None self.beamModel = None self.weldModelLeft = None self.weldModelRight = None self.plateModel = None self.bolts =[] self.nuts = [] self.boltModels = [] self.nutModels = [] self.clearDist = 20.0 # This distance between edge of the column web/flange and beam cross section def create_3dmodel(self): # ISection COLUMN columnOrigin = numpy.array([0, 0, 0]) column_uDir = numpy.array([1.0, 0, 0]) wDir1 = numpy.array([0.0, 0, 1.0]) t = 8.9 weldThick = 8 self.column.place(columnOrigin, column_uDir, wDir1) # ISection BEAM uDir2 = numpy.array([0, 1.0, 0]) wDir2 = numpy.array([1.0, 0, 0.0]) d = t/2.0 + weldThick origin2 = columnOrigin + (self.column.t/2 * self.column.uDir) + (self.column.length/2 * self.column.wDir) + (self.clearDist * self.column.uDir) #origin2 = numpy.array([0, 0, 500]) + (d+7.55) * wDir2 #origin2 = numpy.array([0, 0, 500]) + 20 * wDir2 #self.beam = ISection(B = 140, T = 16,D = 400,t = 8.9, R1 = 14, R2 = 7, alpha = 98,length = 500) self.beam.place(origin2, uDir2, wDir2) # # WELD # # plateThickness = 10 # uDir3 = numpy.array([0, 1.0, 0]) # wDir3 = numpy.array([1.0, 0, 0.0]) # origin3 = (self.column.secOrigin + # self.column.t/2.0 * self.column.uDir + # self.column.length/2.0 * self.column.wDir + # self.beam.t/2.0 * (-self.beam.uDir)+ # self.weld.W/2.0 * (-self.beam.uDir)) # #origin3 = numpy.array([0, 0, 500]) + t/2.0 *wDir3 + plateThickness/2.0 * (-self.beam.uDir) # self.weld.place(origin3, uDir3, wDir3) # PLATE uDir4 = numpy.array([0, 1.0, 0]) wDir4 = numpy.array([1.0, 0, 0.0]) #origin4 = self.weld.secOrigin + self.weld.T * self.weld.wDir plateOrigin = (self.column.secOrigin + self.column.t/2.0 * self.column.uDir + self.column.length/2.0 * self.column.wDir + self.beam.t/2.0 * (-self.beam.uDir)+ self.plate.T/2.0 * (-self.beam.uDir)) #origin4 = self.column.secOrigin + self.weld.T * self.weld.wDir self.plate.place(plateOrigin, uDir4, wDir4) # # Weld uDir5 = numpy.array([1.0, 0.0, 0]) wDir5 = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) filletWeld1Origin = (plateOrigin + self.plate.T/2.0 *self.weldLeft.vDir + self.weldLeft.L/2.0 * (-self.weldLeft.wDir) ) self.weldLeft.place(filletWeld1Origin, uDir5, wDir5) uDir555 = numpy.array([0.0, -1.0, 0]) wDir5 = numpy.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) filletWeld2Origin = (filletWeld1Origin + self.plate.T * (-self.weldLeft.vDir)) self.weldRight.place(filletWeld2Origin,uDir555,wDir5) # BOLT BODY bolt_T = 6.0 origin51 = (self.plate.secOrigin + (- self.plate.T/2.0 - bolt_T) * self.plate.uDir + self.plate.W/2.0 * self.plate.wDir) uDir5 = self.plate.wDir wDir5 = self.plate.uDir ## Bolt1 bolt1 = Bolt(R = self.boltRadius,T = bolt_T, H = 30.0, r = 4.0 ) bolt1.place(origin51, uDir5, wDir5) ## Bolt2 bolt2 = Bolt(R = self.boltRadius, T = bolt_T, H = 30.0, r = 4.0 ) origin52 = origin51 + 50 *self.plate.vDir bolt2.place(origin52, uDir5, wDir5) ## Bolt3 bolt3 = Bolt(R = self.boltRadius,T = bolt_T, H = 30.0, r = 4.0 ) origin53 = origin51 - 50*self.plate.vDir bolt3.place(origin53, uDir5, wDir5) self.bolts =[bolt1,bolt2,bolt3] #nutbody = Nut(R = 10.0,T = 10.0, H = 6.1, innerR1 = 6.0, outerR2 = 8.3) # NUTBODY ## Nut1 nut1 = Nut(R = self.nutRadius,T = 10.0, H = 11, innerR1 = 4.0, outerR2 = 8.3) uDir = uDir5 wDir = wDir5 nut_Origin1 = origin51 + (bolt1.T/2 * self.plate.uDir)+(self.plate.T *self.plate.uDir)+ (self.beam.T/2 * self.plate.uDir) nut1.place(nut_Origin1, uDir, wDir) ## Nut2 nut2 = Nut(R = self.nutRadius,T = 10.0, H = 11, innerR1 = 4.0, outerR2 = 8.3) nut_Origin2 = origin52 + (bolt1.T/2 * self.plate.uDir)+(self.plate.T *self.plate.uDir)+ (self.beam.T/2 * self.plate.uDir) nut2.place(nut_Origin2, uDir, wDir) ## Nut3 nut3 =Nut(R = self.nutRadius, T = 10.0, H = 11, innerR1 = 4.0, outerR2 = 8.3) nut_Origin3 = origin53 + (bolt1.T/2 * self.plate.uDir)+(self.plate.T *self.plate.uDir)+ (self.beam.T/2 * self.plate.uDir) nut3.place(nut_Origin3, uDir5, wDir5) self.nuts = [nut1,nut2,nut3] # Call for createModel self.columnModel = self.column.createModel() self.beamModel = self.beam.createModel() self.plateModel = self.plate.createModel() self.weldModelLeft = self.weldLeft.createModel() self.weldModelRight = self.weldRight.createModel() for bolt in self.bolts: self.boltModels.append(bolt.createModel()) #color = Quantity_NOC_SADDLEBROWN, for nut in self.nuts: self.nutModels.append(nut.createModel()) # memberList = [iSectionModel1,iSectionModel2,weldModel1,weldModel2, # plateModel] + boltModels + nutModels # objshearfinplate = ShearFinPlate(iSectionModel1,iSectionModel2,) # # print("memberList #####") # print(len(memberList)) #return memberList def get_models(self): ''' ''' return [self.columnModel,self.beamModel, self.weldModelLeft,self.weldModelRight, self.plateModel]+self.boltModels + self.nutModels