package Simulator /* This aims to be steady state chemical engineering process simulator. Currently this contains Chemsep Database(contains more than 400 compounds), thermodynamic packages, Various themodynamic functions , Material stream(generic flash unit) and some generic unit operations and some Tests of these models*/ /* Chemsep Database is created by "Rahul Jain" and modified by "Pravin Dalve"*/ extends Modelica.Icons.Package; import SI = Modelica.SIunits; import Cv = Modelica.SIunits.Conversions; package Files extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage; package Chemsep_Database model General_Properties parameter Integer SN; parameter String name; parameter String CAS; parameter Real Tc; parameter Real Pc; parameter Real Vc; parameter Real Cc; parameter Real Tb; parameter Real Tm; parameter Real TT; parameter Real TP; parameter Real MW; parameter Real LVB; parameter Real AF; parameter Real SP; parameter Real DM; parameter Real SH; parameter Real IGHF; parameter Real GEF; parameter Real AS; parameter Real HFMP; parameter Real HOC; parameter Real UniquacR; parameter Real UniquacQ; parameter Real LiqDen[6]; parameter Real VP[6]; parameter Real LiqCp[6]; parameter Real HOV[6]; parameter Real VapCp[6]; parameter Real LiqVis[6]; parameter Real VapVis[6]; parameter Real LiqK[6]; parameter Real VapK[6]; parameter Real Racketparam; parameter Real ChaoSeadAF; parameter Real ChaoSeadSP; parameter Real ChaoSeadLV; end General_Properties; model Air extends General_Properties( SN = 1, name = "Air", CAS = "132259-10-0", Tc = 132.45, Pc = 3774000, Vc = 0.09147, Cc = 0.313, Tb = 78.67, Tm = 59.15, TT = 59.15, TP = 5642.15, MW = 28.96, LVB = 0.0329147, AF = 0, SP = 12750, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 199000, HFMP = 0, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,2.6731,0.25637,132.51,0.26788,0}, VP = {101,14.794,-599.85,1.0009,-3.9938E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,53628,4511.1,-143.29,1.582,-0.0051332}, HOV = {106,7385651,0.276676,0.211253,-0.836764,0.722737}, VapCp = {100,29562.29,-7.164949,0.0216294,-0.0000139748,2.89195E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-72.336,813.48,12.687,-0.00033062,2}, VapVis = {102,0.000001592,0.48975,123.45,-829.58,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.21199,-16.311,-0.23057,-0.0076197,0.0000025018}, VapK = {102,0.0003511,0.76492,16.071,1084.4,0}, Racketparam = 0.29056, UniquacR = 0, UniquacQ = 0, ChaoSeadAF = -0.00787976, ChaoSeadSP = 12749.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0329147); end Air; model Argon extends General_Properties( SN = 2, name = "Argon", CAS = "7440-37-1", Tc = 150.86, Pc = 4898000, Vc = 0.07457, Cc = 0.291, Tb = 87.27, Tm = 83.8039, TT = 83.8, TP = 68906.1, MW = 39.948, LVB = 0.0291, AF = -0.002, SP = 14138.3, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 154732, HFMP = 1184900, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,3.803,0.286,150.86,0.2984,0}, VP = {101,44.369,-1126.1,-4.5688,0.000062339,2}, LiqCp = {16,46085,-1304.5,21.195,-0.015382,0.000033063}, HOV = {106,7981000,0.099752,0.32009,-0.11898,0.031141}, VapCp = {16,20786,0,0,0,0}, LiqVis = {101,-99.903,1347.5,17.615,-0.00032893,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010023,0.5922,85.563,238.26,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.30397,-0.82999,-0.71462,-0.00039294,-0.000012209}, VapK = {102,0.00013095,0.81923,-122.33,13993,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.1074, UniquacQ = 1.068, ChaoSeadAF = -0.002, ChaoSeadSP = 14138.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0285865); end Argon; model Bromine extends General_Properties( SN = 3, name = "Bromine", CAS = "7726-95-6", Tc = 584.15, Pc = 1.03E+07, Vc = 0.135, Cc = 0.286, Tb = 331.9, Tm = 265.9, TT = 265.85, TP = 5853.37, MW = 159.808, LVB = 0.0514795, AF = 0.128997, SP = 23590, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 3.091E+07, GEF = 3140000, AS = 245350, HFMP = 1.057E+07, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,2.0603,0.28982,584.15,0.28948,0}, VP = {101,63.657,-5321.6,-6.3199,0.0000054412,2}, LiqCp = {16,75351,-4.87E+07,54033,102.73,0.43775}, HOV = {106,3.8419E+07,-0.26282,2.1808,-2.7529,1.1823}, VapCp = {16,35000,-410,8.5,-0.00016,-0.00000001}, LiqVis = {101,-5.9813,410.55,-0.30036,-0.000006936,2}, VapVis = {102,1.1438E-07,0.88111,59.595,-6723.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.69183,27.775,-0.38966,0.00057103,-8.8462E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0000065648,1.4785,4505.6,-870500,0}, Racketparam = 0.279241, UniquacR = 1.8985, UniquacQ = 1.672, ChaoSeadAF = 0.108, ChaoSeadSP = 23591.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0514795); end Bromine; model Carbontetrachloride extends General_Properties( SN = 4, name = "Carbontetrachloride", CAS = "56-23-5", Tc = 556.3, Pc = 4557000, Vc = 0.276, Cc = 0.271, Tb = 349.79, Tm = 250.33, TT = 250.33, TP = 1122.46, MW = 153.822, LVB = 0.09707, AF = 0.187, SP = 17550, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = -9.581E+07, GEF = -5.354E+07, AS = 309910, HFMP = 2535000, HOC = -2.653E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.0721,0.28328,556.3,0.30092,0}, VP = {101,82.671,-6304.2,-9.2247,0.0000074352,2}, LiqCp = {16,129390,1959.2,-18.833,0.080834,-0.000047491}, HOV = {106,3.1764E+07,-1.5729,5.2158,-5.5259,2.1931}, VapCp = {16,37588.04,-242.5309,11.66726,-0.000446049,1.391101E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-22.297,1645,1.7588,-0.0000028163,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000029947,0.37756,454.35,5708.3,0}, LiqK = {16,0.034432,-227.95,-0.38117,-0.0048371,-0.0000011782}, VapK = {102,0.0001208,0.98541,1411.1,-36584,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.33, UniquacQ = 2.82, ChaoSeadAF = 1.695, ChaoSeadSP = 17546.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0971395); end Carbontetrachloride; model Carbonmonoxide extends General_Properties( SN = 5, name = "Carbonmonoxide", CAS = "630-08-0", Tc = 132.85, Pc = 3494000, Vc = 0.0931, Cc = 0.292, Tb = 81.66, Tm = 68.15, TT = 68.15, TP = 15400, MW = 28.01, LVB = 0.03488, AF = 0.045, SP = 6402, DM = 3.74E-31, SH = -110530000.0, IGHF = -1.1053E+08, GEF = -1.3715E+08, AS = 197556, HFMP = 840984, HOC = -2.83E+08, LiqDen = {105,2.2423,0.2437,132.93,0.24196,0}, VP = {101,42.283,-1035.1,-4.2012,0.000062546,2}, LiqCp = {16,63364,-10524,359.6,-3.9494,0.014624}, HOV = {106,8585000,0.4921,-0.326,0.2231,0}, VapCp = {16,29100,-1979.753,10.58274,-0.0000790406,-1.99685E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-82.158,1037.8,14.229,-0.00028204,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000012713,0.51494,105.97,-231.11,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.23621,-3.5251,-0.55788,-0.0039362,-0.0000082725}, VapK = {102,0.00061581,0.6828,61.287,221.32,0}, Racketparam = 0.2918, UniquacR = 1.0679, UniquacQ = 1.112, ChaoSeadAF = 0.093, ChaoSeadSP = 6402.36, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0354426); end Carbonmonoxide; model Carbondioxide extends General_Properties( SN = 6, name = "Carbondioxide", CAS = "124-38-9", Tc = 304.21, Pc = 7383000, Vc = 0.094, Cc = 0.274, Tb = 0, Tm = 216.58, TT = 216.58, TP = 518672, MW = 44.0095, LVB = 0.0616782, AF = 0.223621, SP = 14560, DM = 0, SH = -393510000.0, IGHF = -3.9351E+08, GEF = -3.9437E+08, AS = 213677, HFMP = 9019000, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,2.768,0.26212,304.21,0.2908,0}, VP = {101,95.478,-4070,-12.07,0.000029505,2}, LiqCp = {16,80592,108.83,-6.9126,0.059647,0.0000069922}, HOV = {106,2.1092E+07,0.35366,-0.46134,0.43554,0.037671}, VapCp = {16,28933,-494.28,10.658,-0.000027375,3.3268E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-7.7022,-166.34,0.38094,-0.00004018,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000022464,0.45495,292.64,1669.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.24975,-55.106,0.41735,-0.0051067,0.0000020157}, VapK = {102,5.804,-0.44522,794.13,2139600,0}, Racketparam = 0.270937, UniquacR = 1.2986, UniquacQ = 1.292, ChaoSeadAF = 0.231, ChaoSeadSP = 14563.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0372744); end Carbondioxide; model Carbondisulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 7, name = "Carbondisulfide", CAS = "75-15-0", Tc = 552, Pc = 7900000, Vc = 0.16, Cc = 0.275, Tb = 319.375, Tm = 161.58, TT = 161.11, TP = 1.4944, MW = 76.1407, LVB = 0.0606387, AF = 0.110697, SP = 20400, DM = 0, SH = -393510000.0, IGHF = 1.169E+08, GEF = 6.68E+07, AS = 237900, HFMP = 4393000, HOC = -1.0769E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.7976,0.28757,552,0.32269,0}, VP = {101,52.62041,-4546.02,-4.744246,4.881551E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,69032,671.75,2.3423,0.015972,-0.0000043479}, HOV = {106,3.9758E+07,0.68679,0.18227,-1.7985,1.3658}, VapCp = {16,26779,-222.87,10.557,0.00011062,-5.3772E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-9.8702,691.26,-0.072299,1.6489E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,5.9681E-08,0.92304,48.01,-162.47,0}, LiqK = {16,0.12378,-150.01,-0.453,-0.0078739,-0.0000032002}, VapK = {102,0.00033762,0.73827,483.3,-4769.2,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.057, UniquacQ = 1.65, ChaoSeadAF = 0.107865, ChaoSeadSP = 20410.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0606387); end Carbondisulfide; model Phosgene extends General_Properties( SN = 8, name = "Phosgene", CAS = "75-44-5", Tc = 455, Pc = 5674200, Vc = 0.19, Cc = 0.285, Tb = 280.71, Tm = 145.37, TT = 145.37, TP = 0.920651, MW = 98.9161, LVB = 0.0597955, AF = 0.201309, SP = 17140, DM = 3.9E-30, SH = -218900000.0, IGHF = -2.189E+08, GEF = -2.0479E+08, AS = 283740, HFMP = 5738400, HOC = -1.746E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.4691,0.2768,455,0.27965,0}, VP = {101,81.03568,-5112.106,-9.267047,0.0000119936,2}, LiqCp = {16,101240,-202030,196.31,2.1704,-0.0015512}, HOV = {106,4.367252E+07,1.081822,-0.773774,-0.1937,0.317951}, VapCp = {16,32506,-282.16,11.124,-0.00017636,4.5651E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-789.51,22474,129.1,-0.00032789,2}, VapVis = {102,6.2229E-07,0.58405,277.35,-6111.6,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0025061,3.5674,-1.6592,-0.0007952,-0.0000018088}, VapK = {102,0.000024368,1.1423,246.56,4296.5,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.300593, UniquacQ = 2.08, ChaoSeadAF = 0.1918, ChaoSeadSP = 17837.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0705389); end Phosgene; model Trichloroacetylchloride extends General_Properties( SN = 9, name = "Trichloroacetylchloride", CAS = "76-02-8", Tc = 604, Pc = 4320000, Vc = 0.3408, Cc = 0.293, Tb = 391.15, Tm = 216.2, TT = 216.2, TP = 5.18177, MW = 181.833, LVB = 0.112961, AF = 0.282386, SP = 18010, DM = 4.0E-30, SH = -218900000.0, IGHF = -2.398E+08, GEF = -1.8E+08, AS = 360000, HFMP = 9040000, HOC = -5.062E+08, LiqDen = {105,0.76674,0.26122,604,0.28678,0}, VP = {101,174.9617,-10592.68,-23.45621,0.0000238342,2}, LiqCp = {16,177260,-1933.8,48.92,-0.20004,0.00024097}, HOV = {106,1.449329E+08,7.45895,-20.20511,23.04844,-9.793955}, VapCp = {16,91870,-696.64,12.555,-0.0015691,6.1156E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-12.095,1867,-0.00010079,1.1286E-09,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000001265,0.7796,98.46,0.0024692,0}, LiqK = {16,0.043702,-153.3,-0.62199,-0.0058162,0.0000023649}, VapK = {102,0.0006898,0.5929,623.5,0.0039481,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.177323, UniquacQ = 3.544, ChaoSeadAF = 0.347734, ChaoSeadSP = 18501.6, ChaoSeadLV = 0.112737); end Trichloroacetylchloride; model Hydrogenchloride extends General_Properties( SN = 10, name = "Hydrogenchloride", CAS = "7647-01-0", Tc = 324.69, Pc = 8310000, Vc = 0.081, Cc = 0.249, Tb = 188.15, Tm = 158.97, TT = 158.97, TP = 13521.9, MW = 36.461, LVB = 0.03028, AF = 0.126, SP = 12190, DM = 3.6E-30, SH = -92310000.0, IGHF = -9.231E+07, GEF = -9.53E+07, AS = 186786, HFMP = 2000000, HOC = -2.86E+07, LiqDen = {105,2.3619,0.23301,324.69,0.25076,0}, VP = {101,138.2562,-4825.245,-19.73669,0.0000650759,2}, LiqCp = {16,-53340,265.92,4.243,0.058092,-0.00013923}, HOV = {106,1.9563E+07,-0.79988,3.8907,-4.9768,2.2266}, VapCp = {16,29096.99,-1271.123,6.610209,0.00378635,-0.0000013094}, LiqVis = {101,-196.43,5474.4,31.068,-0.000094243,2}, VapVis = {102,5.1969E-07,0.66444,177.83,-3965.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.4993,-113.3,0.99185,-0.0023549,-0.0000033612}, VapK = {102,0.0017816,0.5013,331.03,3750.8,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.056032, UniquacQ = 1.1, ChaoSeadAF = 0.121, ChaoSeadSP = 22003.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.030563); end Hydrogenchloride; model Chlorine extends General_Properties( SN = 11, name = "Chlorine", CAS = "7782-50-5", Tc = 417, Pc = 7700000, Vc = 0.124, Cc = 0.275, Tb = 239.12, Tm = 172.12, TT = 172.12, TP = 1366.04, MW = 70.905, LVB = 0.04536, AF = 0.073, SP = 17360, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 222972, HFMP = 6406000, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,1.8293,0.25,417.16,0.26753,0}, VP = {101,45.776,-3292.7,-3.7926,0.0000049863,2}, LiqCp = {16,66547,12488,-246.3,-2.7266,-0.021518}, HOV = {106,2.9601E+07,0.77334,-1.0279,0.93368,-0.2926}, VapCp = {16,28958,-398.03,10.125,-0.0010681,3.8414E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.351,502.6,0.30506,-9.5237E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,2.5899E-07,0.74273,97.463,-22.488,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.48743,13.229,-0.49371,0.00052989,-0.0000020491}, VapK = {102,0.00096588,0.54995,434.26,3605.9,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.5887, UniquacQ = 1.524, ChaoSeadAF = 0.0547, ChaoSeadSP = 20120, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0455063); end Chlorine; model Hydrogeniodide extends General_Properties( SN = 12, name = "Hydrogeniodide", CAS = "10034-85-2", Tc = 423.85, Pc = 8310000, Vc = 0.1219, Cc = 0.287, Tb = 237.55, Tm = 222.38, TT = 222.38, TP = 49326.4, MW = 127.912, LVB = 0.0507575, AF = 0.0380703, SP = 17120, DM = 1.5E-30, SH = 26500000.0, IGHF = 2.65E+07, GEF = 1716000, AS = 206481, HFMP = 2872100, HOC = -1.162E+08, LiqDen = {105,0.29008,0.10272,423.85,0.12802,0}, VP = {101,48.208,-3309.5,-4.2202,0.0000058868,2}, LiqCp = {16,47228,657.18,2.2493,0.031778,-0.000056365}, HOV = {106,4.5057E+07,2.4036,-3.4166,1.5877,-0.0027034}, VapCp = {16,29070.86,-1600.955,9.445762,0.000914155,-4.506661E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-20.449,-959.41,4.2445,-0.000095025,2}, VapVis = {102,1.6146E-07,0.8587,45.387,-1595.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.2841,21.17,-1.299,0.00096857,-0.0000020056}, VapK = {102,0.000042343,0.89806,44.783,-39.662,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.6724, UniquacQ = 1.5928, ChaoSeadAF = 0.0380703, ChaoSeadSP = 19866.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0457176); end Hydrogeniodide; model Hydrogen extends General_Properties( SN = 13, name = "Hydrogen", CAS = "1333-74-0", Tc = 33.19, Pc = 1313000, Vc = 0.064147, Cc = 0.305, Tb = 20.39, Tm = 13.95, TT = 13.95, TP = 7220, MW = 2.01588, LVB = 0.0285681, AF = -0.215993, SP = 6648, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 130571, HFMP = 117100, HOC = -2.4182E+08, LiqDen = {105,2.9613,0.25981,33.19,0.19104,0}, VP = {101,13.05,-97.534,1.0355,0.00031816,2}, LiqCp = {16,14510,-1191.1,156.51,-6.1773,0.087907}, HOV = {106,1534700,3.214,-8.4567,8.4646,-2.8057}, VapCp = {16,3994.325,-48.69006,10.36209,-0.000340144,1.960333E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-32.531,97.304,5.9178,-0.0031563,2}, VapVis = {102,1.7916E-07,0.68557,-0.51413,132.61,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.34238,-4.3002,-0.53814,0.0011639,-0.00021792}, VapK = {102,0.0026851,0.74366,13.289,-31.305,0}, Racketparam = 0.3139, UniquacR = 0.4092, UniquacQ = 0.5516, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 6647.875, ChaoSeadLV = 0.031); end Hydrogen; model Water extends General_Properties( SN = 14, name = "Water", CAS = "7732-18-5", Tc = 647.14, Pc = 2.2064E+07, Vc = 0.05595, Cc = 0.229, Tb = 373.15, Tm = 273.15, TT = 273.16, TP = 611.73, MW = 18.015, LVB = 0.01807, AF = 0.344, SP = 47860, DM = 6.17E-30, SH = 0.0, IGHF = -2.41814E+08, GEF = -2.2859E+08, AS = 188724, HFMP = 6001740, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {106,32.51621,-3.213004,7.92411,-7.359898,2.703522}, VP = {101,74.55502,-7295.586,-7.442448,0.0000042881,2}, LiqCp = {16,75539,-22297,136.02,-0.25622,0.00018273}, HOV = {106,5.964E+07,0.86515,-1.1134,0.67764,-0.026925}, VapCp = {16,33200,-878.9001,8.436956,0.00207627,-6.467085E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-133.7,6785.7,18.47,-0.000014736,2}, VapVis = {102,7.002327E-08,0.934576,195.6338,-13045.99,0}, LiqK = {16,-1.5697,-55.141,0.7832,0.0011484,-0.0000018151}, VapK = {102,0.0000065986,1.3947,59.478,-15484,0}, Racketparam = 0.2338, UniquacR = 0.92, UniquacQ = 1.4, ChaoSeadAF = 0.328, ChaoSeadSP = 47812.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0180674); end Water; model Hydrogensulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 15, name = "Hydrogensulfide", CAS = "7783-06-4", Tc = 373.53, Pc = 8962910, Vc = 0.0985, Cc = 0.284, Tb = 212.8, Tm = 187.68, TT = 187.68, TP = 23200, MW = 34.0809, LVB = 0.0438045, AF = 0.0941677, SP = 18000, DM = 3.23E-30, SH = -20630000.0, IGHF = -2.063E+07, GEF = -3.344E+07, AS = 205600, HFMP = 2376500, HOC = -5.18E+08, LiqDen = {105,2.3565,0.25354,373.53,0.26514,0}, VP = {101,48.34868,-3078.428,-4.229632,6.844234E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,68743,-100800,1016.4,-3.3645,0.0037533}, HOV = {106,2.7198E+07,0.69517,-0.69951,0.51422,-0.11694}, VapCp = {16,33121.9,-869.6079,9.605736,0.00110059,-3.859399E-07}, LiqVis = {101,7.527,261.77,-3.1833,0.0000078743,2}, VapVis = {102,3.4328E-08,1.0455,58.912,-13329,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.078369,-33.634,-0.24641,-0.0025463,-0.0000049089}, VapK = {102,1.0611E-07,1.8773,-355.78,45782,0}, Racketparam = 0.285, UniquacR = 1.234, UniquacQ = 1.241, ChaoSeadAF = 0.0941677, ChaoSeadSP = 18000.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0358604); end Hydrogensulfide; model Ammonia extends General_Properties( SN = 16, name = "Ammonia", CAS = "7664-41-7", Tc = 405.4, Pc = 1.1353E+07, Vc = 0.07247, Cc = 0.255, Tb = 239.82, Tm = 195.41, TT = 195.41, TP = 6111.09, MW = 17.031, LVB = 0.02496, AF = 0.256, SP = 24790, DM = 4.9E-30, SH = -45898000.0, IGHF = -4.5898E+07, GEF = -1.64E+07, AS = 192660, HFMP = 5657000, HOC = -3.1683E+08, LiqDen = {105,4.0518,0.27129,405.4,0.31349,0}, VP = {101,62.8849,-4136.862,-6.320663,9.203947E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,77659,-45330,445.74,-1.4197,0.0015508}, HOV = {106,2.4542E+07,-1.3178,4.7194,-5.4808,2.4196}, VapCp = {16,33239,-913.64,10.802,0.00021047,-4.1739E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-39.742,1486.5,4.7749,-0.000015796,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000000459,0.96936,48.366,-2671.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.95309,14.684,0.56768,-0.00028968,-0.0000019238}, VapK = {102,0.000016165,1.3146,75.168,-8202.1,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 0.9097, UniquacQ = 0.98, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2517, ChaoSeadSP = 29224.9, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0249801); end Ammonia; model Neon extends General_Properties( SN = 17, name = "Neon", CAS = "7440-01-9", Tc = 44.4, Pc = 2653000, Vc = 0.0417, Cc = 0.3, Tb = 27.09, Tm = 24.55, TT = 24.56, TP = 43300, MW = 20.1797, LVB = 0.0167622, AF = -0.0395988, SP = 9440, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 146219, HFMP = 328100, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,7.3718,0.3067,44.4,0.2786,0}, VP = {101,29.459,-269.41,-2.5349,0.00051726,2}, LiqCp = {16,29948,-243.96,32.083,-0.79445,0.01023}, HOV = {106,1420900,-0.63029,-0.0022325,1.6268,-0.7611}, VapCp = {16,20786,-1728.5,-21.855,0.0020512,2.1139E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-83.002,434.94,18.35,-0.0034996,2}, VapVis = {102,7.6731E-07,0.65634,5.8941,175.84,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.49811,-1.8025,-0.49257,0.0090166,-0.00024023}, VapK = {102,0.0011717,0.66099,12.109,-70.155,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 0.680949, UniquacQ = 0.776, ChaoSeadAF = -0.0413762, ChaoSeadSP = 9417.34, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0167622); end Neon; model Nitricacid extends General_Properties( SN = 18, name = "Nitricacid", CAS = "7697-37-2", Tc = 520, Pc = 6890100, Vc = 0.145, Cc = 0.231, Tb = 356.15, Tm = 231.55, TT = 231.55, TP = 60.7682, MW = 63.0128, LVB = 0.041734, AF = 0.714406, SP = 29610, DM = 7.24E-30, SH = 0.0, IGHF = -1.343E+08, GEF = -7.401E+07, AS = 266370, HFMP = 1.047E+07, HOC = 1.34E+07, LiqDen = {105,6.9293,0.47274,520,0.49837,0}, VP = {101,26.654,-5017.1,-0.036699,-0.0000064771,2}, LiqCp = {16,111110,-611.57,-2.7202,0.014286,-0.000033905}, HOV = {106,7.01E+07,0.68707,-0.0019914,0.0028792,-0.0014403}, VapCp = {16,32639,-463.06,11.547,-0.00011018,4.1801E-09}, LiqVis = {101,264.29,-7985,-44.099,0.000074947,2}, VapVis = {102,2.2234E-07,0.72283,140.72,-0.0025913,0}, LiqK = {16,0.15591,-186.43,-2.2714,0.0033214,-0.0000018932}, VapK = {102,0.00063365,0.72057,645.24,0.005306,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.638761, UniquacQ = 1.564, ChaoSeadAF = 0.714406, ChaoSeadSP = 29605.6, ChaoSeadLV = 0.041734); end Nitricacid; model Nitricoxide extends General_Properties( SN = 19, name = "Nitricoxide", CAS = "10102-43-9", Tc = 180, Pc = 6480000, Vc = 0.058, Cc = 0.251, Tb = 121.38, Tm = 112.15, TT = 109.5, TP = 21890, MW = 30.006, LVB = 0.02344, AF = 0.582, SP = 23120, DM = 5.1E-31, SH = 90250000.0, IGHF = 9.025E+07, GEF = 8.657E+07, AS = 210600, HFMP = 2301000, HOC = -9.02489E+07, LiqDen = {105,2.1354,0.19686,180.16,0.15443,0}, VP = {101,98.67523,-3011.477,-13.21121,0.000072078,2}, LiqCp = {16,38756,-323.94,15.685,-0.060412,0.00033434}, HOV = {106,2.4721E+07,2.2365,-5.8672,6.8169,-2.7529}, VapCp = {16,29831.89,-2622.96,12.94433,-0.00260975,6.261468E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-50.098,734.63,8.0267,-0.00017996,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010289,0.55954,89.353,515.43,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.85384,4.7868,-0.010049,0.0010454,-0.0000086044}, VapK = {102,0.00046657,0.73353,58.917,-625.75,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 0.9163, UniquacQ = 0.9859, ChaoSeadAF = 0.582944, ChaoSeadSP = 23117.6, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0234267); end Nitricoxide; model Nitrogendioxide extends General_Properties( SN = 20, name = "Nitrogendioxide", CAS = "10102-44-0", Tc = 431.15, Pc = 1.01325E+07, Vc = 0.08249, Cc = 0.233, Tb = 294.15, Tm = 261.9, TT = 261.9, TP = 18728.3, MW = 46.0055, LVB = 0.031997, AF = 0.851088, SP = 33390, DM = 1.05E-30, SH = 33180000.0, IGHF = 3.318E+07, GEF = 5.1328E+07, AS = 239920, HFMP = 1.465E+07, HOC = -3.30954E+07, LiqDen = {105,2.2179,0.22994,431.38,0.19006,0}, VP = {101,18.404,-3508.6,0.81255,0.0000049983,2}, LiqCp = {16,77435,432.69,5.3737,0.020804,-0.000021695}, HOV = {106,5.37E+07,0.3,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,32962.96,-578.7755,10.44921,0.0000793322,-5.181036E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-311.49,10041,49.027,-0.00010518,2}, VapVis = {102,1.2078E-08,1.1399,-382.56,78187,0}, LiqK = {16,0.11611,127610,-1409.1,5.1777,-0.0063738}, VapK = {102,0.070851,-0.2143,-1258,429500,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.053395, UniquacQ = 1.1308, ChaoSeadAF = 0.851088, ChaoSeadSP = 33494.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0317854); end Nitrogendioxide; model Nitrogen extends General_Properties( SN = 21, name = "Nitrogen", CAS = "7727-37-9", Tc = 126.2, Pc = 3398000, Vc = 0.0901, Cc = 0.289, Tb = 77.35, Tm = 63.149, TT = 63.149, TP = 12520, MW = 28.014, LVB = 0.03484, AF = 0.037, SP = 9082, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 191500, HFMP = 720000, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,2.435,0.25137,126.27,0.249,0}, VP = {101,42.32946,-965.9771,-4.321774,0.0000797271,2}, LiqCp = {16,55135,217.45,-0.9071,0.05327,0.00024166}, HOV = {106,2.7284E+07,7.8021,-19.125,19.518,-7.5428}, VapCp = {16,29103.63,-2305.946,11.31935,-0.00100557,1.706099E-07}, LiqVis = {101,3.4358,-24.706,-2.6748,-0.000041603,2}, VapVis = {102,4.6051E-07,0.65049,5.8019,2822.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.21743,10.383,-1.0631,0.00036245,-0.000023265}, VapK = {102,0.0003395,0.76921,19.592,293.93,0}, Racketparam = 0.2906, UniquacR = 1.0415, UniquacQ = 1.088, ChaoSeadAF = 0.045, ChaoSeadSP = 9081.94, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0346723); end Nitrogen; model Nitrousoxide extends General_Properties( SN = 22, name = "Nitrousoxide", CAS = "10024-97-2", Tc = 309.6, Pc = 7255000, Vc = 0.097, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 184.67, Tm = 182.33, TT = 182.3, TP = 87850, MW = 44.013, LVB = 0.0359, AF = 0.162, SP = 8275, DM = 5.57E-31, SH = 82050000.0, IGHF = 8.205E+07, GEF = 1.0416E+08, AS = 219850, HFMP = 6539000, HOC = -8.20482E+07, LiqDen = {105,2.0978,0.2338,309.6,0.25899,0}, VP = {101,50.69662,-2836.473,-4.609937,7.237315E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,72525,232.93,2.2666,0.037329,-0.000055304}, HOV = {106,2.585559E+07,0.982629,-2.292314,3.369827,-1.65657}, VapCp = {16,28650,-400.03,10.5,0.00014292,-6.728E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.876,472.99,0.14659,-0.000013815,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000020512,0.47044,305.02,-521.81,0}, LiqK = {16,0.10112,-5274.1,16.778,-0.037729,-0.000048678}, VapK = {102,0.001121,0.66298,524.68,7332.7,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.238, UniquacQ = 1.2442, ChaoSeadAF = 0.140894, ChaoSeadSP = 20308, ChaoSeadLV = 0.036002); end Nitrousoxide; model Oxygen extends General_Properties( SN = 23, name = "Oxygen", CAS = "7782-44-7", Tc = 154.58, Pc = 5043000, Vc = 0.07337, Cc = 0.288, Tb = 90.17, Tm = 54.361, TT = 54.361, TP = 150, MW = 31.999, LVB = 0.02785, AF = 0.022, SP = 8182, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 205043, HFMP = 444000, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,2.6097,0.23614,154.78,0.23695,0}, VP = {101,40.55487,-1120.543,-3.776114,0.0000485344,2}, LiqCp = {16,53393,-1966.4,48.21,-0.31631,0.0010466}, HOV = {106,1.0672E+07,1.5661,-3.4356,3.5416,-1.2718}, VapCp = {16,29061.62,-1470.897,11.10778,-0.00128484,3.183122E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-5.2319,116.13,-1.0315,0.0000034376,2}, VapVis = {102,8.0134E-07,0.60321,56.09,1584.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.19654,-10.535,-0.46717,-0.0052064,-3.3418E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0004508,0.74544,58.278,-562.62,0}, Racketparam = 0.2908, UniquacR = 0.857, UniquacQ = 0.94, ChaoSeadAF = 0.019, ChaoSeadSP = 8181.93, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0280225); end Oxygen; model Sulfurdioxide extends General_Properties( SN = 24, name = "Sulfurdioxide", CAS = "7446-09-5", Tc = 430.75, Pc = 7884100, Vc = 0.122, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 263.13, Tm = 200, TT = 197.67, TP = 1674.39, MW = 64.0638, LVB = 0.04688, AF = 0.245381, SP = 12270, DM = 5.44E-30, SH = -296840000.0, IGHF = -2.9684E+08, GEF = -3.0012E+08, AS = 248100, HFMP = 7401000, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,1.8477,0.24254,430.75,0.27051,0}, VP = {101,53.52766,-4260.124,-4.670429,0.0000030272,2}, LiqCp = {16,86911,53691,-599.94,2.2025,-0.0025885}, HOV = {106,4.8914E+07,1.8091,-2.9053,2.2271,-0.64793}, VapCp = {16,33406,-516.38,10.524,0.000013143,-6.1535E-08}, LiqVis = {101,50.887,-1574,-9.4517,1.5898E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000012144,0.53923,315.41,-2659.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.21664,-2.2484,-0.50659,-0.0009424,-0.0000010218}, VapK = {102,23.316,-0.95324,-1567.4,1330100,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.6961, UniquacQ = 1.612, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2462, ChaoSeadSP = 12272.9, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0438228); end Sulfurdioxide; model Sulfurtrioxide extends General_Properties( SN = 25, name = "Sulfurtrioxide", CAS = "7446-11-9", Tc = 490.85, Pc = 8210000, Vc = 0.127, Cc = 0.255, Tb = 317.9, Tm = 289.95, TT = 289.95, TP = 21130, MW = 80.0632, LVB = 0.0420954, AF = 0.42396, SP = 31130, DM = 0, SH = -296840000.0, IGHF = -3.9572E+08, GEF = -3.7095E+08, AS = 256510, HFMP = 7532000, HOC = 1.422E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.6186,0.20129,490.85,0.42123,0}, VP = {101,351.6001,-18247.39,-49.77065,0.0000409297,2}, LiqCp = {16,258090,-3271.8,-8.4929,0.0035868,-0.000028801}, HOV = {106,8.1339E+07,0.77728,-0.42427,0.68287,-0.4608}, VapCp = {16,32986,-404.97,11.171,-0.000087925,-8.9809E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-260.71,11505,38.839,-0.000061621,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010033,0.54515,135.63,19402,0}, LiqK = {16,0.021077,585.52,-5.8227,0.016099,-0.000027318}, VapK = {102,1.1717,-0.2465,2002.7,1327100,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.145023, UniquacQ = 1.972376, ChaoSeadAF = 0.42396, ChaoSeadSP = 31130, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0420954); end Sulfurtrioxide; model Chloroform extends General_Properties( SN = 26, name = "Chloroform", CAS = "67-66-3", Tc = 536.5, Pc = 5500000, Vc = 0.24, Cc = 0.296, Tb = 334.33, Tm = 209.63, TT = 209.63, TP = 68.1479, MW = 119.377, LVB = 0.08068, AF = 0.226, SP = 18920, DM = 3.37E-30, SH = -296840000.0, IGHF = -1.029E+08, GEF = -7.01E+07, AS = 295600, HFMP = 9540000, HOC = -3.8E+08, LiqDen = {105,0.53556,0.18404,536.5,0.18541,0}, VP = {101,99.91512,-6781.559,-11.93873,0.0000115883,2}, LiqCp = {16,93132,645.44,2.3739,0.024457,-0.000021097}, HOV = {106,5.1382E+07,0.7027,0.36748,-1.351,0.69236}, VapCp = {16,36659,-308.1,11.299,0.00003137,-3.3538E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-20.923,1248.9,1.655,-0.0000024787,2}, VapVis = {102,1.8024E-07,0.76204,109.36,-1373.9,0}, LiqK = {16,0.061417,-66.692,-1.6802,-0.001962,-0.0000044192}, VapK = {102,0.00041167,0.84476,1870.6,-7829.5,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.7, UniquacQ = 2.34, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2059, ChaoSeadSP = 18919.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0805048); end Chloroform; model Hydrogencyanide extends General_Properties( SN = 27, name = "Hydrogencyanide", CAS = "74-90-8", Tc = 456.65, Pc = 5390000, Vc = 0.139, Cc = 0.197, Tb = 298.85, Tm = 259.91, TT = 259.833, TP = 18625, MW = 27.0253, LVB = 0.0397695, AF = 0.409913, SP = 24810, DM = 9.94E-30, SH = -296840000.0, IGHF = 1.35143E+08, GEF = 1.24725E+08, AS = 201719, HFMP = 8405700, HOC = -6.2329E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.3163,0.18425,456.65,0.2794,0}, VP = {101,42.70101,-4001.496,-3.208729,5.620619E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,70227,-10279,42.028,0.069085,-0.00024154}, HOV = {106,4.5225E+07,2.0549,-4.7432,4.7996,-1.8366}, VapCp = {16,29289,-482.84,10.404,-0.000041659,6.8553E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.545,843.5,0.21344,-0.0000012673,2}, VapVis = {102,1.2749E-08,1.0633,338.59,155.3,0}, LiqK = {16,0.06901,-183.38,0.87895,-0.0078031,0.000002353}, VapK = {102,0.000015837,1.2055,-98.566,53091,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.1951, UniquacQ = 1.2098, ChaoSeadAF = 0.409913, ChaoSeadSP = 24806, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0397695); end Hydrogencyanide; model Formaldehyde extends General_Properties( SN = 28, name = "Formaldehyde", CAS = "50-00-0", Tc = 408, Pc = 6590000, Vc = 0.115, Cc = 0.223, Tb = 254.05, Tm = 181.15, TT = 181.15, TP = 887, MW = 30.026, LVB = 0.04097, AF = 0.281846, SP = 21190, DM = 7.77E-30, SH = -108600000.0, IGHF = -1.086E+08, GEF = -1.026E+08, AS = 218660, HFMP = 7050000, HOC = -5.268E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.9413,0.22308,408,0.28569,0}, VP = {101,62.07923,-4207.675,-6.202287,5.521233E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,62716,-69.453,3.2871,0.047782,-0.0001008}, HOV = {106,3.0902E+07,0.29722,-0.051281,0.13234,-0.080686}, VapCp = {16,33216.06,-1212.62,11.96032,-0.000635943,1.549232E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.303,753.06,-0.013733,-4.6837E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,8.1997E-07,0.57256,258.17,-5091,0}, LiqK = {16,0.10999,-161.62,0.83463,-0.01142,0.0000060772}, VapK = {102,44.841,-0.71285,-3466.2,5262100,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 0.9183, UniquacQ = 0.78, ChaoSeadAF = 0.253, ChaoSeadSP = 23824.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0369129); end Formaldehyde; model Methylchloride extends General_Properties( SN = 29, name = "Methylchloride", CAS = "74-87-3", Tc = 416.2, Pc = 6680000, Vc = 0.143, Cc = 0.276, Tb = 248.95, Tm = 175.45, TT = 175.43, TP = 867.6, MW = 50.488, LVB = 0.05059, AF = 0.151, SP = 17320, DM = 6.24E-30, SH = -81960000.0, IGHF = -8.196E+07, GEF = -5.844E+07, AS = 234180, HFMP = 6548000, HOC = -6.7538E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.6672,0.24865,416.26,0.26843,0}, VP = {101,73.95113,-4332.347,-8.308415,0.0000132119,2}, LiqCp = {16,72914,778.6,-9.5627,0.081286,-0.000092921}, HOV = {106,3.0406E+07,0.41721,-0.045158,-0.067629,0.055437}, VapCp = {16,32790.34,-743.4513,11.51178,-0.0000302967,1.138778E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-60.189,2252.1,8.022,-0.000019477,2}, VapVis = {102,8.5916E-08,0.87071,35.619,35.603,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.22503,12.649,-0.64685,-0.0003032,-0.0000029812}, VapK = {102,-22144,0.7661,-4.8548E+10,-3.7839E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.667106, UniquacQ = 1.568, ChaoSeadAF = 0.153068, ChaoSeadSP = 19719.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0501264); end Methylchloride; model Methyliodide extends General_Properties( SN = 30, name = "Methyliodide", CAS = "74-88-4", Tc = 528, Pc = 7370000, Vc = 0.185, Cc = 0.311, Tb = 315.58, Tm = 206.7, TT = 206.7, TP = 254.555, MW = 141.939, LVB = 0.062667, AF = 0.19716, SP = 20180, DM = 5.4E-30, SH = -81960000.0, IGHF = 1.3E+07, GEF = 1.47E+07, AS = 254000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -7.096E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.3975,0.25854,528,0.2679,0}, VP = {101,56.57754,-4804.529,-5.238128,3.097144E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,81227,-510450,4831.2,-15.234,0.016088}, HOV = {106,3.3737E+07,-0.25822,1.7219,-2.0034,0.83642}, VapCp = {16,33243,-588.89,11.23,0.00016737,-5.0885E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.0691,650.82,-0.30881,-1.1201E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,7.1469E-07,0.6322,292.39,-1664.7,0}, LiqK = {16,0.025022,-2.7147,-2.1673,-0.0005511,-0.000004231}, VapK = {102,0.15913,0.010769,1577.4,2109400,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.1651, UniquacQ = 1.84, ChaoSeadAF = 0.192721, ChaoSeadSP = 20172.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.062667); end Methyliodide; model Methane extends General_Properties( SN = 31, name = "Methane", CAS = "74-82-8", Tc = 190.56, Pc = 4599000, Vc = 0.0986, Cc = 0.286, Tb = 111.66, Tm = 90.694, TT = 90.694, TP = 11696, MW = 16.043, LVB = 0.03554, AF = 0.011, SP = 11600, DM = 0, SH = -74520000.0, IGHF = -7.452E+07, GEF = -5.049E+07, AS = 186270, HFMP = 941400, HOC = -8.0262E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.894,0.23603,191.05,0.21974,0}, VP = {101,39.98844,-1337.308,-3.580049,0.0000320698,2}, LiqCp = {16,61157,5034.1,-48.913,-0.22998,0.0022243}, HOV = {106,1.4418E+07,2.3055,-5.4199,5.658,-2.1286}, VapCp = {16,33151.9,-1220.001,12.0907,-0.000384791,9.896403E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-45.328,724.39,6.5917,-0.00010373,2}, VapVis = {102,5.3432E-07,0.58831,114.58,-1338.5,0}, LiqK = {16,0.011567,-46.041,0.10435,-0.012133,-0.0000051716}, VapK = {102,0.0000074705,1.4432,-57.569,587.82,0}, Racketparam = 0.2876, UniquacR = 1.1239, UniquacQ = 1.152, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 11618.44, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0378392); end Methane; model Methanol extends General_Properties( SN = 32, name = "Methanol", CAS = "67-56-1", Tc = 512.64, Pc = 8097000, Vc = 0.118, Cc = 0.224, Tb = 337.69, Tm = 175.47, TT = 175.47, TP = 0.111264, MW = 32.042, LVB = 0.04073, AF = 0.565, SP = 29440, DM = 5.67E-30, SH = -74520000.0, IGHF = -2.0094E+08, GEF = -1.6232E+08, AS = 239880, HFMP = 3215000, HOC = -6.382E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.7918,0.23929,512.64,0.21078,0}, VP = {101,73.40342,-6548.076,-7.409987,5.72492E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,62799,1254.2,-5.9906,0.052937,-0.00004711}, HOV = {106,5.8058E+07,0.87168,-0.81501,0.1695,0.17846}, VapCp = {16,36313.16,-680.4577,11.10203,0.000756766,-2.902645E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-32.996,1981.4,3.3666,-0.0000039246,2}, VapVis = {102,3.0654E-07,0.69658,204.87,24.304,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.056817,13.156,-1.2214,-0.00028282,-0.0000010129}, VapK = {102,7.8368E-07,1.7569,108.12,-21101,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.43, UniquacQ = 1.43, ChaoSeadAF = 0.5589, ChaoSeadSP = 29546.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0407027); end Methanol; model Methylamine extends General_Properties( SN = 33, name = "Methylamine", CAS = "74-89-5", Tc = 430, Pc = 7420000, Vc = 0.125, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 266.82, Tm = 179.69, TT = 179.69, TP = 176.712, MW = 31.057, LVB = 0.04734, AF = 0.284, SP = 21270, DM = 4.37E-30, SH = -22970000.0, IGHF = -2.297E+07, GEF = 3.207E+07, AS = 243300, HFMP = 6134000, HOC = -9.7508E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.39,0.21405,430.05,0.2275,0}, VP = {101,74.79969,-5067.174,-8.028002,7.988835E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,90815,374.96,2.7431,0.031527,-0.000044978}, HOV = {106,4.6499E+07,1.6058,-3.2311,3.4082,-1.3345}, VapCp = {16,40540,-902.15,12.495,-0.00072761,0.0000002382}, LiqVis = {101,9.645,448.12,-3.737,0.000017508,2}, VapVis = {102,5.4475E-07,0.58715,230.63,-2982.2,0}, LiqK = {16,0.19876,9592,-137.2,0.62482,-0.00097954}, VapK = {102,-51.979,1.0721,-4.4966E+08,4.2697E+09,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.5959, UniquacQ = 1.544, ChaoSeadAF = 0.281272, ChaoSeadSP = 23116, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0447131); end Methylamine; model Trichloroethylene extends General_Properties( SN = 34, name = "Trichloroethylene", CAS = "79-01-6", Tc = 571, Pc = 4910000, Vc = 0.256, Cc = 0.265, Tb = 360.1, Tm = 188.4, TT = 188.4, TP = 1.97868, MW = 131.388, LVB = 0.0901371, AF = 0.21662, SP = 18800, DM = 2.57E-30, SH = -22970000.0, IGHF = -9620000, GEF = 1.606E+07, AS = 325090, HFMP = 0, HOC = -8.6411E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.0632,0.27217,571,0.2986,0}, VP = {101,46.56173,-5021.974,-3.675161,4.330407E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,111110,1042.6,-3.1013,0.043029,-0.000040867}, HOV = {106,4.571591E+07,0.581727,-0.122707,-0.842037,0.831632}, VapCp = {16,56305,-500.68,11.893,-0.00053611,1.6998E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-16.947,1157.4,0.95533,0.0000012051,2}, VapVis = {102,1.5903E-07,0.76088,56.852,7589.2,0}, LiqK = {16,0.079767,522.46,-9.4979,0.032021,-0.00005769}, VapK = {102,0.00050539,0.6741,584.61,3177.4,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.31, UniquacQ = 2.86, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2456, ChaoSeadSP = 18796.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0901371); end Trichloroethylene; model Dichloroacetylchloride extends General_Properties( SN = 35, name = "Dichloroacetylchloride", CAS = "79-36-7", Tc = 585, Pc = 4610000, Vc = 0.283, Cc = 0.268, Tb = 380.45, Tm = 230, TT = 230, TP = 27.15, MW = 147.388, LVB = 0.0969971, AF = 0.308927, SP = 19510, DM = 5.27E-30, SH = -22970000.0, IGHF = -2.4033E+08, GEF = -1.915E+08, AS = 350000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -6.2647E+08, LiqDen = {105,0.94766,0.26857,585,0.28586,0}, VP = {101,74.72886,-6808.875,-7.735182,4.475716E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,140380,-122.15,7.1438,0.0089927,-3.0698E-07}, HOV = {106,1.182114E+08,5.662305,-14.25375,15.19267,-6.032208}, VapCp = {16,54272,-346.01,11.744,-0.00014147,6.1056E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.762,1691.3,-0.020172,2.8483E-09,2}, VapVis = {102,1.4668E-07,0.7617,110.57,-0.0060267,0}, LiqK = {16,0.045516,-168.82,-0.6335,-0.0052944,0.0000014358}, VapK = {102,0.00049754,0.6638,622.43,-0.0085753,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.597891, UniquacQ = 3.044, ChaoSeadAF = 0.370509, ChaoSeadSP = 19942.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.097018); end Dichloroacetylchloride; model Trichloroacetaldehyde extends General_Properties( SN = 36, name = "Trichloroacetaldehyde", CAS = "75-87-6", Tc = 565, Pc = 4410000, Vc = 0.288, Cc = 0.27, Tb = 370.85, Tm = 216, TT = 216, TP = 10.133, MW = 147.388, LVB = 0.0983111, AF = 0.332334, SP = 19150, DM = 6.54E-30, SH = -22970000.0, IGHF = -1.97E+08, GEF = -1.48E+08, AS = 348000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -6.72E+08, LiqDen = {105,0.92352,0.2658,565,0.27915,0}, VP = {101,104.1738,-7649.009,-12.42192,0.0000106892,2}, LiqCp = {16,141170,-5.956,6.555,0.014383,-0.000012896}, HOV = {106,6.2611E+07,1.7765,-3.981,4.442,-1.8138}, VapCp = {16,75534,-497.17,11.711,-0.00021306,5.7567E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-15.452,1500.4,0.62119,1.0267E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9624E-07,0.76217,181.59,-7289.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0058147,-49.103,-1.1431,-0.0024848,-2.7456E-08}, VapK = {102,0.00037396,0.73494,540.31,2896.6,0}, Racketparam = 0.261398, UniquacR = 3.638102, UniquacQ = 3.132, ChaoSeadAF = 0.332283, ChaoSeadSP = 19153.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0983111); end Trichloroacetaldehyde; model Acetylene extends General_Properties( SN = 37, name = "Acetylene", CAS = "74-86-2", Tc = 308.3, Pc = 6114000, Vc = 0.1122, Cc = 0.268, Tb = 188.4, Tm = 192.4, TT = 192.4, TP = 127445, MW = 26.038, LVB = 0.04347, AF = 0.189, SP = 7921, DM = 0, SH = 228200000.0, IGHF = 2.282E+08, GEF = 2.1068E+08, AS = 200810, HFMP = 3770000, HOC = -1.257E+09, LiqDen = {105,2.8265,0.29316,308.3,0.31711,0}, VP = {101,82.22155,-3603.253,-10.0271,0.0000269397,2}, LiqCp = {16,79227,3177.2,-44.249,0.23814,-0.00030171}, HOV = {106,3.8817E+07,1.497,-1.0261,0.037348,-0.024401}, VapCp = {16,28271.69,-404.2493,11.05572,-0.000229636,1.424209E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.822,283.23,0.22007,-0.0000091126,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010997,0.50414,259.72,2787.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.060328,-110.3,0.44567,-0.0073832,0.0000024581}, VapK = {102,0.000078096,1.0286,-36.515,33144,0}, Racketparam = 0.2712, UniquacR = 1.52, UniquacQ = 1.39, ChaoSeadAF = 0.1841, ChaoSeadSP = 18813, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0421382); end Acetylene; model Dichloroacetaldehyde extends General_Properties( SN = 38, name = "Dichloroacetaldehyde", CAS = "79-02-7", Tc = 555, Pc = 4950000, Vc = 0.239, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 362, Tm = 223, TT = 223, TP = 30.4712, MW = 112.943, LVB = 0.0800261, AF = 0.343679, SP = 21090, DM = 7.87E-30, SH = 228200000.0, IGHF = -1.8E+08, GEF = -1.387E+08, AS = 329000, HFMP = 1.4E+07, HOC = -8.11E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.0695,0.25535,555,0.28663,0}, VP = {101,90.61988,-7239.82,-10.19237,7.278159E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,79819,-93.388,10.443,0.0030492,-0.0000015371}, HOV = {106,5.4311E+07,0.74287,-0.97767,1.092,-0.46681}, VapCp = {16,68025,-873.5,12.537,-0.00086712,2.2298E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-19.012,2548.4,0.73092,-0.0000016452,2}, VapVis = {102,3.0229E-07,0.67781,216.84,-7478.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.006509,-45.732,-1.1121,-0.0023494,-2.6574E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00042346,0.72759,609.27,10645,0}, Racketparam = 0.260402, UniquacR = 3.058668, UniquacQ = 2.632, ChaoSeadAF = 0.343679, ChaoSeadSP = 21250.9, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0788193); end Dichloroacetaldehyde; model Vinylchloride extends General_Properties( SN = 39, name = "Vinylchloride", CAS = "75-01-4", Tc = 432, Pc = 5670000, Vc = 0.179, Cc = 0.283, Tb = 259.25, Tm = 119.36, TT = 119.36, TP = 0.0191781, MW = 62.4982, LVB = 0.0692236, AF = 0.100107, SP = 15960, DM = 4.84E-30, SH = 28450000.0, IGHF = 2.845E+07, GEF = 4.195E+07, AS = 273540, HFMP = 4744000, HOC = -1.178E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.4882,0.26866,432,0.2693,0}, VP = {101,30.50309,-3204.111,-1.15716,-3.151817E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,29928,167.46,5.6386,0.023319,-0.000024747}, HOV = {106,2.6581E+07,-2.1189,8.303,-9.8551,4.0685}, VapCp = {16,39013,-667.91,11.935,-0.00030895,9.1245E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-3.586,386.19,-1.1014,-9.1164E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.1288E-07,0.63726,118.97,5390.5,0}, LiqK = {16,0.060341,155.36,-4.6785,0.015523,-0.000038165}, VapK = {102,-260.51,0.58623,-1.7838E+08,-1.6691E+09,0}, Racketparam = 0.281776, UniquacR = 1.9124, UniquacQ = 1.492, ChaoSeadAF = 0.100107, ChaoSeadSP = 17766.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0646597); end Vinylchloride; model Acetylchloride extends General_Properties( SN = 40, name = "Acetylchloride", CAS = "75-36-5", Tc = 508, Pc = 5740000, Vc = 0.196, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 323.9, Tm = 160.3, TT = 160.3, TP = 0.0945737, MW = 78.4976, LVB = 0.0713449, AF = 0.334018, SP = 19730, DM = 9.07E-30, SH = 28450000.0, IGHF = -2.4351E+08, GEF = -2.058E+08, AS = 295000, HFMP = 2.75307E+08, HOC = -8.7599E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.4254,0.27938,508,0.26304,0}, VP = {101,99.17638,-7177.914,-11.22425,-0.0000057394,2}, LiqCp = {16,42690,1356.4,-2.0032,0.038796,-0.000032805}, HOV = {106,4.0E+07,0.3,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,55490,-733.46,11.97,-0.00022853,6.1958E-08}, LiqVis = {101,4.4371,130.26,-2.2299,-8.5166E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,5.0377E-08,0.94052,79.768,-9041.6,0}, LiqK = {16,0.11965,1957.5,-32.911,0.1548,-0.00027429}, VapK = {102,-27944,0.34599,-4.878E+09,-7.8546E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.26125, UniquacR = 2.438365, UniquacQ = 2.208, ChaoSeadAF = 0.334018, ChaoSeadSP = 20189.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0712327); end Acetylchloride; model OneOneTwotrichloroethane extends General_Properties( SN = 41, name = "OneOneTwotrichloroethane", CAS = "79-00-5", Tc = 602, Pc = 4480000, Vc = 0.281, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 387, Tm = 236.5, TT = 236.5, TP = 44.7475, MW = 133.404, LVB = 0.0929898, AF = 0.259135, SP = 19890, DM = 4.17E-30, SH = 28450000.0, IGHF = -1.42E+08, GEF = -8.097E+07, AS = 337100, HFMP = 1.13E+07, HOC = -9.685E+08, LiqDen = {105,0.9055,0.25465,602,0.30987,0}, VP = {101,66.05096,-6428.165,-6.44717,3.27127E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,121000,433.16,2.2235,0.034423,-0.000040901}, HOV = {106,5.0503E+07,0.64021,-1.1382,1.5379,-0.66031}, VapCp = {16,56506,-535.36,12.166,-0.00021958,4.8605E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-26.218,1571.3,2.5992,-0.0000081378,2}, VapVis = {102,2.8974E-07,0.68713,200.47,-854.38,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.027258,-78.724,-0.73941,-0.0030401,8.8565E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000095455,1.0427,1258.3,-2960.2,0}, Racketparam = 0.267821, UniquacR = 3.526, UniquacQ = 2.948, ChaoSeadAF = 0.259768, ChaoSeadSP = 19818.9, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0929898); end OneOneTwotrichloroethane; model Acetonitrile extends General_Properties( SN = 42, name = "Acetonitrile", CAS = "75-05-8", Tc = 545.5, Pc = 4830000, Vc = 0.173, Cc = 0.184, Tb = 354.75, Tm = 229.32, TT = 229.32, TP = 186.945, MW = 41.0519, LVB = 0.0528577, AF = 0.337886, SP = 24050, DM = 1.31E-29, SH = 28450000.0, IGHF = 7.404E+07, GEF = 9.1868E+07, AS = 243290, HFMP = 8167000, HOC = -1.19043E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3064,0.22597,545.5,0.28678,0}, VP = {101,63.90188,-5635.018,-6.338065,5.801644E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,78687,635.92,1.7473,0.02389,-0.000017421}, HOV = {106,4.416703E+07,0.0989791,1.817987,-3.443548,1.854664}, VapCp = {16,41003,-679.99,11.578,0.00010104,-4.1014E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-31.531,1522.1,3.3306,-0.0000059061,2}, VapVis = {102,5.1905E-08,0.88581,38.325,87.034,0}, LiqK = {16,0.18265,8401.9,-103.1,0.40559,-0.00056286}, VapK = {102,4.7622E-08,2.1156,30.88,-14671,0}, Racketparam = 0.260911, UniquacR = 1.87, UniquacQ = 1.72, ChaoSeadAF = 0.338174, ChaoSeadSP = 24093.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0526772); end Acetonitrile; model Ethylene extends General_Properties( SN = 43, name = "Ethylene", CAS = "74-85-1", Tc = 282.34, Pc = 5041000, Vc = 0.1311, Cc = 0.282, Tb = 169.42, Tm = 104, TT = 104, TP = 125.988, MW = 28.054, LVB = 0.05107, AF = 0.087, SP = 12440, DM = 0, SH = 52510000.0, IGHF = 5.251E+07, GEF = 6.844E+07, AS = 219200, HFMP = 3351000, HOC = -1.323E+09, LiqDen = {105,2.3782,0.29542,282.36,0.32456,0}, VP = {101,54.53229,-2458.42,-5.660037,0.0000194185,2}, LiqCp = {16,68016,-22414,286.75,-1.1802,0.0017304}, HOV = {106,2.1658E+07,1.2164,-2.1538,2.0768,-0.73096}, VapCp = {16,33071.93,-860.0281,12.22807,-0.000509703,1.628387E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.9556,288.21,-0.21985,-0.000010831,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000021134,0.41436,359.51,-2291.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.19499,-11.178,-0.31182,-0.0034844,3.5873E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0000093247,1.4607,410.48,-44405,0}, Racketparam = 0.281, UniquacR = 1.57, UniquacQ = 1.49, ChaoSeadAF = 0.0949, ChaoSeadSP = 12436.64, ChaoSeadLV = 0.061); end Ethylene; model OneOnedichloroethane extends General_Properties( SN = 44, name = "OneOnedichloroethane", CAS = "75-34-3", Tc = 523, Pc = 5100000, Vc = 0.236, Cc = 0.277, Tb = 330.45, Tm = 176.19, TT = 176.19, TP = 2.21455, MW = 98.959, LVB = 0.08473, AF = 0.244, SP = 18300, DM = 6.87E-30, SH = 52510000.0, IGHF = -1.2941E+08, GEF = -7.259E+07, AS = 305010, HFMP = 7870000, HOC = -1.1104E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1057,0.26536,523,0.28703,0}, VP = {101,66.53401,-5492.415,-6.715993,5.298782E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,115470,479.34,1.2009,0.029511,-0.000025794}, HOV = {106,4.458773E+07,0.555838,0.0209485,-0.722234,0.56963}, VapCp = {16,45661,-449.92,11.802,0.00015496,-5.3829E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-9.7803,891.16,-0.14866,-3.5884E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000001814,0.74706,93.461,1513.7,0}, LiqK = {16,0.011357,-64.086,-0.98127,-0.0039469,6.6106E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00013381,1.01,1042.5,-2442,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.9617, UniquacQ = 2.532, ChaoSeadAF = 0.244612, ChaoSeadSP = 18299.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0847207); end OneOnedichloroethane; model OneTwodichloroethane extends General_Properties( SN = 45, name = "OneTwodichloroethane", CAS = "107-06-2", Tc = 561, Pc = 5400000, Vc = 0.22, Cc = 0.255, Tb = 356.66, Tm = 237.49, TT = 237.49, TP = 237.127, MW = 98.959, LVB = 0.07945, AF = 0.286, SP = 20260, DM = 4.8E-30, SH = 52510000.0, IGHF = -1.2979E+08, GEF = -7.3945E+07, AS = 308280, HFMP = 8830000, HOC = -1.105E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1942,0.27053,561.61,0.29157,0}, VP = {101,81.47902,-6503.169,-8.960273,7.32894E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,92757,224.15,8.5223,0.0025656,0.000005106}, HOV = {106,5.072427E+07,0.517321,0.205828,-0.637156,0.265499}, VapCp = {16,62073,-758.84,12.345,-0.0004196,0.0000001146}, LiqVis = {101,25.747,-385.45,-5.5912,0.0000027937,2}, VapVis = {102,1.1983E-07,0.79504,20.791,14003,0}, LiqK = {16,0.015945,-110.67,-0.74013,-0.0032664,-5.0786E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00023592,0.93945,1368.6,23794,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.88, UniquacQ = 2.52, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2876, ChaoSeadSP = 20249.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0794424); end OneTwodichloroethane; model Acetaldehyde extends General_Properties( SN = 46, name = "Acetaldehyde", CAS = "75-07-0", Tc = 466, Pc = 5550000, Vc = 0.154, Cc = 0.221, Tb = 294, Tm = 150.15, TT = 150.15, TP = 0.323203, MW = 44.0526, LVB = 0.0568878, AF = 0.290734, SP = 20110, DM = 8.97E-30, SH = -166400000.0, IGHF = -1.664E+08, GEF = -1.333E+08, AS = 264200, HFMP = 3220000, HOC = -1.1045E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.2346,0.22392,466,0.25025,0}, VP = {101,132.6058,-7086.883,-17.42481,0.0000237457,2}, LiqCp = {16,72077,1068.4,-6.4275,0.06878,-0.000079154}, HOV = {106,1.4565E+07,-6.1925,18.559,-20.707,8.5605}, VapCp = {16,42578,-730.39,11.883,0.000033485,-3.0296E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-4.0316,623.05,-1.1589,8.4583E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.1933E-07,0.78879,65.293,1023.3,0}, LiqK = {16,0.014392,-40.45,-0.67323,-0.0036191,0.0000011083}, VapK = {102,3.2627E-07,1.8293,-23.073,3397.7,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.9, UniquacQ = 1.8, ChaoSeadAF = 0.316685, ChaoSeadSP = 19818.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0564965); end Acetaldehyde; model Ethyleneoxide extends General_Properties( SN = 47, name = "Ethyleneoxide", CAS = "75-21-8", Tc = 469.15, Pc = 7190000, Vc = 0.140296, Cc = 0.25876, Tb = 283.6, Tm = 160.65, TT = 160.65, TP = 7.78791, MW = 44.0526, LVB = 0.0508328, AF = 0.197447, SP = 21050, DM = 6.3E-30, SH = -52630000.0, IGHF = -5.263E+07, GEF = -1.323E+07, AS = 242990, HFMP = 5171400, HOC = -1.218E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.99773,0.19368,469.15,0.19965,0}, VP = {101,69.60869,-4890.744,-7.346771,8.198478E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,81911,-50003,534.49,-1.8654,0.00223}, HOV = {106,5.9285E+07,3.2175,-7.404,7.8553,-3.1858}, VapCp = {16,31884.09,-715.0886,12.13937,-0.0000867837,-5.187264E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-8.5785,634.7,-0.32031,-8.1095E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010777,0.52994,452.12,-16957,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.2748,8.1093,-0.70065,-0.00041054,-6.2588E-07}, VapK = {102,-0.00032904,1.1711,-7027.1,89001,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.5927, UniquacQ = 1.32, ChaoSeadAF = 0.202, ChaoSeadSP = 21584, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0497046); end Ethyleneoxide; model Aceticacid extends General_Properties( SN = 48, name = "Aceticacid", CAS = "64-19-7", Tc = 594.45, Pc = 5790000, Vc = 0.171, Cc = 0.2, Tb = 391.04, Tm = 289.81, TT = 289.81, TP = 1280, MW = 60.053, LVB = 0.05753, AF = 0.46, SP = 19060, DM = 5.8E-30, SH = -52630000.0, IGHF = -4.328E+08, GEF = -3.745E+08, AS = 282500, HFMP = 1.173E+07, HOC = -7.866E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.0627,0.22174,594.76,0.22566,0}, VP = {101,87.50607,-7603.906,-9.655308,7.168835E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,49034,1051.1,0.77564,0.031667,-0.000028344}, HOV = {106,6.6203E+07,6.7121,-17.45,17.2,-6.0038}, VapCp = {16,40110,-588.24,12.017,0.00016249,-8.6918E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-58.528,2990.9,7.4911,-0.000011028,2}, VapVis = {102,4.3395E-09,1.24,-175.09,25013,0}, LiqK = {16,0.11159,-531.13,1.6359,-0.009369,-7.1996E-07}, VapK = {102,0.34137,-0.80579,-824.3,175840,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.23, UniquacQ = 2.04, ChaoSeadAF = 0.4566, ChaoSeadSP = 18501.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0575804); end Aceticacid; model Methylformate extends General_Properties( SN = 49, name = "Methylformate", CAS = "107-31-3", Tc = 487.2, Pc = 6000000, Vc = 0.172, Cc = 0.255, Tb = 304.9, Tm = 174.15, TT = 174.15, TP = 6.88085, MW = 60.053, LVB = 0.06214, AF = 0.253, SP = 20500, DM = 5.9E-30, SH = -52630000.0, IGHF = -3.524E+08, GEF = -2.95E+08, AS = 285200, HFMP = 7531000, HOC = -8.924E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.213,0.23619,487.2,0.24621,0}, VP = {101,70.6458,-5401.751,-7.334787,5.934343E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,97064,3377.4,-42.373,0.22648,-0.00029763}, HOV = {106,7.0578E+07,3.7855,-9.0874,9.6043,-3.7868}, VapCp = {16,41319,-570.15,12.038,-0.000034216,-2.7109E-11}, LiqVis = {101,-9.949,1214.4,-0.53562,0.000010346,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000069776,0.31537,1034.6,13.293,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0090363,23.594,-1.5627,0.00089283,-0.0000058101}, VapK = {102,-817050,-0.23016,2.5314E+08,-1.5205E+12,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.1431, UniquacQ = 2.036, ChaoSeadAF = 0.257, ChaoSeadSP = 20503.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0620841); end Methylformate; model Ethylchloride extends General_Properties( SN = 50, name = "Ethylchloride", CAS = "75-00-3", Tc = 460.3, Pc = 5300000, Vc = 0.199, Cc = 0.276, Tb = 285.42, Tm = 136.75, TT = 134.8, TP = 0.1249, MW = 64.514, LVB = 0.07258, AF = 0.194, SP = 17250, DM = 6.84E-30, SH = -112260000.0, IGHF = -1.1226E+08, GEF = -6.0499E+07, AS = 275780, HFMP = 4451800, HOC = -1.2849E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3553,0.26895,460.36,0.24994,0}, VP = {101,51.28342,-4206.393,-4.478839,3.812824E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,95946,-7247,67.469,-0.16696,0.00017795}, HOV = {106,3.61548E+07,0.981924,-2.026046,2.205811,-0.774155}, VapCp = {16,12765.96,-117.0948,11.04141,0.00111696,-3.565557E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.065,698.32,-0.097691,8.0018E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,3.2572E-07,0.66869,165.43,-2726.9,0}, LiqK = {16,0.062544,150.84,-4.3182,0.012599,-0.000031799}, VapK = {102,-19.83,0.20145,-728060,-2.7917E+08,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.3665, UniquacQ = 2.112, ChaoSeadAF = 0.190636, ChaoSeadSP = 17772.6, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0708426); end Ethylchloride; model Ethane extends General_Properties( SN = 51, name = "Ethane", CAS = "74-84-0", Tc = 305.32, Pc = 4872000, Vc = 0.1455, Cc = 0.279, Tb = 184.55, Tm = 90.352, TT = 90.352, TP = 1.13, MW = 30.07, LVB = 0.04615, AF = 0.099, SP = 12400, DM = 0, SH = -83820000.0, IGHF = -8.382E+07, GEF = -3.192E+07, AS = 229120, HFMP = 2859000, HOC = -1.42864E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3749,0.23949,305.43,0.22875,0}, VP = {101,61.43744,-2814.319,-6.778053,0.0000210827,2}, LiqCp = {16,68726,-1953.6,31.772,-0.10571,0.00019673}, HOV = {106,2.3996E+07,1.4625,-2.8991,2.8421,-0.99532}, VapCp = {16,35666.22,-616.5198,11.69914,0.000444525,-1.541942E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-33.92204,743.404,4.302492,-0.0000364469,2}, VapVis = {102,5.2452E-07,0.58906,188.8,-2953.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.073876,-9.6787,-0.67405,-0.003407,-0.0000022023}, VapK = {102,0.000074549,1.168,506.4,-881.74,0}, Racketparam = 0.2793, UniquacR = 1.8022, UniquacQ = 1.696, ChaoSeadAF = 0.0908, ChaoSeadSP = 12375.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0551979); end Ethane; model Ethanol extends General_Properties( SN = 52, name = "Ethanol", CAS = "64-17-5", Tc = 513.92, Pc = 6148000, Vc = 0.167, Cc = 0.24, Tb = 351.8, Tm = 159.05, TT = 159.05, TP = 0.000495642, MW = 46.069, LVB = 0.05868, AF = 0.649, SP = 26140, DM = 5.64E-30, SH = -83820000.0, IGHF = -2.3495E+08, GEF = -1.6785E+08, AS = 280640, HFMP = 4931000, HOC = -1.235E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3539,0.24957,515.66,0.22099,0}, VP = {101,88.0754,-7652.06,-9.471507,5.928087E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,76684,675.72,-0.093875,0.037153,-0.000031214}, HOV = {106,6.3899E+07,1.2782,-2.673,2.7973,-1.0209}, VapCp = {16,44530,-660.89,12.153,0.000019532,-1.5636E-08}, LiqVis = {101,8.061,774.76,-3.0701,-4.3408E-09,2}, VapVis = {102,1.2467E-07,0.7862,76.034,-2017.3,0}, LiqK = {16,0.10247,-120.39,-0.48487,-0.0071706,0.000003461}, VapK = {102,-0.01001,0.64925,-7360.5,-255250,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.11, UniquacQ = 1.97, ChaoSeadAF = 0.634, ChaoSeadSP = 26133.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0586177); end Ethanol; model Dimethylether extends General_Properties( SN = 53, name = "Dimethylether", CAS = "115-10-6", Tc = 400.1, Pc = 5400000, Vc = 0.17, Cc = 0.276, Tb = 248.31, Tm = 131.66, TT = 131.65, TP = 3.04959, MW = 46.069, LVB = 0.06907, AF = 0.191, SP = 15120, DM = 4.34E-30, SH = -184100000.0, IGHF = -1.841E+08, GEF = -1.128E+08, AS = 266700, HFMP = 4937000, HOC = -1.3284E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.4889,0.26123,400.1,0.27948,0}, VP = {101,50.32175,-3631.453,-4.444735,5.290757E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,97754,353.35,-1.896,0.040999,-0.000017816}, HOV = {106,3.8521E+07,2.2845,-5.7518,6.5695,-2.6976}, VapCp = {16,37573.94,-346.059,11.12596,0.00118434,-4.086847E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.661,449.83,0.0072727,-3.6906E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000027281,0.3952,534.12,2319,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.15344,-11.847,-0.56462,-0.0022104,5.6048E-07}, VapK = {102,0.059968,0.26671,1018.3,1098900,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.0461, UniquacQ = 1.936, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2, ChaoSeadSP = 15212.1, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0703107); end Dimethylether; model Ethyleneglycol extends General_Properties( SN = 54, name = "Ethyleneglycol", CAS = "107-21-1", Tc = 719, Pc = 8200000, Vc = 0.191, Cc = 0.262, Tb = 470.45, Tm = 260.15, TT = 260.15, TP = 0.21922, MW = 62.0678, LVB = 0.055908, AF = 0.506776, SP = 33840, DM = 8.04E-30, SH = -184100000.0, IGHF = -3.922E+08, GEF = -3.018E+08, AS = 304891, HFMP = 9958000, HOC = -1.0527E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3106,0.25084,720,0.21838,0}, VP = {101,68.11797,-9617.267,-5.83171,-1.13705E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,86990,-72.326,9.7466,0.0065456,-0.0000047}, HOV = {106,7.414E+07,0.16807,-0.19694,1.0417,-0.61488}, VapCp = {16,52948,-604.61,12.115,0.00010607,-4.9352E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-309.38,14928,45.49,-0.000044405,2}, VapVis = {102,1.2284E-07,0.79557,132.87,-5540.3,0}, LiqK = {16,0.1684,-313.75,-1.072,-0.000058054,-0.0000032443}, VapK = {102,-8962900,-0.31257,2.5313E+09,-1.2955E+13,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.41, UniquacQ = 2.25, ChaoSeadAF = 0.48683, ChaoSeadSP = 33703.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0559089); end Ethyleneglycol; model Dimethylsulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 55, name = "Dimethylsulfide", CAS = "75-18-3", Tc = 503, Pc = 5530000, Vc = 0.201, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 310.48, Tm = 174.88, TT = 174.88, TP = 7.86415, MW = 62.136, LVB = 0.07377, AF = 0.19, SP = 18530, DM = 5.0E-30, SH = -184100000.0, IGHF = -3.724E+07, GEF = 7302000, AS = 285850, HFMP = 7984700, HOC = -1.7443E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1867,0.25844,503.06,0.24773,0}, VP = {101,14.07567,-3435.088,1.598135,-0.0000069451,2}, LiqCp = {16,112410,-20036,201.07,-0.63397,0.0007177}, HOV = {106,5.490637E+07,1.721854,-2.161256,0.932609,-0.0179494}, VapCp = {16,56893,-682.39,12.01,0.00013748,-5.7442E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-15.044,992.97,0.60378,0.0000010306,2}, VapVis = {102,4.8631E-07,0.62748,355.22,-11800,0}, LiqK = {16,0.10006,-155.98,-0.57159,-0.0045066,-0.0000087305}, VapK = {102,0.00026184,0.91507,780.75,-32167,0}, Racketparam = 0.273888, UniquacR = 2.5141, UniquacQ = 2.216, ChaoSeadAF = 0.189279, ChaoSeadSP = 18513.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0730914); end Dimethylsulfide; model Ethylmercaptan extends General_Properties( SN = 56, name = "Ethylmercaptan", CAS = "75-08-1", Tc = 499, Pc = 5490000, Vc = 0.207, Cc = 0.274, Tb = 308.15, Tm = 125.26, TT = 125.26, TP = 0.00113837, MW = 62.136, LVB = 0.07458, AF = 0.189, SP = 18250, DM = 5.27E-30, SH = -184100000.0, IGHF = -4.63E+07, GEF = -4814000, AS = 296100, HFMP = 4975000, HOC = -1.7366E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.203,0.25909,499.16,0.26567,0}, VP = {101,65.4773,-5020.82,-6.678317,6.449817E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,112430,-35384,348.44,-1.1065,0.0012231}, HOV = {106,4.1777E+07,0.6898,-0.36317,-0.097723,0.16958}, VapCp = {16,39403.72,-328.0582,11.29594,0.000950986,-3.249647E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.854,753.55,0.040849,-7.5884E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000001695,0.75553,151.56,-5377.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.021257,2.7237,-1.42,-0.0008779,-0.0000018277}, VapK = {102,0.0014607,0.7033,1243.2,53588,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.551747, UniquacQ = 2.3, ChaoSeadAF = 0.192074, ChaoSeadSP = 18270.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0746133); end Ethylmercaptan; model Ethylamine extends General_Properties( SN = 57, name = "Ethylamine", CAS = "75-04-7", Tc = 456.4, Pc = 5630000, Vc = 0.1818, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 289.75, Tm = 192.15, TT = 192.15, TP = 151.827, MW = 45.084, LVB = 0.06659, AF = 0.276, SP = 19100, DM = 4.07E-30, SH = -47150000.0, IGHF = -4.715E+07, GEF = 3.616E+07, AS = 284800, HFMP = 9350000, HOC = -1.5874E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3663,0.25297,456.4,0.27948,0}, VP = {101,115.5255,-6764.221,-14.43912,0.0000155603,2}, LiqCp = {16,129790,-12366,-31.003,0.53709,-0.00091494}, HOV = {106,4.2765E+07,0.58718,-0.33502,0.17251,-0.0015134}, VapCp = {16,55762,-832.71,12.632,-0.00036845,1.1147E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-41.853,1619.5,5.3649,-0.000030563,2}, VapVis = {102,5.0871E-07,0.59417,255.23,-186.42,0}, LiqK = {16,0.17744,585.82,-11.165,0.043182,-0.000095024}, VapK = {102,0.40679,0.005162,1280.6,1721800,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.2703, UniquacQ = 2.084, ChaoSeadAF = 0.285061, ChaoSeadSP = 19493.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0656335); end Ethylamine; model Acrylonitrile extends General_Properties( SN = 58, name = "Acrylonitrile", CAS = "107-13-1", Tc = 535, Pc = 4480000, Vc = 0.212, Cc = 0.214, Tb = 350.5, Tm = 189.63, TT = 189.63, TP = 3.68289, MW = 53.0626, LVB = 0.0662367, AF = 0.349801, SP = 21560, DM = 1.29E-29, SH = -47150000.0, IGHF = 1.837E+08, GEF = 1.937E+08, AS = 275300, HFMP = 6230000, HOC = -1.69E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.0816,0.2293,535,0.28939,0}, VP = {101,74.54771,-6259.727,-7.785577,4.08032E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,83847,240.59,6.8887,0.0095277,-0.0000046046}, HOV = {106,5.224752E+07,0.877802,-0.432396,-0.672186,0.607598}, VapCp = {16,42651,-533.04,11.728,0.00013096,-6.2176E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-0.5429,318.29,-1.481,-8.3759E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.616E-08,0.90278,67.424,-1672.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.15669,19.22,-1.0721,0.00025871,-0.0000022582}, VapK = {102,0.0012317,1.2472,60863,-1968600,0}, Racketparam = 0.259865, UniquacR = 2.31, UniquacQ = 2.05, ChaoSeadAF = 0.349801, ChaoSeadSP = 21555.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0662367); end Acrylonitrile; model Methylacetylene extends General_Properties( SN = 59, name = "Methylacetylene", CAS = "74-99-7", Tc = 402.4, Pc = 5630000, Vc = 0.1635, Cc = 0.275, Tb = 250.12, Tm = 170.45, TT = 170.45, TP = 414.934, MW = 40.065, LVB = 0.06231, AF = 0.214, SP = 15870, DM = 2.61E-30, SH = 184900000.0, IGHF = 1.849E+08, GEF = 1.9384E+08, AS = 248360, HFMP = 5350000, HOC = -1.8487E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.5983,0.26361,402.4,0.27835,0}, VP = {101,68.97649,-4285.953,-7.418705,0.000010515,2}, LiqCp = {16,85291,38.538,6.7428,0.016885,-0.000022161}, HOV = {106,3.4954E+07,0.52948,0.26449,-0.89434,0.5174}, VapCp = {16,34169.26,-350.7621,11.18743,0.000684714,-2.185041E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-0.91891,242.44,-1.5439,5.0147E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010586,0.48791,277.58,3995.6,0}, LiqK = {16,0.065025,-121.87,-0.025752,-0.0097723,0.0000047452}, VapK = {102,0.00029245,0.88088,248.57,78809,0}, Racketparam = 0.2703, UniquacR = 2.1931, UniquacQ = 1.936, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2176, ChaoSeadSP = 18393.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0596157); end Methylacetylene; model Propadiene extends General_Properties( SN = 60, name = "Propadiene", CAS = "463-49-0", Tc = 394, Pc = 5250000, Vc = 0.1739, Cc = 0.279, Tb = 238.77, Tm = 136.87, TT = 136.87, TP = 18.2497, MW = 40.065, LVB = 0.06095, AF = 0.122, SP = 14010, DM = 0, SH = 190500000.0, IGHF = 1.905E+08, GEF = 2.008E+08, AS = 243900, HFMP = 4400000, HOC = -1.8563E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.86549,0.19732,394,0.21029,0}, VP = {101,59.80183,-3745.303,-6.036523,8.205156E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,78665,-12422,151.08,-0.53356,0.00065986}, HOV = {106,1.54657E+07,-3.722436,11.45729,-12.9266,5.522823}, VapCp = {16,34671.52,-447.4983,11.46556,0.000444481,-1.470826E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-9.5153,310.76,-0.034725,-0.0000021543,2}, VapVis = {102,6.3119E-07,0.52792,129.92,8459.5,0}, LiqK = {16,0.06063,169.42,-4.6941,0.014436,-0.000036249}, VapK = {102,0.000059663,1.0782,9.0271,65666,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 1.7917, UniquacQ = 1.528, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3125, ChaoSeadSP = 17551, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0604292); end Propadiene; model Propylene extends General_Properties( SN = 61, name = "Propylene", CAS = "115-07-1", Tc = 364.85, Pc = 4600000, Vc = 0.185, Cc = 0.281, Tb = 225.45, Tm = 87.9, TT = 87.89, TP = 0.00117, MW = 42.0797, LVB = 0.0832412, AF = 0.137588, SP = 11890, DM = 1.22E-30, SH = 20230000.0, IGHF = 2.023E+07, GEF = 6.264E+07, AS = 267000, HFMP = 2936000, HOC = -1.9262E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.98129,0.22226,365.58,0.24039,0}, VP = {101,55.10362,-3330.452,-5.40588,0.0000093641,2}, LiqCp = {16,79790,300.8,5.1342,0.0095615,0.000012777}, HOV = {106,2.7525E+07,0.61217,-0.41646,0.083772,0.12092}, VapCp = {16,38965.36,-516.3838,11.75322,0.000509119,-1.771348E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-54.05485,1437.773,7.536247,-0.0000342733,2}, VapVis = {102,7.3873E-07,0.54213,262.33,-108.51,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.044587,22.061,-1.744,0.0015214,-0.0000078162}, VapK = {102,0.000045373,1.2,415.83,2757.2,0}, Racketparam = 0.2785, UniquacR = 2.25, UniquacQ = 2.02, ChaoSeadAF = 0.1477, ChaoSeadSP = 13152.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.068956); end Propylene; model Acetone extends General_Properties( SN = 62, name = "Acetone", CAS = "67-64-1", Tc = 508.1, Pc = 4700000, Vc = 0.209, Cc = 0.233, Tb = 329.22, Tm = 178.45, TT = 178.45, TP = 2.78509, MW = 58.08, LVB = 0.07394, AF = 0.307, SP = 19730, DM = 9.61E-30, SH = 20230000.0, IGHF = -2.157E+08, GEF = -1.513E+08, AS = 295400, HFMP = 5774000, HOC = -1.659E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1051,0.24556,508.21,0.27409,0}, VP = {101,72.77713,-5752.936,-7.680083,6.83076E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,107130,725.57,0.95296,0.025981,-0.00001439}, HOV = {106,6.6943E+07,3.4736,-8.9271,10.062,-4.1656}, VapCp = {16,52915,-669.27,12.201,0.00012839,-5.8844E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-14.064,1000.7,0.45349,3.9456E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.1012E-08,0.97616,23.042,14.834,0}, LiqK = {16,0.01013,-95.32,-0.21151,-0.0052616,0.0000023043}, VapK = {102,-26.882,0.9036,-1.2095E+08,-6.0879E+08,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.5735, UniquacQ = 2.336, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3099, ChaoSeadSP = 19729.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0738386); end Acetone; model Ethylformate extends General_Properties( SN = 63, name = "Ethylformate", CAS = "109-94-4", Tc = 508.5, Pc = 4740000, Vc = 0.229, Cc = 0.257, Tb = 327.47, Tm = 193.55, TT = 193.55, TP = 18.1186, MW = 74.079, LVB = 0.08093, AF = 0.282, SP = 19070, DM = 6.44E-30, SH = 20230000.0, IGHF = -3.883E+08, GEF = -3.031E+08, AS = 328200, HFMP = 9204800, HOC = -1.50696E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.85568,0.22882,508.5,0.23792,0}, VP = {101,69.04518,-5678.642,-7.031396,0.0000050057,2}, LiqCp = {16,115910,228.3,4.0783,0.027366,-0.000029781}, HOV = {106,5.9813E+07,2.1931,-4.6587,4.7089,-1.7696}, VapCp = {16,52378,-459.08,11.875,0.00065506,-2.4832E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.9483,848.56,-0.31567,2.8582E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.0691E-07,0.60378,450.04,-20466,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.030927,19.999,-1.4911,-0.000052048,-0.0000024111}, VapK = {102,381.39,0.9159,1.8E+09,-1.1462E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.8175, UniquacQ = 2.576, ChaoSeadAF = 0.285, ChaoSeadSP = 18938.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0808277); end Ethylformate; model Methylacetate extends General_Properties( SN = 64, name = "Methylacetate", CAS = "79-20-9", Tc = 506.8, Pc = 4690000, Vc = 0.228, Cc = 0.254, Tb = 330.09, Tm = 175.15, TT = 175.15, TP = 1.01703, MW = 74.079, LVB = 0.07989, AF = 0.323, SP = 19350, DM = 5.6E-30, SH = 20230000.0, IGHF = -4.119E+08, GEF = -3.242E+08, AS = 319800, HFMP = 7970000, HOC = -1.461E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.98331,0.2428,506.86,0.2549,0}, VP = {101,83.01817,-6288.581,-9.185862,7.595367E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,6314.4,680.3,4.1767,0.026148,-0.000027341}, HOV = {106,4.9929E+07,0.79197,-0.73136,0.37429,-0.019974}, VapCp = {16,62235,-685.05,12.348,0.00012363,-8.5641E-08}, LiqVis = {101,11.12,-100.13,-3.2745,-5.3051E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000013226,0.48849,504.21,4.2341,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.28416,27.186,-0.94457,0.00083974,-0.0000024412}, VapK = {102,-23257,-0.1738,1.0287E+07,-6.9243E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.8, UniquacQ = 2.58, ChaoSeadAF = 0.326, ChaoSeadSP = 19435.1, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0798903); end Methylacetate; model Propionicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 65, name = "Propionicacid", CAS = "79-09-4", Tc = 604, Pc = 4530000, Vc = 0.233, Cc = 0.207, Tb = 414.31, Tm = 252.45, TT = 252.45, TP = 13.1, MW = 74.079, LVB = 0.07497, AF = 0.544, SP = 19490, DM = 5.84E-30, SH = 20230000.0, IGHF = -4.535E+08, GEF = -3.568E+08, AS = 294900, HFMP = 1.066E+07, HOC = -1.395E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.88103,0.22848,612.66,0.25898,0}, VP = {101,58.42,-7261.2,-4.9024,0.0000010406,2}, LiqCp = {16,120710,704.7,1.1886,0.028883,-0.000020278}, HOV = {106,4.8878E+07,3.7167,-10.822,11.498,-4.1176}, VapCp = {16,47961,-474.81,12.167,0.00020648,-6.6213E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-53.41646,2724.985,6.7143,-9.670276E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,1.6155E-08,1.0459,-115.32,27680,0}, LiqK = {16,0.067757,-235.87,-0.022659,-0.0065033,0.0000026666}, VapK = {102,0.004145,0.70902,13255,-4962900,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.9, UniquacQ = 2.58, ChaoSeadAF = 0.52, ChaoSeadSP = 19130.1, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0749523); end Propionicacid; model Nndimethylformamide extends General_Properties( SN = 66, name = "Nndimethylformamide", CAS = "68-12-2", Tc = 649.6, Pc = 4420000, Vc = 0.26199, Cc = 0.214, Tb = 425.15, Tm = 212.72, TT = 212.72, TP = 0.195325, MW = 73.0938, LVB = 0.0773903, AF = 0.31771, SP = 23960, DM = 1.27E-29, SH = 20230000.0, IGHF = -1.917E+08, GEF = -8.84E+07, AS = 326000, HFMP = 1.615E+07, HOC = -1.78871E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.65216,0.20032,649.6,0.24418,0}, VP = {101,68.99879,-7311.388,-6.749791,3.063845E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,141440,162.91,4.0696,0.019381,-0.000013063}, HOV = {106,5.7496E+07,0.2466,0.21619,-0.11587,0.026126}, VapCp = {16,68728,-846.07,13.139,-0.00064688,1.6133E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-9.089031,826.091,-0.0843389,-3.479212E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000034602,0.37991,1156.9,8715.8,0}, LiqK = {16,0.14084,-2496,20.244,-0.064914,0.000049356}, VapK = {102,0.015205,0.35461,594.92,741220,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.0856, UniquacQ = 2.736, ChaoSeadAF = 0.375516, ChaoSeadSP = 23964.9, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0773743); end Nndimethylformamide; model Propane extends General_Properties( SN = 67, name = "Propane", CAS = "74-98-6", Tc = 369.83, Pc = 4248000, Vc = 0.2, Cc = 0.276, Tb = 231.02, Tm = 85.47, TT = 85.47, TP = 0.0001685, MW = 44.097, LVB = 0.07487, AF = 0.152, SP = 13100, DM = 0, SH = -104680000.0, IGHF = -1.0468E+08, GEF = -2.439E+07, AS = 270200, HFMP = 3524000, HOC = -2.04311E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3186,0.27005,369.86,0.27852,0}, VP = {101,55.2725,-3396.946,-5.423393,8.953731E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,87486,-13371,156.92,-0.5459,0.00068504}, HOV = {106,3.0459E+07,1.2001,-2.1107,1.9732,-0.65316}, VapCp = {16,37840.4,-445.5789,11.83871,0.000653764,-2.200137E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-35.23159,966.1472,4.395026,-0.0000255079,2}, VapVis = {102,4.7422E-08,0.90416,-4.7484,478.57,0}, LiqK = {16,0.02937,-16.323,-1.3313,-0.0012596,-0.000011206}, VapK = {102,-1.139,0.10904,-9898.6,-7669600,0}, Racketparam = 0.2763, UniquacR = 2.4766, UniquacQ = 2.236, ChaoSeadAF = 0.1538, ChaoSeadSP = 13091.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.084); end Propane; model Isopropanol extends General_Properties( SN = 68, name = "Isopropanol", CAS = "67-63-0", Tc = 508.3, Pc = 4762000, Vc = 0.22, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 355.39, Tm = 185.28, TT = 185.28, TP = 0.0363946, MW = 60.096, LVB = 0.07692, AF = 0.665, SP = 23420, DM = 5.54E-30, SH = -104680000.0, IGHF = -2.727E+08, GEF = -1.7347E+08, AS = 309200, HFMP = 5410000, HOC = -1.83E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1898,0.26648,508.3,0.23986,0}, VP = {101,77.70856,-7630.115,-7.63517,9.965114E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,-188260,277.99,9.4459,0.010702,-0.0000091964}, HOV = {106,1.100995E+08,4.1961,-10.70959,11.69444,-4.625499}, VapCp = {16,52738,-555.28,12.347,0.000094247,-4.5945E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-7.4407,2259.7,-1.1149,0.0000002963,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9931E-07,0.72329,178.01,-15.318,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.15761,49.41,-1.6579,0.0019566,-0.0000034939}, VapK = {102,0.0028843,0.91609,11082,-222500,0}, Racketparam = 0.2493, UniquacR = 2.78, UniquacQ = 2.51, ChaoSeadAF = 0.7238, ChaoSeadSP = 23408.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0768988); end Isopropanol; model Onepropanol extends General_Properties( SN = 69, name = "Onepropanol", CAS = "71-23-8", Tc = 536.78, Pc = 5175000, Vc = 0.219, Cc = 0.254, Tb = 370.93, Tm = 146.95, TT = 146.95, TP = 3.69121E-07, MW = 60.096, LVB = 0.07514, AF = 0.629, SP = 24450, DM = 5.6E-30, SH = -104680000.0, IGHF = -2.552E+08, GEF = -1.599E+08, AS = 322470, HFMP = 5372000, HOC = -1.84381E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1537,0.26188,536.78,0.23549,0}, VP = {101,141.3971,-10434.27,-17.45829,0.0000113246,2}, LiqCp = {16,100520,125.3,4.7194,0.024513,-0.000019669}, HOV = {106,8.36461E+07,3.338812,-9.831137,11.8901,-4.905709}, VapCp = {16,56681,-627.22,12.379,0.00012228,-5.0293E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-98.08798,4904.749,13.57131,-0.0000219968,2}, VapVis = {102,7.9322E-07,0.54936,416.77,-100.81,0}, LiqK = {16,0.076645,-189.91,-0.13475,-0.0069283,0.0000033645}, VapK = {102,-453.4,0.64532,-2.843E+08,-2.8865E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.2451, UniquacR = 2.78, UniquacQ = 2.51, ChaoSeadAF = 0.623, ChaoSeadSP = 24557.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0749393); end Onepropanol; model Trimethylamine extends General_Properties( SN = 70, name = "Trimethylamine", CAS = "75-50-3", Tc = 433.3, Pc = 4075000, Vc = 0.254, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 276.02, Tm = 156.08, TT = 156.08, TP = 9.92058, MW = 59.111, LVB = 0.09428, AF = 0.206243, SP = 14360, DM = 2.04E-30, SH = -24310000.0, IGHF = -2.431E+07, GEF = 9.899E+07, AS = 287000, HFMP = 6544000, HOC = -2.2449E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.67928,0.21649,433.3,0.20925,0}, VP = {101,110.254,-5770.536,-14.1719,0.0000238614,2}, LiqCp = {16,112140,1253.3,-12.905,0.10424,-0.00013798}, HOV = {106,4.743116E+07,0.966273,0.752593,-2.762744,1.513109}, VapCp = {16,65203,-794.87,12.953,-0.00031634,6.4426E-08}, LiqVis = {101,9.9961,-126.46,-3.1956,-6.7828E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.000001161,0.48519,364.43,10928,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0043132,-14.875,-1.2529,-0.0019969,-0.0000017575}, VapK = {102,0.00027205,0.90104,140.75,139110,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.99, UniquacQ = 2.64, ChaoSeadAF = 0.205, ChaoSeadSP = 15311.1, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0902163); end Trimethylamine; model Vinylacetylene extends General_Properties( SN = 71, name = "Vinylacetylene", CAS = "689-97-4", Tc = 454, Pc = 4860000, Vc = 0.205, Cc = 0.264, Tb = 278.25, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 52.0746, LVB = 0.0769826, AF = 0.106852, SP = 16360, DM = 1.3E-30, SH = 304600000.0, IGHF = 3.046E+08, GEF = 3.06E+08, AS = 279400, HFMP = 0, HOC = -2.362E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.2594,0.25931,454,0.29553,0}, VP = {101,79.0442,-5001.865,-8.984128,0.0000129415,2}, LiqCp = {16,68382,-63.514,9.912,0.0031404,-1.0307E-07}, HOV = {106,3.313507E+07,-0.0105563,0.71867,-0.291074,0.0215152}, VapCp = {16,49981,-581.7,12.052,-0.00010825,3.173E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-2.2453,320.68,-1.2895,-5.6512E-09,2}, VapVis = {102,6.7484E-07,0.5304,230.17,-0.0024795,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.05887,-27.718,-0.92317,-0.0023581,1.5773E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000054197,1.0632,-70.589,90617,0}, Racketparam = 0.281184, UniquacR = 3.526, UniquacQ = 2.94, ChaoSeadAF = 0.11815, ChaoSeadSP = 17035, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0740148); end Vinylacetylene; model Thiophene extends General_Properties( SN = 72, name = "Thiophene", CAS = "110-02-1", Tc = 580, Pc = 5660000, Vc = 0.219, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 357.31, Tm = 234.94, TT = 234.94, TP = 185.638, MW = 84.142, LVB = 0.07947, AF = 0.186, SP = 20120, DM = 1.8E-30, SH = 304600000.0, IGHF = 1.1544E+08, GEF = 1.267E+08, AS = 278400, HFMP = 5085600, HOC = -2.4352E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.73395,0.21494,580,0.2288,0}, VP = {101,88.26733,-6809.188,-9.975872,0.0000074967,2}, LiqCp = {16,84631,-77.085,9.4174,0.0060386,-0.0000042543}, HOV = {106,4.87E+07,0.35468,0.57965,-0.92941,0.39593}, VapCp = {16,31580,-546.03,12.548,-0.00032144,9.6227E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-15.561,1306.6,0.66009,3.2071E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010722,0.54275,557.27,2874.5,0}, LiqK = {16,0.024119,-20.319,-1.5338,-0.0014869,-6.6677E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00013168,0.98328,649.4,-5290.1,0}, Racketparam = 0.274238, UniquacR = 2.8569, UniquacQ = 2.14, ChaoSeadAF = 0.192846, ChaoSeadSP = 20219.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0794773); end Thiophene; model Methacrylonitrile extends General_Properties( SN = 73, name = "Methacrylonitrile", CAS = "126-98-7", Tc = 554, Pc = 3880000, Vc = 0.265, Cc = 0.223, Tb = 363.45, Tm = 237.35, TT = 237.35, TP = 268.868, MW = 67.0892, LVB = 0.0844058, AF = 0.301271, SP = 19090, DM = 1.23E-29, SH = 304600000.0, IGHF = 9.803E+07, GEF = 1.64E+08, AS = 223800, HFMP = 0, HOC = -2.243E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.89537,0.23729,554,0.29629,0}, VP = {101,56.07917,-5342.951,-5.152858,4.011012E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,125060,169.88,6.1441,0.015707,-0.000014502}, HOV = {106,4.4103E+07,0.56334,-0.51577,0.31852,-0.072403}, VapCp = {16,68640,-664.02,12.252,0.000039427,-4.9098E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-14.973,1174.5,0.57272,-0.0000017357,2}, VapVis = {102,3.3003E-07,0.64938,329.57,-240,0}, LiqK = {16,0.095479,1984.5,-23.334,0.076497,-0.000098215}, VapK = {102,0.0010085,1.2282,49915,0.89214,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.987475, UniquacQ = 2.712, ChaoSeadAF = 0.301271, ChaoSeadSP = 19094, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0844058); end Methacrylonitrile; model Dimethylacetylene extends General_Properties( SN = 74, name = "Dimethylacetylene", CAS = "503-17-3", Tc = 473.2, Pc = 4870000, Vc = 0.221, Cc = 0.274, Tb = 300.13, Tm = 240.91, TT = 240.91, TP = 6121.21, MW = 54.0904, LVB = 0.0788997, AF = 0.238542, SP = 17480, DM = 1.32E-29, SH = 304600000.0, IGHF = 1.457E+08, GEF = 1.849E+08, AS = 283300, HFMP = 9234000, HOC = -2.4189E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1717,0.25895,473.2,0.27289,0}, VP = {101,66.56107,-4998.053,-6.834282,6.682052E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,116500,35.116,5.8634,0.0049877,0.000013087}, HOV = {106,4761730,-11.5565,30.6629,-31.89366,12.67797}, VapCp = {16,62226,-826.04,12.513,-0.0002013,4.9424E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-0.045622,305.04,-1.6582,-4.749E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000021802,0.39407,508.41,3758,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0074431,-154.13,-0.25098,-0.0046292,-7.3662E-08}, VapK = {102,0.00021497,0.91998,214.54,130500,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.8635, UniquacQ = 2.48, ChaoSeadAF = 0.1301, ChaoSeadSP = 17463.