AC_TYPE = 0 TRANS_TYPE = 1 DC_TYPE = 2 import sys import os import json from decimal import Decimal class DataExtraction: def __init__(self,analysisInfo,plotFile): = [] self.analysisInfo = analysisInfo.split() #['.dc', 'v1', '-1e-00', '5e-00', '0.02e-00', 'i1', '-1e-03', '5e-03', '1e-03'] self.plotFile = plotFile self.val_dict = {} self.voltList = [] def openFile(self): try: with open(self.plotFile) as plotFile_reader: self.allv = self.allv = self.allv.split("\n") except Exception as e: print "Exception Message : ",str(e) for line in self.allv[3].split(" "): if len(line): self.voltList.append(line) self.voltList = self.voltList[2:] numberList = self.calculateNumbers() plotType = self.createDataList(numberList) return plotType def calculateNumbers(self): lines_number = partition_number = volt_number = 0 for line in self.allv[3:]: if "Index" in line: volt_number += 1 self.dec = 0 if self.analysisInfo[0][-3:]==".ac": self.analysisType = AC_TYPE if "dec" in self.analysisInfo: self.dec = 1 for line in self.allv[3:]: lines_number += 1 if "Index" in line: partition_number += 1 if "AC" in line: break elif ".tran" in self.analysisInfo: self.analysisType = TRANS_TYPE for line in self.allv[3:]: lines_number += 1 if "Index" in line: partition_number += 1 if "Transient" in line: break else: self.analysisType = DC_TYPE for line in self.allv[3:]: lines_number += 1 if "Index" in line: partition_number += 1 if "DC" in line: break volt_number //= partition_number return [lines_number, volt_number] def createDataList(self, numberList): lines_number = numberList[0] + 1 volt_number = numberList[1] dec = [self.analysisType, self.dec] vnum = len(self.allv[5].split("\t")) len_volt = len(self.voltList) full_data = [] #creating data for i in xrange(1, volt_number): for line in self.allv[3+i*lines_number].split(" "): if len(line) > 0: self.voltList.append(line) self.voltList.pop(len_volt) self.voltList.pop(len_volt) len_volt = len(self.voltList) p = k = m = 0 for line in self.allv[5:lines_number-1]: if len(line.split("\t")) == vnum: j = line.split("\t") j.pop() if self.analysisType == 0: j.pop() for i in xrange(1, volt_number): j1 = self.allv[5+i*lines_number+p].split("\t") j1.pop(0) j1.pop(0) if self.analysisType == 0: j1.pop() if self.voltList[len(self.voltList)-1] == 'v-sweep': self.voltList.pop() j1.pop() j1.pop() j = j + j1 # j = j + full_data[m] ## Not required as we are not adding alli m += 1 j = "\t".join(j[1:]) j = j.replace(",", "") p += 1 self.volts_length = len(self.voltList) self.voltList = self.voltList #+ self.currentList #print dec return dec def computeAxes(self): nums = len([0].split("\t")) #print "i'm nums:",nums x_cordinates = [] y_cordinates = [] var =[0].split("\t") for i in range(1,nums): y_cordinates.append([float(var[i])]) for i in[1:]: temp = i.split("\t") for j in range(1,nums): y_cordinates[j-1].append(float(temp[j])) for i in temp = i.split("\t") x_cordinates.append(float(temp[0])) for i in xrange(0, nums-1): self.val_dict[self.voltList[i]] = y_cordinates[i] self.val_dict['x-axis'] = x_cordinates def main(): analysisInfo = sys.argv[1] plotFile = sys.argv[2] app = DataExtraction(analysisInfo,plotFile) app.openFile() app.computeAxes() print json.dumps(app.val_dict) # Call main function if __name__ == '__main__': # Create and display the splash screen main()