module.exports = function(express,app,fs,os,io,PythonShell,scriptPath){ console.log("Server started!!! "); var router = express.Router(); var pyEnv = '/usr/bin/python' router.get('/',function(req,res,next){ res.render('index',{host:app.get('host'),title:'Ngspice Simulator'}); }); io.on('connection', function (socket) { socketID = getSocketID(socket); var plot_allv_file = '/tmp/plot_allv_'+socketID.toLowerCase()+'.txt' var plot_alli_file = '/tmp/plot_alli_'+socketID.toLowerCase()+'.txt' var fileName = '/tmp/'+socketID+'.cir.out'; socket.emit('loadingPage', 'User with socket ID '' is Connected'); socket.on('user', function (data) { console.log('Socket ID : '+data['socketID']); }); socket.on('netlist',function(netlistContent){ console.log('Server : '+netlistContent); // socket.emit('serverMessage','Recived message for client '+socketID); fs.writeFile(fileName, netlistContent, function (err) { if (err){ return console.log(err); } console.log('File is stored at '+fileName); fs.exists(fileName, function(exists) { if (exists) { addPlotDetails(fileName); executeNgspiceNetlist(fileName); } }); }); }); socket.on('disconnect',function(){ console.log("Client "+socketID+" disconnected"); fs.exists(fileName, function(exists) { if (exists) { //Deleting ngspice file deleteNetlistFile(fileName); } }); fs.exists(plot_allv_file, function(exists) { // console.log("Check Plot allv "+plot_allv_file) if (exists) { console.log("Check Plot allv files") //Deleting plot allv file deleteNetlistFile(plot_allv_file); } }); fs.exists(plot_alli_file, function(exists) { // console.log("Check Plot alli "+plot_alli_file) if (exists) { console.log("Check Plot alli files") //Deleting plot alli file deleteNetlistFile(plot_alli_file); } }); }); function addPlotDetails(fileName) { //Adding Plot component in a file sed('-i', 'run', 'run \n print allv > /tmp/plot_allv_'+socketID+'.txt \n print alli > /tmp/plot_alli_'+socketID+'.txt', fileName); } function executeNgspiceNetlist(fileName) { fs.exists(fileName, function(exists) { if (exists) { exec('ngspice '+fileName, function(code, stdout, stderr) { console.log('Exit code:', code); console.log('Program output:', stdout); console.log('Program stderr:', stderr); if(stderr){ switch(stderr){ case (stderr.match(/Error/) || stderr.match(/error/)||{}).input: console.log("Error in executing ngspice netlist"); socket.emit('clearPlot','clearPlot'); socket.emit('serverMessage',{"stderr":stderr,"stdout":stdout}); break; default: parsePlotData() break; } } else{ parsePlotData() } }); } }); } function parsePlotData(){ console.log("Ngspice netlist executed successfully "+fileName); // console.log("Allv :"+plot_allv_file) //socket.emit('serverMessage','Ngspice netlist executed successfully: '); //var analysisInfo = grep('.tran|.dc|.ac', fileName); //Not reliable var analysisInfo = getAnalysisInfo(fileName); console.log("Analysis :"+analysisInfo) var options = { mode: 'json', pythonPath: pyEnv, pythonOptions: ['-u'], scriptPath: scriptPath, args: [analysisInfo, plot_allv_file, plot_alli_file] };'', options, function (err, results) { if (err) throw err; // results is an array consisting of messages collected during execution // console.log('results: %j', results); var resultString = results[0]; // console.log(resultString); //Emitting Data Points to client socket.emit('plotData',resultString); }); } function getSocketID(socket){ socketID =; //Removing first two char i.e '/#' from socket id socketID = socketID.substring(2); console.log("Return :"+socketID) return socketID; } function deleteNetlistFile(fileName){ console.log("Delete File "+fileName) fs.unlink(fileName, function(err){ if (err) return console.log("Error while deleting ngspice file :"+err); console.log("success"); }); } function getAnalysisInfo(fileName){ var analysisType; fs.readFileSync(fileName).toString().split('\n').forEach(function (line) { line = line.trim(); if(line.startsWith(".ac")||line.startsWith(".tran")||line.startsWith(".dc")){ analysisType = line; } }); return analysisType; } }); app.use('/',router); }