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0789036); end Dimethylacetylene; model Ethylacetylene extends General_Properties( SN = 75, name = "Ethylacetylene", CAS = "107-00-6", Tc = 440, Pc = 4600000, Vc = 0.208, Cc = 0.262, Tb = 281.21, Tm = 147.429, TT = 147.43, TP = 1.17966, MW = 54.092, LVB = 0.08322, AF = 0.245, SP = 15950, DM = 2.7E-30, SH = 165200000.0, IGHF = 1.652E+08, GEF = 2.0225E+08, AS = 290390, HFMP = 6029270, HOC = -2.4647E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3447,0.27928,440,0.29778,0}, VP = {101,76.044,-5031.59,-8.40406,9.681824E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,109820,1148.7,-9.607,0.084548,-0.00010384}, HOV = {106,3.604722E+07,0.546439,-0.26185,0,0}, VapCp = {16,44709,-441.89,11.889,0.00039371,-1.2645E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-4.3451,354.46,-0.92921,-0.0000006027,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000027867,0.37696,663.32,30.832,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.032845,13.956,-1.5811,-0.00025138,-0.0000029965}, VapK = {102,0.000036868,1.1429,-57.854,83816,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.8675, UniquacQ = 2.476, ChaoSeadAF = 0.246864, ChaoSeadSP = 16554, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0809511); end Ethylacetylene; model OneTwobutadiene extends General_Properties( SN = 76, name = "OneTwobutadiene", CAS = "590-19-2", Tc = 452, Pc = 4360000, Vc = 0.22, Cc = 0.255, Tb = 284, Tm = 136.95, TT = 136.95, TP = 0.4472, MW = 54.0904, LVB = 0.0838169, AF = 0.165877, SP = 15650, DM = 1.34E-30, SH = 162300000.0, IGHF = 1.623E+08, GEF = 1.986E+08, AS = 293000, HFMP = 6962000, HOC = -2.4617E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.86492,0.22148,452,0.28373,0}, VP = {101,53.27585,-4559.624,-4.46417,-6.771964E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,109750,-2425.1,12.655,0.059068,-0.00014415}, HOV = {106,3.715905E+07,0.824251,0.000387028,-2.253417,2.024613}, VapCp = {16,39504.04,-354.1475,11.62099,0.00074321,-2.513775E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-9.9134,468.65,-0.069814,2.8031E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.4328E-07,0.52378,170.73,9690.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.29344,3.1314,-0.70701,-0.00052702,-3.6665E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000085434,1.0359,127.53,78342,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 2.466, UniquacQ = 2.024, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3394, ChaoSeadSP = 16360.6, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0816506); end OneTwobutadiene; model OneThreebutadiene extends General_Properties( SN = 77, name = "OneThreebutadiene", CAS = "106-99-0", Tc = 425, Pc = 4320000, Vc = 0.221, Cc = 0.27, Tb = 268.62, Tm = 164.25, TT = 164.25, TP = 69.1989, MW = 54.092, LVB = 0.08804, AF = 0.195, SP = 14460, DM = 0, SH = 109240000.0, IGHF = 1.0924E+08, GEF = 1.4972E+08, AS = 278890, HFMP = 7984000, HOC = -2.409E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3314,0.28213,425,0.30137,0}, VP = {101,64.81816,-4314.788,-6.766483,8.589719E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,88166,583.44,1.8231,0.030118,-0.000025695}, HOV = {106,3.4211E+07,0.45981,0.016247,-0.15407,0.054476}, VapCp = {16,38238.49,-511.235,12.39338,-0.000121482,4.39211E-08}, LiqVis = {101,12.653,-139.12,-3.6735,-0.0000014093,2}, VapVis = {102,3.4426E-07,0.6407,174.17,-2393.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.096853,19.016,-1.4201,0.00020099,-0.0000029536}, VapK = {102,-18588,0.94195,-7.31E+10,-9.6975E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.2713, UniquacR = 2.6908, UniquacQ = 2.352, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2028, ChaoSeadSP = 14195.77, ChaoSeadLV = 0.088); end OneThreebutadiene; model Onebutene extends General_Properties( SN = 78, name = "Onebutene", CAS = "106-98-9", Tc = 419.5, Pc = 4020000, Vc = 0.2408, Cc = 0.278, Tb = 266.92, Tm = 87.8, TT = 87.8, TP = 0.000000694, MW = 56.108, LVB = 0.09534, AF = 0.194, SP = 13630, DM = 1.13E-30, SH = -500000.0, IGHF = -500000, GEF = 7.041E+07, AS = 307400, HFMP = 3848000, HOC = -2.5408E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.98,0.25169,419.54,0.26645,0}, VP = {101,41.66588,-3605.004,-2.983562,6.665773E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,100270,86.345,7.7333,0.00096546,0.000020281}, HOV = {106,3.5338E+07,0.68186,-0.28099,-0.25369,0.26017}, VapCp = {16,53529,-619.26,12.431,0.000096632,-3.9013E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.764,591.51,-0.0017307,2.5723E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,7.0347E-07,0.54535,308.83,-232.73,0}, LiqK = {16,0.071267,99.471,-4.2011,0.014325,-0.000041157}, VapK = {102,0.000092115,1.1181,717.19,13037,0}, Racketparam = 0.2736, UniquacR = 2.92, UniquacQ = 2.56, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2085, ChaoSeadSP = 13827.58, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0953); end Onebutene; model CisTwobutene extends General_Properties( SN = 79, name = "CisTwobutene", CAS = "590-18-1", Tc = 435.5, Pc = 4210000, Vc = 0.2338, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 276.87, Tm = 134.26, TT = 134.26, TP = 0.272, MW = 56.108, LVB = 0.09101, AF = 0.203, SP = 14720, DM = 1.0E-30, SH = -7400000.0, IGHF = -7400000, GEF = 6.536E+07, AS = 301200, HFMP = 7309400, HOC = -2.5339E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1591,0.27085,435.5,0.28116,0}, VP = {101,82.92441,-5022.628,-9.652369,0.0000133961,2}, LiqCp = {16,79532,110.96,9.7654,-0.0036798,0.000019578}, HOV = {106,3.4358E+07,0.38004,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,53149,-719.47,12.619,-0.000047815,4.5198E-10}, LiqVis = {101,-17.96838,892.0637,1.159883,-2.883463E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,4.0697E-08,0.91942,-12.143,1343.2,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.032373,19.125,-1.716,0.00030408,-0.0000042934}, VapK = {102,0.000075196,1.0578,-53.701,131760,0}, Racketparam = 0.2705, UniquacR = 2.9189, UniquacQ = 2.563, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2575, ChaoSeadSP = 13827.58, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0912); end CisTwobutene; model TransTwobutene extends General_Properties( SN = 80, name = "TransTwobutene", CAS = "624-64-6", Tc = 428.6, Pc = 4100000, Vc = 0.2377, Cc = 0.276, Tb = 274.03, Tm = 167.62, TT = 167.62, TP = 74.5, MW = 56.108, LVB = 0.09365, AF = 0.218, SP = 14210, DM = 0, SH = -11000000.0, IGHF = -1.1E+07, GEF = 6.32E+07, AS = 296500, HFMP = 9757500, HOC = -2.53E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1523,0.27235,428.6,0.28543,0}, VP = {101,56.602,-4026.7,-5.5178,0.0000079176,2}, LiqCp = {16,98730,549.96,0.83133,0.038607,-0.000044392}, HOV = {106,3.3476E+07,0.31355,0.41478,-0.75555,0.40695}, VapCp = {16,60006,-649.72,12.368,0.00014661,-5.1566E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-16.05639,833.2986,0.849646,-2.292227E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010493,0.48674,358.01,137.53,0}, LiqK = {16,0.060004,368.81,-7.3737,0.025078,-0.000049526}, VapK = {102,0.000078563,1.0565,14.753,105810,0}, Racketparam = 0.2721, UniquacR = 2.9189, UniquacQ = 2.563, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2138, ChaoSeadSP = 14207.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0893483); end TransTwobutene; model Isobutene extends General_Properties( SN = 81, name = "Isobutene", CAS = "115-11-7", Tc = 417.9, Pc = 4000000, Vc = 0.2388, Cc = 0.275, Tb = 266.24, Tm = 132.81, TT = 132.81, TP = 0.644929, MW = 56.108, LVB = 0.09524, AF = 0.2, SP = 13660, DM = 1.67E-30, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -1.71E+07, GEF = 5.808E+07, AS = 293090, HFMP = 5931200, HOC = -2.5242E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.01,0.25611,417.9,0.2642,0}, VP = {101,47.13879,-3682.162,-3.952514,4.044185E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,95317,-68.58,9.3268,0.0023434,0.0000076824}, HOV = {106,3.916E+07,1.1638,-1.4033,0.81203,-0.13521}, VapCp = {16,49784,-472.84,12.012,0.00052863,-1.7772E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-12.717,644.93,0.3696,-0.0000023983,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000028839,0.33897,365.04,17752,0}, LiqK = {16,0.061493,33.335,-2.4686,0.0041425,-0.000023609}, VapK = {102,-418.21,0.91306,-1.5105E+09,3.1789E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.2727, UniquacR = 2.9195, UniquacQ = 2.684, ChaoSeadAF = 0.1951, ChaoSeadSP = 13659.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0953727); end Isobutene; model Twomethylpropanal extends General_Properties( SN = 82, name = "Twomethylpropanal", CAS = "78-84-2", Tc = 507, Pc = 4100000, Vc = 0.263, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 337.25, Tm = 208.15, TT = 208.15, TP = 34.8247, MW = 72.1057, LVB = 0.0920264, AF = 0.36218, SP = 18450, DM = 9.0E-30, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -2.158E+08, GEF = -1.214E+08, AS = 331200, HFMP = 1.2E+07, HOC = -2.2913E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.97266,0.25698,507,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,102.1731,-7116.016,-12.16592,0.0000111612,2}, LiqCp = {16,143330,110.87,5.2999,0.018869,-0.000016131}, HOV = {106,4.95108E+07,0.263532,1.209662,-2.271572,1.223299}, VapCp = {16,68500,-741.45,12.977,-0.00061649,3.0243E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.535,970.52,-0.049339,1.1673E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9586E-07,0.71384,159.71,-212.67,0}, LiqK = {16,0.10024,-223.61,-0.25771,-0.00474,-0.000011884}, VapK = {102,-2151.4,-0.21039,974960,-5.0943E+09,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.2471, UniquacQ = 2.872, ChaoSeadAF = 0.37009, ChaoSeadSP = 18234.6, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0920137); end Twomethylpropanal; model Methylethylketone extends General_Properties( SN = 83, name = "Methylethylketone", CAS = "78-93-3", Tc = 536.8, Pc = 4210000, Vc = 0.267, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 352.71, Tm = 186.48, TT = 186.48, TP = 1.3904, MW = 72.107, LVB = 0.09013, AF = 0.322, SP = 18880, DM = 9.21E-30, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -2.39E+08, GEF = -1.47E+08, AS = 339400, HFMP = 8385000, HOC = -2.268E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.16518,0.10716,536.8,0.15066,0}, VP = {101,84.00012,-6498.964,-9.389584,8.32043E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,137210,245.98,6.3249,0.009404,3.3143E-07}, HOV = {106,4.7221E+07,0.30759,0.48591,-0.8645,0.45018}, VapCp = {16,69404,-545.04,12.139,0.00045578,-1.6351E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-0.60519,503.02,-1.5659,5.5782E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,2.8817E-08,0.96765,-28.58,7703,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.17871,4.3086,-1.0343,0.00010801,-0.0000015411}, VapK = {102,-4970700,-0.23106,2.2577E+09,-1.0834E+13,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.25, UniquacQ = 2.88, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3241, ChaoSeadSP = 18878.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0901936); end Methylethylketone; model Tetrahydrofuran extends General_Properties( SN = 84, name = "Tetrahydrofuran", CAS = "109-99-9", Tc = 540.2, Pc = 5190000, Vc = 0.224, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 339.12, Tm = 164.65, TT = 164.65, TP = 0.195542, MW = 72.107, LVB = 0.08171, AF = 0.225, SP = 18970, DM = 5.44E-30, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -1.8418E+08, GEF = -7.969E+07, AS = 297290, HFMP = 8540000, HOC = -2.325E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.054,0.25754,540.2,0.26776,0}, VP = {101,82.74347,-6236.553,-9.221137,0.0000078089,2}, LiqCp = {16,83351,774.14,0.38273,0.036255,-0.00003559}, HOV = {106,4.770629E+07,0.8303,-0.617577,-0.253996,0.501899}, VapCp = {16,41616,-744.85,13.048,-0.00029616,7.4486E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.047,896.61,-0.11864,2.5625E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.3286E-07,0.67758,342.35,-15667,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.22085,9.5971,-0.99496,-0.00017415,-6.4958E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000010439,1.4482,729.36,-9829.3,0}, Racketparam = 0.259, UniquacR = 2.94, UniquacQ = 2.4, ChaoSeadAF = 0.225, ChaoSeadSP = 19042.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0819417); end Tetrahydrofuran; model OneFourdioxane extends General_Properties( SN = 85, name = "OneFourdioxane", CAS = "123-91-1", Tc = 587, Pc = 5170000, Vc = 0.238, Cc = 0.255, Tb = 374.5, Tm = 284.95, TT = 284.95, TP = 2532.46, MW = 88.106, LVB = 0.08529, AF = 0.279262, SP = 20540, DM = 0, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -3.158E+08, GEF = -1.816E+08, AS = 300120, HFMP = 1.284E+07, HOC = -2.1863E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.0039,0.25926,587,0.28278,0}, VP = {101,50.11504,-5577.21,-4.046854,2.080567E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,151550,-65314,519.35,-1.3402,0.0011989}, HOV = {106,2.1367E+08,9.1812,-22.992,23.854,-9.34}, VapCp = {16,46250,-613.41,12.822,0.000004782,-2.2238E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-79.28,4198.4,10.393,-0.0000085568,2}, VapVis = {102,2.7334E-07,0.7393,129.93,-0.0004206,0}, LiqK = {16,0.089834,46.421,-1.1898,-0.0037338,-0.0000061358}, VapK = {102,2.3873E-07,1.8505,-94.575,7804.2,0}, Racketparam = 0.254, UniquacR = 3.07, UniquacQ = 2.28, ChaoSeadAF = 0.280373, ChaoSeadSP = 20163.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0856635); end OneFourdioxane; model Nbutyricacid extends General_Properties( SN = 86, name = "Nbutyricacid", CAS = "107-92-6", Tc = 624, Pc = 4030000, Vc = 0.292, Cc = 0.227, Tb = 436.87, Tm = 267.95, TT = 267.95, TP = 10.3, MW = 88.106, LVB = 0.09246, AF = 0.72, SP = 20180, DM = 5.5E-30, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -4.758E+08, GEF = -3.6E+08, AS = 360100, HFMP = 1.159E+07, HOC = -2.008E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.702,0.22902,628.16,0.24275,0}, VP = {101,54.31047,-7692.649,-4.148708,2.624319E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,135560,664.7,1.9592,0.027685,-0.000020111}, HOV = {106,5.1387E+07,1.1517,-2.7656,2.6617,-0.66983}, VapCp = {16,75565,-613.25,12.671,-0.000058773,-2.4845E-08}, LiqVis = {101,14.241,534.99,-4.0411,0.0000053437,2}, VapVis = {102,2.2745E-08,1.0055,13.097,182.58,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.043955,57.698,-1.8847,0.00050649,-0.0000013441}, VapK = {102,0.00010747,1.3444,19634,-7296600,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.5512, UniquacQ = 3.152, ChaoSeadAF = 0.683, ChaoSeadSP = 20262.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0924567); end Nbutyricacid; model Ethylacetate extends General_Properties( SN = 87, name = "Ethylacetate", CAS = "141-78-6", Tc = 523.2, Pc = 3830000, Vc = 0.286, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 350.21, Tm = 189.6, TT = 189.6, TP = 1.43179, MW = 88.106, LVB = 0.09855, AF = 0.361, SP = 18350, DM = 5.94E-30, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -4.445E+08, GEF = -3.28E+08, AS = 359700, HFMP = 1.048E+07, HOC = -2.061E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.78926,0.24295,523.26,0.25762,0}, VP = {101,93.16862,-7073.291,-10.65983,8.16528E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,129430,961.92,-0.12694,0.034745,-0.000031346}, HOV = {106,4.9527E+07,0.37029,0.072685,-0.077493,0.017381}, VapCp = {16,97183,-1121.4,13.827,-0.0012343,3.6158E-07}, LiqVis = {101,16.428,-219.29,-4.124,6.0568E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000034514,0.35236,732.29,-3982.4,0}, LiqK = {16,0.040771,-127.25,-0.26995,-0.0055753,9.9363E-07}, VapK = {102,2.3264E-07,1.902,102.58,-17015,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.48, UniquacQ = 3.12, ChaoSeadAF = 0.362, ChaoSeadSP = 18345.6, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0985939); end Ethylacetate; model Methylpropionate extends General_Properties( SN = 88, name = "Methylpropionate", CAS = "554-12-1", Tc = 530.6, Pc = 4000000, Vc = 0.282, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 352.6, Tm = 185.65, TT = 185.65, TP = 0.634091, MW = 88.106, LVB = 0.09693, AF = 0.349, SP = 18630, DM = 5.681E-30, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -4.275E+08, GEF = -3.11E+08, AS = 359600, HFMP = 1.01E+07, HOC = -2.078E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.72945,0.23284,530.6,0.24422,0}, VP = {101,91.97365,-7071.987,-10.4626,7.767427E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,140380,1173.7,0.81056,0.020863,-0.000005642}, HOV = {106,7.6303E+07,2.9196,-6.5593,6.8235,-2.6926}, VapCp = {16,11365,-258.45,12.315,0.00033508,-7.4281E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.2868,807.93,-0.36444,-0.0000010038,2}, VapVis = {102,3.2912E-07,0.63237,126.55,15669,0}, LiqK = {16,0.034599,27.577,-2.1207,0.00098891,-0.0000051703}, VapK = {102,-197.62,-0.13413,101740,-8.2156E+08,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.4786, UniquacQ = 3.116, ChaoSeadAF = 0.391, ChaoSeadSP = 18626.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0969396); end Methylpropionate; model Npropylformate extends General_Properties( SN = 89, name = "Npropylformate", CAS = "110-74-7", Tc = 538, Pc = 4060000, Vc = 0.285, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 354.69, Tm = 180.25, TT = 180.25, TP = 0.211011, MW = 88.106, LVB = 0.09794, AF = 0.32, SP = 18470, DM = 6.37E-30, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -4.076E+08, GEF = -2.936E+08, AS = 367800, HFMP = 1.32E+07, HOC = -2.041E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.915,0.26134,538,0.28,0}, VP = {101,71.35267,-6244.56,-7.280094,4.220422E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,76453,-41.853,10.797,0.0021776,0.0000016375}, HOV = {106,5.414398E+07,0.597341,-0.589234,1.004533,-0.602007}, VapCp = {16,48655,-455.54,12.53,0.000075917,-4.246E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-51.649,2317.7,6.5556,-0.000012396,2}, VapVis = {102,6.0899E-07,0.58607,368.57,-171.06,0}, LiqK = {16,0.017242,-22.474,-1.4478,-0.0011278,-0.0000020716}, VapK = {102,661.08,0.99232,5.8449E+09,-9.0597E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.4919, UniquacQ = 3.116, ChaoSeadAF = 0.314, ChaoSeadSP = 18339.9, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0979424); end Npropylformate; model Sulfolane extends General_Properties( SN = 90, name = "Sulfolane", CAS = "126-33-0", Tc = 855, Pc = 7290000, Vc = 0.3365, Cc = 0.345074, Tb = 560.45, Tm = 300.55, TT = 300.55, TP = 0.704459, MW = 120.17, LVB = 0.0952677, AF = 0.5234, SP = 26110, DM = 1.56E-29, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -3.727E+08, GEF = -2.431E+08, AS = 347500, HFMP = 1373000, HOC = -2.397E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.89997,0.26972,853,0.30746,0}, VP = {101,112.0995,-12237.47,-12.64533,4.157394E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,122690,-336.31,11.614,0.0017011,-5.0866E-07}, HOV = {106,1.605659E+08,3.828131,-7.67047,6.739132,-2.353929}, VapCp = {16,92921,-999.97,13.757,-0.00093192,0.0000002258}, LiqVis = {101,-56.251,4046.1,6.7894,-0.0000052803,2}, VapVis = {102,2.9074E-08,0.97453,81.209,-9361.1,0}, LiqK = {16,0.079581,-84.501,-1.1134,-0.0025206,2.9748E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000077821,1.0313,528.38,54551,0}, Racketparam = 0.257009, UniquacR = 4.0357, UniquacQ = 3.2, ChaoSeadAF = 0.377998, ChaoSeadSP = 26335.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0952677); end Sulfolane; model Nndimethylacetamide extends General_Properties( SN = 91, name = "Nndimethylacetamide", CAS = "127-19-5", Tc = 658, Pc = 4030000, Vc = 0.321, Cc = 0.236, Tb = 439.25, Tm = 253.15, TT = 253.15, TP = 7.64072, MW = 87.1204, LVB = 0.0930285, AF = 0.363509, SP = 22350, DM = 1.27088E-29, SH = -17100000.0, IGHF = -2.25E+08, GEF = -8.85E+07, AS = 351000, HFMP = 1.04182E+07, HOC = -2.38E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.72553,0.2328,658,0.27034,0}, VP = {101,67.333,-7592.9,-6.3978,0.0000021543,2}, LiqCp = {16,175450,252.77,11.249,-0.052983,0.00011812}, HOV = {106,5.8939E+07,0.34564,-0.28415,0.52832,-0.2171}, VapCp = {16,41899,-423.52,12.444,0.00039958,-1.2339E-07}, LiqVis = {101,16.727,-219.71,-4.0135,-0.0000013942,2}, VapVis = {102,3.4592E-07,0.64442,412.29,-8784,0}, LiqK = {16,0.06447,-206.75,-0.7204,0.00031649,-0.000010441}, VapK = {102,0.0011762,0.72055,943.06,275760,0}, Racketparam = 0.258662, UniquacR = 3.760053, UniquacQ = 3.276, ChaoSeadAF = 0.363509, ChaoSeadSP = 22352.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0930285); end Nndimethylacetamide; model Nbutane extends General_Properties( SN = 92, name = "Nbutane", CAS = "106-97-8", Tc = 425.12, Pc = 3796000, Vc = 0.255, Cc = 0.274, Tb = 272.66, Tm = 134.86, TT = 134.86, TP = 0.67358, MW = 58.123, LVB = 0.10048, AF = 0.199, SP = 13510, DM = 0, SH = -125790000.0, IGHF = -1.2579E+08, GEF = -1.67E+07, AS = 309910, HFMP = 4661000, HOC = -2.65732E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.0023,0.26457,425.17,0.27138,0}, VP = {101,68.5773,-4444.916,-7.395837,9.857432E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,115150,-3564.7,41.067,-0.098803,0.0001183}, HOV = {106,3.6258E+07,0.83741,-0.83676,0.41526,-0.007606}, VapCp = {16,44749.95,-338.1412,11.81452,0.00097744,-3.359129E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-46.56549,1439.945,6.168131,-0.000023917,2}, VapVis = {102,2.7078E-08,0.97147,-51.16,6431,0}, LiqK = {16,0.00024966,-43.155,-0.78129,-0.0043776,-4.136E-08}, VapK = {102,0.042635,0.45147,4234,1756600,0}, Racketparam = 0.2728, UniquacR = 3.151, UniquacQ = 2.776, ChaoSeadAF = 0.1953, ChaoSeadSP = 13766.21, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1014); end Nbutane; model Isobutane extends General_Properties( SN = 93, name = "Isobutane", CAS = "75-28-5", Tc = 407.85, Pc = 3640000, Vc = 0.2627, Cc = 0.278, Tb = 261.34, Tm = 113.54, TT = 113.54, TP = 0.0120622, MW = 58.123, LVB = 0.10436, AF = 0.186, SP = 12560, DM = 4.4E-31, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -1.3499E+08, GEF = -2.144E+07, AS = 295500, HFMP = 4540000, HOC = -2.64812E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.89934,0.25371,407.85,0.25125,0}, VP = {101,70.58866,-4298.161,-7.798635,0.0000116,2}, LiqCp = {16,89466,-323.61,12.827,-0.010476,0.000025037}, HOV = {106,3.4869E+07,0.64449,-0.15424,-0.28822,0.20982}, VapCp = {16,39746.03,-371.573,12.02593,0.000755039,-2.59608E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-39.10125,1315.145,4.876982,-0.0000203993,2}, VapVis = {102,3.951E-08,0.90975,-52.076,8625.4,0}, LiqK = {16,0.029586,56.323,-2.8746,0.0051627,-0.000017826}, VapK = {102,0.091178,0.18264,626.56,1124600,0}, Racketparam = 0.275, UniquacR = 3.1502, UniquacQ = 2.772, ChaoSeadAF = 0.1825, ChaoSeadSP = 13766.21, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1055); end Isobutane; model Onebutanol extends General_Properties( SN = 94, name = "Onebutanol", CAS = "71-36-3", Tc = 563.05, Pc = 4423000, Vc = 0.275, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 390.88, Tm = 183.85, TT = 184.51, TP = 0.000320123, MW = 74.123, LVB = 0.09196, AF = 0.591, SP = 23510, DM = 5.83737E-30, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -2.746E+08, GEF = -1.503E+08, AS = 361480, HFMP = 9372000, HOC = -2.45601E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.7931,0.24201,563.05,0.22263,0}, VP = {101,94.3424,-9140.942,-10.0038,1.706963E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,118540,928.1,-3.4067,0.053827,-0.000053611}, HOV = {106,1.03317E+08,2.061287,-3.612692,3.240107,-1.125287}, VapCp = {16,63521,-568.25,12.587,0.0001566,-5.9966E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-44.688,3409.1,4.8758,-0.0000057302,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000014735,0.46162,554.37,6760.2,0}, LiqK = {16,0.019408,-19.063,-1.4625,-0.0014843,-4.7683E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00022746,1.1142,3597.3,-411420,0}, Racketparam = 0.2538, UniquacR = 3.4543, UniquacQ = 3.052, ChaoSeadAF = 0.593, ChaoSeadSP = 23289.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0919432); end Onebutanol; model TwomethylOnepropanol extends General_Properties( SN = 95, name = "TwomethylOnepropanol", CAS = "78-83-1", Tc = 547.78, Pc = 4300000, Vc = 0.273, Cc = 0.258, Tb = 381.04, Tm = 165.15, TT = 165.15, TP = 2.46096E-06, MW = 74.123, LVB = 0.09291, AF = 0.59, SP = 22900, DM = 5.47E-30, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -2.832E+08, GEF = -1.549E+08, AS = 348000, HFMP = 6322000, HOC = -2.449E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.80194,0.24515,547.81,0.21175,0}, VP = {101,174.0368,-12288.81,-22.23928,0.0000131856,2}, LiqCp = {16,114500,844.65,-3.6753,0.058766,-0.000062464}, HOV = {106,6.1411E+07,-0.67703,2.6884,-2.3416,0.75942}, VapCp = {16,20857,-275.26,12.137,0.00070478,-0.0000002462}, LiqVis = {101,-107.9662,6199.736,14.5721,-0.000017552,2}, VapVis = {102,7.9881E-07,0.52424,295.54,17281,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.27685,36.722,-1.0689,0.00066056,-0.0000014048}, VapK = {102,2189.9,0.91222,1.1244E+10,-5.1003E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.4535, UniquacQ = 3.048, ChaoSeadAF = 0.592, ChaoSeadSP = 23750.6, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0930277); end TwomethylOnepropanol; model Twobutanol extends General_Properties( SN = 96, name = "Twobutanol", CAS = "78-92-2", Tc = 536.05, Pc = 4179000, Vc = 0.269, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 372.66, Tm = 158.45, TT = 158.45, TP = 3.16526E-06, MW = 74.123, LVB = 0.09235, AF = 0.574, SP = 22620, DM = 5.54E-30, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -2.929E+08, GEF = -1.696E+08, AS = 364690, HFMP = 5971000, HOC = -2.4408E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.65041,0.21558,536.05,0.22084,0}, VP = {101,145.55,-10811,-17.957,0.0000094132,2}, LiqCp = {16,68513,631.42,2.7425,0.03164,-0.000028572}, HOV = {106,9.123771E+07,1.779726,-3.389854,3.546493,-1.385264}, VapCp = {16,70319,-564.51,12.517,0.00018661,-6.3166E-08}, LiqVis = {101,19.329,3026.9,-6.6532,0.000029986,2}, VapVis = {102,1.3231E-07,0.76798,139.73,-4888.6,0}, LiqK = {16,0.031711,-158.34,-0.24491,-0.0057475,0.000002591}, VapK = {102,0.0000011661,1.7056,340.33,-60553,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.4535, UniquacQ = 3.048, ChaoSeadAF = 0.571133, ChaoSeadSP = 22629.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0921178); end Twobutanol; model TwomethylTwopropanol extends General_Properties( SN = 97, name = "TwomethylTwopropanol", CAS = "75-65-0", Tc = 506.21, Pc = 3973000, Vc = 0.275, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 355.49, Tm = 298.97, TT = 298.97, TP = 5884.28, MW = 74.123, LVB = 0.09488, AF = 0.613, SP = 21620, DM = 5.57E-30, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -3.124E+08, GEF = -1.776E+08, AS = 326300, HFMP = 6703000, HOC = -2.4239E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.40838,0.17034,508.88,0.1974,0}, VP = {101,196.8976,-12439.78,-26.03107,0.0000198743,2}, LiqCp = {16,-158220,-166.8,13.168,0.0013959,-0.0000019876}, HOV = {106,9.49928E+07,1.077392,-0.185452,-0.822732,0.535399}, VapCp = {16,65560,-540.88,12.558,0.00014695,-5.2324E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-933.24,39184,142.25,-0.0001583,2}, VapVis = {102,2.5934E-07,0.64853,136.6,9124.5,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0056947,358.71,-5.5774,0.012913,-0.000018273}, VapK = {102,4.2365E-07,1.7929,-130.93,17989,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.4528, UniquacQ = 3.128, ChaoSeadAF = 0.612, ChaoSeadSP = 21491.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0948614); end TwomethylTwopropanol; model Diethylether extends General_Properties( SN = 98, name = "Diethylether", CAS = "60-29-7", Tc = 466.7, Pc = 3640000, Vc = 0.28, Cc = 0.263, Tb = 307.59, Tm = 156.85, TT = 156.85, TP = 0.395447, MW = 74.123, LVB = 0.10475, AF = 0.281, SP = 15420, DM = 3.84E-30, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -2.521E+08, GEF = -1.221E+08, AS = 342300, HFMP = 7190000, HOC = -2.5035E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.97479,0.27114,466.7,0.28433,0}, VP = {101,75.39748,-5436.852,-8.193869,7.812562E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,145290,-2.8208,5.9722,0.017041,-0.0000078238}, HOV = {106,5.331574E+07,0.876213,0.475413,-1.944676,1.061631}, VapCp = {16,81727,-660.7,12.61,0.00016979,-7.4028E-08}, LiqVis = {101,10.139,-61.707,-3.2168,-9.5022E-09,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000019481,0.40997,495.46,85.073,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.14221,30.008,-1.3139,0.00048013,-0.0000026572}, VapK = {102,-0.0044909,0.61494,-3258.3,85.806,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.39, UniquacQ = 3.02, ChaoSeadAF = 0.284607, ChaoSeadSP = 15530.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.104692); end Diethylether; model Diethyleneglycol extends General_Properties( SN = 99, name = "Diethyleneglycol", CAS = "111-46-6", Tc = 744.6, Pc = 4600000, Vc = 0.312, Cc = 0.232, Tb = 517.95, Tm = 262.7, TT = 262.7, TP = 0.00319709, MW = 106.12, LVB = 0.0952681, AF = 0.622105, SP = 28920, DM = 8.41E-30, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -5.464E+08, GEF = -3.84E+08, AS = 440000, HFMP = 1.3481E+07, HOC = -2.155E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.81894,0.25823,744.6,0.23979,0}, VP = {101,46.26595,-10205.15,-2.102723,-7.036466E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,188290,227.63,5.7157,0.020545,-0.000018798}, HOV = {106,1.0853E+08,-0.00876655,1.770951,-1.359893,-0.0210292}, VapCp = {16,82107,-687.16,13.353,-0.00070647,2.4155E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-374.29,18192,55.132,-0.000049166,2}, VapVis = {102,6.4523E-08,0.8468,24.322,7352.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.11579,8.2246,-1.6466,0.002673,-0.0000035412}, VapK = {102,500.16,1.0276,7.9617E+09,-7.5258E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.9415, UniquacQ = 4.8, ChaoSeadAF = 0.621104, ChaoSeadSP = 27775.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0952681); end Diethyleneglycol; model Diethylamine extends General_Properties( SN = 100, name = "Diethylamine", CAS = "109-89-7", Tc = 496.6, Pc = 3710000, Vc = 0.301, Cc = 0.27, Tb = 328.6, Tm = 223.35, TT = 223.35, TP = 374.108, MW = 73.138, LVB = 0.10424, AF = 0.303856, SP = 16610, DM = 3.07E-30, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -7.142E+07, GEF = 7.308E+07, AS = 352200, HFMP = 1.14E+07, HOC = -2.8003E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.73036,0.23814,496.66,0.24991,0}, VP = {101,64.68388,-5484.939,-6.37255,4.185124E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,107090,694.46,2.8508,0.027204,-0.000024864}, HOV = {106,3.911798E+07,0.292165,-0.28266,0.355094,0.0257197}, VapCp = {16,85298,-793.64,13.085,-0.00026826,6.6572E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-21.138,1492,1.4401,-0.0000012994,2}, VapVis = {102,4.3797E-07,0.60244,253.34,-614.36,0}, LiqK = {16,0.066644,-97.786,-0.73312,-0.0054502,-7.5663E-08}, VapK = {102,0.000016939,1.2488,-114.17,77881,0}, Racketparam = 0.27, UniquacR = 3.68, UniquacQ = 3.17, ChaoSeadAF = 0.303733, ChaoSeadSP = 16543.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.104234); end Diethylamine; model Furfural extends General_Properties( SN = 101, name = "Furfural", CAS = "98-01-1", Tc = 670.15, Pc = 5660000, Vc = 0.252, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 434.85, Tm = 236.65, TT = 236.65, TP = 1.54565, MW = 96.0841, LVB = 0.0832248, AF = 0.367784, SP = 23610, DM = 1.2E-29, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -1.51E+08, GEF = -1.028E+08, AS = 333300, HFMP = 1.44E+07, HOC = -2.2564E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.0614,0.26706,670.15,0.30028,0}, VP = {101,25.656,-5514,-0.19573,-0.0000013402,2}, LiqCp = {16,122630,404.51,3.0587,0.029945,-0.000031496}, HOV = {106,6.3009E+07,0.4784,0.066802,-0.59102,0.42453}, VapCp = {16,45855,-497.61,12.549,-0.000033724,-2.8785E-08}, LiqVis = {101,2.6487,910.16,-2.1754,0.0000028413,2}, VapVis = {102,5.1928E-08,0.91224,70.285,-5476.4,0}, LiqK = {16,0.13228,19058,-182.25,0.56426,-0.00059782}, VapK = {102,0.00022183,0.91119,617.18,55137,0}, Racketparam = 0.258287, UniquacR = 3.168, UniquacQ = 2.484, ChaoSeadAF = 0.383, ChaoSeadSP = 23643.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0831649); end Furfural; model Pyridine extends General_Properties( SN = 102, name = "Pyridine", CAS = "110-86-1", Tc = 620, Pc = 5670000, Vc = 0.254, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 388.37, Tm = 231.53, TT = 231.51, TP = 20.5354, MW = 79.101, LVB = 0.08088, AF = 0.242, SP = 21570, DM = 7.31E-30, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = 1.4037E+08, GEF = 1.9049E+08, AS = 282780, HFMP = 8280000, HOC = -2.6721E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.67102,0.2057,620,0.26001,0}, VP = {101,82.05373,-7269.578,-8.810082,4.816564E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,101830,209.77,5.3544,0.019802,-0.000018129}, HOV = {106,8.4421E+07,2.7457,-5.3078,4.8654,-1.7952}, VapCp = {16,36223,-620.9,12.812,-0.00029215,7.7524E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-82.798,4102.8,11.028,-0.0000093419,2}, VapVis = {102,5.339E-08,0.90066,85.55,-5060.2,0}, LiqK = {16,0.018788,-54.761,-1.2916,-0.00062226,-0.0000029942}, VapK = {102,-7052.4,0.17223,-5.768E+07,-1.624E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.269325, UniquacR = 3, UniquacQ = 2.16, ChaoSeadAF = 0.238898, ChaoSeadSP = 21804.1, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0808341); end Pyridine; model Isoprene extends General_Properties( SN = 103, name = "Isoprene", CAS = "78-79-5", Tc = 484, Pc = 3850030, Vc = 0.276, Cc = 0.264, Tb = 307.205, Tm = 127.27, TT = 127.27, TP = 0.00247682, MW = 68.117, LVB = 0.100775, AF = 0.158323, SP = 15330, DM = 8.3391E-31, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = 7.57304E+07, GEF = 1.45896E+08, AS = 315641, HFMP = 4924570, HOC = -2.98424E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.95762,0.265,484,0.28587,0}, VP = {101,59.64382,-4808.579,-5.723014,3.325462E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,111430,579.88,0.11179,0.042713,-0.000046991}, HOV = {106,4.7482E+07,1.7472,-3.7153,4.0508,-1.6134}, VapCp = {16,46067,-400.72,12.189,0.00043981,-1.4681E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.3004,457.06,-0.22583,-0.0000048674,2}, VapVis = {102,5.2484E-07,0.58768,291.05,-6176.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0093138,-47.475,-0.82654,-0.0037828,8.2245E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0010775,0.73105,657.17,112780,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.36, UniquacQ = 3.01, ChaoSeadAF = 0.1642, ChaoSeadSP = 15333.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.100775); end Isoprene; model Cyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 104, name = "Cyclopentane", CAS = "287-92-3", Tc = 511.6, Pc = 4508000, Vc = 0.26, Cc = 0.276, Tb = 322.38, Tm = 179.311, TT = 179.28, TP = 9.07217, MW = 70.134, LVB = 0.09473, AF = 0.194, SP = 16550, DM = 0, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -7.703E+07, GEF = 3.885E+07, AS = 292900, HFMP = 608800, HOC = -3.0709E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.92461,0.26305,511.77,0.22002,0}, VP = {101,-74.77148,-401.0576,15.6271,-0.0000260872,2}, LiqCp = {16,84725,368.5,3.0559,0.030633,-0.000031124}, HOV = {106,4.513618E+07,1.248318,-2.311302,2.401073,-0.943348}, VapCp = {16,39785,-704.2,13.082,-0.00014913,2.4491E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-5.1843,670.87,-0.84082,-7.0656E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,2.1433E-07,0.68815,135.42,-1597.6,0}, LiqK = {16,0.10961,-598.59,3.5098,-0.016258,-0.0000091635}, VapK = {102,0.0000098408,1.4611,639.53,7396.1,0}, Racketparam = 0.2687, UniquacR = 3.3, UniquacQ = 2.47, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2051, ChaoSeadSP = 16589.01, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0947); end Cyclopentane; model TwomethylOnebutene extends General_Properties( SN = 105, name = "TwomethylOnebutene", CAS = "563-46-2", Tc = 465, Pc = 3447000, Vc = 0.292, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 304.305, Tm = 135.578, TT = 135.578, TP = 0.0205382, MW = 70.1329, LVB = 0.10872, AF = 0.234056, SP = 14700, DM = 1.7E-30, SH = -134990000.0, IGHF = -3.53E+07, GEF = 6.668E+07, AS = 339500, HFMP = 7910700, HOC = -3.1159E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.91622,0.26752,465,0.28165,0}, VP = {101,77.29304,-5304.146,-8.607604,9.513458E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,121560,527.31,1.2291,0.036295,-0.000037525}, HOV = {106,4.6374E+07,1.4214,-2.5789,2.5516,-0.95454}, VapCp = {16,81218,-803.24,13.077,-0.00034159,9.7536E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.065,690.04,-0.13044,0.0000004745,2}, VapVis = {102,5.0873E-07,0.55006,197.77,-68.455,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.024046,2.4654,-1.5931,-0.00074325,-0.0000024745}, VapK = {102,0.00018088,0.94101,77.857,153680,0}, Racketparam = 0.270022, UniquacR = 3.5939, UniquacQ = 3.224, ChaoSeadAF = 0.228663, ChaoSeadSP = 14695.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.10868); end TwomethylOnebutene; model ThreemethylOnebutene extends General_Properties( SN = 106, name = "ThreemethylOnebutene", CAS = "563-45-1", Tc = 452.7, Pc = 3550000, Vc = 0.3049, Cc = 0.288, Tb = 293.21, Tm = 104.66, TT = 104.66, TP = 0.0000144678, MW = 70.134, LVB = 0.11277, AF = 0.211, SP = 13780, DM = 1.07E-30, SH = -27600000.0, IGHF = -2.76E+07, GEF = 7.605E+07, AS = 333900, HFMP = 5359700, HOC = -3.1253E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.85968,0.26229,452.7,0.27579,0}, VP = {101,74.66163,-4956.256,-8.290047,0.0000100425,2}, LiqCp = {16,94996,92.422,8.4061,0.009093,-0.0000045826}, HOV = {106,3.9174E+07,0.58094,0.12579,-0.78785,0.49354}, VapCp = {16,82557,-671.08,12.784,-0.00012458,4.234E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.214,821.55,-0.010133,9.4673E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000016555,0.42535,455.3,876.91,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.017622,5.9209,-1.694,-0.00045405,-0.0000033564}, VapK = {102,0.00014816,0.97375,75.281,116540,0}, Racketparam = 0.272045, UniquacR = 3.5945, UniquacQ = 3.1, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2285, ChaoSeadSP = 14010.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.111819); end ThreemethylOnebutene; model TwomethylTwobutene extends General_Properties( SN = 107, name = "TwomethylTwobutene", CAS = "513-35-9", Tc = 470, Pc = 3860000, Vc = 0.292, Cc = 0.288, Tb = 311.7, Tm = 139.39, TT = 139.39, TP = 0.01937, MW = 70.134, LVB = 0.10757, AF = 0.339, SP = 15210, DM = 1.13E-30, SH = -27600000.0, IGHF = -4.18E+07, GEF = 6.045E+07, AS = 338600, HFMP = 7597700, HOC = -3.1088E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.93623,0.2731,470,0.25849,0}, VP = {101,82.2327,-5590.502,-9.366663,0.0000104545,2}, LiqCp = {16,127040,1071.7,-7.883,0.075072,-0.000089164}, HOV = {106,4.3456E+07,0.64226,-0.070051,-0.5395,0.35656}, VapCp = {16,75343,-774.17,12.975,-0.00022009,6.0763E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.234,703.42,0.094871,-0.0000017625,2}, VapVis = {102,8.6256E-07,0.47637,263.56,-2475.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.050847,3.0532,-1.4724,-0.00063704,-0.0000020121}, VapK = {102,0.00020806,0.92265,107.34,175680,0}, Racketparam = 0.260813, UniquacR = 3.5919, UniquacQ = 3.22, ChaoSeadAF = 0.27667, ChaoSeadSP = 15247.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.106707); end TwomethylTwobutene; model Onepentene extends General_Properties( SN = 108, name = "Onepentene", CAS = "109-67-1", Tc = 464.8, Pc = 3560000, Vc = 0.2984, Cc = 0.275, Tb = 303.11, Tm = 108.016, TT = 108.016, TP = 0.000037, MW = 70.134, LVB = 0.1104, AF = 0.237, SP = 14410, DM = 1.7E-30, SH = -27600000.0, IGHF = -2.162E+07, GEF = 7.837E+07, AS = 346200, HFMP = 5937400, HOC = -3.13037E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.44335,0.18566,473.43,0.23587,0}, VP = {101,39.52954,-3893.399,-2.686504,1.952359E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,92753,117.21,8.6537,0.007447,-0.0000026759}, HOV = {106,3.077277E+07,-0.570706,2.243398,-2.258065,0.928488}, VapCp = {16,66520,-609.44,12.683,0.000062395,-2.5354E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.79591,682.8004,0.00564316,-9.176806E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000017549,0.42295,561.21,-17046,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.010825,-30.065,-1.1172,-0.0023327,-0.0000015541}, VapK = {102,0.0000026412,1.549,-2.5891,24389,0}, Racketparam = 0.2944, UniquacR = 3.5953, UniquacQ = 3.104, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2198, ChaoSeadSP = 14420.78, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1104); end Onepentene; model CisTwopentene extends General_Properties( SN = 109, name = "CisTwopentene", CAS = "627-20-3", Tc = 475, Pc = 3690000, Vc = 0.3021, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 310.07, Tm = 121.75, TT = 121.75, TP = 0.000554, MW = 70.134, LVB = 0.10785, AF = 0.253, SP = 15060, DM = 1.008E-30, SH = -27600000.0, IGHF = -2.63E+07, GEF = 7.37E+07, AS = 346300, HFMP = 7112000, HOC = -3.123E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.90921,0.26313,475,0.30422,0}, VP = {101,87.54937,-5782.462,-10.18969,0.00001126,2}, LiqCp = {16,132080,-10569,112.64,-0.34846,0.00041161}, HOV = {106,3.808893E+07,0.541071,-0.876512,1.300916,-0.612383}, VapCp = {16,68358,-741.07,12.923,-0.00013529,3.1324E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.01,644.41,-0.11124,1.3682E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,7.0321E-08,0.83123,33.115,-394.35,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.06994,-6.3331,-1.1883,-0.0013351,-7.8623E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00017973,0.95148,124.65,170420,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.5933, UniquacQ = 3.103, ChaoSeadAF = 0.206, ChaoSeadSP = 14420.78, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1078); end CisTwopentene; model TransTwopentene extends General_Properties( SN = 110, name = "TransTwopentene", CAS = "646-04-8", Tc = 474.2, Pc = 3660000, Vc = 0.293, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 309.49, Tm = 132.89, TT = 132.89, TP = 0.00574, MW = 70.1329, LVB = 0.1091, AF = 0.248372, SP = 14970, DM = 0, SH = -27600000.0, IGHF = -3.11E+07, GEF = 6.98E+07, AS = 343100, HFMP = 8351700, HOC = -3.119E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.9122,0.26869,474.2,0.28253,0}, VP = {101,77.717,-5422.6,-8.6403,0.0000092035,2}, LiqCp = {16,117170,204.39,5.1039,0.022516,-0.00002152}, HOV = {106,4.3712E+07,0.84137,-0.81266,0.47134,-0.094225}, VapCp = {16,79715,-780.23,12.979,-0.00024552,0.0000000696}, LiqVis = {101,-10.52,657.15,-0.02693,1.6882E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.2614E-07,0.75299,74.21,1685.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.074338,-10.004,-1.1218,-0.0016085,-2.2796E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000026669,1.1894,-123.11,111540,0}, Racketparam = 0.268765, UniquacR = 3.5933, UniquacQ = 3.103, ChaoSeadAF = 0.209, ChaoSeadSP = 14420.78, ChaoSeadLV = 0.109); end TransTwopentene; model Threepentanone extends General_Properties( SN = 111, name = "Threepentanone", CAS = "96-22-0", Tc = 561.5, Pc = 3730000, Vc = 0.336, Cc = 0.268, Tb = 375.14, Tm = 234.18, TT = 234.18, TP = 73.4224, MW = 86.134, LVB = 0.10641, AF = 0.342, SP = 18410, DM = 9.41E-30, SH = -27600000.0, IGHF = -2.579E+08, GEF = -1.344E+08, AS = 370000, HFMP = 1.159E+07, HOC = -2.8804E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.68664,0.23603,561.5,0.27471,0}, VP = {101,58.885,-6044.5,-5.3259,0.0000023057,2}, LiqCp = {16,169130,405.25,3.0239,0.024087,-0.000018434}, HOV = {106,5.083729E+07,0.764461,-0.828447,-0.00277131,0.530942}, VapCp = {16,93124,-637.87,12.577,0.00022827,-1.0612E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-1.367,550.49,-1.4469,4.9148E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000002611,0.65778,216.39,-3537.8,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0080662,16.294,-1.6509,-0.0010676,-9.5001E-07}, VapK = {102,22.162,1.0028,1.8597E+08,9.2842E+08,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.9223, UniquacQ = 3.416, ChaoSeadAF = 0.344, ChaoSeadSP = 18259.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.106401); end Threepentanone; model Methylisopropylketone extends General_Properties( SN = 112, name = "Methylisopropylketone", CAS = "563-80-4", Tc = 567.7, Pc = 3620000, Vc = 0.31, Cc = 0.238, Tb = 367.55, Tm = 180.15, TT = 180.15, TP = 0.295357, MW = 86.134, LVB = 0.10791, AF = 0.216, SP = 17710, DM = 9.21E-30, SH = -27600000.0, IGHF = -2.626E+08, GEF = -1.393E+08, AS = 369900, HFMP = 9343000, HOC = -2.877E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.22922,0.13849,567.7,0.18207,0}, VP = {101,57.033,-5794.3,-5.09,0.0000023975,2}, LiqCp = {16,142840,463.87,4.1439,0.020347,-0.000013989}, HOV = {106,1.3282E+07,-7.596951,21.963,-24.77369,10.66731}, VapCp = {16,65899,-628.39,12.858,0.000023331,-5.0246E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.042,1043.1,-0.038423,1.1535E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.5484E-07,0.72865,149.15,-3826.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.11038,18.412,-1.2824,-0.000057222,-0.000001541}, VapK = {102,-6058400,-0.090573,3.176E+09,-2.84E+13,0}, Racketparam = 0.259, UniquacR = 3.9215, UniquacQ = 3.412, ChaoSeadAF = 0.350039, ChaoSeadSP = 18253.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.106975); end Methylisopropylketone; model Npropylacetate extends General_Properties( SN = 113, name = "Npropylacetate", CAS = "109-60-4", Tc = 549.4, Pc = 3330000, Vc = 0.345, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 374.65, Tm = 178.15, TT = 178.15, TP = 0.0171129, MW = 102.133, LVB = 0.11572, AF = 0.389, SP = 17890, DM = 5.97E-30, SH = -27600000.0, IGHF = -4.648E+08, GEF = -3.204E+08, AS = 402300, HFMP = 1.12E+07, HOC = -2.672E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.57751,0.2255,549.4,0.25884,0}, VP = {101,106.6613,-8095.022,-12.62161,8.999471E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,124410,36.932,8.3883,0.012662,-0.000012028}, HOV = {106,8.047503E+07,1.798019,-2.259874,1.293466,-0.333711}, VapCp = {16,108820,-937.38,13.511,-0.00062962,1.4249E-07}, LiqVis = {101,15.453,-157.9,-3.9304,-3.2102E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9633E-07,0.69295,104.27,10438,0}, LiqK = {16,0.045513,-31.328,-1.5572,-0.00066538,-0.0000053334}, VapK = {102,1128.5,1.014,1.1605E+10,-1.2869E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.153, UniquacQ = 3.656, ChaoSeadAF = 0.391, ChaoSeadSP = 18004.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.115712); end Npropylacetate; model Isopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 114, name = "Isopentane", CAS = "78-78-4", Tc = 460.39, Pc = 3381000, Vc = 0.3083, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 300.99, Tm = 113.25, TT = 113.25, TP = 0.00012144, MW = 72.15, LVB = 0.11646, AF = 0.229, SP = 13870, DM = 4.34E-31, SH = -27600000.0, IGHF = -1.537E+08, GEF = -1.405E+07, AS = 343740, HFMP = 5150000, HOC = -3.23954E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.73194,0.24835,460.99,0.25733,0}, VP = {101,71.04288,-4967.235,-7.674379,8.659929E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,112460,-54.259,8.8747,0.0083911,-0.0000034773}, HOV = {106,4.14248E+07,0.799342,-0.581969,0.0834724,0.117826}, VapCp = {16,59843,-493.27,12.516,0.00046099,-1.5305E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-12.596,889.14,0.20472,4.0592E-09,2}, VapVis = {102,6.6346E-08,0.82828,-68.082,25303,0}, LiqK = {16,0.061061,89.857,-3.522,0.0075154,-0.000023032}, VapK = {102,0.00090019,0.7738,456.82,231390,0}, Racketparam = 0.2716, UniquacR = 3.82, UniquacQ = 3.31, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2104, ChaoSeadSP = 14359.41, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1174); end Isopentane; model Npentane extends General_Properties( SN = 115, name = "Npentane", CAS = "109-66-0", Tc = 469.7, Pc = 3370000, Vc = 0.311, Cc = 0.268, Tb = 309.22, Tm = 143.42, TT = 143.42, TP = 0.0686418, MW = 72.15, LVB = 0.11522, AF = 0.251, SP = 14380, DM = 0, SH = -27600000.0, IGHF = -1.4676E+08, GEF = -8813000, AS = 349450, HFMP = 8401500, HOC = -3.24494E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77386,0.25574,469.7,0.26319,0}, VP = {101,72.14242,-5265.589,-7.720709,7.151866E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,122980,401.5,3.9651,0.024056,-0.000020161}, HOV = {106,4.0854E+07,0.25483,0.96045,-1.5349,0.72504}, VapCp = {16,81062,-706.86,12.962,-0.000049298,2.8357E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-28.93847,1176.355,3.050544,-9.721368E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,5.9173E-08,0.85109,8.4138,3723.2,0}, LiqK = {16,0.023649,-75.089,-0.64229,-0.005078,-2.7196E-07}, VapK = {102,-603.2,0.74698,-8.1823E+08,-8.7865E+09,0}, Racketparam = 0.2685, UniquacR = 3.8254, UniquacQ = 3.316, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2387, ChaoSeadSP = 14359.41, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1161); end Npentane; model Neopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 116, name = "Neopentane", CAS = "463-82-1", Tc = 433.75, Pc = 3199000, Vc = 0.3032, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 282.65, Tm = 256.6, TT = 256.6, TP = 35745.2, MW = 72.15, LVB = 0.12216, AF = 0.197, SP = 12510, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.6807E+08, GEF = -1.714E+07, AS = 305890, HFMP = 3146000, HOC = -3.25039E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.90246,0.2775,433.8,0.29085,0}, VP = {101,85.887,-5169,-10.119,0.000013061,2}, LiqCp = {16,116590,146.32,1.9197,0.044936,-0.000054657}, HOV = {106,3.3957E+07,0.38208,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,31525,-309.56,12.21,0.00085791,-2.6395E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-36.861,2459.5,3.4416,0.0000070474,2}, VapVis = {102,8.1019E-07,0.5294,468.47,-22580,0}, LiqK = {16,0.027667,-243.53,0.83395,-0.010754,0.0000058849}, VapK = {102,0.0000044729,1.4644,-142.95,66180,0}, Racketparam = 0.2762, UniquacR = 3.8239, UniquacQ = 3.392, ChaoSeadAF = 0.195, ChaoSeadSP = 14359.41, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1233); end Neopentane; model OneTwoFourtrichlorobenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 117, name = "OneTwoFourtrichlorobenzene", CAS = "120-82-1", Tc = 725, Pc = 3720000, Vc = 0.395, Cc = 0.244, Tb = 486.15, Tm = 290.15, TT = 290.15, TP = 33.0937, MW = 181.447, LVB = 0.12525, AF = 0.358106, SP = 20620, DM = 4.20291E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.1757E+07, GEF = 4.30523E+07, AS = 380911, HFMP = 1.55647E+07, HOC = -2.65632E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.61713,0.2524,725,0.2857,0}, VP = {101,47.20405,-7460.647,-3.164866,-3.316432E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,145370,234.69,6.2789,0.017012,-0.000015675}, HOV = {106,6.897E+07,0.4026,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,63130,-426.63,12.569,-0.000095696,1.4713E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-241,9893.2,36.115,-0.000047458,2}, VapVis = {102,9.2097E-08,0.80621,99.511,1477.5,0}, LiqK = {16,0.070105,-290.72,-0.20366,-0.0074415,0.0000024779}, VapK = {102,-743.07,0.74159,-2.1746E+09,-6.4502E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.259136, UniquacR = 5.0625, UniquacQ = 3.732, ChaoSeadAF = 0.358106, ChaoSeadSP = 20618.1, ChaoSeadLV = 0.12525); end OneTwoFourtrichlorobenzene; model Mdichlorobenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 118, name = "Mdichlorobenzene", CAS = "541-73-1", Tc = 683.95, Pc = 4070000, Vc = 0.351, Cc = 0.251, Tb = 446.23, Tm = 248.39, TT = 248.39, TP = 6.40787, MW = 147.002, LVB = 0.114533, AF = 0.27898, SP = 19570, DM = 5.74E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 2.57E+07, GEF = 7.79E+07, AS = 343530, HFMP = 1.259E+07, HOC = -2.825E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.74132,0.26094,683.95,0.31392,0}, VP = {101,100.37,-9087,-11.404,0.0000055122,2}, LiqCp = {16,89111,785.31,3.6098,0.022491,-0.00001896}, HOV = {106,5.2076E+07,0.15554,-0.20298,0.94291,-0.55524}, VapCp = {16,56066,-490.93,12.649,-0.00012726,2.3703E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-114.79,4907.5,16.374,-0.000020623,2}, VapVis = {102,2.3524E-07,0.71383,257.29,1880.2,0}, LiqK = {16,0.042347,-224.09,-0.2096,-0.006185,0.0000024486}, VapK = {102,-1552.3,0.68852,-2.6293E+09,-1.7751E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.4376, UniquacQ = 3.288, ChaoSeadAF = 0.215834, ChaoSeadSP = 19575.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.114641); end Mdichlorobenzene; model Odichlorobenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 119, name = "Odichlorobenzene", CAS = "95-50-1", Tc = 705, Pc = 4070000, Vc = 0.351, Cc = 0.244, Tb = 453.57, Tm = 256.15, TT = 256.15, TP = 6.48939, MW = 147.002, LVB = 0.112969, AF = 0.219189, SP = 20310, DM = 8.34E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 3.02E+07, GEF = 8.29E+07, AS = 341850, HFMP = 1.266E+07, HOC = -2.826E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.74261,0.26108,705,0.30655,0}, VP = {101,75.75983,-8226.762,-7.552754,6.191298E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,127840,-59.156,8.3728,0.0093569,-0.0000051714}, HOV = {106,8.774E+07,2.8227,-6.8433,7.6547,-3.1275}, VapCp = {16,55560,-490.51,12.648,-0.00012186,2.1792E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-37.699,2377,4.0848,-0.0000020768,2}, VapVis = {102,1.6041E-07,0.76289,205.1,-39.728,0}, LiqK = {16,0.06919,-379.09,0.89948,-0.0099037,0.0000041677}, VapK = {102,-1200.2,0.7235,-2.8422E+09,-8.8684E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.271326, UniquacR = 4.4376, UniquacQ = 3.288, ChaoSeadAF = 0.214215, ChaoSeadSP = 20271.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.11318); end Odichlorobenzene; model Pdichlorobenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 120, name = "Pdichlorobenzene", CAS = "106-46-7", Tc = 684.75, Pc = 4070000, Vc = 0.351, Cc = 0.251, Tb = 447.21, Tm = 326.14, TT = 326.14, TP = 1225.03, MW = 147.002, LVB = 0.117406, AF = 0.284638, SP = 19330, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 2.25E+07, GEF = 7.67E+07, AS = 336740, HFMP = 1.82E+07, HOC = -2.802E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.74861,0.26271,684.75,0.30815,0}, VP = {101,40.63688,-6607.72,-2.221184,-3.90747E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,155200,855.07,0.88585,0.024843,-0.000014582}, HOV = {106,6.112633E+07,0.426201,-0.0366365,0.00811781,-0.00754654}, VapCp = {16,55695,-489.46,12.649,-0.00012524,2.3115E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-131.86,5312.8,19.284,-0.000029085,2}, VapVis = {102,1.5946E-07,0.76369,193.94,-148.97,0}, LiqK = {16,0.02927,-28.287,-2.0319,0.000077764,-0.0000037797}, VapK = {102,-2269.7,0.68598,-3.774E+09,-2.6655E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.265583, UniquacR = 4.4376, UniquacQ = 3.288, ChaoSeadAF = 0.234279, ChaoSeadSP = 19187.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.117341); end Pdichlorobenzene; model Bromobenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 121, name = "Bromobenzene", CAS = "108-86-1", Tc = 670.15, Pc = 4519100, Vc = 0.324, Cc = 0.263, Tb = 429.236, Tm = 242.43, TT = 242.43, TP = 7.8364, MW = 157.008, LVB = 0.105567, AF = 0.250575, SP = 19940, DM = 5.67059E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.05018E+08, GEF = 1.38532E+08, AS = 324386, HFMP = 1.06274E+07, HOC = -3.01917E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.8226,0.26632,670.15,0.2821,0}, VP = {101,146.6319,-10375.07,-18.74897,0.0000147083,2}, LiqCp = {16,97487,953.8,2.1839,0.023716,-0.000017458}, HOV = {106,5.656362E+07,0.347537,0.135082,0.0123621,-0.140849}, VapCp = {16,65656,-767.67,13.165,-0.00063667,1.8215E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-54.93,2754.4,6.973,-0.000009784,2}, VapVis = {102,2.2327E-07,0.71456,185.02,-22.393,0}, LiqK = {16,0.032562,-180.04,-0.56464,-0.0046562,1.7973E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00025787,0.79923,269.79,163730,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.9709, UniquacQ = 2.952, ChaoSeadAF = 0.250575, ChaoSeadSP = 19944.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.105567); end Bromobenzene; model Monochlorobenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 122, name = "Monochlorobenzene", CAS = "108-90-7", Tc = 632.4, Pc = 4520000, Vc = 0.308, Cc = 0.265, Tb = 404.91, Tm = 227.95, TT = 227.95, TP = 8.4456, MW = 112.558, LVB = 0.10222, AF = 0.251, SP = 19350, DM = 5.64E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 5.109E+07, GEF = 9.829E+07, AS = 314030, HFMP = 9556000, HOC = -2.976E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.78287,0.25464,632.4,0.26342,0}, VP = {101,51.41334,-6020.539,-4.204143,1.293848E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,139150,-333.42,10.906,-0.018036,0.000054846}, HOV = {106,4.9039E+07,0.24473,-0.048652,0.40537,-0.25012}, VapCp = {16,74680,-1001.5,13.827,-0.0014014,4.6413E-07}, LiqVis = {101,0.029483,556.49,-1.5963,1.2171E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.1217E-07,0.79382,109.37,1134.4,0}, LiqK = {16,0.083427,-157.94,-0.89724,-0.0049259,-0.0000027589}, VapK = {102,0.0004167,0.92033,1902.9,123750,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.79, UniquacQ = 2.84, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2459, ChaoSeadSP = 19345.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.10229); end Monochlorobenzene; model Iodobenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 123, name = "Iodobenzene", CAS = "591-50-4", Tc = 721.15, Pc = 4519100, Vc = 0.351, Cc = 0.265, Tb = 461.6, Tm = 241.83, TT = 241.83, TP = 1.17521, MW = 204.008, LVB = 0.111976, AF = 0.246574, SP = 20450, DM = 5.67E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.649E+08, GEF = 1.902E+08, AS = 334100, HFMP = 9749000, HOC = -3.05E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.7521,0.26381,721.15,0.2895,0}, VP = {101,79.186,-8185.3,-8.2636,0.0000035963,2}, LiqCp = {16,139830,578.69,1.6453,0.031278,-0.000034279}, HOV = {106,6.148821E+07,0.433906,-0.0102943,-0.0130647,-0.0329532}, VapCp = {16,63442,-692.72,13.003,-0.00048297,1.3499E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-57.177,3157.8,7.1529,-0.0000070913,2}, VapVis = {102,2.1908E-07,0.74366,231.22,-43.688,0}, LiqK = {16,0.077923,1284.8,-17.082,0.050362,-0.00006779}, VapK = {102,0.00026878,0.78911,373.97,187720,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.2857, UniquacQ = 3.112, ChaoSeadAF = 0.246574, ChaoSeadSP = 20367.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.111976); end Iodobenzene; model Nitrobenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 124, name = "Nitrobenzene", CAS = "98-95-3", Tc = 719, Pc = 4400000, Vc = 0.349, Cc = 0.257, Tb = 483.95, Tm = 278.91, TT = 278.87, TP = 6.69814, MW = 123.109, LVB = 0.102717, AF = 0.449158, SP = 22610, DM = 1.41E-29, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 6.75E+07, GEF = 1.63E+08, AS = 342100, HFMP = 1.16E+07, HOC = -2.9782E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.69124,0.24124,719,0.28137,0}, VP = {101,112.2302,-10538.91,-12.95686,5.116363E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,146460,1160.6,0.44135,0.024575,-0.000013049}, HOV = {106,4.9884E+07,-2.0813,7.5215,-8.8126,3.6947}, VapCp = {16,112710,-1114.3,13.93,-0.0013044,3.7699E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-78.652,4202,10.37,-0.0000091095,2}, VapVis = {102,1.1361E-07,0.80626,193.03,-46.762,0}, LiqK = {16,0.11293,-401.92,1.2826,-0.013207,0.0000075932}, VapK = {102,0.00014373,0.9615,718,-0.0027852,0}, Racketparam = 0.251146, UniquacR = 4.13, UniquacQ = 3.14, ChaoSeadAF = 0.447966, ChaoSeadSP = 22612.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.102717); end Nitrobenzene; model Benzene extends General_Properties( SN = 125, name = "Benzene", CAS = "71-43-2", Tc = 562.05, Pc = 4895000, Vc = 0.256, Cc = 0.268, Tb = 353.24, Tm = 278.68, TT = 278.68, TP = 4764.22, MW = 78.114, LVB = 0.08941, AF = 0.209, SP = 18700, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 8.288E+07, GEF = 1.296E+08, AS = 269300, HFMP = 9866000, HOC = -3.136E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.99938,0.26348,562.05,0.27856,0}, VP = {101,88.368,-6712.9,-10.022,0.000007694,2}, LiqCp = {16,111460,-1854.3,22.399,-0.028936,0.000028991}, HOV = {106,4.881E+07,0.61066,-0.25882,0.032238,0.022475}, VapCp = {16,34010.24,-588.0978,12.81777,-0.000197306,5.142899E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-24.61,1576.5,2.1698,-0.0000051366,2}, VapVis = {102,3.1366E-08,0.9675,8.0285,-35.629,0}, LiqK = {16,0.049539,-177.97,0.19475,-0.0073805,0.0000027938}, VapK = {102,0.0000049549,1.4519,154.14,26202,0}, Racketparam = 0.2696, UniquacR = 3.1878, UniquacQ = 2.4, ChaoSeadAF = 0.213, ChaoSeadSP = 18736.78, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0894); end Benzene; model Phenol extends General_Properties( SN = 126, name = "Phenol", CAS = "108-95-2", Tc = 694.25, Pc = 6130000, Vc = 0.229, Cc = 0.243, Tb = 455.04, Tm = 314.06, TT = 314.06, TP = 187.979, MW = 94.113, LVB = 0.08787, AF = 0.442, SP = 24630, DM = 4.84E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -9.6399E+07, GEF = -3.2637E+07, AS = 314810, HFMP = 1.151E+07, HOC = -2.921E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.4937,0.32883,694.25,0.34018,0}, VP = {101,300.97,-20269,-40.743,0.000021631,2}, LiqCp = {16,86710,-628.11,15.735,-0.0091743,0.0000081827}, HOV = {106,7.270282E+07,-0.265673,2.248545,-2.018709,0.353169}, VapCp = {16,39758,-470.56,12.627,0.000068347,-4.9708E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-203.001,10884.21,28.73615,-0.0000224564,2}, VapVis = {102,1.0771E-07,0.79384,145.89,-11364,0}, LiqK = {16,0.14109,-966.5,10.659,-0.049095,0.000038703}, VapK = {102,0.03495,0.27845,1585.2,862070,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.5517, UniquacQ = 2.68, ChaoSeadAF = 0.442, ChaoSeadSP = 24632.6, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0889403); end Phenol; model Aniline extends General_Properties( SN = 127, name = "Aniline", CAS = "62-53-3", Tc = 699, Pc = 5310000, Vc = 0.2739, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 457.17, Tm = 267.13, TT = 267.13, TP = 7.13219, MW = 93.128, LVB = 0.09152, AF = 0.38, SP = 24120, DM = 5.1E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 8.71E+07, GEF = 1.668E+08, AS = 319800, HFMP = 1.054E+07, HOC = -3.239E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.0034,0.27828,699.16,0.26553,0}, VP = {101,51.415,-7256.776,-3.968851,1.89237E-06,1.941839}, LiqCp = {16,113560,-229.45,12.348,-0.001777,0.0000025731}, HOV = {106,6.518054E+07,-0.829815,5.221579,-7.587726,3.672676}, VapCp = {16,53776,-561.43,12.878,-0.00018357,4.6595E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-411.9909,17880.72,61.83069,-0.0000659764,2}, VapVis = {102,1.8398E-07,0.71832,209.33,-5579.1,0}, LiqK = {16,0.065783,-186.09,-0.85045,-0.0016475,-0.0000028261}, VapK = {102,0.00025341,0.90822,897.01,-19862,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.72, UniquacQ = 2.82, ChaoSeadAF = 0.404143, ChaoSeadSP = 24125.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0916034); end Aniline; model Cyclohexanone extends General_Properties( SN = 128, name = "Cyclohexanone", CAS = "108-94-1", Tc = 653, Pc = 4000000, Vc = 0.311, Cc = 0.229, Tb = 428.58, Tm = 242, TT = 242, TP = 6.80118, MW = 98.143, LVB = 0.104111, AF = 0.299006, SP = 20250, DM = 1.03E-29, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.261E+08, GEF = -9.028E+07, AS = 334260, HFMP = 1190000, HOC = -3.299E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.8601,0.26829,653,0.29808,0}, VP = {101,69.93885,-7280.529,-6.943105,3.624646E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,17987,-72.539,10.794,0.0063056,-0.0000049607}, HOV = {106,6.763E+07,1.0666,-1.0647,0.39633,0.019258}, VapCp = {16,63931,-772.15,13.468,-0.00038098,7.7306E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-37.877,3012.8,3.7501,0.0000021994,2}, VapVis = {102,5.3484E-08,0.89115,65.345,-657.26,0}, LiqK = {16,0.11507,-853.65,4.7946,-0.021722,0.0000091954}, VapK = {102,-1104.9,-0.018396,479160,-8.1392E+09,0}, Racketparam = 0.23, UniquacR = 4.07, UniquacQ = 3.11, ChaoSeadAF = 0.445, ChaoSeadSP = 20139.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.104167); end Cyclohexanone; model Cyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 129, name = "Cyclohexane", CAS = "110-82-7", Tc = 553.5, Pc = 4073000, Vc = 0.308, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 353.93, Tm = 279.69, TT = 279.69, TP = 5362.51, MW = 84.161, LVB = 0.10875, AF = 0.211, SP = 16740, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.233E+08, GEF = 3.191E+07, AS = 297276, HFMP = 2740000, HOC = -3.656E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.93459,0.28022,553.5,0.29409,0}, VP = {101,79.82965,-6246.688,-8.778766,6.933726E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,116110,127.67,6.7654,0.01311,-0.0000060013}, HOV = {106,4.4856E+07,0.35691,0.26181,-0.47647,0.25741}, VapCp = {16,42569,-588.9,12.962,0.00028376,-1.4009E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-132.2852,5905.41,18.88092,-0.000023942,2}, VapVis = {102,6.7726E-08,0.83665,36.786,-20.301,0}, LiqK = {16,0.073881,-301.5,0.30119,-0.0068406,-0.0000028646}, VapK = {102,8.5865E-07,1.771,243.16,-9.1779,0}, Racketparam = 0.2729, UniquacR = 4.0464, UniquacQ = 3.24, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2032, ChaoSeadSP = 16773.1, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1087); end Cyclohexane; model Onehexene extends General_Properties( SN = 130, name = "Onehexene", CAS = "592-41-6", Tc = 504, Pc = 3143000, Vc = 0.3551, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 336.63, Tm = 133.39, TT = 133.39, TP = 0.000516, MW = 84.161, LVB = 0.1259, AF = 0.281, SP = 15130, DM = 1.5E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -4.167E+07, GEF = 8.7E+07, AS = 386300, HFMP = 9347000, HOC = -3.7397E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.42588,0.20073,504,0.21659,0}, VP = {101,61.18966,-5302.032,-5.914346,4.387106E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,120740,197.35,7.4671,0.012038,-0.0000076352}, HOV = {106,4.3654E+07,0.036065,1.7176,-2.6805,1.3349}, VapCp = {16,79063,-588.63,12.822,0.00010837,-3.9549E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.027,774.41,-0.14562,-2.993E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,7.708E-08,0.81478,53.202,774.03,0}, LiqK = {16,0.049094,18.334,-2.2175,0.0015607,-0.000010695}, VapK = {102,0.000064257,1.1355,445.14,64830,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.27, UniquacQ = 3.64, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2463, ChaoSeadSP = 15136.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1258); end Onehexene; model Methylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 131, name = "Methylcyclopentane", CAS = "96-37-7", Tc = 532.79, Pc = 3784000, Vc = 0.319, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 344.98, Tm = 130.73, TT = 130.73, TP = 0.000224525, MW = 84.161, LVB = 0.11313, AF = 0.227, SP = 16100, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.062E+08, GEF = 3.63E+07, AS = 339900, HFMP = 6929000, HOC = -3.6741E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.63455,0.23477,532.79,0.24394,0}, VP = {101,63.18203,-5470.368,-6.215132,4.384737E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,102830,317.53,4.999,0.022368,-0.000020298}, HOV = {106,4.986429E+07,0.75425,-0.186227,-0.50621,0.35999}, VapCp = {16,55624,-676.34,13.207,-0.0001363,2.6321E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-9.2288,846.65,-0.18612,-0.0000022383,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000009078,0.495,355.78,10.622,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.040815,4.4808,-1.5434,-0.00050494,-0.0000017671}, VapK = {102,0.0076653,0.48521,479.72,658190,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.97, UniquacQ = 3.01, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2346, ChaoSeadSP = 16057.17, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1131); end Methylcyclopentane; model Cyclohexanol extends General_Properties( SN = 132, name = "Cyclohexanol", CAS = "108-93-0", Tc = 650.1, Pc = 4260000, Vc = 0.322, Cc = 0.254, Tb = 434, Tm = 296.6, TT = 296.6, TP = 76.4997, MW = 100.159, LVB = 0.105751, AF = 0.369047, SP = 23730, DM = 6.2E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.862E+08, GEF = -1.095E+08, AS = 327700, HFMP = 1783000, HOC = -3.4639E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.90826,0.27716,650.1,0.30685,0}, VP = {101,-31.63718,-3989.985,9.013268,-0.0000126698,2}, LiqCp = {16,-69485,774.7,4.4167,0.025384,-0.000022994}, HOV = {106,7.128838E+07,0.392061,-2.168338,5.552036,-3.376933}, VapCp = {16,82477,-807.95,13.526,-0.00028702,2.5016E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-437.51,22529,63.787,-0.000049001,2}, VapVis = {102,8.1528E-08,0.83387,90.96,4936.6,0}, LiqK = {16,0.075187,-249.81,-0.16784,-0.0068233,0.0000026882}, VapK = {102,0.0030349,0.6097,669.35,478820,0}, Racketparam = 0.24, UniquacR = 4.27, UniquacQ = 3.51, ChaoSeadAF = 0.514148, ChaoSeadSP = 23672.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.104294); end Cyclohexanol; model TwoTwodimethylbutane extends General_Properties( SN = 133, name = "TwoTwodimethylbutane", CAS = "75-83-2", Tc = 488.7, Pc = 3080000, Vc = 0.3591, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 322.87, Tm = 174.28, TT = 174.28, TP = 4.0748, MW = 86.177, LVB = 0.13373, AF = 0.233, SP = 13770, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.8468E+08, GEF = -8745000, AS = 358340, HFMP = 579100, HOC = -3.8411E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.68727,0.26184,489.01,0.26217,0}, VP = {101,94.2252,-6117.857,-11.25759,0.0000123761,2}, LiqCp = {16,117360,-28.344,9.2143,0.0086854,-0.00000596}, HOV = {106,5.850808E+07,1.595989,-1.437803,0.0287957,0.293443}, VapCp = {16,73375,-521.55,12.775,0.00038975,-1.1854E-07}, LiqVis = {101,22.562,-455.85,-5.0804,-5.7101E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9362E-07,0.68259,102.35,-10.082,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.038291,4.8824,-1.6311,-0.00047294,-0.0000023877}, VapK = {102,0.00018521,0.9549,83.825,174320,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.4983, UniquacQ = 3.932, ChaoSeadAF = 0.23385, ChaoSeadSP = 13771.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.133712); end TwoTwodimethylbutane; model TwoThreedimethylbutane extends General_Properties( SN = 134, name = "TwoThreedimethylbutane", CAS = "79-29-8", Tc = 499.9, Pc = 3130000, Vc = 0.3576, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 331.12, Tm = 145.19, TT = 145.19, TP = 0.0152127, MW = 86.177, LVB = 0.13117, AF = 0.248, SP = 14300, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.768E+08, GEF = -3125000, AS = 365920, HFMP = 799100, HOC = -3.84761E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.67999,0.25932,500.01,0.25836,0}, VP = {101,76.80058,-5679.218,-8.443302,7.93783E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,126350,-53.429,8.8794,0.010279,-0.0000080841}, HOV = {106,4.7443E+07,0.91932,-0.91329,0.50392,-0.089442}, VapCp = {16,46722,-391.59,12.599,0.00056088,-1.7583E-07}, LiqVis = {101,6.9204,231.1,-2.7393,-1.3079E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.8449E-07,0.52371,291.92,-3199.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.05308,-5.5491,-1.4118,-0.0011735,-7.4229E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000032078,1.1749,-107.52,129270,0}, Racketparam = 0.2694, UniquacR = 4.4982, UniquacQ = 3.848, ChaoSeadAF = 0.24754, ChaoSeadSP = 14352.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.13105); end TwoThreedimethylbutane; model Nhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 135, name = "Nhexane", CAS = "110-54-3", Tc = 507.6, Pc = 3025000, Vc = 0.368, Cc = 0.264, Tb = 341.88, Tm = 177.83, TT = 177.83, TP = 0.901695, MW = 86.177, LVB = 0.13159, AF = 0.297, SP = 14870, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.6694E+08, GEF = -66340, AS = 388740, HFMP = 1.308E+07, HOC = -3.8551E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.55661,0.23506,507.6,0.24183,0}, VP = {101,71.56625,-5848.968,-7.46028,0.0000050823,2}, LiqCp = {16,155690,5.9137,7.3123,0.013809,-0.0000093814}, HOV = {106,4.086241E+07,-1.014854,4.97802,-6.266175,2.685532}, VapCp = {16,94649,-698.41,13.164,-0.00011992,2.9719E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-62.582,2308.7,8.5085,-0.000019741,2}, VapVis = {102,3.3843E-07,0.62082,239.17,-260.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.12682,-1.5015,-1.0467,-0.00088709,-9.3679E-07}, VapK = {102,-569.52,0.7943,-1.1379E+09,-8.2055E+09,0}, Racketparam = 0.2635, UniquacR = 4.4998, UniquacQ = 3.856, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2927, ChaoSeadSP = 14870.79, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1316); end Nhexane; model Twomethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 136, name = "Twomethylpentane", CAS = "107-83-5", Tc = 497.5, Pc = 3010000, Vc = 0.3667, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 333.4, Tm = 119.55, TT = 119.55, TP = 0.0000206558, MW = 86.177, LVB = 0.13289, AF = 0.278, SP = 14400, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.7455E+08, GEF = -5338000, AS = 380890, HFMP = 6268000, HOC = -3.84915E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.657,0.25467,497.71,0.26808,0}, VP = {101,77.6873,-5802.911,-8.543267,7.871718E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,137510,-55.266,8.2006,0.013273,-0.00001165}, HOV = {106,4.724E+07,0.784961,-0.571271,0.114935,0.0796185}, VapCp = {16,70761,-504.8,12.795,0.00029839,-9.4564E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.416,938.41,0.18259,4.2586E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000020458,0.38326,542.64,-1147.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.099248,3.6931,-1.2881,-0.00063949,-0.0000011122}, VapK = {102,0.000056887,1.0953,-66.761,139530,0}, Racketparam = 0.2581, UniquacR = 4.499, UniquacQ = 3.852, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2791, ChaoSeadSP = 14417.6, ChaoSeadLV = 0.132931); end Twomethylpentane; model Threemethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 137, name = "Threemethylpentane", CAS = "96-14-0", Tc = 504.4, Pc = 3120000, Vc = 0.3667, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 336.4, Tm = 110.251, TT = 110.25, TP = 4.13745E-07, MW = 86.177, LVB = 0.13062, AF = 0.273, SP = 14680, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.72E+08, GEF = -3420000, AS = 383000, HFMP = 5303200, HOC = -3.85137E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.64191,0.2518,504.61,0.25114,0}, VP = {101,103.3869,-6792.289,-12.56583,0.0000127267,2}, LiqCp = {16,124870,37.47,8.4986,0.010489,-0.0000074005}, HOV = {106,5.261039E+07,1.021512,-0.656827,-0.222599,0.294618}, VapCp = {16,66323,-479.35,12.713,0.00041058,-1.3725E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-4.4466,561.39,-0.97496,-4.1525E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000014857,0.42502,455.77,119.73,0}, LiqK = {16,0.013685,32.912,-2.24,0.00097964,-0.0000056292}, VapK = {102,0.000050178,1.1143,-67.556,138050,0}, Racketparam = 0.2575, UniquacR = 4.499, UniquacQ = 3.852, ChaoSeadAF = 0.275, ChaoSeadSP = 14871.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.130633); end Threemethylpentane; model Triethyleneglycol extends General_Properties( SN = 138, name = "Triethyleneglycol", CAS = "112-27-6", Tc = 769.5, Pc = 3320000, Vc = 0.443, Cc = 0.23, Tb = 561.5, Tm = 265.95, TT = 265.95, TP = 0.000327262, MW = 150.173, LVB = 0.134127, AF = 0.755952, SP = 25710, DM = 9.97E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -7.251E+08, GEF = -4.86E+08, AS = 556500, HFMP = 1.82E+07, HOC = -3.2498E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.60697,0.26444,769.5,0.24805,0}, VP = {101,-148.0973,-1446.895,26.95817,-0.0000266538,2}, LiqCp = {16,234210,-89.741,10.328,0.0058089,-0.0000030565}, HOV = {106,1.392895E+08,1.422819,-1.625802,1.207667,-0.563316}, VapCp = {16,88442,-417.2,12.845,0.00037163,-1.3999E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-354.9911,16471.68,54.55389,-0.0481353,1}, VapVis = {102,8.2508E-08,0.8077,134.01,-6653.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.089806,0.43077,-1.6802,0.0024003,-0.0000033612}, VapK = {102,0.0000048035,1.4025,164.43,15114,0}, Racketparam = 0.224225, UniquacR = 6.5342, UniquacQ = 6.12, ChaoSeadAF = 0.758714, ChaoSeadSP = 23437.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.134187); end Triethyleneglycol; model Triethylamine extends General_Properties( SN = 139, name = "Triethylamine", CAS = "121-44-8", Tc = 535, Pc = 3000000, Vc = 0.39, Cc = 0.263, Tb = 362.9, Tm = 158.45, TT = 158.45, TP = 0.0106462, MW = 101.192, LVB = 0.13996, AF = 0.316193, SP = 15170, DM = 2.2E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -9.58E+07, GEF = 1.141E+08, AS = 405400, HFMP = 8520000, HOC = -4.0405E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.74443,0.28147,535,0.29639,0}, VP = {101,109.5632,-7670.939,-13.23524,8.526035E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,-68176,-83.963,12.887,-0.00053012,0.0000014554}, HOV = {106,5.6361E+07,1.8179,-4.3508,5.0206,-2.0828}, VapCp = {16,118700,-798.83,13.439,-0.00026576,5.0253E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.1405,722.62,-0.37234,-0.0000014417,2}, VapVis = {102,3.6298E-07,0.63337,296.37,-2057.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.073124,-11.318,-1.1721,-0.001404,-1.7908E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00013191,0.98598,87.622,150050,0}, Racketparam = 0.262814, UniquacR = 5.01, UniquacQ = 4.26, ChaoSeadAF = 0.316157, ChaoSeadSP = 15176.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.139672); end Triethylamine; model Toluene extends General_Properties( SN = 140, name = "Toluene", CAS = "108-88-3", Tc = 591.75, Pc = 4108000, Vc = 0.316, Cc = 0.264, Tb = 383.79, Tm = 178.18, TT = 178.18, TP = 0.0475285, MW = 92.141, LVB = 0.10687, AF = 0.264, SP = 18250, DM = 1.2E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 5.017E+07, GEF = 1.222E+08, AS = 320990, HFMP = 6636000, HOC = -3.734E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.89799,0.27359,591.75,0.30006,0}, VP = {101,32.89891,-5013.81,-1.348918,-1.869928E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,28291,48.171,10.912,0.0020542,8.7875E-07}, HOV = {106,5.3752E+07,0.50341,0.24755,-0.72898,0.37794}, VapCp = {16,47225,-565.85,12.856,0.000005535,-1.998E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-152.84,5644.6,22.826,-0.000040987,2}, VapVis = {102,8.5581E-07,0.49514,307.82,1891.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.072922,-23.153,-1.0277,-0.0017074,3.6787E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000006541,1.4227,190.97,21890,0}, Racketparam = 0.2646, UniquacR = 3.9228, UniquacQ = 2.968, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2591, ChaoSeadSP = 18245.86, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1068); end Toluene; model Mcresol extends General_Properties( SN = 141, name = "Mcresol", CAS = "108-39-4", Tc = 705.7, Pc = 4560000, Vc = 0.312, Cc = 0.241, Tb = 475.38, Tm = 285.39, TT = 285.39, TP = 5.86242, MW = 108.14, LVB = 0.10499, AF = 0.452, SP = 23900, DM = 5.3E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.323E+08, GEF = -4.019E+07, AS = 356040, HFMP = 1.0707E+07, HOC = -3.52783E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.76595,0.25907,705.86,0.2605,0}, VP = {101,143.16,-12586,-17.327,0.0000073113,2}, LiqCp = {16,62676,-205.39,12.221,0.0027125,-0.0000038975}, HOV = {106,9.4557E+07,0.36419,1.602,-2.5634,1.0947}, VapCp = {16,58129,-537.86,12.936,-0.000090368,1.797E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-1098.989,45628.63,168.1502,-0.000185183,2}, VapVis = {102,1.4432E-07,0.74376,166.32,-45.138,0}, LiqK = {16,0.10478,-476.78,0.8844,-0.0090128,0.0000031516}, VapK = {102,0.00016795,0.9362,585.89,24552,0}, Racketparam = 0.241, UniquacR = 4.7567, UniquacQ = 3.888, ChaoSeadAF = 0.45, ChaoSeadSP = 24080.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.104996); end Mcresol; model Ocresol extends General_Properties( SN = 142, name = "Ocresol", CAS = "95-48-7", Tc = 697.6, Pc = 5000000, Vc = 0.282, Cc = 0.243, Tb = 464.17, Tm = 304.19, TT = 304.19, TP = 65.3261, MW = 108.14, LVB = 0.10364, AF = 0.435, SP = 22870, DM = 4.84E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.2857E+08, GEF = -3.543E+07, AS = 352590, HFMP = 1.582E+07, HOC = -3.528E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1115,0.30952,697.6,0.31161,0}, VP = {101,140.51,-11819,-17.163,0.0000087043,2}, LiqCp = {16,146600,-116.23,11.009,0.0034596,-0.0000033446}, HOV = {106,9.9721E+07,1.0333,0.08043,-1.2193,0.58124}, VapCp = {16,64367,-535.92,12.871,-0.000033383,-2.2759E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-455.0775,20670.83,67.87773,-0.0000660983,2}, VapVis = {102,8.7371E-08,0.80775,98.538,-0.0034513,0}, LiqK = {16,0.065471,92.351,-2.8415,0.0012245,-0.0000029956}, VapK = {102,0.00018648,0.9302,709.37,-0.0036596,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.7567, UniquacQ = 3.888, ChaoSeadAF = 0.433455, ChaoSeadSP = 23397.9, ChaoSeadLV = 0.104368); end Ocresol; model Pcresol extends General_Properties( SN = 143, name = "Pcresol", CAS = "106-44-5", Tc = 704.5, Pc = 5150000, Vc = 0.277, Cc = 0.244, Tb = 475.12, Tm = 307.93, TT = 307.93, TP = 34.4658, MW = 108.14, LVB = 0.105, AF = 0.51, SP = 24030, DM = 5.2E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.2535E+08, GEF = -3.166E+07, AS = 350750, HFMP = 1.2707E+07, HOC = -3.52256E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.94818,0.2877,704.66,0.2873,0}, VP = {101,236.9207,-17215.31,-31.28645,0.0000163766,2}, LiqCp = {16,142400,625.27,3.2944,0.02818,-0.000027958}, HOV = {106,1.3617E+08,1.404,0.8091,-3.6055,2.0268}, VapCp = {16,58748,-529.02,12.887,-0.0000351,-1.6131E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-820.7853,35522.87,124.3969,-0.000127538,2}, VapVis = {102,1.4308E-07,0.74508,159.9,-24.834,0}, LiqK = {16,0.061771,-123.88,-1.1823,-0.0033339,0.0000010151}, VapK = {102,0.00016735,0.93839,592.49,25704,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.7567, UniquacQ = 3.888, ChaoSeadAF = 0.508, ChaoSeadSP = 23827.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.104957); end Pcresol; model Methylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 144, name = "Methylcyclohexane", CAS = "108-87-2", Tc = 572.19, Pc = 3471000, Vc = 0.368, Cc = 0.268, Tb = 374.09, Tm = 146.58, TT = 146.58, TP = 0.000152251, MW = 98.188, LVB = 0.12835, AF = 0.235, SP = 16060, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.548E+08, GEF = 2.733E+07, AS = 343300, HFMP = 6751000, HOC = -4.25714E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.54994,0.23476,572.19,0.25237,0}, VP = {101,84.02524,-6720.084,-9.367446,6.892527E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,121540,-7.0302,8.197,0.012761,-0.000010388}, HOV = {106,5.3741E+07,0.65698,0.0050875,-0.53082,0.29149}, VapCp = {16,82902,-804.58,13.697,-0.00042977,1.1051E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.411,1214.3,0.0090457,-0.0000000327,2}, VapVis = {102,6.5256E-07,0.52942,310.39,23.825,0}, LiqK = {16,0.035771,-249.64,0.10904,-0.0066567,0.0000013937}, VapK = {102,0.000074754,1.119,613.15,22882,0}, Racketparam = 0.2699, UniquacR = 4.72, UniquacQ = 3.776, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2421, ChaoSeadSP = 16016.26, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1283); end Methylcyclohexane; model Ethylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 145, name = "Ethylcyclopentane", CAS = "1640-89-7", Tc = 569.5, Pc = 3397000, Vc = 0.375, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 376.59, Tm = 134.71, TT = 134.71, TP = 3.71437E-06, MW = 98.188, LVB = 0.12883, AF = 0.27, SP = 16250, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.269E+08, GEF = 4.48E+07, AS = 378300, HFMP = 6869700, HOC = -4.2839E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.72259,0.26996,569.5,0.2784,0}, VP = {101,95.769,-7366.4,-11.099,0.0000081014,2}, LiqCp = {16,128880,403.43,3.1567,0.031507,-0.000033176}, HOV = {106,5.78221E+07,0.856257,-0.338119,-0.391894,0.299953}, VapCp = {16,61352,-623.48,13.275,-0.000068613,9.3089E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-3.6105,709.69,-1.12,8.8328E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000021783,0.38064,577.64,269.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.019932,6.51,-1.7114,-0.0004148,-0.0000019629}, VapK = {102,0.0047981,0.52948,335.74,590020,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.72, UniquacQ = 3.776, ChaoSeadAF = 0.271548, ChaoSeadSP = 16339.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.128749); end Ethylcyclopentane; model Oneheptene extends General_Properties( SN = 146, name = "Oneheptene", CAS = "592-76-7", Tc = 537.3, Pc = 2920000, Vc = 0.409, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 366.79, Tm = 154.12, TT = 154.12, TP = 0.00186, MW = 98.188, LVB = 0.14177, AF = 0.343, SP = 15310, DM = 2.1E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -6.289E+07, GEF = 9.482E+07, AS = 425200, HFMP = 1.264E+07, HOC = -4.3499E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.26107,0.16952,537.3,0.1874,0}, VP = {101,109.9184,-7605.67,-13.43227,0.0000123163,2}, LiqCp = {16,58419,89.259,10.549,0.0039271,-8.6181E-07}, HOV = {106,5.631368E+07,1.145386,-1.731438,1.615943,-0.650835}, VapCp = {16,94067,-609.56,13.043,0.000046316,-2.1105E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.29,827.04,-0.087144,0.0000001052,2}, VapVis = {102,7.4687E-08,0.81173,52.725,1460.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.038053,-34.158,-1.0057,-0.0023353,-3.7702E-08}, VapK = {102,0.000013676,1.341,365.19,6251.8,0}, Racketparam = 0.260462, UniquacR = 4.9441, UniquacQ = 4.184, ChaoSeadAF = 0.358, ChaoSeadSP = 15313.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.141709); end Oneheptene; model Nheptane extends General_Properties( SN = 147, name = "Nheptane", CAS = "142-82-5", Tc = 540.2, Pc = 2740000, Vc = 0.428, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 371.57, Tm = 182.57, TT = 182.57, TP = 0.182694, MW = 100.204, LVB = 0.14747, AF = 0.35, SP = 15240, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.8765E+08, GEF = 8165000, AS = 427980, HFMP = 1.405E+07, HOC = -4.46473E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.57043,0.25304,540.2,0.27335,0}, VP = {101,89.80457,-7084.845,-10.17918,7.441708E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,134750,14.937,10.603,0.001438,0.0000036711}, HOV = {106,4.275764E+07,-1.051245,4.601706,-5.558946,2.369496}, VapCp = {16,109310,-704.2,13.352,-0.00017922,4.6992E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-61.08861,2532.297,8.091665,-0.0000152585,2}, VapVis = {102,2.6134E-08,0.948,-37.497,9005.3,0}, LiqK = {16,0.083657,49.111,-3.4536,0.0077989,-0.000025112}, VapK = {102,-0.076333,0.38025,-7539.9,-2646800,0}, Racketparam = 0.2611, UniquacR = 5.1742, UniquacQ = 4.396, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3403, ChaoSeadSP = 15230, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1475); end Nheptane; model Styrene extends General_Properties( SN = 148, name = "Styrene", CAS = "100-42-5", Tc = 636, Pc = 3840000, Vc = 0.352, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 418.31, Tm = 242.54, TT = 242.54, TP = 10.6132, MW = 104.149, LVB = 0.115667, AF = 0.297097, SP = 19020, DM = 4.33E-31, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.474E+08, GEF = 2.139E+08, AS = 345100, HFMP = 1.095E+07, HOC = -4.219E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.57789,0.23139,640.77,0.26351,0}, VP = {101,399.8489,-19017.34,-58.96286,0.0000747957,2}, LiqCp = {16,134310,-99.916,9.4935,0.0058294,-0.0000013972}, HOV = {106,1.110621E+08,3.429275,-6.061051,4.605581,-1.408226}, VapCp = {16,57806.72,-550.4249,12.95376,-0.0000950882,2.294759E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-24.717,1824,1.9977,-4.7933E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.6968E-08,0.90482,-32.023,10027,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.071817,-30.013,-1.0262,-0.0015623,2.7674E-07}, VapK = {102,0.010229,0.40085,535.56,704200,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.37, UniquacQ = 3.3, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2302, ChaoSeadSP = 19015.9, ChaoSeadLV = 0.115667); end Styrene; model Ethylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 149, name = "Ethylbenzene", CAS = "100-41-4", Tc = 617.15, Pc = 3609000, Vc = 0.374, Cc = 0.263, Tb = 409.36, Tm = 178.2, TT = 178.2, TP = 0.00390778, MW = 106.167, LVB = 0.12308, AF = 0.304, SP = 17980, DM = 2.0E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 2.992E+07, GEF = 1.3073E+08, AS = 360630, HFMP = 9180300, HOC = -4.3448E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.66155,0.25394,617.21,0.27883,0}, VP = {101,137.5088,-9745.069,-17.34457,0.0000127987,2}, LiqCp = {16,131820,-90.983,10.031,0.0026504,0.0000033965}, HOV = {106,5.990732E+07,0.380483,1.094304,-2.185536,1.1369}, VapCp = {16,65434,-619.34,13.166,-0.00016412,4.1529E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-14.506,1237.2,0.52859,-9.1363E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000016833,0.39831,366.45,23750,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.026087,13.301,-1.6623,-0.00027844,-0.0000018214}, VapK = {102,0.000015932,1.3226,486.47,14367,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 4.6, UniquacQ = 3.51, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2936, ChaoSeadSP = 17979.95, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1231); end Ethylbenzene; model Mxylene extends General_Properties( SN = 150, name = "Mxylene", CAS = "108-38-3", Tc = 617, Pc = 3541000, Vc = 0.375, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 412.34, Tm = 225.3, TT = 225.3, TP = 3.18019, MW = 106.167, LVB = 0.12347, AF = 0.327, SP = 18050, DM = 1.0E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.732E+07, GEF = 1.1876E+08, AS = 358540, HFMP = 1.157E+07, HOC = -4.3318E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.68902,0.26086,617,0.27479,0}, VP = {101,97.968,-8164.7,-11.269,0.0000072101,2}, LiqCp = {16,127090,-62.999,9.3762,0.0068549,-0.0000032778}, HOV = {106,5.9562E+07,0.67841,-0.38938,0.0061115,0.10219}, VapCp = {16,62092,-572.21,12.975,0.000062577,-3.7811E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-13.362,1141.4,0.37182,-3.9423E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,7.2954E-08,0.8097,14.386,8844.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.021158,-27.324,-1.2663,-0.0016664,-3.6744E-07}, VapK = {102,2.8001E-09,2.4298,-575.12,122260,0}, Racketparam = 0.2593, UniquacR = 4.66, UniquacQ = 3.54, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3045, ChaoSeadSP = 18041.31, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1235); end Mxylene; model Oxylene extends General_Properties( SN = 151, name = "Oxylene", CAS = "95-47-6", Tc = 630.3, Pc = 3732000, Vc = 0.37, Cc = 0.263, Tb = 417.59, Tm = 247.98, TT = 247.98, TP = 21.842, MW = 106.167, LVB = 0.12125, AF = 0.312, SP = 18390, DM = 2.1E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.908E+07, GEF = 1.22E+08, AS = 353830, HFMP = 1.36E+07, HOC = -4.333E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.69962,0.26143,630.3,0.27365,0}, VP = {101,88.08217,-7844.793,-9.738423,5.713756E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,134490,-170.61,10.247,0.0049096,-0.0000031727}, HOV = {106,6.6979E+07,1.259,-1.849,1.5198,-0.50455}, VapCp = {16,73986,-589.13,12.936,0.000080122,-4.5074E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.059,1251.7,-0.076438,0.000001254,2}, VapVis = {102,6.783E-08,0.82039,-1.2715,13072,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.018751,-22.77,-1.3391,-0.0014281,-6.1692E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0000059387,1.356,-206,65058,0}, Racketparam = 0.2633, UniquacR = 4.66, UniquacQ = 3.54, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2904, ChaoSeadSP = 18389.04, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1212); end Oxylene; model Pxylene extends General_Properties( SN = 152, name = "Pxylene", CAS = "106-42-3", Tc = 616.2, Pc = 3511000, Vc = 0.378, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 411.53, Tm = 286.41, TT = 286.41, TP = 575.533, MW = 106.167, LVB = 0.12393, AF = 0.322, SP = 17910, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.803E+07, GEF = 1.214E+08, AS = 352165, HFMP = 1.711E+07, HOC = -4.333E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.67752,0.25887,616.2,0.27596,0}, VP = {101,97.352,-8082.1,-11.197,0.0000072605,2}, LiqCp = {16,63084,-343.38,13.438,-0.0033851,0.0000045592}, HOV = {106,5.6332E+07,0.37965,0.42395,-0.85683,0.43704}, VapCp = {16,62397,-585.6,13.025,0.0000037921,-1.7044E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-23.916,1499.8,2.0719,-0.0000037065,2}, VapVis = {102,2.4281E-08,0.95421,-91.329,17547,0}, LiqK = {16,0.00066881,-122.94,-0.60875,-0.0037322,9.7446E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0000001261,1.8916,-453.43,111720,0}, Racketparam = 0.2589, UniquacR = 4.66, UniquacQ = 3.54, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2969, ChaoSeadSP = 17939.04, ChaoSeadLV = 0.124); end Pxylene; model Ethylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 153, name = "Ethylcyclohexane", CAS = "1678-91-7", Tc = 609.15, Pc = 3040000, Vc = 0.43, Cc = 0.258, Tb = 404.945, Tm = 161.839, TT = 161.839, TP = 0.000357389, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.143036, AF = 0.245525, SP = 16340, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.715E+08, GEF = 3.955E+07, AS = 382600, HFMP = 8334100, HOC = -4.87051E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.61774,0.26525,609.15,0.28064,0}, VP = {101,80.60435,-7221.846,-8.661516,4.619539E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,106540,50.724,9.3758,0.0085193,-0.0000058679}, HOV = {106,6.1066E+07,1.1095,-1.6401,1.5232,-0.54256}, VapCp = {16,99579,-799.66,13.811,-0.00043634,1.1487E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-22.531,1686,1.7093,-0.0000001282,2}, VapVis = {102,4.2871E-07,0.57053,258.88,-2237.2,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.040212,3.9673,-1.6044,-0.00049691,-0.0000012623}, VapK = {102,0.000062751,1.1219,488.85,45648,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 5.3944, UniquacQ = 4.316, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2426, ChaoSeadSP = 16360, ChaoSeadLV = 0.143117); end Ethylcyclohexane; model Npropylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 154, name = "Npropylcyclopentane", CAS = "2040-96-2", Tc = 596, Pc = 3020000, Vc = 0.428, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 404.11, Tm = 155.81, TT = 155.81, TP = 0.0000458874, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.145193, AF = 0.326642, SP = 16360, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.481E+08, GEF = 5.344E+07, AS = 414500, HFMP = 1.003E+07, HOC = -4.89356E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.63061,0.26934,596,0.28169,0}, VP = {101,95.39512,-7846.538,-10.93845,7.332031E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,121270,281.76,6.7151,0.017545,-0.000016082}, HOV = {106,7.088104E+07,1.477689,-1.919309,1.219865,-0.332624}, VapCp = {16,82387,-676.01,13.514,-0.00019546,4.9854E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-22.725,1601.8,1.7512,2.3108E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000028167,0.32978,562.31,4948.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.033741,2.5308,-1.6237,-0.00058186,-0.0000013118}, VapK = {102,0.000098309,1.0636,611.41,33175,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 5.3944, UniquacQ = 4.316, ChaoSeadAF = 0.27189, ChaoSeadSP = 16393.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.145193); end Npropylcyclopentane; model Noctane extends General_Properties( SN = 155, name = "Noctane", CAS = "111-65-9", Tc = 568.7, Pc = 2490000, Vc = 0.492, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 398.82, Tm = 216.38, TT = 216.38, TP = 2.1083, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16353, AF = 0.397, SP = 15490, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.0875E+08, GEF = 1.6E+07, AS = 467230, HFMP = 2.074E+07, HOC = -5.07415E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.4436,0.23818,568.77,0.25171,0}, VP = {101,87.46069,-7578.199,-9.657211,5.664818E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,184080,362.58,6.1268,0.015908,-0.000010697}, HOV = {106,6.509104E+07,0.906328,-0.61829,0.0251605,0.114898}, VapCp = {16,123360,-700.1,13.486,-0.00019118,4.5401E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-67.06275,2937.699,8.939458,-0.0000146474,2}, VapVis = {102,7.2215E-09,1.1166,-127.08,17623,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.03316,17.841,-1.6367,-0.000047737,-0.0000026501}, VapK = {102,-8968.5,0.84408,-2.7564E+10,-6.5097E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.2567, UniquacR = 5.8486, UniquacQ = 4.936, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3992, ChaoSeadSP = 15445.57, ChaoSeadLV = 0.163455); end Noctane; model TwoTwoThreetrimethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 156, name = "TwoTwoThreetrimethylpentane", CAS = "564-02-3", Tc = 563.4, Pc = 2730000, Vc = 0.436, Cc = 0.254, Tb = 382.99, Tm = 160.89, TT = 160.89, TP = 0.0021759, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16043, AF = 0.298, SP = 14690, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.1995E+08, GEF = 1.7726E+07, AS = 423880, HFMP = 8619000, HOC = -5.06754E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.53892,0.263,563.51,0.24185,0}, VP = {101,87.50671,-7031.238,-9.863302,7.128886E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,170570,-194.18,8.4382,0.017272,-0.000019404}, HOV = {106,6.030131E+07,1.053957,-0.826185,0.00124096,0.214352}, VapCp = {16,45546,-344.09,12.853,0.00059243,-1.8071E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.9806,1118.5,-0.42179,0.000001606,2}, VapVis = {102,4.6777E-07,0.5509,223.7,10.797,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.050146,3.605,-1.5994,-0.00051269,-0.0000013443}, VapK = {102,0.000016836,1.25,-167.06,132290,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 5.85, UniquacQ = 4.94, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2975, ChaoSeadSP = 14768.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.160344); end TwoTwoThreetrimethylpentane; model TwoTwoFourtrimethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 157, name = "TwoTwoFourtrimethylpentane", CAS = "540-84-1", Tc = 543.9, Pc = 2570000, Vc = 0.4697, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 372.39, Tm = 165.777, TT = 165.777, TP = 0.0170695, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16607, AF = 0.304, SP = 14080, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.2401E+08, GEF = 1.394E+07, AS = 422960, HFMP = 9196000, HOC = -5.06528E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.48523,0.24924,543.9,0.25602,0}, VP = {101,83.71044,-6701.601,-9.312194,6.808451E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,159470,-380.54,12.372,-0.00044236,0.0000034887}, HOV = {106,4.633E+07,0.37451,-0.066775,-0.010135,0.080832}, VapCp = {16,84635,-470.35,13.011,0.00041124,-1.2926E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-22.241,1365.6,1.8379,-0.0000051189,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9933E-07,0.67222,163.02,-5306.3,0}, LiqK = {16,0.044744,-42.414,-1.7361,-0.0023225,-0.0000040597}, VapK = {102,0.000011401,1.3632,286.23,6065.2,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 5.85, UniquacQ = 4.94, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3033, ChaoSeadSP = 14050.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.165452); end TwoTwoFourtrimethylpentane; model TwoThreeThreetrimethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 158, name = "TwoThreeThreetrimethylpentane", CAS = "560-21-4", Tc = 573.5, Pc = 2820000, Vc = 0.4551, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 387.92, Tm = 172.22, TT = 172.22, TP = 0.0168197, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.15815, AF = 0.291, SP = 14920, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.1845E+08, GEF = 1.828E+07, AS = 427020, HFMP = 857720, HOC = -5.06876E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.56592,0.26622,573.5,0.26429,0}, VP = {101,82.87517,-6894.749,-9.15013,6.430758E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,217000,82.075,1.8853,0.036678,-0.000031911}, HOV = {106,5.838161E+07,1.059379,-1.234692,0.816701,-0.225175}, VapCp = {16,48585,-365.95,12.926,0.00051631,-1.5846E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.941,1191.2,-0.045562,-0.0000023087,2}, VapVis = {102,8.2493E-07,0.49302,371.93,-89.774,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.040193,3.6823,-1.645,-0.00052834,-0.0000014091}, VapK = {102,0.000018829,1.2378,-181.1,146480,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 5.85, UniquacQ = 4.94, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2903, ChaoSeadSP = 14919.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.158155); end TwoThreeThreetrimethylpentane; model TwoThreeFourtrimethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 159, name = "TwoThreeFourtrimethylpentane", CAS = "565-75-3", Tc = 566.3, Pc = 2730000, Vc = 0.4562, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 386.62, Tm = 163.95, TT = 163.95, TP = 0.00303425, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.15974, AF = 0.316, SP = 14940, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.1732E+08, GEF = 1.9E+07, AS = 428400, HFMP = 9267560, HOC = -5.06943E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.44061,0.23657,566.41,0.23009,0}, VP = {101,83.41936,-6957.084,-9.207327,0.0000063783,2}, LiqCp = {16,108880,-13.14,10.55,0.00536,-0.0000028819}, HOV = {106,5.6943E+07,0.86512,-0.77048,0.30586,0.021601}, VapCp = {16,26624,-291.65,12.829,0.00059553,-0.0000001821}, LiqVis = {101,-6.3467,935.74,-0.76144,7.5545E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.7868E-07,0.51422,325.4,22.347,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.048086,3.7835,-1.6094,-0.00050636,-0.0000013704}, VapK = {102,0.000017892,1.241,-169.67,132780,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 5.85, UniquacQ = 4.94, ChaoSeadAF = 0.316137, ChaoSeadSP = 14934.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.159513); end TwoThreeFourtrimethylpentane; model Tetraethyleneglycol extends General_Properties( SN = 160, name = "Tetraethyleneglycol", CAS = "112-60-7", Tc = 795, Pc = 2590000, Vc = 0.564, Cc = 0.221, Tb = 602.7, Tm = 268.15, TT = 268.15, TP = 0.0000138348, MW = 194.226, LVB = 0.172862, AF = 0.917442, SP = 23690, DM = 1.08E-29, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -8.83E+08, GEF = -5.599E+08, AS = 650100, HFMP = 3.66E+07, HOC = -4.3431E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.46229,0.26105,795,0.27055,0}, VP = {101,106.7938,-15323.17,-10.86107,-5.284752E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,180650,-180.95,12.547,0.0020505,-0.0000018444}, HOV = {106,1.282157E+08,0.159236,1.504015,-1.941373,0.658104}, VapCp = {16,122630,-416.14,13.02,0.00050957,-2.1012E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-702.8128,30403.47,106.7279,-0.000116388,2}, VapVis = {102,7.6872E-08,0.801,119.91,0.29361,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.11138,-134.47,-0.46393,-0.00084854,-4.1141E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00016749,0.91863,699.93,16777,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 8.1269, UniquacQ = 7.440001, ChaoSeadAF = 0.930639, ChaoSeadSP = 23571.8, ChaoSeadLV = 0.173363); end Tetraethyleneglycol; model Indene extends General_Properties( SN = 161, name = "Indene", CAS = "95-13-6", Tc = 687, Pc = 3820000, Vc = 0.368, Cc = 0.246, Tb = 455.77, Tm = 271.7, TT = 271.7, TP = 17.0209, MW = 116.16, LVB = 0.116856, AF = 0.333766, SP = 20310, DM = 2.23E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.6328E+08, GEF = 2.3396E+08, AS = 336870, HFMP = 1.02E+07, HOC = -4.61948E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.68574,0.25341,687,0.30914,0}, VP = {101,198.3126,-13212.05,-26.47637,0.0000206314,2}, LiqCp = {16,87661,-18.633,10.258,0.0056195,-0.0000040934}, HOV = {106,1.127174E+08,2.195635,-2.278889,0.782692,-0.231351}, VapCp = {16,54598,-572.63,13.077,-0.000062304,-1.4084E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-136.89,6165.4,19.669,-0.000025488,2}, VapVis = {102,8.1278E-07,0.4938,370.54,-3708.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0034145,-80.459,-0.91571,-0.0024408,2.3991E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000075165,1.055,558.89,35355,0}, Racketparam = 0.261272, UniquacR = 4.431773, UniquacQ = 2.892, ChaoSeadAF = 0.262, ChaoSeadSP = 20467.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.116856); end Indene; model Indane extends General_Properties( SN = 162, name = "Indane", CAS = "496-11-7", Tc = 684.9, Pc = 3950000, Vc = 0.393, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 451, Tm = 221.74, TT = 221.74, TP = 0.152927, MW = 118.178, LVB = 0.12315, AF = 0.309213, SP = 19420, DM = 1.8E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 6.07E+07, GEF = 1.668E+08, AS = 348910, HFMP = 8598000, HOC = -4.7626E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.63627,0.25179,684.9,0.29165,0}, VP = {101,97.02207,-8795.05,-11.00248,6.105132E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,136380,-29.478,8.0608,0.01305,-0.000010993}, HOV = {106,6.2067E+07,-0.0045874,2.0817,-3.2476,1.6013}, VapCp = {16,60321,-643.06,13.337,-0.00018807,3.6677E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-151.95,6810.2,21.863,-0.00002342,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000002842,0.64259,225.95,-643.44,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.041318,5.7098,-1.5369,-0.00043639,-0.0000010195}, VapK = {102,0.0089527,0.43447,617.91,764370,0}, Racketparam = 0.263427, UniquacR = 4.66381, UniquacQ = 3.108, ChaoSeadAF = 0.305, ChaoSeadSP = 19405.1, ChaoSeadLV = 0.123128); end Indane; model Cumene extends General_Properties( SN = 163, name = "Cumene", CAS = "98-82-8", Tc = 631, Pc = 3209000, Vc = 0.4347, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 425.52, Tm = 177.14, TT = 177.14, TP = 0.000471313, MW = 120.194, LVB = 0.14017, AF = 0.326, SP = 17420, DM = 1.3E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 4000000, GEF = 1.379E+08, AS = 386000, HFMP = 7326000, HOC = -4.951E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.50221,0.23722,631.11,0.26133,0}, VP = {101,118.1491,-9251.635,-14.30054,9.196883E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,41467,-297.98,13.905,-0.0047724,0.0000064694}, HOV = {106,5.766E+07,0.38939,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,86134,-649.19,13.375,-0.00027067,7.9617E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-16.711,1557.8,0.70915,0.000002636,2}, VapVis = {102,3.9385E-07,0.59572,281.33,-806.82,0}, LiqK = {16,0.085857,481.58,-8.587,0.025021,-0.000042138}, VapK = {102,1.6743E-07,1.8369,-449.46,112760,0}, Racketparam = 0.2617, UniquacR = 5.2708, UniquacQ = 4.044, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3353, ChaoSeadSP = 17436.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.139854); end Cumene; model Npropylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 164, name = "Npropylbenzene", CAS = "103-65-1", Tc = 638.35, Pc = 3200000, Vc = 0.44, Cc = 0.265, Tb = 432.35, Tm = 173.55, TT = 173.55, TP = 0.000181372, MW = 120.194, LVB = 0.1402, AF = 0.345, SP = 17670, DM = 1.23E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 7900000, GEF = 1.376E+08, AS = 400140, HFMP = 9268000, HOC = -4.95415E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.56872,0.25108,638.35,0.29337,0}, VP = {101,90.904,-8254.5,-10.105,0.0000055769,2}, LiqCp = {16,44429,65.841,10.897,0.0032658,-5.4402E-07}, HOV = {106,7.1312E+07,1.0445,-0.61076,-0.59569,0.63332}, VapCp = {16,82370,-622.6,13.289,-0.00014307,2.6658E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-15.601,1467.9,0.61045,8.0442E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.6834E-07,0.55936,217.09,10253,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.081391,2.87,-1.3455,-0.00061835,-5.1664E-07}, VapK = {102,0.025018,0.26728,100.66,971170,0}, Racketparam = 0.2599, UniquacR = 5.2716, UniquacQ = 4.048, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3444, ChaoSeadSP = 17805.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.139831); end Npropylbenzene; model Npropylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 165, name = "Npropylcyclohexane", CAS = "1678-92-8", Tc = 639.15, Pc = 2807000, Vc = 0.477, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 429.897, Tm = 178.25, TT = 178.25, TP = 0.000859078, MW = 126.239, LVB = 0.159758, AF = 0.259535, SP = 16350, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.933E+08, GEF = 4.738E+07, AS = 419530, HFMP = 1.037E+07, HOC = -5.47966E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.55532,0.26594,639.15,0.29886,0}, VP = {101,82.958,-7871.7,-8.8759,0.0000037842,2}, LiqCp = {16,47569,39.903,11.009,0.0038436,-0.0000012583}, HOV = {106,6.8086E+07,1.2548,-2.1193,2.1809,-0.84474}, VapCp = {16,123230,-835.51,14.003,-0.00055451,1.5912E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-18.964,1768.3,1.0133,0.0000031666,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010206,0.44533,352.16,7219.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.049742,3.3035,-1.5814,-0.00048571,-0.000001015}, VapK = {102,0.000001205,1.6222,-42.945,15739,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 6.068799, UniquacQ = 4.856, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2577, ChaoSeadSP = 16377.1, ChaoSeadLV = 0.159758); end Npropylcyclohexane; model Nnonane extends General_Properties( SN = 166, name = "Nnonane", CAS = "111-84-2", Tc = 594.6, Pc = 2290000, Vc = 0.555, Cc = 0.257, Tb = 423.97, Tm = 219.66, TT = 219.66, TP = 0.430583, MW = 128.258, LVB = 0.1797, AF = 0.443, SP = 15630, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.2874E+08, GEF = 2.498E+07, AS = 506400, HFMP = 1.547E+07, HOC = -5.68455E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.46379,0.25569,594.6,0.27961,0}, VP = {101,34.38252,-6235.412,-1.153933,-6.408486E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,263370,-14466,134.04,-0.36823,0.00038456}, HOV = {106,8.427482E+07,1.573752,-1.785921,0.692082,0.00268541}, VapCp = {16,137710,-699.52,13.613,-0.00021735,5.3695E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-75.488,3420.7,10.183,-0.000014836,2}, VapVis = {102,1.0363E-07,0.77284,221.39,-190.1,0}, LiqK = {16,0.022998,-23.224,-1.6475,-0.000633,-0.0000035211}, VapK = {102,-0.065472,0.27739,-3569.2,-1629700,0}, Racketparam = 0.251687, UniquacR = 6.523, UniquacQ = 5.476, ChaoSeadAF = 0.4439, ChaoSeadSP = 15648.08, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1796); end Nnonane; model Naphthalene extends General_Properties( SN = 167, name = "Naphthalene", CAS = "91-20-3", Tc = 748.4, Pc = 4050000, Vc = 0.407, Cc = 0.265, Tb = 491.16, Tm = 353.434, TT = 353.43, TP = 991.297, MW = 128.174, LVB = 0.12913, AF = 0.304, SP = 19490, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.5058E+08, GEF = 2.2408E+08, AS = 333150, HFMP = 1.898E+07, HOC = -4.9809E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.45282,0.21953,748.4,0.23236,0}, VP = {101,93.15947,-9448.063,-10.23844,4.335455E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,149170,579.65,3.8152,0.021624,-0.000015657}, HOV = {106,7.732822E+07,1.116621,-1.313575,0.672121,-0.00584514}, VapCp = {16,49831,-547.92,13.201,-0.00013999,2.8208E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.2151,1338.2,-0.46592,0.00000135,2}, VapVis = {102,1.2323E-08,1.0475,-162.06,35144,0}, LiqK = {16,0.033214,-361.89,-0.012818,-0.0040236,0.0000012782}, VapK = {102,0.000017754,1.2123,69.759,78517,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 4.920237, UniquacQ = 3.368, ChaoSeadAF = 0.302, ChaoSeadSP = 19187.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.130825); end Naphthalene; model Onemethylindene extends General_Properties( SN = 168, name = "Onemethylindene", CAS = "767-59-9", Tc = 703, Pc = 3460000, Vc = 0.436, Cc = 0.258, Tb = 471.65, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 130.186, LVB = 0.134643, AF = 0.334861, SP = 19120, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.912E+08, GEF = 2.97E+08, AS = 354000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -5.28E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.61191,0.25938,703,0.29267,0}, VP = {101,86.18824,-8859.756,-9.212247,3.741568E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,152820,-189.88,10.81,0.00256,-0.0000011085}, HOV = {106,8.0901E+07,1.9933,-4.5733,5.098,-2.0923}, VapCp = {16,-133130,-213.74,13.196,0.00017372,-4.8074E-08}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {102,0.0000033072,0.32792,786.18,680.97,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.018671,-66.592,-0.99313,-0.0021306,2.0941E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000091267,1.0385,720.72,-19410,0}, Racketparam = 0.261176, UniquacR = 5.105471, UniquacQ = 3.424, ChaoSeadAF = 0.33569, ChaoSeadSP = 18312.4, ChaoSeadLV = 0.134207); end Onemethylindene; model Twomethylindene extends General_Properties( SN = 169, name = "Twomethylindene", CAS = "2177-47-1", Tc = 711, Pc = 3460000, Vc = 0.436, Cc = 0.255, Tb = 479.45, Tm = 353.15, TT = 353.15, TP = 3020.69, MW = 130.186, LVB = 0.13407, AF = 0.350814, SP = 19650, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.15E+08, GEF = 2.19E+08, AS = 361000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -5.21E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.58652,0.25339,711,0.28941,0}, VP = {101,92.273,-9299.2,-10.097,0.0000042786,2}, LiqCp = {16,156160,-200.07,10.512,0.0025015,-0.0000010635}, HOV = {106,7.303067E+07,0.433923,0.764504,-1.615634,0.843055}, VapCp = {16,-154380,-193.88,13.203,0.00019348,-5.2535E-08}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {102,9.6835E-07,0.47111,397.83,9327.5,0}, LiqK = {16,0.057046,-181.52,-0.63312,-0.0038758,-8.2839E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00009568,1.0268,701.49,-31051,0}, Racketparam = 0.259776, UniquacR = 5.104812, UniquacQ = 3.552, ChaoSeadAF = 0.32769, ChaoSeadSP = 17790.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.133656); end Twomethylindene; model Dicyclopentadiene extends General_Properties( SN = 170, name = "Dicyclopentadiene", CAS = "77-73-6", Tc = 660, Pc = 3060000, Vc = 0.445, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 443, Tm = 305.15, TT = 305.15, TP = 566.19, MW = 132.202, LVB = 0.134736, AF = 0.288011, SP = 17800, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.961E+08, GEF = 3.75E+08, AS = 240000, HFMP = 2090000, HOC = -5.535E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.41899,0.20539,660,0.34053,0}, VP = {101,72.31496,-7292.827,-7.388294,3.746895E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,83937,-392.22,13.886,-0.0031138,0.000003368}, HOV = {106,7.0543E+07,1.9867,-4.6545,5.1772,-2.0831}, VapCp = {16,38735,-535.99,13.553,-0.00031277,0.0000001075}, LiqVis = {101,-11.633,1272.8,0.067676,-1.2999E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000004337,0.561,232.6,-0.00081701,0}, LiqK = {16,0.029848,47.178,-2.5363,0.0023572,-0.0000058893}, VapK = {102,0.00025878,0.8604,51.14,244020,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 5.8156, UniquacQ = 4.548, ChaoSeadAF = 0.285111, ChaoSeadSP = 17445.1, ChaoSeadLV = 0.138585); end Dicyclopentadiene; model Nbutylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 171, name = "Nbutylbenzene", CAS = "104-51-8", Tc = 660.5, Pc = 2890000, Vc = 0.497, Cc = 0.262, Tb = 456.42, Tm = 185.3, TT = 185.3, TP = 0.000154386, MW = 134.221, LVB = 0.15678, AF = 0.393, SP = 17510, DM = 1.23E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.314E+07, GEF = 1.454E+08, AS = 439490, HFMP = 1.122E+07, HOC = -5.5644E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.50648,0.25203,660.5,0.29203,0}, VP = {101,100.11,-9186.6,-11.379,0.0000058585,2}, LiqCp = {16,173590,115.14,7.4501,0.014631,-0.000011875}, HOV = {106,6.5698E+07,0.30842,0.67062,-1.1135,0.53276}, VapCp = {16,97423,-619.62,13.35,-0.000032816,-9.3502E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-18.829,1737.7,1.0385,0.0000015468,2}, VapVis = {102,3.4687E-07,0.59512,233.67,177.63,0}, LiqK = {16,0.081204,245.71,-5.5946,0.01322,-0.00002506}, VapK = {102,0.19225,-0.0011093,-156.74,1712400,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 5.946, UniquacQ = 4.588, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3923, ChaoSeadSP = 17450.9, ChaoSeadLV = 0.156494); end Nbutylbenzene; model Nbutylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 172, name = "Nbutylcyclohexane", CAS = "1678-93-9", Tc = 667, Pc = 2570000, Vc = 0.534, Cc = 0.247, Tb = 454.131, Tm = 198.42, TT = 198.42, TP = 0.00365804, MW = 140.266, LVB = 0.176266, AF = 0.274326, SP = 16400, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.1317E+08, GEF = 5.654E+07, AS = 458480, HFMP = 1.416E+07, HOC = -6.0902E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.49786,0.26572,667,0.30254,0}, VP = {101,82.702,-8417.7,-8.6968,0.0000027713,2}, LiqCp = {16,117850,44.861,10.356,0.0053947,-0.0000020204}, HOV = {106,7.7656E+07,1.637,-3.3269,3.6698,-1.48}, VapCp = {16,145450,-890.37,14.241,-0.0007098,2.1101E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-66.15115,3536.438,8.46644,-7.612217E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,5.6992E-07,0.52089,326.29,-3328.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.040753,3.9448,-1.6588,-0.00045987,-0.0000010215}, VapK = {102,0.000063509,1.1032,470.22,42922,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 6.7432, UniquacQ = 5.396, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3618, ChaoSeadSP = 16411.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.176266); end Nbutylcyclohexane; model Ndecane extends General_Properties( SN = 173, name = "Ndecane", CAS = "124-18-5", Tc = 617.7, Pc = 2110000, Vc = 0.624, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 447.3, Tm = 243.51, TT = 243.51, TP = 1.39297, MW = 142.285, LVB = 0.19595, AF = 0.491, SP = 15720, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.4946E+08, GEF = 3.318E+07, AS = 545700, HFMP = 2.871E+07, HOC = -6.29422E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.37424,0.2405,617.7,0.27182,0}, VP = {101,6.023802,-5713.196,3.410225,-0.000012633,2}, LiqCp = {16,160660,291.43,8.5687,0.0098408,-0.0000060811}, HOV = {106,5.7689E+07,-1.1412,5.1463,-6.2946,2.6623}, VapCp = {16,152020,-697.29,13.714,-0.00021747,4.9426E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-102.98,4517.9,14.495,-0.00002056,2}, VapVis = {102,2.3638E-08,0.95886,24.698,7541.9,0}, LiqK = {16,0.071684,-217.03,-0.47424,-0.0039028,-0.0000049442}, VapK = {102,-668.49,0.93224,-4.0687E+09,-1.0176E+09,0}, Racketparam = 0.2503, UniquacR = 7.2, UniquacQ = 6.02, ChaoSeadAF = 0.4869, ChaoSeadSP = 15791.26, ChaoSeadLV = 0.196); end Ndecane; model Onemethylnaphthalene extends General_Properties( SN = 174, name = "Onemethylnaphthalene", CAS = "90-12-0", Tc = 772, Pc = 3600000, Vc = 0.462, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 517.84, Tm = 242.67, TT = 242.67, TP = 0.043382, MW = 142.2, LVB = 0.13937, AF = 0.348, SP = 19890, DM = 1.7E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.169E+08, GEF = 2.179E+08, AS = 377400, HFMP = 6945000, HOC = -5.5958E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.59739,0.26468,772,0.2918,0}, VP = {101,73.89852,-9115.529,-7.252019,2.094885E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,134210,116.27,8.3119,0.012175,-0.000010378}, HOV = {106,7.0001E+07,0.3382,0.060354,-0.021035,-0.0086978}, VapCp = {16,67134,-530.75,13.222,-0.000033319,-3.2916E-09}, LiqVis = {101,8.170859,1169.912,-3.261889,6.874562E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,2.4606E-07,0.6456,239.2,-8656.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.049867,2.2749,-1.45,-0.00045282,-7.0729E-07}, VapK = {102,1.5229,-0.35024,-1389.7,2465100,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 5.610415, UniquacQ = 3.936, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3337, ChaoSeadSP = 20129.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1398); end Onemethylnaphthalene; model Twomethylnaphthalene extends General_Properties( SN = 175, name = "Twomethylnaphthalene", CAS = "91-57-6", Tc = 761, Pc = 3540000, Vc = 0.462, Cc = 0.258, Tb = 514.2, Tm = 307.73, TT = 307.73, TP = 18.6897, MW = 142.2, LVB = 0.14577, AF = 0.374, SP = 19680, DM = 1.4E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.161E+08, GEF = 2.163E+08, AS = 380000, HFMP = 1.212E+07, HOC = -5.58286E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.53405,0.25024,761.16,0.28587,0}, VP = {101,98.05854,-10275.56,-10.82814,3.919145E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,74335,-307.25,13.46,-0.0028051,0.000003645}, HOV = {106,9.0724E+07,1.2004,-1.1581,0.47852,-0.081108}, VapCp = {16,69292,-534.4,13.21,-0.00001663,-8.8386E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-88.346,4977.8,11.629,-0.0000078261,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000029847,0.34183,891.22,-28677,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0084839,-307.37,0.18174,-0.0046509,0.0000016652}, VapK = {102,0.000098384,1.0234,722.6,42453,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 5.610415, UniquacQ = 3.936, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3815, ChaoSeadSP = 19870.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.143396); end Twomethylnaphthalene; model Nundecane extends General_Properties( SN = 176, name = "Nundecane", CAS = "1120-21-4", Tc = 639, Pc = 1980000, Vc = 0.689, Cc = 0.257, Tb = 469.08, Tm = 247.571, TT = 247.571, TP = 0.408414, MW = 156.312, LVB = 0.21224, AF = 0.538, SP = 15880, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.7043E+08, GEF = 4.116E+07, AS = 584930, HFMP = 2.218E+07, HOC = -6.9036E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.36785,0.24938,639,0.28395,0}, VP = {101,128.8551,-11029.21,-15.54009,8.030888E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,208030,521.1,6.1551,0.017086,-0.000013175}, HOV = {106,8.9735E+07,0.81788,0.31647,-1.4781,0.80673}, VapCp = {16,177700,-730.83,13.81,-0.00021088,5.7776E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-92.575,4408.9,12.698,-0.000015556,2}, VapVis = {102,2.9213E-08,0.9335,118.62,-4363.8,0}, LiqK = {16,0.015185,-212.29,-0.044539,-0.0049614,0.0000013629}, VapK = {102,0.037608,0.6852,33443,9124600,0}, Racketparam = 0.243351, UniquacR = 7.871799, UniquacQ = 6.556, ChaoSeadAF = 0.521, ChaoSeadSP = 15934.45, ChaoSeadLV = 0.2122); end Nundecane; model Acenaphthene extends General_Properties( SN = 177, name = "Acenaphthene", CAS = "83-32-9", Tc = 803.15, Pc = 3100000, Vc = 0.553, Cc = 0.257, Tb = 550.54, Tm = 366.56, TT = 366.56, TP = 199.997, MW = 154.208, LVB = 0.149792, AF = 0.381147, SP = 19480, DM = 8.5E-31, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.55E+08, GEF = 2.602E+08, AS = 368900, HFMP = 2.1462E+07, HOC = -6.0014E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.39942,0.22066,803.15,0.24043,0}, VP = {101,73.737,-9735.5,-7.1321,0.0000016079,2}, LiqCp = {16,173930,379.65,5.6292,0.017939,-0.000013551}, HOV = {106,3.785978E+08,10.14483,-25.41937,26.03775,-9.982155}, VapCp = {16,60762,-515.4,13.307,-0.000026823,-1.013E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.2073,1373.2,-0.25871,-0.0000036859,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000015547,0.4064,630.11,26.274,0}, LiqK = {16,0.059552,-91.592,-1.7169,-0.0019056,1.2951E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000078027,1.0286,593.39,37622,0}, Racketparam = 0.257114, UniquacR = 5.997356, UniquacQ = 3.96, ChaoSeadAF = 0.382, ChaoSeadSP = 19480.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.149792); end Acenaphthene; model Biphenyl extends General_Properties( SN = 178, name = "Biphenyl", CAS = "92-52-4", Tc = 789.26, Pc = 3847270, Vc = 0.491118, Cc = 0.294, Tb = 528.15, Tm = 342.35, TT = 342.372, TP = 84.2725, MW = 154.211, LVB = 0.155536, AF = 0.3643, SP = 19383, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.82088E+08, GEF = 2.80077E+08, AS = 392668, HFMP = 1.85769E+07, HOC = -6.0317E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.50803,0.25417,789.26,0.2795,0}, VP = {101,154.3401,-13555.42,-19.05582,8.30386E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,24132,-12.395,11.585,0.0029407,-0.0000014331}, HOV = {106,8.680865E+07,0.473092,1.061004,-2.226343,1.156876}, VapCp = {16,79583,-635.84,13.574,-0.00034935,9.291E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.998,1574.4,-0.022671,-3.4058E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.7776E-07,0.70632,118.6,61798,0}, LiqK = {16,0.086277,-343.48,0.36261,-0.00791,0.0000032504}, VapK = {102,0.000031971,1.1528,215.14,115000,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 6.0434, UniquacQ = 4.24, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3643, ChaoSeadSP = 19383, ChaoSeadLV = 0.155536); end Biphenyl; model Ndodecane extends General_Properties( SN = 179, name = "Ndodecane", CAS = "112-40-3", Tc = 658, Pc = 1820000, Vc = 0.754, Cc = 0.251, Tb = 489.48, Tm = 263.568, TT = 263.568, TP = 0.615203, MW = 170.338, LVB = 0.22859, AF = 0.571, SP = 15930, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.9072E+08, GEF = 4.981E+07, AS = 624150, HFMP = 3.684E+07, HOC = -7.51368E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.30334,0.23617,658,0.2706,0}, VP = {101,127.8877,-11582.12,-15.22541,6.680034E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,203950,627.31,6.2796,0.014676,-0.0000079758}, HOV = {106,9.812979E+07,0.939672,-0.0412509,-0.949322,0.501567}, VapCp = {16,193680,-732.61,13.902,-0.00022284,6.2257E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-83.21108,4238.311,11.14639,-0.0000124656,2}, VapVis = {102,5.4481E-08,0.85223,245.71,-11928,0}, LiqK = {16,0.029364,-108.04,-0.7007,-0.0040791,6.1377E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0000055504,1.4726,558.15,3563.6,0}, Racketparam = 0.2466, UniquacR = 8.5462, UniquacQ = 7.096, ChaoSeadAF = 0.561, ChaoSeadSP = 16036.72, ChaoSeadLV = 0.2286); end Ndodecane; model Fluorene extends General_Properties( SN = 180, name = "Fluorene", CAS = "86-73-7", Tc = 826, Pc = 3000000, Vc = 0.524, Cc = 0.229, Tb = 570.44, Tm = 387.94, TT = 387.94, TP = 281.665, MW = 166.219, LVB = 0.15327, AF = 0.404163, SP = 19820, DM = 8.3E-31, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 1.869E+08, GEF = 2.901E+08, AS = 381500, HFMP = 1.9578E+07, HOC = -6.4251E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.43683,0.229,826,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,141.8746,-13833.84,-17.04805,0.0000063782,2}, LiqCp = {16,172320,813.11,3.2969,0.023275,-0.000018014}, HOV = {106,9.581E+07,1.317,-1.4739,-0.0034969,0.61586}, VapCp = {16,57825,-560.42,13.575,-0.00027161,7.5804E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-33.053,2454.9,3.4575,-0.0000042581,2}, VapVis = {102,5.7084E-07,0.56204,373.69,-49.196,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.013258,-130.68,-0.68476,-0.0022566,3.0043E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00017437,0.9152,500.25,62613,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 6.174687, UniquacQ = 4.076, ChaoSeadAF = 0.349259, ChaoSeadSP = 21645.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.128237); end Fluorene; model Ntridecane extends General_Properties( SN = 181, name = "Ntridecane", CAS = "629-50-5", Tc = 675, Pc = 1680000, Vc = 0.823, Cc = 0.246, Tb = 508.63, Tm = 267.76, TT = 267.76, TP = 0.250959, MW = 184.365, LVB = 0.24494, AF = 0.61, SP = 16060, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -3.1177E+08, GEF = 5.771E+07, AS = 663370, HFMP = 2.85E+07, HOC = -8.1229E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.29787,0.24164,675,0.29254,0}, VP = {101,143.3256,-12766.72,-17.45421,7.99709E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,37167,123.48,11.52,0.0033147,-0.0000011194}, HOV = {106,9.732822E+07,0.667983,0.462399,-1.329972,0.649193}, VapCp = {16,191240,-657.52,13.861,-0.00011498,3.3409E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-81.45907,4309.552,10.81921,-0.000011395,2}, VapVis = {102,3.0146E-08,0.91936,136.12,2279.8,0}, LiqK = {16,0.037294,-193.16,-0.1108,-0.0058295,0.0000022551}, VapK = {102,0.0000050471,1.4806,553.99,7554.4,0}, Racketparam = 0.2465, UniquacR = 9.2206, UniquacQ = 7.636, ChaoSeadAF = 0.6002, ChaoSeadSP = 16139, ChaoSeadLV = 0.2449); end Ntridecane; model Phenanthrene extends General_Properties( SN = 182, name = "Phenanthrene", CAS = "85-01-8", Tc = 869, Pc = 2900000, Vc = 0.554, Cc = 0.222, Tb = 610.03, Tm = 372.38, TT = 372.38, TP = 29.2781, MW = 178.229, LVB = 0.167077, AF = 0.470716, SP = 19910, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 2.012E+08, GEF = 3.0219E+08, AS = 394500, HFMP = 1.6463E+07, HOC = -6.8282E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.4558,0.25237,869,0.24848,0}, VP = {101,275.0593,-20918.1,-36.87097,0.0000193212,2}, LiqCp = {16,115950,-43.82,10.979,0.0042773,-0.0000023928}, HOV = {106,9.2455E+07,0.28979,1.1393,-1.9946,0.92537}, VapCp = {16,66200,-509.49,13.435,-0.000075274,6.0366E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-22.439,2565.4,1.5699,3.8655E-09,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000004717,0.52643,268.46,10947,0}, LiqK = {16,0.11683,-580.68,-0.62222,-0.006256,4.1638E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000092871,0.99317,671.87,29972,0}, Racketparam = 0.249255, UniquacR = 6.562953, UniquacQ = 4.336, ChaoSeadAF = 0.54, ChaoSeadSP = 20142.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.167078); end Phenanthrene; model Ntetradecane extends General_Properties( SN = 183, name = "Ntetradecane", CAS = "629-59-4", Tc = 693, Pc = 1570000, Vc = 0.894, Cc = 0.244, Tb = 526.76, Tm = 279.01, TT = 279.01, TP = 0.252685, MW = 198.392, LVB = 0.26132, AF = 0.644, SP = 16140, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -3.3244E+08, GEF = 6.599E+07, AS = 702590, HFMP = 4.507E+07, HOC = -8.73282E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.26297,0.23695,693,0.26861,0}, VP = {101,141.7696,-13265.67,-17.07041,6.905252E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,84257,110.32,11.507,0.0033723,-0.0000011739}, HOV = {106,1.216371E+08,1.28014,-0.352636,-1.241735,0.826459}, VapCp = {16,204940,-657.01,13.943,-0.00013248,4.0902E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-84.61448,4567.43,11.25434,-0.0000111579,2}, VapVis = {102,3.4874E-09,1.2039,-69.467,11809,0}, LiqK = {16,0.039135,-208.63,-0.066493,-0.005844,0.0000021711}, VapK = {102,-122.4,0.86814,-5.5021E+08,-2.1347E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.234049, UniquacR = 9.895, UniquacQ = 8.176001, ChaoSeadAF = 0.6399, ChaoSeadSP = 16200.36, ChaoSeadLV = 0.2613); end Ntetradecane; model Npentadecane extends General_Properties( SN = 184, name = "Npentadecane", CAS = "629-62-9", Tc = 708, Pc = 1480000, Vc = 0.966, Cc = 0.243, Tb = 543.83, Tm = 283.072, TT = 283.072, TP = 0.128872, MW = 212.419, LVB = 0.27771, AF = 0.685, SP = 16210, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -3.5311E+08, GEF = 7.426E+07, AS = 741810, HFMP = 3.459E+07, HOC = -9.34237E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.26611,0.24483,708,0.29579,0}, VP = {101,105.7905,-12176.19,-11.51031,2.157424E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,44888,73.977,11.979,0.0027483,-9.4622E-07}, HOV = {106,1.334182E+08,1.382258,-0.345375,-1.508041,0.995233}, VapCp = {16,218790,-655.87,14.013,-0.00013811,4.3573E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-91.37005,4965.801,12.24551,-0.0000115231,2}, VapVis = {102,3.2252E-08,0.90575,168.22,3233.4,0}, LiqK = {16,0.010742,-152.75,-0.43594,-0.0040245,0.0000012373}, VapK = {102,0.0000047787,1.4851,642.9,182.7,0}, Racketparam = 0.245, UniquacR = 10.5694, UniquacQ = 8.716001, ChaoSeadAF = 0.6743, ChaoSeadSP = 16282.18, ChaoSeadLV = 0.2778); end Npentadecane; model Fluoranthene extends General_Properties( SN = 185, name = "Fluoranthene", CAS = "206-44-0", Tc = 905, Pc = 2610000, Vc = 0.655, Cc = 0.227, Tb = 655.95, Tm = 383.33, TT = 383.33, TP = 15.7016, MW = 202.251, LVB = 0.184362, AF = 0.587526, SP = 19290, DM = 7.6E-31, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 2.889E+08, GEF = 3.862E+08, AS = 418500, HFMP = 1.873E+07, HOC = -7.695E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.34656,0.22699,905,0.28508,0}, VP = {101,96.11781,-12362.08,-10.3511,0.0000032319,2}, LiqCp = {16,241580,1296.9,0.78013,0.023496,-0.000011773}, HOV = {106,1.442678E+08,2.403711,-3.376173,1.404001,0.0327511}, VapCp = {16,59938,-461.32,13.513,-0.00005781,-5.6701E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-68.502,5208.9,8.4007,-0.0000042979,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010875,0.41309,444.51,-25.424,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.045864,-83.397,-0.96049,-0.0013219,-5.1355E-10}, VapK = {102,0.00011776,0.94788,660.84,38292,0}, Racketparam = 0.239005, UniquacR = 7.187871, UniquacQ = 4.504, ChaoSeadAF = 0.5, ChaoSeadSP = 19277.2, ChaoSeadLV = 0.184693); end Fluoranthene; model Pyrene extends General_Properties( SN = 186, name = "Pyrene", CAS = "129-00-0", Tc = 936, Pc = 2610000, Vc = 0.66, Cc = 0.221, Tb = 667.95, Tm = 423.81, TT = 423.81, TP = 70.0313, MW = 202.251, LVB = 0.184923, AF = 0.507416, SP = 19670, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 2.25E+08, GEF = 3.272E+08, AS = 402000, HFMP = 1.736E+07, HOC = -7.63094E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.54272,0.27165,936,0.41522,0}, VP = {101,68.91405,-11628.85,-6.184331,6.420723E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,149400,-94.468,11.128,0.0038746,-0.0000019128}, HOV = {106,9.198843E+07,-0.224752,1.989996,-2.139885,0.666532}, VapCp = {16,117680,-754.3,14.068,-0.00069165,2.0484E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-131.9,8597.1,17.746,-0.000010523,2}, VapVis = {102,4.4284E-07,0.52754,289.9,15025,0}, LiqK = {16,0.10165,-731.42,0.75712,-0.0079846,0.0000028317}, VapK = {102,0.000092503,0.97453,647.35,45503,0}, Racketparam = 0.246034, UniquacR = 7.187871, UniquacQ = 4.504, ChaoSeadAF = 0.344, ChaoSeadSP = 20762.5, ChaoSeadLV = 0.17368); end Pyrene; model Onephenylnaphthalene extends General_Properties( SN = 187, name = "Onephenylnaphthalene", CAS = "605-02-7", Tc = 849, Pc = 2630000, Vc = 0.656, Cc = 0.244, Tb = 607.15, Tm = 318.15, TT = 318.15, TP = 0.282425, MW = 204.266, LVB = 0.189925, AF = 0.530878, SP = 19910, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 2.47E+08, GEF = 3.71108E+08, AS = 459000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -7.92E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.36822,0.24155,849,0.29048,0}, VP = {101,136.2471,-14614.66,-16.02104,5.425361E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,180260,-2.5213,10.037,0.0072742,-0.0000049656}, HOV = {106,1.0967E+08,1.3201,-2.3901,2.4598,-0.96728}, VapCp = {16,77509,-521.03,13.602,-0.000094316,9.2363E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-6.144,1205.6,-0.56682,-0.0000005706,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000030793,0.30949,742.15,16342,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.052282,-21.251,-1.3126,-0.00073663,-3.6032E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000092251,0.99676,619.05,42835,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 7.679631, UniquacQ = 5.184, ChaoSeadAF = 0.530878, ChaoSeadSP = 19911.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.189925); end Onephenylnaphthalene; model Nhexadecane extends General_Properties( SN = 188, name = "Nhexadecane", CAS = "544-76-3", Tc = 723, Pc = 1400000, Vc = 1.034, Cc = 0.241, Tb = 559.98, Tm = 291.308, TT = 291.308, TP = 0.0922432, MW = 226.446, LVB = 0.29411, AF = 0.726, SP = 16190, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -3.7417E+08, GEF = 8.216E+07, AS = 781020, HFMP = 5.3358E+07, HOC = -9.95145E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.23237,0.23642,723,0.28403,0}, VP = {101,138.0173,-14151.1,-16.24379,5.027608E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,387360,-123.61,10.738,0.005,-0.0000019617}, HOV = {106,1.2775E+08,0.92612,0.52583,-2.1415,1.2039}, VapCp = {16,232700,-655.34,14.079,-0.0001451,4.6597E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-84.70059,4841.907,11.15158,-9.617336E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,1.3203E-07,0.72722,424.3,4562.7,0}, LiqK = {16,0.006807,-152.97,-0.44096,-0.0038892,0.0000012245}, VapK = {102,0.0000035961,1.5118,510.88,23814,0}, Racketparam = 0.226854, UniquacR = 11.24, UniquacQ = 9.26, ChaoSeadAF = 0.7078, ChaoSeadSP = 16343.54, ChaoSeadLV = 0.2941); end Nhexadecane; model Chrysene extends General_Properties( SN = 189, name = "Chrysene", CAS = "218-01-9", Tc = 979, Pc = 2390000, Vc = 0.749, Cc = 0.22, Tb = 714.15, Tm = 531.15, TT = 531.15, TP = 1028.09, MW = 228.288, LVB = 0.223221, AF = 0.603008, SP = 18920, DM = 2.33E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = 2.698E+08, GEF = 4.03E+08, AS = 440000, HFMP = 2.62E+07, HOC = -8.6796E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.30846,0.21991,979,0.32162,0}, VP = {101,171.0845,-19845.5,-20.41887,4.689312E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,314190,239.97,9.0147,0.0068894,-0.0000035685}, HOV = {106,1.2779E+08,0.96651,-1.3609,1.2985,-0.49651}, VapCp = {16,124010,-668.94,14.001,-0.0004632,1.3177E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-12.612,2823.3,-0.058693,2.8981E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,3.4146E-07,0.54263,230.08,-3.8758,0}, LiqK = {16,0.032525,-322.45,-0.056163,-0.0034819,4.4935E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0001111,0.947,689.64,45041,0}, Racketparam = 0.237646, UniquacR = 8.250494, UniquacQ = 5.304, ChaoSeadAF = 0.603954, ChaoSeadSP = 19486.9, ChaoSeadLV = 0.210334); end Chrysene; model Cisdecahydronaphthalene extends General_Properties( SN = 190, name = "Cisdecahydronaphthalene", CAS = "493-01-6", Tc = 702.25, Pc = 3242400, Vc = 0.48, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 468.965, Tm = 230.17, TT = 230.2, TP = 0.157166, MW = 138.253, LVB = 0.154615, AF = 0.294204, SP = 17625.3, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.6924E+08, GEF = 8.552E+07, AS = 377730, HFMP = 9489000, HOC = -5.89213E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.5563,0.26613,702.25,0.2872,0}, VP = {101,133.51,-10671,-16.446,0.0000090618,2}, LiqCp = {16,22875,183.22,9.7191,0.0080113,-0.0000053261}, HOV = {106,7.893812E+07,1.120046,-0.590284,-0.648808,0.601197}, VapCp = {16,90923,-788.66,14.021,-0.00046171,0.0000001235}, LiqVis = {101,-102.87,5387.9,14.086,-0.000014127,2}, VapVis = {102,7.2745E-07,0.51364,404.18,49.274,0}, LiqK = {16,0.087597,-101,-1.0253,-0.0090174,0.0000045064}, VapK = {102,0.0000017593,1.7742,317.62,37605,0}, Racketparam = 0.264744, UniquacR = 6.289, UniquacQ = 4.776, ChaoSeadAF = 0.294204, ChaoSeadSP = 17625.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.154615); end Cisdecahydronaphthalene; model Transdecahydronaphthalene extends General_Properties( SN = 191, name = "Transdecahydronaphthalene", CAS = "493-02-7", Tc = 687.05, Pc = 2837100, Vc = 0.48, Cc = 0.238, Tb = 460.46, Tm = 242.77, TT = 242.79, TP = 1.14983, MW = 138.253, LVB = 0.159325, AF = 0.253611, SP = 17042.7, DM = 0, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -1.8217E+08, GEF = 7.355E+07, AS = 374550, HFMP = 1.441E+07, HOC = -5.88088E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.5599,0.26991,687.05,0.2952,0}, VP = {101,112.0059,-9619.314,-13.21808,6.974439E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,110470,-81.629,10.313,0.0068781,-0.0000045952}, HOV = {106,7.646155E+07,0.918445,0.395142,-2.202434,1.398354}, VapCp = {16,81351,-707.34,13.793,-0.00018944,2.0365E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-47.21,3037.9,5.4682,-0.0000042842,2}, VapVis = {102,2.7061E-07,0.60485,153.09,81.09,0}, LiqK = {16,0.087771,45.415,-2.1613,-0.0061939,0.0000022159}, VapK = {102,-13.928,0.65448,-2837300,-2.043E+09,0}, Racketparam = 0.268306, UniquacR = 6.289, UniquacQ = 4.776, ChaoSeadAF = 0.253611, ChaoSeadSP = 17042.7, ChaoSeadLV = 0.159325); end Transdecahydronaphthalene; model Methyltertbutylether extends General_Properties( SN = 192, name = "Methyltertbutylether", CAS = "1634-04-4", Tc = 497.1, Pc = 3430000, Vc = 0.329, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 328.35, Tm = 164.55, TT = 164.55, TP = 0.535656, MW = 88.1482, LVB = 0.119887, AF = 0.266059, SP = 15070, DM = 4.54E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -2.835E+08, GEF = -1.175E+08, AS = 357800, HFMP = 7600000, HOC = -3.1049E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.013,0.29119,513.95,0.39929,0}, VP = {101,63.31041,-5322.676,-6.212745,3.951136E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,135550,-54.229,8.6558,0.010329,-0.0000078206}, HOV = {106,7.685222E+07,4.561833,-12.06881,13.61234,-5.569118}, VapCp = {16,89729,-682.14,12.912,0.000021441,-2.0192E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-7.136,821.59,-0.64419,4.8322E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.6185E-07,0.73614,130.03,-727.78,0}, LiqK = {16,0.073008,306.73,-6.3111,0.019235,-0.000037933}, VapK = {102,0.00023034,0.92128,391.6,80274,0}, Racketparam = 0.267213, UniquacR = 4.0678, UniquacQ = 3.632, ChaoSeadAF = 0.266059, ChaoSeadSP = 15070, ChaoSeadLV = 0.119887); end Methyltertbutylether; model Methyltertpentylether extends General_Properties( SN = 193, name = "Methyltertpentylether", CAS = "994-05-8", Tc = 534, Pc = 3040000, Vc = 0.386, Cc = 0.264, Tb = 359.51, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 102.175, LVB = 0.133437, AF = 0.298071, SP = 15480, DM = 4.90339E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -3.054E+08, GEF = -1.137E+08, AS = 408000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -3.71229E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.68843,0.26574,534,0.27067,0}, VP = {101,127.09,-8433.7,-15.94,0.000013112,2}, LiqCp = {16,96936,-844.6,17.426,-0.01423,0.000014683}, HOV = {106,6.112039E+07,2.144847,-4.987322,5.569725,-2.294462}, VapCp = {16,86134,-503.3,12.828,0.00026316,-9.3404E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.271,991.37,-0.019082,-2.1664E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,6.9893E-08,0.83491,61.227,-3034.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.10613,12.391,-1.3082,-0.00026248,-0.0000013654}, VapK = {102,0.12493,0.14978,1706.4,1349200,0}, Racketparam = 0.264404, UniquacR = 4.7422, UniquacQ = 4.172, ChaoSeadAF = 0.298071, ChaoSeadSP = 15480, ChaoSeadLV = 0.133437); end Methyltertpentylether; model TwomethylTwobutanol extends General_Properties( SN = 194, name = "TwomethylTwobutanol", CAS = "75-85-4", Tc = 545, Pc = 3790000, Vc = 0.323, Cc = 0.27, Tb = 375.15, Tm = 264.35, TT = 264.35, TP = 161.196, MW = 88.15, LVB = 0.1095, AF = 0.478, SP = 20840, DM = 5.67E-30, SH = -168070000.0, IGHF = -3.297E+08, GEF = -1.652E+08, AS = 362800, HFMP = 4456000, HOC = -3.0391E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.71131,0.24603,545,0.25077,0}, VP = {101,111.96,-9620.4,-12.673,0.0000022964,2}, LiqCp = {16,145240,-80.948,10.283,0.0042992,0.0000021924}, HOV = {106,1.022286E+08,1.245977,-0.515176,-0.350588,0.262112}, VapCp = {16,74328,-529.61,12.79,0.000073612,-9.0525E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-783.84,31606,120.39,-0.00015466,2}, VapVis = {102,1.8945E-07,0.71394,173.97,-1855.4,0}, LiqK = {16,0.052544,-120.78,-0.20746,-0.0081579,0.0000039201}, VapK = {102,1156.2,0.93842,5.9829E+09,-1.5337E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.248616, UniquacR = 4.5972, UniquacQ = 4.284, ChaoSeadAF = 0.478, ChaoSeadSP = 20840, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1095); end TwomethylTwobutanol; model Nitrogentrioxide extends General_Properties( SN = 195, name = "Nitrogentrioxide", CAS = "10544-73-7", Tc = 451, Pc = 6990000, Vc = 0.195, Cc = 0.386, Tb = 276.65, Tm = 171.15, TT = 172.45, TP = 15.1767, MW = 76.0116, LVB = 0.0531885, AF = 0.431227, SP = 32600, DM = 7.078E-30, SH = 82843000.0, IGHF = 8.2843E+07, GEF = 1.39727E+08, AS = 308450, HFMP = 0, HOC = -8.2843E+07, LiqDen = {105,2.7664,0.37489,451,0.040027,0}, VP = {101,137.96,-7584.5,-17.9,0.000022014,2}, LiqCp = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, HOV = {106,6.1243E+07,0.17457,-0.20195,-0.16172,0.24757}, VapCp = {16,37365,-232.94,10.977,0.00031169,-1.1931E-07}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, LiqK = {16,0,0,0,0,0}, VapK = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, Racketparam = 0.386, UniquacR = 1.738827, UniquacQ = 1.7628, ChaoSeadAF = 0.431227, ChaoSeadSP = 32600, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0531885); end Nitrogentrioxide; model Nitrogentetroxide extends General_Properties( SN = 196, name = "Nitrogentetroxide", CAS = "10544-72-6", Tc = 431.15, Pc = 1.00312E+07, Vc = 0.08249, Cc = 0.233, Tb = 294.3, Tm = 263.01, TT = 261.9, TP = 18558.7, MW = 92.011, LVB = 0.06407, AF = 0.853274, SP = 24123.32, DM = 0, SH = 9162960.0, IGHF = 9162960, GEF = 9.785E+07, AS = 304320, HFMP = 1.465E+07, HOC = 1983170, LiqDen = {105,2.117,0.32671,431.15,0.20832,0}, VP = {101,72.419,-5432,-7.7259,0.00001711,2}, LiqCp = {16,112080,15.081,5.5387,0.025083,-0.000030338}, HOV = {106,3.0678E+07,0.17744,-0.16521,-0.11792,0.13193}, VapCp = {16,39950.82,-260.1236,11.41281,0.000224817,-1.049284E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-340.1,10957,53.641,-0.00011365,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000080298,0.2905,212.56,117290,0}, LiqK = {16,0.11499,26916,-297.75,1.089,-0.0013592}, VapK = {102,0.000019664,1.1277,265.48,-210280,0}, Racketparam = 0.233, UniquacR = 1.982861, UniquacQ = 1.984, ChaoSeadAF = 0.853274, ChaoSeadSP = 24123.32, ChaoSeadLV = 0.06407); end Nitrogentetroxide; model HeliumFour extends General_Properties( SN = 197, name = "HeliumFour", CAS = "7440-59-7", Tc = 5.19, Pc = 227000, Vc = 0.0573, Cc = 0.301, Tb = 4.3, Tm = 1.763, TT = 1.763, TP = 1478.21, MW = 4.003, LVB = 0.03254, AF = -0.39, SP = 1222, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 126044, HFMP = 50000, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,0.31844,0.089499,5.21,0.063807,0}, VP = {101,8.8804,-4.8932,2.5648,0.0062779,2}, LiqCp = {16,-72432,14.864,0.90909,1.9106,-0.057997}, HOV = {106,191120,4.6881,-12.652,12.947,-4.5859}, VapCp = {1,20786,0,0,0,0}, LiqVis = {101,-21.436,10.949,5.7389,-0.11646,2}, VapVis = {102,3.3098E-07,0.71183,-10.485,126.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.19278,-0.8853,-0.83633,-0.19115,0.016867}, VapK = {102,0.00226,0.7305,-18.63,440,0}, Racketparam = 0.301, UniquacR = 0.456163, UniquacQ = 0.592, ChaoSeadAF = -0.39, ChaoSeadSP = 1222, ChaoSeadLV = 0.03254); end HeliumFour; model Fluorine extends General_Properties( SN = 198, name = "Fluorine", CAS = "7782-41-4", Tc = 144.3, Pc = 5215000, Vc = 0.0662, Cc = 0.288, Tb = 84.95, Tm = 53.53, TT = 53.48, TP = 252, MW = 37.997, LVB = 0.02516, AF = 0.051, SP = 15210, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 202690, HFMP = 510360, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,2.7003,0.23171,144.42,0.21541,0}, VP = {101,19.18299,-840.6862,0.560464,-0.0000352006,2}, LiqCp = {16,56031,-8382.1,267.49,-2.7228,0.0096889}, HOV = {106,2.7497E+07,7.2112,-17.699,17.895,-6.7781}, VapCp = {16,29021.05,-721.5995,10.44015,-0.00105401,3.331903E-07}, LiqVis = {101,9.2895,-86.903,-3.7445,0.0000058477,2}, VapVis = {102,7.0875E-07,0.64956,73.747,-637.02,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.15422,9.0003,-1.0608,-0.0018487,-0.00001682}, VapK = {102,0.00012664,0.93229,1.6645,205.53,0}, Racketparam = 0.288, UniquacR = 0.75, UniquacQ = 0.88, ChaoSeadAF = 0.051, ChaoSeadSP = 15210, ChaoSeadLV = 0.02516); end Fluorine; model Krypton extends General_Properties( SN = 199, name = "Krypton", CAS = "7439-90-9", Tc = 209.4, Pc = 5500000, Vc = 0.0912, Cc = 0.288, Tb = 119.74, Tm = 115.77, TT = 115.78, TP = 73149.9, MW = 83.8, LVB = 0.03463, AF = 0.005, SP = 15280, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 163975, HFMP = 1640130, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,2.5742,0.26395,209.4,0.25018,0}, VP = {101,48.208,-1609,-4.9593,0.0000342,2}, LiqCp = {16,36193,105.13,3.9876,0.048456,-0.0001134}, HOV = {106,1.7515E+07,2.6595,-6.0031,6.068,-2.2776}, VapCp = {16,20754,0,0,0,0}, LiqVis = {101,-7.7422,-0.3975,-0.00054036,-9.2221E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000018282,0.5384,165.83,-1432.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.22624,-10.133,-0.77044,-0.0023081,-0.0000013009}, VapK = {102,0.00075369,0.52925,198.58,-4150.2,0}, Racketparam = 0.288, UniquacR = 1.12, UniquacQ = 1.12, ChaoSeadAF = 0.005, ChaoSeadSP = 15280, ChaoSeadLV = 0.03463); end Krypton; model Xenon extends General_Properties( SN = 200, name = "Xenon", CAS = "7440-63-3", Tc = 289.74, Pc = 5840000, Vc = 0.118, Cc = 0.286, Tb = 165.01, Tm = 161.25, TT = 161.25, TP = 81667.9, MW = 131.29, LVB = 0.04291, AF = 0.006, SP = 15910, DM = 0, SH = 0.0, IGHF = 0, GEF = 0, AS = 169578, HFMP = 2294950, HOC = 0, LiqDen = {105,2.4063,0.28552,289.74,0.28967,0}, VP = {101,31.497,-1758.9,-1.8727,0.0000091652,2}, LiqCp = {16,44610,-221,1.0811,0.026515,-0.000013257}, HOV = {106,1.740633E+07,-0.233725,3.148357,-4.995262,2.477111}, VapCp = {16,20786,0,0,0,0}, LiqVis = {101,-7.7421,-0.53776,-0.00050184,-5.2934E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000014055,0.57778,188.46,-312.26,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.012175,143.58,-4.2655,0.011041,-0.000032937}, VapK = {102,0.00026719,0.62046,215.6,-8144.4,0}, Racketparam = 0.286, UniquacR = 1.13, UniquacQ = 1.13, ChaoSeadAF = 0.006, ChaoSeadSP = 15910, ChaoSeadLV = 0.04291); end Xenon; model Ozone extends General_Properties( SN = 201, name = "Ozone", CAS = "10028-15-6", Tc = 261.05, Pc = 5570000, Vc = 0.0894, Cc = 0.229, Tb = 161.8, Tm = 22.1499, TT = 80.15, TP = 0.734621, MW = 47.998, LVB = 0.0354, AF = 0.224, SP = 18740, DM = 1.8E-30, SH = 143100000.0, IGHF = 1.431E+08, GEF = 1.63164E+08, AS = 238823, HFMP = 2000000, HOC = -1.42671E+08, LiqDen = {105,2.6432,0.26544,261.05,0.25239,0}, VP = {101,33.80011,-2066.264,-1.865143,3.696996E-08,2}, LiqCp = {16,64500,-60.205,9.9787,0.0080434,-0.000010929}, HOV = {106,1.6254E+07,-0.073447,0.14823,0.62225,-0.43277}, VapCp = {16,32859.57,-604.7407,10.91207,-0.000287995,2.632407E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-37.036,815.78,4.8971,-0.000047646,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000001896,0.78539,36.908,-2041.9,0}, LiqK = {16,0.23255,-678.09,-6.5705,-0.074977,0.00025391}, VapK = {102,0.0043907,0.47832,709.48,233.72,0}, Racketparam = 0.229, UniquacR = 1.1, UniquacQ = 1.27, ChaoSeadAF = 0.224, ChaoSeadSP = 18740, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0354); end Ozone; model Carbonylsulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 202, name = "Carbonylsulfide", CAS = "463-58-1", Tc = 375.15, Pc = 6349000, Vc = 0.14, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 223.15, Tm = 134.35, TT = 134.3, TP = 101.325, MW = 60.0751, LVB = 0.0510474, AF = 0.137779, SP = 14270, DM = 2.37E-30, SH = -138410000.0, IGHF = -1.3841E+08, GEF = -1.692E+08, AS = 231470, HFMP = 4725000, HOC = -5.4827E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.8896,0.27226,378.81,0.25315,0}, VP = {101,74.34266,-3813.497,-8.620386,0.0000180431,2}, LiqCp = {16,71808,-8528.4,73.159,-0.16854,0.00016953}, HOV = {106,3.0555E+07,0.84937,-0.32129,-0.52716,0.40226}, VapCp = {16,28351,-363.89,10.752,-0.00019902,7.0945E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-9.091,494.42,-0.20653,-6.4588E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.000010184,0.2938,1012.7,-12250,0}, LiqK = {16,0.032218,-41.011,-0.83624,-0.0051268,0.0000012154}, VapK = {102,0.0012701,0.60437,545.23,3627.6,0}, Racketparam = 0.272, UniquacR = 1.707317, UniquacQ = 1.620988, ChaoSeadAF = 0.096, ChaoSeadSP = 14270, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0510474); end Carbonylsulfide; model Sulfurhexafluoride extends General_Properties( SN = 203, name = "Sulfurhexafluoride", CAS = "2551-62-4", Tc = 318.72, Pc = 3760000, Vc = 0.1984, Cc = 0.282, Tb = 209.25, Tm = 222.65, TT = 223.15, TP = 232670, MW = 146.056, LVB = 0.07981, AF = 0.208, SP = 7681, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.209E+09, GEF = -1.1053E+09, AS = 291710, HFMP = 5024200, HOC = 9.24E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.0016,0.23435,318.74,0.24027,0}, VP = {101,-17.60907,-1028.369,6.556299,-0.0000178874,2}, LiqCp = {16,119500,-2040,-9.5251,0.005216,-0.000044691}, HOV = {106,5.0769E+07,8.5605,-25.709,29.437,-11.774}, VapCp = {16,32322,-368.1,12.478,-0.00063326,1.9169E-07}, LiqVis = {101,20.959,-457.46,-4.9486,0.0000065105,2}, VapVis = {102,5.9343E-07,0.62415,62.573,13289,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.064331,-179.32,0.36969,-0.0050683,-0.0000040693}, VapK = {102,0.0013269,0.52727,30.264,73930,0}, Racketparam = 0.282, UniquacR = 3.085036, UniquacQ = 3.28, ChaoSeadAF = 0.208, ChaoSeadSP = 7681, ChaoSeadLV = 0.07981); end Sulfurhexafluoride; model Dimethylsulfoxide extends General_Properties( SN = 204, name = "Dimethylsulfoxide", CAS = "67-68-5", Tc = 729, Pc = 5650000, Vc = 0.227, Cc = 0.212, Tb = 462.15, Tm = 291.67, TT = 291.67, TP = 50.2288, MW = 78.1334, LVB = 0.071277, AF = 0.280551, SP = 26750, DM = 1.32E-29, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.092E+08, GEF = -1.157E+08, AS = 306300, HFMP = 1.393E+07, HOC = -1.6054E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1064,0.25156,729,0.33043,0}, VP = {101,87.24911,-9095.583,-9.246359,3.215062E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,148920,274.35,2.2127,0.017296,-0.000001184}, HOV = {106,4.1934E+08,12.701,-33.974,36.922,-14.839}, VapCp = {16,61635,-582.63,12.205,-0.000053872,2.2232E-08}, LiqVis = {101,33.492,223.29,-7.3227,0.000014294,2}, VapVis = {102,8.6219E-08,0.83436,168.37,-97.445,0}, LiqK = {16,0.081843,-215.42,0.15922,-0.0051305,0.0000011114}, VapK = {102,0.0006441,0.77214,1010.2,82198,0}, Racketparam = 0.212, UniquacR = 2.8266, UniquacQ = 2.472, ChaoSeadAF = 0.280551, ChaoSeadSP = 26750, ChaoSeadLV = 0.071277); end Dimethylsulfoxide; model Nheptadecane extends General_Properties( SN = 205, name = "Nheptadecane", CAS = "629-78-7", Tc = 736, Pc = 1340000, Vc = 1.103, Cc = 0.242, Tb = 574.56, Tm = 295.127, TT = 295.134, TP = 0.0465559, MW = 240.473, LVB = 0.31045, AF = 0.762, SP = 16100, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.939E+08, GEF = 9.083E+07, AS = 820230, HFMP = 4.0459E+07, HOC = -1.05618E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.1972,0.22446,736,0.27261,0}, VP = {101,230.4768,-19512.15,-29.73776,0.0000119109,2}, LiqCp = {16,341660,-48.077,11.234,0.0041437,-0.0000017269}, HOV = {106,1.1837E+08,0.45937,1.0501,-1.8353,0.77357}, VapCp = {16,247870,-663.74,14.166,-0.00017722,5.7891E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-77.193,4597,9.9892,-0.0000084702,2}, VapVis = {102,3.2694E-07,0.5961,448.22,45523,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.015537,-239.33,0.042685,-0.0038367,8.6547E-07}, VapK = {102,-115.33,1.0524,-2.1515E+09,-1.3137E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.242, UniquacR = 11.9182, UniquacQ = 9.796, ChaoSeadAF = 0.762, ChaoSeadSP = 16100, ChaoSeadLV = 0.31045); end Nheptadecane; model Noctadecane extends General_Properties( SN = 206, name = "Noctadecane", CAS = "593-45-3", Tc = 747, Pc = 1290000, Vc = 1.189, Cc = 0.247, Tb = 588.3, Tm = 301.33, TT = 301.33, TP = 0.0339091, MW = 254.5, LVB = 0.32666, AF = 0.808, SP = 16100, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -4.1457E+08, GEF = 9.921E+07, AS = 859450, HFMP = 6.1986E+07, HOC = -1.11726E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.21099,0.23901,748.16,0.28153,0}, VP = {101,156.4726,-16120.27,-18.72498,5.38655E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,332820,-15.176,11.369,0.0039066,-0.0000015738}, HOV = {106,1.214E+08,0.36333,1.283,-2.0514,0.85175}, VapCp = {16,258960,-641.43,14.136,-0.000068602,1.814E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-83.956,4978.7,10.99,-0.0000089834,2}, VapVis = {102,3.2955E-07,0.58255,343.75,67974,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.046627,-130.56,-0.64842,-0.0017182,-4.6995E-07}, VapK = {102,-198.99,1.1011,-5.9685E+09,5.2419E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.247, UniquacR = 12.5926, UniquacQ = 10.336, ChaoSeadAF = 0.808, ChaoSeadSP = 16100, ChaoSeadLV = 0.32666); end Noctadecane; model Nnonadecane extends General_Properties( SN = 207, name = "Nnonadecane", CAS = "629-92-5", Tc = 760, Pc = 1230000, Vc = 1.1, Cc = 0.215, Tb = 603.75, Tm = 305.05, TT = 305.04, TP = 0.0159089, MW = 268.521, LVB = 0.343701, AF = 0.8271, SP = 16200, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -4.3514E+08, GEF = 1.075E+08, AS = 898930, HFMP = 5.02E+07, HOC = -1.17812E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.20149,0.23831,760,0.29903,0}, VP = {101,182.4003,-17843.62,-22.48728,7.349606E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,244790,42.54,11.446,0.0046334,-0.0000026668}, HOV = {106,1.5404E+08,1.2215,-0.32899,-1.0541,0.6821}, VapCp = {16,274480,-648.39,14.221,-0.00011095,3.3607E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-84.761,5101,11.082,-0.0000087239,2}, VapVis = {102,3.0651E-07,0.58942,341.93,67425,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.057019,73.111,-2.1518,0.0021618,-0.0000035171}, VapK = {102,0.000043333,1.271,2799.6,138170,0}, Racketparam = 0.215, UniquacR = 13.267, UniquacQ = 10.876, ChaoSeadAF = 0.8271, ChaoSeadSP = 16200, ChaoSeadLV = 0.343701); end Nnonadecane; model Nheneicosane extends General_Properties( SN = 208, name = "Nheneicosane", CAS = "629-94-7", Tc = 798.64, Pc = 1391000, Vc = 1.197, Cc = 0.211, Tb = 629.65, Tm = 313.65, TT = 313.35, TP = 0.00621532, MW = 296.574, LVB = 0.376581, AF = 0.942004, SP = 15900, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -4.778E+08, GEF = 1.229E+08, AS = 985000, HFMP = 4.7698E+07, HOC = -1.296E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.0010945,0.018629,798.64,0.095543,0}, VP = {101,107.2451,-14833.82,-11.21418,3.606473E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,268470,50.971,11.858,0.0031331,-0.0000010628}, HOV = {106,2.0592E+08,3.1557,-6.6833,7.1267,-3.099}, VapCp = {16,253120,-507.31,13.984,0.00027572,-9.6316E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-25.108,2540.9,2.0324,-0.0000013549,2}, VapVis = {102,2.9575E-07,0.62136,718.74,3255.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.22263,31.196,-1.0701,0.0001617,-7.0064E-07}, VapK = {102,-237.86,1.0527,-4.9708E+09,-8.9521E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.211, UniquacR = 14.6158, UniquacQ = 11.956, ChaoSeadAF = 0.942004, ChaoSeadSP = 15900, ChaoSeadLV = 0.376581); end Nheneicosane; model Ndocosane extends General_Properties( SN = 209, name = "Ndocosane", CAS = "629-97-0", Tc = 808.83, Pc = 1339000, Vc = 1.252, Cc = 0.209, Tb = 641.75, Tm = 318.25, TT = 317.15, TP = 0.00359575, MW = 310.601, LVB = 0.393226, AF = 0.973, SP = 15800, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -4.985E+08, GEF = 1.307E+08, AS = 1019000, HFMP = 4.8953E+07, HOC = -1.357E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.00088994,0.017172,808.83,0.094179,0}, VP = {101,270.663,-22731.61,-35.81794,0.0000193308,2}, LiqCp = {16,94846,-114.81,13.466,0.000531,3.3532E-07}, HOV = {106,1.5383E+08,1.0955,-1.2067,1.3977,-0.85529}, VapCp = {16,291820,-567.43,14.157,0.00012912,-4.9166E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-27.314,2728.1,2.3358,-0.0000013135,2}, VapVis = {102,2.8858E-07,0.62154,714.54,4582.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.148,-22.716,-0.91136,-0.00059496,-3.4759E-07}, VapK = {102,-270.77,1.0546,-5.8977E+09,-1.0935E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.209, UniquacR = 15.2902, UniquacQ = 12.496, ChaoSeadAF = 0.973, ChaoSeadSP = 15800, ChaoSeadLV = 0.393226); end Ndocosane; model Ntricosane extends General_Properties( SN = 210, name = "Ntricosane", CAS = "638-67-5", Tc = 818.25, Pc = 1290000, Vc = 1.307, Cc = 0.208, Tb = 653.15, Tm = 320.95, TT = 320.65, TP = 0.00186855, MW = 324.627, LVB = 0.4074, AF = 1.02617, SP = 15800, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -5.192E+08, GEF = 1.39E+08, AS = 1064000, HFMP = 5.3974E+07, HOC = -1.417E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.048866,0.12922,818.25,0.20531,0}, VP = {101,-22.08031,-9534.111,8.274049,-0.0000125255,2}, LiqCp = {16,-58655,-99.845,13.754,0.00030768,3.7705E-07}, HOV = {106,1.6434E+08,1.0068,-0.55169,0.31454,-0.3244}, VapCp = {16,304710,-567.01,14.201,0.00012862,-4.8999E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.8394,1949.8,-0.47088,0.0000010446,2}, VapVis = {102,2.8518E-07,0.61933,704.01,6598.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.18218,0.19147,-0.94906,-0.00035642,-3.5025E-07}, VapK = {102,-232.83,1.0566,-5.2747E+09,-9.8604E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.208, UniquacR = 15.9646, UniquacQ = 13.036, ChaoSeadAF = 1.02617, ChaoSeadSP = 15800, ChaoSeadLV = 0.4074); end Ntricosane; model Ntetracosane extends General_Properties( SN = 211, name = "Ntetracosane", CAS = "646-31-1", Tc = 810, Pc = 1020000, Vc = 1.36, Cc = 0.207, Tb = 664.45, Tm = 324.05, TT = 323.75, TP = 0.00138507, MW = 338.654, LVB = 0.426088, AF = 1.07102, SP = 15800, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -5.4E+08, GEF = 1.472E+08, AS = 1097000, HFMP = 5.4894E+07, HOC = -1.479E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.013821,0.07087,810,0.13885,0}, VP = {101,118.4643,-17014.83,-12.51446,1.109888E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,397960,-97.814,12.108,0.0038156,-0.0000022229}, HOV = {106,1.5462E+08,0.24892,1.8808,-2.829,1.1319}, VapCp = {16,318880,-569.39,14.249,0.00012213,-4.6983E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-64.748,4433,8.0272,-0.0000059771,2}, VapVis = {102,2.9788E-07,0.59708,514.64,49388,0}, LiqK = {16,0.046069,-245.01,-0.62562,-0.0019192,-0.0000023135}, VapK = {102,-232.02,1.063,-5.6529E+09,-8.4042E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.207, UniquacR = 16.639, UniquacQ = 13.576, ChaoSeadAF = 1.07102, ChaoSeadSP = 15800, ChaoSeadLV = 0.426088); end Ntetracosane; model Npentacosane extends General_Properties( SN = 212, name = "Npentacosane", CAS = "629-99-2", Tc = 836.31, Pc = 1202000, Vc = 1.418, Cc = 0.205, Tb = 675.05, Tm = 327.9, TT = 326.65, TP = 0.00079876, MW = 352.68, LVB = 0.442767, AF = 1.10526, SP = 15800, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -5.607E+08, GEF = 1.553E+08, AS = 1143000, HFMP = 5.7739E+07, HOC = -1.539E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.00063401,0.015388,836.31,0.093752,0}, VP = {101,-203.2504,-1095.063,35.1974,-0.0000282197,2}, LiqCp = {16,528340,-126.87,12.075,0.002955,-9.8642E-07}, HOV = {106,1.9288E+08,1.8937,-3.4712,3.9636,-1.9344}, VapCp = {16,330530,-566.25,14.283,0.00012874,-4.9096E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-9.804,1971.8,-0.26998,3.9914E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,2.8769E-07,0.61575,746.72,4040.4,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0058343,-203.86,-0.37432,-0.0029792,2.4773E-07}, VapK = {102,-266.99,1.0606,-6.4961E+09,-1.2167E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.205, UniquacR = 17.3134, UniquacQ = 14.116, ChaoSeadAF = 1.10526, ChaoSeadSP = 15800, ChaoSeadLV = 0.442767); end Npentacosane; model Nhexacosane extends General_Properties( SN = 213, name = "Nhexacosane", CAS = "630-01-3", Tc = 844.7, Pc = 1162000, Vc = 1.473, Cc = 0.203, Tb = 685.35, Tm = 329.55, TT = 329.25, TP = 0.000515816, MW = 366.707, LVB = 0.4561, AF = 1.15444, SP = 15800, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -5.814E+08, GEF = 1.636E+08, AS = 1176000, HFMP = 5.9496E+07, HOC = -1.6E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.0012458,0.021983,844.7,0.10464,0}, VP = {101,-181.3952,-2296.288,31.90668,-0.0000256231,2}, LiqCp = {16,657670,-651.68,14.164,-0.00036454,7.7672E-07}, HOV = {106,2.0502E+08,2.0708,-3.8957,4.3419,-2.0579}, VapCp = {16,342560,-564.25,14.318,0.00013185,-5.001E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-92.13292,5845.982,12.08985,-8.198834E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,2.7977E-07,0.616,732.48,6359.2,0}, LiqK = {16,0.020148,-211.96,-0.39294,-0.0031327,1.9698E-07}, VapK = {102,-164.53,1.0626,-4.163E+09,-7.6944E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.203, UniquacR = 17.9878, UniquacQ = 14.656, ChaoSeadAF = 1.15444, ChaoSeadSP = 15800, ChaoSeadLV = 0.4561); end Nhexacosane; model Nheptacosane extends General_Properties( SN = 214, name = "Nheptacosane", CAS = "593-49-7", Tc = 826, Pc = 883000, Vc = 1.58, Cc = 0.203, Tb = 695.25, Tm = 332.65, TT = 332.15, TP = 0.000283125, MW = 380.734, LVB = 0.48815, AF = 1.21357, SP = 15810, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -6.021E+08, GEF = 1.716E+08, AS = 1216000, HFMP = 6.0417E+07, HOC = -1.66E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.13373,0.23061,826,0.29272,0}, VP = {101,254.28,-25266,-32.268,0.0000098574,2}, LiqCp = {16,287690,-499.88,15.238,-0.0020847,0.000001614}, HOV = {106,1.738E+08,0.55455,0.6619,-1.1864,0.39235}, VapCp = {16,324210,-507.11,14.235,0.00027032,-9.4813E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.337,2071.7,-0.014083,1.056E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,2.7943E-07,0.60493,599.04,42458,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.12846,8.4662,-1.1232,-0.00036291,-3.8993E-07}, VapK = {102,-177.26,1.0676,-4.7446E+09,-7.2852E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.203, UniquacR = 18.6622, UniquacQ = 15.196, ChaoSeadAF = 1.21357, ChaoSeadSP = 15810, ChaoSeadLV = 0.48815); end Nheptacosane; model Noctacosane extends General_Properties( SN = 215, name = "Noctacosane", CAS = "630-02-4", Tc = 843, Pc = 888000, Vc = 1.58, Cc = 0.2, Tb = 704.75, Tm = 334.55, TT = 334.35, TP = 0.000104457, MW = 394.76, LVB = 0.492645, AF = 1.23752, SP = 15700, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -6.228E+08, GEF = 1.799E+08, AS = 1255000, HFMP = 6.4643E+07, HOC = -1.722E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.0073167,0.055448,843,0.13236,0}, VP = {101,196.5874,-22285.21,-23.91336,7.155924E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,494250,-131.76,12.406,0.0033619,-0.0000018387}, HOV = {106,2.0593E+08,0.90796,0.4061,-1.298,0.44283}, VapCp = {16,335140,-505.51,14.268,0.00027376,-9.6008E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-110.67,6750.2,14.886,-0.000010312,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000003028,0.58316,487.28,64252,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0095167,-82.828,-0.8204,-0.0023614,5.0131E-07}, VapK = {102,-190.77,1.0711,-5.355E+09,-7.036E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.2, UniquacR = 19.3366, UniquacQ = 15.736, ChaoSeadAF = 1.23752, ChaoSeadSP = 15700, ChaoSeadLV = 0.492645); end Noctacosane; model Nnonacosane extends General_Properties( SN = 216, name = "Nnonacosane", CAS = "630-03-5", Tc = 838, Pc = 826000, Vc = 1.69, Cc = 0.2, Tb = 713.95, Tm = 339.15, TT = 336.85, TP = 0.0000684619, MW = 408.787, LVB = 0.523824, AF = 1.26531, SP = 15500, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -6.435E+08, GEF = 1.879E+08, AS = 1295000, HFMP = 6.6107E+07, HOC = -1.782E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.12857,0.23366,838,0.30121,0}, VP = {101,-4.241455,-11668.64,5.534214,-8.103778E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,-89782,-199.31,14.448,-0.00027681,5.1812E-07}, HOV = {106,1.9213E+08,0.53282,0.78359,-0.96953,0.062608}, VapCp = {16,383900,-568.27,14.435,0.00012081,-4.6695E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.543,2141.6,0.0076776,-5.4408E-09,2}, VapVis = {102,2.7904E-07,0.59854,575.23,50800,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.1272,8.851,-1.1267,-0.00035068,-3.6961E-07}, VapK = {102,-257.69,1.0697,-7.2501E+09,-1.1593E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.2, UniquacR = 20.011, UniquacQ = 16.276, ChaoSeadAF = 1.26531, ChaoSeadSP = 15500, ChaoSeadLV = 0.523824); end Nnonacosane; model Squalane extends General_Properties( SN = 217, name = "Squalane", CAS = "111-01-3", Tc = 863, Pc = 868000, Vc = 1.64, Cc = 0.198, Tb = 623.15, Tm = 235.15, TT = 235.15, TP = 1.70072E-12, MW = 422.813, LVB = 0.526135, AF = 0.915303, SP = 14490, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -6.896E+08, GEF = 1.868E+08, AS = 1272000, HFMP = 4.7E+07, HOC = -1.85E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.15996,0.26223,863,0.38604,0}, VP = {101,518.45,-40342,-70.491,0.00002486,2}, LiqCp = {16,-38276,-113.46,13.728,0.001186,-3.7363E-07}, HOV = {106,1.3274E+08,0.38,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,369830,-553.39,14.489,0.00010319,-3.8186E-08}, LiqVis = {118,-347.8968,71874.9,53.72611,-0.0000616157,1.3}, VapVis = {102,2.2128E-07,0.5436,144.2,25.787,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.045427,7.6198,-1.8982,-0.00026051,-5.9557E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000056714,1.0625,551.79,75579,0}, Racketparam = 0.198, UniquacR = 20.6854, UniquacQ = 16.816, ChaoSeadAF = 0.915303, ChaoSeadSP = 14490, ChaoSeadLV = 0.526135); end Squalane; model Twomethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 218, name = "Twomethylhexane", CAS = "591-76-4", Tc = 530.1, Pc = 2730000, Vc = 0.421, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 363.18, Tm = 154.9, TT = 154.9, TP = 0.00429886, MW = 100.204, LVB = 0.1486, AF = 0.331, SP = 14730, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.9472E+08, GEF = 3470000, AS = 420410, HFMP = 9184000, HOC = -4.45935E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.4821,0.23526,530.41,0.23824,0}, VP = {101,90.20617,-6876.202,-10.31895,8.219062E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,142210,82.605,8.5784,0.010085,-0.000006336}, HOV = {106,4.861947E+07,0.640142,-0.832218,0.945728,-0.370956}, VapCp = {16,88324,-552.27,13.044,0.00017909,-6.2753E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.237,971.42,-0.18335,0.0000010057,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000041509,0.28637,700.76,14523,0}, LiqK = {16,0.060786,305.44,-6.3461,0.018265,-0.000033419}, VapK = {102,0.000062491,1.0749,-62.587,153720,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 5.1734, UniquacQ = 4.392, ChaoSeadAF = 0.331, ChaoSeadSP = 14730, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1486); end Twomethylhexane; model Threemethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 219, name = "Threemethylhexane", CAS = "589-34-4", Tc = 535.2, Pc = 2810000, Vc = 0.404, Cc = 0.255, Tb = 365, Tm = 153.75, TT = 153.75, TP = 0.00321303, MW = 100.204, LVB = 0.14674, AF = 0.323, SP = 14950, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.9133E+08, GEF = 5080000, AS = 425930, HFMP = 9460000, HOC = -4.46177E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.53784,0.24926,535.2,0.22945,0}, VP = {101,86.76736,-6773.074,-9.77749,7.535909E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,151720,437.07,3.0907,0.032504,-0.000034822}, HOV = {106,5.817768E+07,1.085699,-1.05321,0.37877,0.0254378}, VapCp = {16,80171,-511.41,12.979,0.00025345,-8.5984E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.794,999.53,0.086997,-2.3727E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.5226E-07,0.55481,210.53,14.061,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.14432,11.474,-1.2132,-0.00022172,-0.0000010949}, VapK = {102,0.000041038,1.1288,-121.44,150080,0}, Racketparam = 0.255, UniquacR = 5.1734, UniquacQ = 4.392, ChaoSeadAF = 0.323, ChaoSeadSP = 14950, ChaoSeadLV = 0.14674); end Threemethylhexane; model Threeethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 220, name = "Threeethylpentane", CAS = "617-78-7", Tc = 540.5, Pc = 2890000, Vc = 0.4158, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 366.63, Tm = 154.55, TT = 154.55, TP = 0.00170947, MW = 100.204, LVB = 0.1444, AF = 0.311, SP = 15040, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.89661E+08, GEF = 1.09202E+07, AS = 411540, HFMP = 9547890, HOC = -4.4642E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.56112,0.24813,540.61,0.27074,0}, VP = {101,89.99315,-6915.896,-10.27777,8.039283E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,152590,204.56,5.9318,0.021701,-0.000022224}, HOV = {106,5.3257E+07,1.2647,-2.6729,3.1124,-1.3109}, VapCp = {16,102980,-630.04,13.15,0.000058616,-2.6799E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.885,1001.1,0.10351,-0.0000003544,2}, VapVis = {102,6.1521E-07,0.52741,287.77,1840.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.055574,4.7874,-1.5746,-0.0003945,-0.0000016303}, VapK = {102,0.000065519,1.0691,-74.423,161360,0}, Racketparam = 0.267, UniquacR = 5.1734, UniquacQ = 4.392, ChaoSeadAF = 0.311, ChaoSeadSP = 15040, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1444); end Threeethylpentane; model TwoTwodimethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 221, name = "TwoTwodimethylpentane", CAS = "590-35-2", Tc = 520.4, Pc = 2770000, Vc = 0.4158, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 352.32, Tm = 149.34, TT = 149.34, TP = 0.00317517, MW = 100.204, LVB = 0.14967, AF = 0.287, SP = 14260, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.06146E+08, GEF = 550000, AS = 392580, HFMP = 5824000, HOC = -4.45048E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.5639,0.25328,520.51,0.25578,0}, VP = {101,85.15112,-6377.959,-9.646055,8.426861E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,129920,-35.818,9.4637,0.0091865,-0.0000074351}, HOV = {106,5.34663E+07,0.794603,-0.00994342,-0.969824,0.623819}, VapCp = {16,80553,-507.91,12.99,0.00027095,-7.6982E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-24.348,1370.4,2.2619,-0.0000092505,2}, VapVis = {102,3.1425E-07,0.61072,160.83,5436.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.052706,3.783,-1.5822,-0.00046167,-0.0000017248}, VapK = {102,0.000010009,1.3247,-199.43,115550,0}, Racketparam = 0.266, UniquacR = 5.1727, UniquacQ = 4.472, ChaoSeadAF = 0.287, ChaoSeadSP = 14260, ChaoSeadLV = 0.14967); end TwoTwodimethylpentane; model TwoThreedimethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 222, name = "TwoThreedimethylpentane", CAS = "565-59-3", Tc = 537.3, Pc = 2910000, Vc = 0.393, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 362.91, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 100.204, LVB = 0.14505, AF = 0.297, SP = 14820, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.941E+08, GEF = 5610000, AS = 414550, HFMP = 0, HOC = -4.45567E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.60743,0.26317,537.3,0.2444,0}, VP = {101,81.051,-6444.3,-8.9383,0.0000069583,2}, LiqCp = {16,144370,-45.964,9.0642,0.010184,-0.0000082901}, HOV = {106,5.686611E+07,1.319959,-1.914129,1.410201,-0.377243}, VapCp = {16,33579,-324.43,12.683,0.00063287,-2.0243E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-16.952,1255.2,0.89405,-0.0000015964,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000005037,0.54462,227.41,8.0354,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.054333,2.0859,-1.4922,-0.00079317,-0.0000012037}, VapK = {102,0.000019733,1.2301,-158.93,129950,0}, Racketparam = 0.256, UniquacR = 5.1726, UniquacQ = 4.388, ChaoSeadAF = 0.297, ChaoSeadSP = 14820, ChaoSeadLV = 0.14505); end TwoThreedimethylpentane; model TwoFourdimethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 223, name = "TwoFourdimethylpentane", CAS = "108-08-7", Tc = 519.7, Pc = 2740000, Vc = 0.4175, Cc = 0.265, Tb = 353.62, Tm = 153.908, TT = 153.912, TP = 0.0066994, MW = 100.204, LVB = 0.14995, AF = 0.304, SP = 14290, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.0167E+08, GEF = 3310000, AS = 397000, HFMP = 6845000, HOC = -4.454E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.49944,0.24101,519.81,0.23086,0}, VP = {101,86.23433,-6498.287,-9.772628,8.133363E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,90283,22.117,10.293,0.0058192,-0.0000033296}, HOV = {106,5.636917E+07,1.083678,-0.919235,0.1428,0.13605}, VapCp = {16,66100,-427.67,12.876,0.00036594,-1.1245E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-15.849,1204.5,0.70216,-0.0000021284,2}, VapVis = {102,1.8633E-07,0.67603,100.62,-68.047,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.10048,3.798,-1.3824,-0.00040413,-0.0000011783}, VapK = {102,0.0002569,0.9033,147.33,182490,0}, Racketparam = 0.265, UniquacR = 5.1726, UniquacQ = 4.388, ChaoSeadAF = 0.304, ChaoSeadSP = 14290, ChaoSeadLV = 0.14995); end TwoFourdimethylpentane; model ThreeThreedimethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 224, name = "ThreeThreedimethylpentane", CAS = "562-49-2", Tc = 536.3, Pc = 2950000, Vc = 0.4141, Cc = 0.274, Tb = 359.19, Tm = 138.7, TT = 138.7, TP = 0.000229687, MW = 100.204, LVB = 0.1454, AF = 0.269, SP = 14530, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.0146E+08, GEF = 2719600, AS = 398150, HFMP = 7066780, HOC = -4.45458E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.57981,0.25238,536.41,0.28345,0}, VP = {101,74.58125,-6059.883,-7.986446,6.250113E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,122500,86.779,8.7861,0.0099608,-0.0000069264}, HOV = {106,5.254E+07,1.1834,-1.8011,1.5275,-0.48856}, VapCp = {16,67595,-428.94,12.79,0.00052141,-1.6453E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-7.1051,998.94,-0.73694,0.0000026961,2}, VapVis = {102,9.3561E-07,0.48169,385.32,9.0702,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.050708,3.465,-1.5874,-0.00046821,-0.000001622}, VapK = {102,0.000069501,1.0643,-68.32,160740,0}, Racketparam = 0.274, UniquacR = 5.1727, UniquacQ = 4.472, ChaoSeadAF = 0.269, ChaoSeadSP = 14530, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1454); end ThreeThreedimethylpentane; model TwoTwoThreetrimethylbutane extends General_Properties( SN = 225, name = "TwoTwoThreetrimethylbutane", CAS = "464-06-2", Tc = 531.1, Pc = 2950000, Vc = 0.3976, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 354.01, Tm = 248.253, TT = 248.57, TP = 914.054, MW = 100.204, LVB = 0.14615, AF = 0.25, SP = 14250, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.04765E+08, GEF = 4600000, AS = 383340, HFMP = 2261030, HOC = -4.45223E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.36152,0.20413,531.16,0.1958,0}, VP = {101,68.92285,-5729.492,-7.139255,5.482993E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,95157,-51.889,10.538,0.0057229,-0.0000043706}, HOV = {106,4.4282E+07,0.37696,0.13995,-0.28638,0.1473}, VapCp = {16,64561,-425.21,12.779,0.00055174,-1.7221E-07}, LiqVis = {101,15.143,240.01,-4.2433,0.0000080652,2}, VapVis = {102,8.5825E-08,0.78963,152.98,-29510,0}, LiqK = {16,0.044619,-214.12,0.30167,-0.0096656,0.0000053979}, VapK = {102,0.000030164,1.1874,-102.65,141040,0}, Racketparam = 0.266, UniquacR = 5.1719, UniquacQ = 4.468, ChaoSeadAF = 0.25, ChaoSeadSP = 14250, ChaoSeadLV = 0.14615); end TwoTwoThreetrimethylbutane; model Twomethylheptane extends General_Properties( SN = 226, name = "Twomethylheptane", CAS = "592-27-8", Tc = 559.6, Pc = 2480000, Vc = 0.4882, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 390.8, Tm = 164.16, TT = 164.16, TP = 0.0010587, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16463, AF = 0.378, SP = 15050, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.154E+08, GEF = 1.18E+07, AS = 459570, HFMP = 1.1878E+07, HOC = -5.06933E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.40246,0.22797,559.66,0.23428,0}, VP = {101,97.9971,-7746.664,-11.37588,8.143433E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,66821,33.207,11.285,0.0021902,8.6142E-07}, HOV = {106,6.657838E+07,1.352117,-1.871983,1.354613,-0.391149}, VapCp = {16,108850,-612.4,13.327,-0.0000091854,-2.9587E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-7.3762,968.16,-0.65227,0.0000018143,2}, VapVis = {102,4.5347E-07,0.55194,231.19,-1256.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.00038221,38.981,-2.075,0.00062625,-0.0000038423}, VapK = {102,0.000048089,1.0964,-142.76,170130,0}, Racketparam = 0.26, UniquacR = 5.8478, UniquacQ = 4.932, ChaoSeadAF = 0.378, ChaoSeadSP = 15050, ChaoSeadLV = 0.16463); end Twomethylheptane; model Threemethylheptane extends General_Properties( SN = 227, name = "Threemethylheptane", CAS = "589-81-1", Tc = 563.6, Pc = 2550000, Vc = 0.4711, Cc = 0.253, Tb = 392.08, Tm = 152.65, TT = 152.6, TP = 0.0000523002, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16278, AF = 0.371, SP = 15180, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.1251E+08, GEF = 1.275E+07, AS = 465510, HFMP = 1.163E+07, HOC = -5.0721E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.48768,0.25064,563.66,0.24544,0}, VP = {101,94.76732,-7652.539,-10.86325,7.450521E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,137930,50.329,9.9028,0.0059467,-0.0000024618}, HOV = {106,6.899021E+07,1.39863,-1.771662,1.093723,-0.270846}, VapCp = {16,103080,-583.42,13.271,0.000052348,-2.126E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-7.3817,976.23,-0.66335,0.0000021183,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000069865,0.21161,854.03,-2592.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.043161,22.706,-1.6829,-0.000063735,-0.0000020484}, VapK = {102,0.000042535,1.1138,-151.71,168420,0}, Racketparam = 0.253, UniquacR = 5.8478, UniquacQ = 4.932, ChaoSeadAF = 0.371, ChaoSeadSP = 15180, ChaoSeadLV = 0.16278); end Threemethylheptane; model Fourmethylheptane extends General_Properties( SN = 228, name = "Fourmethylheptane", CAS = "589-53-7", Tc = 561.7, Pc = 2540000, Vc = 0.476, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 390.86, Tm = 152.19, TT = 152.2, TP = 0.0000457034, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16306, AF = 0.371, SP = 15140, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.1196E+08, GEF = 1.571E+07, AS = 457390, HFMP = 1.08E+07, HOC = -5.07282E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.41247,0.23007,561.76,0.23229,0}, VP = {101,97.33843,-7742.706,-11.25952,7.843366E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,123600,-18.717,11.067,0.0020327,0.0000016218}, HOV = {106,6.797167E+07,1.151616,-0.835173,-0.171743,0.314726}, VapCp = {16,100250,-569.74,13.266,0.000060406,-2.5661E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.11,1066.3,-0.039384,1.7455E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000043616,0.27023,695.06,-2959.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.096483,12.321,-1.3603,-0.00031289,-0.0000012186}, VapK = {102,0.000040274,1.1204,-164.18,166050,0}, Racketparam = 0.259, UniquacR = 5.8478, UniquacQ = 4.932, ChaoSeadAF = 0.371, ChaoSeadSP = 15140, ChaoSeadLV = 0.16306); end Fourmethylheptane; model Threeethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 229, name = "Threeethylhexane", CAS = "619-99-8", Tc = 565.4, Pc = 2610000, Vc = 0.4605, Cc = 0.253, Tb = 391.69, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16101, AF = 0.362, SP = 15210, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.10874E+08, GEF = 1.68615E+07, AS = 457860, HFMP = 0, HOC = -5.07398E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.46206,0.24436,565.51,0.22747,0}, VP = {101,97.09596,-7733.566,-11.22583,7.810756E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,80628,-64.909,11.186,0.0048319,-0.0000040172}, HOV = {106,5.4799E+07,0.26737,0.81877,-1.2904,0.59915}, VapCp = {16,115160,-618.28,13.279,0.0000464,-2.6202E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-7.8742,897.68,-0.5066,2.0784E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,3.7627E-07,0.57415,196.9,-172.94,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.001637,-138.28,-0.62782,-0.0040963,8.9774E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000056588,1.0789,-123.05,173090,0}, Racketparam = 0.253, UniquacR = 5.8478, UniquacQ = 4.932, ChaoSeadAF = 0.362, ChaoSeadSP = 15210, ChaoSeadLV = 0.16101); end Threeethylhexane; model TwoTwodimethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 230, name = "TwoTwodimethylhexane", CAS = "590-73-8", Tc = 549.8, Pc = 2530000, Vc = 0.478, Cc = 0.265, Tb = 379.99, Tm = 151.97, TT = 151.97, TP = 0.000215228, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16529, AF = 0.339, SP = 14580, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.24723E+08, GEF = 1.0711E+07, AS = 432710, HFMP = 6778080, HOC = -5.06247E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.54681,0.26386,549.8,0.27774,0}, VP = {101,94.06922,-7328.821,-10.84298,7.99047E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,125360,373.89,5.844,0.022419,-0.00002308}, HOV = {106,6.211522E+07,1.000418,-0.588989,-0.277913,0.313577}, VapCp = {16,97647,-528.4,13.112,0.00027844,-9.0187E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.328,1166.6,-0.039718,2.6889E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000018535,0.38476,528.24,78.686,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.03878,5.2314,-1.6985,-0.00038448,-0.000001806}, VapK = {102,0.000045965,1.1142,-113.91,162780,0}, Racketparam = 0.265, UniquacR = 5.8471, UniquacQ = 5.012, ChaoSeadAF = 0.339, ChaoSeadSP = 14580, ChaoSeadLV = 0.16529); end TwoTwodimethylhexane; model TwoThreedimethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 231, name = "TwoThreedimethylhexane", CAS = "584-94-1", Tc = 563.4, Pc = 2630000, Vc = 0.4682, Cc = 0.263, Tb = 388.76, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16131, AF = 0.347, SP = 15020, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.13886E+08, GEF = 1.50206E+07, AS = 451960, HFMP = 0, HOC = -5.07176E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.48655,0.24924,563.43,0.24533,0}, VP = {101,106.31,-8083.9,-12.636,0.000008991,2}, LiqCp = {16,-256410,53.354,11.988,0.00458,-0.0000045457}, HOV = {106,5.5877E+07,0.44475,0.4503,-0.98905,0.49662}, VapCp = {16,55247,-379.2,12.913,0.00048944,-1.5722E-07}, LiqVis = {101,8.0389,480.9,-3.1555,0.0000074225,2}, VapVis = {102,4.4497E-07,0.56168,244.71,41.585,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0041864,-133.36,-0.65326,-0.003975,8.3867E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000025619,1.1862,-177.9,153600,0}, Racketparam = 0.263, UniquacR = 5.847, UniquacQ = 4.928, ChaoSeadAF = 0.347, ChaoSeadSP = 15020, ChaoSeadLV = 0.16131); end TwoThreedimethylhexane; model TwoFourdimethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 232, name = "TwoFourdimethylhexane", CAS = "589-43-5", Tc = 553.5, Pc = 2560000, Vc = 0.472, Cc = 0.263, Tb = 382.58, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16408, AF = 0.344, SP = 14650, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.19409E+08, GEF = 1.17152E+07, AS = 447600, HFMP = 0, HOC = -5.06733E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.49412,0.25086,553.5,0.26728,0}, VP = {101,110.28,-8135.7,-13.268,0.0000097316,2}, LiqCp = {16,-373730,38.479,12.478,0.0035274,-0.0000034858}, HOV = {106,5.4006E+07,0.43973,0.30966,-0.70429,0.35515}, VapCp = {16,68028,-390.94,12.9,0.00049032,-1.6117E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-12.459,1208.2,0.16649,-2.1296E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000013835,0.41886,453.95,-1216.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.012272,-146.3,-0.49024,-0.0043592,0.0000013669}, VapK = {102,0.000028277,1.1747,-150.01,140960,0}, Racketparam = 0.263, UniquacR = 5.847, UniquacQ = 4.928, ChaoSeadAF = 0.344, ChaoSeadSP = 14650, ChaoSeadLV = 0.16408); end TwoFourdimethylhexane; model TwoFivedimethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 233, name = "TwoFivedimethylhexane", CAS = "592-13-2", Tc = 550, Pc = 2490000, Vc = 0.482, Cc = 0.262, Tb = 382.26, Tm = 182, TT = 182, TP = 0.0683715, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.1657, AF = 0.357, SP = 14740, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.22631E+08, GEF = 1.046E+07, AS = 442330, HFMP = 1.29537E+07, HOC = -5.06398E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.49779,0.2525,550,0.26429,0}, VP = {101,87.65473,-7122.285,-9.843559,7.04047E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,-51796,-110.09,12.759,0.00089408,-0.0000004354}, HOV = {106,6.2389E+07,1.0017,-0.72582,-0.024698,0.19155}, VapCp = {16,66542,-399.08,12.9,0.00049831,-1.6255E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-2.9399,836.45,-1.3966,0.00000447,2}, VapVis = {102,8.3872E-07,0.47833,344.26,27.957,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.074336,3.6543,-1.5091,-0.00039812,-0.0000013255}, VapK = {102,0.000029331,1.1695,-138.07,145330,0}, Racketparam = 0.262, UniquacR = 5.847, UniquacQ = 4.928, ChaoSeadAF = 0.357, ChaoSeadSP = 14740, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1657); end TwoFivedimethylhexane; model ThreeThreedimethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 234, name = "ThreeThreedimethylhexane", CAS = "563-16-6", Tc = 562, Pc = 2650000, Vc = 0.4428, Cc = 0.251, Tb = 385.12, Tm = 147.05, TT = 147.05, TP = 0.0000473645, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.16181, AF = 0.32, SP = 14880, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.2012E+08, GEF = 1.32633E+07, AS = 438230, HFMP = 7112800, HOC = -5.06682E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.45959,0.24567,562,0.21162,0}, VP = {101,109.95,-8119.3,-13.232,0.0000097251,2}, LiqCp = {16,130950,-54.41,9.7102,0.0098373,-0.0000089507}, HOV = {106,5.8755E+07,0.81257,-0.27217,-0.51422,0.40803}, VapCp = {16,73854,-426.62,12.974,0.00044554,-1.4645E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-7.0202,924.42,-0.69061,0.0000021821,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9286E-07,0.65784,75.166,8686.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.074777,3.6654,-1.4953,-0.00045709,-0.000001113}, VapK = {102,0.000028072,1.1786,-168.43,151580,0}, Racketparam = 0.251, UniquacR = 5.8471, UniquacQ = 5.012, ChaoSeadAF = 0.32, ChaoSeadSP = 14880, ChaoSeadLV = 0.16181); end ThreeThreedimethylhexane; model ThreeFourdimethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 235, name = "ThreeFourdimethylhexane", CAS = "583-48-2", Tc = 568.8, Pc = 2690000, Vc = 0.4588, Cc = 0.265, Tb = 390.88, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.15973, AF = 0.338, SP = 15140, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.13007E+08, GEF = 1.674E+07, AS = 451580, HFMP = 0, HOC = -5.07251E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.45439,0.24011,568.8,0.23618,0}, VP = {101,93.68625,-7521.509,-10.73445,7.52569E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,-327870,47.226,12.229,0.0041484,-0.000004128}, HOV = {106,5.4702E+07,0.45918,0.1856,-0.51513,0.26338}, VapCp = {16,34075,-331.34,12.881,0.00054108,-1.7153E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-41.742,2125.1,4.8163,-0.0000056466,2}, VapVis = {102,6.4152E-07,0.51789,310.46,157.69,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0004002,-144.47,-0.57247,-0.0042745,0.0000010836}, VapK = {102,0.000020807,1.2133,-200.76,152640,0}, Racketparam = 0.265, UniquacR = 5.847, UniquacQ = 4.928, ChaoSeadAF = 0.338, ChaoSeadSP = 15140, ChaoSeadLV = 0.15973); end ThreeFourdimethylhexane; model TwomethylThreeethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 236, name = "TwomethylThreeethylpentane", CAS = "609-26-7", Tc = 567, Pc = 2700000, Vc = 0.4453, Cc = 0.254, Tb = 388.81, Tm = 158.2, TT = 158.2, TP = 0.000447428, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.15972, AF = 0.331, SP = 15140, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.11208E+08, GEF = 1.87861E+07, AS = 443760, HFMP = 1.13386E+07, HOC = -5.07477E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.54567,0.26412,567.03,0.24308,0}, VP = {101,92.12933,-7403.468,-10.51119,7.396006E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,11076,-131.1,12.479,0.0013888,-7.3844E-07}, HOV = {106,5.9697E+07,0.73134,0.033175,-0.91459,0.58962}, VapCp = {16,86476,-441,12.894,0.00051253,-1.9205E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.931,1059.8,-0.066598,1.3283E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,5.6587E-07,0.52506,255.1,-76.481,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.069311,4.0311,-1.5221,-0.00039448,-0.0000012799}, VapK = {102,0.000026967,1.1845,-133.92,140280,0}, Racketparam = 0.254, UniquacR = 5.847, UniquacQ = 4.928, ChaoSeadAF = 0.331, ChaoSeadSP = 15140, ChaoSeadLV = 0.15972); end TwomethylThreeethylpentane; model ThreemethylThreeethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 237, name = "ThreemethylThreeethylpentane", CAS = "1067-08-9", Tc = 576.5, Pc = 2810000, Vc = 0.4551, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 391.42, Tm = 182.28, TT = 182.28, TP = 0.0625263, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.15788, AF = 0.305, SP = 15060, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.1485E+08, GEF = 2.288E+07, AS = 432960, HFMP = 1.08E+07, HOC = -5.0716E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.59884,0.27253,576.5,0.28169,0}, VP = {101,85.77668,-7097.92,-9.572218,6.70781E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,77769,172.95,9.182,0.01021,-0.0000086615}, HOV = {106,6.3775E+07,1.5194,-2.4569,2.0687,-0.69375}, VapCp = {16,89715,-509.11,13.135,0.00024858,-7.767E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-18.59,1270.3,1.2467,-0.0000036226,2}, VapVis = {102,7.5822E-07,0.50218,361.22,-3635.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.037427,7.7785,-1.7161,-0.00028317,-0.0000017728}, VapK = {102,0.000021773,1.2197,-136.64,138470,0}, Racketparam = 0.267, UniquacR = 5.8471, UniquacQ = 5.012, ChaoSeadAF = 0.305, ChaoSeadSP = 15060, ChaoSeadLV = 0.15788); end ThreemethylThreeethylpentane; model TwoTwoThreeThreetetramethylbutane extends General_Properties( SN = 238, name = "TwoTwoThreeThreetetramethylbutane", CAS = "594-82-1", Tc = 567.8, Pc = 2870000, Vc = 0.482, Cc = 0.28, Tb = 379.44, Tm = 373.84, TT = 373.96, TP = 86930.2, MW = 114.231, LVB = 0.13902, AF = 0.248, SP = 12790, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.256E+08, GEF = 2.223E+07, AS = 389360, HFMP = 7540000, HOC = -5.0558E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.61397,0.27674,567.8,0.28198,0}, VP = {101,120.66,-8500.6,-14.863,0.000010649,2}, LiqCp = {16,239620,55.905,3.1054,0.027363,-0.000020376}, HOV = {106,5.3062E+07,0.30484,0.85323,-1.2161,0.48282}, VapCp = {16,73914,-415.76,12.897,0.00056384,-1.6707E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-17.538,1603.5,0.8804,-0.0000034564,2}, VapVis = {102,7.9099E-07,0.51128,412.18,-5389.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0058143,-354.88,0.79351,-0.0067293,0.0000023134}, VapK = {102,0.000012508,1.3068,-132.52,121650,0}, Racketparam = 0.28, UniquacR = 5.8456, UniquacQ = 5.088, ChaoSeadAF = 0.248, ChaoSeadSP = 12790, ChaoSeadLV = 0.13902); end TwoTwoThreeThreetetramethylbutane; model TwoTwoFivetrimethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 239, name = "TwoTwoFivetrimethylhexane", CAS = "3522-94-9", Tc = 568.05, Pc = 2330000, Vc = 0.519, Cc = 0.255, Tb = 397.24, Tm = 167.39, TT = 167.39, TP = 0.000968629, MW = 128.255, LVB = 0.18225, AF = 0.3571, SP = 14380, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.533E+08, GEF = 1.38E+07, AS = 461700, HFMP = 6200000, HOC = -5.66643E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.45081,0.25256,569.81,0.27357,0}, VP = {101,133.84,-9023.578,-17.08913,0.0000169305,2}, LiqCp = {16,84566,233.86,8.46,0.013452,-0.000012421}, HOV = {106,8.039801E+07,1.702411,-1.574913,0.0056916,0.373292}, VapCp = {16,102010,-531.68,13.312,0.00017105,-4.7837E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.084,1011.7,0.13186,-0.000000312,2}, VapVis = {102,6.7588E-07,0.49876,301.49,-1437,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.13721,56.65,-1.9542,0.0024543,-0.0000043702}, VapK = {102,0.000030176,1.1642,-156.95,161470,0}, Racketparam = 0.255, UniquacR = 6.5207, UniquacQ = 5.548, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3571, ChaoSeadSP = 14380, ChaoSeadLV = 0.18225); end TwoTwoFivetrimethylhexane; model TwoFourFourtrimethylhexane extends General_Properties( SN = 240, name = "TwoFourFourtrimethylhexane", CAS = "16747-30-1", Tc = 583, Pc = 2500000, Vc = 0.509, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 403.81, Tm = 159.78, TT = 159.78, TP = 0.000306827, MW = 128.255, LVB = 0.178125, AF = 0.352203, SP = 14590, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.403E+08, GEF = 2.5E+07, AS = 468400, HFMP = 1.13E+07, HOC = -5.68E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.098546,0.11862,583,0.15161,0}, VP = {101,143.1127,-9541.532,-18.4559,0.0000171318,2}, LiqCp = {16,36795,-79.414,11.689,0.0041098,-0.0000031494}, HOV = {106,5.5551E+07,0.63316,-0.60532,0.59593,-0.24062}, VapCp = {16,84170,-452.22,13.167,0.00035197,-1.1076E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-6.9748,1194.1,-0.75025,-2.9452E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000003308,0.60466,252.52,-7535.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.061213,3.6115,-1.5687,-0.00048198,-0.000001134}, VapK = {102,0.000028131,1.1825,-103.57,142450,0}, Racketparam = 0.26, UniquacR = 6.5207, UniquacQ = 5.548, ChaoSeadAF = 0.352203, ChaoSeadSP = 14590, ChaoSeadLV = 0.178125); end TwoFourFourtrimethylhexane; model ThreeThreediethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 241, name = "ThreeThreediethylpentane", CAS = "1067-20-5", Tc = 610.05, Pc = 2674980, Vc = 0.473, Cc = 0.249, Tb = 419.34, Tm = 240.12, TT = 240.12, TP = 13.7918, MW = 128.255, LVB = 0.171012, AF = 0.3379, SP = 15220, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.31835E+08, GEF = 4.17E+07, AS = 436500, HFMP = 9800000, HOC = -5.68438E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.61216,0.28967,610.05,0.29325,0}, VP = {101,143.8917,-9842.666,-18.51396,0.000016514,2}, LiqCp = {16,167890,37.678,8.6605,0.012988,-0.000011813}, HOV = {106,5.0222E+07,-0.028455,0.90984,-0.78409,0.24027}, VapCp = {16,120540,-563.25,13.32,0.00012473,-3.6626E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.975,1131.8,0.25767,-3.4761E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.6575E-07,0.57536,184.44,2017.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.021495,-29.993,-1.4603,-0.0013716,-7.6272E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000069723,1.0959,342.29,74930,0}, Racketparam = 0.249, UniquacR = 6.5215, UniquacQ = 5.552, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3379, ChaoSeadSP = 15220, ChaoSeadLV = 0.171012); end ThreeThreediethylpentane; model TwoTwoThreeThreetetramethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 242, name = "TwoTwoThreeThreetetramethylpentane", CAS = "7154-79-2", Tc = 607.6, Pc = 2740000, Vc = 0.478, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 413.44, Tm = 263.26, TT = 263.26, TP = 133.839, MW = 128.258, LVB = 0.17034, AF = 0.304, SP = 15060, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.36856E+08, GEF = 3.74E+07, AS = 436600, HFMP = 2300000, HOC = -5.68149E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.58952,0.28267,607.6,0.29572,0}, VP = {101,139.0487,-9535.451,-17.78617,0.0000157521,2}, LiqCp = {16,116740,-86.104,11.13,0.0046308,-0.000003068}, HOV = {106,5.3713E+07,0.39899,-0.032998,0.06374,-0.0535}, VapCp = {16,55048,-357.31,13.013,0.00055209,-1.6211E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-9.7597,1441.2,-0.37772,-0.000001226,2}, VapVis = {102,8.1934E-07,0.48521,356.82,-1384.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0045701,-120.11,-0.775,-0.0036256,9.650699E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000014917,1.2661,-211.67,155870,0}, Racketparam = 0.269, UniquacR = 6.52, UniquacQ = 5.628, ChaoSeadAF = 0.304, ChaoSeadSP = 15060, ChaoSeadLV = 0.17034); end TwoTwoThreeThreetetramethylpentane; model TwoTwoThreeFourtetramethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 243, name = "TwoTwoThreeFourtetramethylpentane", CAS = "1186-53-4", Tc = 592.7, Pc = 2530000, Vc = 0.49, Cc = 0.258, Tb = 406.18, Tm = 152.06, TT = 152.06, TP = 0.000053591, MW = 128.258, LVB = 0.179229, AF = 0.301, SP = 14730, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.37358E+08, GEF = 3.26352E+07, AS = 452834, HFMP = 500000, HOC = -5.68208E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.42889,0.24425,592.7,0.24983,0}, VP = {101,137.07,-9700.5,-17.255,0.000012062,2}, LiqCp = {16,177720,-50.337,8.3416,0.015008,-0.000013849}, HOV = {106,5.771831E+07,1.016576,-1.835135,2.12911,-0.921819}, VapCp = {16,83946,-465.16,13.193,0.000328,-9.6189E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.182,1248.5,-0.55988,-2.1902E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.9083E-07,0.57522,220.52,-776.34,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.045924,4.3553,-1.6529,-0.00040588,-0.000001389}, VapK = {102,0.000019408,1.2262,-198.62,159810,0}, Racketparam = 0.258, UniquacR = 6.5199, UniquacQ = 5.544, ChaoSeadAF = 0.301, ChaoSeadSP = 14730, ChaoSeadLV = 0.179229); end TwoTwoThreeFourtetramethylpentane; model TwoTwoFourFourtetramethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 244, name = "TwoTwoFourFourtetramethylpentane", CAS = "1070-87-7", Tc = 571.35, Pc = 2360870, Vc = 0.504, Cc = 0.263, Tb = 395.44, Tm = 206.95, TT = 206.95, TP = 1.83952, MW = 128.255, LVB = 0.17923, AF = 0.313609, SP = 14150, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.41375E+08, GEF = 3.40159E+07, AS = 431496, HFMP = 9700000, HOC = -5.67978E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.47711,0.25904,574.61,0.26647,0}, VP = {101,136.5701,-9035.55,-17.5287,0.0000167892,2}, LiqCp = {16,119280,88.665,9.3063,0.010453,-0.0000091934}, HOV = {106,5.75823E+07,1.154086,-2.055247,2.209851,-0.923166}, VapCp = {16,122670,-599.26,13.402,0.000099085,-1.741E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.148,1468.8,-0.33327,-0.0000013179,2}, VapVis = {102,5.8808E-07,0.52306,289.62,-2721.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.038909,-2.6455,-1.623,-0.0006558,-0.0000013711}, VapK = {102,0.000015165,1.2696,-148.49,133700,0}, Racketparam = 0.263, UniquacR = 6.52, UniquacQ = 5.628, ChaoSeadAF = 0.313609, ChaoSeadSP = 14150, ChaoSeadLV = 0.17923); end TwoTwoFourFourtetramethylpentane; model TwoThreeThreeFourtetramethylpentane extends General_Properties( SN = 245, name = "TwoThreeThreeFourtetramethylpentane", CAS = "16747-38-9", Tc = 607.1, Pc = 2670000, Vc = 0.493, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 414.71, Tm = 171.05, TT = 171.03, TP = 0.00089642, MW = 128.258, LVB = 0.17076, AF = 0.313, SP = 15110, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.361E+08, GEF = 3.8E+07, AS = 436900, HFMP = 9000000, HOC = -5.6822E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.49299,0.25927,607.51,0.27003,0}, VP = {101,79.047,-7201.2,-8.4677,0.0000051332,2}, LiqCp = {16,61477,20.611,11.082,0.0041652,-0.0000014763}, HOV = {106,5.5207E+07,0.63465,-0.82041,1.0175,-0.45604}, VapCp = {16,50811,-338.13,12.991,0.00056259,-1.7284E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-7.4098,1217,-0.67198,-2.7904E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.7299E-07,0.59636,289.93,-9056.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.058699,3.5637,-1.5648,-0.000479,-0.0000010469}, VapK = {102,0.000035577,1.1602,-50.424,142790,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 6.5199, UniquacQ = 5.544, ChaoSeadAF = 0.313, ChaoSeadSP = 15110, ChaoSeadLV = 0.17076); end TwoThreeThreeFourtetramethylpentane; model Twomethyloctane extends General_Properties( SN = 246, name = "Twomethyloctane", CAS = "3221-61-2", Tc = 587, Pc = 2310000, Vc = 0.529, Cc = 0.25, Tb = 416.44, Tm = 193.05, TT = 193.05, TP = 0.0206, MW = 128.258, LVB = 0.18075, AF = 0.423, SP = 15310, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.348E+08, GEF = 2.21E+07, AS = 496800, HFMP = 1.8E+07, HOC = -5.6791E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.048725,0.083928,587,0.13299,0}, VP = {101,117.6637,-9065.067,-14.28093,0.0000101806,2}, LiqCp = {16,69326,112.91,10.449,0.0058606,-0.0000035224}, HOV = {106,6.8687E+07,1.3406,-2.5809,2.7985,-1.1501}, VapCp = {16,145390,-732.92,13.658,-0.00027343,8.6186E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-14.31,1234.5,0.50422,-0.0000012054,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000005318,0.52649,272.37,-710.16,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.15278,14.586,-1.1974,-0.00013887,-9.4417E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00002892,1.1595,-163.72,160440,0}, Racketparam = 0.25, UniquacR = 6.5222, UniquacQ = 5.472, ChaoSeadAF = 0.423, ChaoSeadSP = 15310, ChaoSeadLV = 0.18075); end Twomethyloctane; model Threemethyloctane extends General_Properties( SN = 247, name = "Threemethyloctane", CAS = "2216-33-3", Tc = 590.15, Pc = 2340000, Vc = 0.529, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 417.38, Tm = 165.55, TT = 165.55, TP = 0.0000898613, MW = 128.255, LVB = 0.178944, AF = 0.412346, SP = 15380, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.336E+08, GEF = 2.17E+07, AS = 501660, HFMP = 1.7E+07, HOC = -5.68128E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.4999,0.26438,590.15,0.29155,0}, VP = {101,169.345,-11170.36,-22.26865,0.0000190112,2}, LiqCp = {16,39163,25.328,11.626,0.0021572,2.6369E-07}, HOV = {106,6.3378E+07,0.67667,-0.53996,0.45608,-0.18958}, VapCp = {16,118620,-596.81,13.418,0.0000088283,-1.2271E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.252,1147.6,-0.021999,4.3706E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,4.9482E-07,0.53152,245.99,4.1109,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.1642,10.91,-1.1265,-0.00023366,-7.9637E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000040968,1.1096,-178.72,180220,0}, Racketparam = 0.252, UniquacR = 6.5222, UniquacQ = 5.472, ChaoSeadAF = 0.412346, ChaoSeadSP = 15380, ChaoSeadLV = 0.178944); end Threemethyloctane; model Fourmethyloctane extends General_Properties( SN = 248, name = "Fourmethyloctane", CAS = "2216-34-4", Tc = 587.65, Pc = 2340000, Vc = 0.523, Cc = 0.25, Tb = 415.59, Tm = 159.95, TT = 159.95, TP = 0.0000317697, MW = 128.255, LVB = 0.179037, AF = 0.412925, SP = 15300, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.336E+08, GEF = 2.17E+07, AS = 501660, HFMP = 1.6E+07, HOC = -5.68166E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.51336,0.26824,587.65,0.29075,0}, VP = {101,168.4912,-11138.63,-22.13486,0.0000188399,2}, LiqCp = {16,71582,100.57,10.612,0.0050783,-0.0000024905}, HOV = {106,6.2916E+07,0.7446,-0.80882,0.80228,-0.33895}, VapCp = {16,116790,-588.34,13.412,0.000015201,-1.4561E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.837,1162,0.077237,-2.6336E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.2706E-07,0.5848,183.92,0.068678,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.1663,9.2848,-1.1068,-0.00028405,-0.0000007408}, VapK = {102,0.000038784,1.117,-185.06,177130,0}, Racketparam = 0.25, UniquacR = 6.5222, UniquacQ = 5.472, ChaoSeadAF = 0.412925, ChaoSeadSP = 15300, ChaoSeadLV = 0.179037); end Fourmethyloctane; model Threeethylheptane extends General_Properties( SN = 249, name = "Threeethylheptane", CAS = "15869-80-4", Tc = 594.3, Pc = 2430000, Vc = 0.5213, Cc = 0.257, Tb = 416.35, Tm = 158.25, TT = 158.25, TP = 0.0000277743, MW = 128.255, LVB = 0.177515, AF = 0.407991, SP = 15300, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.3146E+08, GEF = 2.494E+07, AS = 497400, HFMP = 1.6E+07, HOC = -5.6838E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.38578,0.23273,594.3,0.25158,0}, VP = {101,103.6653,-8269.445,-12.32292,0.000012256,2}, LiqCp = {16,29546,-3.2521,11.386,0.0045932,-0.0000035582}, HOV = {106,6.3311E+07,1.0505,-1.9581,2.2955,-0.98973}, VapCp = {16,137360,-689.88,13.586,-0.00018791,5.2355E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.279,1149.8,-0.019903,1.7111E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000007497,0.48637,340.94,-2876.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.038271,3.4169,-1.6847,-0.00052626,-0.0000013295}, VapK = {102,0.000030963,1.1527,-150.17,156710,0}, Racketparam = 0.257, UniquacR = 6.5222, UniquacQ = 5.472, ChaoSeadAF = 0.407991, ChaoSeadSP = 15300, ChaoSeadLV = 0.177515); end Threeethylheptane; model TwoTwodimethylheptane extends General_Properties( SN = 250, name = "TwoTwodimethylheptane", CAS = "1071-26-7", Tc = 577.8, Pc = 2350000, Vc = 0.525, Cc = 0.257, Tb = 405.97, Tm = 160.15, TT = 160.15, TP = 0.000152983, MW = 128.258, LVB = 0.18151, AF = 0.383, SP = 14720, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.461E+08, GEF = 1.79E+07, AS = 471800, HFMP = 8900000, HOC = -5.672E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.19929,0.16944,577.8,0.19098,0}, VP = {101,173.1768,-10891.65,-23.04354,0.0000217483,2}, LiqCp = {16,188490,-126.2,10.161,0.0065361,-0.0000033154}, HOV = {106,5.677584E+07,0.420266,0.0606766,-0.058971,-0.0565229}, VapCp = {16,119340,-582.53,13.386,0.000067675,-2.1229E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.654,1250.4,0.03445,-6.0618E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,8.0205E-07,0.4765,340.6,-3260.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.04961,4.5364,-1.657,-0.00038774,-0.0000014465}, VapK = {102,0.000023582,1.1966,-148.34,144910,0}, Racketparam = 0.257, UniquacR = 6.5215, UniquacQ = 5.552, ChaoSeadAF = 0.383, ChaoSeadSP = 14720, ChaoSeadLV = 0.18151); end TwoTwodimethylheptane; model ThreeThreeFivetrimethylheptane extends General_Properties( SN = 251, name = "ThreeThreeFivetrimethylheptane", CAS = "7154-80-5", Tc = 609.6, Pc = 2320000, Vc = 0.564, Cc = 0.258, Tb = 428.83, Tm = 165, TT = 165, TP = 0.0000151957, MW = 142.285, LVB = 0.19248, AF = 0.383, SP = 15010, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.588E+08, GEF = 3.23E+07, AS = 513420, HFMP = 1.4E+07, HOC = -6.2911E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.32798,0.22465,609.6,0.2413,0}, VP = {101,165.0702,-10873.83,-21.67781,0.0000174271,2}, LiqCp = {16,181900,88.778,8.7398,0.011239,-0.0000078705}, HOV = {106,5.692041E+07,-0.369689,2.788348,-3.430471,1.37842}, VapCp = {16,93450,-461.09,13.294,0.00031582,-1.0309E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-7.8795,1294.8,-0.60549,-4.2086E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,5.7085E-07,0.52829,329.98,-4470.2,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0037809,-39.052,-1.5072,-0.0019367,-8.6862E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000042493,1.1211,-89.298,167970,0}, Racketparam = 0.258, UniquacR = 7.1951, UniquacQ = 6.088, ChaoSeadAF = 0.383, ChaoSeadSP = 15010, ChaoSeadLV = 0.19248); end ThreeThreeFivetrimethylheptane; model TwoTwodimethyloctane extends General_Properties( SN = 252, name = "TwoTwodimethyloctane", CAS = "15869-87-1", Tc = 602.4, Pc = 2110000, Vc = 0.5897, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 430.05, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 142.282, LVB = 0.197405, AF = 0.428759, SP = 14870, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.67E+08, GEF = 2.6E+07, AS = 511000, HFMP = 1.7E+07, HOC = -6.281E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.27519,0.20873,602.4,0.22241,0}, VP = {101,128.2162,-9736.787,-15.87938,0.0000121145,2}, LiqCp = {16,130180,214,8.9638,0.010626,-0.0000085091}, HOV = {106,6.2139E+07,0.81955,-1.4728,1.7846,-0.74179}, VapCp = {16,133300,-582.81,13.49,0.000049115,-1.5637E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.132,1337.2,0.10372,-1.6576E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.6483E-07,0.48953,292.37,276.07,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.054905,-9.2849,-1.513,-0.00077582,-8.6839E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000023992,1.186,-157.89,154490,0}, Racketparam = 0.248, UniquacR = 7.1959, UniquacQ = 6.092, ChaoSeadAF = 0.428759, ChaoSeadSP = 14870, ChaoSeadLV = 0.197405); end TwoTwodimethyloctane; model Threemethylnonane extends General_Properties( SN = 253, name = "Threemethylnonane", CAS = "5911-04-6", Tc = 613.7, Pc = 2140000, Vc = 0.5904, Cc = 0.247, Tb = 440.95, Tm = 188.35, TT = 188.35, TP = 0.000565366, MW = 142.282, LVB = 0.195076, AF = 0.464925, SP = 15470, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.544E+08, GEF = 2.88E+07, AS = 543900, HFMP = 1.88E+07, HOC = -6.291E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.19012,0.17319,613.7,0.19349,0}, VP = {101,90.738,-8476.8,-10.023,0.0000053448,2}, LiqCp = {16,78506,74.892,11.023,0.0040568,-0.0000015927}, HOV = {106,8.354164E+07,1.024481,-0.0908156,-1.228122,0.762381}, VapCp = {16,133050,-599.42,13.53,-0.000017353,-3.363E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-12.922,1267.3,0.28159,-8.3807E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.1879E-07,0.49638,289.26,-877.62,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.1781,10.557,-1.078,-0.00023148,-6.8221E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000033407,1.1338,-162.76,171650,0}, Racketparam = 0.247, UniquacR = 7.196599, UniquacQ = 6.012, ChaoSeadAF = 0.464925, ChaoSeadSP = 15470, ChaoSeadLV = 0.195076); end Threemethylnonane; model Twomethylnonane extends General_Properties( SN = 254, name = "Twomethylnonane", CAS = "871-83-0", Tc = 621, Pc = 2050000, Vc = 0.601, Cc = 0.244, Tb = 440.15, Tm = 198.5, TT = 198.5, TP = 0.00248675, MW = 142.282, LVB = 0.196826, AF = 0.472342, SP = 15380, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.5652E+08, GEF = 2.841E+07, AS = 538020, HFMP = 1.75E+07, HOC = -6.2888E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.2243,0.18661,621,0.23259,0}, VP = {101,133.13,-10462,-16.388,0.0000099287,2}, LiqCp = {16,-52606,80.981,11.786,0.0026831,-6.0448E-07}, HOV = {106,7.023987E+07,-0.879246,6.371272,-9.404583,4.418702}, VapCp = {16,137030,-599.28,13.509,0.0000018563,-1.0781E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-3.1519,949.54,-1.2725,0.0000012986,2}, VapVis = {102,9.2127E-07,0.44292,352.44,-1163.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.16513,15.121,-1.1582,-0.00011252,-0.0000008534}, VapK = {102,0.000030641,1.1437,-171.78,168770,0}, Racketparam = 0.244, UniquacR = 7.196599, UniquacQ = 6.012, ChaoSeadAF = 0.472342, ChaoSeadSP = 15380, ChaoSeadLV = 0.196826); end Twomethylnonane; model Fourmethylnonane extends General_Properties( SN = 255, name = "Fourmethylnonane", CAS = "17301-94-9", Tc = 613.7, Pc = 2140000, Vc = 0.5904, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 438.85, Tm = 174.45, TT = 174.45, TP = 0.000108068, MW = 142.282, LVB = 0.195426, AF = 0.465073, SP = 15500, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.547E+08, GEF = 2.89E+07, AS = 541900, HFMP = 1.52E+07, HOC = -6.291E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.046753,0.085687,613.7,0.13909,0}, VP = {101,143.6866,-10632.15,-18.17547,0.0000137486,2}, LiqCp = {16,41953,56.5,11.484,0.0029861,-0.0000006055}, HOV = {106,6.2873E+07,0.39496,-0.054115,0.081779,-0.040701}, VapCp = {16,130820,-589.61,13.519,-0.0000013811,-1.0182E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.7174,1148.5,-0.42278,0.000000818,2}, VapVis = {102,5.0899E-07,0.5228,260.59,-971.93,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.16198,12.531,-1.1439,-0.00019006,-7.9079E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000039332,1.1131,-152.11,174490,0}, Racketparam = 0.248, UniquacR = 7.196599, UniquacQ = 6.012, ChaoSeadAF = 0.465073, ChaoSeadSP = 15500, ChaoSeadLV = 0.195426); end Fourmethylnonane; model Fivemethylnonane extends General_Properties( SN = 256, name = "Fivemethylnonane", CAS = "15869-85-9", Tc = 609.6, Pc = 2140000, Vc = 0.5904, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 438.25, Tm = 186, TT = 185.45, TP = 0.000438465, MW = 142.282, LVB = 0.195298, AF = 0.456177, SP = 15440, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.5472E+08, GEF = 3.06E+07, AS = 536500, HFMP = 1.66E+07, HOC = -6.291E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.41463,0.2529,610.01,0.28051,0}, VP = {101,215.6392,-13712.31,-29.15861,0.0000236309,2}, LiqCp = {16,230160,-61.977,9.1603,0.0096645,-0.0000061376}, HOV = {106,6.5588E+07,0.029762,1.6061,-2.0417,0.80324}, VapCp = {16,131700,-594.98,13.529,-0.000014234,-5.0987E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-13.838,1303.8,0.41828,-8.7942E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,5.7631E-07,0.50736,283.05,-1279.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.183,10.49,-1.0698,-0.00021616,-6.8913E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00003614,1.1239,-159.13,172680,0}, Racketparam = 0.248, UniquacR = 7.196599, UniquacQ = 6.012, ChaoSeadAF = 0.456177, ChaoSeadSP = 15440, ChaoSeadLV = 0.195298); end Fivemethylnonane; model CisTwohexene extends General_Properties( SN = 257, name = "CisTwohexene", CAS = "7688-21-3", Tc = 511.4, Pc = 3160000, Vc = 0.345, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 342.03, Tm = 132, TT = 132.03, TP = 0.000232, MW = 84.1595, LVB = 0.1234, AF = 0.287374, SP = 15360, DM = 1.015E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -4.856E+07, GEF = 8.025E+07, AS = 386500, HFMP = 8857530, HOC = -3.728E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77464,0.2672,511.4,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,104.3995,-6791.221,-12.84602,0.0000165576,2}, LiqCp = {16,135610,570.7,1.6392,0.033591,-0.000032605}, HOV = {106,4.9E+07,1.281,-2.4971,2.499,-0.86824}, VapCp = {16,88576,-789.82,13.286,-0.00034537,1.0091E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.864,787.8,0.0025561,-7.6676E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,3.6061E-08,0.91362,-8.4415,1515.2,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.038625,3.4165,-1.4421,-0.00078927,-0.0000017176}, VapK = {102,0.000053674,1.0887,-86.934,155330,0}, Racketparam = 0.256, UniquacR = 4.2677, UniquacQ = 3.643, ChaoSeadAF = 0.287374, ChaoSeadSP = 15360, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1234); end CisTwohexene; model TransTwohexene extends General_Properties( SN = 258, name = "TransTwohexene", CAS = "4050-45-7", Tc = 509.8, Pc = 3168000, Vc = 0.345, Cc = 0.258, Tb = 341.02, Tm = 140.17, TT = 140.17, TP = 0.00179, MW = 84.1595, LVB = 0.125, AF = 0.288635, SP = 15250, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -5.381E+07, GEF = 7.675E+07, AS = 380600, HFMP = 8255030, HOC = -3.72648E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.7854,0.271,509.8,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,102.7613,-6858.249,-12.46469,0.0000134849,2}, LiqCp = {16,145330,591.61,0.45085,0.040176,-0.000043449}, HOV = {106,4.402196E+07,0.563356,-0.497314,0.306975,0.0161359}, VapCp = {16,96839,-758.81,13.112,-0.00018911,4.7057E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.296,798.85,0.074688,-2.5765E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.5985E-08,0.91455,-9.2013,1687.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.091076,-0.14352,-1.1963,-0.00093801,-0.0000007123}, VapK = {102,0.000094853,1.0175,2.8366,154410,0}, Racketparam = 0.258, UniquacR = 4.2677, UniquacQ = 3.643, ChaoSeadAF = 0.288635, ChaoSeadSP = 15250, ChaoSeadLV = 0.125); end TransTwohexene; model Oneoctene extends General_Properties( SN = 259, name = "Oneoctene", CAS = "111-66-0", Tc = 567, Pc = 2680000, Vc = 0.468, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 394.44, Tm = 171.45, TT = 171.45, TP = 0.00298, MW = 112.215, LVB = 0.15785, AF = 0.393, SP = 15540, DM = 1.4E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -8.194E+07, GEF = 1.057E+08, AS = 463700, HFMP = 1.531E+07, HOC = -4.961E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.44684,0.23463,567,0.24846,0}, VP = {101,177.7155,-11137.29,-23.58923,0.000019592,2}, LiqCp = {16,-24253,87.834,11.35,0.0032002,-0.0000012467}, HOV = {106,5.7062E+07,0.3453,0.41628,-0.36125,-0.059539}, VapCp = {16,106430,-593.77,13.154,0.00006689,-2.6274E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-5.8042,945.32,-0.93827,0.0000032767,2}, VapVis = {102,0.000047664,0.084052,3514.6,21127,0}, LiqK = {16,0.035226,40.754,-2.2668,0.00092297,-0.0000060301}, VapK = {102,0.000014109,1.354,610.51,-30915,0}, Racketparam = 0.266, UniquacR = 5.6185, UniquacQ = 4.724, ChaoSeadAF = 0.393, ChaoSeadSP = 15540, ChaoSeadLV = 0.15785); end Oneoctene; model Onenonene extends General_Properties( SN = 260, name = "Onenonene", CAS = "124-11-8", Tc = 594, Pc = 2330000, Vc = 0.526, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 420.03, Tm = 191.91, TT = 191.91, TP = 0.0204, MW = 126.242, LVB = 0.17405, AF = 0.411, SP = 15500, DM = 2.0E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.035E+08, GEF = 1.123E+08, AS = 504100, HFMP = 1.9359E+07, HOC = -5.5716E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.18062,0.15802,594,0.18969,0}, VP = {101,120.37,-9418.7,-14.583,0.0000094863,2}, LiqCp = {16,58309,119.15,10.75,0.0042025,-0.0000015805}, HOV = {106,5.0729E+07,-0.72017,3.2276,-3.6347,1.4659}, VapCp = {16,122350,-622.4,13.352,-0.000015236,-2.3169E-10}, LiqVis = {101,-10.296,1057.3,-0.12431,2.0281E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,7.2319E-08,0.81707,155.31,-12572,0}, LiqK = {16,0.024602,-118.29,-0.40946,-0.0056136,0.0000021909}, VapK = {102,0.000019761,1.2983,563.96,24829,0}, Racketparam = 0.248, UniquacR = 6.2929, UniquacQ = 5.264, ChaoSeadAF = 0.411, ChaoSeadSP = 15500, ChaoSeadLV = 0.17405); end Onenonene; model Oneundecene extends General_Properties( SN = 261, name = "Oneundecene", CAS = "821-95-4", Tc = 637.8, Pc = 2044000, Vc = 0.657, Cc = 0.253, Tb = 465.82, Tm = 223.99, TT = 223.99, TP = 0.0473, MW = 154.292, LVB = 0.2065, AF = 0.522466, SP = 15680, DM = 1.8E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.449E+08, GEF = 1.283E+08, AS = 582180, HFMP = 1.699E+07, HOC = -6.7878E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.38001,0.24991,637.8,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,93.64799,-9306.494,-10.26144,4.149832E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,99868,144.48,10.69,0.0042614,-0.0000010791}, HOV = {106,2.3696E+07,-6.3933,18.084,-19.033,7.4719}, VapCp = {16,138670,-549.63,13.4,0.00014861,-5.2026E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-49.01257,2643.166,5.957949,-8.451873E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,5.0406E-08,0.85093,112.38,-8900.1,0}, LiqK = {16,0.067847,-250.41,0.40201,-0.0082828,0.0000014058}, VapK = {102,0.000018335,1.3031,709.58,-2804.6,0}, Racketparam = 0.253, UniquacR = 7.6417, UniquacQ = 6.344, ChaoSeadAF = 0.522466, ChaoSeadSP = 15680, ChaoSeadLV = 0.2065); end Oneundecene; model TwomethylOnepentene extends General_Properties( SN = 262, name = "TwomethylOnepentene", CAS = "763-29-1", Tc = 507, Pc = 3160000, Vc = 0.359, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 335.26, Tm = 137.43, TT = 137.42, TP = 0.000805463, MW = 84.1595, LVB = 0.124649, AF = 0.261138, SP = 15070, DM = 1.89E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -5.22581E+07, GEF = 7.2969E+07, AS = 374000, HFMP = 7029120, HOC = -3.72209E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.13372,0.11276,507,0.1472,0}, VP = {101,85.161,-6171.1,-9.6632,0.0000085639,2}, LiqCp = {16,173630,-41311,386.78,-1.1602,0.0012063}, HOV = {106,5.397303E+07,1.23932,-1.433928,0.797889,-0.142823}, VapCp = {16,92049,-683.66,13.009,-0.000089454,1.0969E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.406,797.71,0.099228,-5.3373E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.3076E-07,0.52447,272.22,-3046.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.026056,4.3913,-1.6749,-0.00048682,-0.0000023385}, VapK = {102,0.000074858,1.0485,-32.169,140340,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 4.2689, UniquacQ = 3.64, ChaoSeadAF = 0.261138, ChaoSeadSP = 15070, ChaoSeadLV = 0.124649); end TwomethylOnepentene; model FourmethylcisTwopentene extends General_Properties( SN = 263, name = "FourmethylcisTwopentene", CAS = "691-38-3", Tc = 499, Pc = 3220000, Vc = 0.346, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 329.53, Tm = 138.72, TT = 138.3, TP = 0.00215772, MW = 84.1595, LVB = 0.126648, AF = 0.244178, SP = 14610, DM = 7.18E-31, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -5.03335E+07, GEF = 7.69856E+07, AS = 373338, HFMP = 7363840, HOC = -3.72502E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77793,0.27017,499,0.2861,0}, VP = {101,83.573,-5993.9,-9.4501,0.0000085686,2}, LiqCp = {16,-59803,-16.203,11.773,0.0034333,-0.0000037581}, HOV = {106,5.4227E+07,1.5628,-2.6171,2.4298,-0.92758}, VapCp = {16,101130,-861.95,13.463,-0.00060529,2.0212E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.752,820.42,0.14056,-7.3435E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.3021E-07,0.52941,268.94,16.597,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.050868,4.0553,-1.554,-0.00045968,-0.000001981}, VapK = {102,0.000052516,1.0978,-60.883,128130,0}, Racketparam = 0.269, UniquacR = 4.2669, UniquacQ = 3.639, ChaoSeadAF = 0.244178, ChaoSeadSP = 14610, ChaoSeadLV = 0.126648); end FourmethylcisTwopentene; model FourmethyltransTwopentene extends General_Properties( SN = 264, name = "FourmethyltransTwopentene", CAS = "674-76-0", Tc = 501, Pc = 3220000, Vc = 0.346, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 331.76, Tm = 132.36, TT = 132.35, TP = 0.000344783, MW = 84.1595, LVB = 0.126739, AF = 0.255237, SP = 14730, DM = 3.63E-31, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -5.43501E+07, GEF = 7.43497E+07, AS = 368390, HFMP = 7154640, HOC = -3.7205E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77321,0.26966,501,0.28578,0}, VP = {101,81.691,-5972.8,-9.1408,0.0000081285,2}, LiqCp = {16,22279,6.5061,10.859,0.0058182,-0.000006387}, HOV = {106,5.3985E+07,1.4966,-2.4784,2.2857,-0.85991}, VapCp = {16,95377,-622.83,12.814,0.000074545,-3.6318E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.038,805.55,0.01464,-7.2359E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,7.4971E-07,0.50587,292.11,780.77,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.02241,4.5423,-1.7038,-0.00048445,-0.0000024834}, VapK = {102,0.000062348,1.0772,-17.479,116240,0}, Racketparam = 0.267, UniquacR = 4.2669, UniquacQ = 3.639, ChaoSeadAF = 0.255237, ChaoSeadSP = 14730, ChaoSeadLV = 0.126739); end FourmethyltransTwopentene; model Cyclohexene extends General_Properties( SN = 265, name = "Cyclohexene", CAS = "110-83-8", Tc = 560.42, Pc = 4350000, Vc = 0.291, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 356.12, Tm = 169.67, TT = 169.67, TP = 0.103772, MW = 82.1436, LVB = 0.101877, AF = 0.212302, SP = 17420, DM = 1.83E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -4520000, GEF = 1.077E+08, AS = 310750, HFMP = 3290000, HOC = -3.532E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.807,0.25253,560.42,0.26738,0}, VP = {101,82.052,-6388.7,-9.1035,0.0000071317,2}, LiqCp = {16,97738,2.3363,7.7626,0.013772,-0.000011653}, HOV = {106,5.794402E+07,1.587579,-2.225474,1.109627,0.041589}, VapCp = {16,48919,-644.33,13.16,-0.0002758,9.0717E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.901,1159.3,0.11228,-1.9651E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000013322,0.45371,444.45,117.38,0}, LiqK = {16,0.11174,816.81,-14.373,0.055987,-0.00010104}, VapK = {102,0.000094336,1.0783,568.3,34471,0}, Racketparam = 0.272, UniquacR = 3.8143, UniquacQ = 3.027, ChaoSeadAF = 0.212302, ChaoSeadSP = 17420, ChaoSeadLV = 0.101877); end Cyclohexene; model OneOnedimethylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 266, name = "OneOnedimethylcyclopentane", CAS = "1638-26-2", Tc = 547, Pc = 3445000, Vc = 0.36, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 361, Tm = 203.36, TT = 203.68, TP = 9.04909, MW = 98.1861, LVB = 0.130925, AF = 0.272354, SP = 15460, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.3828E+08, GEF = 3.9037E+07, AS = 359280, HFMP = 1080000, HOC = -4.2752E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77031,0.27731,547,0.30161,0}, VP = {101,80.69439,-6444.768,-8.840923,5.777915E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,63403,-76.912,11.112,0.0033685,-0.0000013786}, HOV = {106,6.4753E+07,1.835,-2.4221,1.0097,0.083052}, VapCp = {16,84040,-831.97,13.78,-0.00060484,0.0000001825}, LiqVis = {101,-7.8132,901.76,-0.51373,0.0000011607,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000055348,0.28035,888.45,60.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.012548,-26.729,-1.3811,-0.0017046,-8.8213E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0025566,0.60638,165.73,477660,0}, Racketparam = 0.273, UniquacR = 4.7193, UniquacQ = 3.856, ChaoSeadAF = 0.272354, ChaoSeadSP = 15460, ChaoSeadLV = 0.130925); end OneOnedimethylcyclopentane; model CisOneTwodimethylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 267, name = "CisOneTwodimethylcyclopentane", CAS = "1192-18-3", Tc = 565.15, Pc = 3445050, Vc = 0.37, Cc = 0.271, Tb = 372.68, Tm = 219.26, TT = 219.26, TP = 24.1041, MW = 98.1861, LVB = 0.127822, AF = 0.2692, SP = 16160, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.29453E+08, GEF = 4.58148E+07, AS = 366142, HFMP = 1657280, HOC = -4.28203E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.72465,0.26829,565.15,0.28378,0}, VP = {101,88.755,-6920,-10.09,0.0000077797,2}, LiqCp = {16,91966,30.661,9.7483,0.0064492,-0.0000032985}, HOV = {106,5.8904E+07,1.2615,-1.6517,1.1747,-0.3566}, VapCp = {16,85421,-827.36,13.75,-0.00058187,1.7604E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-30.744,1578.9,3.2397,-0.0000069313,2}, VapVis = {102,5.0794E-07,0.561,243.58,7280.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.014002,-51.607,-1.1286,-0.0024368,4.2617E-08}, VapK = {102,0.011269,0.40836,151.71,760020,0}, Racketparam = 0.271, UniquacR = 4.7192, UniquacQ = 3.772, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2692, ChaoSeadSP = 16160, ChaoSeadLV = 0.127822); end CisOneTwodimethylcyclopentane; model TransOneTwodimethylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 268, name = "TransOneTwodimethylcyclopentane", CAS = "822-50-4", Tc = 553.15, Pc = 3445050, Vc = 0.36, Cc = 0.27, Tb = 365.02, Tm = 155.58, TT = 155.58, TP = 0.00329595, MW = 98.1861, LVB = 0.131474, AF = 0.2692, SP = 15760, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.36566E+08, GEF = 3.84928E+07, AS = 366811, HFMP = 7167190, HOC = -4.27609E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77149,0.27784,553.15,0.30964,0}, VP = {101,89.97,-6815.6,-10.323,0.000008493,2}, LiqCp = {16,-27570,-6.4733,11.325,0.0043522,-0.0000035776}, HOV = {106,5.4143E+07,0.72069,0.072069,-0.93971,0.57146}, VapCp = {16,86316,-831.39,13.757,-0.0005975,1.8263E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.501,979.94,-0.073247,2.6464E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000015301,0.42849,479.07,3.9541,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.028286,5.044,-1.6594,-0.00043322,-0.000001941}, VapK = {102,0.0087025,0.4463,190.1,689820,0}, Racketparam = 0.27, UniquacR = 4.7192, UniquacQ = 3.772, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2692, ChaoSeadSP = 15760, ChaoSeadLV = 0.131474); end TransOneTwodimethylcyclopentane; model CisOneThreedimethylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 269, name = "CisOneThreedimethylcyclopentane", CAS = "2532-58-3", Tc = 551, Pc = 3400000, Vc = 0.3633, Cc = 0.277, Tb = 364.71, Tm = 139.45, TT = 139.45, TP = 0.000172698, MW = 98.188, LVB = 0.13191, AF = 0.276, SP = 15490, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.3585E+08, GEF = 3.9204E+07, AS = 366810, HFMP = 7397000, HOC = -4.2771E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77224,0.27858,551,0.31293,0}, VP = {101,59.262,-5561.3,-5.5932,0.0000039124,2}, LiqCp = {16,65786,-81.345,11.138,0.0032931,-0.0000013405}, HOV = {106,5.964754E+07,1.992198,-3.906039,3.442342,-1.064932}, VapCp = {16,86318,-831.43,13.758,-0.00059782,1.8276E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.311,1000.6,0.063555,-2.0388E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.8359E-07,0.57388,271.6,-5017.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.041732,3.5995,-1.581,-0.00048911,-0.0000016476}, VapK = {102,0.0021721,0.62882,203.61,446440,0}, Racketparam = 0.277, UniquacR = 4.7192, UniquacQ = 3.772, ChaoSeadAF = 0.276, ChaoSeadSP = 15490, ChaoSeadLV = 0.13191); end CisOneThreedimethylcyclopentane; model TransOneThreedimethylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 270, name = "TransOneThreedimethylcyclopentane", CAS = "1759-58-6", Tc = 553, Pc = 3400000, Vc = 0.3633, Cc = 0.276, Tb = 363.9, Tm = 139.18, TT = 139.18, TP = 0.0000437759, MW = 98.188, LVB = 0.13264, AF = 0.253, SP = 15660, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.336E+08, GEF = 4.1463E+07, AS = 366810, HFMP = 7398000, HOC = -4.279E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77915,0.2805,553,0.30466,0}, VP = {101,72.714,-6038.9,-7.709,0.0000063511,2}, LiqCp = {16,128140,215.87,5.2004,0.02446,-0.000024789}, HOV = {106,6.568557E+07,1.547069,-1.429715,-0.00159084,0.362451}, VapCp = {16,86318,-831.43,13.758,-0.00059782,1.8276E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.152,996.91,0.036374,-1.1545E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000007023,0.52532,331.02,-5427.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.034026,3.551,-1.6156,-0.00049883,-0.0000017475}, VapK = {102,0.0021472,0.63073,213.01,445470,0}, Racketparam = 0.276, UniquacR = 4.7192, UniquacQ = 3.772, ChaoSeadAF = 0.253, ChaoSeadSP = 15660, ChaoSeadLV = 0.13264); end TransOneThreedimethylcyclopentane; model Isopropylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 271, name = "Isopropylcyclopentane", CAS = "3875-51-2", Tc = 601, Pc = 3000000, Vc = 0.422, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 399.58, Tm = 161.79, TT = 161.79, TP = 0.000981869, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.14527, AF = 0.302996, SP = 15940, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.5071E+08, GEF = 5.305E+07, AS = 407080, HFMP = 1.041E+07, HOC = -4.8944E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.01997,0.048466,601,0.10484,0}, VP = {101,70.74905,-6671.509,-7.204875,3.983606E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,77318,-174.75,11.36,0.00375,-0.0000015189}, HOV = {106,5.807013E+07,1.420456,-3.256998,3.923183,-1.686337}, VapCp = {16,31291,-392.29,12.88,0.0005799,-2.3026E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.637,1116.2,0.10394,-3.9216E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.3283E-08,0.84204,92.528,-7299.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.057129,3.4704,-1.5201,-0.00050193,-0.0000011418}, VapK = {102,0.10336,0.072913,-474.32,1330800,0}, Racketparam = 0.259, UniquacR = 5.3936, UniquacQ = 4.312, ChaoSeadAF = 0.302996, ChaoSeadSP = 15940, ChaoSeadLV = 0.14527); end Isopropylcyclopentane; model OnemethylOneethylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 272, name = "OnemethylOneethylcyclopentane", CAS = "16747-50-5", Tc = 582, Pc = 3020000, Vc = 0.428, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 394.672, Tm = 129.35, TT = 129.35, TP = 2.16711E-07, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.144502, AF = 0.329811, SP = 15840, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.549E+08, GEF = 5.067E+07, AS = 401000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -4.88921E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.62398,0.26553,582,0.28568,0}, VP = {101,70.30095,-6628.265,-7.112201,3.497931E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,96111,-59.039,10.164,0.0078449,-0.0000067267}, HOV = {106,5.14848E+07,0.288357,0.487845,-0.669561,0.236062}, VapCp = {16,80936,-652.6,13.464,-0.00013102,2.6661E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.773,1099.9,-0.048343,1.7107E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.5602E-07,0.57042,274.82,-5055.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0033033,9.4359,-1.8646,-0.00027,-0.0000024258}, VapK = {102,0.0026462,0.59802,270.85,473470,0}, Racketparam = 0.267, UniquacR = 5.3937, UniquacQ = 4.396, ChaoSeadAF = 0.329811, ChaoSeadSP = 15840, ChaoSeadLV = 0.144502); end OnemethylOneethylcyclopentane; model Nbutylcyclopentane extends General_Properties( SN = 273, name = "Nbutylcyclopentane", CAS = "2040-95-1", Tc = 621, Pc = 2710000, Vc = 0.482, Cc = 0.254, Tb = 429.75, Tm = 165.165, TT = 165.18, TP = 0.0000370087, MW = 126.239, LVB = 0.161572, AF = 0.37188, SP = 16390, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.683E+08, GEF = 6.217E+07, AS = 453800, HFMP = 1.131E+07, HOC = -5.5037E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.55321,0.26684,621,0.28873,0}, VP = {101,59.57026,-7247.203,-5.051393,-2.973642E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,165400,317.8,5.7051,0.0202,-0.000017103}, HOV = {106,5.633912E+07,-0.222347,2.054738,-2.396364,0.924309}, VapCp = {16,82154,-554.7,13.299,0.00015408,-5.7536E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.446,1200.4,-0.12541,4.6316E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000029081,0.33269,700.46,-5220.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.059329,3.6894,-1.5397,-0.00046539,-0.0000010217}, VapK = {102,0.001615,0.65033,212.05,447790,0}, Racketparam = 0.254, UniquacR = 6.068799, UniquacQ = 4.856, ChaoSeadAF = 0.37188, ChaoSeadSP = 16390, ChaoSeadLV = 0.161572); end Nbutylcyclopentane; model OneOnedimethylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 274, name = "OneOnedimethylcyclohexane", CAS = "590-66-9", Tc = 591.15, Pc = 2938430, Vc = 0.45, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 392.69, Tm = 239.66, TT = 239.66, TP = 60.5841, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.144469, AF = 0.2376, SP = 15670, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.81E+08, GEF = 3.52293E+07, AS = 365012, HFMP = 2020870, HOC = -4.8639E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.55073,0.24971,591.15,0.27534,0}, VP = {101,81.518,-6942.5,-8.9,0.0000054941,2}, LiqCp = {16,108760,-1.4419,9.7271,0.0071596,-0.0000038148}, HOV = {106,7.5815E+07,2.7664,-6.0218,6.1598,-2.4093}, VapCp = {16,97627,-847.07,13.952,-0.00053736,1.4024E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-7.7034,1042.4,-0.53177,8.3765E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,7.8141E-07,0.4995,371.04,124.2,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0057011,-80.549,-0.98212,-0.0030094,4.8733E-07}, VapK = {102,0.01079,0.39433,-74.36,805370,0}, Racketparam = 0.269, UniquacR = 5.3937, UniquacQ = 4.396, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2376, ChaoSeadSP = 15670, ChaoSeadLV = 0.144469); end OneOnedimethylcyclohexane; model CisOneTwodimethylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 275, name = "CisOneTwodimethylcyclohexane", CAS = "2207-01-4", Tc = 606.15, Pc = 2938430, Vc = 0.46, Cc = 0.268, Tb = 402.94, Tm = 223.16, TT = 223.16, TP = 6.41394, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.141645, AF = 0.2363, SP = 16250, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.72172E+08, GEF = 4.12124E+07, AS = 374510, HFMP = 1645150, HOC = -4.87084E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.52003,0.24148,606.15,0.2655,0}, VP = {101,79.675,-7110.6,-8.5422,0.0000045741,2}, LiqCp = {16,111710,52.625,9.3729,0.0077553,-0.0000040932}, HOV = {106,6.6247E+07,1.824,-3.744,3.9502,-1.5633}, VapCp = {16,99210,-835.35,13.925,-0.00054754,1.5043E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-12.312,1465.3,0.097955,-4.4792E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,8.4568E-07,0.48702,397.94,11.816,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.013234,-31.366,-1.3892,-0.0016087,-0.0000006162}, VapK = {102,0.015824,0.34516,-25.388,892770,0}, Racketparam = 0.268, UniquacR = 5.3936, UniquacQ = 4.312, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2363, ChaoSeadSP = 16250, ChaoSeadLV = 0.141645); end CisOneTwodimethylcyclohexane; model TransOneTwodimethylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 276, name = "TransOneTwodimethylcyclohexane", CAS = "6876-23-9", Tc = 596.15, Pc = 2938430, Vc = 0.46, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 396.58, Tm = 184.99, TT = 184.99, TP = 0.0803872, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.145347, AF = 0.2416, SP = 15780, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.79996E+08, GEF = 3.44761E+07, AS = 370912, HFMP = 1.04223E+07, HOC = -4.86436E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.54418,0.25029,596.15,0.26582,0}, VP = {101,78.951,-6905.8,-8.4915,0.0000050406,2}, LiqCp = {16,107760,95.278,8.9456,0.0091345,-0.000005166}, HOV = {106,6.3964E+07,1.6946,-3.2086,3.1663,-1.1947}, VapCp = {16,97739,-799.79,13.856,-0.00049041,1.3436E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-9.8695,1124.4,-0.19468,4.6083E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000004616,0.56409,251.76,9969.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.096966,-4.6856,-1.2678,-0.00075424,-4.7962E-07}, VapK = {102,0.014659,0.3596,28.311,846250,0}, Racketparam = 0.273, UniquacR = 5.3936, UniquacQ = 4.312, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2416, ChaoSeadSP = 15780, ChaoSeadLV = 0.145347); end TransOneTwodimethylcyclohexane; model CisOneThreedimethylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 277, name = "CisOneThreedimethylcyclohexane", CAS = "638-04-0", Tc = 591.15, Pc = 2938430, Vc = 0.45, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 393.24, Tm = 197.61, TT = 197.58, TP = 0.562747, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.147281, AF = 0.2414, SP = 15640, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.84765E+08, GEF = 2.98319E+07, AS = 370451, HFMP = 1.08211E+07, HOC = -4.85972E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.56146,0.25431,591.15,0.28196,0}, VP = {101,80.304,-6952.9,-8.6838,0.000005071,2}, LiqCp = {16,91638,67.51,9.6813,0.0069535,-0.0000034278}, HOV = {106,6.8345E+07,2.0984,-4.3187,4.4054,-1.7047}, VapCp = {16,100690,-836.69,13.908,-0.00051206,1.3582E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-19.068,1358.3,1.3526,-0.0000038202,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000012434,0.44274,472.75,75.213,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.04198,-3.8682,-1.5284,-0.00074068,-0.0000011056}, VapK = {102,0.015195,0.35206,-46.167,870770,0}, Racketparam = 0.269, UniquacR = 5.3936, UniquacQ = 4.312, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2414, ChaoSeadSP = 15640, ChaoSeadLV = 0.147281); end CisOneThreedimethylcyclohexane; model TransOneThreedimethylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 278, name = "TransOneThreedimethylcyclohexane", CAS = "2207-03-6", Tc = 598.15, Pc = 2938430, Vc = 0.46, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 397.61, Tm = 183.07, TT = 183.05, TP = 0.0422148, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.143768, AF = 0.2356, SP = 16040, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.76565E+08, GEF = 3.63171E+07, AS = 376225, HFMP = 9865870, HOC = -4.86695E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.51304,0.23992,598.15,0.27441,0}, VP = {101,80.341,-7070.2,-8.6503,0.0000047054,2}, LiqCp = {16,121960,76.643,8.8176,0.0095602,-0.0000057205}, HOV = {106,6.9382E+07,2.1184,-4.4766,4.6776,-1.8318}, VapCp = {16,101700,-844.25,13.931,-0.00056374,1.5762E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.854,1074.4,-0.03203,4.561E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000023976,0.3653,664.66,3836.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.046977,2.8897,-1.5646,-0.00046419,-0.0000013304}, VapK = {102,0.016485,0.34326,5.6687,894520,0}, Racketparam = 0.272, UniquacR = 5.3936, UniquacQ = 4.312, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2356, ChaoSeadSP = 16040, ChaoSeadLV = 0.143768); end TransOneThreedimethylcyclohexane; model CisOneFourdimethylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 279, name = "CisOneFourdimethylcyclohexane", CAS = "624-29-3", Tc = 598.15, Pc = 2938430, Vc = 0.46, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 397.48, Tm = 185.744, TT = 185.72, TP = 0.0704204, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.144106, AF = 0.2348, SP = 15980, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.76648E+08, GEF = 3.79489E+07, AS = 370451, HFMP = 9307730, HOC = -4.86704E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.53336,0.24533,598.15,0.2771,0}, VP = {101,79.163,-7004.6,-8.4779,0.0000046053,2}, LiqCp = {16,110770,140.07,8.7617,0.0091373,-0.0000048302}, HOV = {106,7.1514E+07,2.3724,-5.2021,5.4751,-2.1521}, VapCp = {16,101700,-844.25,13.931,-0.00056374,1.5762E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-20.704,1391.4,1.6378,-0.0000047953,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000024207,0.36412,666.44,4231,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.063527,3.3026,-1.4941,-0.0004362,-0.0000011663}, VapK = {102,0.016747,0.34072,-1.7965,898230,0}, Racketparam = 0.272, UniquacR = 5.3936, UniquacQ = 4.312, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2348, ChaoSeadSP = 15980, ChaoSeadLV = 0.144106); end CisOneFourdimethylcyclohexane; model TransOneFourdimethylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 280, name = "TransOneFourdimethylcyclohexane", CAS = "2207-04-7", Tc = 590.15, Pc = 2940000, Vc = 0.45, Cc = 0.271, Tb = 392.51, Tm = 236.21, TT = 236.21, TP = 44.9802, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.147921, AF = 0.2429, SP = 15490, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.84598E+08, GEF = 3.17147E+07, AS = 364803, HFMP = 1.2332E+07, HOC = -4.86026E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.064652,0.087885,590.15,0.13093,0}, VP = {101,85.56244,-7078.051,-9.547047,6.602527E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,119770,186.95,7.9604,0.011554,-0.0000069633}, HOV = {106,5.5648E+07,0.9536,-1.3747,1.3927,-0.55606}, VapCp = {16,97979,-830.68,13.935,-0.00055238,1.5056E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.7946,1113.8,-0.41314,9.8767E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.6365E-07,0.52158,345.67,-1560.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0015458,-71.843,-1.1073,-0.0027831,1.5512E-07}, VapK = {102,0.012496,0.37939,-0.8405,811480,0}, Racketparam = 0.271, UniquacR = 5.3936, UniquacQ = 4.312, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2429, ChaoSeadSP = 15490, ChaoSeadLV = 0.147921); end TransOneFourdimethylcyclohexane; model Tertbutylcyclohexane extends General_Properties( SN = 281, name = "Tertbutylcyclohexane", CAS = "3178-22-1", Tc = 652, Pc = 2660000, Vc = 0.51, Cc = 0.25, Tb = 444.65, Tm = 231.98, TT = 231.98, TP = 1.2, MW = 140.266, LVB = 0.1734, AF = 0.299134, SP = 16040, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.169E+08, GEF = 5.695E+07, AS = 445700, HFMP = 1.12E+07, HOC = -6.091E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.52388,0.26705,652,0.32913,0}, VP = {101,123.1664,-9675.557,-15.08186,0.0000105041,2}, LiqCp = {16,40996,-122.74,11.846,0.0032488,-0.0000015611}, HOV = {106,6.9454E+07,0.40915,1.6494,-3.4494,1.9573}, VapCp = {16,95339,-601.24,13.623,-0.000018521,-1.574E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.549,1445.9,0,0,0}, VapVis = {102,4.6046E-08,0.87493,72.873,-5600.2,0}, LiqK = {16,0.054405,-203.55,-0.50495,-0.0065818,0.0000029095}, VapK = {102,0.077607,0.14004,-91.94,1372500,0}, Racketparam = 0.25, UniquacR = 6.7417, UniquacQ = 5.472, ChaoSeadAF = 0.299134, ChaoSeadSP = 16040, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1734); end Tertbutylcyclohexane; model Oethyltoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 282, name = "Oethyltoluene", CAS = "611-14-3", Tc = 651.15, Pc = 3040000, Vc = 0.46, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 438.33, Tm = 192.35, TT = 192.35, TP = 0.00376669, MW = 120.192, LVB = 0.136967, AF = 0.2941, SP = 18090, DM = 1.87E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = 1213360, GEF = 1.31055E+08, AS = 399350, HFMP = 9962100, HOC = -4.94607E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.37928,0.20513,651.15,0.23356,0}, VP = {101,96.1971,-8650.261,-10.86209,5.918239E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,-102370,-26.419,12.162,0.0026059,-0.000002126}, HOV = {106,8.227273E+07,1.968046,-3.535916,3.107317,-1.061436}, VapCp = {16,85432,-569.61,13.054,0.000095945,-4.3717E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.303,1378.1,-0.24629,5.1436E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.4089E-07,0.56719,270.1,-4560.2,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.059289,4.2071,-1.4739,-0.00039236,-0.0000010623}, VapK = {102,0.000092842,1.0422,544.16,63099,0}, Racketparam = 0.26, UniquacR = 5.3322, UniquacQ = 4.076, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2941, ChaoSeadSP = 18090, ChaoSeadLV = 0.136967); end Oethyltoluene; model Methyltoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 283, name = "Methyltoluene", CAS = "620-14-4", Tc = 637.15, Pc = 2840000, Vc = 0.49, Cc = 0.254, Tb = 434.48, Tm = 177.61, TT = 177.61, TP = 0.000664959, MW = 120.192, LVB = 0.139685, AF = 0.3232, SP = 17630, DM = 1.1E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1920000, GEF = 1.2643E+08, AS = 404280, HFMP = 7610000, HOC = -4.94377E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.61007,0.26045,637.15,0.2946,0}, VP = {101,59.906,-6895.5,-5.4176,0.00000211,2}, LiqCp = {16,136340,-1484.6,20.724,-0.020829,0.000018949}, HOV = {106,6.562712E+07,1.251642,-2.311984,2.123485,-0.635116}, VapCp = {16,77831,-586.35,13.16,0.0000010287,-1.3417E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.732,1285.7,-0.12931,2.7444E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.7246E-07,0.55389,274.11,-5848.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.048117,4.2831,-1.5331,-0.00039971,-0.0000012216}, VapK = {102,0.000091259,1.0513,653.39,40428,0}, Racketparam = 0.254, UniquacR = 5.3322, UniquacQ = 4.076, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3232, ChaoSeadSP = 17630, ChaoSeadLV = 0.139685); end Methyltoluene; model Pethyltoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 284, name = "Pethyltoluene", CAS = "622-96-8", Tc = 640.2, Pc = 3230000, Vc = 0.44, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 435.13, Tm = 210.83, TT = 210.83, TP = 0.0782406, MW = 120.194, LVB = 0.1396, AF = 0.364, SP = 17710, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3260000, GEF = 1.268E+08, AS = 398900, HFMP = 1.336E+07, HOC = -4.94268E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.60155,0.25704,640.2,0.31664,0}, VP = {101,21.19382,-5103.792,0.409026,-2.319216E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,30748,-85.511,11.539,0.0037389,-0.0000030029}, HOV = {106,7.1677E+07,1.0708,-1.1055,0.62044,-0.16372}, VapCp = {16,75636,-568.13,13.103,0.000082441,-4.4902E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-23.973,1681.2,1.9315,6.328E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,5.7075E-07,0.5347,318.96,-7211.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.065655,1.2156,-1.4285,-0.00047761,-9.6417E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000095782,1.0471,660.61,40132,0}, Racketparam = 0.259, UniquacR = 5.3322, UniquacQ = 4.076, ChaoSeadAF = 0.364, ChaoSeadSP = 17710, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1396); end Pethyltoluene; model OneTwoThreetrimethylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 285, name = "OneTwoThreetrimethylbenzene", CAS = "526-73-8", Tc = 664.5, Pc = 3454000, Vc = 0.435, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 449.23, Tm = 247.79, TT = 247.79, TP = 3.70834, MW = 120.194, LVB = 0.13322, AF = 0.367, SP = 18480, DM = 1.87E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -9568810, GEF = 1.244E+08, AS = 380500, HFMP = 8170000, HOC = -4.93394E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.47081,0.22935,664.5,0.22914,0}, VP = {101,103.4032,-9139.734,-11.94112,6.875135E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,158190,-110.87,9.7005,0.0066246,-0.000003875}, HOV = {106,5.897E+07,0.31296,0.11034,-0.18707,0.12203}, VapCp = {16,97344,-642.53,13.123,0.000061931,-4.6438E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-13.622,1547.6,0.25604,-4.4218E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,7.8569E-07,0.49843,362.98,-102.15,0}, LiqK = {16,0.066267,303.46,-5.2163,0.0092731,-0.000014825}, VapK = {102,0.000093303,1.0419,539.24,56545,0}, Racketparam = 0.267, UniquacR = 5.3928, UniquacQ = 4.104, ChaoSeadAF = 0.367, ChaoSeadSP = 18480, ChaoSeadLV = 0.13322); end OneTwoThreetrimethylbenzene; model OneTwoFourtrimethylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 286, name = "OneTwoFourtrimethylbenzene", CAS = "95-63-6", Tc = 649.1, Pc = 3232000, Vc = 0.435, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 442.49, Tm = 229.38, TT = 229.33, TP = 0.69347, MW = 120.194, LVB = 0.136, AF = 0.377, SP = 18090, DM = 1.0E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.392E+07, GEF = 1.17E+08, AS = 395870, HFMP = 1.319E+07, HOC = -4.93067E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.61782,0.26243,649.1,0.28053,0}, VP = {101,60.23044,-7113.208,-5.408973,1.637451E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,159260,100.48,7.176,0.015511,-0.000013842}, HOV = {106,6.6212E+07,0.612793,0.157992,-1.024462,0.66352}, VapCp = {16,86220,-588.22,13.049,0.00013217,-6.3042E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-22.655,1676.9,1.8204,-0.0000040799,2}, VapVis = {102,9.0311E-07,0.47728,388.95,-1321.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.097311,-7.9329,-1.1933,-0.00075728,-4.2291E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000071734,1.0715,503.12,48355,0}, Racketparam = 0.256, UniquacR = 5.3928, UniquacQ = 4.104, ChaoSeadAF = 0.377, ChaoSeadSP = 18090, ChaoSeadLV = 0.136); end OneTwoFourtrimethylbenzene; model Mesitylene extends General_Properties( SN = 287, name = "Mesitylene", CAS = "108-67-8", Tc = 637.3, Pc = 3127000, Vc = 0.43, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 437.9, Tm = 228.46, TT = 228.42, TP = 0.742135, MW = 120.194, LVB = 0.14299, AF = 0.399, SP = 17940, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.605E+07, GEF = 1.181E+08, AS = 385410, HFMP = 9514000, HOC = -4.92904E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.59019,0.25742,637.3,0.27724,0}, VP = {101,118.5616,-9560.276,-14.30644,9.375247E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,152130,279.49,4.8304,0.024632,-0.000024309}, HOV = {106,6.9292E+07,1.0706,-1.5094,1.269,-0.42864}, VapCp = {16,76799,-561.49,13.016,0.00018488,-8.0041E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.283,1439.3,-0.15787,0.0000019934,2}, VapVis = {102,3.4877E-07,0.61399,342.31,-16742,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.012521,77.398,-2.4912,0.0027181,-0.0000053908}, VapK = {102,0.3225,-0.079944,-464.54,1938200,0}, Racketparam = 0.252, UniquacR = 5.3928, UniquacQ = 4.104, ChaoSeadAF = 0.399, ChaoSeadSP = 17940, ChaoSeadLV = 0.14299); end Mesitylene; model Isobutylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 288, name = "Isobutylbenzene", CAS = "538-93-2", Tc = 650, Pc = 3050000, Vc = 0.48, Cc = 0.271, Tb = 445.9, Tm = 221.7, TT = 221.7, TP = 0.289087, MW = 134.221, LVB = 0.15808, AF = 0.383, SP = 16860, DM = 1.5E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.054E+07, GEF = 1.388E+08, AS = 439700, HFMP = 1.25E+07, HOC = -5.56974E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.54967,0.26271,650,0.30807,0}, VP = {101,97.24209,-8752.864,-11.04244,6.424651E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,116150,-36.608,10.189,0.0074074,-0.0000060747}, HOV = {106,6.0838E+07,0.30052,0.25612,-0.19969,-0.0011249}, VapCp = {16,83364,-556.41,13.277,0.000016037,-2.0047E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.546,1392.5,0.17362,-2.3672E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.8764E-07,0.58977,249.51,1034.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.033263,-23.962,-1.3695,-0.001338,-2.5251E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000022162,1.2141,174.06,50162,0}, Racketparam = 0.271, UniquacR = 5.9452, UniquacQ = 4.584, ChaoSeadAF = 0.383, ChaoSeadSP = 16860, ChaoSeadLV = 0.15808); end Isobutylbenzene; model Secbutylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 289, name = "Secbutylbenzene", CAS = "135-98-8", Tc = 664.54, Pc = 2930000, Vc = 0.478, Cc = 0.265, Tb = 446.48, Tm = 197.717, TT = 197.717, TP = 0.00180534, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.156497, AF = 0.279149, SP = 17050, DM = 1.3E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.73E+07, GEF = 1.4523E+08, AS = 439600, HFMP = 9830000, HOC = -5.563E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.51273,0.25494,664.54,0.28096,0}, VP = {101,222.2329,-13854.88,-30.30702,0.0000262583,2}, LiqCp = {16,163140,-1794.7,23.385,-0.029199,0.000028}, HOV = {106,3.1793E+07,-4.1563,12.591,-13.449,5.2588}, VapCp = {16,118430,-784.79,13.745,-0.00050199,1.4393E-07}, LiqVis = {10,-9.695648,-444.5934,-129.1082,0,0}, VapVis = {102,0.000001223,0.44278,495.81,151.45,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.042864,5.3464,-1.6033,-0.00035754,-0.0000011781}, VapK = {102,0.000022,1.2101,186.5,49434,0}, Racketparam = 0.265, UniquacR = 5.9452, UniquacQ = 4.584, ChaoSeadAF = 0.279149, ChaoSeadSP = 17050, ChaoSeadLV = 0.156497); end Secbutylbenzene; model Tertbutylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 290, name = "Tertbutylbenzene", CAS = "98-06-6", Tc = 660, Pc = 2970000, Vc = 0.46, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 442.3, Tm = 215.27, TT = 215.27, TP = 0.0910321, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.155605, AF = 0.267406, SP = 17130, DM = 2.33E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.26E+07, GEF = 1.4995E+08, AS = 401400, HFMP = 8393000, HOC = -5.5547E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.50957,0.25071,660,0.30584,0}, VP = {101,87.574,-8352.2,-9.5118,0.0000039953,2}, LiqCp = {16,164930,701.24,1.184,0.037122,-0.000038006}, HOV = {106,6.3167E+07,0.45262,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,113750,-776.86,13.825,-0.0005797,1.6467E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.7,1364.1,0.038741,-3.8013E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,7.2957E-07,0.50871,384.51,-23.513,0}, LiqK = {16,0.052023,-143.3,-0.69673,-0.0057333,0.0000022627}, VapK = {102,0.000018955,1.2291,130.74,53349,0}, Racketparam = 0.266, UniquacR = 5.9452, UniquacQ = 4.584, ChaoSeadAF = 0.267406, ChaoSeadSP = 17130, ChaoSeadLV = 0.155605); end Tertbutylbenzene; model Ocymene extends General_Properties( SN = 291, name = "Ocymene", CAS = "527-84-4", Tc = 670.15, Pc = 2895870, Vc = 0.478, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 451.33, Tm = 201.64, TT = 201.64, TP = 0.0177118, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.153824, AF = 0.2769, SP = 17160, DM = 2.0E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.56061E+07, GEF = 1.37359E+08, AS = 425500, HFMP = 1.0E+07, HOC = -5.56053E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.017298,0.046645,670.15,0.11526,0}, VP = {101,47.323,-6536.6,-3.5074,6.0254E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,130330,-123.14,10.583,0.0062464,-0.0000049954}, HOV = {106,8.44827E+07,3.205721,-8.334975,9.055186,-3.399515}, VapCp = {16,105060,-664.9,13.437,-0.00013826,2.1794E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.1679,885.64,-0.29176,-7.7161E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000020745,0.37852,642.92,259.27,0}, LiqK = {16,0.06145,-173.56,-0.23519,-0.0077758,0.0000038715}, VapK = {102,0.000020459,1.2217,183.94,51167,0}, Racketparam = 0.26, UniquacR = 6.0058, UniquacQ = 4.612, ChaoSeadAF = 0.2769, ChaoSeadSP = 17160, ChaoSeadLV = 0.153824); end Ocymene; model Mcymene extends General_Properties( SN = 292, name = "Mcymene", CAS = "535-77-3", Tc = 666.25, Pc = 2810000, Vc = 0.478, Cc = 0.257, Tb = 448.23, Tm = 209.44, TT = 209.44, TP = 0.0405569, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.156604, AF = 0.342, SP = 17110, DM = 1.2E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.79909E+07, GEF = 1.301E+08, AS = 432200, HFMP = 1.37E+07, HOC = -5.55802E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.17699,0.14976,666.25,0.19922,0}, VP = {101,72.132,-7676.5,-7.2263,0.0000031742,2}, LiqCp = {16,129560,-114.64,10.436,0.006807,-0.0000055776}, HOV = {106,1.132017E+08,4.402749,-10.71693,11.0294,-4.113621}, VapCp = {16,118290,-808.58,13.818,-0.00057669,1.7291E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.2582,1048.3,-0.41448,-1.0836E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000018208,0.39157,589.66,3771.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.042558,-18.046,-1.3081,-0.0015377,2.6414E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0000098162,1.3084,45.918,51418,0}, Racketparam = 0.257, UniquacR = 6.0058, UniquacQ = 4.612, ChaoSeadAF = 0.342, ChaoSeadSP = 17110, ChaoSeadLV = 0.156604); end Mcymene; model Pcymene extends General_Properties( SN = 293, name = "Pcymene", CAS = "99-87-6", Tc = 652, Pc = 2800000, Vc = 0.497, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 450.26, Tm = 205.25, TT = 205.25, TP = 0.010391, MW = 134.221, LVB = 0.15749, AF = 0.376, SP = 17290, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.799E+07, GEF = 1.3352E+08, AS = 426400, HFMP = 9661000, HOC = -5.558E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.44838,0.23842,653.16,0.26866,0}, VP = {101,130.8986,-10357.88,-16.09943,9.850105E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,99148,48.442,10.281,0.006034,-0.0000045515}, HOV = {106,8.966039E+07,1.950064,-3.032433,2.16162,-0.588861}, VapCp = {16,119360,-822.32,13.841,-0.00060036,1.8085E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-29.824,1974.9,2.8359,-0.0000010565,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000032148,0.32014,730.34,10237,0}, LiqK = {16,0.018679,-10.656,-1.722,-0.0015047,-7.6885E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00010761,1.0275,670.75,67288,0}, Racketparam = 0.248, UniquacR = 6.0058, UniquacQ = 4.612, ChaoSeadAF = 0.376, ChaoSeadSP = 17290, ChaoSeadLV = 0.15749); end Pcymene; model Odiethylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 294, name = "Odiethylbenzene", CAS = "135-01-3", Tc = 668, Pc = 2880000, Vc = 0.502, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 456.573, Tm = 241.91, TT = 241.929, TP = 1.04119, MW = 134.2182, LVB = 0.15328, AF = 0.3879, SP = 17760, DM = 1.96803E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.89535E+07, GEF = 1.41084E+08, AS = 434800, HFMP = 1.67778E+07, HOC = -5.5596E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.52086,0.25389,668,0.28666,0}, VP = {101,136.1844,-10760.78,-16.88233,0.0000109939,2}, LiqCp = {16,13731,7.9227,11.237,0.004718,-0.0000037106}, HOV = {106,4.4827E+07,-1.9073,6.1295,-6.3772,2.4857}, VapCp = {16,122330,-723.39,13.531,-0.00028953,7.2562E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-13.971,1608.7,0.32395,-5.0533E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.8451E-08,0.84013,-72.915,24855,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.047218,-11.073,-1.4189,-0.00077787,-7.5252E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000087851,1.0397,505.4,47466,0}, Racketparam = 0.26, UniquacR = 6.0066, UniquacQ = 4.616, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3879, ChaoSeadSP = 17760, ChaoSeadLV = 0.15328); end Odiethylbenzene; model Mdiethylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 295, name = "Mdiethylbenzene", CAS = "141-93-5", Tc = 663, Pc = 2880000, Vc = 0.488, Cc = 0.255, Tb = 454.252, Tm = 189.23, TT = 189.259, TP = 0.000664991, MW = 134.2182, LVB = 0.156083, AF = 0.354019, SP = 17460, DM = 1.2E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.18E+07, GEF = 1.367E+08, AS = 439500, HFMP = 1.097E+07, HOC = -5.5546E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.52578,0.25663,663,0.2955,0}, VP = {101,153.5552,-11090.88,-19.79091,0.000016846,2}, LiqCp = {16,-15019,20.098,11.35,0.0044704,-0.0000034473}, HOV = {106,6.460804E+07,0.433681,-0.0244308,0.0154888,-0.0245419}, VapCp = {16,115660,-734.22,13.598,-0.00034186,8.9326E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.504,1313.6,0.03353,-9.5074E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000018496,0.38185,552.33,63.517,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.056303,5.6194,-1.5408,-0.00033118,-0.0000010873}, VapK = {102,0.25407,-0.039016,-216.19,1832400,0}, Racketparam = 0.255, UniquacR = 6.0066, UniquacQ = 4.616, ChaoSeadAF = 0.354019, ChaoSeadSP = 17460, ChaoSeadLV = 0.156083); end Mdiethylbenzene; model Pdiethylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 296, name = "Pdiethylbenzene", CAS = "105-05-5", Tc = 657.9, Pc = 2803000, Vc = 0.4805, Cc = 0.247, Tb = 456.9, Tm = 230.3, TT = 230.325, TP = 0.21291, MW = 134.2182, LVB = 0.15645, AF = 0.403, SP = 17660, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.23E+07, GEF = 1.385E+08, AS = 433100, HFMP = 1.06E+07, HOC = -5.5553E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.50239,0.25108,657.9,0.28806,0}, VP = {101,108.74,-9636.7,-12.656,0.000006664,2}, LiqCp = {16,42717,-14.138,11.106,0.0050234,-0.0000039715}, HOV = {106,5.468714E+07,-1.551219,6.621841,-8.199596,3.486311}, VapCp = {16,117030,-755.24,13.637,-0.00037709,9.9721E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.766,1322.3,0.075076,-1.4518E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,7.2136E-07,0.49617,343.97,-290.07,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.054323,-5.9143,-1.4413,-0.00065059,-8.3255E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000023956,1.1969,213.51,48127,0}, Racketparam = 0.247, UniquacR = 6.0066, UniquacQ = 4.616, ChaoSeadAF = 0.403, ChaoSeadSP = 17660, ChaoSeadLV = 0.15645); end Pdiethylbenzene; model OneTwoThreeFourtetramethylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 297, name = "OneTwoThreeFourtetramethylbenzene", CAS = "488-23-3", Tc = 690, Pc = 2860000, Vc = 0.482, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 478.19, Tm = 266.9, TT = 266.9, TP = 2.9878, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.149073, AF = 0.417172, SP = 18860, DM = 1.66E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.305E+07, GEF = 1.324E+08, AS = 416500, HFMP = 1.123E+07, HOC = -5.5376E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.62671,0.276,690,0.30501,0}, VP = {101,103.3938,-9866.6,-11.74655,5.432648E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,191090,-1527.7,20.231,-0.019977,0.000019333}, HOV = {106,6.827737E+07,0.20659,0.354625,0.156354,-0.400825}, VapCp = {16,108680,-536.06,13.006,0.00026578,-1.0197E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-12.555,1810.8,0.0032112,-3.0199E-09,2}, VapVis = {102,8.0975E-08,0.80432,144.14,-8326.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.046705,-31.572,-1.2356,-0.0012463,-2.6103E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0001001,1.0331,653.92,21466,0}, Racketparam = 0.256, UniquacR = 6.1278, UniquacQ = 4.672, ChaoSeadAF = 0.417172, ChaoSeadSP = 18860, ChaoSeadLV = 0.149073); end OneTwoThreeFourtetramethylbenzene; model OneTwoThreeFivetetramethylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 298, name = "OneTwoThreeFivetetramethylbenzene", CAS = "527-53-7", Tc = 679, Pc = 3220000, Vc = 0.436, Cc = 0.254, Tb = 471.15, Tm = 249.46, TT = 249.46, TP = 0.886139, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.151385, AF = 0.459061, SP = 18330, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -4.054E+07, GEF = 1.231E+08, AS = 422500, HFMP = 1.072E+07, HOC = -5.532E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.5261,0.25428,679,0.28565,0}, VP = {101,108.28,-9936.6,-12.519,0.0000062754,2}, LiqCp = {16,180380,-63.604,9.2496,0.0072443,-0.0000031051}, HOV = {106,6.6549E+07,0.31372,0.25924,-0.3264,0.12301}, VapCp = {16,109230,-579.21,13.116,0.00014705,-5.951E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-14.031,1747.6,0.263,-3.7653E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.7114E-07,0.50662,335.88,-402.07,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.064932,-8.9077,-1.3593,-0.00066705,-6.8372E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000082384,1.0555,595.15,34335,0}, Racketparam = 0.254, UniquacR = 6.1278, UniquacQ = 4.672, ChaoSeadAF = 0.426, ChaoSeadSP = 18330, ChaoSeadLV = 0.151385); end OneTwoThreeFivetetramethylbenzene; model OneTwoFourFivetetramethylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 299, name = "OneTwoFourFivetetramethylbenzene", CAS = "95-93-2", Tc = 676, Pc = 2900000, Vc = 0.482, Cc = 0.249, Tb = 470, Tm = 352.384, TT = 352.384, TP = 1784.79, MW = 134.221, LVB = 0.15228, AF = 0.423, SP = 17140, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -4.527E+07, GEF = 1.177E+08, AS = 418500, HFMP = 2.1E+07, HOC = -5.507E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.65779,0.28461,677.16,0.31429,0}, VP = {101,96.028,-9355.7,-10.676,0.0000049509,2}, LiqCp = {16,139940,1169.1,1.2977,0.02859,-0.000023286}, HOV = {106,1.607707E+08,4.915197,-10.37671,9.303886,-3.220797}, VapCp = {16,110940,-562.53,13.019,0.00027207,-1.0669E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-9.4175,1452.8,-0.39341,2.9469E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,7.2635E-07,0.49106,324.48,3435.1,0}, LiqK = {16,0.023024,-350.01,0.1946,-0.0044419,6.7822E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000066062,1.0649,306.1,93850,0}, Racketparam = 0.249, UniquacR = 6.1278, UniquacQ = 4.672, ChaoSeadAF = 0.423, ChaoSeadSP = 17140, ChaoSeadLV = 0.15228); end OneTwoFourFivetetramethylbenzene; model Twoethylmxylene extends General_Properties( SN = 300, name = "Twoethylmxylene", CAS = "2870-04-4", Tc = 670, Pc = 2960000, Vc = 0.446, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 463.19, Tm = 257, TT = 256.89, TP = 2.81505, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.151424, AF = 0.405, SP = 18140, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.623E+07, GEF = 1.379E+08, AS = 421000, HFMP = 1.471E+07, HOC = -5.548E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.55372,0.25979,670,0.29804,0}, VP = {101,101.54,-9425,-11.552,0.0000057989,2}, LiqCp = {16,77646,-101.26,11.392,0.0045401,-0.0000038677}, HOV = {106,8.2672E+07,1.1027,-0.68529,-0.33367,0.36103}, VapCp = {16,80902,-471.57,13.059,0.00022749,-9.0171E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-15.587,1737.4,0.54173,-0.0000007502,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000044354,0.29008,895.67,100.88,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.038284,-32.06,-1.2755,-0.0012699,-0.0000004068}, VapK = {102,0.000097738,1.031,536.66,42862,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 6.0672, UniquacQ = 4.644, ChaoSeadAF = 0.405, ChaoSeadSP = 18140, ChaoSeadLV = 0.151424); end Twoethylmxylene; model Twoethylpxylene extends General_Properties( SN = 301, name = "Twoethylpxylene", CAS = "1758-88-9", Tc = 680, Pc = 3380000, Vc = 0.461, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 460.09, Tm = 219, TT = 219.52, TP = 0.0748611, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.153715, AF = 0.36, SP = 17610, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.218E+07, GEF = 1.273E+08, AS = 436600, HFMP = 1.519E+07, HOC = -5.543E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.15639,0.13957,680,0.19566,0}, VP = {101,51.35796,-7093.865,-3.98884,0.0000002143,2}, LiqCp = {16,115180,-69.179,10.574,0.0065199,-0.0000055164}, HOV = {106,8.269938E+07,2.580922,-6.4761,7.125795,-2.740318}, VapCp = {16,90693,-533.27,13.139,0.00014143,-6.0863E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.139,1509,0.050995,-2.3531E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000010483,0.4491,412.22,-1561.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.080449,4.7926,-1.4191,-0.00032019,-9.3368E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000085732,1.0445,516.18,46622,0}, Racketparam = 0.252, UniquacR = 6.0672, UniquacQ = 4.644, ChaoSeadAF = 0.36, ChaoSeadSP = 17610, ChaoSeadLV = 0.153715); end Twoethylpxylene; model Fourethylmxylene extends General_Properties( SN = 302, name = "Fourethylmxylene", CAS = "874-41-9", Tc = 665, Pc = 2850000, Vc = 0.456, Cc = 0.251, Tb = 461.59, Tm = 210, TT = 210.27, TP = 0.0181496, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.153864, AF = 0.409, SP = 17650, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.08E+07, GEF = 1.286E+08, AS = 436600, HFMP = 1.293E+07, HOC = -5.544E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.53184,0.25635,665,0.29535,0}, VP = {101,109.6,-9849.7,-12.73,0.0000063582,2}, LiqCp = {16,95699,-84.431,11.066,0.0051032,-0.0000041785}, HOV = {106,6.586476E+07,0.958711,-1.952194,2.240006,-0.865941}, VapCp = {16,90693,-533.27,13.139,0.00014143,-6.0863E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.665,1419.5,0.18354,-0.0000003451,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000037216,0.29591,752.65,-7.7443,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.081171,5.0587,-1.4195,-0.00031748,-9.1756E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000083547,1.0482,520.64,45100,0}, Racketparam = 0.251, UniquacR = 6.0672, UniquacQ = 4.644, ChaoSeadAF = 0.409, ChaoSeadSP = 17650, ChaoSeadLV = 0.153864); end Fourethylmxylene; model Fourethyloxylene extends General_Properties( SN = 303, name = "Fourethyloxylene", CAS = "934-80-5", Tc = 666, Pc = 2890000, Vc = 0.452, Cc = 0.254, Tb = 462.93, Tm = 206, TT = 206.22, TP = 0.00343448, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.154172, AF = 0.42, SP = 17990, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.209E+07, GEF = 1.274E+08, AS = 436600, HFMP = 1.205E+07, HOC = -5.542E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.54664,0.26088,666,0.29186,0}, VP = {101,96.694,-9142.9,-10.852,0.0000055519,2}, LiqCp = {16,89767,-77.889,11.113,0.0049399,-0.0000039958}, HOV = {106,4.3714E+07,-2.7554,9.4578,-11.023,4.6307}, VapCp = {16,90693,-533.27,13.139,0.00014143,-6.0863E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-9.1159,1410.6,-0.43411,7.8135E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,5.8567E-07,0.52279,312.52,-1851,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.061613,4.0176,-1.4936,-0.00037218,-9.9721E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000083697,1.0475,520.73,45665,0}, Racketparam = 0.254, UniquacR = 6.0672, UniquacQ = 4.644, ChaoSeadAF = 0.42, ChaoSeadSP = 17990, ChaoSeadLV = 0.154172); end Fourethyloxylene; model OnemethylThreenpropylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 304, name = "OnemethylThreenpropylbenzene", CAS = "1074-43-7", Tc = 656, Pc = 2860000, Vc = 0.482, Cc = 0.249, Tb = 455.13, Tm = 190.57, TT = 190.57, TP = 0.000721452, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.156623, AF = 0.412785, SP = 17510, DM = 4.07E-31, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.414E+07, GEF = 1.352E+08, AS = 436800, HFMP = 1.06E+07, HOC = -5.5516E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.18222,0.15152,656,0.20178,0}, VP = {101,107.4588,-9508.773,-12.48918,6.776919E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,156110,-38.093,10.159,0.0050313,-0.0000015247}, HOV = {106,6.194565E+07,0.0524158,1.088831,-1.22236,0.439479}, VapCp = {16,97127,-599.11,13.273,0.000011665,-1.9003E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-17.301,1601.4,0.91018,-0.0000014707,2}, VapVis = {102,7.3681E-08,0.81524,130.94,-9552,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.074198,4.023,-1.4364,-0.00042252,-0.0000008562}, VapK = {102,0.000083513,1.0517,570.8,33790,0}, Racketparam = 0.249, UniquacR = 6.0066, UniquacQ = 4.616, ChaoSeadAF = 0.412785, ChaoSeadSP = 17510, ChaoSeadLV = 0.156623); end OnemethylThreenpropylbenzene; model OnemethylFournpropylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 305, name = "OnemethylFournpropylbenzene", CAS = "1074-55-1", Tc = 658, Pc = 2860000, Vc = 0.482, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 456.53, Tm = 209.455, TT = 209.55, TP = 0.0171898, MW = 134.218, LVB = 0.157097, AF = 0.413441, SP = 17460, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.314E+07, GEF = 1.382E+08, AS = 430400, HFMP = 1.151E+07, HOC = -5.5528E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.48219,0.24259,658,0.32531,0}, VP = {101,103.2332,-9321.423,-11.85346,6.228128E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,128960,-102.23,11.269,0.0022913,5.0742E-07}, HOV = {106,5.9632E+07,-0.13089,1.5769,-1.8325,0.74608}, VapCp = {16,97127,-599.11,13.273,0.000011665,-1.9003E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-65.00531,3273.06,8.413079,-0.0000101347,2}, VapVis = {102,7.8653E-08,0.80621,137.95,-9253.2,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.081049,3.2759,-1.4026,-0.00043634,-7.9035E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000083347,1.0517,573.97,33136,0}, Racketparam = 0.248, UniquacR = 6.0066, UniquacQ = 4.616, ChaoSeadAF = 0.413441, ChaoSeadSP = 17460, ChaoSeadLV = 0.157097); end OnemethylFournpropylbenzene; model Pdiisopropylbenzene extends General_Properties( SN = 306, name = "Pdiisopropylbenzene", CAS = "100-18-5", Tc = 675, Pc = 2360000, Vc = 0.584, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 483.52, Tm = 256.08, TT = 256.08, TP = 0.697953, MW = 162.271, LVB = 0.190236, AF = 0.476415, SP = 16930, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -7.76E+07, GEF = 1.47804E+08, AS = 488000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -6.77E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77801,0.34547,675,0.38736,0}, VP = {101,121.6259,-10711.76,-14.56272,8.944308E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,-70570,94.476,11.349,0.0048258,-0.0000034771}, HOV = {106,9.572101E+07,2.166143,-4.616074,4.777254,-1.852374}, VapCp = {16,100830,-531.56,13.456,0.000043333,-2.4118E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.9912,1148.7,-0.35833,4.6037E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,8.0354E-07,0.48062,391.1,176.97,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.043466,-14.777,-1.4776,-0.00080068,-0.0000006904}, VapK = {102,0.31596,-0.074042,-318.59,1928600,0}, Racketparam = 0.256, UniquacR = 7.3538, UniquacQ = 5.688, ChaoSeadAF = 0.390023, ChaoSeadSP = 16930, ChaoSeadLV = 0.190236); end Pdiisopropylbenzene; model Methylisobutylketone extends General_Properties( SN = 307, name = "Methylisobutylketone", CAS = "108-10-1", Tc = 574.6, Pc = 3270000, Vc = 0.3406, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 389.15, Tm = 189.15, TT = 189.15, TP = 0.0698742, MW = 100.161, LVB = 0.12581, AF = 0.352, SP = 17420, DM = 9.0E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.88E+08, GEF = -1.351E+08, AS = 407000, HFMP = 9710000, HOC = -3.49E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.70438,0.26215,574.6,0.2872,0}, VP = {101,151.9969,-9958.63,-19.68914,0.0000167819,2}, LiqCp = {16,93433,-8.9197,10.885,0.0029916,-6.6769E-07}, HOV = {106,2.7929E+07,-4.5647,14.372,-16.097,6.5387}, VapCp = {16,97540,-634.68,12.939,0.000018497,-1.9665E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-9.5441,1138.8,-0.34128,0.0000016581,2}, VapVis = {102,2.9033E-07,0.63516,190.41,3013.2,0}, LiqK = {16,0.05085,-96.32,-0.95078,-0.0031661,-0.0000020547}, VapK = {102,-874190,0.020464,1.7911E+07,-8.1274E+12,0}, Racketparam = 0.256, UniquacR = 4.5959, UniquacQ = 3.952, ChaoSeadAF = 0.352, ChaoSeadSP = 17420, ChaoSeadLV = 0.12581); end Methylisobutylketone; model Threeheptanone extends General_Properties( SN = 308, name = "Threeheptanone", CAS = "106-35-4", Tc = 605, Pc = 3010000, Vc = 0.421, Cc = 0.251, Tb = 420.55, Tm = 234.15, TT = 234.15, TP = 2.29921, MW = 114.185, LVB = 0.140257, AF = 0.407565, SP = 17940, DM = 9.37E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.01E+08, GEF = -1.196E+08, AS = 448500, HFMP = 1.81E+07, HOC = -4.098E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.65544,0.26958,605,0.29059,0}, VP = {101,59.93996,-7156.968,-5.201278,1.288938E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,215140,447.78,3.9106,0.020539,-0.000013511}, HOV = {106,6.726896E+07,0.830475,-1.256385,1.592723,-0.756362}, VapCp = {16,122140,-668.77,13.117,-0.0000064986,-3.4969E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.982,1284.2,0.095491,-8.1894E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.4757E-07,0.71999,184.44,-6805,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.025728,-61.893,-0.97852,-0.0021604,1.2683E-07}, VapK = {102,1201.8,1.0398,1.4113E+10,-9.6162E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.251, UniquacR = 5.2711, UniquacQ = 4.496, ChaoSeadAF = 0.407565, ChaoSeadSP = 17940, ChaoSeadLV = 0.140257); end Threeheptanone; model Fourheptanone extends General_Properties( SN = 309, name = "Fourheptanone", CAS = "123-19-3", Tc = 595, Pc = 2920000, Vc = 0.421, Cc = 0.253, Tb = 417.15, Tm = 240.65, TT = 240.65, TP = 7.95766, MW = 114.185, LVB = 0.140625, AF = 0.471409, SP = 17410, DM = 8.34E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.01E+08, GEF = -1.196E+08, AS = 448600, HFMP = 1.86E+07, HOC = -4.09E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.78297,0.29215,595,0.33209,0}, VP = {101,121.5579,-9310.284,-14.85267,0.000010781,2}, LiqCp = {16,209750,222.65,6.403,0.014092,-0.0000084677}, HOV = {106,6.630562E+07,0.51436,0.600897,-1.414428,0.688564}, VapCp = {16,121670,-659.01,13.093,0.000016432,-4.1637E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-29.013,1989.1,2.6786,-0.0000019943,2}, VapVis = {102,1.5516E-07,0.71327,190.48,-6907.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.084176,-5.3333,-1.1753,-0.00094427,-3.0728E-07}, VapK = {102,2007.9,1.0403,2.325E+10,-1.556E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.253, UniquacR = 5.2711, UniquacQ = 4.496, ChaoSeadAF = 0.411976, ChaoSeadSP = 17410, ChaoSeadLV = 0.140625); end Fourheptanone; model Threehexanone extends General_Properties( SN = 310, name = "Threehexanone", CAS = "589-38-8", Tc = 582.8, Pc = 3320000, Vc = 0.378, Cc = 0.256, Tb = 396.65, Tm = 215, TT = 217.5, TP = 2.22016, MW = 100.161, LVB = 0.12343, AF = 0.38, SP = 17930, DM = 9.57E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.777E+08, GEF = -1.253E+08, AS = 409200, HFMP = 1.11E+07, HOC = -3.492E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.60844,0.24303,582.83,0.26177,0}, VP = {101,109.4591,-8520.55,-13.01531,9.019631E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,185400,578.77,3.0261,0.02276,-0.000015777}, HOV = {106,5.134266E+07,-0.294625,1.94188,-1.96318,0.653572}, VapCp = {16,108160,-675.23,12.973,-0.000036372,-1.5789E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-3.119,957.18,-1.3764,0.0000033013,2}, VapVis = {102,1.7969E-07,0.70065,200.48,-7668.6,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0083801,80.808,-2.2377,0.00083175,-0.0000033028}, VapK = {102,-0.24291,0.11759,-2306.6,-3681900,0}, Racketparam = 0.256, UniquacR = 4.5967, UniquacQ = 3.956, ChaoSeadAF = 0.38, ChaoSeadSP = 17930, ChaoSeadLV = 0.12343); end Threehexanone; model Twopentanone extends General_Properties( SN = 311, name = "Twopentanone", CAS = "107-87-9", Tc = 561.1, Pc = 3690000, Vc = 0.301, Cc = 0.238, Tb = 375.39, Tm = 196.29, TT = 196.29, TP = 0.752347, MW = 86.134, LVB = 0.10733, AF = 0.346, SP = 18290, DM = 9.07E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.592E+08, GEF = -1.384E+08, AS = 378600, HFMP = 1.062E+07, HOC = -2.88E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.8193,0.25958,561.1,0.28941,0}, VP = {101,92.01772,-7341.876,-10.45756,7.61086E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,119520,155.09,9.2758,0.0038398,0.0000015236}, HOV = {106,6.074187E+07,1.097819,-1.350154,0.926065,-0.25017}, VapCp = {16,86927,-727.52,12.986,-0.00023161,6.926E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.4812,921.84,-0.40943,6.8984E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,2.4641E-07,0.66525,208.96,-62.76,0}, LiqK = {16,0.010889,-36.658,-1.2206,-0.0022413,-2.5211E-07}, VapK = {102,-0.017912,0.4825,-3887.7,-1296300,0}, Racketparam = 0.238, UniquacR = 3.9223, UniquacQ = 3.416, ChaoSeadAF = 0.346, ChaoSeadSP = 18290, ChaoSeadLV = 0.10733); end Twopentanone; model Twohexanone extends General_Properties( SN = 312, name = "Twohexanone", CAS = "591-78-6", Tc = 587, Pc = 3320000, Vc = 0.378, Cc = 0.254, Tb = 400.7, Tm = 217.35, TT = 217.35, TP = 1.44559, MW = 100.161, LVB = 0.1241, AF = 0.393, SP = 17600, DM = 8.94E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.79826E+08, GEF = -1.30081E+08, AS = 417856, HFMP = 1.49E+07, HOC = -3.49E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.58528,0.23872,587.62,0.26191,0}, VP = {101,81.22606,-7467.987,-8.650385,4.736711E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,171430,304.46,6.7554,0.010928,-0.0000044198}, HOV = {106,8.140665E+07,1.724728,-1.991428,0.65901,0.10235}, VapCp = {16,101950,-647,12.874,0.00017699,-1.3836E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-9.5407,1129.1,-0.30673,6.1273E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.7562E-07,0.7037,196.23,-7085.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0056603,-27.398,-1.2811,-0.0017572,-3.9285E-07}, VapK = {102,-0.96934,0.03859,-1883.3,-1.1142E+07,0}, Racketparam = 0.254, UniquacR = 4.5967, UniquacQ = 3.956, ChaoSeadAF = 0.393, ChaoSeadSP = 17600, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1241); end Twohexanone; model Twoheptanone extends General_Properties( SN = 313, name = "Twoheptanone", CAS = "110-43-0", Tc = 611.55, Pc = 2920000, Vc = 0.421, Cc = 0.251, Tb = 424.05, Tm = 238.15, TT = 238.15, TP = 3.54477, MW = 114.185, LVB = 0.140675, AF = 0.418982, SP = 17400, DM = 8.71E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.00453E+08, GEF = -1.21796E+08, AS = 456893, HFMP = 1.84E+07, HOC = -4.09952E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.42296,0.21673,611.55,0.2517,0}, VP = {101,104.1321,-8934.299,-12.02629,6.758209E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,168580,759.37,3.3604,0.023088,-0.000017848}, HOV = {106,6.522658E+07,0.472207,0.238382,-0.54369,0.222217}, VapCp = {16,119760,-702.71,13.229,-0.000074262,-4.5595E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-9.5709,1186.6,-0.30187,0.0000013185,2}, VapVis = {102,1.5766E-07,0.71212,201.61,-8396.4,0}, LiqK = {16,0.061916,-162.99,-0.59984,-0.0044095,-0.0000013415}, VapK = {102,2047.3,1.0324,2.297E+10,7.8096E+08,0}, Racketparam = 0.251, UniquacR = 5.2711, UniquacQ = 4.496, ChaoSeadAF = 0.418982, ChaoSeadSP = 17400, ChaoSeadLV = 0.140675); end Twoheptanone; model FivemethylTwohexanone extends General_Properties( SN = 314, name = "FivemethylTwohexanone", CAS = "110-12-3", Tc = 601, Pc = 2970000, Vc = 0.421, Cc = 0.25, Tb = 417.95, Tm = 199.25, TT = 199.25, TP = 0.0241997, MW = 114.185, LVB = 0.141298, AF = 0.434398, SP = 17740, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.04E+08, GEF = -1.22E+08, AS = 446000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -4.1E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.59436,0.2568,601,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,114.12,-9180,-13.613,0.0000087656,2}, LiqCp = {16,125240,163.14,9.1111,0.0074883,-0.0000035144}, HOV = {106,8.005371E+07,1.17745,-0.708374,-0.221424,0.184955}, VapCp = {16,96832,-530.6,12.878,0.00028483,-1.1552E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-15.292,1388.7,0.61336,-0.0000015372,2}, VapVis = {102,3.5504E-07,0.6089,292.03,-90.104,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.18233,17.124,-1.0595,-0.000040298,-9.9547E-07}, VapK = {102,1467.4,1.0438,1.713E+10,-1.5385E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.25, UniquacR = 5.2703, UniquacQ = 4.492, ChaoSeadAF = 0.434398, ChaoSeadSP = 17740, ChaoSeadLV = 0.141298); end FivemethylTwohexanone; model ThreeThreedimethylTwobutanone extends General_Properties( SN = 315, name = "ThreeThreedimethylTwobutanone", CAS = "75-97-8", Tc = 567, Pc = 3470000, Vc = 0.368, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 379.45, Tm = 221.15, TT = 221.15, TP = 14.4334, MW = 100.159, LVB = 0.124869, AF = 0.327309, SP = 16920, DM = 9.37E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.905E+08, GEF = -1.307E+08, AS = 384400, HFMP = 1.133E+07, HOC = -3.4837E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.050005,0.070782,567,0.11676,0}, VP = {101,93.48771,-7385.263,-10.71444,7.878115E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,154180,195.77,7.7152,0.0092036,-0.0000029177}, HOV = {106,5.0163E+07,0.36416,-0.10654,0.27936,-0.16414}, VapCp = {16,104260,-866.95,13.572,-0.00063607,2.0716E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-19.254,1373.2,1.3346,-0.0000032641,2}, VapVis = {102,1.8869E-07,0.70026,190.78,-6542.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.15399,9.8963,-1.0886,-0.00030883,-9.2007E-07}, VapK = {102,1744.4,1.0305,1.6872E+10,-1.3896E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 4.5952, UniquacQ = 4.032, ChaoSeadAF = 0.327309, ChaoSeadSP = 16920, ChaoSeadLV = 0.124869); end ThreeThreedimethylTwobutanone; model Diisobutylketone extends General_Properties( SN = 316, name = "Diisobutylketone", CAS = "108-83-8", Tc = 620, Pc = 2530000, Vc = 0.522, Cc = 0.253, Tb = 441.4, Tm = 227, TT = 227.17, TP = 0.249815, MW = 142.239, LVB = 0.177418, AF = 0.511608, SP = 16450, DM = 8.87E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.576E+08, GEF = -1.13E+08, AS = 509000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -5.31E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.3783,0.23231,620,0.24664,0}, VP = {101,122.1783,-10064.3,-14.70184,8.652147E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,85834,-102.6,11.702,0.0033978,-0.0000021321}, HOV = {106,4.9161E+07,-1.6509,5.8937,-6.6307,2.7354}, VapCp = {16,118320,-505.35,13.11,0.00028036,-1.0389E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-74.692,4018.6,9.6018,-0.0000061216,2}, VapVis = {102,1.3916E-07,0.72063,190.96,-7816.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.12088,22.25,-1.2974,0.0000088903,-0.0000012079}, VapK = {102,-380230,0.02484,1.3363E+08,-3.9523E+12,0}, Racketparam = 0.253, UniquacR = 6.6183, UniquacQ = 5.568, ChaoSeadAF = 0.511608, ChaoSeadSP = 16450, ChaoSeadLV = 0.177418); end Diisobutylketone; model Diisopropylketone extends General_Properties( SN = 317, name = "Diisopropylketone", CAS = "565-80-0", Tc = 582, Pc = 3380000, Vc = 0.416, Cc = 0.262, Tb = 397.5, Tm = 204, TT = 204.81, TP = 0.820585, MW = 114.185, LVB = 0.142561, AF = 0.404427, SP = 16330, DM = 9.11E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.16E+08, GEF = -1.237E+08, AS = 427000, HFMP = 1.118E+07, HOC = -4.095E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.013793,0.039842,582,0.095675,0}, VP = {101,107.12,-8385.7,-12.681,0.0000089823,2}, LiqCp = {16,180230,-51.129,8.6687,0.010407,-0.0000076786}, HOV = {106,8.205456E+07,3.802881,-9.83224,10.38407,-3.829124}, VapCp = {16,60064,-502.12,13.055,0.00012498,-3.7343E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-5.6405,1129.7,-1.0122,0.0000027665,2}, VapVis = {102,1.7015E-07,0.70572,193.2,-7481.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.11955,20.681,-1.3034,0.0000051067,-0.0000013764}, VapK = {102,-9.5076,-0.0072136,2380.8,-7.251E+07,0}, Racketparam = 0.262, UniquacR = 5.0493, UniquacQ = 4.568, ChaoSeadAF = 0.404427, ChaoSeadSP = 16330, ChaoSeadLV = 0.142561); end Diisopropylketone; model Propanal extends General_Properties( SN = 318, name = "Propanal", CAS = "123-38-6", Tc = 493.15, Pc = 4650000, Vc = 0.223, Cc = 0.239, Tb = 321.15, Tm = 193.15, TT = 170, TP = 1.31328, MW = 58.0791, LVB = 0.0734076, AF = 0.330077, SP = 19320, DM = 8.41E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -1.874E+08, GEF = -1.244E+08, AS = 304700, HFMP = 8580000, HOC = -1.6857E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.81482,0.2126,493.15,0.21277,0}, VP = {101,110.8631,-6856.828,-13.8218,0.0000173391,2}, LiqCp = {16,116710,75.622,5.752,0.010877,0.0000042986}, HOV = {106,6.196909E+07,1.837694,-1.953499,-0.000443949,0.620394}, VapCp = {16,-181030,9.3832,12.233,0.00079415,-2.4738E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.033,843.41,-0.14954,3.8846E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9173E-07,0.71905,111.91,4618.1,0}, LiqK = {16,0.020248,-83.587,-0.55331,-0.0042681,0.0000015626}, VapK = {102,776.87,0.94095,4.8356E+09,-1.3358E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.239, UniquacR = 2.5735, UniquacQ = 2.336, ChaoSeadAF = 0.255909, ChaoSeadSP = 19320, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0734076); end Propanal; model Butanal extends General_Properties( SN = 319, name = "Butanal", CAS = "123-72-8", Tc = 521.15, Pc = 4000000, Vc = 0.263, Cc = 0.25, Tb = 347.95, Tm = 176.75, TT = 176.75, TP = 0.316993, MW = 72.1057, LVB = 0.0904328, AF = 0.277417, SP = 18660, DM = 9.07E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.07E+08, GEF = -1.1539E+08, AS = 344900, HFMP = 1.109E+07, HOC = -2.3035E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.0715,0.2723,521.3,0.27225,0}, VP = {101,99.51827,-7112.269,-11.7407,9.521179E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,146790,-6569.4,41.653,-0.01116,-0.000075065}, HOV = {106,4.118197E+07,-1.36073,5.949252,-7.213209,2.926745}, VapCp = {16,84791,-954.83,13.167,-0.00050103,1.5222E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-14.207,1014.9,0.55992,-0.0000018129,2}, VapVis = {102,9.4037E-07,0.50713,464.89,-11049,0}, LiqK = {16,0.054171,0.30189,-1.9042,-0.00054405,-0.0000037387}, VapK = {102,784.27,0.98392,6.406E+09,-1.3461E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.25, UniquacR = 3.2479, UniquacQ = 2.876, ChaoSeadAF = 0.277417, ChaoSeadSP = 18660, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0904328); end Butanal; model Pentanal extends General_Properties( SN = 320, name = "Pentanal", CAS = "110-62-3", Tc = 554, Pc = 3500000, Vc = 0.316, Cc = 0.264, Tb = 376.15, Tm = 190.15, TT = 182, TP = 0.0522823, MW = 86.1323, LVB = 0.107035, AF = 0.390803, SP = 18440, DM = 8.57E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.2669E+08, GEF = -1.0711E+08, AS = 382890, HFMP = 1.5E+07, HOC = -2.91E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.76227,0.25072,566.11,0.27912,0}, VP = {101,92.63614,-7428.499,-10.51804,7.160109E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,156770,199.89,4.2571,0.024547,-0.000022679}, HOV = {106,6.99504E+07,0.991037,0.252443,-1.761713,0.936026}, VapCp = {16,101560,-929.74,13.391,-0.0005525,1.6606E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.884,982.07,-0.00046989,2.2767E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,2.2718E-07,0.67661,192.16,-86.47,0}, LiqK = {16,0.010965,-0.28239,-1.5585,-0.0012856,-0.0000013221}, VapK = {102,-3901000,-0.05461,1.6551E+09,-2.4357E+13,0}, Racketparam = 0.264, UniquacR = 3.9223, UniquacQ = 3.416, ChaoSeadAF = 0.347159, ChaoSeadSP = 18440, ChaoSeadLV = 0.107035); end Pentanal; model Hexanal extends General_Properties( SN = 321, name = "Hexanal", CAS = "66-25-1", Tc = 579, Pc = 3110000, Vc = 0.369, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 401.45, Tm = 217.15, TT = 217.15, TP = 1.24729, MW = 100.159, LVB = 0.123708, AF = 0.439121, SP = 18150, DM = 8.6E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.4732E+08, GEF = -9.882E+07, AS = 422140, HFMP = 1.89E+07, HOC = -3.52E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3196,0.35571,579,0.38551,0}, VP = {101,209.3738,-12430.59,-28.59364,0.0000281667,2}, LiqCp = {16,175480,98.975,6.7267,0.013876,-0.0000081365}, HOV = {106,5.570251E+07,-0.000821879,0.788181,-0.0470431,-0.460389}, VapCp = {16,115820,-867.39,13.422,-0.00036658,7.4569E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.85,1055.4,0.17945,-3.4838E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.6626E-07,0.71206,185.2,-6483.1,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0039289,-19.957,-1.3588,-0.0017925,-6.0508E-07}, VapK = {102,-5919900,-0.017833,2.2842E+09,-4.7916E+13,0}, Racketparam = 0.26, UniquacR = 4.5967, UniquacQ = 3.956, ChaoSeadAF = 0.387184, ChaoSeadSP = 18150, ChaoSeadLV = 0.123708); end Hexanal; model Heptanal extends General_Properties( SN = 322, name = "Heptanal", CAS = "111-71-7", Tc = 603, Pc = 2800000, Vc = 0.421, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 425.95, Tm = 230.15, TT = 229.8, TP = 1.44979, MW = 114.185, LVB = 0.140287, AF = 0.488466, SP = 17780, DM = 8.6E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -2.6401E+08, GEF = -8.653E+07, AS = 461380, HFMP = 2.359E+07, HOC = -4.136E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.53646,0.24452,616.81,0.26981,0}, VP = {101,108.36,-9179.6,-12.655,0.0000073363,2}, LiqCp = {16,200220,128.23,7.474,0.012008,-0.0000080423}, HOV = {106,6.244116E+07,0.224744,0.949788,-1.500319,0.675167}, VapCp = {16,131660,-858.87,13.596,-0.00041213,8.8955E-08}, LiqVis = {101,8.4077,475.87,-3.0758,0.0000053404,2}, VapVis = {102,1.4563E-07,0.72362,184.89,-7288.6,0}, LiqK = {16,0.02754,-55.074,-1.243,-0.0022084,-0.0000010637}, VapK = {102,1569.2,1.0102,1.4874E+10,2.7536E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.267, UniquacR = 5.2711, UniquacQ = 4.496, ChaoSeadAF = 0.42794, ChaoSeadSP = 17780, ChaoSeadLV = 0.140287); end Heptanal; model Diisopropylether extends General_Properties( SN = 323, name = "Diisopropylether", CAS = "108-20-3", Tc = 500.05, Pc = 2880000, Vc = 0.386, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 341.45, Tm = 187.65, TT = 187.65, TP = 6.8582, MW = 102.175, LVB = 0.141775, AF = 0.338683, SP = 14450, DM = 3.77E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.18988E+08, GEF = -1.248E+08, AS = 382000, HFMP = 1.103E+07, HOC = -3.70234E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.72527,0.27594,500.05,0.29413,0}, VP = {101,109.5333,-7120.297,-13.51365,0.0000143778,2}, LiqCp = {16,161880,-2.8879,7.7638,0.014551,-0.000013251}, HOV = {106,5.8041E+07,2.3385,-5.2086,5.0367,-1.6926}, VapCp = {16,69454,-410.18,12.642,0.00044085,-1.3595E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-9.064,932.47,-0.38815,0.0000010323,2}, VapVis = {102,4.0782E-07,0.58517,121.4,19303,0}, LiqK = {16,0.067752,-462.02,2.3997,-0.014453,0.0000029856}, VapK = {102,0.00010149,1.0246,180.97,93179,0}, Racketparam = 0.267, UniquacR = 4.7421, UniquacQ = 4.088, ChaoSeadAF = 0.338683, ChaoSeadSP = 14450, ChaoSeadLV = 0.141775); end Diisopropylether; model Dinbutylether extends General_Properties( SN = 324, name = "Dinbutylether", CAS = "142-96-1", Tc = 580.15, Pc = 2380000, Vc = 0.511, Cc = 0.247, Tb = 415.35, Tm = 177.95, TT = 175.3, TP = 0.000714135, MW = 130.228, LVB = 0.17041, AF = 0.447646, SP = 15830, DM = 3.9E-30, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.339E+08, GEF = -8.827E+07, AS = 481200, HFMP = 1.63E+07, HOC = -4.94716E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.22926,0.17412,584.11,0.21764,0}, VP = {101,95.7043,-8294.241,-10.81822,6.127187E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,198760,65.432,9.8123,0.0039694,8.4178E-07}, HOV = {106,6.4859E+07,0.77992,-0.72383,0.38094,-0.025388}, VapCp = {16,152990,-805.71,13.605,-0.00024656,5.3497E-08}, LiqVis = {101,20.743,-83.003,-4.9404,0.000004096,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000002113,0.66224,141.56,6932,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.067128,2.4703,-1.3291,-0.0010011,-2.5742E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0036064,0.57918,1401.9,287150,0}, Racketparam = 0.247, UniquacR = 6.0925, UniquacQ = 5.176, ChaoSeadAF = 0.447646, ChaoSeadSP = 15830, ChaoSeadLV = 0.17041); end Dinbutylether; model Disecbutylether extends General_Properties( SN = 325, name = "Disecbutylether", CAS = "6863-58-7", Tc = 562, Pc = 2556000, Vc = 0.487, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 394.2, Tm = 173.15, TT = 173.15, TP = 0.0027863, MW = 130.228, LVB = 0.171577, AF = 0.329, SP = 14950, DM = 0, SH = -1209000000.0, IGHF = -3.609E+08, GEF = -1.157E+08, AS = 501000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -4.9233E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.038135,0.072155,562,0.11862,0}, VP = {101,102.5292,-8146.755,-11.97808,8.058954E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,102180,-37.551,10.606,0.0064949,-0.0000048029}, HOV = {106,5.5999E+07,0.34375,0.18962,-0.14755,-0.0040987}, VapCp = {16,94528,-497.39,13.241,0.000057744,-1.2606E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-10.318,1230.4,-0.20919,4.9411E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.1864E-07,0.74861,137.78,-4500.8,0}, LiqK = {16,0.027499,27.604,-2.2754,0.00032105,-0.0000044406}, VapK = {102,0.00016749,0.96101,656.84,-691.7,0}, Racketparam = 0.269, UniquacR = 6.0909, UniquacQ = 5.168, ChaoSeadAF = 0.329, ChaoSeadSP = 14950, ChaoSeadLV = 0.171577); end Disecbutylether; model Methylethylether extends General_Properties( SN = 326, name = "Methylethylether", CAS = "540-67-0", Tc = 437.8, Pc = 4400000, Vc = 0.221, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 280.5, Tm = 160, TT = 160, TP = 7.85121, MW = 60.096, LVB = 0.08585, AF = 0.236, SP = 15370, DM = 4.1E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -2.164E+08, GEF = -1.177E+08, AS = 308810, HFMP = 7980000, HOC = -1.9314E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1195,0.26367,437.86,0.25231,0}, VP = {101,63.84,-4659.2,-6.4137,0.0000057727,2}, LiqCp = {16,109050,-31.645,7.7783,0.0084684,0.0000041202}, HOV = {106,1.3679E+08,9.4948,-25.655,28.424,-11.603}, VapCp = {16,60571,-557.18,12.079,0.00048084,-1.7581E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.138,628.05,0.042345,-2.0281E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,2.9661E-07,0.6716,174.02,-2778.1,0}, LiqK = {16,0.029003,34.124,-1.9356,0.0010295,-0.0000079939}, VapK = {102,0.00021058,0.94472,515.36,8108.3,0}, Racketparam = 0.267, UniquacR = 2.7205, UniquacQ = 2.476, ChaoSeadAF = 0.236, ChaoSeadSP = 15370, ChaoSeadLV = 0.08585); end Methylethylether; model Methylnpropylether extends General_Properties( SN = 327, name = "Methylnpropylether", CAS = "557-17-5", Tc = 472, Pc = 3801000, Vc = 0.274, Cc = 0.265, Tb = 312.29, Tm = 123.15, TT = 133.97, TP = 0.00289599, MW = 74.1216, LVB = 0.1032, AF = 0.276999, SP = 15730, DM = 4.14E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -2.379E+08, GEF = -1.108E+08, AS = 352000, HFMP = 7670000, HOC = -2.517E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1427,0.28927,472,0.3185,0}, VP = {101,59.81269,-4968.626,-5.703041,3.962175E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,136920,43.97,5.0864,0.024992,-0.000027384}, HOV = {106,4.425282E+07,0.586164,-0.378014,0.582618,-0.440041}, VapCp = {16,93668,-926.82,13.189,-0.0004818,0.000000144}, LiqVis = {101,-11.301,802.09,0.054938,-4.1844E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.0896E-07,0.78578,98.829,-6562.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0079788,3.9001,-1.4224,-0.0010693,-0.0000025315}, VapK = {102,0.010718,0.485,2083.9,283110,0}, Racketparam = 0.265, UniquacR = 3.3949, UniquacQ = 3.016, ChaoSeadAF = 0.276999, ChaoSeadSP = 15730, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1032); end Methylnpropylether; model Isopropylbutylether extends General_Properties( SN = 328, name = "Isopropylbutylether", CAS = "1860-27-1", Tc = 549, Pc = 2740000, Vc = 0.435, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 378.15, Tm = 180, TT = 180, TP = 0.0337504, MW = 116.201, LVB = 0.155791, AF = 0.403229, SP = 15260, DM = 4.24E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -3.269E+08, GEF = -1.071E+08, AS = 450200, HFMP = 1.22E+07, HOC = -4.324E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.62258,0.27082,549,0.30735,0}, VP = {101,85.99635,-7315.405,-9.426402,5.236755E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,200760,-0.77126,8.116,0.0093067,-0.00000176}, HOV = {106,5.2177E+07,0.38027,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,76973,-443.41,12.925,0.00032949,-1.1644E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.496,1171.6,0.0066892,-1.6659E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,0.000000176,0.70157,181.76,-5946.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.10095,17.355,-1.4146,-0.000082157,-0.0000014735}, VapK = {102,0.00016013,0.96562,574.46,18419,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 5.4173, UniquacQ = 4.632, ChaoSeadAF = 0.403229, ChaoSeadSP = 15260, ChaoSeadLV = 0.155791); end Isopropylbutylether; model Methylisobutylether extends General_Properties( SN = 329, name = "Methylisobutylether", CAS = "625-44-5", Tc = 497, Pc = 3410000, Vc = 0.329, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 331.7, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 88.1482, LVB = 0.121242, AF = 0.307786, SP = 15100, DM = 4.7E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -2.66E+08, GEF = -1.07E+08, AS = 381000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -3.122E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.83514,0.27544,497,0.27525,0}, VP = {101,67.83965,-5584.772,-6.90156,5.177794E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,156890,481.87,3.1798,0.023292,-0.000015219}, HOV = {106,4.281E+07,0.34436,0.050812,-0.029168,0.014527}, VapCp = {16,84480,-573.48,12.645,0.00036001,-1.6026E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-6.5049,776.05,-0.79051,0.0000029469,2}, VapVis = {102,2.7344E-07,0.65828,203.42,-5560.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.1664,6.1773,-1.0308,-0.0004394,-9.9213E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00016088,0.97231,471.48,30281,0}, Racketparam = 0.272, UniquacR = 4.0685, UniquacQ = 3.552, ChaoSeadAF = 0.307786, ChaoSeadSP = 15100, ChaoSeadLV = 0.121242); end Methylisobutylether; model Methylisopropylether extends General_Properties( SN = 330, name = "Methylisopropylether", CAS = "598-53-8", Tc = 464.48, Pc = 3762000, Vc = 0.276, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 303.92, Tm = 127.93, TT = 127.93, TP = 0.00332352, MW = 74.1216, LVB = 0.1046, AF = 0.26555, SP = 15160, DM = 4.16E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -2.52E+08, GEF = -1.209E+08, AS = 338300, HFMP = 5850000, HOC = -2.5311E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.82094,0.24798,464.48,0.26184,0}, VP = {101,61.57822,-4874.158,-6.034163,5.097159E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,123760,190.2,5.9878,0.016259,-0.000010176}, HOV = {106,4.2811E+07,1.2196,-2.6572,3.1706,-1.3477}, VapCp = {16,84263,-798.1,12.945,-0.00018216,3.6316E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.884,730.8,-0.038881,2.6764E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9275E-07,0.70897,109.56,-107.54,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.21567,5.2547,-0.85956,-0.00045627,-9.7493E-07}, VapK = {102,1.3675,-0.14071,1446.2,3030500,0}, Racketparam = 0.269, UniquacR = 3.3941, UniquacQ = 3.012, ChaoSeadAF = 0.26555, ChaoSeadSP = 15160, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1046); end Methylisopropylether; model Tertbutylethylether extends General_Properties( SN = 331, name = "Tertbutylethylether", CAS = "637-92-3", Tc = 512, Pc = 3149000, Vc = 0.382, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 345.65, Tm = 176.15, TT = 179.15, TP = 0.880264, MW = 102.175, LVB = 0.138991, AF = 0.295672, SP = 14800, DM = 4.07E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -3.165E+08, GEF = -1.217E+08, AS = 397500, HFMP = 9530000, HOC = -3.684E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.74373,0.27619,512,0.30602,0}, VP = {101,59.92213,-5564.171,-5.601322,3.389291E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,135520,9.8807,8.6914,0.01077,-0.0000076034}, HOV = {106,4.5825E+07,0.349787,0.137025,-0.301886,0.219717}, VapCp = {16,78915,-487.03,12.843,0.00025385,-8.879E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.011,1089.8,0.081011,-2.1688E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9715E-07,0.697,171.3,-4885.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.1316,11.716,-1.2478,-0.00024672,-0.0000012519}, VapK = {102,0.000058788,1.0907,235.7,33150,0}, Racketparam = 0.272, UniquacR = 4.7422, UniquacQ = 4.172, ChaoSeadAF = 0.295672, ChaoSeadSP = 14800, ChaoSeadLV = 0.138991); end Tertbutylethylether; model Ethyltertpentylether extends General_Properties( SN = 332, name = "Ethyltertpentylether", CAS = "919-94-8", Tc = 544, Pc = 2740000, Vc = 0.435, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 374.15, Tm = 190, TT = 190, TP = 0.729523, MW = 116.201, LVB = 0.152635, AF = 0.338192, SP = 14970, DM = 5.14E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -3.324E+08, GEF = -1.094E+08, AS = 439200, HFMP = 1.2E+07, HOC = -4.32E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.65888,0.27797,544,0.29227,0}, VP = {101,47.12433,-5006.625,-3.892102,0.0000058438,2}, LiqCp = {16,-79604,-398.25,15.392,-0.0067505,0.0000071337}, HOV = {106,6.448049E+07,2.475757,-5.830862,5.958177,-2.135539}, VapCp = {16,119820,-647.93,13.251,-0.00004893,2.8951E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-11.435,1134.3,-0.0102,2.552E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,1.2029E-07,0.7552,122.76,-2833.2,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.13805,13.252,-1.2618,-0.00018101,-0.0000010967}, VapK = {102,0.00013295,0.98504,431.52,34060,0}, Racketparam = 0.273, UniquacR = 5.4166, UniquacQ = 4.712, ChaoSeadAF = 0.338192, ChaoSeadSP = 14970, ChaoSeadLV = 0.152635); end Ethyltertpentylether; model Butylvinylether extends General_Properties( SN = 333, name = "Butylvinylether", CAS = "111-34-2", Tc = 540.5, Pc = 3200000, Vc = 0.38362, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 367.131, Tm = 181.15, TT = 181.15, TP = 0.134811, MW = 100.163, LVB = 0.130251, AF = 0.358, SP = 16460, DM = 4.16955E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -1.83E+08, GEF = -3.61974E+07, AS = 428000, HFMP = 1.38E+07, HOC = -3.59144E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.51202,0.22443,540.5,0.25269,0}, VP = {101,80.48089,-6835.53,-8.641032,5.192611E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,179060,294.15,4.464,0.023293,-0.000021892}, HOV = {106,5.9857E+07,1.4054,-2.9112,3.3585,-1.4378}, VapCp = {16,70271,-440.11,12.531,0.00054467,-2.1666E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-13.973,1139.1,0.44727,-0.0000011861,2}, VapVis = {102,9.4315E-08,0.78571,41.584,9100.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.13174,16.987,-1.2513,-0.000050242,-0.000001447}, VapK = {102,0.00002407,1.1842,65.04,40153,0}, Racketparam = 0.273, UniquacR = 4.7403, UniquacQ = 4.192, ChaoSeadAF = 0.358, ChaoSeadSP = 16460, ChaoSeadLV = 0.130251); end Butylvinylether; model Anisole extends General_Properties( SN = 334, name = "Anisole", CAS = "100-66-3", Tc = 642.15, Pc = 4180000, Vc = 0.337, Cc = 0.267, Tb = 426.95, Tm = 235.85, TT = 235.65, TP = 2.44662, MW = 108.138, LVB = 0.109167, AF = 0.350169, SP = 20110, DM = 4.54E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -6.8E+07, GEF = 2.27E+07, AS = 361000, HFMP = 9600000, HOC = -3.6018E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.67524,0.24431,645.61,0.26239,0}, VP = {101,117.0581,-9318.991,-14.12565,9.850515E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,128070,-77.615,10.002,0.0059631,-0.0000043683}, HOV = {106,6.1782E+07,0.29654,0.81637,-1.3762,0.64684}, VapCp = {16,-116340,-170.41,12.829,0.00034368,-1.0767E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-16.864,1572.6,0.82898,-2.2828E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.7587E-07,0.71998,171.18,1705.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.15959,21.142,-1.1373,-0.0000023738,-0.0000009757}, VapK = {102,0.00055356,0.7624,342.48,235670,0}, Racketparam = 0.267, UniquacR = 4.1667, UniquacQ = 3.208, ChaoSeadAF = 0.350169, ChaoSeadSP = 20110, ChaoSeadLV = 0.109167); end Anisole; model Isopropylacetate extends General_Properties( SN = 335, name = "Isopropylacetate", CAS = "108-21-4", Tc = 516.15, Pc = 3495640, Vc = 0.343881, Cc = 0.25, Tb = 361.65, Tm = 199.75, TT = 199.75, TP = 3.8692, MW = 102.132, LVB = 0.117579, AF = 0.542817, SP = 17150, DM = 5.84E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -4.817E+08, GEF = -3.337E+08, AS = 390200, HFMP = 8880000, HOC = -2.658E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.7447,0.38746,516.15,0.46246,0}, VP = {101,53.596,-5675.5,-4.5065,0.0000012831,2}, LiqCp = {16,131390,-46.486,8.1047,0.013597,-0.000010999}, HOV = {106,4.852874E+07,0.139799,0.87492,-1.379465,0.721356}, VapCp = {16,49388,-461.23,12.886,-0.00010674,6.959E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.895,1115.7,-0.084451,4.8399E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.7177E-07,0.62086,249.31,-266.55,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.09612,7.576,-1.2028,-0.00070085,-9.2097E-07}, VapK = {102,-5913400,-0.12076,3.6992E+09,-2.5996E+13,0}, Racketparam = 0.25, UniquacR = 4.1522, UniquacQ = 3.652, ChaoSeadAF = 0.367774, ChaoSeadSP = 17150, ChaoSeadLV = 0.117579); end Isopropylacetate; model Nbutylacetate extends General_Properties( SN = 336, name = "Nbutylacetate", CAS = "123-86-4", Tc = 579, Pc = 3090000, Vc = 0.4128, Cc = 0.253, Tb = 399.12, Tm = 199.65, TT = 199.65, TP = 0.0816516, MW = 116.16, LVB = 0.13251, AF = 0.407, SP = 17670, DM = 6.14E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -4.856E+08, GEF = -3.123E+08, AS = 442500, HFMP = 1.44E+07, HOC = -3.283E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.13588,0.1193,579,0.16305,0}, VP = {101,90.42793,-7625.342,-10.22284,8.987208E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,201710,-19.025,8.0191,0.0068889,0.0000021505}, HOV = {106,8.192574E+07,1.151594,0.0889674,-1.859865,1.113952}, VapCp = {16,92876,-666.17,13.432,-0.00066148,3.0678E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-17.008,1461.1,0.8424,1.1193E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.0488E-07,0.76809,52.337,8271.1,0}, LiqK = {16,0.04366,-125.65,-0.40686,-0.0059305,0.0000024167}, VapK = {102,5.9364E-09,2.3739,-402.22,69606,0}, Racketparam = 0.253, UniquacR = 4.8274, UniquacQ = 4.196, ChaoSeadAF = 0.407, ChaoSeadSP = 17670, ChaoSeadLV = 0.13251); end Nbutylacetate; model Isobutylacetate extends General_Properties( SN = 337, name = "Isobutylacetate", CAS = "110-19-0", Tc = 561, Pc = 3160000, Vc = 0.413, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 389.72, Tm = 174.3, TT = 174.3, TP = 0.00622415, MW = 116.16, LVB = 0.13387, AF = 0.456, SP = 17050, DM = 6.24E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -4.93E+08, GEF = -3.222E+08, AS = 441000, HFMP = 1.24E+07, HOC = -3.319E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.40843,0.20784,561,0.21394,0}, VP = {101,28.45261,-5051.537,-0.615949,-1.95606E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,161610,660.76,3.3098,0.024476,-0.000019195}, HOV = {106,6.408651E+07,1.313221,-1.992233,1.203843,-0.0654865}, VapCp = {16,100140,-654.65,13.176,-0.00017464,3.2068E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-7.1351,566.94,-0.24427,-0.0000078548,2}, VapVis = {102,1.0879E-07,0.78101,111.13,1059.5,0}, LiqK = {16,0.070874,405.28,-7.1892,0.020474,-0.000033831}, VapK = {102,-0.0010112,0.95292,-6813.9,270410,0}, Racketparam = 0.266, UniquacR = 4.8266, UniquacQ = 4.192, ChaoSeadAF = 0.456, ChaoSeadSP = 17050, ChaoSeadLV = 0.13387); end Isobutylacetate; model Npentylacetate extends General_Properties( SN = 338, name = "Npentylacetate", CAS = "628-63-7", Tc = 605.15, Pc = 2800000, Vc = 0.442, Cc = 0.245, Tb = 422.15, Tm = 202.35, TT = 202.35, TP = 0.0185761, MW = 130.185, LVB = 0.149382, AF = 0.413866, SP = 17360, DM = 6.44E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -5.055E+08, GEF = -3.035E+08, AS = 481800, HFMP = 1.65E+07, HOC = -3.89405E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.12608,0.12252,605.15,0.16886,0}, VP = {101,168.7214,-11229.65,-22.11732,0.0000177213,2}, LiqCp = {16,162580,80.092,8.5511,0.011513,-0.0000095523}, HOV = {106,7.883914E+07,0.946213,-0.171734,-0.730153,0.419139}, VapCp = {16,47433,-339.24,12.756,0.0005476,-2.1862E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-24.376,1661.3,2.1378,-0.0000051198,2}, VapVis = {102,4.6095E-07,0.57889,337.64,-259.28,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.08346,4.4855,-1.2866,-0.00064282,-6.6262E-07}, VapK = {102,-0.014827,0.47704,-3337.4,-1003300,0}, Racketparam = 0.245, UniquacR = 5.5018, UniquacQ = 4.736, ChaoSeadAF = 0.447773, ChaoSeadSP = 17360, ChaoSeadLV = 0.149382); end Npentylacetate; model Vinylacetate extends General_Properties( SN = 339, name = "Vinylacetate", CAS = "108-05-4", Tc = 501.45, Pc = 4150000, Vc = 0.266, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 345.65, Tm = 180.35, TT = 180.35, TP = 0.70586, MW = 86.0892, LVB = 0.0929486, AF = 0.529352, SP = 18580, DM = 5.97E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -3.157E+08, GEF = -2.287E+08, AS = 334400, HFMP = 5370000, HOC = -1.95E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.80837,0.2388,524.34,0.25151,0}, VP = {101,-28.90631,-2451.071,8.43748,-0.000014969,2}, LiqCp = {16,104670,68.241,7.8309,0.01301,-0.00001011}, HOV = {106,5.178411E+07,1.329393,-3.127105,3.542901,-1.384803}, VapCp = {16,50651,-432.89,12.118,0.00048734,-1.8964E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-20.187,1398,1.3362,8.2076E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.4727E-07,0.76076,119.27,67.359,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.068153,28.848,-1.5016,0.00051317,-0.0000030057}, VapK = {102,-5281900,-0.16154,2.8419E+09,-1.7045E+13,0}, Racketparam = 0.248, UniquacR = 3.2485, UniquacQ = 2.904, ChaoSeadAF = 0.351307, ChaoSeadSP = 18580, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0929486); end Vinylacetate; model Nhexylacetate extends General_Properties( SN = 340, name = "Nhexylacetate", CAS = "142-92-7", Tc = 623.5, Pc = 2410000, Vc = 0.519, Cc = 0.244, Tb = 444.65, Tm = 192.25, TT = 192.25, TP = 0.000851561, MW = 144.211, LVB = 0.166008, AF = 0.461433, SP = 17200, DM = 6.2E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -5.263E+08, GEF = -2.954E+08, AS = 520900, HFMP = 1.69E+07, HOC = -4.505E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.39801,0.22828,623.5,0.26879,0}, VP = {101,135.2,-10778,-16.633,0.000010146,2}, LiqCp = {16,152410,849.23,3.575,0.024024,-0.000019964}, HOV = {106,7.6365E+07,1.3535,-2.7266,3.0189,-1.2516}, VapCp = {16,74275,-423.1,13.088,0.00020721,-5.6794E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.853,1437.9,0.03568,-1.5887E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000001052,0.76244,141.7,-5217.3,0}, LiqK = {16,0.076217,432.06,-6.6217,0.014354,-0.00002134}, VapK = {102,-96.991,-0.0010535,51726,-1.0193E+09,0}, Racketparam = 0.244, UniquacR = 6.1762, UniquacQ = 5.276, ChaoSeadAF = 0.539588, ChaoSeadSP = 17200, ChaoSeadLV = 0.166008); end Nhexylacetate; model Onepentanol extends General_Properties( SN = 341, name = "Onepentanol", CAS = "71-41-0", Tc = 588.15, Pc = 3909000, Vc = 0.326, Cc = 0.262, Tb = 411.16, Tm = 194.95, TT = 195.56, TP = 0.000345245, MW = 88.15, LVB = 0.10863, AF = 0.579, SP = 22520, DM = 5.67059E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -3.0016E+08, GEF = -1.46022E+08, AS = 402501, HFMP = 9790560, HOC = -3.06051E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.54137,0.21848,588.15,0.20812,0}, VP = {101,150.9933,-11938.85,-18.59103,8.735585E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,151460,721.52,-3.5691,0.059604,-0.000063767}, HOV = {106,1.1853E+08,1.9668,-2.5741,1.6268,-0.41037}, VapCp = {16,78144,-573.83,12.781,0.00015431,-6.6745E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-29.696,3126.2,2.4167,-0.0000024327,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9935E-07,0.70293,200.97,-2040.7,0}, LiqK = {16,0.14679,201570,-2097.5,7.255,-0.0083973}, VapK = {102,1221.5,0.95117,8.0014E+09,-2.8255E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.262, UniquacR = 4.5987, UniquacQ = 4.208, ChaoSeadAF = 0.579, ChaoSeadSP = 22520, ChaoSeadLV = 0.10863); end Onepentanol; model Twopentanol extends General_Properties( SN = 342, name = "Twopentanol", CAS = "6032-29-7", Tc = 552, Pc = 3880000, Vc = 0.327, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 392.15, Tm = 200, TT = 200, TP = 0.00596587, MW = 88.1482, LVB = 0.109448, AF = 0.674371, SP = 21700, DM = 5.39E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -3.138E+08, GEF = -1.593E+08, AS = 396400, HFMP = 8480000, HOC = -3.0515E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.319,0.3371,552,0.32218,0}, VP = {101,156.6278,-11701.22,-19.61134,0.0000119964,2}, LiqCp = {16,223900,2827.9,-24.806,0.11426,-0.00010479}, HOV = {106,8.4515E+07,0.5603,0.52669,-1.3675,0.83639}, VapCp = {16,81533,-562.17,12.749,0.00015514,-6.2807E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-161.5575,9388.477,22.02304,-0.0000121894,2}, VapVis = {102,3.2586E-07,0.63457,242.49,-572.84,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.29342,50.682,-1.2923,0.0017888,-0.0000028966}, VapK = {102,1300.2,0.95377,8.1158E+09,-2.9211E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.26, UniquacR = 4.5979, UniquacQ = 4.204, ChaoSeadAF = 0.558707, ChaoSeadSP = 21700, ChaoSeadLV = 0.109448); end Twopentanol; model TwomethylOnebutanol extends General_Properties( SN = 343, name = "TwomethylOnebutanol", CAS = "137-32-6", Tc = 575.4, Pc = 3940000, Vc = 0.329, Cc = 0.271, Tb = 401.85, Tm = 195, TT = 195, TP = 0.000803, MW = 88.148, LVB = 0.1083, AF = 0.587733, SP = 22080, DM = 6.27E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -3.0209E+08, GEF = -1.41E+08, AS = 386900, HFMP = 7430000, HOC = -3.062E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.88123,0.27569,576.16,0.26459,0}, VP = {101,169.4054,-12535.91,-21.44821,0.000011664,2}, LiqCp = {16,64512,-115.41,11.54,0.0018322,0.0000027168}, HOV = {106,1.7446E+08,5.4789,-13.886,15.653,-6.6531}, VapCp = {16,76232,-567.6,12.811,0.000074113,-1.3012E-08}, LiqVis = {101,0.00893998,2796.534,-2.732303,0.0000087109,2}, VapVis = {102,0.000000189,0.70643,185.92,-6046.6,0}, LiqK = {16,0.080313,-215.29,-0.17577,-0.0076457,0.000003672}, VapK = {102,1262.3,0.94565,7.7547E+09,-2.8418E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.271, UniquacR = 4.5979, UniquacQ = 4.204, ChaoSeadAF = 0.587733, ChaoSeadSP = 22080, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1083); end TwomethylOnebutanol; model TwoTwodimethylOnepropanol extends General_Properties( SN = 344, name = "TwoTwodimethylOnepropanol", CAS = "75-84-3", Tc = 552.7, Pc = 4078000, Vc = 0.327, Cc = 0.29, Tb = 386.25, Tm = 328.15, TT = 328.15, TP = 8050, MW = 88.1482, LVB = 0.1255, AF = 0.595013, SP = 19040, DM = 5.47E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -3.021E+08, GEF = -1.4E+08, AS = 370000, HFMP = 3500000, HOC = -3.061E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.88741,0.29,552.7,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,192.4683,-12413.62,-25.59931,0.0000246643,2}, LiqCp = {16,124850,368.96,4.9094,0.027472,-0.00002893}, HOV = {106,4.5224E+07,-1.2435,2.138,0.13988,-0.73989}, VapCp = {16,72294.67,-550.0374,12.86817,0.000039202,-1.255351E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.693,3446.8,-0.71456,0.0000011322,2}, VapVis = {102,0.000021696,0.15612,1926.2,5137.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.11602,10.416,-1.227,-0.00033355,-0.00000113}, VapK = {102,1.2842E-07,1.9773,-61.933,2946,0}, Racketparam = 0.29, UniquacR = 4.5972, UniquacQ = 4.284, ChaoSeadAF = 0.595013, ChaoSeadSP = 19040, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1255); end TwoTwodimethylOnepropanol; model Onehexanol extends General_Properties( SN = 345, name = "Onehexanol", CAS = "111-27-3", Tc = 611.4, Pc = 3510000, Vc = 0.381, Cc = 0.263, Tb = 430.44, Tm = 228.55, TT = 228.55, TP = 0.0295499, MW = 102.177, LVB = 0.12519, AF = 0.58, SP = 21830, DM = 5.5E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -3.18E+08, GEF = -1.344E+08, AS = 440000, HFMP = 1.54E+07, HOC = -3.67439E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.12172,0.11263,611.4,0.13194,0}, VP = {101,140.4065,-11996.05,-16.8497,6.25688E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,-13352,695.57,4.4864,0.026504,-0.000025444}, HOV = {106,9.9912E+07,1.0345,-0.71214,0.038869,0.22103}, VapCp = {16,93733,-618.92,13.098,-0.000028541,-8.6478E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-78.019,5186.5,9.8395,-0.0000094042,2}, VapVis = {102,2.3121E-07,0.66402,127.06,17987,0}, LiqK = {16,0.09203,1297.6,-15.712,0.045447,-0.000056017}, VapK = {102,-2143900,-0.092957,1.682E+08,-1.0339E+13,0}, Racketparam = 0.263, UniquacR = 5.2731, UniquacQ = 4.748, ChaoSeadAF = 0.58, ChaoSeadSP = 21830, ChaoSeadLV = 0.12519); end Onehexanol; model Oneheptanol extends General_Properties( SN = 346, name = "Oneheptanol", CAS = "111-70-6", Tc = 631.9, Pc = 3150000, Vc = 0.435, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 449.81, Tm = 239.15, TT = 239.15, TP = 0.0117728, MW = 116.203, LVB = 0.14195, AF = 0.582, SP = 21540, DM = 5.57E-30, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -3.32E+08, GEF = -1.253E+08, AS = 480000, HFMP = 1.322E+07, HOC = -4.2887E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.53584,0.24833,632.61,0.25556,0}, VP = {101,251.8216,-17683.63,-33.48375,0.000017626,2}, LiqCp = {16,-85727,742.02,4.7157,0.026441,-0.000025674}, HOV = {106,1.173181E+08,1.489028,-2.632241,3.547284,-1.892409}, VapCp = {16,106760,-598.85,13.165,0.000054117,-4.1018E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-78.864,5896.7,9.4721,-3.3466E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,2.5718E-07,0.65021,248.54,12.534,0}, LiqK = {16,0.090359,1107.5,-13.417,0.037115,-0.000045589}, VapK = {102,-0.060066,0.28898,-3437.9,-1686200,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 5.2731, UniquacQ = 4.748, ChaoSeadAF = 0.582, ChaoSeadSP = 21540, ChaoSeadLV = 0.14195); end Oneheptanol; model OneFourbutanediol extends General_Properties( SN = 347, name = "OneFourbutanediol", CAS = "110-63-4", Tc = 667, Pc = 4880000, Vc = 0.297, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 501.15, Tm = 293.05, TT = 293.05, TP = 0.437872, MW = 90.121, LVB = 0.0888513, AF = 1.17696, SP = 28850, DM = 1.31E-29, SH = -216400000.0, IGHF = -4.267E+08, GEF = -2.78E+08, AS = 381000, HFMP = 1.63E+07, HOC = -2.2801E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.87669,0.26038,667,0.18382,0}, VP = {101,273.87,-20688,-36.39,0.000020662,2}, LiqCp = {16,-147300,-151.29,13.013,0.00082927,-4.8483E-07}, HOV = {106,8.835E+07,0.2441,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,78857,-613.48,12.793,-0.00013274,6.7309E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-135.2818,9167.078,18.06409,-0.0000115446,2}, VapVis = {102,1.0592E-07,0.79673,195.38,-19182,0}, LiqK = {16,0.17847,-272.57,-0.42428,-0.0080796,0.0000034419}, VapK = {102,-0.69878,0.86746,-2810400,-7.1005E+07,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 4.6976, UniquacQ = 4.56, ChaoSeadAF = 1.17696, ChaoSeadSP = 28850, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0888513); end OneFourbutanediol; model Methylmercaptan extends General_Properties( SN = 348, name = "Methylmercaptan", CAS = "74-93-1", Tc = 470, Pc = 7230000, Vc = 0.145, Cc = 0.268, Tb = 279.11, Tm = 150.18, TT = 150.18, TP = 3.14785, MW = 48.109, LVB = 0.05552, AF = 0.15, SP = 19470, DM = 5.07E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -2.26E+07, GEF = -9920000, AS = 255000, HFMP = 5904000, HOC = -1.1517E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.954,0.28171,470,0.28737,0}, VP = {101,115.1598,-6300.053,-14.66478,0.0000195265,2}, LiqCp = {16,87318,-59222,550.29,-1.6599,0.001702}, HOV = {106,3.221375E+07,-0.00310105,0.657759,-0.0249162,-0.340052}, VapCp = {16,38535,-588.35,11.232,0.00044782,-1.6363E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.947,607.01,-0.26447,0.0000011807,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9969E-07,0.74097,130.67,-839.04,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.011242,-11.424,-1.1701,-0.0017729,-0.0000012043}, VapK = {102,0.000024689,1.1702,4.7184,35466,0}, Racketparam = 0.268, UniquacR = 1.877, UniquacQ = 1.676, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end Methylmercaptan; model Npropylmercaptan extends General_Properties( SN = 349, name = "Npropylmercaptan", CAS = "107-03-9", Tc = 536, Pc = 4520000, Vc = 0.254, Cc = 0.264, Tb = 340.65, Tm = 159.85, TT = 160, TP = 0.0651025, MW = 76.1606, LVB = 0.0911676, AF = 0.225, SP = 18020, DM = 5.17E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -6.75E+07, GEF = 2700000, AS = 336400, HFMP = 5477000, HOC = -2.345E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.98491,0.2613,536.61,0.28105,0}, VP = {101,81.44938,-6196.556,-9.018418,0.0000073391,2}, LiqCp = {16,104970,204.83,8.2793,0.0048108,0.0000020317}, HOV = {106,4.183879E+07,-0.0306824,1.010385,-0.640892,-0.0194755}, VapCp = {16,69258,-718.05,12.587,-0.000090812,1.349E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.6328,806.3,-0.3609,0.0000011977,2}, VapVis = {102,2.0609E-07,0.72623,217.41,-10810,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.061115,3.3836,-1.3478,-0.00049487,-0.0000016211}, VapK = {102,0.0088953,0.51444,2337.9,345110,0}, Racketparam = 0.264, UniquacR = 3.2265, UniquacQ = 2.756, ChaoSeadAF = 0.225, ChaoSeadSP = 18020, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0911676); end Npropylmercaptan; model Tertbutylmercaptan extends General_Properties( SN = 350, name = "Tertbutylmercaptan", CAS = "75-66-1", Tc = 530, Pc = 4060000, Vc = 0.307, Cc = 0.283, Tb = 337.37, Tm = 274.26, TT = 274.42, TP = 7907.71, MW = 90.1872, LVB = 0.113524, AF = 0.191395, SP = 15790, DM = 5.3E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.096E+08, GEF = 1006000, AS = 338000, HFMP = 2482000, HOC = -2.9396E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.89711,0.27544,530,0.31359,0}, VP = {101,107.5154,-7030.549,-13.1586,0.0000127338,2}, LiqCp = {16,154160,506.03,1.848,0.027991,-0.000021961}, HOV = {106,5.3137E+07,1.4502,-2.4713,2.4297,-0.95458}, VapCp = {16,81989,-677.66,12.907,-0.00021031,4.8543E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.3337,1214.8,-0.59208,0.0000022318,2}, VapVis = {102,3.9123E-07,0.6395,316.74,-8533.3,0}, LiqK = {16,0.031454,-260.91,0.599,-0.0079027,0.0000031638}, VapK = {102,0.032499,0.31482,1562.3,775320,0}, Racketparam = 0.283, UniquacR = 4.3543, UniquacQ = 3.912, ChaoSeadAF = 0.191395, ChaoSeadSP = 15790, ChaoSeadLV = 0.113524); end Tertbutylmercaptan; model Isobutylmercaptan extends General_Properties( SN = 351, name = "Isobutylmercaptan", CAS = "513-44-0", Tc = 557, Pc = 3900000, Vc = 0.307, Cc = 0.268, Tb = 361.64, Tm = 128.31, TT = 128.3, TP = 4.75023E-06, MW = 90.1872, LVB = 0.108751, AF = 0.25, SP = 17240, DM = 5.1E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -9.694E+07, GEF = 6100000, AS = 362840, HFMP = 4982300, HOC = -2.949E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.97433,0.28543,557,0.30684,0}, VP = {101,94.36165,-7005.04,-10.97315,8.971409E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,113680,117.72,9.1822,0.0046628,2.8876E-09}, HOV = {106,4.696233E+07,0.280539,0.393074,-0.340509,0.0160184}, VapCp = {16,83649,-694.35,12.849,-0.00014111,3.1023E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.885,935.58,0.015703,-1.4837E-10,2}, VapVis = {102,8.5691E-08,0.8336,119.56,-8012,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.03575,3.5477,-1.4952,-0.00050318,-0.0000017356}, VapK = {102,0.00014532,0.98673,557.5,22542,0}, Racketparam = 0.268, UniquacR = 3.9001, UniquacQ = 3.292, ChaoSeadAF = 0.25, ChaoSeadSP = 17240, ChaoSeadLV = 0.108751); end Isobutylmercaptan; model Secbutylmercaptan extends General_Properties( SN = 352, name = "Secbutylmercaptan", CAS = "513-53-1", Tc = 551, Pc = 3970000, Vc = 0.307, Cc = 0.271, Tb = 358.13, Tm = 133.01, TT = 133.01, TP = 0.0000339902, MW = 90.1872, LVB = 0.10943, AF = 0.25, SP = 17000, DM = 5.17E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -9.66E+07, GEF = 5200000, AS = 366730, HFMP = 6477000, HOC = -2.95E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.81743,0.26237,554.01,0.28149,0}, VP = {101,85.20348,-6580.804,-9.568603,0.0000075683,2}, LiqCp = {16,132220,286.96,6.629,0.011753,-0.0000059086}, HOV = {106,4.567571E+07,0.16352,0.885588,-1.131485,0.438377}, VapCp = {16,85634,-697.09,12.792,-0.00003836,-5.0229E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-11.718,953.76,0.15985,-4.5581E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,8.4539E-08,0.83594,117.21,-7872.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.032852,4.221,-1.5207,-0.0004702,-0.0000018598}, VapK = {102,0.97519,-0.11286,1130.7,3149700,0}, Racketparam = 0.271, UniquacR = 4.1276, UniquacQ = 3.604, ChaoSeadAF = 0.25, ChaoSeadSP = 17000, ChaoSeadLV = 0.10943); end Secbutylmercaptan; model Nhexylmercaptan extends General_Properties( SN = 353, name = "Nhexylmercaptan", CAS = "111-31-9", Tc = 622, Pc = 3025000, Vc = 0.412, Cc = 0.245, Tb = 424.15, Tm = 192.15, TT = 192.62, TP = 0.0130959, MW = 118.24, LVB = 0.141006, AF = 0.369, SP = 17450, DM = 5.17E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.292E+08, GEF = 2.77E+07, AS = 454600, HFMP = 1.801E+07, HOC = -4.176E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.60827,0.26212,623.01,0.27785,0}, VP = {101,102.0208,-8530.272,-11.91139,8.521739E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,168110,243.92,7.741,0.0099925,-0.0000054522}, HOV = {106,6.053718E+07,0.532372,-0.222059,0.0696209,-0.00101028}, VapCp = {16,116170,-711.75,13.18,-0.000044297,1.0562E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-35.723,1823.3,4.0853,-0.0000098564,2}, VapVis = {102,6.7616E-08,0.85134,101.57,-4277.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.076932,5.5076,-1.3601,-0.00033003,-0.000001155}, VapK = {102,0.090806,0.27994,4707,1982000,0}, Racketparam = 0.245, UniquacR = 5.2497, UniquacQ = 4.376, ChaoSeadAF = 0.369, ChaoSeadSP = 17450, ChaoSeadLV = 0.141006); end Nhexylmercaptan; model Methylethylsulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 354, name = "Methylethylsulfide", CAS = "624-89-5", Tc = 533, Pc = 4260000, Vc = 0.26, Cc = 0.25, Tb = 339.8, Tm = 167.24, TT = 167.23, TP = 0.224563, MW = 76.163, LVB = 0.09102, AF = 0.208, SP = 18010, DM = 5.34E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -5.93E+07, GEF = 1.19E+07, AS = 332100, HFMP = 9761000, HOC = -2.3531E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.067,0.27102,533,0.29364,0}, VP = {101,84.44792,-6287.173,-9.497514,8.101952E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,128430,1340.2,-7.9347,0.062009,-0.00006022}, HOV = {106,5.1014E+07,1.045,-1.3834,1.1914,-0.41055}, VapCp = {16,65018,-602.45,12.269,0.00023938,-9.0299E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.137,871.68,0.048227,-1.2198E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.5396E-07,0.76205,156.76,-5273.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.050172,-1.1207,-1.3208,-0.00082247,-0.0000013076}, VapK = {102,0.0034168,0.62158,1811.6,162180,0}, Racketparam = 0.25, UniquacR = 3.1885, UniquacQ = 2.756, ChaoSeadAF = 0.208, ChaoSeadSP = 18010, ChaoSeadLV = 0.09102); end Methylethylsulfide; model Methylnpropylsulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 355, name = "Methylnpropylsulfide", CAS = "3877-15-4", Tc = 552, Pc = 3800000, Vc = 0.322, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 368.69, Tm = 160.17, TT = 160.17, TP = 0.00425588, MW = 90.1872, LVB = 0.107699, AF = 0.356915, SP = 17710, DM = 5.5E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -8.19E+07, GEF = 1.793E+07, AS = 371700, HFMP = 9912000, HOC = -2.962E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.528,0.35328,552,0.39953,0}, VP = {101,83.78969,-6786.538,-9.267875,6.742312E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,140680,477.81,3.8109,0.020949,-0.000014877}, HOV = {106,5.460643E+07,0.610381,0.183873,-0.864255,0.448129}, VapCp = {16,76201,-575.5,12.472,0.00030373,-1.0224E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-11.683,983.43,0.11996,-4.1262E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,5.4928E-08,0.89154,78.07,-5628.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.062059,3.0814,-1.3629,-0.00055214,-0.0000012783}, VapK = {102,0.0023304,0.67586,1803.3,153300,0}, Racketparam = 0.259, UniquacR = 3.8629, UniquacQ = 3.296, ChaoSeadAF = 0.273669, ChaoSeadSP = 17710, ChaoSeadLV = 0.107699); end Methylnpropylsulfide; model Methyltbutylsulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 356, name = "Methyltbutylsulfide", CAS = "6163-64-0", Tc = 585, Pc = 3400000, Vc = 0.37, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 372.048, Tm = 190.84, TT = 190.84, TP = 0.818336, MW = 104.214, LVB = 0.12697, AF = 0.107514, SP = 16230, DM = 5.2E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.209E+08, GEF = 7400000, AS = 414300, HFMP = 8414000, HOC = -3.558E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.0025324,0.015967,585,0.080614,0}, VP = {101,84.46516,-6786.586,-9.396892,6.668285E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,141210,178.65,7.6994,0.011393,-0.0000080501}, HOV = {106,6.776086E+07,2.156989,-4.009149,3.630339,-1.236406}, VapCp = {16,87862,-573.15,12.832,0.000097962,-4.8038E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.768,996.37,0.0046964,-1.0865E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,1.4934E-07,0.74231,170.99,-8263.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.049324,-5.479,-1.3559,-0.00091706,-9.5073E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00016838,0.95767,599.31,12993,0}, Racketparam = 0.269, UniquacR = 4.5358, UniquacQ = 3.912, ChaoSeadAF = 0.233365, ChaoSeadSP = 16230, ChaoSeadLV = 0.12697); end Methyltbutylsulfide; model Methyltpentylsulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 357, name = "Methyltpentylsulfide", CAS = "13286-92-5", Tc = 632, Pc = 3130000, Vc = 0.412, Cc = 0.259, Tb = 401.15, Tm = 195, TT = 195, TP = 0.0547032, MW = 118.24, LVB = 0.141236, AF = 0.283554, SP = 16850, DM = 5.2E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.374E+08, GEF = 2.884E+07, AS = 422900, HFMP = 8320000, HOC = -4.171E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.59566,0.25918,632,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,71.41151,-7073.516,-7.244729,3.628693E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,181970,283.58,5.3016,0.020294,-0.000016827}, HOV = {106,5.4045E+07,0.37325,0,0,0}, VapCp = {16,109660,-656.23,13.164,-0.000084618,-5.7336E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-11.248,1169.1,-0.00088104,1.198E-09,2}, VapVis = {102,8.9322E-08,0.79515,142.11,-9151.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.059845,-0.6973,-1.3681,-0.00062696,-0.0000008708}, VapK = {102,0.00014528,0.96627,637.8,13351,0}, Racketparam = 0.259, UniquacR = 5.2102, UniquacQ = 4.452, ChaoSeadAF = 0.283554, ChaoSeadSP = 16850, ChaoSeadLV = 0.141236); end Methyltpentylsulfide; model Dinpropylsulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 358, name = "Dinpropylsulfide", CAS = "111-47-7", Tc = 608, Pc = 3080000, Vc = 0.412, Cc = 0.251, Tb = 415.978, Tm = 170.55, TT = 170.44, TP = 0.000440358, MW = 118.24, LVB = 0.141918, AF = 0.374042, SP = 17110, DM = 5.5E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.254E+08, GEF = 2.15E+07, AS = 447000, HFMP = 1.214E+07, HOC = -4.1801E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.66296,0.27313,608,0.29224,0}, VP = {101,149.6373,-10251.56,-19.3067,0.0000171365,2}, LiqCp = {16,165300,330.45,6.4516,0.01426,-0.000009041}, HOV = {106,5.7575E+07,0.38334,0.098397,-0.17233,0.065159}, VapCp = {16,105470,-659.93,13.199,-0.00015,2.3041E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.285,1150.9,-0.17064,6.2281E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,7.5739E-08,0.838,116.99,-6475.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.078109,7.1733,-1.4231,-0.000097639,-0.0000015465}, VapK = {102,0.0086151,0.48706,1648.6,489220,0}, Racketparam = 0.251, UniquacR = 5.2117, UniquacQ = 4.376, ChaoSeadAF = 0.374042, ChaoSeadSP = 17110, ChaoSeadLV = 0.141918); end Dinpropylsulfide; model Diethylsulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 359, name = "Diethylsulfide", CAS = "352-93-2", Tc = 557, Pc = 3960000, Vc = 0.318, Cc = 0.269, Tb = 365.25, Tm = 169.22, TT = 169.2, TP = 0.099321, MW = 90.189, LVB = 0.10851, AF = 0.295, SP = 17490, DM = 5.14E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -8.347E+07, GEF = 1.778E+07, AS = 368000, HFMP = 1.19035E+07, HOC = -2.9607E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.71845,0.24674,557.16,0.25292,0}, VP = {101,70.99138,-6108.92,-7.37143,5.835752E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,145900,1485.7,-9.9348,0.077005,-0.000088463}, HOV = {106,4.6317E+07,0.40563,-0.17525,0.12561,0.018959}, VapCp = {16,84916,-751.54,12.969,-0.00026179,6.4336E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-2.9987,606.92,-1.2077,8.2651E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.8477E-08,0.85168,55.152,236.99,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.07619,7.9978,-1.3835,-0.00020735,-0.0000016592}, VapK = {102,0.0017352,0.67658,1116.5,181260,0}, Racketparam = 0.269, UniquacR = 3.8629, UniquacQ = 3.296, ChaoSeadAF = 0.295, ChaoSeadSP = 17490, ChaoSeadLV = 0.10851); end Diethylsulfide; model Diethyldisulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 360, name = "Diethyldisulfide", CAS = "110-81-6", Tc = 642, Pc = 3870000, Vc = 0.358, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 427.15, Tm = 171.65, TT = 171.64, TP = 0.000220562, MW = 122.252, LVB = 0.12376, AF = 0.346925, SP = 18630, DM = 6.54E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -7.47E+07, GEF = 2.301E+07, AS = 414000, HFMP = 9406000, HOC = -3.257E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77633,0.27774,642,0.3008,0}, VP = {101,177.1651,-11358.16,-23.65597,0.0000232121,2}, LiqCp = {16,184820,1402.4,-9.485,0.072797,-0.00007939}, HOV = {106,5.898575E+07,0.279736,0.523521,-0.500907,0.0214669}, VapCp = {16,100900,-621.21,12.713,-0.0000050655,-1.705E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-12.559,1373.4,0.15118,-3.7692E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,6.5143E-08,0.87157,110.73,-9132.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.047803,3.9799,-1.4697,-0.00042308,-0.0000011998}, VapK = {102,0.00017171,0.93356,610.03,20030,0}, Racketparam = 0.26, UniquacR = 4.5748, UniquacQ = 3.816, ChaoSeadAF = 0.346925, ChaoSeadSP = 18630, ChaoSeadLV = 0.12376); end Diethyldisulfide; model Dimethyldisulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 361, name = "Dimethyldisulfide", CAS = "624-92-0", Tc = 606, Pc = 5360000, Vc = 0.252, Cc = 0.264, Tb = 382.9, Tm = 188.44, TT = 188.44, TP = 0.207156, MW = 94.199, LVB = 0.0890926, AF = 0.266353, SP = 20060, DM = 6.57E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -2.35978E+07, GEF = 1.53553E+07, AS = 336686, HFMP = 9192000, HOC = -2.04376E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.0289,0.26919,615.01,0.29771,0}, VP = {101,81.238,-6951.5,-8.8055,0.0000055663,2}, LiqCp = {16,143050,-21950,190.58,-0.51509,0.00050194}, HOV = {106,5.473869E+07,0.511523,0.456682,-1.152343,0.579651}, VapCp = {16,74603,-691.43,12.21,-0.0000028522,-1.9217E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-11.014,1197,-0.085106,2.8649E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,7.8221E-08,0.86272,109.17,-8364.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.035195,-0.25311,-1.4287,-0.00064815,-0.0000012773}, VapK = {102,0.00022814,0.8901,687.63,4695.8,0}, Racketparam = 0.264, UniquacR = 3.226, UniquacQ = 2.736, ChaoSeadAF = 0.205916, ChaoSeadSP = 20060, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0890926); end Dimethyldisulfide; model Dinpropyldisulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 362, name = "Dinpropyldisulfide", CAS = "629-19-6", Tc = 727.15, Pc = 3009350, Vc = 0.518, Cc = 0.25, Tb = 466.65, Tm = 187.15, TT = 187.66, TP = 0.000767693, MW = 150.305, LVB = 0.157229, AF = 0.142024, SP = 17950, DM = 6.6E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.173E+08, GEF = 3.849E+07, AS = 490000, HFMP = 1.381E+07, HOC = -4.53027E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.0083051,0.032244,727.15,0.12866,0}, VP = {101,37.30305,-7362.883,-1.323142,-8.891834E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,195280,206.99,8.2539,0.0083402,-0.0000036311}, HOV = {106,5.27924E+07,-0.627848,2.812662,-3.633008,1.997715}, VapCp = {16,135200,-728.45,13.4,-0.00037376,9.4294E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-9.576,1437.8,-0.35065,0.0000011166,2}, VapVis = {102,6.2944E-08,0.86495,121.54,-9663.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.066065,4.827,-1.4132,-0.00039942,-9.1868E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00015595,0.95139,651.61,14665,0}, Racketparam = 0.25, UniquacR = 5.9236, UniquacQ = 4.896, ChaoSeadAF = 0.436981, ChaoSeadSP = 17950, ChaoSeadLV = 0.157229); end Dinpropyldisulfide; model Ditertbutyldisulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 363, name = "Ditertbutyldisulfide", CAS = "110-06-5", Tc = 689.7, Pc = 3159000, Vc = 0.518, Cc = 0.285, Tb = 473.6, Tm = 268.2, TT = 268.2, TP = 9.12, MW = 178.359, LVB = 0.1947, AF = 0.402005, SP = 15680, DM = 6.2E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.998E+08, GEF = 3.427E+07, AS = 500100, HFMP = 1.31E+07, HOC = -5.665E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.60778,0.31522,689.7,0.2884,0}, VP = {101,113.63,-10180,-13.332,0.0000068178,2}, LiqCp = {16,273850,-799.3,13.794,-0.001521,0.0000014598}, HOV = {106,5.0039E+07,-1.4285,5.5884,-6.8503,3.0089}, VapCp = {16,171300,-806,13.98,-0.00069575,1.6372E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.435,1172.7,0,0,0}, VapVis = {102,0.0000001005,0.79652,148.51,-7648.2,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.019283,-53.989,-1.1745,-0.0017696,-1.3435E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00018425,0.91582,448.35,58650,0}, Racketparam = 0.285, UniquacR = 5.9221, UniquacQ = 4.972, ChaoSeadAF = 0.402005, ChaoSeadSP = 15680, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1947); end Ditertbutyldisulfide; model Ethylmethyldisulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 364, name = "Ethylmethyldisulfide", CAS = "20333-39-5", Tc = 628.9, Pc = 4615000, Vc = 0.312, Cc = 0.275, Tb = 407.15, Tm = 183.22, TT = 183.22, TP = 0.0416, MW = 108.226, LVB = 0.1066, AF = 0.301, SP = 18730, DM = 8.25E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -4.94E+07, GEF = 1.709E+07, AS = 381100, HFMP = 9210000, HOC = -2.65E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.88258,0.27523,628.9,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,96.027,-8038.4,-10.972,0.0000070895,2}, LiqCp = {100,187520,-208.62,0.55295,0,0}, HOV = {106,4.8216E+07,0.48633,-0.6279,0.476,0}, VapCp = {16,84149,-628.71,12.564,-0.0001652,8.9754E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-74.45287,3204.964,10.10529,-0.0000144504,2}, VapVis = {102,7.0201E-08,0.85571,90.077,-7385.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.21083,11.426,-1.0307,0.00012249,-0.0000010671}, VapK = {102,0.00027958,0.86411,843.3,7471.1,0}, Racketparam = 0.275, UniquacR = 3.9004, UniquacQ = 3.276, ChaoSeadAF = 0.301, ChaoSeadSP = 18730, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1066); end Ethylmethyldisulfide; model Ethylpropyldisulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 365, name = "Ethylpropyldisulfide", CAS = "30453-31-7", Tc = 660, Pc = 3612000, Vc = 0.417, Cc = 0.274, Tb = 446.85, Tm = 165, TT = 165, TP = 0.00002, MW = 136.279, LVB = 0.1405, AF = 0.391, SP = 17840, DM = 7.69E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -9.625E+07, GEF = 2.796E+07, AS = 460300, HFMP = 1.08E+07, HOC = -3.866E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.65822,0.27459,660,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,110.6,-9574.8,-12.96,0.0000072115,2}, LiqCp = {100,223630,-139.83,0.57232,0,0}, HOV = {106,5.9782E+07,0.63427,-0.74757,0.47275,0}, VapCp = {16,105720,-573.79,12.857,0.000058344,8.0803E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-37.87,2334.8,4.1564,-0.0000036099,2}, VapVis = {102,6.9027E-08,0.8462,109.98,-9618.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.20064,12.059,-1.0757,0.00011826,-0.000000977}, VapK = {102,0.00000124,1.5526,-137.7,30422,0}, Racketparam = 0.274, UniquacR = 5.2492, UniquacQ = 4.356, ChaoSeadAF = 0.391, ChaoSeadSP = 17840, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1405); end Ethylpropyldisulfide; model Diphenyldisulfide extends General_Properties( SN = 366, name = "Diphenyldisulfide", CAS = "882-33-7", Tc = 829.8, Pc = 3569000, Vc = 0.584, Cc = 0.302, Tb = 583.15, Tm = 333.5, TT = 333.5, TP = 0.49, MW = 218.338, LVB = 0.2076, AF = 0.569717, SP = 20480, DM = 5.97E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 2.628E+08, GEF = 3.518E+08, AS = 489300, HFMP = 1.93E+07, HOC = -6.676E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.5173,0.302,829.8,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,927.5541,-59320.23,-131.1073,0.000060625,2}, LiqCp = {100,267470,28.884,0.54728,0,0}, HOV = {106,1.1805E+08,0.46278,0.25764,-0.22402,-0.0012437}, VapCp = {16,50433,-472.23,13.469,-0.00011605,2.3877E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.832,1659.3,-0.039017,-1.1543E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,5.542E-08,0.87669,123.7,-14104,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.040762,-52.269,-1.2013,-0.001172,-1.6247E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0000021936,1.4453,-128.48,46604,0}, Racketparam = 0.302, UniquacR = 7.6308, UniquacQ = 5.496, ChaoSeadAF = 0.569717, ChaoSeadSP = 20480, ChaoSeadLV = 0.2076); end Diphenyldisulfide; model Monoethanolamine extends General_Properties( SN = 367, name = "Monoethanolamine", CAS = "141-43-5", Tc = 671.4, Pc = 8030000, Vc = 0.225, Cc = 0.284, Tb = 444.15, Tm = 283.65, TT = 283.65, TP = 13.3683, MW = 61.0831, LVB = 0.0603415, AF = 0.550815, SP = 31830, DM = 2.59E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.96E+08, GEF = -1.033E+08, AS = 320000, HFMP = 2.0496E+07, HOC = -1.363E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.648,0.18183,678.21,0.17947,0}, VP = {10,23.09274,4319.625,-69.95024,0,0}, LiqCp = {4,78653.42,311.4162,-0.0607137,-2.713217E-06,-0.000017988}, HOV = {106,1.012031E+08,1.976961,-4.399887,4.906054,-1.945886}, VapCp = {16,50668,-516.86,12.167,0.00008641,2.8656E-10}, LiqVis = {101,-370.3,17780,54.624,-0.000051065,2}, VapVis = {102,5.78881E-08,0.876532,75.00276,628.0161,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.37218,78.8,-1.5916,0.0043895,-0.0000053291}, VapK = {102,-9539.9,0.39852,-1.7433E+09,-6.3715E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.284, UniquacR = 3.0436, UniquacQ = 2.976, ChaoSeadAF = 0.446737, ChaoSeadSP = 31830, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0603415); end Monoethanolamine; model Diethanolamine extends General_Properties( SN = 368, name = "Diethanolamine", CAS = "111-42-2", Tc = 736.6, Pc = 4720000, Vc = 0.349, Cc = 0.243, Tb = 542, Tm = 301.15, TT = 301.15, TP = 0.102031, MW = 105.136, LVB = 0.096244, AF = 0.991515, SP = 29260, DM = 2.84E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -3.73E+08, GEF = -2.2574E+08, AS = 429000, HFMP = 2.5104E+07, HOC = -2.4439E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.5251,0.20924,736.61,0.18363,0}, VP = {10,23.735,5441.7,-95.519,0,0}, LiqCp = {4,88234.68,483.2566,0.294569,-0.000214761,0}, HOV = {106,7.90134E+07,-1.865152,6.820965,-7.963053,3.251551}, VapCp = {16,92216,-624.1,12.938,-0.00014779,6.6337E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-0.28702,6080.5,-3.8708,0.00001517,2}, VapVis = {102,4.7852E-08,0.89857,99.058,-7265.2,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.91328,16.824,-0.15997,0.0011516,-0.0000013756}, VapK = {102,-10221,0.42596,-2.5172E+09,-7.9932E+10,0}, Racketparam = 0.243, UniquacR = 5.2302, UniquacQ = 4.956, ChaoSeadAF = 0.952882, ChaoSeadSP = 29260, ChaoSeadLV = 0.096244); end Diethanolamine; model Triethanolamine extends General_Properties( SN = 369, name = "Triethanolamine", CAS = "102-71-6", Tc = 787, Pc = 3590000, Vc = 0.472, Cc = 0.202, Tb = 613, Tm = 294.35, TT = 294.35, TP = 0.000287009, MW = 149.188, LVB = 0.132992, AF = 1.28411, SP = 27430, DM = 3.6E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -5.54E+08, GEF = -2.994E+08, AS = 538000, HFMP = 2.7191E+07, HOC = -3.5025E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.028938,0.058014,787,0.099632,0}, VP = {101,283.76,-24672,-37.048,0.000015689,2}, LiqCp = {16,285560,313.35,6.351,0.016374,-0.000012842}, HOV = {106,1.354875E+08,0.343894,0.961738,-1.466285,0.442687}, VapCp = {16,114870,-616.04,13.509,-0.00048074,2.2464E-07}, LiqVis = {101,33.605,4399.7,-8.9203,0.000021038,2}, VapVis = {102,3.0013E-08,0.95199,45.139,-3355.9,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.76863,26.11,-0.3374,0.0010847,-0.0000011937}, VapK = {102,0.043843,0.38395,6681.4,1202500,0}, Racketparam = 0.202, UniquacR = 7.3317, UniquacQ = 6.932, ChaoSeadAF = 1.28411, ChaoSeadSP = 27430, ChaoSeadLV = 0.132992); end Triethanolamine; model Ethylenediamine extends General_Properties( SN = 370, name = "Ethylenediamine", CAS = "107-15-3", Tc = 592.95, Pc = 6290000, Vc = 0.206, Cc = 0.337, Tb = 390.15, Tm = 281.65, TT = 284.29, TP = 677.511, MW = 60.0983, LVB = 0.0672757, AF = 0.472367, SP = 25200, DM = 6.34E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.78E+07, GEF = 1.032E+08, AS = 321833, HFMP = 109700, HOC = -1.691E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77469,0.20588,592.95,0.20098,0}, VP = {101,133.543,-9787.615,-16.57909,0.0000129717,2}, LiqCp = {16,143860,434.68,4.2425,0.021662,-0.000021123}, HOV = {106,7.5708E+07,1.0826,-0.65481,-0.27019,0.25065}, VapCp = {16,58340,-554.75,12.205,0.00022368,-7.8562E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-9.2076,2247.2,-0.93509,0.0000071501,2}, VapVis = {102,2.0005E-07,0.70929,192.67,-6383.4,0}, LiqK = {16,0.020715,-158.25,0.1953,-0.004385,0.0000010035}, VapK = {102,0.16528,0.18013,3835.1,1598900,0}, Racketparam = 0.337, UniquacR = 2.7384, UniquacQ = 2.472, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end Ethylenediamine; model Diisopropylamine extends General_Properties( SN = 371, name = "Diisopropylamine", CAS = "108-18-9", Tc = 522.15, Pc = 3200000, Vc = 0.031, Cc = 0.308, Tb = 357.05, Tm = 176.85, TT = 176.85, TP = 0.00447237, MW = 101.19, LVB = 0.141919, AF = 0.388315, SP = 15060, DM = 0, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.5E+08, GEF = 6.42E+07, AS = 412000, HFMP = 6530000, HOC = -3.99E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.72754,0.27918,522.15,0.29458,0}, VP = {101,237.36,-12403,-33.276,0.000035165,2}, LiqCp = {16,150380,276.56,5.7411,0.021881,-0.000021998}, HOV = {106,8.537039E+07,-2.459337,14.73933,-19.70849,7.844199}, VapCp = {16,61641,-432.93,12.839,0.00037342,-1.4329E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-7.0105,766.59,-0.57101,-0.0000016173,2}, VapVis = {102,5.4462E-07,0.56686,334.62,-4787.5,0}, LiqK = {16,0.046488,-113.84,-0.63846,-0.0065631,0.0000029442}, VapK = {102,0.00048482,0.81453,349.64,151910,0}, Racketparam = 0.308, UniquacR = 5.0308, UniquacQ = 4.244, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end Diisopropylamine; model Naminoethylpiperazine extends General_Properties( SN = 372, name = "Naminoethylpiperazine", CAS = "140-31-8", Tc = 708, Pc = 3850000, Vc = 0.475, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 495.15, Tm = 254.15, TT = 254.15, TP = 0.0694812, MW = 129.203, LVB = 0.132257, AF = 0.557243, SP = 21520, DM = 0, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 2.51E+07, GEF = 2.79E+08, AS = 451000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -4.135E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.66681,0.27137,708,0.27214,0}, VP = {101,127.7429,-12067.23,-15.04915,6.424073E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,259220,331.04,3.608,0.023605,-0.000018248}, HOV = {106,9.785579E+07,0.814708,0.0237006,-0.690218,0.260899}, VapCp = {16,70888,-450.73,13.066,0.00018285,-6.5268E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-497.9054,22666.52,74.36022,-0.0000702789,2}, VapVis = {102,7.7705E-08,0.8233,132.06,-8963.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.089882,-7.0061,-1.0711,-0.00065668,-0.0000005629}, VapK = {102,0.00012973,0.99814,630.8,21962,0}, Racketparam = 0.266, UniquacR = 5.5591, UniquacQ = 4.424, ChaoSeadAF = 0.557243, ChaoSeadSP = 21520, ChaoSeadLV = 0.132257); end Naminoethylpiperazine; model Diethylenetriamine extends General_Properties( SN = 373, name = "Diethylenetriamine", CAS = "111-40-0", Tc = 676, Pc = 4220000, Vc = 0.426, Cc = 0.257, Tb = 480, Tm = 234, TT = 234.15, TP = 0.0524649, MW = 103.166, LVB = 0.108088, AF = 0.70022, SP = 22210, DM = 0, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -5860000, GEF = 2.07293E+08, AS = 444000, HFMP = 1.97E+07, HOC = -3.08E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.75082,0.25686,676,0.285,0}, VP = {101,100.1854,-10608.36,-10.96201,4.74905E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,42291,-130.86,11.696,0.0024243,-0.0000011576}, HOV = {106,6.200873E+07,-0.521717,2.922507,-3.785965,1.591946}, VapCp = {16,73737,-451.7,12.705,0.00030197,-1.0181E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-10.117,2075.7,-0.40711,6.9322E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,5.7285E-08,0.85783,72.519,-3817.5,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.078667,1.4114,-1.3167,-0.00041656,-8.7844E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00017737,0.94914,591.08,27011,0}, Racketparam = 0.257, UniquacR = 4.6198, UniquacQ = 3.948, ChaoSeadAF = 0.70022, ChaoSeadSP = 22210, ChaoSeadLV = 0.108088); end Diethylenetriamine; model Naminoethylethanolamine extends General_Properties( SN = 374, name = "Naminoethylethanolamine", CAS = "111-41-1", Tc = 698, Pc = 4460000, Vc = 0.387, Cc = 0.252, Tb = 517, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 104.151, LVB = 0.101519, AF = 1.04726, SP = 29230, DM = 0, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.91E+08, GEF = 3810000, AS = 447000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -2.74E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.76828,0.25238,698,0.28565,0}, VP = {101,214.43,-18769,-27.15,0.00001141,2}, LiqCp = {16,65604,-121.74,11.802,0.0023485,-7.9478E-07}, HOV = {106,1.2005E+08,0.3465,0.971,-1.7132,0.81091}, VapCp = {16,75533,-495.37,12.77,0.00015714,-4.9852E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-27.66295,5326.5,1.362383,-1.706454E-06,2}, VapVis = {102,1.2606E-07,0.76222,173.4,-8594.2,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.1257,-10.607,-0.88928,-0.00060102,-5.9478E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00019261,0.93731,615.43,23918,0}, Racketparam = 0.252, UniquacR = 4.925, UniquacQ = 4.452, ChaoSeadAF = 1.04726, ChaoSeadSP = 29230, ChaoSeadLV = 0.101519); end Naminoethylethanolamine; model Pphenylenediamine extends General_Properties( SN = 375, name = "Pphenylenediamine", CAS = "106-50-3", Tc = 796, Pc = 5180000, Vc = 0.377, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 540, Tm = 419, TT = 413, TP = 1388.21, MW = 108.141, LVB = 0.102198, AF = 0.53864, SP = 24810, DM = 5.1E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 9.12E+07, GEF = 2.1E+08, AS = 349000, HFMP = 2.68E+07, HOC = -3.33E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.78274,0.24798,796,0.28573,0}, VP = {101,120.7365,-13060.28,-13.71648,4.333592E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,199750,494.23,5.1045,0.015817,-0.000010858}, HOV = {106,1.0783E+08,1.6408,-3.3392,3.5461,-1.4179}, VapCp = {16,58132,-482.33,12.882,-0.000085339,9.0492E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-8.9816,2291,-0.53494,2.8717E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.4679E-07,0.74191,224.79,-11478,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0030572,-268.6,0.38244,-0.0036549,8.2114E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000070276,1.0203,189.91,62690,0}, Racketparam = 0.248, UniquacR = 4.2452, UniquacQ = 3.232, ChaoSeadAF = 0.53864, ChaoSeadSP = 24810, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end Pphenylenediamine; model Piperazine extends General_Properties( SN = 376, name = "Piperazine", CAS = "110-85-0", Tc = 656.3, Pc = 5420000, Vc = 0.267, Cc = 0.2652, Tb = 419.15, Tm = 379.15, TT = 379.15, TP = 26372.2, MW = 86.1356, LVB = 0.129371, AF = 0.269668, SP = 17960, DM = 4.90339E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 2.26E+07, GEF = 1.7E+08, AS = 321000, HFMP = 1.17E+07, HOC = -2.76E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.4074,0.323,638,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,143.27,-11245,-17.657,0.0000096236,2}, LiqCp = {4,32886.27,346.6189,0.473406,-0.000434168,0}, HOV = {106,6.6945E+07,0.99602,-2.0069,2.4018,-0.97129}, VapCp = {16,68463,-744.16,13.556,-0.00073698,1.7652E-07}, LiqVis = {101,24.341,105.42,-5.6537,0.0000060109,2}, VapVis = {102,0.0000022951,0.42453,937.27,-18307,0}, LiqK = {16,0.029211,-334.85,0.86034,-0.0073343,0.0000029317}, VapK = {102,0.0014866,0.6319,-11.551,345800,0}, Racketparam = 0.323, UniquacR = 3.7628, UniquacQ = 2.952, ChaoSeadAF = 0.41376, ChaoSeadSP = 17960, ChaoSeadLV = 0.129371); end Piperazine; model Methylethanolamine extends General_Properties( SN = 377, name = "Methylethanolamine", CAS = "109-83-1", Tc = 630, Pc = 5300000, Vc = 0.25901, Cc = 0.262, Tb = 432.388, Tm = 268.65, TT = 268.65, TP = 11.1091, MW = 75.112, LVB = 0.082206, AF = 0.604, SP = 25930, DM = 7.2E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.98E+08, GEF = -6.11E+07, AS = 344000, HFMP = 8760000, HOC = -2.01E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.982868,0.255663,630,0.231239,0}, VP = {101,101.1268,-9896.461,-11.12231,4.333878E-06,2}, LiqCp = {4,65879.9,415.0007,0.00004583,2.109E-09,-0.0000030816}, HOV = {106,8.3715E+07,1.1304,-1.7736,1.7333,-0.66961}, VapCp = {16,50351,-464.92,12.353,0.00032078,-1.1521E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.8113,2947,-0.99316,4.0603E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,2.1919E-07,0.70935,211,-8775.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.011378,-96.849,-0.47605,-0.0029428,4.7129E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00021463,0.94857,622.07,15372,0}, Racketparam = 0.262, UniquacR = 3.7825, UniquacQ = 3.524, ChaoSeadAF = 0.604, ChaoSeadSP = 25930, ChaoSeadLV = 0.082206); end Methylethanolamine; model Dimethylethanolamine extends General_Properties( SN = 378, name = "Dimethylethanolamine", CAS = "108-01-0", Tc = 571.82, Pc = 4140000, Vc = 0.331, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 404.15, Tm = 214.15, TT = 214.15, TP = 0.0376223, MW = 89.1362, LVB = 0.101094, AF = 0.710963, SP = 22790, DM = 7.37E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -2.02E+08, GEF = -3.64E+07, AS = 384000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -2.65E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.87166,0.26133,571.82,0.28585,0}, VP = {101,121.6094,-10451.37,-14.23754,0.000006927,2}, LiqCp = {16,66692,-55.489,10.897,0.0047237,-0.0000030382}, HOV = {106,7.9011E+07,0.56455,-0.031757,-0.28621,0.17191}, VapCp = {16,71203,-582.55,12.891,-0.000082299,3.2172E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-15.376,3350.8,-0.34232,9.4723E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.2904E-07,0.77955,165.36,-6888.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.083559,-10.945,-0.99458,-0.00097463,-8.1342E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00023136,0.92757,412.5,95357,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 4.4363, UniquacQ = 4.068, ChaoSeadAF = 0.710963, ChaoSeadSP = 22790, ChaoSeadLV = 0.101094); end Dimethylethanolamine; model Nitromethane extends General_Properties( SN = 379, name = "Nitromethane", CAS = "75-52-5", Tc = 588, Pc = 5870000, Vc = 0.173, Cc = 0.208, Tb = 374.35, Tm = 244.6, TT = 244.6, TP = 146.529, MW = 61.04, LVB = 0.05396, AF = 0.348026, SP = 25700, DM = 1.15E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -7.48E+07, GEF = -6940000, AS = 275000, HFMP = 9703000, HOC = -6.432E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.2195,0.22476,588.16,0.2787,0}, VP = {101,93.27,-7345.1,-10.689,0.0000086998,2}, LiqCp = {16,80588,345.48,6.7575,0.0084794,-0.0000031326}, HOV = {106,4.160998E+07,-0.662124,2.67118,-2.702805,0.931262}, VapCp = {16,38681,-615.84,11.895,0.000023118,-2.9677E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.411,1047.6,-0.095445,6.9198E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.2141E-07,0.64539,383.4,-1344.5,0}, LiqK = {16,0.050889,-150.55,-0.2952,-0.0028403,-0.0000022109}, VapK = {102,0.000031393,1.1117,-91.903,128140,0}, Racketparam = 0.208, UniquacR = 2.0086, UniquacQ = 1.868, ChaoSeadAF = 0.348026, ChaoSeadSP = 257, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end Nitromethane; model Nitroethane extends General_Properties( SN = 380, name = "Nitroethane", CAS = "79-24-3", Tc = 557.15, Pc = 5160000, Vc = 0.236, Cc = 0.247, Tb = 387.22, Tm = 183.63, TT = 183.63, TP = 0.0317711, MW = 75.0666, LVB = 0.0720005, AF = 0.672348, SP = 23090, DM = 1.22E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.022E+08, GEF = -4900000, AS = 315400, HFMP = 9853000, HOC = -1.25E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.90007,0.22451,593.01,0.26359,0}, VP = {101,81.03385,-7188.308,-8.680357,0.0000053196,2}, LiqCp = {16,67990,798.52,2.4874,0.02816,-0.000027001}, HOV = {106,5.428692E+07,0.314015,-0.225443,1.068645,-0.953684}, VapCp = {16,48198,-581.79,12.283,0.000023838,-2.2739E-08}, LiqVis = {101,15.403,194.75,-4.2217,0.0000078126,2}, VapVis = {102,2.4631E-07,0.70062,285.76,-1030.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.1486,6.324,-1.0708,0.00009663,-0.0000015981}, VapK = {102,0.0011064,0.69186,675.03,236860,0}, Racketparam = 0.247, UniquacR = 2.6829, UniquacQ = 2.408, ChaoSeadAF = 0.380324, ChaoSeadSP = 23090, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0720005); end Nitroethane; model Onenitropropane extends General_Properties( SN = 381, name = "Onenitropropane", CAS = "108-03-2", Tc = 605, Pc = 4350000, Vc = 0.288, Cc = 0.249, Tb = 404.33, Tm = 169.16, TT = 169.16, TP = 0.000688982, MW = 89.0932, LVB = 0.0894679, AF = 0.412773, SP = 21290, DM = 1.22E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.24E+08, GEF = 335000, AS = 355600, HFMP = 9220000, HOC = -1.859E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.85075,0.24483,605,0.27413,0}, VP = {101,38.65807,-5750.644,-2.115655,-1.225423E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,-8835.6,176.43,9.53,0.0096176,-0.0000099253}, HOV = {106,5.6307E+07,0.47767,-0.18338,0.057255,-0.028311}, VapCp = {16,57745,-538.37,12.483,0.00011202,-5.1502E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-19.997,1653,1.2605,0.0000015194,2}, VapVis = {102,1.7108E-07,0.7401,220.03,-15.073,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.068381,13.221,-1.3628,-0.00024357,-0.0000012535}, VapK = {102,0.0022117,0.61538,875.34,312410,0}, Racketparam = 0.249, UniquacR = 3.3573, UniquacQ = 2.948, ChaoSeadAF = 0.412773, ChaoSeadSP = 21290, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0894679); end Onenitropropane; model Twonitropropane extends General_Properties( SN = 382, name = "Twonitropropane", CAS = "79-46-9", Tc = 595, Pc = 4450000, Vc = 0.288, Cc = 0.26, Tb = 393.4, Tm = 181.83, TT = 181.83, TP = 0.021584, MW = 89.0932, LVB = 0.0905535, AF = 0.383568, SP = 20530, DM = 1.24E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.39E+08, GEF = -1.2803E+07, AS = 347700, HFMP = 7790000, HOC = -1.846E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.27031,0.13967,595,0.17588,0}, VP = {101,57.04038,-6262.318,-4.993807,1.61213E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,67863,138.63,8.8679,0.01051,-0.00001051}, HOV = {106,5.543435E+07,0.377393,0.18894,-0.0391329,-0.243258}, VapCp = {16,58543,-558.36,12.559,0.000040137,-3.1383E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-26.48,1441.6,2.6439,-0.0000074647,2}, VapVis = {102,0.000005644,0.32789,1291.7,6279.8,0}, LiqK = {16,0.085284,-50.915,-1.467,-0.0035856,-0.000001687}, VapK = {102,0.0042281,0.52696,790.25,431610,0}, Racketparam = 0.26, UniquacR = 3.3573, UniquacQ = 2.948, ChaoSeadAF = 0.383568, ChaoSeadSP = 20530, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0905535); end Twonitropropane; model Onenitrobutane extends General_Properties( SN = 383, name = "Onenitrobutane", CAS = "627-05-4", Tc = 623, Pc = 3600000, Vc = 0.338, Cc = 0.248, Tb = 425.92, Tm = 191.82, TT = 191.82, TP = 0.00329301, MW = 103.12, LVB = 0.106476, AF = 0.454584, SP = 20780, DM = 1.13E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -1.439E+08, GEF = 1.5E+07, AS = 379100, HFMP = 1.27E+07, HOC = -2.46965E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.709,0.24401,623,0.28339,0}, VP = {101,275.2044,-15483.84,-38.70231,0.0000386,2}, LiqCp = {16,56152,6.6387,10.762,0.003942,-0.0000013791}, HOV = {106,5.525605E+07,-1.025854,4.47262,-4.675607,1.466497}, VapCp = {16,69545,-548.77,12.729,0.0001233,-6.7656E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.4776,1274.9,-0.51437,0.0000019485,2}, VapVis = {102,9.0308E-08,0.82266,144.36,-9193.7,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.088752,4.014,-1.2388,-0.00043694,-0.0000009691}, VapK = {102,0.00013665,0.98745,630.3,15608,0}, Racketparam = 0.248, UniquacR = 4.0317, UniquacQ = 3.488, ChaoSeadAF = 0.454584, ChaoSeadSP = 20780, ChaoSeadLV = 0.106476); end Onenitrobutane; model Onitrotoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 384, name = "Onitrotoluene", CAS = "88-72-2", Tc = 720, Pc = 3800000, Vc = 0.441, Cc = 0.28, Tb = 494.85, Tm = 269.65, TT = 269.98, TP = 1.72928, MW = 137.136, LVB = 0.118442, AF = 0.487824, SP = 21420, DM = 1.25E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 4.71E+07, GEF = 1.715E+08, AS = 380800, HFMP = 1.148E+07, HOC = -3.5914E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.49527,0.21852,720,0.27202,0}, VP = {101,110.496,-10356.21,-12.86215,7.080827E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,167320,675.67,2.8482,0.023742,-0.00001748}, HOV = {106,7.853006E+07,0.959622,-1.263212,1.073123,-0.436452}, VapCp = {16,126830,-1053.5,13.982,-0.0011308,3.2272E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-227.78,9560.6,33.954,-0.00004379,2}, VapVis = {102,3.9111E-08,0.92063,61.279,-2619.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.28005,20.455,-0.90478,0.000049377,-4.8022E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00013501,0.95252,632.43,27080,0}, Racketparam = 0.28, UniquacR = 4.2801, UniquacQ = 3.272, ChaoSeadAF = 0.487824, ChaoSeadSP = 21420, ChaoSeadLV = 0.118442); end Onitrotoluene; model Pnitrotoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 385, name = "Pnitrotoluene", CAS = "99-99-0", Tc = 736, Pc = 3800000, Vc = 0.441, Cc = 0.229, Tb = 511.15, Tm = 325.05, TT = 324.75, TP = 40.4829, MW = 137.136, LVB = 0.121894, AF = 0.542405, SP = 21110, DM = 1.48E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 3.1E+07, GEF = 1.554E+08, AS = 380800, HFMP = 1.6676E+07, HOC = -3.553E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.76802,0.27463,736,0.3126,0}, VP = {101,115.4618,-11239.6,-13.3636,5.387653E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,90280,945.96,3.9359,0.019415,-0.000013352}, HOV = {106,1.550237E+08,1.89329,-1.014085,-0.0168324,-0.442436}, VapCp = {16,126830,-1053.5,13.982,-0.0011308,3.2272E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-164.01,7455.2,23.73,-0.000026464,2}, VapVis = {102,4.1207E-08,0.91154,64.997,-92.66,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.1404,23.385,-1.2743,-0.000067534,-5.8708E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000064675,1.0353,391.41,37904,0}, Racketparam = 0.229, UniquacR = 4.2801, UniquacQ = 3.272, ChaoSeadAF = 0.425222, ChaoSeadSP = 21110, ChaoSeadLV = 0.121894); end Pnitrotoluene; model Mnitrotoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 386, name = "Mnitrotoluene", CAS = "99-08-1", Tc = 734, Pc = 3800000, Vc = 0.441, Cc = 0.275, Tb = 504, Tm = 288.65, TT = 289.2, TP = 6.84272, MW = 137.136, LVB = 0.118913, AF = 0.491987, SP = 21470, DM = 1.41E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 2.58E+07, GEF = 1.502E+08, AS = 380800, HFMP = 1.406E+07, HOC = -3.5696E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.50673,0.22353,734,0.25642,0}, VP = {101,174.0974,-13266.49,-22.50751,0.0000146534,2}, LiqCp = {16,165480,678.6,2.6976,0.024579,-0.000018568}, HOV = {106,1.23147E+08,2.991682,-5.10633,3.432299,-0.844633}, VapCp = {16,126830,-1053.5,13.982,-0.0011308,3.2272E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-219.04,9323.8,32.506,-0.000040609,2}, VapVis = {102,3.6657E-08,0.9283,56.912,-1935.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.16653,2.5129,-1.0577,-0.0003596,-3.0249E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00013182,0.95336,611.68,32295,0}, Racketparam = 0.275, UniquacR = 4.2801, UniquacQ = 3.272, ChaoSeadAF = 0.491987, ChaoSeadSP = 21470, ChaoSeadLV = 0.118913); end Mnitrotoluene; model TwoFourdinitrotoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 387, name = "TwoFourdinitrotoluene", CAS = "121-14-2", Tc = 814, Pc = 3400000, Vc = 0.487, Cc = 0.245, Tb = 553, Tm = 333, TT = 342.65, TP = 7.8719, MW = 182.134, LVB = 0.137448, AF = 0.712571, SP = 21470, DM = 1.44E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 3.36E+07, GEF = 2.18E+08, AS = 414000, HFMP = 2.0126E+07, HOC = -3.416E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.5108,0.24037,814,0.26806,0}, VP = {101,128.9329,-13393.44,-15.15736,5.597038E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,88958,1324.4,2.7528,0.019721,-0.000011079}, HOV = {106,1.2919E+08,1.3248,1.0872,-4.8737,2.858}, VapCp = {16,94512,-582.56,13.27,-0.00026587,5.3735E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-41.408,3947.7,4.2203,-0.0000035178,2}, VapVis = {102,1.9809E-08,1.0159,22.316,-3670.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.057001,-67.01,-0.90194,-0.0013614,-3.0209E-08}, VapK = {102,0.00011852,0.95914,734.05,13896,0}, Racketparam = 0.245, UniquacR = 5.7, UniquacQ = 4.376, ChaoSeadAF = 0.712571, ChaoSeadSP = 21470, ChaoSeadLV = 0.137448); end TwoFourdinitrotoluene; model Two6dinitrotoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 388, name = "Two6dinitrotoluene", CAS = "606-20-2", Tc = 780, Pc = 3400000, Vc = 0.487, Cc = 0.242, Tb = 553, Tm = 339, TT = 337.85, TP = 24.9565, MW = 182.134, LVB = 0.136568, AF = 0.714206, SP = 20760, DM = 9.37E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 2.86E+07, GEF = 2.32E+08, AS = 414000, HFMP = 2.12E+07, HOC = -3.429E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.27332,0.17415,780,0.22386,0}, VP = {101,115.7657,-12082.2,-13.31782,5.09858E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,163490,785.69,5.0684,0.014589,-0.0000070833}, HOV = {106,1.041715E+08,1.247529,0.0309575,-2.851863,1.938855}, VapCp = {16,94512,-582.56,13.27,-0.00026587,5.3735E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-70.386,5310.9,8.6262,-0.0000081126,2}, VapVis = {102,5.9592E-08,0.88167,135.78,-11605,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.039901,-99.466,-0.76681,-0.0019329,1.8512E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00015932,0.92355,690.15,19720,0}, Racketparam = 0.242, UniquacR = 5.7, UniquacQ = 4.376, ChaoSeadAF = 0.714206, ChaoSeadSP = 20760, ChaoSeadLV = 0.136568); end Two6dinitrotoluene; model ThreeFourdinitrotoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 389, name = "ThreeFourdinitrotoluene", CAS = "610-39-9", Tc = 842, Pc = 3400000, Vc = 0.487, Cc = 0.237, Tb = 610, Tm = 331.45, TT = 331.45, TP = 2.66366, MW = 182.134, LVB = 0.139231, AF = 0.709209, SP = 21410, DM = 2.13E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 3.58E+07, GEF = 2.59E+08, AS = 414000, HFMP = 2.08E+07, HOC = -3.466E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.48567,0.23619,842,0.28583,0}, VP = {101,62.33838,-11025.98,-5.109566,1.997931E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,144440,677.88,6.2554,0.011911,-0.000005235}, HOV = {106,6.888359E+07,-1.153409,5.750305,-8.495374,4.124815}, VapCp = {16,94512,-582.56,13.27,-0.00026587,5.3735E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-13.817,2734.2,0.029663,-2.4471E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,2.8655E-08,0.96106,104.06,-10189,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.082395,-25.284,-1.0996,-0.00075328,-2.6136E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0001043,0.96342,702.61,22699,0}, Racketparam = 0.237, UniquacR = 5.7, UniquacQ = 4.376, ChaoSeadAF = 0.709209, ChaoSeadSP = 21410, ChaoSeadLV = 0.139231); end ThreeFourdinitrotoluene; model TwoFivedinitrotoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 390, name = "TwoFivedinitrotoluene", CAS = "619-15-8", Tc = 814, Pc = 3400000, Vc = 0.487, Cc = 0.237, Tb = 590, Tm = 325.65, TT = 323.48, TP = 3.04164, MW = 182.134, LVB = 0.135666, AF = 0.712285, SP = 21390, DM = 1.93E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 2.71E+07, GEF = 2.36E+08, AS = 414000, HFMP = 2.03E+07, HOC = -3.446E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.50237,0.23693,814,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,90.89499,-12036.13,-9.395524,2.853055E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,152220,711.2,5.8598,0.012789,-0.0000058246}, HOV = {106,5.5817E+07,-1.8578,6.6656,-8.4526,3.8136}, VapCp = {16,94512,-582.56,13.27,-0.00026587,5.3735E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-10.391,2604.7,-0.5024,5.1688E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,3.8924E-08,0.93015,82.835,-8099.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.078898,-29.065,-1.0796,-0.00084649,-2.5074E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0001568,0.92031,704.11,20197,0}, Racketparam = 0.237, UniquacR = 5.7, UniquacQ = 4.376, ChaoSeadAF = 0.712285, ChaoSeadSP = 21390, ChaoSeadLV = 0.135666); end TwoFivedinitrotoluene; model ThreeFivedinitrotoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 391, name = "ThreeFivedinitrotoluene", CAS = "618-85-9", Tc = 800, Pc = 2150000, Vc = 0.487, Cc = 0.238, Tb = 588, Tm = 366.15, TT = 365.65, TP = 35.4684, MW = 182.134, LVB = 0.140577, AF = 0.702302, SP = 21440, DM = 1.44E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 2.71E+07, GEF = 2.34E+08, AS = 414000, HFMP = 2.29E+07, HOC = -3.437E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.45727,0.227,814.01,0.27155,0}, VP = {101,63.61855,-10355.64,-5.423477,2.374318E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,211860,-5.3058,8.1208,0.009225,-0.0000034389}, HOV = {106,5.989509E+07,-0.991558,3.414071,-4.448985,2.238465}, VapCp = {16,94512,-582.56,13.27,-0.00026587,5.3735E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-0.25652,2097.7,-2.0147,0.0000014987,2}, VapVis = {102,4.7633E-08,0.90246,116.57,-8469.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.029795,-134.57,-0.63203,-0.0021751,3.0388E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00014433,0.92815,684.42,24021,0}, Racketparam = 0.238, UniquacR = 5.7, UniquacQ = 4.376, ChaoSeadAF = 0.702302, ChaoSeadSP = 21440, ChaoSeadLV = 0.140577); end ThreeFivedinitrotoluene; model TwoFour6trinitrotoluene extends General_Properties( SN = 392, name = "TwoFour6trinitrotoluene", CAS = "118-96-7", Tc = 795, Pc = 3040000, Vc = 0.48, Cc = 0.253, Tb = 573, Tm = 355, TT = 354, TP = 0.936248, MW = 227.131, LVB = 0.154989, AF = 0.897249, SP = 23070, DM = 3.87E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = 1.64E+07, GEF = 2.844E+08, AS = 460700, HFMP = 2.12E+07, HOC = -3.2919E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.99663,0.34261,803.06,0.50647,0}, VP = {101,245.81,-20425,-32.225,0.00001503,2}, LiqCp = {16,188750,750.94,4.5661,0.019107,-0.00001348}, HOV = {106,2.111008E+07,-12.33056,37.27643,-41.67226,16.622}, VapCp = {16,209680,-1410.9,14.902,-0.0017672,4.5403E-07}, LiqVis = {101,92.002,-1238.6,-16.127,0.000013297,2}, VapVis = {102,5.1205E-08,0.89283,134.66,-13583,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.10196,-488.31,0.35873,-0.0039133,0.0000039064}, VapK = {102,0.00015986,0.89621,647.63,36973,0}, Racketparam = 0.253, UniquacR = 6.5886, UniquacQ = 5.08, ChaoSeadAF = 0.897249, ChaoSeadSP = 23070, ChaoSeadLV = 0.154989); end TwoFour6trinitrotoluene; model Oxalicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 393, name = "Oxalicacid", CAS = "144-62-7", Tc = 804, Pc = 7020000, Vc = 0.205, Cc = 0.215, Tb = 569, Tm = 462.65, TT = 462.65, TP = 2152.34, MW = 90.0349, LVB = 0.0614585, AF = 0.917597, SP = 35980, DM = 8.77E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -7.338E+08, GEF = -6.614E+08, AS = 343300, HFMP = 0, HOC = -2.01E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.0501,0.215,804,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,216.92,-20979,-27.004,0.0000086326,2}, LiqCp = {16,81965,-1.9623,9.0826,0.0038828,2.1663E-07}, HOV = {106,1.2079E+08,0.30321,0.62049,-0.9257,0.38682}, VapCp = {16,25231,-1473.6,15.259,-0.0058042,0.0000026122}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {102,1.3016E-07,0.7814,154.56,-3949.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.088775,-213.56,0.1118,-0.0022725,3.5301E-07}, VapK = {102,0.084868,0.23486,15441,507600,0}, Racketparam = 0.215, UniquacR = 2.6026, UniquacQ = 2.448, ChaoSeadAF = 0.917597, ChaoSeadSP = 35980, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0614585); end Oxalicacid; model Acrylicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 394, name = "Acrylicacid", CAS = "79-10-7", Tc = 654.15, Pc = 5664070, Vc = 0.210712, Cc = 0.23, Tb = 414.15, Tm = 286.15, TT = 286.15, TP = 257.117, MW = 72.0627, LVB = 0.068927, AF = 0.220736, SP = 19230, DM = 4.87E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -3.371E+08, GEF = -2.861E+08, AS = 315000, HFMP = 1.117E+07, HOC = -1.28022E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.11535,0.078693,654.15,0.16945,0}, VP = {101,55.86645,-7062.889,-4.564151,1.238643E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,142250,1837.1,-38.373,0.21763,-0.00027035}, HOV = {106,6.9258E+07,1.9796,2.7587,-12.283,8.2823}, VapCp = {16,49916,-589.6,12.259,-0.00013536,3.0855E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-113.67,5526.6,15.75,-0.000015983,2}, VapVis = {102,2.4666E-07,0.69704,207.66,-6104.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.40695,33.472,-0.79449,0.00078306,-0.0000013868}, VapK = {102,0.00092475,0.70367,626.1,112700,0}, Racketparam = 0.23, UniquacR = 2.6467, UniquacQ = 2.4, ChaoSeadAF = 0.538324, ChaoSeadSP = 19230, ChaoSeadLV = 0.068927); end Acrylicacid; model Methacrylicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 395, name = "Methacrylicacid", CAS = "79-41-4", Tc = 643, Pc = 4700000, Vc = 0.27, Cc = 0.244, Tb = 433.65, Tm = 288.15, TT = 288.15, TP = 58.5615, MW = 86.0892, LVB = 0.0852843, AF = 0.331817, SP = 21000, DM = 5.5E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -3.68E+08, GEF = -2.88E+08, AS = 350000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -1.93E+09, LiqDen = {105,2.1083,0.37321,643,0.47743,0}, VP = {101,9.843112,-6238.161,2.965581,-0.0000105952,2}, LiqCp = {16,130480,265.42,3.971,0.026507,-0.000026858}, HOV = {106,7009500,-12.334,36.335,-42.263,18.248}, VapCp = {16,48894,-560.59,12.692,-0.00031458,1.4407E-07}, LiqVis = {101,0.054722,968.88,-1.7788,0.0000031087,2}, VapVis = {102,9.4671E-08,0.81582,92.397,383.72,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.067603,29.398,-1.512,0.00016774,-0.0000015769}, VapK = {102,0.000065218,1.0555,299.46,29315,0}, Racketparam = 0.244, UniquacR = 3.3197, UniquacQ = 3.06, ChaoSeadAF = 0.331817, ChaoSeadSP = 21000, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0852843); end Methacrylicacid; model Benzoicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 396, name = "Benzoicacid", CAS = "65-85-0", Tc = 751, Pc = 4470000, Vc = 0.344, Cc = 0.246, Tb = 523.15, Tm = 395.55, TT = 395.45, TP = 795.501, MW = 122.121, LVB = 0.112442, AF = 0.602794, SP = 24590, DM = 3.34E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -2.902E+08, GEF = -2.142E+08, AS = 369000, HFMP = 1.807E+07, HOC = -3.0951E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.7147,0.24811,751,0.28445,0}, VP = {101,444.4847,-30166.81,-61.25117,0.000029739,2}, LiqCp = {16,78008,1056.8,2.5621,0.02421,-0.000017579}, HOV = {106,6.7437E+07,0.13946,-2.3071,5.0416,-2.5138}, VapCp = {16,71253,-905.31,13.682,-0.00087786,2.5351E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-204.19,11713,28.642,-0.000020228,2}, VapVis = {102,7.426E-08,0.8289,91.171,5.6616,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.26694,24.352,-0.89204,0.00010336,-5.9141E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000021559,1.1593,126.16,64371,0}, Racketparam = 0.246, UniquacR = 4.323, UniquacQ = 3.344, ChaoSeadAF = 0.602794, ChaoSeadSP = 24590, ChaoSeadLV = 0.112442); end Benzoicacid; model Otoluicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 397, name = "Otoluicacid", CAS = "118-90-1", Tc = 751, Pc = 3860000, Vc = 0.397, Cc = 0.245, Tb = 532, Tm = 376.85, TT = 376.85, TP = 237.832, MW = 136.148, LVB = 0.126888, AF = 0.657237, SP = 22920, DM = 5.67059E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -3.22796E+08, GEF = -2.13346E+08, AS = 406141, HFMP = 2.01774E+07, HOC = -3.69902E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.61816,0.24687,751,0.2856,0}, VP = {101,133.1988,-13740.37,-15.5105,5.245068E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,129490,18.011,10.105,0.0057419,-0.000003975}, HOV = {106,9.9956E+07,0.80217,-0.93427,0.8805,-0.3406}, VapCp = {16,85949,-929.05,14.065,-0.0013145,5.0858E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.7015,1473.1,-0.25079,0.0000003109,2}, VapVis = {102,1.2379E-07,0.7551,177.89,-5611.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.13162,29.195,-1.2663,0.000070644,-8.4448E-07}, VapK = {102,0.000027427,1.1315,204.73,55122,0}, Racketparam = 0.245, UniquacR = 5.058, UniquacQ = 3.912, ChaoSeadAF = 0.657237, ChaoSeadSP = 22920, ChaoSeadLV = 0.126888); end Otoluicacid; model Ptoluicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 398, name = "Ptoluicacid", CAS = "99-94-5", Tc = 773, Pc = 3860000, Vc = 0.397, Cc = 0.238, Tb = 548.15, Tm = 452.75, TT = 452.75, TP = 5208.62, MW = 136.148, LVB = 0.129817, AF = 0.661017, SP = 22040, DM = 0, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -3.22796E+08, GEF = -2.13346E+08, AS = 406141, HFMP = 2.2737E+07, HOC = -3.69222E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.60059,0.238,773,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,180.79,-16901,-22.327,0.0000079041,2}, LiqCp = {16,204240,558.58,5.081,0.015699,-0.000010465}, HOV = {106,1.0299E+08,0.94653,-1.474,1.5504,-0.62044}, VapCp = {16,85949,-929.05,14.065,-0.0013145,5.0858E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-16.393,2717.5,0.51437,-3.3608E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,8.0828E-08,0.81038,114.97,-489.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.14095,29.118,-1.2124,0.000049104,-7.6374E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00002977,1.1214,206.56,62002,0}, Racketparam = 0.238, UniquacR = 5.058, UniquacQ = 3.912, ChaoSeadAF = 0.661017, ChaoSeadSP = 22040, ChaoSeadLV = 0.129817); end Ptoluicacid; model Salicylicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 399, name = "Salicylicacid", CAS = "69-72-7", Tc = 739, Pc = 5180000, Vc = 0.364, Cc = 0.275, Tb = 529, Tm = 431.75, TT = 431.75, TP = 2802.65, MW = 138.121, LVB = 0.119591, AF = 0.851182, SP = 24210, DM = 8.84E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -4.948E+08, GEF = -3.954E+08, AS = 399800, HFMP = 1.959E+07, HOC = -2.8901E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.8432,0.27522,739,0.28574,0}, VP = {101,252.5417,-21148.9,-32.63925,0.0000130693,2}, LiqCp = {16,129500,160.82,8.5105,0.0092921,-0.0000057493}, HOV = {106,1.3325E+08,-0.11849,3.6062,-5.1635,2.13}, VapCp = {16,83388,-879.57,13.917,-0.0013499,0.0000005122}, LiqVis = {101,-50.743,5203.6,5.2837,2.047E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,1.0029E-07,0.78423,131.87,-154.53,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0043799,-391.31,0.63544,-0.0048323,0.0000010995}, VapK = {102,0.000028337,1.1043,106.43,67783,0}, Racketparam = 0.275, UniquacR = 4.6869, UniquacQ = 3.624, ChaoSeadAF = 0.851182, ChaoSeadSP = 24210, ChaoSeadLV = 0.119591); end Salicylicacid; model Adipicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 400, name = "Adipicacid", CAS = "124-04-9", Tc = 809, Pc = 3530000, Vc = 0.4, Cc = 0.21, Tb = 611, Tm = 426.15, TT = 425.5, TP = 78.0827, MW = 146.141, LVB = 0.133942, AF = 1.05065, SP = 25370, DM = 7.74E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -8.65E+08, GEF = -6.82E+08, AS = 482000, HFMP = 1.67E+07, HOC = -2.58E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.64797,0.25918,809,0.28198,0}, VP = {101,255.2237,-23233.92,-32.83085,0.000013435,2}, LiqCp = {16,235940,-32.997,10.809,0.0032672,-0.0000019456}, HOV = {106,1.949255E+08,0.823008,2.518159,-5.646327,2.784565}, VapCp = {16,85474,-423.41,12.745,0.00026178,-1.1462E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.4738,3093.2,-0.68319,4.5668E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,8.6397E-08,0.79699,129.04,-83.45,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.15138,31.723,-1.1417,0.000072402,-7.2467E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00019846,0.87712,520.45,62013,0}, Racketparam = 0.21, UniquacR = 5.3002, UniquacQ = 4.608, ChaoSeadAF = 1.05065, ChaoSeadSP = 25370, ChaoSeadLV = 0.133942); end Adipicacid; model Phthalicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 401, name = "Phthalicacid", CAS = "88-99-3", Tc = 943.0648, Pc = 4492234, Vc = 0.4235, Cc = 0.242627, Tb = 651.424, Tm = 483.15, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 166.131, LVB = 0.115821, AF = 1.16031, SP = 29038.44, DM = 8.67E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -6.63E+08, GEF = -5.42E+08, AS = 442000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -3.0915E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.59385,0.252,800,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,214.6186,-21678.73,-26.54136,7.94063E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,126080,73.955,9.4222,0.0070682,-0.0000039598}, HOV = {106,1.16446E+08,0.325842,-0.000233021,0.00216992,0.484323}, VapCp = {16,78972,-814.12,13.621,-0.00057909,1.2469E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-20.315,4089.4,0.87699,-5.3713E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,5.1978E-08,0.86126,68.544,-136.86,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.13007,40.261,-1.3314,0.00027982,-9.4309E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00011576,0.91053,351.24,130660,0}, Racketparam = 0.242627, UniquacR = 5.456, UniquacQ = 4.288, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end Phthalicacid; model Maleicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 402, name = "Maleicacid", CAS = "110-16-7", Tc = 773, Pc = 4990000, Vc = 0.297, Cc = 0.231, Tb = 411, Tm = 403.45, TT = 403.8, TP = 98.6734, MW = 116.072, LVB = 0.090835, AF = 0.997587, SP = 30550, DM = 1.06E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -6.794E+08, GEF = -5.96E+08, AS = 416000, HFMP = 3.47E+07, HOC = -1.2684E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.77641,0.231,773,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,187.4602,-19104.39,-22.78106,6.967225E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,148240,706.52,4.046,0.018422,-0.000011933}, HOV = {106,1.16446E+08,0.325842,-0.000233021,0.00216992,0.484323}, VapCp = {16,60872,-493.34,12.58,-0.00028606,0.0000001493}, LiqVis = {101,-11.993,2508.3,0.079857,-1.8766E-08,2}, VapVis = {102,9.0189E-08,0.80995,111.91,-70.22,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.061944,-160.86,-0.25643,-0.0021458,2.3954E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0000021963,1.4191,-285.03,84199,0}, Racketparam = 0.231, UniquacR = 3.7193, UniquacQ = 3.315, ChaoSeadAF = 0.997587, ChaoSeadSP = 30550, ChaoSeadLV = 0.090835); end Maleicacid; model Terephthalicacid extends General_Properties( SN = 403, name = "Terephthalicacid", CAS = "100-21-0", Tc = 943.0648, Pc = 4492234, Vc = 0.4235, Cc = 0.242627, Tb = 665.55, Tm = 573.15, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 166.131, LVB = 0.115821, AF = 1.16031, SP = 29038.44, DM = 0, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -7.179E+08, GEF = -5.99E+08, AS = 448000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -3.0576E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.42685,0.181,1113,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,215.8574,-29586.64,-25.50026,3.863371E-06,2}, LiqCp = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, HOV = {106,8.9802E+07,0.189,-0.50305,-1.1074,4.311}, VapCp = {16,83070,-852.74,13.689,-0.000643,1.4167E-07}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {102,2.4248E-08,0.96894,40.456,-14256,0}, LiqK = {16,0,0,0,0,0}, VapK = {102,0.00016184,0.88608,624.29,90960,0}, Racketparam = 0.242627, UniquacR = 5.456, UniquacQ = 4.288, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end Terephthalicacid; model Aceticanhydride extends General_Properties( SN = 404, name = "Aceticanhydride", CAS = "108-24-7", Tc = 569.15, Pc = 4280000, Vc = 0.29, Cc = 0.23, Tb = 413.15, Tm = 200.15, TT = 200.15, TP = 0.0219995, MW = 102.089, LVB = 0.0949602, AF = 0.809524, SP = 22010, DM = 9.3E-30, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -5.735E+08, GEF = -4.767E+08, AS = 389900, HFMP = 1.05E+07, HOC = -1.675E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.3543,0.3062,584.65,0.43334,0}, VP = {101,94.79499,-8627.117,-10.49847,0.0000051448,2}, LiqCp = {16,-76055,674.26,4.7415,0.026829,-0.000028167}, HOV = {106,4.787557E+07,-0.639261,1.651354,-0.778133,-0.0411955}, VapCp = {16,63862,-716.36,13.016,-0.00041944,1.1702E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-13.196,1321.3,0.29135,3.1938E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.3132E-07,0.7781,96.036,3593.8,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0017236,-11.978,-1.3413,-0.0012823,-6.1388E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0003967,0.81349,426.6,140300,0}, Racketparam = 0.23, UniquacR = 3.586025, UniquacQ = 3.224, ChaoSeadAF = 0.453, ChaoSeadSP = 22010, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0949602); end Aceticanhydride; model Maleicanhydride extends General_Properties( SN = 405, name = "Maleicanhydride", CAS = "108-31-6", Tc = 721, Pc = 7280000, Vc = 0.219, Cc = 0.266, Tb = 473.15, Tm = 325.927, TT = 325.72, TP = 289.837, MW = 98.0569, LVB = 0.0741215, AF = 0.54629, SP = 25870, DM = 1.31E-29, SH = -22600000.0, IGHF = -4.167E+08, GEF = -3.55E+08, AS = 317000, HFMP = 1.15E+07, HOC = -1.38E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.1934,0.26153,721,0.35499,0}, VP = {101,181.7423,-13070.32,-23.83155,0.0000182982,2}, LiqCp = {16,7374.3,412.68,8.4647,0.0086559,-0.0000060424}, HOV = {106,5.7421E+07,0.064434,0.35394,-0.39596,0.19018}, VapCp = {16,-39596,-169.57,12.496,6.0181E-08,4.1214E-08}, LiqVis = {101,93.459,-2744.1,-16.078,0.000015825,2}, VapVis = {102,7.5282E-08,0.87275,168.46,-10784,0}, LiqK = {16,0.0050361,-137.05,-0.46443,-0.0029116,3.9472E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00030053,0.85542,634.55,21624,0}, Racketparam = 0.266, UniquacR = 2.903098, UniquacQ = 2.384, ChaoSeadAF = 0.54629, ChaoSeadSP = 25870, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0741215); end Maleicanhydride; model Ketene extends General_Properties( SN = 406, name = "Ketene", CAS = "463-51-4", Tc = 370, Pc = 5810000, Vc = 0.144, Cc = 0.272, Tb = 217.15, Tm = 122.15, TT = 122, TP = 7.19493, MW = 42.0367, LVB = 0.06374, AF = 0.125656, SP = 13820, DM = 4.74E-30, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -6.11E+07, GEF = -6.02914E+07, AS = 241800, HFMP = 0, HOC = -9.67759E+08, LiqDen = {105,1.8886,0.272,370,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,58.628,-3467,-5.9337,0.000010248,2}, LiqCp = {16,41971,267.01,4.7755,0.029953,-0.000037749}, HOV = {106,4.6158E+07,4.5264,-12.408,14.257,-5.881}, VapCp = {16,33110,-414.32,10.968,0.00041237,-1.3222E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-18.659,731.69,1.5497,-0.000011288,2}, VapVis = {102,0.000001285,0.50552,367.45,-2188.3,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.007072,-11.763,-0.74777,-0.0024777,-0.0000018714}, VapK = {102,0.000028519,1.1477,-97.436,37387,0}, Racketparam = 0.272, UniquacR = 1.694792, UniquacQ = 1.610932, ChaoSeadAF = 0.125656, ChaoSeadSP = 13820, ChaoSeadLV = 0.06374); end Ketene; model Methylmethacrylate extends General_Properties( SN = 407, name = "Methylmethacrylate", CAS = "80-62-6", Tc = 563.15, Pc = 3670000, Vc = 0.324, Cc = 0.253, Tb = 374.15, Tm = 225.15, TT = 225.6, TP = 19.0855, MW = 100.116, LVB = 0.106736, AF = 0.280233, SP = 18530, DM = 6.57E-30, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -3.6E+08, GEF = -2.54E+08, AS = 401000, HFMP = 1.44348E+07, HOC = -2.54E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.91648,0.27205,563.15,0.3201,0}, VP = {101,129.5007,-8907.818,-16.17497,0.000012098,2}, LiqCp = {16,45251,733.56,4.0201,0.024183,-0.000020347}, HOV = {106,5.397285E+07,-0.0862845,1.857786,-2.127696,0.775243}, VapCp = {16,40862.92,-408.0793,12.53452,0.000265188,-1.105927E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-8.2342,780.75,-0.30393,-0.0000019127,2}, VapVis = {102,4.0508E-07,0.64362,435.99,-25064,0}, LiqK = {16,0.093744,-51.297,-0.18289,-0.0078351,-0.0000030405}, VapK = {102,0.0023506,0.61168,848.43,252520,0}, Racketparam = 0.253, UniquacR = 3.9215, UniquacQ = 3.564, ChaoSeadAF = 0.280233, ChaoSeadSP = 18530, ChaoSeadLV = 0.106736); end Methylmethacrylate; model Dimethylterephthalate extends General_Properties( SN = 408, name = "Dimethylterephthalate", CAS = "120-61-6", Tc = 772, Pc = 2780000, Vc = 0.529, Cc = 0.229, Tb = 555.15, Tm = 413.8, TT = 413.8, TP = 1257.73, MW = 194.184, LVB = 0.180564, AF = 0.637086, SP = 17710, DM = 7.3E-30, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -6.37E+08, GEF = -4.74E+08, AS = 550000, HFMP = 3.09E+07, HOC = -4.4115E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.50864,0.26895,772,0.26133,0}, VP = {101,87.35202,-11061.82,-8.88269,1.566691E-07,2}, LiqCp = {16,306140,1151.8,1.8179,0.019226,-0.0000087371}, HOV = {106,4.927268E+07,-0.826644,0.840569,0.547723,-0.373819}, VapCp = {16,95546,-944.26,15.059,-0.0027373,0.0000012901}, LiqVis = {101,-9.6027,1845.8,-0.28991,2.7867E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.5497E-10,1.62,-527.6,101960,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.015206,-275.63,0.058569,-0.0035078,7.3745E-07}, VapK = {102,-21938,0.32202,-4.3275E+09,-1.5265E+11,0}, Racketparam = 0.229, UniquacR = 6.6618, UniquacQ = 5.296, ChaoSeadAF = 0.637086, ChaoSeadSP = 17710, ChaoSeadLV = 0.180564); end Dimethylterephthalate; model OneTwopropyleneoxide extends General_Properties( SN = 409, name = "OneTwopropyleneoxide", CAS = "75-56-9", Tc = 482.25, Pc = 4920000, Vc = 0.186, Cc = 0.228, Tb = 307.05, Tm = 161.22, TT = 161.22, TP = 0.965624, MW = 58.0791, LVB = 0.0705481, AF = 0.268304, SP = 19050, DM = 6.7E-30, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -9.372E+07, GEF = -2.58E+07, AS = 286700, HFMP = 6531000, HOC = -1.79E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.5769,0.28598,482.25,0.29139,0}, VP = {101,83.693,-5715.8,-9.522,0.00001033,2}, LiqCp = {16,78704,274.26,7.2963,0.0088641,-0.0000023407}, HOV = {106,5.241305E+07,1.339985,-1.496096,0.72766,-0.151947}, VapCp = {16,42195,-578.73,12.252,0.00010777,-4.7082E-08}, LiqVis = {101,20.905,283.5,-5.5156,0.000016261,2}, VapVis = {102,1.1059E-07,0.81831,109.91,-5863.4,0}, LiqK = {16,0.10066,294.75,-5.9561,0.019433,-0.000039547}, VapK = {102,0.00022671,0.95467,579.31,32798,0}, Racketparam = 0.228, UniquacR = 2.2663, UniquacQ = 1.856, ChaoSeadAF = 0.268304, ChaoSeadSP = 19050, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0705481); end OneTwopropyleneoxide; model Cumenehydroperoxide extends General_Properties( SN = 410, name = "Cumenehydroperoxide", CAS = "80-15-9", Tc = 605, Pc = 3340000, Vc = 0.463, Cc = 0.278, Tb = 442.7, Tm = 264.26, TT = 264.26, TP = 0.00236574, MW = 152.19, LVB = 0.145892, AF = 0.995, SP = 21500, DM = 5.95412E-30, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -7.84E+07, GEF = 9.6E+07, AS = 455000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -4.8444E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.6643,0.27801,605,0.28637,0}, VP = {101,156.523,-16668.56,-17.98221,0.0000113017,2}, LiqCp = {16,83403,-35.074,9.3262,0.010979,-0.00001071}, HOV = {106,7.2836E+07,0.18056,-0.22381,-0.21673,0.35898}, VapCp = {16,70090,-408.89,12.927,0.00036839,-1.5886E-07}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {102,1.9678E-07,0.71936,203.36,-7639,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.022189,-77.144,-1.2225,-0.0023354,4.0588E-08}, VapK = {102,0.00018194,0.94296,592.69,22533,0}, Racketparam = 0.278, UniquacR = 5.817402, UniquacQ = 4.648, ChaoSeadAF = 0.995, ChaoSeadSP = 21500, ChaoSeadLV = 0.145892); end Cumenehydroperoxide; model Propionitrile extends General_Properties( SN = 411, name = "Propionitrile", CAS = "107-12-0", Tc = 564.4, Pc = 4180000, Vc = 0.229, Cc = 0.204, Tb = 370.5, Tm = 180.26, TT = 180.26, TP = 0.169356, MW = 55.0785, LVB = 0.0708565, AF = 0.324267, SP = 21760, DM = 1.34E-29, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = 5.15E+07, GEF = 9.74949E+07, AS = 286600, HFMP = 5029170, HOC = -1.8007E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.90359,0.2211,564.4,0.26246,0}, VP = {101,81.601,-6646.8,-8.9882,0.0000074443,2}, LiqCp = {16,105770,154.89,4.5843,0.018329,-0.000011984}, HOV = {106,3.633259E+07,-2.107222,8.013128,-9.747514,4.114254}, VapCp = {16,47947,-544.83,11.91,0.00026005,-9.1233E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.0958,775.57,-0.393,-7.9624E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,9.8851E-08,0.79377,155.28,-11568,0}, LiqK = {16,0.13846,2645.2,-37.177,0.15078,-0.00022598}, VapK = {102,0.00048871,1.327,43042,-3226700,0}, Racketparam = 0.204, UniquacR = 2.5445, UniquacQ = 2.264, ChaoSeadAF = 0.324267, ChaoSeadSP = 21760, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0708565); end Propionitrile; model Dimethylcarbonate extends General_Properties( SN = 412, name = "Dimethylcarbonate", CAS = "616-38-6", Tc = 557, Pc = 4800000, Vc = 0.25163, Cc = 0.261, Tb = 363.24, Tm = 276.15, TT = 273.15, TP = 1825.53, MW = 90.084, LVB = 0.084825, AF = 0.337, SP = 20240, DM = 3.0E-30, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -5.701E+08, GEF = -4.524E+08, AS = 321600, HFMP = 1.2E+07, HOC = -1.295E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.0073625,0.022214,557,0.083013,0}, VP = {101,127.2975,-8353.984,-16.14514,0.0000181933,2}, LiqCp = {16,170430,-2560.3,-9.9628,-0.012169,0.000014736}, HOV = {106,5.291764E+07,1.146922,-2.489366,2.898325,-1.182726}, VapCp = {16,62577,-594.2,12.53,-0.000022352,-2.2803E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-235.18,9633.9,34.904,-0.000038795,2}, VapVis = {102,3.5376E-07,0.64846,244.72,-7103.7,0}, LiqK = {16,0.011223,-183.44,0.22279,-0.0056614,0.0000021056}, VapK = {102,0.00023689,0.89541,568.87,19356,0}, Racketparam = 0.261, UniquacR = 3.3822, UniquacQ = 3.086, ChaoSeadAF = 0.337, ChaoSeadSP = 20240, ChaoSeadLV = 0.084825); end Dimethylcarbonate; model DiEthylCarbonate extends General_Properties( SN = 413, name = "DiEthylCarbonate", CAS = "105-58-8", Tc = 577, Pc = 3420000, Vc = 0.35725, Cc = 0.254676, Tb = 399.95, Tm = 230.15, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 118.1322, LVB = 0.12721, AF = 0.3544, SP = 18727.86, DM = 0, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = 4.443408E+07, GEF = -1.919535, AS = 1202641, HFMP = 0, HOC = -3.223334, LiqDen = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VP = {10,20.45386,2817.834,-84.304,0,0}, LiqCp = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, HOV = {106,2.9807E+07,0.38,0,0,0}, VapCp = {4,-748.0008,383.84,-0.1938,0.0000364,0}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, LiqK = {16,0,0,0,0,0}, VapK = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, Racketparam = 0.254676, UniquacR = 4.731, UniquacQ = 4.166, ChaoSeadAF = 0.3544, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0.12721); end DiEthylCarbonate; model MethylEthylCarbonate extends General_Properties( SN = 414, name = "MethylEthylCarbonate", CAS = "623-53-0", Tc = 565.93, Pc = 3828600, Vc = 0.30149, Cc = 0.24531, Tb = 385.68, Tm = 258.65, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 104.1054, LVB = 0.1108, AF = 0.31086, SP = 20328.39, DM = 0, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = 6.510304E+07, GEF = -2.776586, AS = 1164449, HFMP = 0, HOC = -2.608223, LiqDen = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VP = {10,21.71522,3376.596,-49.461,0,0}, LiqCp = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, HOV = {106,2.0559E+07,0.38,0,0,0}, VapCp = {4,160.9996,288.84,-0.1394,0.0000245,0}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, LiqK = {16,0,0,0,0,0}, VapK = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, Racketparam = 0.24531, UniquacR = 4.0566, UniquacQ = 3.626, ChaoSeadAF = 0.31086, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1108); end MethylEthylCarbonate; model MethylPhenylCarbonate extends General_Properties( SN = 415, name = "MethylPhenylCarbonate", CAS = "13509-27-8", Tc = 711.76, Pc = 3441000, Vc = 0.42129, Cc = 0.244961, Tb = 491.76, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 152.1494, LVB = 0.1385, AF = 0.41299, SP = 19646.23, DM = 0, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = 1.345156E+08, GEF = 1.178139E+08, AS = 931814.4, HFMP = 0, HOC = -4.252756, LiqDen = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VP = {10,23.07041,5677.005,0,0,0}, LiqCp = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, HOV = {106,4.6776E+07,0.38,0,0,0}, VapCp = {4,-37380,589.92,-0.3882,0.0000976,0}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, LiqK = {16,0,0,0,0,0}, VapK = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, Racketparam = 0.244961, UniquacR = 5.5028, UniquacQ = 4.358, ChaoSeadAF = 0.41299, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0.1385); end MethylPhenylCarbonate; model EthylPhenylCarbonate extends General_Properties( SN = 416, name = "EthylPhenylCarbonate", CAS = "3878-46-4", Tc = 729.29, Pc = 2529800, Vc = 0.55209, Cc = 0.230336, Tb = 522.67, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 166.1762, LVB = 0.18105, AF = 0.54406, SP = 18670.52, DM = 0, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = 1.138466E+08, GEF = 1.263844E+08, AS = 970006.4, HFMP = 0, HOC = -4.867867, LiqDen = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VP = {10,22.88975,5939.5,0,0,0}, LiqCp = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, HOV = {106,5.2005E+07,0.38,0,0,0}, VapCp = {4,-38289,684.92,-0.4426,0.0001095,0}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, LiqK = {16,0,0,0,0,0}, VapK = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, Racketparam = 0.230336, UniquacR = 6.1772, UniquacQ = 4.898, ChaoSeadAF = 0.54406, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0.18105); end EthylPhenylCarbonate; model DiPhenylCarbonate extends General_Properties( SN = 417, name = "DiPhenylCarbonate", CAS = "102-09-0", Tc = 799.32, Pc = 2796500, Vc = 0.59685, Cc = 0.251145, Tb = 572.99, Tm = 352.15, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 214.2202, LVB = 0.18261, AF = 0.55805, SP = 18788.28, DM = 0, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = 1.832592E+08, GEF = 2.719642E+08, AS = 737371.8, HFMP = 0, HOC = -6.512399E+09, LiqDen = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VP = {10,23.41177,6810.358,0,0,0}, LiqCp = {3,-164882.8,994.6407,-0.464037,0,0}, HOV = {106,7.141145E+07,0.38,0,0,0}, VapCp = {4,-72586.55,927.9609,-0.573626,0.000147143,0}, LiqVis = {101,-49.44655,15931.93,0,0,0}, VapVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, LiqK = {3,0.101839,0.000518198,-1.230409E-06,0,0}, VapK = {3,-0.0506874,0.00020251,-1.156856E-07,0,0}, Racketparam = 0.251145, UniquacR = 7.6234, UniquacQ = 5.63, ChaoSeadAF = 0.55805, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0.18261); end DiPhenylCarbonate; model Ethylenecarbonate extends General_Properties( SN = 418, name = "Ethylenecarbonate", CAS = "96-49-1", Tc = 806, Pc = 6770000, Vc = 0.193, Cc = 0.195, Tb = 521.15, Tm = 309.15, TT = 309.55, TP = 8.01004, MW = 88.0621, LVB = 0.0664942, AF = 0.442272, SP = 29660, DM = 1.5E-29, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -5.069E+08, GEF = -4.1E+08, AS = 260000, HFMP = 1.0E+07, HOC = -1.083E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.5442,0.2959,806,0.28857,0}, VP = {101,132.44,-12293,-15.875,0.0000073572,2}, LiqCp = {16,-57259,-17.021,11.366,0.0033817,-0.0000020646}, HOV = {106,8.7297E+07,-0.075043,3.7018,-6.1954,2.9631}, VapCp = {16,50075,-516.61,12.288,0.000013893,-2.689E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-8.7402,1424.5,-0.45708,0.0000005934,2}, VapVis = {102,8.5517E-08,0.85448,116.16,-3914.9,0}, LiqK = {16,0.00091342,-110.82,-0.51748,-0.0023793,3.9376E-07}, VapK = {102,0.030823,0.34958,3003.2,830800,0}, Racketparam = 0.195, UniquacR = 2.9288, UniquacQ = 2.47, ChaoSeadAF = 0.442272, ChaoSeadSP = 29660, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0664942); end Ethylenecarbonate; model Propylenecarbonate extends General_Properties( SN = 419, name = "Propylenecarbonate", CAS = "108-32-7", Tc = 778, Pc = 5410000, Vc = 0.246, Cc = 0.206, Tb = 514.9, Tm = 218.62, TT = 224.85, TP = 0.00116652, MW = 102.089, LVB = 0.0852768, AF = 0.449764, SP = 27300, DM = 1.65E-29, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -6.0116E+08, GEF = -4.555E+08, AS = 296300, HFMP = 9617000, HOC = -1.6678E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.122,0.27599,778,0.40344,0}, VP = {101,102.32,-10530,-11.489,0.0000052921,2}, LiqCp = {16,121750,105.89,6.5083,0.016964,-0.000014577}, HOV = {106,3.145898E+08,9.998207,-26.2884,28.38292,-11.49051}, VapCp = {16,51696,-502.59,12.655,-0.000076494,1.3781E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-818.33,28057,129.62,-0.00022812,2}, VapVis = {102,4.7119E-08,0.92676,86.628,-9783.8,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.096241,6.7832,-1.0385,-0.00032841,-6.9782E-07}, VapK = {102,0.00017416,0.94857,659.28,16364,0}, Racketparam = 0.206, UniquacR = 3.6024, UniquacQ = 3.006, ChaoSeadAF = 0.449764, ChaoSeadSP = 27300, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0852768); end Propylenecarbonate; model TwomethylOneheptene extends General_Properties( SN = 420, name = "TwomethylOneheptene", CAS = "15870-10-7", Tc = 564, Pc = 2400000, Vc = 0.497, Cc = 0.25, Tb = 392.37, Tm = 185.78, TT = 185.77, TP = 0.113498, MW = 112.213, LVB = 0.156655, AF = 0.35513, SP = 15180, DM = 0, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -9.699E+07, GEF = 9.32E+07, AS = 457800, HFMP = 1.44E+07, HOC = -4.948E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.53765,0.25476,567.01,0.28376,0}, VP = {101,108.46,-8257.2,-12.941,0.0000091062,2}, LiqCp = {16,88257,855.11,3.1929,0.026245,-0.000022451}, HOV = {106,5.8021E+07,1.4711,-3.336,3.8018,-1.5579}, VapCp = {16,92500,-450.54,12.712,0.00068864,-3.0334E-07}, LiqVis = {101,-34.674,1655.3,3.8693,-0.0000085602,2}, VapVis = {102,5.7686E-07,0.51551,255.32,-429.98,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0714,1.7767,-1.4729,-0.00055517,-0.0000010492}, VapK = {102,0.00085233,0.71803,81.386,330930,0}, Racketparam = 0.25, UniquacR = 5.6171, UniquacQ = 4.844, ChaoSeadAF = 0.35513, ChaoSeadSP = 15180, ChaoSeadLV = 0.156655); end TwomethylOneheptene; model TwoMethoxyTwoMethylHeptane extends General_Properties( SN = 421, name = "TwoMethoxyTwoMethylHeptane", CAS = "76589-16-7", Tc = 618.2025, Pc = 2357849, Vc = 0.53093, Cc = 0.24355, Tb = 446.7301, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 144.2564, LVB = 0.18511, AF = 0.433286, SP = 14871.82, DM = 0, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -9790565, GEF = -6.029269, AS = 1629362, HFMP = 0, HOC = -5.95423E+09, LiqDen = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VP = {200,-8.2705,2.1937,-3.6992,-3.7256,2357800}, LiqCp = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, HOV = {106,6.6655E+07,0.38,0,0,0}, VapCp = {4,-4265.999,921.48,-0.5266,0.000113,0}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, LiqK = {16,0,0,0,0,0}, VapK = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, Racketparam = 0.24355, UniquacR = 6.7654, UniquacQ = 5.792, ChaoSeadAF = 0.433286, ChaoSeadSP = 14871.82, ChaoSeadLV = 0.18511); end TwoMethoxyTwoMethylHeptane; model TwoMethylTwoHeptanol extends General_Properties( SN = 422, name = "TwoMethylTwoHeptanol", CAS = "625-25-2", Tc = 636.6534, Pc = 2716180, Vc = 0.48244, Cc = 0.247551, Tb = 467.6976, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 130.2296, LVB = 0.15788, AF = 0.723562, SP = 17397.3, DM = 0, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -1.238045, GEF = -1.233886, AS = 1322185, HFMP = 0, HOC = -5.204435, LiqDen = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VP = {200,-10.016,3.415,-6.8543,-4.7824,2716200}, LiqCp = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, HOV = {106,7.9114E+07,0.38,0,0,0}, VapCp = {4,-23566,923.66,-0.6136,0.0001657,0}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, LiqK = {16,0,0,0,0,0}, VapK = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, Racketparam = 0.247551, UniquacR = 6.6204, UniquacQ = 5.904, ChaoSeadAF = 0.723562, ChaoSeadSP = 17397.3, ChaoSeadLV = 0.15788); end TwoMethylTwoHeptanol; model Methylal extends General_Properties( SN = 423, name = "Methylal", CAS = "109-87-5", Tc = 480.6, Pc = 3950000, Vc = 0.213, Cc = 0.211, Tb = 315, Tm = 168, TT = 168.35, TP = 1.13284, MW = 76.0944, LVB = 0.0891275, AF = 0.285565, SP = 17430, DM = 2.47E-30, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -3.482E+08, GEF = -2.263E+08, AS = 335700, HFMP = 8330000, HOC = -1.7998E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.4351,0.30572,480.6,0.31739,0}, VP = {101,62.15058,-5217.94,-5.982976,3.491239E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,134330,575.02,0.73414,0.035906,-0.00003541}, HOV = {106,4.956236E+07,0.517705,0.708214,-1.530256,0.744705}, VapCp = {16,73387,-1249,14.774,-0.0029552,0.0000012399}, LiqVis = {101,-8.4058,722.36,-0.36572,2.4819E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,4.8512E-07,0.60235,248.43,-1208.9,0}, LiqK = {16,0.11543,-776.65,7.882,-0.041206,0.000038121}, VapK = {102,0.0014869,0.65846,470.64,206460,0}, Racketparam = 0.211, UniquacR = 2.964403, UniquacQ = 2.716, ChaoSeadAF = 0.285565, ChaoSeadSP = 17430, ChaoSeadLV = 0.0891275); end Methylal; model MethylDiEthanolAmine extends General_Properties( SN = 424, name = "MethylDiEthanolAmine", CAS = "105-59-9", Tc = 741.9, Pc = 4160000, Vc = 0.365, Cc = 0.246154, Tb = 520.15, Tm = 252.15, TT = 252.15, TP = 0.00203612, MW = 119.162, LVB = 0.115302, AF = 1.1649, SP = 28140, DM = 9.53993E-30, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -3.8E+08, GEF = -1.69E+08, AS = 469000, HFMP = 0, HOC = -3.06E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.69135,0.25418,675,0.2857,0}, VP = {101,-0.352098,-4812.65,3.121045,6.605463E-06,2}, LiqCp = {4,181326,26.21689,0.880838,0,-0.00001581}, HOV = {106,1.40201E+08,0.632751,0.350924,-0.633597,0.0584955}, VapCp = {16,89777,-550.24,13.01,0.000045139,-3.2024E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-162.0804,9995.149,22.49076,-0.0000361184,1.932506}, VapVis = {102,7.7364E-08,0.84268,140.24,-9063.1,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.869,15,0,0,0}, VapK = {102,0.00016443,0.97072,595.54,41960,0}, Racketparam = 0.254, UniquacR = 5.8841, UniquacQ = 5.5, ChaoSeadAF = 1.1649, ChaoSeadSP = 28140, ChaoSeadLV = 0.115302); end MethylDiEthanolAmine; model Diethylethanolamine extends General_Properties( SN = 425, name = "Diethylethanolamine", CAS = "100-37-8", Tc = 616, Pc = 2650000, Vc = 0.4231, Cc = 0.218914, Tb = 434.15, Tm = 235.15, TT = 253, TP = 4.85244, MW = 117.189, LVB = 0.132864, AF = 0.781757, SP = 19100, DM = 8.11E-30, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -2.575E+08, GEF = -3.323E+07, AS = 459800, HFMP = 1.84E+07, HOC = -4.03338E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.63795,0.25988,592,0.27186,0}, VP = {101,442.3122,-22650.03,-64.35227,0.0000641088,2}, LiqCp = {4,28933.37,738.1104,-0.669126,0.000593149,0}, HOV = {106,6.442525E+07,-0.590881,4.028331,-5.586056,2.388691}, VapCp = {16,91061,-562.7,13.172,-0.000023606,6.7111E-09}, LiqVis = {101,-83.307,6061.8,10.089,-1.4583E-07,2}, VapVis = {102,1.3335E-07,0.7599,186.08,-6648.4,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.0045149,-46.605,-1.1875,-0.0019723,-5.2781E-08}, VapK = {102,0.00013877,0.99774,582.26,23748,0}, Racketparam = 0.259, UniquacR = 5.315095, UniquacQ = 4.532, ChaoSeadAF = 0.781757, ChaoSeadSP = 19100, ChaoSeadLV = 0.132864); end Diethylethanolamine; model Diisopropanolamine extends General_Properties( SN = 426, name = "Diisopropanolamine", CAS = "110-97-4", Tc = 672, Pc = 3600000, Vc = 0.454, Cc = 0.293, Tb = 521.9, Tm = 315, TT = 318.15, TP = 0.217912, MW = 133.189, LVB = 0.134763, AF = 1.38914, SP = 26610, DM = 0, SH = -61100000.0, IGHF = -4.54E+08, GEF = -2.15E+08, AS = 513000, HFMP = 2.636E+07, HOC = -3.82E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.54022,0.24621,672,0.22052,0}, VP = {101,339.329,-25910.98,-45.42461,0.0000223088,2}, LiqCp = {4,119382.9,778.3072,-0.00245385,-1.190941E-06,-0.0000013464}, HOV = {106,1.4113E+08,0.38119,1.0156,-1.8242,0.83437}, VapCp = {16,104010,-559.93,13.272,-0.00018865,9.0295E-08}, LiqVis = {101,-158.9768,13684.82,19.79212,0.0000178855,1.442815}, VapVis = {102,1.7289E-07,0.71286,205.1,-6089.6,0}, LiqK = {16,-0.070378,-101.18,-0.46641,-0.0021528,2.0992E-07}, VapK = {102,0.0002313,0.90558,651.81,18136,0}, Racketparam = 0.293, UniquacR = 6.5774, UniquacQ = 6.028, ChaoSeadAF = 1.38914, ChaoSeadSP = 26610, ChaoSeadLV = 0.134763); end Diisopropanolamine; model Cyclobutane extends General_Properties( SN = 427, name = "Cyclobutane", CAS = "287-23-0", Tc = 459.93, Pc = 4980000, Vc = 0.21, Cc = 0.273, Tb = 285.66, Tm = 182.48, TT = 182.48, TP = 180.101, MW = 56.1063, LVB = 0.0814243, AF = 0.18474, SP = 16020, DM = 0, SH = 28500000.0, IGHF = 2.85E+07, GEF = 1.122E+08, AS = 265400, HFMP = 1088000, HOC = -2.5678E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.407691,0.295395,459.93,0.248729,0}, VP = {101,60.70694,-4389.85,-6.086364,7.387074E-06,2}, LiqCp = {16,-3355.973,25.71519,11.14976,-0.0000199586,4.55626E-06}, HOV = {106,3.344974E+07,0.35995,-0.0547115,0.0583309,-0.0233634}, VapCp = {16,37380.05,-673.6637,12.72112,-0.000063263,1.539025E-09}, LiqVis = {16,0.0000263799,486.4199,-9.034853,-0.00420404,4.708051E-07}, VapVis = {16,2.344771E-06,-353.1514,-11.15186,0.000996526,-0.0000002755}, LiqK = {16,0.0169674,14.7154,-1.831383,-0.000155026,-0.0000048849}, VapK = {16,0.00541541,-765.5803,-2.581507,0.00174448,-3.307726E-07}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 0, UniquacQ = 0, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end Cyclobutane; model Isopropylmercaptan extends General_Properties( SN = 428, name = "Isopropylmercaptan", CAS = "75-33-2", Tc = 517.3, Pc = 4750000, Vc = 0.254, Cc = 0.281, Tb = 325.75, Tm = 142.61, TT = 142.64, TP = 0.00973089, MW = 76.1606, LVB = 0.0941865, AF = 0.21381, SP = 16970, DM = 5.47E-30, SH = 28500000.0, IGHF = -7.59E+07, GEF = -2180000, AS = 324300, HFMP = 5736000, HOC = -2.3684E+09, LiqDen = {105,1.093001,0.27762,517,0.29781,0}, VP = {101,52.49398,-5018.813,-4.414151,1.969036E-13,2}, LiqCp = {16,-4182.09,11.57821,11.69322,0.0000133303,0.0000020152}, HOV = {106,4.07186E+07,0.189905,0.420769,-0.0231137,-0.258009}, VapCp = {16,68588.92,-673.2911,12.50044,1.486465E-06,-1.964897E-08}, LiqVis = {16,0.0000158085,630.9957,-8.670452,-0.006493,5.676279E-06}, VapVis = {16,2.562672E-06,-300.3637,-11.49051,0.00155043,-4.080467E-07}, LiqK = {16,0.019346,8.361977,-1.76982,-0.000539416,-3.287583E-06}, VapK = {102,0.00018367,0.9627,646.01,0,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.225445, UniquacQ = 2.84, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end Isopropylmercaptan; model Glycerol extends General_Properties( SN = 429, name = "Glycerol", CAS = "56-81-5", Tc = 725.15, Pc = 6660000, Vc = 0.264, Cc = 0.28, Tb = 563.15, Tm = 291.15, TT = 291.33, TP = 0.00952225, MW = 92.0938, LVB = 0.0732027, AF = 1.544133, SP = 34540, DM = 1.4E-29, SH = 28500000.0, IGHF = -5.828E+08, GEF = -4.471E+08, AS = 396000, HFMP = 1.831E+07, HOC = -1.477E+09, LiqDen = {105,0.933664,0.246209,850,0.220672,0}, VP = {101,99.57469,-13673.87,-10.09699,1.227718E-11,2}, LiqCp = {16,115.6361,-33.33621,11.80006,0.00238285,-0.0000010098}, HOV = {106,1.1E+08,1,-2.5,3.4,-1.65}, VapCp = {16,31366.31,-311.2541,12.31511,0.000195602,1.752076E-09}, LiqVis = {10,-27,-10000,70,0,0}, VapVis = {16,1.418624E-06,-375.5227,-11.1197,0.000710923,4.531819E-08}, LiqK = {16,0.00821317,-13.47096,-1.285018,0.000197192,1.226656E-07}, VapK = {16,-0.00880104,-445.7976,-2.857337,0.000677005,8.722756E-08}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 3.385629, UniquacQ = 3.06, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end Glycerol; model Neicosane extends General_Properties( SN = 430, name = "Neicosane", CAS = "112-95-8", Tc = 767, Pc = 1160000, Vc = 1.19, Cc = 0.213, Tb = 616.95, Tm = 309.58, TT = 309.58, TP = 0.00925737, MW = 282.547, LVB = 0.360385, AF = 0.9065, SP = 16000, DM = 0, SH = 28500000.0, IGHF = -4.5576E+08, GEF = 1.157E+08, AS = 934120, HFMP = 7.03E+07, HOC = -1.239199E+10, LiqDen = {105,0.18166,0.23351,768,0.28571,0}, VP = {101,164.6909,-17503.89,-19.74205,5.399206E-06,2}, LiqCp = {100,352720,807.32,0.2122,0,0}, HOV = {106,1.286E+08,0.50351,0.32986,-0.42184,0}, VapCp = {107,324810,1109000,1636,745000,726.27}, LiqVis = {101,-10.5557,1830.385,-0.148602,-7.471032E-06,-7.49069E-06}, VapVis = {102,2.9236E-07,0.62458,702.84,0,0}, LiqK = {100,0.2178,-0.0002233,0,0,0}, VapK = {102,-375.32,1.0708,-8.7836E+09,0,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 13.9414, UniquacQ = 11.416, ChaoSeadAF = 0.9065, ChaoSeadSP = 16000, ChaoSeadLV = 0.360385); end Neicosane; model DiButylCarbonate extends General_Properties( SN = 431, name = "DiButylCarbonate", CAS = "542-52-9", Tc = 577.9457, Pc = 2554740, Vc = 0.48029, Cc = 0.255346, Tb = 480.6, Tm = 0, TT = 0, TP = 0, MW = 174.2374, LVB = 0.16285, AF = 0.380499, SP = 14896.02, DM = 0, SH = 28500000.0, IGHF = -3.824176E+07, GEF = 1.508667E+07, AS = 1355409, HFMP = 0, HOC = -5.683778E+09, LiqDen = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VP = {10,22.02883,4492.482,-50.81,0,0}, LiqCp = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, HOV = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapCp = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, LiqVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, VapVis = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, LiqK = {100,0,0,0,0,0}, VapK = {0,0,0,0,0,0}, Racketparam = 0, UniquacR = 0, UniquacQ = 0, ChaoSeadAF = 0, ChaoSeadSP = 0, ChaoSeadLV = 0); end DiButylCarbonate; end Chemsep_Database; package Thermodynamic_Packages model Raoults_Law import Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.*; Real K[NOC](each min = 0), resMolSpHeat[3], resMolEnth[3], resMolEntr[3]; Real gamma[NOC], gammaBubl[NOC], gammaDew[NOC]; Real liqfugcoeff_bubl[NOC], vapfugcoeff_dew[NOC],Psat[NOC]; equation for i in 1:NOC loop gamma[i] = 1; gammaBubl[i] = 1; gammaDew[i] = 1; liqfugcoeff_bubl[i] = 1; vapfugcoeff_dew[i] = 1; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop Psat[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[i].VP, T); end for; for j in 1:NOC loop K[j] = Psat[j] / P; end for; resMolSpHeat[:] = zeros(3); resMolEnth[:] = zeros(3); resMolEntr[:] = zeros(3); end Raoults_Law; model NRTL import Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.*; Simulator.Files.Models.gammaNRTL Gamma(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, molFrac = compMolFrac[2, :], T = T), dewGamma(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, molFrac = dewLiqMolFrac, T = T), bublGamma(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, molFrac = compMolFrac[1, :], T = T); Real dewLiqMolFrac[NOC], density[NOC]; Real resMolSpHeat[3] "residual specific heat", resMolEnth[3] "residual enthalpy", resMolEntr[3] "residual Entropy", K[NOC], gamma[NOC](each start = 1), gammaBubl[NOC](each start = 1), gammaDew[NOC](each start = 1); Real liqfugcoeff_bubl[NOC], vapfugcoeff_dew[NOC],Psat[NOC]; equation gamma = Gamma.gamma; for i in 1:NOC loop dewLiqMolFrac[i] = compMolFrac[1, i] * Pdew / (gammaDew[i] * Psat[i]); density[i] = Dens(comp[i].LiqDen, comp[i].Tc, T, P); end for; for i in 1:NOC loop liqfugcoeff_bubl[i] = 1; vapfugcoeff_dew[i] = 1; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop gammaBubl[i] = bublGamma.gamma[i]; gammaDew[i] = dewGamma.gamma[i]; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop Psat[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[i].VP, T); end for; for i in 1:NOC loop K[i] = gamma[i] * Psat[i] / P; end for; resMolSpHeat[:] = zeros(3); resMolEnth[:] = zeros(3); resMolEntr = zeros(3); end NRTL; model UNIQUAC //Libraries import Simulator.Files.*; //Parameter Section //Binary Interaction Parameters //Function :BIP_UNIQUAC is used to obtain the interaction parameters parameter Real a[NOC, NOC] = Thermodynamic_Functions.BIP_UNIQUAC(NOC,; //Uniquac Parameters R and Q called from Chemsep Database parameter Real R[NOC] = comp.UniquacR; parameter Real Q[NOC] = comp.UniquacQ; parameter Integer Z = 10 "Compresseblity-Factor"; //Variable Section Real tow[NOC, NOC] "Energy interaction parameter"; //Intermediate variables to calculate the combinatorial and residual part of activity coefficient at the input conditions Real r(each start=2, min=0,max=1), q(each start=2); Real teta[NOC]; Real S[NOC](each start = 1); Real sum[NOC]; //Activity Coefficients Real gammac[NOC](each start = 1.2) "Combinatorial Part of activity coefficent at input conditions"; Real gammar[NOC](each start = 1.2) "Residual part of activity coefficient at input conditions"; Real gamma_new[NOC](each start = 1.2); Real gamma[NOC](each start = 1.2) "Activity coefficient with Poynting correction"; //Fugacity coefficient Real phil[NOC](each start = 0.5) "Fugacity coefficient at the input conditions"; //Dew Point Calculation Variables Real dewLiqMolFrac[NOC](each start=0.5, each min=0, each max=1); //Intermediate variables to calculate the combinatorial and residual part of activity coefficient at dew point Real r_dew(start=2), q_dew(start=2); Real teta_dew[NOC](each start=2); Real S_dew[NOC](each start = 1); Real sum_dew[NOC](each start=2); //Activity Coefficients Real gammac_dew[NOC](each start = 5) "Combinatorial Part of activity coefficent at dew point"; Real gammar_dew[NOC](each start = 2.5) "Residual part of activity coefficient at dew point"; Real gammaDew_old[NOC](each start = 2.2) "Combinatorial Part of activity coefficent(without correction)"; Real gammaDew[NOC](each start = 2.2) "Activity coefficent at dew point"; //Fugacity coefficient Real vapfugcoeff_dew[NOC] "Vapour Fugacity coefficient at dew point"; Real phil_dew[NOC](each start = 0.5); Real PCF_dew[NOC] "Poynting Correction Factor"; //Bubble Point Calculation Variables //Intermediate variables to calculate the combinatorial and residual part of activity coefficient at bubble point Real r_bubl(start=2), q_bubl(start=2); Real teta_bubl[NOC]; Real S_bubl[NOC]; Real sum_bubl[NOC]; //Activity Coefficients Real gammac_bubl[NOC](each start = 2) "Combinatorial Part of activity coefficent at bubble point"; Real gammar_bubl[NOC](each start = 1) "Residual part of activity coefficent at bubble point"; Real gammaBubl_old[NOC](each start = 1) "Combinatorial Part of activity coefficent(without correction)"; Real gammaBubl[NOC](each start = 1) "Activity coefficent at bubble point"; //Fugacity coefficient Real liqfugcoeff_bubl[NOC]; Real phil_bubl[NOC](each start = 0.5) "Liquid Phase Fugacity coefficient"; Real PCF_bubl[NOC] "Poynting Correction Factor"; //Phase Envelope Real Psat[NOC](each unit = "Pa") "Saturated Vapour Pressure at the input temperature"; Real PCF[NOC] "Poynting correction factor"; Real K[NOC](each start = 0.7) "Distribution Coefficient"; //Residual Energy Parameters Real resMolSpHeat[3], resMolEnth[3], resMolEntr[3]; //Transport Properties at the input conditions Real Density[NOC](each unit = "kmol/m^3"); Real A[NOC],B[NOC],D[NOC],E[NOC],Ff[NOC]; Real C[NOC]; Real A_bubl[NOC],B_bubl[NOC],C_bubl[NOC],D_bubl[NOC],E_bubl[NOC],F_bubl[NOC]; Real A_dew[NOC],B_dew[NOC],C_dew[NOC],D_dew[NOC],E_dew[NOC],F_dew[NOC]; //=========================================================================================================== //Equation Section equation //Fugacity coefficients set to 1 since the model type is Activity Coefficient for i in 1:NOC loop liqfugcoeff_bubl[i] = 1; vapfugcoeff_dew[i] = 1; end for; //Calculation of Intermediate parameters to evaluate combinatorial and residual part of the activity coefficient //Note : compMolFrac is the referenced from "Material Stream" model r = sum(compMolFrac[2, :] .* R[:]); q = sum(compMolFrac[2, :] .* Q[:]); //Calculation of Energy interaction parameter at the input tempetraure //Function :Tow_UNIQUAC is used to instantiated tow = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Tow_UNIQUAC(NOC, a, T); //Calculation of Combinatorial and Residual Activity coefficient for i in 1:NOC loop if(q>0) then teta[i] = compMolFrac[2, i] * Q[i] * (1 / q); elseif(q<0) then teta[i]=0; else teta[i]=0; end if; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop if (teta[i]==0) then S[i]=1; else S[i] = sum(teta[:] .* tow[i, :]); end if; if(S[i]==1) then sum[i]=0; else sum[i] = sum(teta[:] .* tow[i, :] ./ S[:]); end if; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop if(S[i]==1) then C[i] = 0; elseif(S[i]>0) then C[i] = log(S[i]); else C[i]=0; end if; (gammar[i]) = exp(Q[i] * (1 - C[i] - sum[i])); end for; // //=================================================================== // equation for i in 1:NOC loop if(r>0) then D[i] = R[i]/r; elseif(r<=0) then D[i] =0; else D[i]=0; end if; if(q>0) then E[i] = Q[i]/q; elseif(q<=0) then E[i] = 0; else E[i] = 0; end if; if(E[i]==0 or D[i]==0) then Ff[i]=0; else Ff[i] = D[i]/E[i]; end if; if(D[i]>0) then A[i] =log(D[i]); elseif(D[i]==1) then A[i]=0; else A[i]=0; end if; if(Ff[i]>1) then B[i] =log(Ff[i]); elseif(Ff[i]==1) then B[i]=0; else B[i]=0; end if; log(gammac[i])=1-D[i] + A[i] + (-Z / 2 * Q[i] * (1 - Ff[i] + B[i])); (gamma[i]) = (gammac[i]) * (gammar[i]); end for; //===================================================================================================== //Excess Energy parameters are set to 0 since the calculation mode is Ideal resMolSpHeat[:] = zeros(3); resMolEnth[:] = zeros(3); resMolEntr[:] = zeros(3); //Calculation of Saturated vapour pressure and Density at the given input condition for i in 1:NOC loop Psat[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[i].VP, T); Density[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Dens(comp[i].LiqDen, comp[i].Tc, T, P) * 1E-3; end for; //Calculation of Poynting correction Factor at input conditions,Bubble Point and Dew Point //Function :Poynting_CF is called from the Simulator Package PCF[:] = Thermodynamic_Functions.PoyntingCF(NOC, comp[:].Pc, comp[:].Tc, comp[:].Racketparam, comp[:].AF, comp[:].MW, T, P, gamma[:], Psat[:], Density[:]); PCF_bubl[:] = Thermodynamic_Functions.PoyntingCF(NOC, comp[:].Pc, comp[:].Tc, comp[:].Racketparam, comp[:].AF, comp[:].MW, T, Pbubl, gamma[:], Psat[:], Density[:]); PCF_dew[:] = Thermodynamic_Functions.PoyntingCF(NOC, comp[:].Pc, comp[:].Tc, comp[:].Racketparam, comp[:].AF, comp[:].MW, T, Pdew, gamma[:], Psat[:], Density[:]); //Calculation of Fugacity coefficient with Poynting correction phil[:] = gamma[:] .* Psat[:] ./ P .* PCF[:]; phil[:] = gamma_new[:] .* Psat[:] ./ P; //Calculation of Distribution coefficient K[:] = gamma_new[:] .* Psat[:] ./ P; //Binary Phase Envelope //The same calculation routine is followed at the DewPoint //Dew Point r_dew = sum(dewLiqMolFrac[:] .* R[:]); q_dew = sum(dewLiqMolFrac[:] .* Q[:]); for i in 1:NOC loop if(q_dew==0 or compMolFrac[1,i]==0) then dewLiqMolFrac[i]=0; else dewLiqMolFrac[i] = compMolFrac[1, i] * Pdew / (gammaDew[i] * Psat[i]); end if; if(q_dew==0 or dewLiqMolFrac[i]==0) then teta_dew[i]=0; else teta_dew[i] = dewLiqMolFrac[i] * Q[i] * (1 / q_dew); end if; if(teta_dew[i]==0) then S_dew[i] =1; else S_dew[i] = sum(teta_dew[:] .* tow[i, :]); end if; end for; //=================================================================================================== for i in 1:NOC loop if(S_dew[i]==1) then sum_dew[i]=0; else sum_dew[i] = sum(teta_dew[:] .* tow[i, :] ./ (S_dew[:])); end if; if(S_dew[i]==1) then C_dew[i]=0; elseif(S_dew[i]>0) then C_dew[i] =log(S_dew[i]); else C_dew[i]=0; end if; (gammar_dew[i]) = exp(Q[i] * (1 - C_dew[i] - sum_dew[i])); end for; //=============================================================================================== for i in 1:NOC loop if(r_dew==0) then D_dew[i] =0; else D_dew[i] = R[i]/r_dew; end if; if(q_dew==0) then E_dew[i] = 0; else E_dew[i] = Q[i]/q_dew; end if; if(E_dew[i]==0) then F_dew[i]=0; else F_dew[i] = D_dew[i]/E_dew[i]; end if; if(D_dew[i]>0) then A_dew[i] =log(D_dew[i]); elseif(D_dew[i]==1) then A_dew[i]=0; else A_dew[i]=0; end if; if(F_dew[i]>0) then B_dew[i] =log(F_dew[i]); elseif(F_dew[i]==1) then B_dew[i]=0; else B_dew[i]=0; end if; log(gammac_dew[i])=1-D_dew[i] + A_dew[i] + (-Z / 2 * Q[i] * (1 - F_dew[i] + B_dew[i])); (gammaDew_old[i]) = (gammac_dew[i]) * (gammar_dew[i]); end for; for i in 1:NOC loop if(Pdew==0) then phil_dew[i]=1; gammaDew[i]=1; else phil_dew[i] = gammaDew_old[i] .* Psat[i] ./ Pdew .* PCF_dew[i]; phil_dew[i] = gammaDew[i] .* Psat[i] ./ Pdew; end if; end for; //The same calculation routine is followed at the Bubble Point //Bubble Point r_bubl = sum(compMolFrac[1, :] .* R[:]); q_bubl = sum(compMolFrac[1, :] .* Q[:]); for i in 1:NOC loop if(compMolFrac[1,i]==0) then teta_bubl[i]=0; else teta_bubl[i] = compMolFrac[1, i] * Q[i] * (1 / q_bubl); end if; if(teta_bubl[i]==0) then S_bubl[i] =1; else S_bubl[i] = sum(teta_bubl[:] .* tow[i, :]); end if; if(S_bubl[i]==1) then sum_bubl[i]=0; else sum_bubl[i] = sum(teta_bubl[:] .* tow[i, :] ./ S_bubl[:]); end if; if(S_bubl[i]==1) then C_bubl[i] =0 ; elseif(S_bubl[i]>0) then C_bubl[i]=log(S_bubl[i]); else C_bubl[i]=0; end if; log(gammar_bubl[i]) = Q[i] * (1 - C_bubl[i] - sum_bubl[i]); //========================================================================================================= if(r_bubl==0) then D_bubl[i] =0; else D_bubl[i] = R[i]/r_bubl; end if; if(q_bubl==0) then E_bubl[i] = 0; else E_bubl[i] = Q[i]/q_bubl; end if; if(E_bubl[i]==0) then F_bubl[i]=0; else F_bubl[i] = D_bubl[i]/E_bubl[i]; end if; if(D_bubl[i]>0) then A_bubl[i] =log(D_bubl[i]); elseif(D_bubl[i]==1) then A_bubl[i]=0; else A_bubl[i]=0; end if; if(F_bubl[i]>0) then B_bubl[i] =log(F_bubl[i]); elseif(F_bubl[i]==1) then B_bubl[i]=0; else B_bubl[i]=0; end if; log(gammac_bubl[i])=1-D_bubl[i] + A_bubl[i] + (-Z / 2 * Q[i] * (1 - F_bubl[i] + B_bubl[i])); (gammaBubl_old[i]) = (gammac_bubl[i]) * (gammar_bubl[i]); end for; for i in 1:NOC loop if(Pbubl==0) then phil_bubl[i]=1; gammaBubl[i]=1; else phil_bubl[i] = gammaBubl_old[i] .* Psat[i] ./ Pbubl .* PCF_bubl[i]; phil_bubl[i] = gammaBubl[i] .* Psat[i] ./ Pbubl; end if; end for; annotation( Documentation(info = "

UNIQUAC-Universal Quasi Coefficient Model


UNIQUAC(Univeral Quasi Coefficient) model is an activity coefficient based thermodynamic model used to predict phase equilibria in Chemical Engineering. The activity coefficent comprises of two major contibutions named as combinatorial and residual contribution Combinatorial contribution focusses on the deviation from ideality as a result of molecular shape while the residual contribution quantifies the enthalpic correction caused by the change in interactive forces between different molecules.

Equations and References:

"), experiment(StopTime = 1.0, Interval = 0.001)); end UNIQUAC; //======================================================================================================= model UNIFAC //Libraries import Simulator.Files.*; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions; //Parameter Section parameter Integer m = 4 "substitue of number of different group"; parameter Integer k = 4 "number of different group in component i"; //Van de wal surface area and volume constant's parameter Real V[NOC, k] = {{1,1,1,0},{1,0,1,0}} "number of group of kind k in molecule "; parameter Real R[NOC, k] = {{0.9011,0.6744,1.6724,0},{0.9011,0,1.6724,0}} "group volume of group k "; parameter Real Q[NOC, k] = {{0.848,0.540,1.448,0},{0.848,0,1.448,0}} "group surface area of group k"; //Intreraction parameter parameter Real a[m, k]={{0,0,476.4,1318},{0,0,476.4,1318},{26.76,26.76,0,472.5},{300,300,-195.4,0}} "Binary intraction parameter"; Real Psat[NOC] "Saturated Vapour Pressure at the input temperature"; //Intermediate values used to compute UNIFAC R and Q values Real q[NOC] "Van der walls molecular surface area"; Real r[NOC] "Van der walls molecular volume"; Real e[k, NOC] "Group Surface area fraction of comp i"; Real tau[m, k] "Boltzmann factors"; Real B[NOC, k] "UNIFAC parameter "; Real theta[k] "UNIFAC parameter"; Real sum[NOC]; Real S[k] "Unifac parameter "; Real J[NOC] "Surface area fraction of comp i"; Real L[NOC] "Molecular volume fraction of comp i"; //Activity Coefficients Real gammac[NOC] "Combinatorial activity coefficient of comp i"; Real gammar[NOC] "Residual activity coefficient of comp i"; Real gamma[NOC] " Activity coefficient"; Real K[NOC] "Equlibrium constant of compound i"; //Fugacity coefficient at the Bubble and Dew Points Real liqfugcoeff_bubl[NOC], vapfugcoeff_dew[NOC]; //Activity Coefficient at the Bubble and Dew Points Real gammaBubl[NOC], gammaDew[NOC](each start = 1.5); //Excess Energy Properties Real resMolSpHeat[3], resMolEnth[3], resMolEntr[3]; //=============================================================================== //Bubble Point Calculation Variables Real theta_bubl[k] "UNIFAC parameter"; Real S_bubl[k] "Unifac parameter "; Real J_bubl[NOC] "Surface area fraction of comp i"; Real L_bubl[NOC] "Molecular volume fraction of comp i"; Real gammac_bubl[NOC] "Combinatorial activity coefficient of components at bubble point"; Real gammar_bubl[NOC] "Residual activity coefficient of components at bubble point"; Real sum_bubl[NOC]; //=============================================================================== //Dew Point Calculation Routine Real theta_dew[k] "UNIFAC parameter"; Real S_dew[k] "Unifac parameter "; Real J_dew[NOC] "Surface area fraction of comp i"; Real L_dew[NOC] "Molecular volume fraction of comp i"; Real gammac_dew[NOC] "combinatorial activity coefficient of components at dew point"; Real gammar_dew[NOC] "residual activity coefficient of components at dew point"; Real sum_dew[NOC]; Real dewLiqMolFrac[NOC](each start = 0.5); //============================================================================== equation resMolSpHeat[:] = zeros(3); resMolEnth[:] = zeros(3); resMolEntr[:] = zeros(3); for i in 1:NOC loop Psat[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[i].VP[:], T); end for; for i in 1:NOC loop liqfugcoeff_bubl[i] = 1; vapfugcoeff_dew[i] = 1; end for; for i in 1:m loop //tau_m_k=exp((-a_m_k)/t) tau[i, :] = exp((-a[i, :]) / T); end for; // Equlibrium constant for i in 1:NOC loop K[i] = gamma[i] * Psat[i] / P; end for; //surface area constant for i in 1:NOC loop q[i] = sum(V[i, :] .* Q[i, :]); //surface volume constant r[i] = sum(V[i, :] .* R[i, :]); e[:, i] = V[i, :] .* Q[i, :] / q[i]; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop J[i] = r[i] / sum(r[:] .* compMolFrac[2, :]); L[i] = q[i] / sum(q[:] .* compMolFrac[2, :]); gammac[i] = exp(1 - J[i] + log(J[i]) + (-5 * q[i] * (1 - J[i] / L[i] + log(J[i] / L[i])))); end for; //======================================================================================= for j in 1:k loop theta[j] = sum(compMolFrac[2, :] .* q[:] .* e[j, :]) / sum(compMolFrac[2, :] .* q[:]); end for; for i in 1:k loop S[i] = sum(theta[:] .* tau[:, i]); end for; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:k loop for l in 1:m loop B[i, j] := sum(e[:, i] .* tau[:, j]); end for; end for; end for; sum[:] := fill(0, NOC); for j in 1:k loop for i in 1:NOC loop sum[i] := sum[i] + theta[j] * B[i, j] / S[j] - e[j, i] * log(B[i, j] / S[j]); gammar[i] := exp(q[i] * (1 - sum[i])); end for; end for; equation // activity coefficient: for i in 1:NOC loop gamma[i] = exp(log(gammar[i]) + log(gammac[i])); end for; //=============================================================================================== //Bubble Point Calculation Routine for i in 1:NOC loop J_bubl[i] = r[i] / sum(r[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :]); L_bubl[i] = q[i] / sum(q[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :]); gammac_bubl[i] = exp(1 - J_bubl[i] + log(J_bubl[i]) + (-5 * q[i] * (1 - J_bubl[i] / L_bubl[i] + log(J_bubl[i] / L_bubl[i])))); end for; for j in 1:k loop theta_bubl[j] = sum(compMolFrac[1, :] .* q[:] .* e[j, :]) / sum(compMolFrac[1, :] .* q[:]); end for; for i in 1:k loop S_bubl[i] = sum(theta_bubl[:] .* tau[:, i]); end for; algorithm sum_bubl[:] := fill(0, NOC); for j in 1:k loop for i in 1:NOC loop sum_bubl[i] := sum_bubl[i] + theta_bubl[j] * B[i, j] / S_bubl[j] - e[j, i] * log(B[i, j] / S_bubl[j]); gammar_bubl[i] := exp(q[i] * (1 - sum_bubl[i])); end for; end for; equation for i in 1:NOC loop gammaBubl[i] = exp(log(gammar_bubl[i]) + log(gammac_bubl[i])); end for; //======================================================================================================= //Dew Point Calculation Routine for i in 1:NOC loop dewLiqMolFrac[i] = compMolFrac[1, i] * Pdew / (gammaDew[i] * Psat[i]); end for; for i in 1:NOC loop J_dew[i] = r[i] / sum(r[:] .* dewLiqMolFrac[:]); L_dew[i] = q[i] / sum(q[:] .* dewLiqMolFrac[:]); gammac_dew[i] = exp(1 - J_dew[i] + log(J_dew[i]) + (-5 * q[i] * (1 - J_dew[i] / L_dew[i] + log(J_dew[i] / L_dew[i])))); end for; for j in 1:k loop theta_dew[j] = sum(dewLiqMolFrac[:] .* q[:] .* e[j, :]) / sum(dewLiqMolFrac[:] .* q[:]); end for; for i in 1:k loop S_dew[i] = sum(theta_dew[:] .* tau[:, i]); end for; algorithm sum_dew[:] := fill(0, NOC); for j in 1:k loop for i in 1:NOC loop sum_dew[i] := sum_dew[i] + theta_dew[j] * B[i, j] / S_dew[j] - e[j, i] * log(B[i, j] / S_dew[j]); gammar_dew[i] := exp(q[i] * (1 - sum_dew[i])); end for; end for; equation for i in 1:NOC loop gammaDew[i] = exp(log(gammar_dew[i]) + log(gammac_dew[i])); end for; //=================================================================================================s annotation( Documentation(info = "

UNIFAC-Universal Functional group Model


UNIFAC(Univeral functional group) model is a semi empherical system to determine the activity coefficient in non ideal mixtures. It makes use of the functional group present in the chemical molecule to predict the phase equlibria of the system. The activity coefficent comprises of two major contibutions named as combinatorial and residual contribution Combinatorial contribution focusses on the deviation from ideality as a result of molecular shape while the residual contribution quantifies the interaction between different groups in the system.

Equations and References:

"), experiment(StopTime = 1.0, Interval = 0.001)); end UNIFAC; model Peng_Robinson import Simulator.Files.*; parameter Real R = 8.314; // feed composition Real Tr[NOC](each start = 100) "reduced temperature"; Real b[NOC]; Real a[NOC](each start = 0.5); Real m[NOC]; Real q[NOC]; parameter Real kij[NOC, NOC](each start = 1) = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.BIP_PR(NOC,; Real aij[NOC, NOC]; Real K[NOC](each start = 0.2); Real Psat[NOC]; Real liqfugcoeff[NOC](each start = 5); Real vapfugcoeff[NOC](each start = 5); Real gammaBubl[NOC], gammaDew[NOC]; Real liqfugcoeff_bubl[NOC], vapfugcoeff_dew[NOC]; Real resMolSpHeat[3], resMolEnth[3], resMolEntr[3]; //Liquid Fugacity Coefficient Real aML, bML; Real AL, BL; Real CL[4]; Real Z_RL[3, 2]; Real ZL[3], ZLL; Real sum_xaL[NOC]; //Vapour Fugacity Coefficient Real aMV, bMV; Real AV, BV; Real CV[4]; Real Z_RV[3, 2]; Real ZV[3], ZvV; Real sum_yaV[NOC]; Real A,B,C,D[NOC],E,F,G,H[NOC],I[NOC],J[NOC]; Real gamma[NOC]; equation for i in 1:NOC loop Psat[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[i].VP, T); gammaDew[i] = 1; gammaBubl[i] = 1; liqfugcoeff_bubl[i] = 1; vapfugcoeff_dew[i] = 1; gamma[i]=1; end for; resMolSpHeat[:] = zeros(3); resMolEnth[:] = zeros(3); resMolEntr[:] = zeros(3); Tr = T ./ comp.Tc; b = 0.0778 * R * comp.Tc ./ comp.Pc; m = 0.37464 .+ 1.54226 * comp.AF .- 0.26992 * comp.AF .^ 2; q = 0.45724 * R ^ 2 * comp.Tc .^ 2 ./ comp.Pc; a = q .* (1 .+ m .* (1 .- sqrt(Tr))) .^ 2; aij = {{(1 - kij[i, j]) * sqrt(a[i] * a[j]) for i in 1:NOC} for j in 1:NOC}; //Liquid_Fugacity Coefficient Calculation Routine aML = sum({{compMolFrac[2, i] * compMolFrac[2, j] * aij[i, j] for i in 1:NOC} for j in 1:NOC}); bML = sum(b .* compMolFrac[2, :]); AL = aML * P / (R * T) ^ 2; BL = bML * P / (R * T); CL[1] = 1; CL[2] = BL - 1; CL[3] = AL - 3 * BL ^ 2 - 2 * BL; CL[4] = BL ^ 3 + BL ^ 2 - AL * BL; Z_RL = Modelica.Math.Vectors.Utilities.roots(CL); ZL = {Z_RL[i, 1] for i in 1:3}; ZLL = min({ZL}); sum_xaL = {sum({compMolFrac[2, j] * aij[i, j] for j in 1:NOC}) for i in 1:NOC}; if((ZLL + 2.4142135 * BL)<=0) then A=1; else A=(ZLL + 2.4142135 * BL); end if; if((ZLL - 0.414213 * BL)<=0) then B=1; else B=(ZLL - 0.414213 * BL); end if; if((ZLL - BL)<=0) then C=0; else C= log(ZLL - BL); end if; for i in 1:NOC loop if(bML ==0) then D[i] = 0; else D[i] = b[i]/bML; end if; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop if(aML==0) then J[i] = 0; else J[i] = sum_xaL[i]/aML; end if; end for; liqfugcoeff = exp(AL / (BL * sqrt(8)) * log(A /B) .* (D .- 2 * J) .+ (ZLL - 1) * (D) .- (C)); //Vapour Fugacity Calculation Routine aMV = sum({{compMolFrac[3, i] * compMolFrac[3, j] * aij[i, j] for i in 1:NOC} for j in 1:NOC}); bMV = sum(b .* compMolFrac[3, :]); AV = aMV * P / (R * T) ^ 2; BV = bMV * P / (R * T); CV[1] = 1; CV[2] = BV - 1; CV[3] = AV - 3 * BV ^ 2 - 2 * BV; CV[4] = BV ^ 3 + BV ^ 2 - AV * BV; Z_RV = Modelica.Math.Vectors.Utilities.roots(CV); ZV = {Z_RV[i, 1] for i in 1:3}; ZvV = max({ZV}); sum_yaV = {sum({compMolFrac[3, j] * aij[i, j] for j in 1:NOC}) for i in 1:NOC}; if((ZvV + 2.4142135 * BV)<=0) then E=1; else E=(ZvV + 2.4142135 * BV); end if; if((ZvV - 0.414213 * BV)<=0) then F=1; else F=(ZvV - 0.414213 * BV); end if; if((ZvV - BV)<=0) then G=0; else G= log(ZvV - BV); end if; for i in 1:NOC loop if(bMV ==0) then H[i] = 0; else H[i] = b[i]/bMV; end if; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop if(aMV==0) then I[i] = 0; else I[i] = sum_yaV[i]/aMV; end if; end for; vapfugcoeff = exp(AV / (BV * sqrt(8)) * log((E) /(F)) .* (H .- 2 * I) .+ (ZvV - 1) * (H) .- G); for i in 1:NOC loop if(liqfugcoeff[i]==0 or vapfugcoeff[i]==0) then K[i] = 0; else K[i] = liqfugcoeff[i]/vapfugcoeff[i]; end if; end for; end Peng_Robinson; //============================================================================================================= model Grayson_Streed import Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.*; parameter Real R_gas = 8.314; parameter Real u = 1; import Simulator.Files.*; //w=Acentric Factor //Sp = Solublity Parameter //V = Molar Volume //All the above three parameters have to be mentioned as arguments while extending the thermodynamic Package Grayson Streed parameter Real w[NOC] ; parameter Real Sp[NOC](each unit = "(cal/mL)^0.5") ; parameter Real V[NOC] (each unit = "mL/mol") ; parameter Real Tc[NOC] = comp.Tc; parameter Real Pc[NOC] = comp.Pc; parameter Real R= 8314470; Real resMolSpHeat[3],resMolEnth[3],resMolEntr[3]; Real K[NOC] ; Real S(start=3),gamma[NOC]; Real liqfugcoeff[NOC](each start=2),vapfugcoeff[NOC](each start = 0.99),vapfugcoeff_dew[NOC](each start = 1.2); Real S_bubl,liqfugcoeff_bubl[NOC](each start=1.5),gamma_bubl[NOC]; //Vapour Phase Fugacity coefficient Real a[NOC],b[NOC]; Real a_ij[NOC,NOC]; Real amv,amv_dew , bmv,bmv_dew; Real AG ,AG_dew, BG(start=3),BG_dew; Real Zv(start=3),Zv_dew; Real t1[NOC], t3[NOC],t4,t2(start=10); Real t1_dew[NOC], t3_dew[NOC],t4_dew,t2_dew(start=10); Real CV[4],Z_RV[3,2],ZV[3]; Real CV_dew[4],Z_RV_dew[3,2],ZV_dew[3]; Real gammaBubl[NOC](each start = 0.5),gammaDew[NOC](each start= 2.06221); Real gamma_liq[NOC],Psat[NOC]; Real A[NOC],B[NOC],C[NOC],D[NOC],E,G,H[NOC],I,J; Real dewLiqMolFrac[NOC]; Real Tr[NOC]; Real Pr_bubl[NOC](each start=2); Real v0[NOC](each start=2),v1[NOC](each start=2),v[NOC]; Real Vs,Vtot; equation //====================================================================================================== //Calculation Routine for Liquid Phase Fugacity Coefficient S = Solublity_Parameter(NOC,V,Sp,compMolFrac[2,:]); for i in 1:NOC loop gamma[i] = exp(V[i] * ((Sp[i] - S) ^ 2) / (R * T)); end for; liqfugcoeff = Liquid_Fugacity_Coeffcient(NOC,Sp,Tc,Pc,w,T,P,V,S,gamma); for i in 1:NOC loop Psat[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[i].VP, T); gamma_liq[i] = liqfugcoeff[i] * (P/Psat[i]); end for; //======================================================================================================== //Calculation Routine for Vapour Phase Fugacity Coefficient //Calculation of Equation of State Constants a = EOS_Constants(NOC,Tc,Pc,T); b = EOS_ConstantII(NOC,Tc,Pc,T); a_ij = EOS_ConstantIII(NOC,a); amv = EOS_Constant1V(NOC,compMolFrac[3,:],a_ij); bmv = sum(compMolFrac[3,:] .* b[:]); AG = (amv * P) / ((R_gas * T) ^ 2); BG = (bmv * P) / ( R_gas * T); for i in 1:NOC loop if(bmv==0) then C[i]=0; else C[i]=b[i]/bmv; end if; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop if(amv==0) then D[i]=0; else D[i]=a[i]/amv; end if; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop t1[i] = b[i] * (Zv - 1)/ bmv; t3[i] = AG /(BG * (((u) ^ 2)^ 0.5)) * ((C[i]) - ( 2 * ((D[i]) ^ 0.5))); end for; t4 = log(((2 * Zv) + (BG * (u + ((((u)^ 2)^ 0.5)))))/((2 * Zv) + (BG * (u - ((((u) ^ 2)^ 0.5)))))); t2 = -log(Zv - BG); resMolSpHeat[:] = zeros(3); resMolEnth[:] = zeros(3); resMolEntr[:] = zeros(3); for i in 1:NOC loop vapfugcoeff[i] = exp(t1[i] + t2 + (t3[i] * t4)); K[i] = liqfugcoeff[i]/vapfugcoeff[i]; end for; //==================================================================================================== //Bubble Point Algorithm Vtot = sum(compMolFrac[1,:] .* V[:]); Vs = sum(compMolFrac[1,:] .* V[:] .* Sp[:]); S_bubl = Vs / Vtot; for i in 1:NOC loop gamma_bubl[i] = exp(V[i] * ((Sp[i] - S_bubl) ^ 2) / (R * T)); end for; for i in 1:NOC loop Tr[i] = T / Tc[i]; if((Pc[i]<=0)) then Pr_bubl[i] =0; else Pr_bubl[i] = Pbubl / Pc[i]; end if; if(Tc[i] == 33.19) then (v0[i]) = 10^(( 1.50709)+(( 2.74283)/Tr[i])+((-0.0211)*Tr[i])+(( 0.00011)*Tr[i]*Tr[i])+(((0.008585)- (log10(Pr_bubl[i]))))); elseif(Tc[i] == 190.56) then (v0[i]) =10^((1.36822)+((-1.54831)/Tr[i])+((0.02889)*Tr[i]*Tr[i])+((-0.01076) *Tr[i]*Tr[i]*Tr[i])+(((0.10486)+((-0.02529)*Tr[i])-(log10(Pr_bubl[i]))))); else (v0[i]) = 10^((2.05135) + ((-2.10889)/Tr[i]) +((-0.19396) *Tr[i] *Tr[i])+((0.02282) *Tr[i]*Tr[i]*Tr[i])+(((0.08852)+((-0.00872)*Tr[i]*Tr[i]))*Pr_bubl[i])+(((-0.00353) +((0.00203)*Tr[i]))*(Pr_bubl[i]*Pr_bubl[i])) - (log10(Pr_bubl[i]))); end if; (v1[i]) = 10^(-4.23893 + (8.65808 * Tr[i]) - (1.2206 / Tr[i]) - (3.15224 * Tr[i] ^ 3) - 0.025 * (Pr_bubl[i] - 0.6)); if(v1[i] == 0) then v[i] = 10^(log10(v0[i]) ); else v[i] = 10^(log10(v0[i]) + (w[i] * log10(v1[i]))); end if; liqfugcoeff_bubl[i] = v[i] * gamma_bubl[i]; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop gammaBubl[i] = liqfugcoeff_bubl[i] * (Pbubl/Psat[i]); end for; //=================================================================================== //Dew Point Algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop if((gammaDew[i] * Psat[i]==0)) then dewLiqMolFrac[i] = 0; else dewLiqMolFrac[i] = (compMolFrac[1, i] * Pdew) / (gammaDew[i] * Psat[i]); end if; end for; amv_dew = EOS_Constant1V(NOC,dewLiqMolFrac[:],a_ij); bmv_dew = sum(dewLiqMolFrac[:] .* b[:]); AG_dew = (amv_dew * Pdew) / ((R_gas * T) ^ 2); BG_dew = (bmv_dew * Pdew) / ( R_gas * T); for i in 1:NOC loop if(bmv_dew==0) then A[i]=0; else A[i] = b[i]/bmv_dew; end if; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop if(amv_dew==0) then B[i]=0; else B[i] = a[i]/amv_dew; end if; end for; if((BG_dew * (((u) ^ 2)^ 0.5))==0) then E =0; else E = (BG_dew * (((u) ^ 2)^ 0.5)); end if; if(E==0) then G =0; else G = AG_dew /(E); end if; if(bmv_dew==0) then I =0; else I = (Zv_dew - 1)/ bmv_dew; end if; if((Zv_dew - BG_dew)<=0) then J = 0; else J = -log((Zv_dew - BG_dew)); end if; for i in 1:NOC loop t1_dew[i] = b[i] * I; t3_dew[i] = G * ((A[i]) - ( 2 * ((B[i]) ^ 0.5))); end for; if((((2 * Zv_dew) + (BG_dew * (u + ((((u)^ 2)^ 0.5)))))/((2 * Zv_dew) + (BG_dew * (u - ((((u) ^ 2)^ 0.5))))))<=0) then t4_dew =0; else t4_dew = log(((2 * Zv_dew) + (BG_dew * (u + ((((u)^ 2)^ 0.5)))))/((2 * Zv_dew) + (BG_dew * (u - ((((u) ^ 2)^ 0.5)))))); end if; t2_dew = J; for i in 1:NOC loop vapfugcoeff_dew[i] = exp(t1_dew[i] + t2_dew + (t3_dew[i] * t4_dew)); if(Psat[i]==0) then H[i]=0; else H[i] = Pdew/Psat[i]; end if; gammaDew[i] = vapfugcoeff_dew[i] * H[i]; end for; algorithm CV_dew[1] := 1; CV_dew[2] := -(1+BG_dew - (u*BG_dew)); CV_dew[3] := (AG_dew -(u * BG_dew)-(u*(BG_dew^2))); CV_dew[4] := (-AG_dew *BG_dew ); Z_RV_dew := Modelica.Math.Vectors.Utilities.roots(CV_dew); ZV_dew := {Z_RV_dew[i, 1] for i in 1:3}; Zv_dew := max({ZV_dew}); algorithm CV[1] := 1; CV[2] := -(1+BG - (u*BG)); CV[3] := (AG -(u * BG)-(u*(BG^2))); CV[4] := (-AG *BG ); Z_RV := Modelica.Math.Vectors.Utilities.roots(CV); ZV := {Z_RV[i, 1] for i in 1:3}; Zv := max({ZV}); //========================================================================================================== end Grayson_Streed; end Thermodynamic_Packages; package Transport_Properties function LiqVis //This function calculates the liquid viscocity of the stream input Real LiqVis[6]; input Real T; output Real Liqvisc; algorithm Liqvisc := exp(LiqVis[2] + LiqVis[3] / T + LiqVis[4] * log(T) + LiqVis[5] * T ^ LiqVis[6]); end LiqVis; function LiqK input Real LiqK[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real T(unit = "K") "Temperature"; output Real k_liq; algorithm k_liq := LiqK[2] + exp(LiqK[3] / T + LiqK[4] + LiqK[5] * T + LiqK[6] * T ^ 2); end LiqK; function VapK input Real VapK[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real T(unit = "K") "Temperature"; output Real k_vap; algorithm k_vap := VapK[6] + VapK[2] * T ^ VapK[3] / (1 + VapK[4] / T + VapK[5] / T ^ 2); end VapK; function VapVisc input Real VapVis[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real T(unit = "K") "Temperature"; output Real vapvisc; algorithm vapvisc := VapVis[6] + VapVis[2] * T ^ VapVis[3] / (1 + VapVis[4] / T + VapVis[5] / T ^ 2); end VapVisc; end Transport_Properties; package Thermodynamic_Functions function Psat /*Returns vapor pressure at given temperature*/ input Real VP[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real T(unit = "K") "Temperature"; output Real Vp(unit = "Pa") "Vapor pressure"; algorithm Vp := exp(VP[2] + VP[3] / T + VP[4] * log(T) + VP[5] .* T .^ VP[6]); end Psat; function LiqCpId /*Calculates specific heat of liquid at given Temperature*/ input Real LiqCp[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real T(unit = "K") "Temperature"; output Real Cp(unit = "J/mol") "Specific heat of liquid"; algorithm Cp := (LiqCp[2] + exp(LiqCp[3] / T + LiqCp[4] + LiqCp[5] * T + LiqCp[6] * T ^ 2)) / 1000; end LiqCpId; function VapCpId /*Calculates Vapor Specific Heat*/ input Real VapCp[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real T(unit = "K") "Temperature"; output Real Cp(unit = "J/mol.K") "specific heat"; algorithm Cp := (VapCp[2] + exp(VapCp[3] / T + VapCp[4] + VapCp[5] * T + VapCp[6] * T ^ 2)) / 1000; end VapCpId; function HV /*Returns Heat of Vaporization*/ input Real HOV[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real Tc(unit = "K") "Critical Temperature"; input Real T(unit = "K") "Temperature"; output Real Hv(unit = "J/mol") "Heat of Vaporization"; protected Real Tr = T / Tc; algorithm if T < Tc then Hv := HOV[2] * (1 - Tr) ^ (HOV[3] + HOV[4] * Tr + HOV[5] * Tr ^ 2 + HOV[6] * Tr ^ 3) / 1000; else Hv := 0; end if; end HV; function HLiqId /* Calculates Enthalpy of Ideal Liquid*/ input Real SH(unit = "J/kmol") "from chemsep database std. Heat of formation"; input Real VapCp[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real HOV[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real Tc "critical temp, from chemsep database"; input Real T(unit = "K") "Temperature"; output Real Ent(unit = "J/mol") "Molar Enthalpy"; algorithm Ent := HVapId(SH, VapCp, HOV, Tc, T) - Thermodynamic_Functions.HV(HOV, Tc, T); end HLiqId; function HVapId /* Calculates enthalpy of ideal vapor */ input Real SH(unit = "J/kmol") "from chemsep database std. Heat of formation"; input Real VapCp[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real HOV[6] "from chemsep database"; input Real Tc "critical temp, from chemsep database"; input Real T(unit = "K") "Temperature"; output Real Ent(unit = "J/mol") "Molar Enthalpy"; protected Integer n = 100; Real Cp[n - 1]; algorithm for i in 1:n - 1 loop Cp[i] := VapCpId(VapCp, 298.15 + i * (T - 298.15) / n); end for; Ent := (T - 298.15) * (VapCpId(VapCp, T) / 2 + sum(Cp[:]) + VapCpId(VapCp, 298.15) / 2) / n; end HVapId; function SId import Modelica.Constants.*; input Real AS; input Real VapCp[6]; input Real HOV[6]; input Real Tb; input Real Tc; input Real T; input Real P; input Real x; input Real y; output Real Sliq, Svap; protected parameter Real Tref = 298.15, Pref = 101325; Real Entr, Cp[n - 1]; parameter Integer n = 10; algorithm Entr := 0; for i in 1:n - 1 loop Cp[i] := Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.VapCpId(VapCp, 298.15 + i * (T - 298.15) / n) / (298.15 + i * (T - 298.15) / n); end for; if T >= Tref then Entr := (T - 298.15) * (Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.VapCpId(VapCp, T) / (2 * T) + sum(Cp[:]) + Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.VapCpId(VapCp, 298.15) / (2 * 298.15)) / n; else Entr := -(T - 298.15) * (Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.VapCpId(VapCp, T) / (2 * T) + sum(Cp[:]) + Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.VapCpId(VapCp, 298.15) / (2 * 298.15)) / n; end if; if x > 0 and y > 0 then Sliq := Entr - R * log(P / Pref) - R * log(x) - HV(HOV, Tc, T) / T; Svap := Entr - R * log(P / Pref) - R * log(y); elseif x <= 0 and y <= 0 then Sliq := 0; Svap := 0; elseif x == 0 then Sliq := 0; Svap := Entr - R * log(P / Pref) - R * log(y); elseif y == 0 then Sliq := Entr - R * log(P / Pref) - R * log(x) - HV(HOV, Tc, T) / T; Svap := 0; else Sliq := 0; Svap := 0; end if; end SId; function Dens //This function is developed by swaroop katta //this function calculates density of pure componets as a function of temperature using chemsep database. input Real LiqDen[6], TC, T, P; output Real density "units kmol/m3"; protected Real Tr; protected parameter Real R = 8.314 "gas constant"; algorithm Tr := T / TC; if T < TC then if LiqDen[1] == 105 then density := LiqDen[2] / LiqDen[3] ^ (1 + (1 - T / LiqDen[4]) ^ LiqDen[5]) * 1000; elseif LiqDen[1] == 106 then density := LiqDen[2] * (1 - Tr) ^ (LiqDen[3] + LiqDen[4] * Tr + LiqDen[5] * Tr ^ 2 + LiqDen[6] * Tr ^ 3) * 1000; end if; else density := P / (R * T * 1000); end if; end Dens; function BIPNRTL input Integer NOC; input String CAS[NOC]; output Real value[NOC, NOC, 2]; protected constant String underscore = "_"; String c[NOC, NOC]; String d[NOC, NOC]; constant String CAS1_CAS2[352] = {"67-56-1_56-23-5", "67-56-1_75-25-2", "67-66-3_67-56-1", "75-09-2_67-56-1", "67-56-1_75-12-7", "151-67-7_67-56-1", "75-01-4_67-56-1", "67-56-1_75-05-8", "67-56-1_107-06-2", "67-56-1_64-19-7", "107-31-3_67-56-1", "67-56-1_64-17-5", "67-56-1_67-68-5", "124-40-3_67-56-1", "67-64-1_67-56-1", "123-38-6_67-56-1", "75-56-9_67-56-1", "79-20-9_67-56-1", "67-56-1_79-09-4", "67-56-1_68-12-2", "67-56-1_71-23-8", "109-87-5_67-56-1", "67-56-1_110-02-1", "106-99-0_67-56-1", "67-56-1_96-33-3", "115-11-7_67-56-1", "67-56-1_78-93-3", "67-56-1_109-99-9", "67-56-1_123-91-1", "67-56-1_141-78-6", "67-56-1_126-33-0", "106-97-8_67-56-1", "67-56-1_71-36-3", "67-56-1_78-92-2", "60-29-7_67-56-1", "67-56-1_110-63-4", "67-56-1_110-86-1", "542-92-7_67-56-1", "78-79-5_67-56-1", "1574-41-0_67-56-1", "2004-70-8_67-56-1", "67-56-1_80-62-6", "513-35-9_67-56-1", "67-56-1_563-80-4", "67-56-1_110-89-4", "1634-04-4_67-56-1", "67-56-1_392-56-3", "67-56-1_108-90-7", "67-56-1_71-43-2", "67-56-1_62-53-3", "67-56-1_109-06-8", "67-56-1_108-99-6", "67-56-1_108-89-4", "67-56-1_110-83-8", "67-56-1_110-82-7", "592-41-6_67-56-1", "67-56-1_123-86-4", "67-56-1_110-54-3", "67-56-1_121-44-8", "67-56-1_108-88-3", "67-56-1_108-48-5", "67-56-1_592-76-7", "67-56-1_108-87-2", "67-56-1_142-82-5", "67-56-1_100-41-4", "67-56-1_108-38-3", "67-56-1_106-42-3", "67-56-1_111-66-0", "67-56-1_111-65-9", "67-56-1_540-84-1", "56-23-5_67-56-1", "67-66-3_64-17-5", "75-09-2_64-17-5", "64-17-5_127-18-4", "64-17-5_75-05-8", "64-17-5_107-06-2", "64-17-5_64-19-7", "64-17-5_107-21-1", "124-40-3_64-17-5", "67-64-1_64-17-5", "79-20-9_64-17-5", "64-17-5_67-63-0", "64-17-5_110-02-1", "108-05-4_64-17-5", "64-17-5_78-93-3", "109-99-9_64-17-5", "64-17-5_123-91-1", "141-78-6_64-17-5", "64-17-5_126-33-0", "64-17-5_78-92-2", "60-29-7_64-17-5", "64-17-5_78-83-1", "109-73-9_64-17-5", "64-17-5_110-86-1", "78-79-5_64-17-5", "64-17-5_80-62-6", "513-35-9_64-17-5", "64-17-5_563-80-4", "64-17-5_109-60-4", "78-78-4_64-17-5", "109-66-0_64-17-5", "64-17-5_123-51-3", "64-17-5_108-86-1", "64-17-5_108-90-7", "64-17-5_71-43-2", "64-17-5_62-53-3", "64-17-5_108-99-6", "64-17-5_110-82-7", "592-41-6_64-17-5", "64-17-5_108-93-0", "64-17-5_123-86-4", "110-54-3_64-17-5", "64-17-5_111-43-3", "64-17-5_121-44-8", "64-17-5_108-88-3", "64-17-5_100-66-3", "64-17-5_108-48-5", "64-17-5_628-63-7", "64-17-5_142-82-5", "64-17-5_100-41-4", "64-17-5_106-42-3", "64-17-5_111-65-9", "64-17-5_540-84-1", "64-17-5_544-76-3", "64-17-5_112-80-1", "56-23-5_71-23-8", "71-23-8_127-18-4", "79-01-6_71-23-8", "107-06-2_71-23-8", "71-23-8_64-19-7", "124-40-3_71-23-8", "71-23-8_79-09-4", "67-63-0_71-23-8", "71-23-8_109-86-4", "107-10-8_71-23-8", "71-23-8_79-41-4", "78-93-3_71-23-8", "109-99-9_71-23-8", "109-69-3_71-23-8", "71-23-8_78-83-1", "109-73-9_71-23-8", "71-23-8_110-86-1", "71-23-8_80-62-6", "71-23-8_109-60-4", "71-23-8_123-51-3", "392-56-3_71-23-8", "71-23-8_108-90-7", "71-43-2_71-23-8", "71-23-8_109-06-8", "71-23-8_108-99-6", "71-23-8_108-89-4", "110-82-7_71-23-8", "110-54-3_71-23-8", "71-23-8_142-84-7", "121-44-8_71-23-8", "71-23-8_107-46-0", "71-23-8_108-88-3", "71-23-8_108-48-5", "71-23-8_142-82-5", "71-23-8_100-41-4", "71-23-8_111-65-9", "71-23-8_124-18-5", "71-23-8_112-30-1", "67-56-1_7732-18-5", "67-56-1_67-66-3", "67-56-1_64-17-5", "67-56-1_67-64-1", "67-56-1_71-43-2", "67-56-1_110-82-7", "67-56-1_108-88-3", "67-56-1_142-82-5", "7732-18-5_67-64-1", "7732-18-5_78-93-3", "7732-18-5_108-95-2", "64-17-5_7732-18-5", "64-17-5_67-66-3", "64-17-5_67-64-1", "64-17-5_78-93-3", "64-17-5_71-43-2", "64-17-5_110-82-7", "64-17-5_108-88-3", "64-17-5_142-82-5", "64-17-5_106-42-3", "67-64-1_67-66-3", "67-64-1_71-43-2", "67-64-1_108-95-2", "67-64-1_110-82-7", "67-64-1_108-88-3", "78-93-3_71-43-2", "78-93-3_110-82-7", "78-93-3_108-88-3", "78-93-3_142-82-5", "71-43-2_67-66-3", "71-43-2_108-95-2", "71-43-2_108-88-3", "71-43-2_106-42-3", "108-88-3_67-66-3", "108-88-3_106-42-3", "108-87-2_108-95-2", "7732-18-5_79-34-5", "109-87-5_7732-18-5", "107-10-8_7732-18-5", "78-93-3_7732-18-5", "78-84-2_7732-18-5", "109-99-9_7732-18-5", "7732-18-5_123-91-1", "141-78-6_7732-18-5", "7732-18-5_126-33-0", "7732-18-5_127-19-5", "7732-18-5_110-91-8", "7732-18-5_71-36-3", "78-83-1_7732-18-5", "75-65-0_7732-18-5", "60-29-7_7732-18-5", "7732-18-5_110-63-4", "7732-18-5_513-85-9", "7732-18-5_111-46-6", "109-73-9_7732-18-5", "109-89-7_7732-18-5", "7732-18-5_98-01-1", "7732-18-5_110-86-1", "7732-18-5_120-94-5", "7732-18-5_123-51-3", "7732-18-5_75-85-4", "7732-18-5_108-95-2", "7732-18-5_62-53-3", "7732-18-5_109-06-8", "7732-18-5_108-99-6", "7732-18-5_108-89-4", "7732-18-5_100-63-0", "7732-18-5_108-94-1", "7732-18-5_141-79-7", "7732-18-5_108-93-0", "7732-18-5_123-86-4", "7732-18-5_123-42-2", "108-20-3_7732-18-5", "7732-18-5_111-27-3", "7732-18-5_626-93-7", "7732-18-5_111-76-2", "121-44-8_7732-18-5", "7732-18-5_100-51-6", "7732-18-5_108-48-5", "7732-18-5_123-92-2", "7732-18-5_98-86-2", "7732-18-5_91-22-5", "7732-18-5_98-82-8", "56-23-5_71-43-2", "71-43-2_75-25-2", "67-66-3_71-43-2", "74-88-4_71-43-2", "71-43-2_75-52-5", "75-15-0_71-43-2", "76-13-1_71-43-2", "71-43-2_127-18-4", "71-43-2_79-01-6", "71-43-2_76-01-7", "71-43-2_79-34-5", "71-55-6_71-43-2", "71-43-2_106-93-4", "71-43-2_107-06-2", "75-03-6_71-43-2", "71-43-2_123-39-7", "71-43-2_79-24-3", "71-43-2_67-68-5", "71-43-2_107-15-3", "71-43-2_68-12-2", "71-43-2_108-03-2", "71-43-2_79-46-9", "71-43-2_110-02-1", "109-73-9_71-43-2", "75-64-9_71-43-2", "109-89-7_71-43-2", "71-43-2_110-86-1", "71-43-2_392-56-3", "71-43-2_106-46-7", "71-43-2_108-86-1", "71-43-2_108-90-7", "71-43-2_462-06-6", "71-43-2_98-95-3", "71-43-2_62-53-3", "71-43-2_108-91-8", "71-43-2_121-44-8", "71-43-2_100-47-0", "71-43-2_108-88-3", "71-43-2_100-60-7", "71-43-2_100-42-5", "71-43-2_100-41-4", "71-43-2_108-38-3", "71-43-2_106-42-3", "71-43-2_91-66-7", "71-43-2_98-82-8", "71-43-2_103-65-1", "71-43-2_92-06-8", "56-23-5_108-88-3", "67-66-3_108-88-3", "75-15-0_108-88-3", "79-01-6_108-88-3", "75-05-8_108-88-3", "624-83-9_108-88-3", "107-06-2_108-88-3", "108-88-3_79-24-3", "108-88-3_67-68-5", "108-88-3_107-15-3", "107-12-0_108-88-3", "108-88-3_68-12-2", "110-02-1_108-88-3", "108-88-3_126-33-0", "109-89-7_108-88-3", "108-88-3_110-86-1", "392-56-3_108-88-3", "108-88-3_108-86-1", "108-88-3_108-90-7", "462-06-6_108-88-3", "108-88-3_98-95-3", "108-88-3_109-06-8", "108-88-3_108-99-6", "108-88-3_100-47-0", "108-88-3_100-41-4", "108-88-3_106-42-3", "107-13-1_100-42-5", "100-41-4_100-42-5", "100-42-5_103-65-1", "56-23-5_100-41-4", "75-05-8_100-41-4", "107-13-1_100-41-4", "109-89-7_100-41-4", "108-90-7_100-41-4", "100-41-4_98-95-3", "100-41-4_62-53-3", "100-41-4_98-82-8", "100-41-4_104-51-8", "56-23-5_108-38-3", "108-38-3_68-12-2", "110-86-1_108-38-3", "108-38-3_62-53-3", "106-42-3_108-38-3", "107-06-2_95-47-6", "107-15-3_95-47-6", "95-47-6_68-12-2", "56-23-5_106-42-3", "75-05-8_106-42-3", "107-06-2_106-42-3", "106-42-3_68-12-2", "392-56-3_106-42-3", "108-90-7_106-42-3", "106-42-3_62-53-3", "56-23-5_98-82-8", "103-65-1_98-95-3", "95-63-6_526-73-8", "104-51-8_98-95-3", "99-87-6_62-53-3", "91-57-6_90-12-0"}; constant Real BI_Values[352, 3] = {{378.8254, 1430.7379, 0.2892}, {879.0968, 1063.6098, 0.6381}, {1414.2712, -141.8030, 0.2949}, {1560.0282, 441.3372, 0.6234}, {617.5847, -153.4695, 0.3003}, {9870.3530, -6982.8569, 0.187e-1}, {1789.7165, -34.9448, 0.2912}, {343.7042, 314.5879, 0.2981}, {348.6035, 1020.1431, 0.2921}, {16.6465, -217.1261, 0.3051}, {584.5720, 298.5567, 0.2962}, {-327.9991, 376.2667, 0.3057}, {-168.3182, -497.4171, 0.3079}, {-1018.1430, -54.3882, 0.3134}, {184.2662, 226.5580, 0.3009}, {1046.6524, -865.2660, 0.3084}, {924.8499, -61.1796, 0.2986}, {381.4559, 346.5360, 0.2965}, {-50.1450, -78.0859, 0.3056}, {-124.0904, 0.3428, 09.1633}, {24.9003, 9.5349, 0.3011}, {608.9115, 712.0226, 0.7259}, {-90.1051, 1217.1035, 0.2976}, {1353.0599, 610.8292, 0.4670}, {676.8360, 169.9831, 0.2958}, {1333.6000, 556.3608, 0.3697}, {307.4271, 217.9098, 0.3003}, {169.4153, 383.1579, 0.3002}, {607.4050, 76.7683, 0.2985}, {345.5416, 420.7355, 0.2962}, {1069.2756, 906.5741, 0.7182}, {1440.1498, 1053.7716, 0.4647}, {793.8173, -486.3299, 0.2483}, {-308.5610, 285.4420, 0.3036}, {705.9989, 211.1580, 0.2953}, {446.9520, -450.5858, 0.3152}, {-45.0888, 84.1956, 0.3027}, {1541.9324, 736.0352, 0.4515}, {1445.6425, 543.5270, 0.4260}, {1545.3339, 799.1289, 0.4753}, {1514.2761, 782.1729, 0.4657}, {590.2790, 380.8401, 0.2963}, {1355.6853, 660.9164, 0.3381}, {642.3761, -6.2901, 0.2987}, {590.8820, -1169.7242, 0.1387}, {851.4954, 465.8360, 0.8178}, {930.5910, 1244.1303, 0.4701}, {857.0852, 1348.0903, 0.4707}, {721.6136, 1158.5131, 0.4694}, {407.7440, 117.2473, 0.3008}, {226.0820, -385.6823, 0.3095}, {-163.4505, -86.1482, 0.3075}, {304.2242, -452.3483, 0.3053}, {1178.5792, 1618.9792, 0.4568}, {1315.1631, 1497.2135, 0.4222}, {1222.6032, 1145.1085, 0.4402}, {328.2162, 453.0017, 0.2961}, {1619.3829, 1622.2911, 0.4365}, {-476.8503, 1126.1143, 0.2874}, {939.7275, 1090.9297, 0.4643}, {-273.3320, 59.6250, 0.3051}, {1313.5497, 1143.9059, 0.4163}, {1444.5850, 1719.4586, 0.4397}, {1500.2043, 1519.3346, 0.4277}, {1080.1231, 1038.1572, 0.4251}, {991.1609, 822.1357, 0.2910}, {974.6545, 851.1070, 0.2921}, {1456.3583, 1147.8132, 0.4396}, {1681.6918, 1511.4353, 0.4381}, {1447.0909, 1386.4703, 0.4313}, {1339.9000, 488.6648, 0.4622}, {1438.3602, -327.5518, 0.3023}, {1332.8036, -153.0761, 0.3057}, {685.8542, 807.5935, 0.2900}, {529.7267, 338.1632, 0.2964}, {333.3502, 939.3870, 0.2926}, {-34.1971, -190.7763, 0.3050}, {1644.0484, -203.7691, 0.3704}, {-1224.5739, 370.7683, 0.3105}, {36.2965, 434.8228, 0.2987}, {188.3139, 158.0118, 0.3013}, {690.1392, -529.3472, 0.3125}, {222.3096, 1057.7115, 0.2918}, {505.1637, 320.7403, 0.2959}, {64.4957, 463.1931, 0.3010}, {661.3708, -200.6915, 0.3015}, {505.5637, 111.8389, 0.2988}, {305.6041, 330.5105, 0.2988}, {1195.1601, 705.0897, 0.5676}, {-559.8205, 802.5411, 0.2721}, {763.6707, 71.1984, 0.2946}, {53.1671, 82.0442, 0.3023}, {-612.3956, -5.7834, 0.3062}, {163.6655, -169.9802, 0.3017}, {1402.5377, 653.4866, 0.5056}, {456.9676, 386.5893, 0.2963}, {1412.7516, 674.7726, 0.4569}, {-54.0946, 639.6806, 0.3009}, {760.4933, 129.3970, 0.2950}, {1610.2811, 935.1426, 0.4960}, {1183.3812, 412.7546, 0.2886}, {51.1705, -42.8613, 0.3009}, {820.8023, 1349.6853, 0.4995}, {645.7829, 1383.7110, 0.5229}, {516.1410, 1065.9086, 0.4774}, {1823.3542, -523.0474, 0.3005}, {315.6078, -339.0825, 0.3056}, {876.7933, 1390.4162, 0.4485}, {1399.1806, 949.7239, 0.5011}, {1719.8644, -833.8389, 0.2920}, {841.9935, -55.3231, 0.2958}, {1218.1065, 575.2985, 0.2882}, {442.6124, 634.1687, 0.2945}, {-248.0407, 697.9004, 0.2996}, {713.5653, 1147.8607, 0.5292}, {3458.4788, -1438.8884, 0.1704}, {-48.2159, -19.6212, 0.3016}, {552.3897, 266.1248, 0.2964}, {1137.2650, 1453.5947, 0.4786}, {801.7191, 1006.8831, 0.4962}, {768.3633, 760.0800, 0.2914}, {1206.8097, 1385.3721, 0.4717}, {1091.0432, 1500.6711, 0.4738}, {2359.4082, 1509.2033, 0.4448}, {975.6816, -343.5446, 0.2988}, {1537.6384, 537.2439, 0.6310}, {608.3777, 646.0412, 0.2913}, {926.6139, 196.0696, 0.3007}, {636.9927, 364.0596, 0.2956}, {256.8999, -327.5173, 0.3044}, {81.4870, -703.3731, 0.2697}, {-189.7856, -32.4657, 0.3070}, {167.2501, -175.2928, 0.3057}, {-406.3767, 830.8897, 0.3013}, {-602.9687, -45.3543, 0.3061}, {276.6356, -423.9162, 0.3025}, {148.8670, 213.3829, 0.3016}, {562.4611, -302.2498, 0.3003}, {1201.9959, 506.8982, 0.5468}, {-2.8139, -13.8657, 0.3034}, {-698.9510, 34.7593, 0.3001}, {374.8691, -412.2861, 0.3110}, {504.0900, 125.6451, 0.2993}, {340.0210, 111.7437, 0.3005}, {12.2207, -31.8303, 0.3033}, {922.5224, 528.5894, 0.2937}, {456.2867, 538.5114, 0.2946}, {874.2419, 285.7774, 0.2899}, {529.6444, -608.3163, 0.3054}, {479.7439, -540.4699, 0.3045}, {523.8291, -603.0924, 0.3084}, {1707.7883, 353.2705, 0.5914}, {1092.1470, 480.6740, 0.2940}, {617.3558, -459.5845, 0.2892}, {991.6157, -435.2018, 0.3067}, {1615.0711, -498.3638, 0.1028}, {25.6220, 922.0009, 0.175e-1}, {472.9353, -545.1853, 0.2960}, {1198.9720, 1377.2975, 0.5193}, {563.6173, 475.5966, 0.2921}, {1109.3040, 334.2112, 0.2907}, {945.3159, 520.2926, 0.2895}, {1068.0694, -588.3325, 0.2958}, {-189.0469, 792.8020, 0.2999}, {-105.4657, 1335.3416, 0.2873}, {67.2902, -70.5092, 0.3009}, {296.2432, 118.0803, 0.3003}, {761.7553, 1094.8556, 0.4893}, {1313.9316, 1862.4639, 0.4410}, {884.0230, 1008.0037, 0.4064}, {1566.4390, 1598.3126, 0.4408}, {1324.9767, 814.1435, 0.5663}, {653.9718, 1883.6007, 0.3607}, {2419.3354, 1844.3794, 0.6308}, {-57.9601, 1241.7396, 0.2937}, {-285.3881, 1289.2198, 0.2909}, {375.3497, 45.3706, 0.3006}, {437.1923, 33.6363, 0.3022}, {255.3591, 1047.1959, 0.2970}, {761.7739, 1393.7993, 0.4376}, {542.4128, 772.4394, 0.2937}, {1114.2947, 1305.9242, 0.4758}, {1020.8405, 889.3461, 0.6180}, {-651.1909, 301.8389, 0.3054}, {-396.4935, 886.5703, 0.2971}, {-754.9547, -280.3830, 0.3086}, {429.8705, 727.6490, 0.2925}, {-247.9492, 727.5102, 0.2950}, {-644.8573, 898.3999, 0.1563}, {605.7381, 235.4493, 0.2963}, {503.0737, -181.5533, 0.2996}, {681.5104, 931.4616, 0.9809}, {-227.3671, -86.1025, 0.3062}, {373.4202, 318.1885, 0.2986}, {60.1980, -51.0865, 0.3019}, {-50.2635, 14.2180, 0.3056}, {-583.6169, 629.2214, 0.2974}, {226.4602, -241.7457, 0.2874}, {2587.8730, -439.4469, 0.2836}, {2435.8879, 102.7658, 0.972e-1}, {1608.0700, 1818.2947, 0.4898}, {-455.9152, 1301.6396, 0.2981}, {674.4614, 1809.8868, 0.3536}, {1166.8333, 1090.0262, 0.2862}, {915.7450, 1725.0977, 0.4522}, {715.9592, 548.8965, 0.2920}, {1285.9880, 1606.0820, 0.4393}, {1160.1372, 467.9008, 0.5573}, {75.5965, 328.8977, 0.3009}, {-803.1654, 1732.7268, 0.2954}, {2633.6951, 504.0381, 0.4447}, {639.8173, 2491.0163, 0.4385}, {471.7718, 2030.8877, 0.5155}, {1544.0251, 2086.4776, 0.3792}, {1310.8994, 1920.1402, 0.5778}, {2531.7402, -758.0034, 0.3020}, {1186.7304, -99.9000, 0.2974}, {160.3429, 2104.4002, 0.6379}, {-169.1652, 1372.3121, 0.2932}, {2602.6374, 436.9686, 0.3950}, {1835.0881, 419.8087, 0.6802}, {-239.6197, 573.8298, 0.3055}, {3633.5330, -494.8389, 0.2816}, {19947.2334, -15910.4563, 0.56e-2}, {2385.3714, 282.6970, 0.4942}, {11965.5274, -7391.5468, 0.235e-1}, {1979.5492, 197.0009, 0.6371}, {2559.3708, 418.7524, 0.5361}, {2325.9141, 162.3029, 0.5622}, {1473.9606, -66.4169, 0.811e-1}, {2983.8991, -171.6660, 0.2673}, {2121.4973, 101.3068, 0.1504}, {2232.9727, 641.3504, 0.4399}, {3805.0038, 918.2419, 0.2951}, {1323.2731, 845.9826, 0.6780}, {2665.1471, 4202.0746, 0.5409}, {2991.1845, -464.8054, 0.1563}, {1880.1699, 489.1746, 0.2938}, {1914.0077, 220.0262, 0.4776}, {-5096.5280, 28437.1380, 0.381e-1}, {4689.8409, 301.3998, 0.3168}, {2222.5960, 831.9908, 0.5706}, {1874.8967, 856.9565, 0.3734}, {725.1364, 858.8268, 00.}, {11675.1604, -3887.1802, 0.902e-1}, {2986.1161, -84.8485, 0.860e-1}, {-4.9421, 84.0212, 0.3055}, {893.4167, -566.9011, 0.2551}, {176.8791, -288.2136, 0.3061}, {294.4424, -185.2944, 0.3013}, {273.5119, 524.9030, 0.2961}, {161.2943, 431.5524, 0.3008}, {-53.1528, 551.9630, 0.3013}, {-94.1122, 288.6566, 0.3023}, {140.5075, -127.4605, 0.3064}, {-225.8274, 197.7460, 0.3030}, {-73.7504, -250.7743, 0.3055}, {-73.4845, 97.5682, 0.3038}, {-100.9240, 300.0048, 0.3046}, {58.8289, -39.5526, 0.3035}, {394.5891, 298.1172, 0.3004}, {1512.9737, 639.2332, 0.5231}, {527.2886, -57.1531, 0.3004}, {810.5440, 408.5646, 0.6691}, {490.0693, 560.0207, 0.2957}, {736.7867, -251.4046, 0.3074}, {-157.3069, 595.6615, 0.3012}, {1088.4773, -446.4137, 0.3068}, {-347.2708, 503.5971, 0.3045}, {65.9717, 67.1231, 0.3024}, {-344.6666, 757.9930, 0.3067}, {52.3512, -42.2029, 0.2813}, {541.0855, -319.8327, 0.2795}, {1085.4557, -715.7662, 0.2989}, {1441.9721, -865.5699, 0.2830}, {1538.3464, -819.5924, 0.3214}, {700.4097, -450.6274, 0.3251}, {277.6641, -292.2391, 0.3040}, {1311.3264, -523.3212, 0.3110}, {776.8671, -178.3464, 0.2990}, {717.4228, -684.6315, 0.2908}, {130.6061, -27.3294, 0.3037}, {1390.4880, -636.1853, 0.2851}, {111.1157, -121.2437, 0.3033}, {52.3967, 94.0417, 0.3020}, {-643.5999, 970.4264, 0.3110}, {-70.8372, 57.0902, 0.3034}, {-454.1872, 615.2806, 0.2878}, {-50.2635, 14.2180, 0.3056}, {85.2080, 104.9548, 0.3019}, {1915.7178, -810.5032, 0.3693}, {-192.1433, 141.5054, 0.3032}, {64.1947, 78.6570, 0.3022}, {-69.6810, 95.3839, 0.3041}, {629.2214, -583.6169, 0.2974}, {-591.6879, 1052.8580, 0.2439}, {185.3799, -250.7688, 0.3062}, {790.7250, 724.0955, 0.9353}, {-167.8974, 104.6027, 0.3029}, {-217.7768, 251.5704, 0.3097}, {537.4434, 21.7626, 0.3011}, {1063.2839, 192.0041, 0.2898}, {432.7908, 592.5054, 0.2969}, {-95.6685, 717.0741, 0.3009}, {-2260.2463, 3666.1775, 0.711e-1}, {510.1471, -197.5696, 0.3015}, {5175.2573, 224.8869, 0.4600}, {91.4853, -153.9388, 05.1012}, {264.6428, -60.3423, 0.2992}, {668.6525, -666.7128, 0.2414}, {-47.4722, 15.0630, 0.3049}, {-40.5158, 15.0972, 0.3037}, {386.4643, -304.6112, 0.3083}, {806.4313, -288.9774, 0.2969}, {396.5492, -97.1224, 0.3028}, {-490.8706, 1036.9557, 0.2963}, {-676.6725, 1239.9195, 0.3000}, {663.0837, -482.5109, 0.3005}, {226.4602, -241.7457, 0.2874}, {598.0263, -130.4323, 0.3023}, {-539.7919, 813.9959, 0.3466}, {649.8687, -453.4673, 0.3067}, {-172.3762, 122.4657, 0.3034}, {1102.5396, 5.3234, 0.2980}, {1304.6073, -338.2481, 0.2994}, {928.9662, -553.9006, 0.3457}, {357.7079, -307.8057, 0.3076}, {519.4154, -64.0219, 0.3003}, {243.6463, 384.0030, 0.2989}, {26.2560, -27.6358, 0.3043}, {-789.9294, 957.1492, 0.3026}, {-232.4578, 163.8924, 0.3047}, {308.9034, 548.6670, 0.2960}, {-78.8985, 351.0029, 0.3009}, {-259.4169, 1034.4099, 0.2992}, {282.0248, -254.9358, 0.3085}, {718.2538, -479.1971, 0.2870}, {1357.7269, -110.2727, 0.1967}, {559.7795, 332.8093, 0.2947}, {-192.9687, 121.7193, 0.3044}, {1413.0042, -210.0314, 0.2938}, {848.1184, -557.9036, 0.2733}, {153.1239, 722.4999, 0.2942}, {1004.5491, -949.1003, 0.2906}, {-395.6312, 359.7555, 0.3055}, {311.9792, 408.2084, 0.2972}, {-106.8166, 13.4903, 0.3033}, {329.7212, 143.3943, 0.3007}, {878.2759, -655.9008, 0.3261}, {370.6529, 140.0817, 0.3003}, {-118.3505, 885.1196, 0.2950}, {-615.6730, 811.3338, 0.3353}}; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:NOC loop for k in 1:2 loop value[i, j, k] := 0; end for; end for; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:NOC loop c[i, j] := CAS[i] + underscore + CAS[j]; d[i, j] := CAS[j] + underscore + CAS[i]; for k in 1:352 loop if c[i, j] == CAS1_CAS2[k] then value[i, j, 1] := BI_Values[k, 1]; value[j, i, 1] := BI_Values[k, 2]; value[i, j, 2] := BI_Values[k, 3]; value[j, i, 2] := BI_Values[k, 3]; end if; if d[i, j] == CAS1_CAS2[k] then value[j, i, 1] := BI_Values[k, 1]; value[i, j, 1] := BI_Values[k, 2]; value[i, j, 2] := BI_Values[k, 3]; value[j, i, 2] := BI_Values[k, 3]; end if; end for; end for; end for; end BIPNRTL; function Tow_UNIQUAC input Integer NOC; input Real a[NOC,NOC]; input Real T; output Real tow[NOC,NOC](start = 1); protected Real R_gas = 1.98721; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:NOC loop tow[i,j] := exp(-a[i,j]/(R_gas * T)); end for; end for; end Tow_UNIQUAC; function BIP_UNIQUAC input Integer NOC; input String Comp[NOC]; output Real value[NOC, NOC]; constant String underscore = "_"; String c[NOC, NOC]; String d[NOC, NOC]; constant String Comp1_Comp2[440] = {"Butane_Methanol", "Pentane_Ethanol", "Twomethylbutane_Ethanol", "Hexane_Ethanol", "Hexane_Onepropanol", "Cyclohexane_Onepropanol", "Methylcyclohexane_Phenol", "Isobutylene_Methanol", "Twomethyltwobutene_Methanol", "Twomethyltwobutene_Ethanol", "Onehexene_Methanol", "Onehexene_Ethanol", "Onethreebutadiene_Methanol", "Onethreepentadiene_Methanol", "Transonethreepentadiene_Methanol", "Isoprene_Methanol", "Isoprene_Ethanol", "Cyclopentadiene_Methanol", "Benzene_Chloroform", "Benzene_Phenol", "Benzene_Toluene", "Benzene_Pxylene", "Benzene_Onepropanol", "Toluene_Chloroform", "Toluene_Pxylene", "Acetaldehyde_Water", "Propionicaldehyde_Water", "Propionicaldehyde_Methanol", "Isobutyraldehyde_Water", "Acetone_Chloroform", "Acetone_Benzene", "Acetone_Phenol", "Acetone_Cyclohexane", "Acetone_Toluene", "Acetone_Ethanol", "Twobutanone_Benzene", "Twobutanone_Cyclohexane", "Twobutanone_Toluene", "Twobutanone_Nheptane", "Twobutanone_Water", "Twobutanone_Onepropanol", "Methanol_Water", "Methanol_Chloroform", "Methanol_Ethanol", "Methanol_Acetone", "Methanol_Benzene", "Methanol_Cyclohexane", "Methanol_Toluene", "Methanol_Nheptane", "Methanol_Tetrachloromethane", "Methanol_Tribromomethane", "Methanol_Acetonitrile", "Methanol_Onetwodichloroethane", "Methanol_Aceticacid", "Methanol_Dimethylsulfoxide", "Methanol_Propionicacid", "Methanol_Nndimethylformamide", "Methanol_Propanol", "Methanol_Thiophene", "Methanol_Methylacrylate", "Methanol_Twobutanone", "Methanol_Tetrahyrofuran", "Methanol_Onefourdioxane", "Methanol_Ethylacetate", "Methanol_Sulfolane", "Methanol_Onebutanol", "Methanol_Twobutanol", "Methanol_Tertbutanol", "Methanol_Onefourbutanediol", "Methanol_Pyridine", "Methanol_Methylmethacrylate", "Methanol_Methylisopropylketone", "Methanol_Threepentanone", "Methanol_Piperidine", "Methanol_Hexafluorobenzene", "Methanol_Chlorobenzene", "Methanol_Aniline", "Methanol_Twomethylpyridine", "Methanol_Threemethylpyridine", "Methanol_Fourmethylpyridine", "Methanol_Cyclohexene", "Methanol_Nbutylacetate", "Methanol_Hexane", "Methanol_Triethylamine", "Methanol_Twomethylphenol", "Methanol_Two6dimethylpyridine", "Methanol_Oneheptane", "Methanol_Methylcyclohexane", "Methanol_Heptane", "Methanol_Ethylbenzene", "Methanol_Mxylene", "Methanol_Pxylene", "Methanol_Oneoctene", "Methanol_Octane", "Methanol_Twotwofourtrimethylpentane", "Methanol_Onedodecanol", "Methanol_Oleic acid", "Ethanol_Water", "Ethanol_Chloroform", "Ethanol_Acetone", "Ethanol_Twobutanone", "Ethanol_Benzene", "Ethanol_Cyclohexane", "Ethanol_Toluene", "Ethanol_Nheptane", "Ethanol_Pxylene", "Ethanol_Tetrachloroethylene", "Ethanol_Acetonitrile", "Ethanol_Onetwodichloroethane", "Ethanol_Acetic acid", "Ethanol_Onetwoethanediol", "Ethanol_Twopropanol", "Ethanol_Onetwopropanediol", "Ethanol_Thiophene", "Ethanol_Onefourdioxane", "Ethanol_Sulfolane", "Ethanol_Morpholine", "Ethanol_Twobutanol", "Ethanol_Twomethylonepropanol", "Ethanol_Pyridine", "Ethanol_Methylmethacrylate", "Ethanol_Methylisopropyl", "Ethanol_Propylacetate", "Ethanol_Threemethylonebutanol", "Ethanol_Bromobenzene", "Ethanol_Chlorobezene", "Ethanol_Aniline", "Ethanol_Twomethylpyridine", "Ethanol_Threemethylpyridine", "Ethanol_Cyclohexanol", "Ethanol_Butylacetate", "Ethanol_Dipropylether", "Ethanol_Triethylamine", "Ethanol_Anisole", "Ethanol_Two6dimethylpyridine", "Ethanol_Pentylacetate", "Ethanol_Heptane", "Ethanol_Ethylbezene", "Ethanol_Octane", "Ethanol_Twotwofourtrimethylpentane", "Ethanol_Hexadecane", "Ethanol_Oleicacid", "Onepropanol_Water", "Onepropanol_Tetrachloroethylene", "Onepropanol_Aceticacid", "Onepropanol_Propionicacid", "Onepropanol_Twomethoxyethanol", "Propylamine_Onepropanol", "Onepropanol_Methacrylicacid", "Onepropanol_Twomethylonepropanol", "Onepropanol_Pyridine", "Onepropanol_Methylmethacrylate", "Onepropnaol_Propylacetate", "Onepropanol_Threemethylbutanol", "Onepropnaol_Chlorobenzene", "Onepropanol_Twomethylpyridine", "Onepropanol_Threemethylpyridine", "Onepropanol_Fourmethylpyridine", "Onepropanol_Propylpropionate", "Onepropanol_Dipropylamine", "Onepropanol_Hexamethyldisiloxane", "Onepropanol_Toluene", "Onepropnaol_Two6dimethylpyridine", "Onepropanol_Heptane", "Onepropanol_Pxylene", "Onepropanol_Octane", "Onepropanol_Decane", "Onepropanol_Onedecanol", "Twopropanol_Water", "Twopropanol_Onepropanol", "Isobutanol_Water", "Tertbutanol_Water", "Allylalcohol_Water", "Methylformate_Methanol", "Methylacetate_Water", "Methylacetate_Methanol", "Methylacetate_Ethanol", "Ethylacetate_Water", "Ethylacetate_Ethanol", "Vinylacetate_Ethanol", "Diethylether_Water", "Diethylether_Methanol", "Diethylether_Ethanol", "Diisopropylether_Water", "Methyltertbutylether_Methanol", "Dimethoxymethane_Water", "Dimethoxymethane_Methanol", "Ethyleneoxide_Water", "Propyleneoxide_Methanol", "Tetrahydrofuran_Water", "Tetrahydrofuran_Ethanol", "Tetrahydrofuran_Onepropanol", "Tetrachloromethane_Methanol", "Tertachloromethane_Onepropanol", "Vinylcloride_Methanol", "Dichloromethane_Methanol", "Dichloromethane_Ethanol", "Chloroform_Methanol", "Chloroform_Ethanol", "Onetwodichloroethane_Onepropanol", "Trichloroethylene_Onepropanol", "Threechloroonepropene_Water", "Butylchloride_Onepropanol", "Dimethylamine_Water", "Dimethylamine_Methanol", "Dimethylamine_Ethanol", "Dimethylamine_Onepropanol", "Ethylamine_Water", "Triethylamine_Water", "Triethylamine_Onepropanol", "Diethylamine_Water", "Diethylamine_Ethanol", "Propylamine_Water", "Nbutylamine_Water", "Butylamine_Ethanol", "Butylamine_Onepropanol", "Isopropylamine_Water", "Acetonitrile_Water", "Propionitrile_Water", "Acrylonitrile_Water", "Hexafluorobenzene_Onepropnaol", "Water_Acetone", "Water_Twobutanone", "Water_Phenol", "Water_Aceticacid", "Water_Nmethylformamide", "Water_Dimethylsulfoxide", "Water_Ethylenediamine", "Water_Acrylicacid", "Water_Propionicacid", "Water_Onethreefivetrioxane", "Water_Nndimethylformamide", "Water_Onefourdioxane", "Water_Sulfolane", "Water_Nndimethylacetamide", "Water_Morpholine", "Water_Nbutanol", "Water_Onefourbutanediol", "Water_Twothreebutanediol", "Water_Diethylenegylcol", "Water_Furfural", "Water_Pyridine", "Water_Nmethylpyrrolidone", "Water_Threemethylbutanol", "Water_Twomethyltwobutanol", "Water_Aniline", "Water_Twomethylpyridine", "Water_Threemethylpyridine", "Water_Fourmethylpyridine", "Water_Phenylhydrazine", "Water_Cyclohexanone", "Water_Mesityloxide", "Water_Cyclohexanol", "Water_Nbutylacetate", "Water_Diacetonealcohol", "Water_Onehexanol", "Water_Twohexanol", "Water_Twobutoxyethanol", "Water_Benzylalcohol", "Water_Two6dimethylpyridinr", "Water_Isopentylacetate", "Water_Acetophenone", "Water_Quinoline", "Water_Isopropylbenzene", "Halothane_Methanol", "Methanol_Formamide", "Methane_Acetone", "Methane_Propane", "Methane_Nbutane", "Methane_Npentane", "Methane_Benzene", "Methane_Nhexane", "Methane_Ndecane", "Ethane_Nheptane", "Ibutane_Nbutane", "Npentane_Acetone", "Nhexane_Nitroethane", "Nhexane_Aniline", "Nhexane_Methylcyclop", "Nhexane_Toluene", "Nheptane_Benzene", "Nheptane_Toluene", "Noctane_Nitroethane", "Noctane_Ipropanol", "Twotwofourtrimethylpentane_Nitroethane", "Twotwofourtrimethylpentane_Furfural", "Twotwofourtrimethylpentane_Benzene", "Twotwofourtrimethylpentane_Cyclohexane", "Twotwofourtrimethylpentane_Toluene", "Ndecane_Npropanol", "Ndecane_Nbutanol", "Ndecane_Ipropanol", "Cyclopentane_Benzene", "Methylcyclopentane_Benzene", "Methylcyclopentane_Toluene", "Cyclohexane_Nitromethan", "Cyclohexane_Npropanol", "Cyclohexane_Nbutanol", "Cyclohexane_Benzene", "Cyclohexane_Methylcyclop", "Cyclohexane_Nhexane", "Cyclohexane_Toluene", "Cyclohexane_Heptane", "Methylcyclohexane_Toluene", "Onebutene_Ibutane", "Onebutene_Propane", "Onebutene_Nbutane", "Benzene_Twobutanone", "Benzene_Nbutanol", "Benzene_Nhexane", "Benzene_Water", "Toluene_Furfural", "Hydrogen_Methanol", "Hydrogen_Acetone", "Hydrogen_Benzene", "Hydrogen_Nhexane", "Hydrogen_Mxylene", "Hydrogen_Noctane", "Hydrogen_Water", "Hydrogen_Ammonia", "Nitrogen_Nbutane", "Nitrogen_Nhexane", "Nitrogen_Water", "Nitrogen_Ammonia", "Carbonmonoxide_Methanol", "Carbonmonoxide_Acetone", "Carbonmonoxide_Benzene", "Carbonmonoxide_Noctane", "Acetaldehyde_Aceticacid", "Acetaldehyde_Vinylacetat", "Acetone_Carbontetra", "Acetone_Acetonitrile", "Acetone_Methanol", "Acetone_Aceticacid", "Acetone_Furfural", "Acetone_Nhexane", "Acetone_Water", "Acetone_Vinylacetat", "Methanol_Carbontetra", "Methanol_Ipropanol", "Methanol_Ethylacetat", "Methanol_Diethylamin", "Methanol_Methylisobut", "Methanol_Nhexane", "Methanol_Two.threedimethyl", "Methanol_Triethylamin", "Methanol_Anisole", "Ethanol_One.twodichloro", "Ethanol_Aceticacid", "Ethanol_Npropanol", "Ethanol_Tertbutanol", "Ethanol_Methylcyclop", "Ethanol_Nhexane", "Ethanol_Methylcyclo", "Ethanol_Noctane", "Ethanol_Twotwofourtrimethyl", "Ethanol_Ndecane", "Npropanol_Carbontetra", "Npropanol_Aceticacid", "Npropanol_Benzene", "Npropanol_Nhexane", "Npropanol_Toluene", "Npropanol_Nheptane", "Npropanol_Water", "Ipropanol_Ethylacetat", "Ipropanol_Benzene", "Ipropanol_Nheptane", "Ipropanol_Water", "Ipropanol_Twotwofourtrimethyl", "Nbutanol_Carbontetra", "Nbutanol_Aceticacid", "Nbutanol_Nhexane", "Nbutanol_Nheptane", "Nbutanol_Noctane", "Ibutanol_Benzene", "Secbutanol_Benzene", "Tertbutanol_Benzene", "Formicacid_Aceticacid", "Aceticacid_Toluene", "Aceticacid_Nheptane", "Propionicacid_Methylisobut", "Propionicacid_Noctane", "Methylacetate_Chloroform", "Methylacetate_Benzene", "Ethylacetate_Aceticacid", "Ethylacetate_Npropanol", "Ethylacetate_Furfural", "Ethylacetate_Benzene", "Ethylacetate_Toluene", "Ethylacetate_Ethylbenzen", "Vinylacetate_Aceticacid", "Vinylacetate_Water", "Dioxane_Benzene", "Carbontetrachloride_Acetonitrile", "Carbontetrachloride_Ethanol", "Carbontetrachloride_Furfural", "Carbontetrachloride_Benzene", "Carbontetrachloride_Cyclohexane", "Carbontetrachloride_Methylcyclop", "Carbontetrachloride_Toluene", "Carbontetrachloride_Nheptane", "Dichloromethane_Dichloroetan", "Chloroform_Carbontetra", "Chloroform_Formicacid", "Chloroform_Aceticacid", "Chloroform_Ethylacetate", "Chloroform_Benzene", "Nitromethane_Carbontetra", "Nitromethane_Benzene", "Nitroethane_Carbontetra", "Nitroethane_Npropanol", "Nitroethane_Benzene", "Onenitropropane_Carbontetra", "Onenitropropane_Benzene", "Twonitropropane_Carbontetra", "Twonitropropane_Benzene", "Twonitropropane_Nhexane", "Acetonitrile_Benzene", "Acetonitrile_Nheptane", "Acrylonitrile_Acetonitrile", "Aniline_Methylcyclop", "Furfural_Onebutene", "Furfural_Nbutane", "Furfural_Ibutane", "Furfural_Benzene", "Furfural_Cyclohexane", "Water_Formicacid", "Water_Acetonitrile", "Water_Nitroethane", "Water_Dioxane", "Water_Onebutene", "Water_Ibutane", "Water_Toluene", "Water_Acrylonitril", "Water_Cisbutenetwo", "Water_Transbutene", "Water_Isobutene", "Water_Butadiene", "Carbondisulfide_Methanol", "Carbondisulfide_Acetone"}; constant Real BI_Values[440, 2] = {{1289.4881, 6.7114}, {938.0838, -112.7209}, {849.013, -56.7699}, {1056.8977, -135.5484}, {743.1034, -127.2476}, {1251.6417, -391.9511}, {1525.5351, -516.0584}, {1403.5125, -70.3003}, {1499.6766, -66.3796}, {983.1208, -123.8651}, {1329.9294, -21.5842}, {970.6914, -128.7022}, {1300.2481, -72.9715}, {1489.1438, -97.747}, {1477.5985, -92.9294}, {1514.3534, -144.3088}, {912.9208, -118.3758}, {1410.4509, -61.3753}, {-119.7224, -29.4499}, {72.2429, 197.453}, {70.7224, -58.3017}, {5.7397, 0.5699}, {378.6125, 20.5261}, {860.8206, -554.8868}, {121.3912, -119.706}, {-1132.16, -231.7521}, {735.9692, 208.343}, {416.3831, -377.9488}, {1263.005, -81.883}, {1566.0069, -781.5877}, {-358.9226, 604.28}, {-468.3882, 27.3851}, {-77.5361, 543.595}, {-315.279, 555.7418}, {94.5536, 117.867}, {-300.8429, 385.863}, {146.0313, 100.2596}, {366.3689, -250.2784}, {-184.485, 559.8999}, {775.153, 30.4806}, {147.6576, -8.2705}, {-337.1298, 549.2958}, {-271.0633, 1304.9835}, {-474.7791, 762.8153}, {-84.2364, 403.8524}, {-67.7213, 1117.8797}, {-32.2887, 1703.2055}, {-58.1103, 1190.6454}, {17.9144, 1360.0217}, {-95.2921, 1463.4548}, {-92.0642, 984.2538}, {101.9628, 334.9587}, {-80.7067, 1094.1304}, {-40.7254, -51.0491}, {-366.7607, 84.4189}, {7.1816, 0.3295}, {-156.3839, 103.9406}, {-26.2861, 113.5565}, {-265.3781, 1099.9741}, {-25.1614, 600.3028}, {-136.0158, 584.0634}, {-153.2518, 629.7314}, {-19.0988, 451.089}, {-138.9829, 770.3047}, {-28.6882, 675.1045}, {40.3898, 121.5049}, {471.807, -279.7321}, {-291.983, 403.6892}, {-286.6527, 490.8909}, {425.4563, -393.3415}, {-98.6602, 843.2593}, {-100.1669, 594.2312}, {-83.8392, 609.2057}, {-383.9791, 153.8253}, {-90.0876, 1245.166}, {-118.0717, 1402.7818}, {-144.7753, 517.8626}, {-603.5633, 950.103}, {-206.2407, 81.4664}, {-78.8509, -53.173}, {-38.5257, 1529.9926}, {-174.2617, 892.9417}, {38.3254, 1391.4917}, {-318.8007, 905.0708}, {-502.2428, 548.3889}, {-272.5909, 272.4921}, {-12.605, 1363.9261}, {1.0023, 1552.7297}, {-27.9877, 1578.6097}, {-57.095, 1259.4286}, {-41.7377, 1208.1529}, {-47.6694, 1231.2086}, {-32.2567, 1396.3019}, {-32.7911, 1561.8955}, {-59.6929, 1577.3145}, {18.9334, 484.2757}, {-149.1808, 952.0283}, {173.801, 109.8687}, {-305.3246, 881.3549}, {94.2417, 98.7523}, {-25.7234, 250.3958}, {-127.9893, 744.8826}, {-153.0128, 1100.3231}, {-97.5633, 698.6183}, {-150.277, 1127.5232}, {-63.9673, 664.259}, {-61.6485, 783.4873}, {392.2083, 91.3933}, {-39.1051, 669.688}, {-25.2901, -86.9343}, {818.093, -200.1567}, {437.5184, -324.6275}, {181.0206, -57.8238}, {-77.9585, 662.4746}, {50.8172, 212.2982}, {177.7675, 306.35}, {-712.473, 1116.7138}, {-311.9029, 474.5511}, {-117.4292, 220.9133}, {378.8209, -378.8991}, {-105.4041, 544.4089}, {-260.5944, 652.4019}, {-13.0186, 405.1733}, {82.3751, -18.3336}, {-169.9204, 998.8196}, {-205.6039, 1032.724}, {1262.584, -446.4834}, {139.4905, -225.4203}, {-578.9542, 942.9023}, {634.1484, -339.732}, {-38.4912, 384.6715}, {-177.4837, 780.0513}, {-305.4069, 674.3341}, {928.9185, -379.9781}, {-432.4206, 583.2958}, {-161.4264, 631.1662}, {-115.7807, 1040.2891}, {-127.6343, 841.5199}, {-152.8323, 1156.688}, {-165.9382, 1120.4853}, {-401.4408, 1783.7857}, {-180.7604, 627.9668}, {190.5947, 290.554}, {-13.5513, 473.6899}, {-729.0848, 1660.0903}, {-83.3064, -4.418}, {-300.7498, 511.0851}, {-274.4208, 15.9476}, {114.789, -169.5098}, {47.0059, -46.6524}, {423.4439, -423.9207}, {-27.435, 256.1456}, {-91.8942, 278.7259}, {-19.2402, 27.9161}, {1.3035, 311.4544}, {163.7157, -281.9383}, {199.1862, -290.3666}, {180.7309, -293.8268}, {-585.5214, 1186.3162}, {-1.1304, 48.1557}, {-218.4928, 677.0367}, {-1.7464, 340.4905}, {-595.2165, 936.7248}, {-91.2018, 743.266}, {-74.7475, 427.6292}, {-48.752, 525.9933}, {-175.9432, 744.763}, {89.4506, 31.0832}, {327.443, 64.4408}, {103.5993, -103.7179}, {350.1707, 309.5428}, {230.5098, 271.3048}, {281.7442, 47.6526}, {623.2636, -2.0107}, {830.7943, 47.5023}, {611.2312, -70.982}, {267.0169, -79.2922}, {1441.5619, -205.7336}, {436.0416, -98.562}, {483.9533, -67.6116}, {1198.9207, 102.271}, {906.3646, -157.3556}, {642.6982, -171.8091}, {1415.2748, 81.2811}, {1024.985, -203.711}, {1098.9416, -44.1418}, {657.2765, -4.6934}, {10542.2026, -344.1682}, {791.0185, -210.2403}, {835.2626, 10.5163}, {559.1539, -260.1951}, {381.8256, -244.669}, {1029.3332, -171.0842}, {957.274, -252.3762}, {7661.2894, -187.7083}, {1516.5558, -229.3734}, {796.2935, -172.0713}, {1295.4282, -271.461}, {981.7658, -335.4504}, {272.4952, 107.634}, {538.1802, -90.5235}, {1260.1312, 81.3308}, {748.22, -172.7007}, {-1070.3252, 1057.3916}, {-520.5358, -200.8021}, {-1071.4286, 1018.5371}, {-71.2521, -231.1124}, {149.3345, -412.065}, {242.4137, 2458.766}, {701.924, -371.1197}, {721.1889, -312.3228}, {-613.4553, 1006.1474}, {426.0894, -302.8076}, {-379.6694, 874.815}, {-17.1391, -220.6087}, {-188.4751, -68.9772}, {-553.685, 1001.0323}, {266.3109, 332.5988}, {367.0686, 510.5582}, {395.4004, 537.1531}, {535.7543, -38.2344}, {-110.3829, 698.7989}, {752.9217, 39.6746}, {934.8834, -501.3763}, {-251.6868, 407.0073}, {-867.7066, 2091.772}, {-292.3021, -523.6271}, {-175.0216, -724.876}, {-417.4722, 1189.9025}, {486.4688, -146.6582}, {-210.5536, 915.1339}, {639.5742, -556.8715}, {-444.013, 1302.0378}, {-397.8616, 997.3999}, {453.4841, -463.0383}, {933.6195, -802.5279}, {548.2453, 89.0444}, {-370.3689, 1635.7568}, {489.1312, -286.7611}, {-346.2827, 900.5916}, {537.7334, -36.221}, {-56.5403, -97.5005}, {-801.2765, 1402.6755}, {819.6231, -223.7898}, {-178.9352, 1021.7979}, {-91.7122, 485.3384}, {-657.2675, 1253.468}, {1280.6209, -655.1387}, {-358.5748, 333.911}, {-334.1695, 857.6208}, {316.6082, 95.0342}, {-56.9399, 1043.7692}, {-286.8493, 1023.7144}, {394.2396, 756.4163}, {-351.0861, 1188.5242}, {-9.7248, 802.6348}, {-172.0599, 1138.3704}, {-178.571, 670.1422}, {83.4921, 304.0167}, {-497.9465, 893.7955}, {-250.5667, 1438.236}, {234.4706, 641.1422}, {-847.2235, 663.5428}, {-310.5637, 1655.4649}, {1653.8373, -379.2679}, {319.3243, -34.2606}, {-0.26, 471}, {-2.01, 604}, {-2.05, 731}, {-1.32, 509}, {-0.38, 473}, {-0.06, 94}, {-0.24, 150}, {264.89, -112.61}, {1, 1}, {266.31, -22.83}, {230.64, -5.86}, {283.76, 34.82}, {-138.84, 162.13}, {34.27, 4.3}, {245.42, -135.93}, {108.24, -72.96}, {333.48, -30.98}, {1107.44, -166.18}, {236.48, 10.66}, {410.08, -4.98}, {80.91, -27.13}, {141.01, -112.66}, {141.11, -94.6}, {1137.2, -201.82}, {1430.77, -259.67}, {1074.76, -207.27}, {15.19, 33.15}, {56.47, -6.47}, {89.77, -48.05}, {517.19, 105.01}, {1284.75, -173.42}, {1393.11, -196.9}, {-32.57, 88.26}, {144.37, -118.82}, {172.73, -145.56}, {83.67, -44.04}, {-76.36, 98.22}, {210.35, -134.19}, {-23.03, 35.11}, {126.71, -98.63}, {-23.03, 35.11}, {350.47, -226.16}, {928.9, -181.24}, {-77.13, 132.43}, {2057.42, 115.13}, {74.87, 244.12}, {3.94, 218}, {3.23, 218}, {1.97, 810}, {2.99, -4}, {2.09, 765}, {-0.05, 1646}, {9.97, -880}, {0.68, 1344}, {-1.67, 814}, {0.07, 336}, {3.76, 913}, {-3.35, 2098}, {0.83, 552}, {0.48, 408}, {-1.04, 1062}, {-3.38, 1878}, {458.43, -212.77}, {-117.74, 243.51}, {-92.32, 246.68}, {-176.38, 261.53}, {359.1, -96.9}, {461.81, -262.3}, {-101.3, 195.63}, {-33.08, 261.51}, {530.99, -100.71}, {-82.48, 110.6}, {-29.64, 1127.95}, {-24.85, 31.22}, {-107.54, 579.61}, {-374.88, 676.42}, {-105.94, 688.03}, {-2.66, 1636.05}, {-7.18, 1463.9}, {-186.66, 664.29}, {-48.39, 782.28}, {-105.66, 929.71}, {-210.53, 244.67}, {210.95, -67.7}, {-2.62, 9.24}, {-118.27, 1383.93}, {-108.93, 1441.57}, {-117.57, 1340.56}, {-109.08, 1385.91}, {-120.42, 1449.61}, {-127.48, 1254.65}, {-166.93, 1336.03}, {299.33, 445.77}, {-155.1, 928.5}, {-144.11, 1326.05}, {-195.4, 818.34}, {-160.43, 1306.22}, {78.37, 583.03}, {-190.57, 522.07}, {-145.52, 854.75}, {-162.54, 1295.6}, {217.23, 11.59}, {-198.06, 994}, {-188.77, 1248.17}, {-296.3, 546.68}, {-159.24, 1370.74}, {-251.11, 1291.98}, {-236.21, 1098.91}, {-162.39, 861.06}, {784.99, -168.83}, {744.89, -165.4}, {-144.58, 241.64}, {-67.91, 298.09}, {-8.49, 342.57}, {-78.49, 136.46}, {-183.2, 556.12}, {-187.87, 121.17}, {203.46, -143.88}, {-214.39, 63.04}, {539.64, -190.31}, {-19.15, 48.52}, {233.81, -181.49}, {309.41, -214.26}, {137.11, -105.5}, {330.03, -124.12}, {1557.23, 131.36}, {363.78, -197.65}, {458.86, -40.18}, {1192.49, -135.27}, {476.85, -100.42}, {-37.52, 43.39}, {98.18, -84.82}, {161.96, -129.21}, {-168.53, 203.67}, {88.3, -59.13}, {1, 1}, {-14.74, 38.19}, {461.38, 90.36}, {346.43, -98.44}, {24.16, -119.49}, {4.98, -50.53}, {0.59, 398.4}, {73.79, 82.2}, {73.06, 295.06}, {574.22, -94.39}, {16.61, 46.05}, {-95.68, 267.13}, {535.16, -246.81}, {-134.32, 307.25}, {794.91, -344.15}, {-32.95, 252.2}, {60.28, 89.57}, {23.71, 545.79}, {183.65, -142.35}, {54.36, 228.71}, {49.12, 242.1}, {88.87, 257.71}, {97.14, 268}, {71, 12}, {41.17, 354.83}, {-508.85, 1019.29}, {122.02, 122.07}, {138.44, 920.08}, {-328.7, 927.26}, {590.17, 777.95}, {646.79, 1173.23}, {305.71, 1371.36}, {155.78, 471.21}, {356.45, -18.31}, {356.45, -18.31}, {346.74, 657.5}, {496.1, 270.6}, {1166.49, 138.15}, {157.31, 103.91}}; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:NOC loop for k in 1:2 loop value[i, j] := 0; end for; end for; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:NOC loop c[i, j] := Comp[i] + underscore + Comp[j]; d[i, j] := Comp[j] + underscore + Comp[i]; for k in 1:440 loop if c[i, j] == Comp1_Comp2[k] then value[i, j] := BI_Values[k, 1]; value[j, i] := BI_Values[k, 2]; end if; if d[i, j] == Comp1_Comp2[k] then value[j, i] := BI_Values[k, 1]; value[i, j] := BI_Values[k, 2]; end if; end for; end for; end for; end BIP_UNIQUAC; function BIP_PR input Integer Nc; input String comp[Nc]; output Real kij[Nc, Nc]; protected String name; String nameRev; constant String Comp1_Comp2[179] = {"Heliumfour_Carbonmonoxide", "Hydrogen_Nitrogen", "Hydrogen_Carbonmonoxide", "Hydrogen_Methane", "Hydrogen_Ethylene", "Hydrogen_Ethane", "Hydrogen_Carbondioxide", "Hydrogen_Propylene", "Hydrogen_Propane", "Hydrogen_Nbutane", "Hydrogen_Nhexane", "Hydrogen_Nheptane", "Hydrogen_Toluene", "Hydrogen_Quinoline", "Hydrogen_Bicyclohexyl", "Hydrogen_Onemethylnaphthalene", "Nitrogen_Carbonmonoxide", "Nitrogen_Argon", "Nitrogen_Oxygen", "Nitrogen_Methane", "Nitrogen_Ethylene", "Nitrogen_Ethane", "Nitrogen_Nitrousoxide", "Nitrogen_Carbondioxide", "Nitrogen_Hydrogensulfide", "Nitrogen_Propylene", "Nitrogen_Propane", "Nitrogen_Ammonia", "Nitrogen_Dichlorodiflouromethane", "Nitrogen_Isobutane", "Nitrogen_Sulfurdioxide", "Nitrogen_Nbutane", "Nitrogen_Isoc5", "Nitrogen_Npentane", "Nitrogen_Methanol", "Nitrogen_Nhexane", "Nitrogen_Benzene", "Nitrogen_Nheptane", "Nitrogen_Noctane", "Nitrogen_Ndecane", "Carbonmonoxide_Methane", "Carbonmonoxide_Ethane", "Carbonmonoxide_Hydrogensulfide", "Carbonmonoxide_Propane", "Argon_Oxygen", "Argon_Methane", "Argon_Ammonia", "Oxygen_Krypton", "Oxygen_Nitrousoxide", "Methane_Ethylene", "Methane_Ethane", "Methane_Nitrousoxide", "Methane_Carbondioxide", "Methane_Carbonylsulfide", "Methane_Propylene", "Methane_Propane", "Methane_Isobutane", "Methane_Sulfurdioxide", "Methane_Nbutane", "Methane_Isoc5", "Methane_Npentane", "Methane_Nhexane", "Methane_Benzene", "Methane_Cyclohexane", "Methane_Nheptane", "Methane_Toluene", "Methane_Noctane", "Methane_Mxylene", "Methane_Nnonane", "Methane_Ndecane", "Methane_Mcresol", "Methane_Tetralin", "Methane_Onemethylnaphthalene", "Methane_Diphenylmethane", "Ethylene_Ethane", "Ethylene_Acetylene", "Ethylene_Carbondioxide", "Ethylene_Nbutane", "Ethylene_Benzene", "Ethylene_Nheptane", "Ethylene_Ndecane", "Carbondioxide_Ethane", "Ethane_Hydrogensulfide", "Ethane_Propylene", "Ethane_Propane", "Ethane_Isobutane", "Ethane_Nbutane", "Ethane_Ethylether", "Ethane_Npentane", "Ethane_Acetone", "Ethane_Methylacetate", "Ethane_Methanol", "Ethane_Nhexane", "Ethane_Benzene", "Ethane_Cyclohexane", "Ethane_Nheptane", "Ethane_Noctane", "Ethane_Ndecane", "Carbondioxide_Nitrousoxidedioxide", "Acetylene_Propylene", "Trifluoromethane_Triflourochloromethane", "Trifluorochloromethane_Dichlorodifluoromethane", "Carbondioxide_Hydrogensulfide", "Carbondioxide_Difluoromethane", "Carbondioxide_Propylene", "Carbondioxide_Propane", "Carbondioxide_Isobutane", "Carbondioxide_Onebutene", "Carbondioxide_Nbutane", "Carbondioxide_Isoc5", "Carbondioxide_Ethylether", "Carbondioxide_Npentane", "Carbondioxide_Methylacetate", "Carbondioxide_Methanol", "Carbondioxide_Nhexane", "Carbondioxide_Benzene", "Carbondioxide_Cyclohexane", "Carbondioxide_Nheptane", "Carbondioxide_Water", "Carbondioxide_Toluene", "Carbondioxide_Ndecane", "Carbondioxide_Nbutylbenzene", "Hydrogensulfide_Propane", "Hydrogensulfide_Isobutane", "Hydrogensulfide_Npentane", "Hydrogensulfide_Water", "Hydrogensulfide_Ndecane", "Propylene_Propane", "Propylene_Isobutane", "Propylene_Onecfour", "Propane_Isobutane", "Propane_Nbutane", "Propane_Isopentane", "Propane_Npentane", "Propane_Nhexane", "Propane_Ethanol", "Propane_Benzene", "Propane_Nheptane", "Propane_Noctane", "Propane_Ndecane", "Pentaflourohloroethane_Difluorochloromethane", "Difluorochloromethane_Dichlorodifluoromethane", "Ammonia_Water", "Ammonia_Watert=two7three.one5k", "Isobutane_Nbutane", "Sulfurdioxide_Benzene", "Onebutene_One", "Onebutene_Nbutane", "One_Threebutadiene", "Nbutane_Npentane", "Nbutane_Nhexane", "Nbutane_Nheptane", "Nbutane_Noctane", "Nbutane_Ndecane", "Npentane_Benzene", "Npentane_Cyclohexane", "Npentane_Nheptane", "Npentane_Noctane", "Two_Twodimethylbutane", "Two_Threedimethylbutane", "Twomethylpentane_Onepentanol", "Onepentanol_Threemethylpentane", "Methanol_Water", "Nhexane_Benzene", "Nhexane_Cyclohexane", "Nhexane_Twopropanol", "Nhexane_Nheptane", "Nhexane_Isopentanol", "Nhexane_Onepentanol", "Cyclohexane_Benzene", "Benzene_Nheptane", "Benzene_Isooctane", "Benzene_Noctane", "Cyclohexene_Cyclohexane", "Cyclohexane_One", "Cyclohexane_Cyclohexanone", "One_Twodichloroethane", "Nheptane_Isooctane", "Nheptane_Twopentanone"}; constant Real BI_Val[size(Comp1_Comp2, 1)] = {1, 7.1100E-02, 9.1900E-02, 2.6300E-02, 6.3300E-02, -7.5600E-02, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3.00E-02, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 3.300E-02, -2.6000E-03, -1.5900E-02, 2.8900E-02, 8.5600E-02, 3.4400E-02, 4.4000E-03, -2.2200E-02, 0, 9.00E-02, 8.7800E-02, 0, 1.0700E-02, 0, 8.00E-02, 7.1100E-02, 9.2200E-02, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3.00E-02, -2.2600E-02, 5.4400E-02, 2.5900E-02, 1.0700E-02, 2.300E-02, 0, 2.5600E-02, 4.7800E-02, 3.7800E-02, -3.3000E-03, 2.5600E-02, 7.9300E-02, 2.8900E-02, 3.300E-02, 1.1900E-02, 2.5600E-02, 0, 2.4400E-02, -5.6000E-03, 2.300E-02, 4.00E-02, 8.0700E-02, 3.8900E-02, 4.0100E-02, 9.700E-02, 4.9600E-02, 8.4400E-02, 4.7400E-02, 4.8900E-02, 0, 0, 0, 8.7400E-02, 1.1900E-02, 6.5200E-02, 5.7800E-02, 9.2200E-02, 3.1100E-02, 1.4400E-02, 2.5300E-02, 0, 8.2200E-02, 8.9000E-03, 1.1000E-03, -6.7000E-03, 8.9000E-03, 1.8100E-02, 7.8000E-03, 0, 0, 2.700E-02, -4.00E-02, 3.2200E-02, 1.7800E-02, 7.4000E-03, 1.8500E-02, 1.4400E-02, 4.8000E-03, 0, 0, 3.3700E-02, 9.7800E-02, 1.700E-02, 9.3300E-02, 0, 0, 5.9300E-02, 0, 0, 4.700E-02, -1.00E-02, -4.9300E-02, 2.200E-02, 0, 7.7400E-02, 0, 0, 6.3000E-03, 0, 0, 0, 6.00E-02, 4.7400E-02, 6.300E-02, 3.9400E-02, 3.3300E-02, 9.6000E-03, -1.4400E-02, 4.0000E-04, -7.8000E-03, 3.3000E-03, 1.1100E-02, 2.6700E-02, 7.0000E-04, 3.1500E-02, 2.3300E-02, 5.6000E-03, 0, 0, 8.7400E-02, 5.2200E-02, 0, 0, -4.0000E-04, 1.5000E-03, 2.2000E-03, 7.0000E-04, 1.4100E-02, 1.7400E-02, -5.6000E-03, 3.3000E-03, 7.4000E-03, 7.8000E-03, 1.8900E-02, 3.7000E-03, 7.4000E-03, 0, 4.5200E-02, 4.6700E-02, 4.6700E-02, 4.7800E-02, -7.7800E-02, 8.9000E-03, -3.000E-03, 8.4400E-02, -7.8000E-03, 4.8500E-02, 4.5600E-02, 1.2600E-02, 1.1000E-03, 4.0000E-04, 3.000E-03, 1.1000E-03, 7.300E-02, 6.5900E-02, 4.300E-02, 4.0000E-04, 6.9300E-02}; algorithm for i in 1:Nc loop for j in 1:Nc loop name := comp[i] + "_" + comp[j]; nameRev := comp[j] + "_" + comp[i]; if i == j then kij[i, j] := 0; elseif FindString(Comp1_Comp2, name) == (-1) then kij[i, j] := BI_Val[index(Comp1_Comp2, nameRev)]; else kij[i, j] := BI_Val[index(Comp1_Comp2, name)]; end if; end for; end for; end BIP_PR; function FindString input String compound_array[:]; input String compound; output Integer int; protected Integer i, len = size(compound_array, 1); algorithm int := -1; i := 1; while int == (-1) and i <= len loop if compound_array[i] == compound then int := i; end if; i := i + 1; end while; end FindString; function index input String[:] comps; input String comp; output Integer i; algorithm i := Modelica.Math.BooleanVectors.firstTrueIndex({k == comp for k in comps}); end index; function Density_Racket input Integer NOC; input Real T; input Real P; input Real Pc[NOC]; input Real Tc[NOC]; input Real Racketparam[NOC]; input Real AF[NOC]; input Real MW[NOC]; input Real Psat[NOC]; output Real Density[NOC]; parameter Real R = 83.14; protected Real Tr[NOC], Pcm[NOC], temp[NOC], tempcor[NOC], a, b, c[NOC], d, e[NOC], Beta[NOC], f, g, h, j, k, Racketparam_new[NOC]; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop Pcm[i] := Pc[i] / 100000; Tr[i] := T / Tc[i]; if Tr[i] > 0.99 then Tr[i] := 0.5; end if; if Racketparam[i] == 0 then Racketparam_new[i] := 0.29056 - 0.08775 * AF[i]; else Racketparam_new[i] := Racketparam[i]; end if; temp[i] := R * (Tc[i] / Pcm[i]) * Racketparam_new[i] ^ (1 + (1 - Tr[i]) ^ (2 / 7)); if T < Tc[i] then a := -9.070217; b := 62.45326; d := -135.1102; f := 4.79594; g := 0.250047; h := 1.14188; j := 0.0861488; k := 0.0344483; e[NOC] := exp(f + g * AF[i] + h * AF[i] * AF[i]); c[NOC] := j + k * AF[i]; Beta[i] := Pc[i] * ((-1) + a * (1 - Tr[i]) ^ (1 / 3) + b * (1 - Tr[i]) ^ (2 / 3) + d * (1 - Tr[i]) + e[i] * (1 - Tr[i]) ^ (4 / 3)); tempcor[i] := temp[i] * (1 - c[i] * log((Beta[i] + P) / (Beta[i] + Psat[i]))); Density[i] := 0.001 * MW[i] / (tempcor[i] * 0.000001); else Density[i] := 0.001 * MW[i] / (temp[i] * 0.000001); end if; end for; end Density_Racket; function PoyntingCF import Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.*; input Integer NOC; input Real Pc[NOC], Tc[NOC], Racketparam[NOC], AF[NOC], MW[NOC]; input Real T, P; input Real gamma[NOC], Psat[NOC], Density[NOC]; parameter Integer Choice = 2; output Real PCF[NOC]; protected Real vl[NOC]; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop if T < 0.98 * Tc[i] then vl[i] := 1 / Density[i]; end if; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop if Choice == 1 then PCF[i] := exp(vl[i] * abs(P - Psat[i]) / (8314.47 * T)); else PCF[i] := 1; end if; end for; end PoyntingCF; function Solublity_Parameter input Integer NOC; input Real V[NOC]; input Real Sp[NOC]; input Real compMolFrac[NOC]; output Real S; protected Real Vs,Vtot; algorithm Vtot := sum(compMolFrac[:] .* V[:]); Vs := sum(compMolFrac[:] .* V[:] .* Sp[:]); if(Vtot==0) then S :=0; else S := Vs / Vtot; end if; end Solublity_Parameter; function EOS_ConstantII parameter Real R_gas = 8.314; input Integer NOC; input Real Tc[NOC],Pc[NOC]; input Real T; output Real b[NOC]; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop b[i] := 0.08664 * R_gas * (Tc[i] / Pc[i]); end for; end EOS_ConstantII; function EOS_ConstantIII input Integer NOC; input Real a[NOC]; output Real a_ij[NOC,NOC]; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop a_ij[i,:] := (a[i] .* a[:]) .^ 0.5; end for; end EOS_ConstantIII; function EOS_Constant1V input Integer NOC; input Real compMolFrac[NOC]; input Real a_ij[NOC,NOC]; output Real amv; protected Real amvv[NOC]; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop amvv[i] := sum(compMolFrac[i] .* compMolFrac[:] .* a_ij[i,:]); end for; amv := sum(amvv[:]); end EOS_Constant1V; function EOS_Constants parameter Real R_gas = 8.314; input Integer NOC; input Real Tc[NOC],Pc[NOC]; input Real T; output Real a[NOC]; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop a[i] := 0.42748 * (R_gas^2) * ((Tc[i] ^ 2.5) / (Pc[i] * (T ^ 0.5))); end for; end EOS_Constants; function Liquid_Fugacity_Coeffcient input Integer NOC; input Real Sp[NOC]; input Real Tc[NOC]; input Real Pc[NOC]; input Real w[NOC]; input Real T,P; input Real V[NOC]; input Real S; input Real gamma[NOC]; output Real liqfugcoeff[NOC](each start = 2); protected Real Tr[NOC]; protected Real Pr[NOC]; protected Real v0[NOC](each start=2),v1[NOC](each start=2),v[NOC]; protected Real A[10]; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop Tr[i] := T / Tc[i]; Pr[i] := P / Pc[i]; if(Tc[i] == 33.19) then A[1] := 1.50709; A[2] := 2.74283; A[3] := -0.0211; A[4] := 0.00011; A[5] := 0; A[6] := 0.008585; A[7] := 0; A[8] := 0; A[9] := 0; A[10] :=0; v0[i] := 10^(A[1] + (A[2]/Tr[i]) + (A[3]*Tr[i])+(A[4] *Tr[i] *Tr[i])+(A[5] *Tr[i]*Tr[i]*Tr[i])+((A[6] +(A[7] *Tr[i]) +(A[8]*Tr[i]*Tr[i]))*Pr[i])+((A[9] +(A[10]*Tr[i]))*(Pr[i]*Pr[i])) - (log10(Pr[i]))); elseif(Tc[i] == 190.56) then A[1] := 1.36822; A[2] := -1.54831; A[3] := 0; A[4] := 0.02889; A[5] := -0.01076; A[6] := 0.10486; A[7] := -0.02529; A[8] := 0; A[9] := 0; A[10] := 0; v0[i] := 10^(A[1] + (A[2]/Tr[i]) + (A[3]*Tr[i])+(A[4] *Tr[i] *Tr[i])+(A[5] *Tr[i]*Tr[i]*Tr[i])+((A[6] +(A[7] *Tr[i]) +(A[8]*Tr[i]*Tr[i]))*Pr[i])+((A[9] +(A[10]*Tr[i]))*(Pr[i]*Pr[i])) - (log10(Pr[i]))); else A[1] := 2.05135; A[2] := -2.10889; A[3] := 0; A[4] := -0.19396; A[5] := 0.02282; A[6] := 0.08852; A[7] := 0; A[8] := -0.00872; A[9] := -0.00353; A[10] := 0.00203; v0[i] := 10^(A[1] + (A[2]/Tr[i]) + (A[3]*Tr[i])+(A[4] *Tr[i] *Tr[i])+(A[5] *Tr[i]*Tr[i]*Tr[i])+((A[6] +(A[7] *Tr[i]) +(A[8]*Tr[i]*Tr[i]))*Pr[i])+((A[9] +(A[10]*Tr[i]))*(Pr[i]*Pr[i])) - (log10(Pr[i]))); end if; v1[i] := 10^(-4.23893 + (8.65808 * Tr[i]) - (1.2206 / Tr[i]) - (3.15224 * Tr[i] ^ 3) - 0.025 * (Pr[i] - 0.6)); if(v1[i] == 0) then v[i] := 10^(log10(v0[i]) ); else v[i] := 10^(log10(v0[i]) + (w[i] * log10(v1[i]))); end if; liqfugcoeff[i] := v[i] * gamma[i]; end for; end Liquid_Fugacity_Coeffcient; end Thermodynamic_Functions; package Connection connector matConn Real P(min = 0, start = 101325), T(min = 0, start = 273.15), mixMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), mixMolEnth, mixMolEntr, mixMolFrac[3, connNOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(connNOC + 1)), vapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5); parameter Integer connNOC(start = 2); annotation( Icon(coordinateSystem(initialScale = 0.1), graphics = {Rectangle(fillColor = {175, 175, 175}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, extent = {{-100, 100}, {100, -100}})})); end matConn; connector enConn Real enFlo; annotation( Icon(coordinateSystem(initialScale = 0.1), graphics = {Rectangle(fillColor = {255, 255, 33}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, extent = {{-100, 100}, {100, -100}})})); end enConn; connector trayConn Real mixMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), mixMolEnth, mixMolFrac[connNOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(connNOC + 1)); parameter Integer connNOC; annotation( Icon(coordinateSystem(initialScale = 0.1), graphics = {Rectangle(fillColor = {8, 184, 211}, fillPattern = FillPattern.Solid, extent = {{-100, 100}, {100, -100}})})); end trayConn; end Connection; package Models model Flash //this is basic flash model. comp and NOC has to be defined in model. thermodyanamic model must also be extended along with this model for K value. import Simulator.Files.*; Real totMolFlo[3](each min = 0, each start = 100), compMolFrac[3, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), compMolSpHeat[3, NOC], compMolEnth[3, NOC], compMolEntr[3, NOC], phasMolSpHeat[3], phasMolEnth[3], phasMolEntr[3], liqPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5), vapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5), P(min = 0, start = 101325), T(min = 0, start = 298.15); Real Pbubl(start = 101325, min = 0)"Bubble point pressure", Pdew(start = 101325, min = 0)"dew point pressure"; equation //Mole Balance totMolFlo[1] = totMolFlo[2] + totMolFlo[3]; compMolFrac[1, :] .* totMolFlo[1] = compMolFrac[2, :] .* totMolFlo[2] + compMolFrac[3, :] .* totMolFlo[3]; //Bubble point calculation Pbubl = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Dew point calculation Pdew = 1 / sum(compMolFrac[1, :] ./ (gammaDew[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])) .* vapfugcoeff_dew[:]); if P >= Pbubl then compMolFrac[3, :] = zeros(NOC); sum(compMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; elseif P >= Pdew then //VLE region for i in 1:NOC loop compMolFrac[3, i] = K[i] * compMolFrac[2, i]; end for; sum(compMolFrac[3, :]) = 1; //sum y = 1 else //above dew point region compMolFrac[2, :] = zeros(NOC); sum(compMolFrac[3, :]) = 1; end if; //Energy Balance for i in 1:NOC loop //Specific Heat and Enthalpy calculation compMolSpHeat[2, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.LiqCpId(comp[i].LiqCp, T); compMolSpHeat[3, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.VapCpId(comp[i].VapCp, T); compMolEnth[2, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HLiqId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); compMolEnth[3, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HVapId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); (compMolEntr[2, i], compMolEntr[3, i]) = Thermodynamic_Functions.SId(comp[i].AS, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tb, comp[i].Tc, T, P, compMolFrac[2, i], compMolFrac[3, i]); end for; for i in 2:3 loop phasMolSpHeat[i] = sum(compMolFrac[i, :] .* compMolSpHeat[i, :]) + resMolSpHeat[i]; phasMolEnth[i] = sum(compMolFrac[i, :] .* compMolEnth[i, :]) + resMolEnth[i]; phasMolEntr[i] = sum(compMolFrac[i, :] .* compMolEntr[i, :]) + resMolEntr[i]; end for; phasMolSpHeat[1] = liqPhasMolFrac * phasMolSpHeat[2] + vapPhasMolFrac * phasMolSpHeat[3]; compMolSpHeat[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] .* phasMolSpHeat[1]; phasMolEnth[1] = liqPhasMolFrac * phasMolEnth[2] + vapPhasMolFrac * phasMolEnth[3]; compMolEnth[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] .* phasMolEnth[1]; phasMolEntr[1] = liqPhasMolFrac * phasMolEntr[2] + vapPhasMolFrac * phasMolEntr[3]; compMolEntr[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] * phasMolEntr[1]; //phase molar fractions liqPhasMolFrac = totMolFlo[2] / totMolFlo[1]; vapPhasMolFrac = totMolFlo[3] / totMolFlo[1]; end Flash; model gammaNRTL // input Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; parameter Integer NOC; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; Real molFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), T(min =0, start = 273.15); Real gamma[NOC](each start = 1); Real tau[NOC, NOC], G[NOC, NOC], alpha[NOC, NOC], A[NOC, NOC], BIPS[NOC, NOC, 2]; Real sum1[NOC](each start = 1), sum2[NOC](each start = 1); constant Real R = 1.98721; equation BIPS = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.BIPNRTL(NOC, comp.CAS); A = BIPS[:, :, 1]; alpha = BIPS[:, :, 2]; tau = A ./ (R * T); // G = exp(-alpha .* tau);//this equation is giving error in OM 1.11 hence for loop used for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:NOC loop G[i, j] = exp(-alpha[i, j] * tau[i, j]); end for; end for; //G = {{1, 1.1574891705 }, {0.8455436959, 1}}; for i in 1:NOC loop sum1[i] = sum(molFrac[:] .* G[:, i]); sum2[i] = sum(molFrac[:] .* tau[:, i] .* G[:, i]); end for; for i in 1:NOC loop log(gamma[i]) = sum(molFrac[:] .* tau[:, i] .* G[:, i]) / sum(molFrac[:] .* G[:, i]) + sum(molFrac[:] .* G[i, :] ./ sum1[:] .* (tau[i, :] .- sum2[:] ./ sum1[:])); end for; end gammaNRTL; package ReactionManager function Stoichiometrycheck //This functions checks the stoichiometry of the reaction we have given and returns "1" as output if the stoichiometry is okay and returns 0 otherwise. input Integer Nr"No. of Reactions"; input Integer NOC"Nomber of components in the required reactions"; input Real MW[NOC]"Molecular weight"; input Real Sc[NOC,Nr]"Reaction coefficients"; output Integer Check[Nr]; protected Real D[Nr]=fill(0,Nr); algorithm for i in 1:Nr loop for j in 1:NOC loop D[i]:=D[i]+(MW[j]*Sc[j,i]); end for; if D[i]<=0.1 and D[i]>=-0.1 then Check[i]:=1; else Check[i]:=0; end if; end for; end Stoichiometrycheck; function Arhenious // Reaction rate constant k = A*exp(-E/RT) input Integer Nr ; input Real A1[Nr] "To calulate reaction rate for forward reaction (Arrhenius constants of forward reaction)"; input Real E1[Nr] "To calculate reaction rate for forward reaction"; input Real T; output Real k1[Nr] "reaction rate constants for forward reaction"; algorithm k1 := A1 .* exp(-E1/(8.314*T)); end Arhenious; model Reaction_Manager //=================================================================================================== import Simulator.Files.*; import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; parameter Integer NOC; parameter Integer Nr; //Number of Reactions involved in the process parameter Integer Bc[Nr] "Base component of reactions"; parameter Integer Comp; //Number of components involved in the reaction parameter Real Sc[NOC,Nr]; //Stochiometry of reactions parameter Real DO[NOC,Nr]; //Direct order of reactions parameter Real RO[NOC,Nr]; //Reverse order of reactions Real Stoic_Check[Nr]; //Returns whether the specified stoichiometry is correct Real HOF_comp[NOC]; Real HOR[Nr]; parameter Real A1[Nr]"Arrhenius constants of forward reaction"; parameter Real E1[Nr]"Activation Energy of the forward reaction"; parameter Real A2[Nr]"Arrhenius constants of reverse reaction"; parameter Real E2[Nr]"Activation Energy for the reverse reaction"; equation //Check of stoichiometric balance Stoic_Check = Stoichiometrycheck(Nr, NOC, comp[:].MW, Sc); //Calculation of Heat of Reaction HOF_comp[:] = comp[:].IGHF .* 1E-3; //============================================================================================= for i in 1:Nr loop HOR[i] = (sum(HOF_comp[:] .* Sc[:, i]))/Bc[i]; end for; end Reaction_Manager; //============================================================================================== end ReactionManager; end Models; package Other_Functions function colBoolCalc//column boolean calculator input Integer noOfStages, noOfExCons, exConStages[noOfExCons]; output Boolean bool[noOfStages]; algorithm bool := fill(false, noOfStages); for i in 1:noOfExCons loop bool[exConStages[i]] := true; end for; end colBoolCalc; end Other_Functions; end Files; package Streams extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage; model Material_Stream //1 - Mixture, 2 - Liquid phase, 3 - Gas Phase extends Modelica.Icons.SourcesPackage; import Simulator.Files.*; parameter Integer NOC; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; Real P(min = 0, start = 101325) "Pressure", T(start = 273) "Temperature"; Real Pbubl(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC)"Bubble point pressure", Pdew(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC)"dew point pressure"; Real liqPhasMolFrac(start = 0.5, min = 0, max = 1) "Liquid Phase mole fraction", vapPhasMolFrac(start = 0.5, min = 0, max = 1) "Vapor Phase mole fraction", liqPhasMasFrac(start = 0.5, min = 0, max = 1) "Liquid Phase mass fraction", vapPhasMasFrac(start = 0.5, min = 0, max = 1) "Vapor Phase Mass fraction"; Real totMolFlo[3](each min = 0, each start = 100) "Total molar flow", totMasFlo[3](each min = 0, each start = 100) "Total Mass Flow", MW[3](each start = 0, each min = 0) "Average Molecular weight of Phases"; Real compMolFrac[3, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "Component mole fraction", compMasFrac[3, NOC](each start = 1/(NOC + 1), each min = 0, each max = 1) "Component Mass fraction", compMolFlo[3, NOC](each start = 100, each min = 0) "Component Molar flow", compMasFlo[3, NOC](each min = 0, each start = 100) "Component Mass Fraction"; Real phasMolSpHeat[3] "phase Molar Specific Heat", compMolSpHeat[3, NOC] "Component Molar Specific Heat"; Real phasMolEnth[3] "Phase Molar Enthalpy", compMolEnth[3, NOC] "Component Molar Enthalpy"; Real phasMolEntr[3] "Phase Molar Entropy", compMolEntr[3, NOC] "Component Molar Entropy"; Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //Connector equations inlet.P = P; inlet.T = T; inlet.mixMolFlo = totMolFlo[1]; inlet.mixMolEnth = phasMolEnth[1]; inlet.mixMolEntr = phasMolEntr[1]; inlet.mixMolFrac = compMolFrac; inlet.vapPhasMolFrac = vapPhasMolFrac; outlet.P = P; outlet.T = T; outlet.mixMolFlo = totMolFlo[1]; outlet.mixMolEnth = phasMolEnth[1]; outlet.mixMolEntr = phasMolEntr[1]; outlet.mixMolFrac = compMolFrac; outlet.vapPhasMolFrac = vapPhasMolFrac; //===================================================================================== //Mole Balance totMolFlo[1] = totMolFlo[2] + totMolFlo[3]; compMolFrac[1, :] .* totMolFlo[1] = compMolFrac[2, :] .* totMolFlo[2] + compMolFrac[3, :] .* totMolFlo[3]; //component molar and mass flows for i in 1:NOC loop compMolFlo[:, i] = compMolFrac[:, i] .* totMolFlo[:]; end for; if P >= Pbubl then //below bubble point region compMasFrac[3, :] = zeros(NOC); compMasFlo[1, :] = compMasFrac[1, :] .* totMasFlo[1]; compMasFrac[2, :] = compMasFrac[1, :]; elseif P >= Pdew then for i in 1:NOC loop compMasFlo[:, i] = compMasFrac[:, i] .* totMasFlo[:]; end for; else //above dew point region compMasFrac[2, :] = zeros(NOC); compMasFlo[1, :] = compMasFrac[1, :] .* totMasFlo[1]; compMasFrac[3, :] = compMasFrac[1, :]; end if; //phase molar and mass fractions liqPhasMolFrac = totMolFlo[2] / totMolFlo[1]; vapPhasMolFrac = totMolFlo[3] / totMolFlo[1]; liqPhasMasFrac = totMasFlo[2] / totMasFlo[1]; vapPhasMasFrac = totMasFlo[3] / totMasFlo[1]; //Conversion between mole and mass flow for i in 1:NOC loop compMasFlo[:, i] = compMolFlo[:, i] * comp[i].MW; end for; totMasFlo[:] = totMolFlo[:] .* MW[:]; //Energy Balance for i in 1:NOC loop //Specific Heat and Enthalpy calculation compMolSpHeat[2, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.LiqCpId(comp[i].LiqCp, T); compMolSpHeat[3, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.VapCpId(comp[i].VapCp, T); compMolEnth[2, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HLiqId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); compMolEnth[3, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HVapId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); (compMolEntr[2, i], compMolEntr[3, i]) = Thermodynamic_Functions.SId(comp[i].AS, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tb, comp[i].Tc, T, P, compMolFrac[2, i], compMolFrac[3, i]); end for; for i in 2:3 loop phasMolSpHeat[i] = sum(compMolFrac[i, :] .* compMolSpHeat[i, :]) + resMolSpHeat[i]; phasMolEnth[i] = sum(compMolFrac[i, :] .* compMolEnth[i, :]) + resMolEnth[i]; phasMolEntr[i] = sum(compMolFrac[i, :] .* compMolEntr[i, :]) + resMolEntr[i]; end for; phasMolSpHeat[1] = liqPhasMolFrac * phasMolSpHeat[2] + vapPhasMolFrac * phasMolSpHeat[3]; compMolSpHeat[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] .* phasMolSpHeat[1]; phasMolEnth[1] = liqPhasMolFrac * phasMolEnth[2] + vapPhasMolFrac * phasMolEnth[3]; compMolEnth[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] .* phasMolEnth[1]; phasMolEntr[1] = liqPhasMolFrac * phasMolEntr[2] + vapPhasMolFrac * phasMolEntr[3]; compMolEntr[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] * phasMolEntr[1]; //Bubble point calculation Pbubl = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Dew point calculation Pdew = 1 / sum(compMolFrac[1, :] ./ (gammaDew[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])) .* vapfugcoeff_dew[:]); if P >= Pbubl then //below bubble point region compMolFrac[3, :] = zeros(NOC); sum(compMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; elseif P >= Pdew then //VLE region for i in 1:NOC loop compMolFrac[3, i] = K[i] * compMolFrac[2, i]; end for; sum(compMolFrac[3, :]) = 1; //sum y = 1 else //above dew point region compMolFrac[2, :] = zeros(NOC); sum(compMolFrac[3, :]) = 1; end if; algorithm for i in 1:NOC loop MW[:] := MW[:] + comp[i].MW * compMolFrac[:, i]; end for; end Material_Stream; model Energy_Stream Real enFlo; Files.Connection.enConn inlet annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.enConn outlet annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //connector equation enFlo = inlet.enFlo; enFlo = outlet.enFlo; end Energy_Stream; end Streams; package Unit_Operations extends Modelica.Icons.VariantsPackage; model Mixer import Simulator.Files.*; parameter Integer NOC "Number of Components", NI = 6 "Number of Input streams"; parameter Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; parameter String outPress; Real outP(min = 0, start = 101325), inP[NI](min = 0, start = 101325); Real inCompMolFrac[NI, NOC](each start = 1/(NOC + 1), each min = 0, each max = 1) "Input stream component mol fraction", inMolFlo[NI](each min = 0, each start = 100) "Input stream Molar Flow"; Real outCompMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "Output Stream component mol fraction", outMolFlo(each min = 0, each start = 100) "Output stream Molar Flow"; Real inTotMolEnth[NI] "Inlet molar enthalpy of each stream", outTotMolEnth "Outlet molar enthalpy"; Real inT[NI](each min = 0, each start = 273.15) "Temperature of each stream", outT(each min = 0, each start = 273.15) "Temperature of outlet stream", inTotMolEntr[NI] "Inlet molar enthalpy of each stream", outTotMolEntr "Outlet molar entropy", inVapPhasMolFrac[NI](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 0.5) "Inlet vapor phase mol fraction", outVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Outlet vapor phase mol fraction"; //================================================================================ // Files.Connection.matConn inlet[NI](each connNOC = NOC); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.matConn inlet[NI](each connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //Connector equation for i in 1:NI loop inlet[i].P = inP[i]; inlet[i].T = inT[i]; inlet[i].mixMolFlo = inMolFlo[i]; inlet[i].mixMolEnth = inTotMolEnth[i]; inlet[i].mixMolEntr = inTotMolEntr[i]; inlet[i].mixMolFrac[1, :] = inCompMolFrac[i, :]; inlet[i].vapPhasMolFrac = inVapPhasMolFrac[i]; end for; outlet.P = outP; outlet.T = outT; outlet.mixMolFlo = outMolFlo; outlet.mixMolEnth = outTotMolEnth; outlet.mixMolEntr = outTotMolEntr; outlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = outCompMolFrac[:]; outlet.vapPhasMolFrac = outVapPhasMolFrac; //=================================================================================== //Output Pressure if outPress == "Inlet_Minimum" then outP = min(inP); elseif outPress == "Inlet_Average" then outP = sum(inP) / NI; elseif outPress == "Inlet_Maximum" then outP = max(inP); end if; //Molar Balance outMolFlo = sum(inMolFlo[:]); for i in 1:NOC loop outCompMolFrac[i] * outMolFlo = sum(inCompMolFrac[:, i] .* inMolFlo[:]); end for; //Energy balance outTotMolEnth = sum(inTotMolEnth[:] .* inMolFlo[:] / outMolFlo); end Mixer; model Heater // This is generic heater model. For using this model we need to extend this model and incorporte ouput material stream since this model is not doing any flash calculations. Refer heater models in Test section for this. //======================================================================================== Real inMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "inlet mixture molar flow rate", outMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "outlet mixture molar flow rate", heatAdd "Heat added", inP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Inlet pressure", outP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Outlet pressure", inT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Inlet Temperature", outT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Outlet Temperature", tempInc "Temperature Increase", outVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Outlet Vapor Mole Fraction"; Real inMixMolEnth "inlet mixture molar enthalpy", outMixMolEnth "outlet mixture molar enthalpy"; //======================================================================================== parameter Real pressDrop "Pressure drop", eff "Efficiency"; Real mixMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "mixture mole fraction", inVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Inlet vapor phase mole fraction"; parameter Integer NOC "number of components"; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; //======================================================================================== Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.matConn outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.enConn energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {0, -98}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //========================================================================================= equation //connector equations inlet.P = inP; inlet.T = inT; inlet.mixMolFlo = inMolFlo; inlet.mixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth; inlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[:]; inlet.vapPhasMolFrac = inVapPhasMolFrac; outlet.P = outP; outlet.T = outT; outlet.mixMolFlo = outMolFlo; outlet.mixMolEnth = outMixMolEnth; outlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[:]; outlet.vapPhasMolFrac = outVapPhasMolFrac; energy.enFlo = heatAdd; //============================================================================================= inMolFlo = outMolFlo; //material balance inMixMolEnth + eff * heatAdd / inMolFlo = outMixMolEnth; //energy balance inP - pressDrop = outP; //pressure calculation inT + tempInc = outT; //temperature calculation end Heater; model Rigorous_HX //Heat-Exchanger Operates in various modes //Mode-I - Estimation of Hot Fluid Outlet Temperature // Inputs : deltap_hot,deltap_cold,Heat_Loss,coutT,Flow Direction,Name of the calculation type,Area //Mode-II - Estimation of Cold Fluid Outlet Temperature // Inputs : deltap_hot,deltap_cold,Heat_Loss,houtT,Flow Direction,Name of the calculation type,Area //Mode-III - Estimation of Both the fluid outlet temperature // Inputs : deltap_hot,deltap_cold,Heat_Loss,Qactual,Flow Direction,Name of the calculation type,Area //Mode-IV - Estimation of both the fluid outlet temperature-NTU Method // Inputs : deltap_hot,deltap_cold,Heat_Loss,U,Flow Direction,Name of the calculation type,Area //Mode-V-Estimation of Heat Transfer Area // Inputs : deltap_hot,deltap_cold,Heat_Loss,U,Flow Direction,Name of the calculation type //Mode-VI-Estimation of all parameters given the heat transfer efficiency // Inputs : deltap_hot,deltap_cold,Heat_Loss,U,Efficiency,Flow Direction,Name of the calculation type import Simulator.Files.*; import Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.*; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; parameter Integer NOC "number of compounds "; Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn Hot_In(connNOC=NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-74, 38}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-74, 38}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn Hot_Out(connNOC=NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {80, 38}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {80, 34}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn Cold_In(connNOC=NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-74, -28}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-74, -28}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn Cold_Out(connNOC=NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {76, -30}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {76, -30}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //Parameters //Mode-I -Outlet Temperature-Hot Stream Calculaions parameter Real Heat_Loss; parameter Real deltap_hot; parameter Real deltap_cold; parameter String Mode; parameter String Calculation_Method; //Variables //Hot Stream Inlet Real hinP,hinT,hintotMolFlow[1],hinEnth,hinEntr,hincompMolFrac[2,NOC],hinVapfrac; //Hot Stream Outlet Real houtP,houtT,houttotMolFlow[1],houtEnth,houtEntr,houtcompMolFrac[2,NOC],houtVapfrac; //Cold Stream Inlet Real cinP,cinT,cintotMolFlow[1],cinEnth,cinEntr,cincompMolFrac[2,NOC],cinVapfrac; //Cold Stream Outlet Real coutP,coutT,couttT,couttotMolFlow[1],coutEnth,coutEntr,coutcompMolFrac[2,NOC],coutVapfrac; Real Qactual(start=2000)"Actual Heat Load"; Real Qmax,Qmax_hot,Qmax_cold; //Hot Stream Enthalpy at Cold Stream Inlet Temperature Real hinCompMolEnth[2,NOC]; Real hinPhasMolEnth[3]; //Cold Stream Enthalpy at Hot Stream Inlet Temperature Real cinCompMolEnth[2,NOC]; Real cinPhasMolEnth[3]; Real deltaH; //Heat Exchanger Effeciency Real Efficiency; //LMTD Real delta_T1(start=20),delta_T2(start=10); Real LMTD"Log Mean Temperature Difference"; //Global Heat Transfer Coefficient Real U; //Heat Transfer Area Real Area; //================================================================================================================== //Mode-4-NTU Method-when both the outlet temperatures are unknown //Heat Capacity Rate for hot and cold fluid Real C_cold,C_hot; //Number of Transfer Units for Hot Side and Cold Side Real NTU_cold,NTU_hot; //Heat Capacity Ratio for hot and cold side Real R_cold,R_hot; //Effectiveness Factor Real Eff_cold,Eff_hot; equation //Hot Stream Inlet Hot_In.P = hinP; Hot_In.T = hinT; Hot_In.mixMolFlo = hintotMolFlow[1]; Hot_In.mixMolEnth = hinEnth; Hot_In.mixMolEntr = hinEntr; Hot_In.mixMolFrac[1,:] = hincompMolFrac[1, :]; Hot_In.mixMolFrac[2,:]= hincompMolFrac[2,:]; Hot_In.vapPhasMolFrac = hinVapfrac; //Hot Stream Outlet Hot_Out.P = houtP; Hot_Out.T = houtT; Hot_Out.mixMolFlo = houttotMolFlow[1]; Hot_Out.mixMolEnth = houtEnth; Hot_Out.mixMolEntr = houtEntr; Hot_Out.mixMolFrac[1,:] = houtcompMolFrac[1, :]; Hot_Out.mixMolFrac[2,:]= houtcompMolFrac[2,:]; Hot_Out.vapPhasMolFrac = houtVapfrac; //Cold Stream In Cold_In.P = cinP; Cold_In.T = cinT; Cold_In.mixMolFlo = cintotMolFlow[1]; Cold_In.mixMolEnth = cinEnth; Cold_In.mixMolEntr = cinEntr; Cold_In.mixMolFrac[1,:] = cincompMolFrac[1, :]; Cold_In.mixMolFrac[2,:]= cincompMolFrac[2,:]; Cold_In.vapPhasMolFrac = cinVapfrac; //Cold Stream Out Cold_Out.P = coutP; Cold_Out.T = couttT; Cold_Out.mixMolFlo = couttotMolFlow[1]; Cold_Out.mixMolEnth = coutEnth; Cold_Out.mixMolEntr = coutEntr; Cold_Out.mixMolFrac[1,:] = coutcompMolFrac[1, :]; Cold_Out.mixMolFrac[2,:]= coutcompMolFrac[2,:]; Cold_Out.vapPhasMolFrac = coutVapfrac; equation hintotMolFlow[1] = houttotMolFlow[1]; cintotMolFlow[1] = couttotMolFlow[1]; hincompMolFrac[1] = houtcompMolFrac[1]; cincompMolFrac[1] = coutcompMolFrac[1]; houtP = hinP -deltap_hot; coutP = cinP -deltap_cold; Qactual = cintotMolFlow[1] * (coutEnth-cinEnth); deltaH = -(Qactual+ (Heat_Loss*1000))/hintotMolFlow[1]; if(Calculation_Method=="BothOutletTemp(UA") then houtEnth= hinEnth - (Qactual/hintotMolFlow[1])-((Heat_Loss*1000)/hintotMolFlow[1]); coutT = cinT + (Eff_cold * (hinT- cinT)); else coutT = couttT; houtEnth = hinEnth + deltaH; end if; //========================================================================================================== //Calculation of Hot Stream Enthalpy at Cold Stream Inlet Temperature for i in 1:NOC loop hinCompMolEnth[1,i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HLiqId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, cinT); hinCompMolEnth[2,i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HVapId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, cinT); end for; for i in 1:2 loop hinPhasMolEnth[i] = sum(hincompMolFrac[i, :] .* hinCompMolEnth[i, :]) /*+ inResMolEnth[2, i]*/; end for; hinPhasMolEnth[3] = ((1-hinVapfrac) * hinPhasMolEnth[1]) + (hinVapfrac * hinPhasMolEnth[2]); //Maximum Theoritical Heat Exchange-Hot Fluid Qmax_hot = hintotMolFlow[1] * (hinEnth - hinPhasMolEnth[3]); //=========================================================================================================== //Enthalpy of Cold Stream Enthalpy at Hot Fluid Inlet Temperature for i in 1:NOC loop cinCompMolEnth[1,i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HLiqId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, hinT); cinCompMolEnth[2,i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HVapId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, hinT); end for; for i in 1:2 loop cinPhasMolEnth[i] = sum(cincompMolFrac[i, :] .* cinCompMolEnth[i,:]) /*+ inResMolEnth[1, i]*/; end for; cinPhasMolEnth[3] = ((1-cinVapfrac) * cinPhasMolEnth[1]) + (cinVapfrac * cinPhasMolEnth[2]); //Maximum Theoritical Heat Exchange- Cold Fluid Qmax_cold = cintotMolFlow[1] * abs(cinEnth - cinPhasMolEnth[3]); //Maximum Heat Exchange Qmax = min(Qmax_hot,Qmax_cold); Efficiency = ((Qactual-(Heat_Loss*1000))/Qmax)*100; //Log Mean Temperature Difference if(Mode=="Parallal") then delta_T1 =hinT-cinT; delta_T2 =houtT-coutT; else delta_T1 =hinT-coutT; delta_T2 =houtT-cinT; end if; if(delta_T1<=0 or delta_T2<=0) then LMTD =1; else LMTD = (delta_T1-delta_T2)/log(delta_T1/delta_T2); end if; U = (Qactual)/(Area*LMTD); //=========================================================================================================== //========================================================================================================== //NTU-Method C_cold = cintotMolFlow[1]* ((coutEnth-cinEnth)/(coutT-cinT)); C_hot = hintotMolFlow[1]* ((houtEnth-hinEnth)/(houtT-hinT)); //Number of Transfer Units NTU_cold = (U * Area)/C_cold; NTU_hot = (U * Area)/C_hot; //Heat Capacity Ratio for Hot and Cold Side R_cold = C_cold/C_hot; R_hot = C_hot/C_cold; if(Mode=="Parallal") then Eff_cold = (1- exp(-NTU_cold * (1+R_cold)))/(1+R_cold); Eff_hot = (1- exp(-NTU_hot * (1+R_hot)))/(1+R_hot); else Eff_cold = (1-exp((R_cold-1)*NTU_cold))/(1 -R_cold* exp((R_cold-1)*NTU_cold)); Eff_hot = (1-exp((R_hot-1) *NTU_hot ))/(1 -R_hot * exp((R_hot-1)*NTU_hot)); end if; end Rigorous_HX; model Cooler // This is generic cooler model. For using this model we need to extend this model and incorporte ouput material stream since this model is not doing any flash calculations. Refer cooler models in Test section for this. //==================================================================================== Real inMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "inlet mixture molar flow rate", outMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "outlet mixture molar flow rate", heatRem "Heat removed", inP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Inlet pressure", outP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Outlet pressure", inT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Inlet Temperature", outT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Outlet Temperature", tempDrop "Temperature Drop", outVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Outlet Vapor Mole Fraction"; Real inMixMolEnth "inlet mixture molar enthalpy", outMixMolEnth "outlet mixture molar enthalpy"; Real inMixMolEntr "inlet mixture molar entropy", outMixMolEntr "outlet mixture molar entropy", mixMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "mixture mole fraction", inVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Inlet vapor phase mole fraction"; //======================================================================================== parameter Real pressDrop "Pressure drop", eff "Efficiency"; parameter Integer NOC "number of components"; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; //======================================================================================== Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.matConn outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.enConn energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {0, -98}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //======================================================================================== equation //connector equations inlet.P = inP; inlet.T = inT; inlet.mixMolFlo = inMolFlo; inlet.mixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth; inlet.mixMolEntr = inMixMolEntr; inlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[:]; inlet.vapPhasMolFrac = inVapPhasMolFrac; outlet.P = outP; outlet.T = outT; outlet.mixMolFlo = outMolFlo; outlet.mixMolEnth = outMixMolEnth; outlet.mixMolEntr = outMixMolEntr; outlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[:]; outlet.vapPhasMolFrac = outVapPhasMolFrac; energy.enFlo = heatRem; //============================================================================================= inMolFlo = outMolFlo; //material balance inMixMolEnth - eff * heatRem / inMolFlo = outMixMolEnth; //energy balance inP - pressDrop = outP; //pressure calculation inT - tempDrop = outT; //temperature calculation end Cooler; model Valve // This is generic valve model. For using this model we need to extend this model and incorporte ouput material stream since this model is not doing any flash calculations. Refer valve model in Test section for this. //==================================================================================== Real inMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "inlet mixture molar flow rate", outMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "outlet mixture molar flow rate", inP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Inlet pressure", outP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Outlet pressure", pressDrop "Pressure drop", inT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Inlet Temperature", outT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Outlet Temperature", tempInc "Temperature Increase"; Real inMixMolEnth "inlet mixture molar enthalpy", outMixMolEnth "outlet mixture molar enthalpy"; Real inMixMolEntr "inlet mixture molar entropy", outMixMolEntr "outlet mixture molar entropy", mixMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "mixture mole fraction", inVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Inlet vapor phase mole fraction", outVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Outlet vapor phase mole fraction"; //======================================================================================== parameter Integer NOC = 3 "number of components"; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; //======================================================================================== Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.matConn outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //======================================================================================== equation //connector equations inlet.P = inP; inlet.T = inT; inlet.mixMolFlo = inMolFlo; inlet.mixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth; inlet.mixMolEntr = inMixMolEntr; inlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[:]; inlet.vapPhasMolFrac = inVapPhasMolFrac; outlet.P = outP; outlet.T = outT; outlet.mixMolFlo = outMolFlo; outlet.mixMolEnth = outMixMolEnth; outlet.mixMolEntr = outMixMolEntr; outlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[:]; outlet.vapPhasMolFrac = outVapPhasMolFrac; //============================================================================================= inMolFlo = outMolFlo; //material balance inMixMolEnth = outMixMolEnth; //energy balance inP - pressDrop = outP; //pressure calculation inT + tempInc = outT; //temperature calculation end Valve; model Shortcut_Column import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC]; parameter Integer NOC; Real mixMolFlo[3](each min = 0, each start = 100), mixMolFrac[3, NOC](each start = 1 / (NOC + 1), each min = 0, each max = 1), mixMolEnth[3], mixMolEntr[3]; Real minN(min = 0, start = 10), minR(start = 1); Real alpha[NOC], theta; Real P(min = 0, start = 101325), T(min = 0, start = 273.15); Real condT(start = max(comp[:].Tb), min = 0), condP(min = 0, start = 101325), rebP(min = 0, start = 101325), rebT(start = min(comp[:].Tb), min = 0); parameter Integer HKey, LKey; parameter String condType = "Total"; Real vapPhasMolFrac[3](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 0.5), condLiqMixMolEnth, condVapMixMolEnth, condVapCompMolEnth[NOC], condLiqCompMolEnth[NOC], condLiqMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), condVapMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)); Real compMolFrac[3, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), Pdew(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC), Pbubl(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC); Real actR, actN, x, y, feedN; Real rectLiq(min = 0, start = 100), rectVap(min = 0, start = 100), stripLiq(min = 0, start = 100), stripVap(min = 0, start = 100), rebDuty, condDuty; Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn feed(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn distillate(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 50}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 50}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn bottoms(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, -50}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -50}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn condenser_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {50, 100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {50, 100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn reboiler_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {50, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {50, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation // Connector equations feed.P = P; feed.T = T; feed.mixMolFlo = mixMolFlo[1]; feed.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[1, :]; feed.mixMolEnth = mixMolEnth[1]; feed.mixMolEntr = mixMolEntr[1]; feed.vapPhasMolFrac = vapPhasMolFrac[1]; bottoms.P = rebP; bottoms.T = rebT; bottoms.mixMolFlo = mixMolFlo[2]; bottoms.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[2, :]; bottoms.mixMolEnth = mixMolEnth[2]; bottoms.mixMolEntr = mixMolEntr[2]; bottoms.vapPhasMolFrac = vapPhasMolFrac[2]; distillate.P = condP; distillate.T = condT; distillate.mixMolFlo = mixMolFlo[3]; distillate.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[3, :]; distillate.mixMolEnth = mixMolEnth[3]; distillate.mixMolEntr = mixMolEntr[3]; distillate.vapPhasMolFrac = vapPhasMolFrac[3]; reboiler_duty.enFlo = rebDuty; condenser_duty.enFlo = condDuty; //adjustment for thermodynamic packages compMolFrac[1,:] = mixMolFrac[1,:]; compMolFrac[2, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] ./ (1 .+ vapPhasMolFrac[1] .* (K[:] .- 1)); for i in 1:NOC loop compMolFrac[3, i] = K[i] * compMolFrac[2, i]; end for; // sum(compMolFrac[1,:] .* (K[:] .- 1) ./ (1 .+ vapPhasMolFrac[1] .* (K[:] .- 1))) = 0; //Bubble point calculation Pbubl = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Dew point calculation Pdew = 1 / sum(compMolFrac[1, :] ./ (gammaDew[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])) .* vapfugcoeff_dew[:]); equation for i in 1:NOC loop if mixMolFrac[1, i] == 0 then mixMolFrac[3, i] = 0; else mixMolFlo[1] .* mixMolFrac[1, i] = mixMolFlo[2] .* mixMolFrac[2, i] + mixMolFlo[3] .* mixMolFrac[3, i]; end if; end for; sum(mixMolFrac[3, :]) = 1; sum(mixMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; for i in 1:NOC loop if i <> HKey then if condType == "Total" then mixMolFrac[3, i] / mixMolFrac[3, HKey] = alpha[i] ^ minN * (mixMolFrac[2, i] / mixMolFrac[2, HKey]); elseif condType == "Partial" then mixMolFrac[3, i] / mixMolFrac[3, HKey] = alpha[i] ^ (minN + 1) * (mixMolFrac[2, i] / mixMolFrac[2, HKey]); end if; end if; end for; alpha[:] = K[:] / K[HKey]; //Calculation of temperature at distillate and bottoms if condType == "Partial" then 1 / condP = sum(mixMolFrac[3, :] ./ (gamma[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / condT + comp[:].VP[4] * log(condT) + comp[:].VP[5] .* condT .^ comp[:].VP[6]))); rebP = sum(gamma[:] .* mixMolFrac[2, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / rebT + comp[:].VP[4] * log(rebT) + comp[:].VP[5] .* rebT .^ comp[:].VP[6])); elseif condType == "Total" then condP = sum(gamma[:] .* mixMolFrac[3, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / condT + comp[:].VP[4] * log(condT) + comp[:].VP[5] .* condT .^ comp[:].VP[6])); rebP = sum(gamma[:] .* mixMolFrac[2, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / rebT + comp[:].VP[4] * log(rebT) + comp[:].VP[5] .* rebT .^ comp[:].VP[6])); end if; //Minimum Reflux, Underwoods method // 1 - q = vapPhasMolFrac[1]; // 1 - q = sum(alpha[:] .* mixMolFrac[1, :] ./ (alpha[:] .- theta)); vapPhasMolFrac[1] = sum(alpha[:] .* mixMolFrac[1, :] ./ (alpha[:] .- theta)); minR + 1 = sum(alpha[:] .* mixMolFrac[3, :] ./ (alpha[:] .- theta)); //Actual number of trays,Gillilands method x = (actR - minR) / (actR + 1); y = (actN - minN) / (actN + 1); if x >= 0 then y = 0.75 * (1 - x ^ 0.5668); else y = -1; end if; // Feed location, Fenske equation feedN = actN / minN * log(mixMolFrac[1, LKey] / mixMolFrac[1, HKey] * (mixMolFrac[2, HKey] / mixMolFrac[2, LKey])) / log(K[LKey] / K[HKey]); //rectifying and stripping flows rectLiq = actR * mixMolFlo[3]; stripLiq = (1 - vapPhasMolFrac[1]) * mixMolFlo[1] + rectLiq; stripVap = stripLiq - mixMolFlo[2]; rectVap = vapPhasMolFrac[1] * mixMolFlo[1] + stripVap; for i in 1:NOC loop condVapCompMolEnth[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.HVapId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, condT); condLiqCompMolEnth[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.HLiqId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, condT); end for; if condType == "Total" then condLiqMixMolEnth = mixMolEnth[3]; elseif condType == "Partial" then condLiqMixMolEnth = sum(condLiqMolFrac[:] .* condLiqCompMolEnth[:]); end if; condVapMixMolEnth = sum(condVapMolFrac[:] .* condVapCompMolEnth[:]); rectVap .* condVapMolFrac[:] = rectLiq .* condLiqMolFrac[:] + mixMolFlo[3] .* mixMolFrac[3, :]; if condType == "Partial" then mixMolFrac[3, :] = K[:] .* condLiqMolFrac[:]; elseif condType == "Total" then mixMolFrac[3, :] = condLiqMolFrac[:]; end if; //Energy Balance mixMolFlo[1] * mixMolEnth[1] + rebDuty - condDuty = mixMolFlo[2] * mixMolEnth[2] + mixMolFlo[3] * mixMolEnth[3]; rectVap * condVapMixMolEnth = condDuty + mixMolFlo[3] * mixMolEnth[3] + rectLiq * condLiqMixMolEnth; end Shortcut_Column; model Compound_Separator parameter Integer NOC "Number of components", sepStrm "Specified Stream"; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] "Components array"; Real inP(min = 0, start = 101325) "inlet pressure", inT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "inlet temperature", inMixMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "inlet mixture mole fraction", inMixMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "inlet mixture molar flow", inCompMolFlo[NOC](each min = 0, each start = 100) "inlet compound molar flow", inCompMasFlo[NOC](each min = 0, each start = 100) "inlet compound mass flow", inMixMolEnth "inlet mixture molar enthalpy"; Real outP[2](each min = 0, each start = 100) "outlet Pressure", outT[2](each min = 0, each start = 273.15) "outlet temperature", outMixMolFrac[2, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "outlet mixture mole fraction", outMixMolFlo[2](each min = 0, each start = 100) "Outlet mixture molar flow", outCompMolFlo[2, NOC](each min = 0, each start = 100) "outlet compounds molar flow", outCompMasFlo[2, NOC](each min = 0, each start = 100) "outlet compound mass flow", outMixMolEnth[2] "outlet mixture molar enthalpy"; Real enReq "energy required"; Real sepFactVal[NOC] "Separation factor value"; parameter String sepFact[NOC] "Separation factor"; // separation factor: Molar_Flow, Mass_Flow, Inlet_Molar_Flow_Percent, Inlet_Mass_Flow_Percent. Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn outlet1(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 70}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 70}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {0, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn outlet2(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, -70}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -70}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation // Connector equation inlet.P = inP; inlet.T = inT; inlet.mixMolFlo = inMixMolFlo; inlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = inMixMolFrac[:]; inlet.mixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth; outlet1.P = outP[1]; outlet1.T = outT[1]; outlet1.mixMolFlo = outMixMolFlo[1]; outlet1.mixMolFrac[1, :] = outMixMolFrac[1, :]; outlet1.mixMolEnth = outMixMolEnth[1]; outlet2.mixMolFlo = outMixMolFlo[2]; outlet2.mixMolFrac[1, :] = outMixMolFrac[2, :]; outlet2.mixMolEnth = outMixMolEnth[2]; outlet2.P = outP[2]; outlet2.T = outT[2]; energy.enFlo = enReq; // Pressure and temperature equations outP[1] = inP; outP[2] = inP; outT[1] = inT; outT[2] = inT; // mole balance inMixMolFlo = sum(outMixMolFlo[:]); inCompMolFlo[:] = outMixMolFrac[1, :] * outMixMolFlo[1] + outMixMolFrac[2, :] * outMixMolFlo[2]; // Conversion inCompMolFlo = inMixMolFrac .* inMixMolFlo; inCompMasFlo = inCompMolFlo .* comp[:].MW; for i in 1:2 loop outCompMolFlo[i, :] = outMixMolFrac[i, :] .* outMixMolFlo[i]; outCompMasFlo[i, :] = outCompMolFlo[i, :] .* comp[:].MW; end for; sum(outMixMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; for i in 1:NOC loop if sepFact[i] == "Molar_Flow" then sepFactVal[i] = outCompMolFlo[sepStrm, i]; elseif sepFact[i] == "Mass_Flow" then sepFactVal[i] = outCompMasFlo[sepStrm, i]; elseif sepFact[i] == "Inlet_Molar_Flow_Percent" then outCompMolFlo[sepStrm, i] = sepFactVal[i] * inCompMolFlo[i] / 100; elseif sepFact[i] == "Inlet_Mass_Flow_Percent" then outCompMasFlo[sepStrm, i] = sepFactVal[i] * inCompMasFlo[i] / 100; end if; end for; //Energy balance enReq = sum(outMixMolEnth .* outMixMolFlo) - inMixMolFlo * inMixMolEnth; end Compound_Separator; model Flash //extend thermodynamic package with this model import Simulator.Files.*; parameter Integer NOC; parameter Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; parameter Boolean overSepTemp = false, overSepPress = false; parameter Real Tdef = 298.15, Pdef = 101325; Real T(start = 298.15, min = 0), P(start = 101325, min = 0); Real Pbubl(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC)"Bubble point pressure", Pdew(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC)"dew point pressure"; Real totMolFlo[3](each min = 0, each start = 100), compMolFrac[3, NOC](each min = 0 , each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), compMolSpHeat[3, NOC], compMolEnth[3, NOC], compMolEntr[3, NOC], phasMolSpHeat[3], phasMolEnth[3], phasMolEntr[3], liqPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5), vapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn feed(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn vapor(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {102, 72}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {102, 72}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn liquid(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, -72}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -72}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //Connector equation if overSepTemp then Tdef = T; else feed.T = T; end if; if overSepPress then Pdef = P; else feed.P = P; end if; feed.mixMolFlo = totMolFlo[1]; feed.mixMolFrac[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :]; liquid.T = T; // liquid.mixMolEnth = phasMolEnth[2]; liquid.P = P; liquid.mixMolFlo = totMolFlo[2]; liquid.mixMolFrac[1, :] = compMolFrac[2, :]; vapor.T = T; // vapor.mixMolEnth= phasMolEnth[3]; vapor.P = P; vapor.mixMolFlo = totMolFlo[3]; vapor.mixMolFrac[1, :] = compMolFrac[3, :]; //Mole Balance totMolFlo[1] = totMolFlo[2] + totMolFlo[3]; compMolFrac[1, :] .* totMolFlo[1] = compMolFrac[2, :] .* totMolFlo[2] + compMolFrac[3, :] .* totMolFlo[3]; //Bubble point calculation Pbubl = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Dew point calculation Pdew = 1 / sum(compMolFrac[1, :] ./ (gammaDew[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])) .* vapfugcoeff_dew[:]); if P >= Pbubl then compMolFrac[3, :] = zeros(NOC); sum(compMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; elseif P >= Pdew then //VLE region for i in 1:NOC loop compMolFrac[3, i] = K[i] * compMolFrac[2, i]; end for; // sum(compMolFrac[3, :]) = 1; sum(compMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; //sum x = 1 else //above dew point region compMolFrac[2, :] = zeros(NOC); sum(compMolFrac[3, :]) = 1; end if; //Energy Balance for i in 1:NOC loop //Specific Heat and Enthalpy calculation compMolSpHeat[2, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.LiqCpId(comp[i].LiqCp, T); compMolSpHeat[3, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.VapCpId(comp[i].VapCp, T); compMolEnth[2, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HLiqId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); compMolEnth[3, i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HVapId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); (compMolEntr[2, i], compMolEntr[3, i]) = Thermodynamic_Functions.SId(comp[i].AS, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tb, comp[i].Tc, T, P, compMolFrac[2, i], compMolFrac[3, i]); end for; for i in 2:3 loop phasMolSpHeat[i] = sum(compMolFrac[i, :] .* compMolSpHeat[i, :]) + resMolSpHeat[i]; phasMolEnth[i] = sum(compMolFrac[i, :] .* compMolEnth[i, :]) + resMolEnth[i]; phasMolEntr[i] = sum(compMolFrac[i, :] .* compMolEntr[i, :]) + resMolEntr[i]; end for; phasMolSpHeat[1] = liqPhasMolFrac * phasMolSpHeat[2] + vapPhasMolFrac * phasMolSpHeat[3]; compMolSpHeat[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] .* phasMolSpHeat[1]; phasMolEnth[1] = liqPhasMolFrac * phasMolEnth[2] + vapPhasMolFrac * phasMolEnth[3]; compMolEnth[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] .* phasMolEnth[1]; phasMolEntr[1] = liqPhasMolFrac * phasMolEntr[2] + vapPhasMolFrac * phasMolEntr[3]; compMolEntr[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] * phasMolEntr[1]; //phase molar fractions liqPhasMolFrac = totMolFlo[2] / totMolFlo[1]; vapPhasMolFrac = totMolFlo[3] / totMolFlo[1]; end Flash; model Splitter parameter Integer NOC = 2 "number of Components", NO = 2 "number of outputs"; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; Real inP(min = 0, start = 101325) "inlet pressure", inT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Inlet Temperature", outP[NO](each min = 0, each start = 101325) "Outlet Pressure", outT[NO](each min = 0, each start = 273.15) "Outlet Temperature", inMixMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "inlet Mixture Mole Fraction", outMixMolFrac[NO, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "Outlet Mixture Molar Fraction", splRat[NO](each min = 0, each max = 1) "Split ratio", MW(each min = 0) "Stream molecular weight", inMixMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "inlet Mixture Molar Flow", outMixMolFlo[NO](each min = 0, each start = 100) "Outlet Mixture Molar Flow", outMixMasFlo[NO](each min = 0, each start = 100) "Outlet Mixture Mass Flow", specVal[NO] "Specification value"; parameter String calcType "Split_Ratio, Mass_Flow or Molar_Flow"; // Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn outlet[NO](each connNOC = NOC); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn outlet[NO](each connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {102, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //Connector equations inlet.P = inP; inlet.T = inT; inlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = inMixMolFrac[:]; inlet.mixMolFlo = inMixMolFlo; for i in 1:NO loop outlet[i].P = outP[i]; outlet[i].T = outT[i]; outlet[i].mixMolFrac[1, :] = outMixMolFrac[i, :]; outlet[i].mixMolFlo = outMixMolFlo[i]; end for; //specification value assigning equation if calcType == "Split_Ratio" then splRat[:] = specVal[:]; elseif calcType == "Molar_Flow" then outMixMolFlo[:] = specVal[:]; elseif calcType == "Mass_Flow" then outMixMasFlo[:] = specVal[:]; end if; //balance equation for i in 1:NO loop inP = outP[i]; inT = outT[i]; inMixMolFrac[:] = outMixMolFrac[i, :]; splRat[i] = outMixMolFlo[i] / inMixMolFlo; MW * outMixMolFlo[i] = outMixMasFlo[i]; end for; algorithm MW := 0; for i in 1:NOC loop MW := MW + comp[i].MW * inMixMolFrac[i]; end for; end Splitter; model Centrifugal_Pump parameter Integer NOC = 2 "Number of Components"; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] "Component array"; Real inP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Inlet Pressure", outP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Outlet Pressure", inT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Inlet Temperature", outT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Outlet Temperature", tempInc "Temperature increase", pressInc "Pressure Increase", inMixMolEnth "Inlet Mixture Molar Enthalpy", outMixMolEnth "Outlet Mixture Molar Enthalpy", reqPow "Power required", compDens[NOC](each min = 0) "Component density", dens(min = 0) "Density", vapPress(min = 0, start = 101325) "Vapor pressure of Mixture at outlet Temperature", NPSH "NPSH", inMixMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "inlet Mixture Molar Flow", outMixMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "Outlet Mixture Molar flow", inMixMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "Inlet Mixuture Molar Fraction", outMixMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "Outlet Mixture Molar Fraction"; parameter Real eff "efficiency"; Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {102, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {102, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.enConn energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {2, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {2, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //Connector equation inlet.P = inP; inlet.T = inT; inlet.mixMolFlo = inMixMolFlo; inlet.mixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth; inlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = inMixMolFrac[:]; outlet.P = outP; outlet.T = outT; outlet.mixMolFlo = outMixMolFlo; outlet.mixMolEnth = outMixMolEnth; outlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = outMixMolFrac[:]; energy.enFlo = reqPow; //Pump equations //balance inMixMolFlo = outMixMolFlo; inMixMolFrac = outMixMolFrac; inP + pressInc = outP; inT + tempInc = outT; //density for i in 1:NOC loop compDens[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Dens(comp[i].LiqDen, comp[i].Tc, inT, inP); end for; dens = 1 / sum(inMixMolFrac ./ compDens); //energy balance outMixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth + pressInc / dens; reqPow = inMixMolFlo * (outMixMolEnth - inMixMolEnth) / eff; //NPSH NPSH = (inP - vapPress) / dens; //vap pressure of mixture at outT vapPress = sum(inMixMolFrac .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / outT + comp[:].VP[4] * log(outT) + comp[:].VP[5] .* outT .^ comp[:].VP[6])); end Centrifugal_Pump; model Adiabatic_Compressor // This is generic Adibatic Compressor model. For using this model we need to extend this model and respective thermodynamic model and use the new model in flowsheets. Refer adia_comp models in Test section for this. extends Simulator.Files.Models.Flash; //==================================================================================== Real inMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "inlet mixture molar flow rate", outMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "outlet mixture molar flow rate", reqPow "required Power", inP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Inlet pressure", outP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Outlet pressure", pressInc "Pressure Increase", inT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Inlet Temperature", outT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Outlet Temperature", tempInc "Temperature increase"; Real inMixMolEnth "inlet mixture molar enthalpy", outMixMolEnth "outlet mixture molar enthalpy", inMixMolEntr "inlet mixture molar entropy", outMixMolEntr "outlet mixture molar entropy"; Real inVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Inlet vapor mol fraction", outVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Outlet Vapor Mole fraction", mixMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "mixture mole fraction"; parameter Real eff "Efficiency"; parameter Integer NOC "number of components"; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; //======================================================================================== Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.matConn outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.enConn energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {0, -98}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //======================================================================================== equation //connector equations inlet.P = inP; inlet.T = inT; inlet.mixMolFlo = inMolFlo; inlet.mixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth; inlet.mixMolEntr = inMixMolEntr; inlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[:]; inlet.vapPhasMolFrac = inVapPhasMolFrac; outlet.P = outP; outlet.T = outT; outlet.mixMolFlo = outMolFlo; outlet.mixMolEnth = outMixMolEnth; outlet.mixMolEntr = outMixMolEntr; outlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[:]; outlet.vapPhasMolFrac = outVapPhasMolFrac; energy.enFlo = reqPow; //============================================================================================= inMolFlo = outMolFlo; //material balance outMixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth + (phasMolEnth[1] - inMixMolEnth) / eff; reqPow = inMolFlo * (phasMolEnth[1] - inMixMolEnth) / eff; //energy balance inP + pressInc = outP; //pressure calculation inT + tempInc = outT; //temperature calculation //========================================================================= //ideal flash inMolFlo = totMolFlo[1]; outP = P; inMixMolEntr = phasMolEntr[1]; mixMolFrac[:] = compMolFrac[1, :]; end Adiabatic_Compressor; model Adiabatic_Expander // This is generic Adibatic Expander model. For using this model we need to extend this model and respective thermodynamic model and use the new model in flowsheets. Refer adia_comp models in Test section for this. extends Simulator.Files.Models.Flash; //==================================================================================== Real inMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "inlet mixture molar flow rate", outMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100) "outlet mixture molar flow rate", genPow "generated Power", inP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Inlet pressure", outP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Outlet pressure", pressDrop "Pressure Drop", inT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Inlet Temperature", outT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Outlet Temperature", tempDrop "Temperature increase"; Real inMixMolEnth "inlet mixture molar enthalpy", outMixMolEnth "outlet mixture molar enthalpy", inMixMolEntr "inlet mixture molar entropy", outMixMolEntr "outlet mixture molar entropy"; Real inVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Inlet vapor mol fraction", outVapPhasMolFrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5) "Outlet Vapor Mole fraction", mixMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "mixture mole fraction"; parameter Real eff "Efficiency"; parameter Integer NOC "number of components"; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; //======================================================================================== Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.matConn outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Files.Connection.enConn energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {0, -98}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //======================================================================================== equation //connector equations inlet.P = inP; inlet.T = inT; inlet.mixMolFlo = inMolFlo; inlet.mixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth; inlet.mixMolEntr = inMixMolEntr; inlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[:]; inlet.vapPhasMolFrac = inVapPhasMolFrac; outlet.P = outP; outlet.T = outT; outlet.mixMolFlo = outMolFlo; outlet.mixMolEnth = outMixMolEnth; outlet.mixMolEntr = outMixMolEntr; outlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = mixMolFrac[:]; outlet.vapPhasMolFrac = outVapPhasMolFrac; energy.enFlo = genPow; //============================================================================================= inMolFlo = outMolFlo; //material balance outMixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth + (phasMolEnth[1] - inMixMolEnth) * eff; genPow = inMolFlo * (phasMolEnth[1] - inMixMolEnth) * eff; //energy balance inP - pressDrop = outP; //pressure calculation inT - tempDrop = outT; //temperature calculation //========================================================================= //ideal flash inMolFlo = totMolFlo[1]; outP = P; inMixMolEntr = phasMolEntr[1]; mixMolFrac[:] = compMolFrac[1, :]; end Adiabatic_Expander; model Conversion_Reactor //This is generic conversion reactor model. we need to extend reaction manager model with this model for using this model. parameter Real X[Nr] = fill(0.4, Nr) "Conversion of base component"; parameter Integer NOC "Number of components"; parameter Real pressDrop = 0 "pressure drop"; parameter Real Tdef = 300 "Defined outlet temperature, only applicable if define outlet temperature mode is chosen"; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; parameter String calcMode = "Isothermal" "Isothermal, Define_Outlet_Temperature, Adiabatic; choose the required operation"; Real inMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100)"Inlet Molar Flowrate"; Real outMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100)"Outlet Molar Flowrate"; Real inCompMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "Inlet component Mole Fraction"; Real outCompMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "Outlet component Mole Fraction"; Real inMixMolEnth "Inlet Molar Enthalpy"; Real outMixMolEnth "Outlet Molar Enthalpy"; Real inP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Inlet pressure"; Real outP(min = 0, start = 101325) "Outlet pressure"; Real inT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Inlet Temperature"; Real outT(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Outlet Temperature"; Real N[NOC, Nr]"Number of moles of components after reactions"; Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, -98}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {0, -98}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation inlet.P = inP; inlet.T = inT; inlet.mixMolFlo = inMolFlo; inlet.mixMolEnth = inMixMolEnth; inlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = inCompMolFrac[:]; outlet.P = outP; outlet.T = outT; outlet.mixMolFlo = outMolFlo; outlet.mixMolEnth = outMixMolEnth; outlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = outCompMolFrac[:]; //Reactor equations for i in 1:NOC loop N[i, 1] = inMolFlo * inCompMolFrac[i] - Sc[i, 1] / Sc[Bc[1], 1] * inMolFlo * inCompMolFrac[Bc[1]] * X[1]; end for; if Nr > 1 then for j in 2:Nr loop for i in 1:NOC loop N[i, j] = N[i, j - 1] - Sc[i, j] / Sc[Bc[j], j] * inMolFlo * inCompMolFrac[Bc[j]] * X[j]; end for; end for; end if; outMolFlo = sum(N[:, Nr]); for i in 1:NOC loop outCompMolFrac[i] = N[i, Nr] / outMolFlo; end for; inP - pressDrop = outP; if calcMode == "Isothermal" then inT = outT; energy.enFlo = outMixMolEnth * outMolFlo - inMixMolEnth * inMolFlo; elseif calcMode == "Adiabatic" then outMixMolEnth * outMolFlo = inMixMolEnth * inMolFlo; energy.enFlo = 0; elseif calcMode == "Define_Outlet_Temperature" then outT = Tdef; energy.enFlo = outMixMolEnth * outMolFlo - inMixMolEnth * inMolFlo; end if; end Conversion_Reactor; package PF_Reactor model PFR //Plug Flow Reactor //Instantiation of Simulator-Package import Simulator.Files.*; import Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.*; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; parameter Integer NOC "number of compounds "; parameter Integer Nr "Number of reactions"; //Input Variables-Connector Real T(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Inlet Temperature"; Real P(min = 0, start = 101325) "Inlet pressure"; //Component Molar Flow rates of respective phases Real compMolFlow[3, NOC](each min = 0, each start = 100); //Total molar flow rates of respective phases Real totMolFlow[3](each min = 0, each start = 100) "Total inlet molar flow rate"; //Mole Fraction of components in respective phases Real compMolFrac[3, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)) "Mole Fraction of components in inlet stream"; Real Enth, Entr, Vapfrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5); //Output Variables-Connectors Real Tout(min = 0, start = 273.15) "Temperature for which calculations are made"; Real Pout(min = 0, start = 101325) "outlet pressure in Pa"; //Total molar flow rates of respective phases in the outlet streams Real outTotMolFlow[3](each min = 0, each start = 50) "Total Outlet Molar Flow Rate"; Real outCompMolFlow[3, NOC](each min = 0, each start = 50) "Component outlet molar flow rate"; Real outCompMolFrac[3, NOC](each min = 0, each start = 0.5) "Mole Fraction of components in outlet stream"; Real outEnth, outEntr, outVapfrac(min = 0, max = 1, start = 0.5); //Phase-Equilibria Real Pdew(unit = "Pa", start = max(comp[:].Pc), min = 0); Real Pbubl(min = 0, unit = "Pa", start = min(comp[:].Pc)); Real Beta(start = 0.5); //Phase-Equilibria-Outlet Stream Real Poutdew(unit = "Pa", start = max(comp[:].Pc), min = 0); Real Poutbubl(min = 0, unit = "Pa", start = min(comp[:].Pc)); Real Betaout(start = 0.5); //Average Molecular weights-Outlets Real Moutavg[3](each start = 30); //Material Balance-Variables parameter Real delta_P "Pressure Drop"; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; //Mass Flow Rates and Compositions Real totMasFlow[3](each start = 50) "Mass Flow Rate of phases"; Real compMasFrac[3, NOC] "Mass Fraction of components in all phases"; //Average Molecular weights Real Mavg[3](each start = 30); //Phase Volumetric Flow Rates Real totVolFlow[3](each start = 30); //Transport Properities Real LiqDens[NOC]; Real Liquid_Phase_Density; Real VapDensity[NOC](unit = "kg/m^3"); Real Vapour_Phase_Density; Real Density_Mixture; parameter Real Zv = 1; //Inlet Concentration Real Co[NOC]; //Molar Flow rate inlet to reactor depending on reaction phase Real Fo[NOC](each min = 0, each start = 100); Real F[NOC](each min = 0, each start = 100); //Reaction-Manager-Data //Reaction-Phase parameter Integer Phase; Integer n "Order of the Reaction"; Real k1[Nr] "Rate constant"; parameter Integer Mode; parameter Real Tdef; Real Reaction_Heat "Heat of Reaction"; //Material Balance Real No[NOC, Nr] "Number of moles-initial state"; Real X[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 0.5) "Conversion of the reaction components"; Real Volume(min = 0, start = 1) "Volume of the reactor"; //Base-comp indicates the position of the base component in the comp-array parameter Integer Base_comp = 1; extends Simulator.Files.Models.ReactionManager.Reaction_Manager(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, Nr = 1,Bc = {1},Comp = 3, Sc = {{-1}, {-1}, {1}}, DO = {{1}, {0}, {0}}, RO = {{0}, {0}, {0}}, A1 = {0.005}, E1 = {0}, A2 = {0}, E2 = {0}); //=========================================================================================================== //Energy-Stream-Connector Real energy_flo "The total energy given out/taken in due to the reactions"; Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-80, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-80, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {74, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {88, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn en_Conn annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, -78}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-12, -46}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //============================================================================================================ equation //Connector-Equations inlet.P = P; inlet.T = T; inlet.mixMolFlo = totMolFlow[1]; inlet.mixMolEnth = Enth; inlet.mixMolEntr = Entr; inlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :]; inlet.vapPhasMolFrac = Vapfrac; outlet.P = Pout; outlet.T = Tout; outlet.mixMolFlo = outTotMolFlow[1]; outlet.mixMolEnth = outEnth; outlet.mixMolEntr = outEntr; outlet.mixMolFrac[1, :] = outCompMolFrac[1, :]; outlet.vapPhasMolFrac = outVapfrac; en_Conn.enFlo = energy_flo; //Phase Equilibria //========================================================================================================== //Bubble point calculation Pbubl = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Dew point calculation Pdew = 1 / sum(compMolFrac[1, :] ./ (gammaDew[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])) .* vapfugcoeff_dew[:]); if P >= Pbubl then //below bubble point region compMolFrac[3, :] = zeros(NOC); sum(compMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; elseif P <= Pdew then //above dew point region compMolFrac[2, :] = zeros(NOC); sum(compMolFrac[3, :]) = 1; else //VLE region for i in 1:NOC loop compMolFrac[3, i] = K[i] * compMolFrac[2, i]; end for; sum(compMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; //sum y = 1 end if; //Rachford Rice Equation for i in 1:NOC loop compMolFrac[1, i] = compMolFrac[3, i] * Beta + compMolFrac[2, i] * (1 - Beta); end for; //=========================================================================================================== //Calculation of Mass Fraction //Average Molecular Weights of respective phases if Beta <= 0 then Mavg[1] = sum(compMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW); Mavg[2] = sum(compMolFrac[2, :] .* comp[:].MW); Mavg[3] = 0; totMasFlow[1] = totMolFlow[1] * 1E-3 * Mavg[1]; totMasFlow[2] = totMolFlow[2] * 1E-3 * Mavg[2]; totMasFlow[3] = 0; compMasFrac[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW / Mavg[1]; compMasFrac[2, :] = compMolFrac[2, :] .* comp[:].MW / Mavg[2]; for i in 1:NOC loop compMasFrac[3, i] = 0; end for; //Liquid_Phase_Density LiqDens = Thermodynamic_Functions.Density_Racket(NOC, T, P, comp[:].Pc, comp[:].Tc, comp[:].Racketparam, comp[:].AF, comp[:].MW, Psat[:]); Liquid_Phase_Density = 1 / sum(compMasFrac[2, :] ./ LiqDens[:]) / Mavg[2]; //Vapour Phase Density for i in 1:NOC loop VapDensity[i] = 0; end for; Vapour_Phase_Density = 0; //Density of Inlet-Mixture Density_Mixture = 1 / ((1 - Beta) / Liquid_Phase_Density) * sum(compMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW); //==================================================================================================== elseif Beta == 1 then Mavg[1] = sum(compMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW); Mavg[2] = 0; Mavg[3] = sum(compMolFrac[3, :] .* comp[:].MW); totMasFlow[1] = totMolFlow[1] * 1E-3 * Mavg[1]; totMasFlow[2] = 0; totMasFlow[3] = totMolFlow[3] * 1E-3 * Mavg[3]; compMasFrac[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW / Mavg[1]; for i in 1:NOC loop compMasFrac[2, i] = 0; end for; compMasFrac[3, :] = compMolFrac[3, :] .* comp[:].MW / Mavg[3]; //Calculation of Phase Densities //Liquid Phase Density-Inlet Conditions for i in 1:NOC loop LiqDens[i] = 0; end for; Liquid_Phase_Density = 0; //Vapour Phase Density for i in 1:NOC loop VapDensity[i] = P / (Zv * 8.314 * T) * comp[i].MW * 1E-3; end for; Vapour_Phase_Density = 1 / sum(compMasFrac[3, :] ./ VapDensity[:]) / Mavg[3]; //Density of Inlet-Mixture Density_Mixture = 1 / (Beta / Vapour_Phase_Density) * sum(compMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW); else Mavg[1] = sum(compMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW); Mavg[2] = sum(compMolFrac[2, :] .* comp[:].MW); Mavg[3] = sum(compMolFrac[3, :] .* comp[:].MW); totMasFlow[1] = totMolFlow[1] * 1E-3 * Mavg[1]; totMasFlow[2] = totMolFlow[2] * 1E-3 * Mavg[2]; totMasFlow[3] = totMolFlow[3] * 1E-3 * Mavg[3]; compMasFrac[1, :] = compMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW / Mavg[1]; compMasFrac[2, :] = compMolFrac[2, :] .* comp[:].MW / Mavg[2]; compMasFrac[3, :] = compMolFrac[3, :] .* comp[:].MW / Mavg[3]; //Calculation of Phase Densities //Liquid Phase Density-Inlet Conditions LiqDens = Thermodynamic_Functions.Density_Racket(NOC, T, P, comp[:].Pc, comp[:].Tc, comp[:].Racketparam, comp[:].AF, comp[:].MW, Psat[:]); Liquid_Phase_Density = 1 / sum(compMasFrac[2, :] ./ LiqDens[:]) / Mavg[2]; //Vapour Phase Density for i in 1:NOC loop VapDensity[i] = P / (Zv * 8.314 * T) * comp[i].MW * 1E-3; end for; Vapour_Phase_Density = 1 / sum(compMasFrac[3, :] ./ VapDensity[:]) / Mavg[3]; //Density of Inlet-Mixture Density_Mixture = 1 / (Beta / Vapour_Phase_Density + (1 - Beta) / Liquid_Phase_Density) * sum(compMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW); end if; //===================================================================================================== //Phase Flow Rates //Phase Molar Flow Rates totMolFlow[3] = totMolFlow[1] * Beta; totMolFlow[2] = totMolFlow[1] * (1 - Beta); //Component Molar Flow Rates in Phases compMolFlow[1, :] = totMolFlow[1] .* compMolFrac[1, :]; compMolFlow[2, :] = totMolFlow[2] .* compMolFrac[2, :]; compMolFlow[3, :] = totMolFlow[3] .* compMolFrac[3, :]; //====================================================================================================== //Phase Volumetric flow rates if Phase == 1 then totVolFlow[1] = totMasFlow[1] / Density_Mixture; totVolFlow[2] = totMasFlow[2] / (Liquid_Phase_Density * Mavg[2]); totVolFlow[3] = totMasFlow[3] / (Vapour_Phase_Density * Mavg[3]); elseif Phase == 2 then totVolFlow[1] = totMasFlow[1] / Density_Mixture; totVolFlow[2] = totMasFlow[2] / (Liquid_Phase_Density * Mavg[2]); totVolFlow[3] = 0; else totVolFlow[1] = totMasFlow[1] / Density_Mixture; totVolFlow[2] = 0; totVolFlow[3] = totMasFlow[3] / (Vapour_Phase_Density * Mavg[3]); end if; //Mixture Phase //============================================================================================================= //Inlet Concentration if Phase == 1 then Co[:] = compMolFlow[1, :] / totVolFlow[1]; for i in 1:NOC loop if i == Base_comp then Fo[i] = compMolFlow[1, i]; F[i] = No[i, 1] * Fo[i] + Sc[i, 1] / Bc[1] * X[Base_comp] * Fo[Base_comp]; else Fo[i] = compMolFlow[1, i]; F[i] = No[i, 1] * Fo[i] + Sc[i, 1] / Bc[1] * X[Base_comp] * compMolFlow[1, Base_comp]; end if; end for; //Conversion of Reactants for j in 2:NOC loop if Sc[j, 1] < 0 then X[j] = (compMolFlow[Phase, j] - F[j]) / compMolFlow[Phase, j]; else X[j] = 0; end if; end for; //========================================================================================= //Liquid-Phase elseif Phase == 2 then Co[:] = compMolFlow[2, :] / totVolFlow[2]; for i in 1:NOC loop if i == Base_comp then Fo[i] = compMolFlow[2, i]; F[i] = Fo[i] + Sc[i, 1] / Bc[1] * X[Base_comp] * Fo[Base_comp]; else Fo[i] = compMolFlow[1, i]; F[i] = Fo[i] + Sc[i, 1] / Bc[1] * X[Base_comp] * Fo[Base_comp]; end if; end for; //Conversion of Reactants for j in 2:NOC loop if Sc[j, 1] < 0 then X[j] = (compMolFlow[Phase, j] - outCompMolFlow[Phase, j]) / compMolFlow[Phase, j]; else X[j] = 0; end if; end for; else //Vapour Phase //====================================================================================================== Co[:] = compMolFlow[3, :] / totVolFlow[3]; for i in 1:NOC loop if i == Base_comp then Fo[i] = compMolFlow[3, i]; F[i] = Fo[i] + Sc[i, 1] / Bc[1] * X[Base_comp] * Fo[Base_comp]; else Fo[i] = compMolFlow[1, i]; F[i] = Fo[i] + Sc[i, 1] / Bc[1] * X[Base_comp] * Fo[Base_comp]; end if; end for; //Conversion of Reactants for j in 2:NOC loop if Sc[j, 1] < 0 then X[j] = (compMolFlow[Phase, j] - outCompMolFlow[Phase, j]) / compMolFlow[Phase, j]; else X[j] = 0; end if; end for; end if; //================================================================================================ //Reaction Manager n = sum(DO[:]); //Calculation of Rate Constants k1[:] = Simulator.Files.Models.ReactionManager.Arhenious(Nr, A1[:], E1[:], T); //Material Balance //Initial Number of Moles for i in 1:Nr loop for j in 1:NOC loop if Sc[j, i] > 0 then Sc[j, i] = No[j, i]; else Sc[j, i] = -No[j, i]; end if; end for; end for; //Calculation of volume with respect to conversion of limiting reeactant Volume = Performance_PFR(n, Co[Base_comp], Fo[Base_comp], k1[1], X[Base_comp]); //============================================================================================================ //Calculation of Heat of Reaction at the reaction temperature //Outlet temperature and energy stream //Isothermal Mode if Mode == 1 then Reaction_Heat = HOR[1] * 1E-3 * Fo[Base_comp] * X[Base_comp]; Tout = T; energy_flo = Reaction_Heat - Enth / Mavg[1] * totMasFlow[1] + outEnth / Mavg[1] * totMasFlow[1]; //Outlet temperature defined elseif Mode == 2 then Reaction_Heat = HOR[1] * 1E-3 * Fo[Base_comp] * X[Base_comp]; Tout = Tdef; energy_flo = Reaction_Heat - Enth / Mavg[1] * totMasFlow[1] + outEnth / Mavg[1] * totMasFlow[1]; //Adiabatic Mode else Reaction_Heat = HOR[1] * 1E-3 * Fo[Base_comp] * X[Base_comp]; energy_flo = 0; outEnth/Moutavg[1] = ((Enth/Mavg[1]) - Reaction_Heat); end if; //=========================================================================================================== //Calculation of Outlet Pressure Pout = P - delta_P; //Calculation of Mole Fraction of outlet stream outCompMolFrac[1, :] = F[:] / outTotMolFlow[1]; sum(F[:]) = outTotMolFlow[1]; //=========================================================================================================== //Phase Equilibria for Outlet Stream //Bubble point calculation Poutbubl = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* outCompMolFrac[1, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / Tout + comp[:].VP[4] * log(Tout) + comp[:].VP[5] .* Tout .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Dew point calculation Poutdew = 1 / sum(outCompMolFrac[1, :] ./ (gammaDew[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / Tout + comp[:].VP[4] * log(Tout) + comp[:].VP[5] .* Tout .^ comp[:].VP[6])) .* vapfugcoeff_dew[:]); if Pout >= Poutbubl then //below bubble point region outCompMolFrac[3, :] = zeros(NOC); sum(outCompMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; elseif Pout <= Poutdew then //above dew point region outCompMolFrac[2, :] = zeros(NOC); sum(outCompMolFrac[3, :]) = 1; else //VLE region for i in 1:NOC loop outCompMolFrac[3, i] = K[i] * outCompMolFrac[2, i]; end for; sum(outCompMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; //sum y = 1 end if; //Rachford Rice Equation for i in 1:NOC loop outCompMolFrac[1, i] = outCompMolFrac[3, i] * Betaout + outCompMolFrac[2, i] * (1 - Betaout); end for; outTotMolFlow[3] = outTotMolFlow[1] * Betaout; outTotMolFlow[2] = outTotMolFlow[1] * (1 - Betaout); //=========================================================================================================== //Calculation of Mass Fraction //Average Molecular Weights of respective phases if Betaout <= 0 then Moutavg[1] = sum(outCompMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW); Moutavg[2] = sum(outCompMolFrac[2, :] .* comp[:].MW); Moutavg[3] = 0; //==================================================================================================== elseif Betaout == 1 then Moutavg[1] = sum(outCompMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW); Moutavg[2] = 0; Moutavg[3] = sum(outCompMolFrac[3, :] .* comp[:].MW); else Moutavg[1] = sum(outCompMolFrac[1, :] .* comp[:].MW); Moutavg[2] = sum(outCompMolFrac[2, :] .* comp[:].MW); Moutavg[3] = sum(outCompMolFrac[3, :] .* comp[:].MW); end if; //===================================================================================================== //Component Molar Flow Rates in Phases outCompMolFlow[1, :] = outTotMolFlow[1] .* outCompMolFrac[1, :]; outCompMolFlow[2, :] = outTotMolFlow[2] .* outCompMolFrac[2, :]; outCompMolFlow[3, :] = outTotMolFlow[3] .* outCompMolFrac[3, :]; //================================================================================================== annotation(Icon(coordinateSystem(initialScale = 0.1), graphics = {Bitmap(origin = {3, -6}, extent = {{-75, 28}, {75, -28}}, imageSource = "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end PFR; //=========================================================================================================== function Integral extends Modelica.Math.Nonlinear.Interfaces.partialScalarFunction; input Integer n; input Real Cao; input Real Fao; input Real k; algorithm y := Fao / (k * Cao ^ n) * (1 / (1 - u) ^ n); end Integral; //========================================================================================================= function Performance_PFR input Integer n; input Real C; input Real F; input Real k; input Real X; output Real V; algorithm V := Modelica.Math.Nonlinear.quadratureLobatto(function Integral(n = n, Cao = C, Fao = F, k = k), 0, X); end Performance_PFR; end PF_Reactor; package Distillation_Column model Cond import Simulator.Files.*; parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter Boolean boolFeed = false; parameter Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; Real P(min = 0, start = 101325), T(min = 0, start = 273.15); Real feedMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), sideDrawMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), inVapMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), outLiqMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), feedMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), sideDrawMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), inVapCompMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), outLiqCompMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), feedMolEnth, inVapMolEnth, outLiqMolEnth, heatLoad, sideDrawMolEnth, outLiqCompMolEnth[NOC]; Real compMolFrac[3, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), Pdew(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC), Pbubl(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC); //String sideDrawType(start = "Null"); //L or V parameter String condType "Partial or Total"; replaceable Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn feed(connNOC = NOC) if boolFeed annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn dummy_feed(connNOC = NOC, P = 0, T = 0, mixMolFrac = zeros(3, NOC), mixMolFlo = 0, mixMolEnth = 0, mixMolEntr = 0, vapPhasMolFrac = 0) if not boolFeed annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn side_draw(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn liquid_outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn vapor_inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn heat_load annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //connector equation if boolFeed then feed.mixMolFrac[1, :] = feedMolFrac[:]; feed.mixMolEnth = feedMolEnth; feed.mixMolFlo = feedMolFlo; else dummy_feed.mixMolFrac[1, :] = feedMolFrac[:]; dummy_feed.mixMolEnth = feedMolEnth; dummy_feed.mixMolFlo = feedMolFlo; end if; side_draw.P = P; side_draw.T = T; side_draw.mixMolFrac[1, :] = sideDrawMolFrac[:]; side_draw.mixMolFlo = sideDrawMolFlo; side_draw.mixMolEnth = sideDrawMolEnth; liquid_outlet.mixMolFlo = outLiqMolFlo; liquid_outlet.mixMolEnth = outLiqMolEnth; liquid_outlet.mixMolFrac[:] = outLiqCompMolFrac[:]; vapor_inlet.mixMolFlo = inVapMolFlo; vapor_inlet.mixMolEnth = inVapMolEnth; vapor_inlet.mixMolFrac[:] = inVapCompMolFrac[:]; heat_load.enFlo = heatLoad; //Adjustment for thermodynamic packages compMolFrac[1, :] = (sideDrawMolFlo .* sideDrawMolFrac[:] + outLiqMolFlo .* outLiqCompMolFrac[:])./(sideDrawMolFlo + outLiqMolFlo); compMolFrac[2, :] = outLiqCompMolFrac[:]; compMolFrac[3, :] = K[:] .* compMolFrac[2, :]; //Bubble point calculation Pbubl = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Dew point calculation Pdew = 1 / sum(compMolFrac[1, :] ./ (gammaDew[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])) .* vapfugcoeff_dew[:]); //molar balance //feedMolFlo + inVapMolFlo = sideDrawMolFlo + outLiqMolFlo; feedMolFlo .* feedMolFrac[:] + inVapMolFlo .* inVapCompMolFrac[:] = sideDrawMolFlo .* sideDrawMolFrac[:] + outLiqMolFlo .* outLiqCompMolFrac[:]; //equillibrium if condType == "Partial" then sideDrawMolFrac[:] = K[:] .* outLiqCompMolFrac[:]; elseif condType == "Total" then sideDrawMolFrac[:] = outLiqCompMolFrac[:]; end if; //summation equation // sum(outLiqCompMolFrac[:]) = 1; sum(sideDrawMolFrac[:]) = 1; // Enthalpy balance feedMolFlo * feedMolEnth + inVapMolFlo * inVapMolEnth = sideDrawMolFlo * sideDrawMolEnth + outLiqMolFlo * outLiqMolEnth + heatLoad; //Temperature calculation if condType == "Total" then P = sum(sideDrawMolFrac[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])); elseif condType == "Partial" then 1 / P = sum(sideDrawMolFrac[:] ./ exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])); end if; // outlet liquid molar enthalpy calculation for i in 1:NOC loop outLiqCompMolEnth[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.HLiqId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); end for; outLiqMolEnth = sum(outLiqCompMolFrac[:] .* outLiqCompMolEnth[:]) + resMolEnth[2]; annotation( Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -40}, {100, 40}})), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -40}, {100, 40}})), __OpenModelica_commandLineOptions = ""); end Cond; model DistTray import Simulator.Files.*; parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter Boolean boolFeed = true; parameter Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; Real P(min = 0, start = 101325), T(min = 0, start = (min(comp[:].Tb) + max(comp[:].Tb)) / 2); Real feedMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), sideDrawMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), vapMolFlo[2](each min = 0, each start = 100), liqMolFlo[2](each min = 0, each start = 100), feedMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), sideDrawMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), vapCompMolFrac[2, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), liqCompMolFrac[2, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), feedMolEnth, vapMolEnth[2], liqMolEnth[2], heatLoad, sideDrawMolEnth, outVapCompMolEnth[NOC], outLiqCompMolEnth[NOC]; Real compMolFrac[3, NOC](each min =0, each max = 0, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), Pdew(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC), Pbubl(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC); Real dummyP1, dummyT1, dummyMixMolFrac1[3,NOC], dummyMixMolFlo1,dummyMixMolEnth1, dummyMixMolEntr1, dummyVapPhasMolFrac1;//this is adjustment done since OpenModelica 1.11 is not handling array modification properly String sideDrawType(start = "Null"); //L or V replaceable Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn feed(connNOC = NOC) if boolFeed annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); replaceable Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn dummy_feed(connNOC = NOC, P = 0, T = 0, mixMolFlo = 0, mixMolFrac = zeros(3, NOC), mixMolEnth = 0, mixMolEntr = 0, vapPhasMolFrac = 0) if not boolFeed annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn side_draw(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn liquid_inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn liquid_outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn vapor_outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn vapor_inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn heat_load annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //connector equation if boolFeed then feed.P = dummyP1;//this is adjustment done since OpenModelica 1.11 is not handling array modification properly feed.T = dummyT1; feed.mixMolFrac = dummyMixMolFrac1; feed.mixMolFlo = dummyMixMolFlo1; feed.mixMolEnth = dummyMixMolEnth1; feed.mixMolEntr = dummyMixMolEntr1; feed.vapPhasMolFrac = dummyVapPhasMolFrac1; else dummy_feed.P = dummyP1; dummy_feed.T = dummyT1; dummy_feed.mixMolFrac = dummyMixMolFrac1; dummy_feed.mixMolFlo = dummyMixMolFlo1; dummy_feed.mixMolEnth = dummyMixMolEnth1; dummy_feed.mixMolEntr = dummyMixMolEntr1; dummy_feed.vapPhasMolFrac = dummyVapPhasMolFrac1; end if; //this is adjustment done since OpenModelica 1.11 is not handling array modification properly dummyMixMolFrac1[1,:] = feedMolFrac[:]; dummyMixMolEnth1 = feedMolEnth; dummyMixMolFlo1 = feedMolFlo; side_draw.P = P; side_draw.T = T; side_draw.mixMolFlo = sideDrawMolFlo; side_draw.mixMolEnth = sideDrawMolEnth; liquid_inlet.mixMolFlo = liqMolFlo[1]; liquid_inlet.mixMolEnth = liqMolEnth[1]; liquid_inlet.mixMolFrac[:] = liqCompMolFrac[1, :]; liquid_outlet.mixMolFlo = liqMolFlo[2]; liquid_outlet.mixMolEnth = liqMolEnth[2]; liquid_outlet.mixMolFrac[:] = liqCompMolFrac[2, :]; vapor_inlet.mixMolFlo = vapMolFlo[1]; vapor_inlet.mixMolEnth = vapMolEnth[1]; vapor_inlet.mixMolFrac[:] = vapCompMolFrac[1, :]; vapor_outlet.mixMolFlo = vapMolFlo[2]; vapor_outlet.mixMolEnth = vapMolEnth[2]; vapor_outlet.mixMolFrac[:] = vapCompMolFrac[2, :]; heat_load.enFlo = heatLoad; //Adjustment for thermodynamic packages compMolFrac[1, :] = (sideDrawMolFlo .* sideDrawMolFrac[:] + vapMolFlo[2] .* vapCompMolFrac[2, :] + liqMolFlo[2] .* liqCompMolFrac[2, :]) / (liqMolFlo[2] + vapMolFlo[2] + sideDrawMolFlo); compMolFrac[2, :] = liqCompMolFrac[2,:]; compMolFrac[3, :] = vapCompMolFrac[2,:]; //Bubble point calculation Pbubl = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Dew point calculation Pdew = 1 / sum(compMolFrac[1, :] ./ (gammaDew[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])) .* vapfugcoeff_dew[:]); //molar balance //feedMolFlo + vapMolFlo[1] + liqMolFlo[1] = sideDrawMolFlo + vapMolFlo[2] + liqMolFlo[2]; feedMolFlo .* feedMolFrac[:] + vapMolFlo[1] .* vapCompMolFrac[1, :] + liqMolFlo[1] .* liqCompMolFrac[1, :] = sideDrawMolFlo .* sideDrawMolFrac[:] + vapMolFlo[2] .* vapCompMolFrac[2, :] + liqMolFlo[2] .* liqCompMolFrac[2, :]; //equillibrium vapCompMolFrac[2, :] = K[:] .* liqCompMolFrac[2, :]; // for i in 1:NOC loop // vapCompMolFrac[2,i] = ((K[i]/(K[1])) * liqCompMolFrac[2,i]) / (1 + (K[i] / (K[1])) * liqCompMolFrac[2,i]); // end for; //summation equation sum(liqCompMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; sum(vapCompMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; // Enthalpy balance feedMolFlo * feedMolEnth + vapMolFlo[1] * vapMolEnth[1] + liqMolFlo[1] * liqMolEnth[1] = sideDrawMolFlo * sideDrawMolEnth + vapMolFlo[2] * vapMolEnth[2] + liqMolFlo[2] * liqMolEnth[2] + heatLoad; //enthalpy calculation for i in 1:NOC loop outLiqCompMolEnth[i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HLiqId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); outVapCompMolEnth[i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HVapId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); end for; liqMolEnth[2] = sum(liqCompMolFrac[2, :] .* outLiqCompMolEnth[:]) + resMolEnth[2]; vapMolEnth[2] = sum(vapCompMolFrac[2, :] .* outVapCompMolEnth[:]) + resMolEnth[3]; //sidedraw calculation if sideDrawType == "L" then sideDrawMolFrac[:] = liqCompMolFrac[2, :]; elseif sideDrawType == "V" then sideDrawMolFrac[:] = vapCompMolFrac[2, :]; else sideDrawMolFrac[:] = zeros(NOC); end if; annotation( Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -40}, {100, 40}})), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -40}, {100, 40}})), __OpenModelica_commandLineOptions = ""); end DistTray; model Reb import Simulator.Files.*; parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter Boolean boolFeed = false; parameter Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; Real P(min = 0, start = 101325), T(min = 0, start = 273.15); Real feedMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), sideDrawMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), outVapMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), inLiqMolFlo(min = 0, start = 100), feedMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), sideDrawMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), outVapCompMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), inLiqCompMolFrac[NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), feedMolEnth, outVapMolEnth, inLiqMolEnth, outVapCompMolEnth[NOC], heatLoad, sideDrawMolEnth; Real compMolFrac[3, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), Pdew(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC), Pbubl(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC); replaceable Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn feed(connNOC = NOC) if boolFeed annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); replaceable Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn dummy_feed(connNOC = NOC, P = 0, T = 0, mixMolFrac = zeros(3, NOC), mixMolFlo = 0, mixMolEnth = 0, mixMolEntr = 0, vapPhasMolFrac = 0) if not boolFeed annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn side_draw(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn liquid_inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn vapor_outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn heat_load annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //connector equation if boolFeed then feed.mixMolFrac[1, :] = feedMolFrac[:]; feed.mixMolEnth = feedMolEnth; feed.mixMolFlo = feedMolFlo; else dummy_feed.mixMolFrac[1, :] = feedMolFrac[:]; dummy_feed.mixMolEnth = feedMolEnth; dummy_feed.mixMolFlo = feedMolFlo; end if; side_draw.P = P; side_draw.T = T; side_draw.mixMolFrac[1, :] = sideDrawMolFrac; side_draw.mixMolFlo = sideDrawMolFlo; side_draw.mixMolEnth = sideDrawMolEnth; liquid_inlet.mixMolFlo = inLiqMolFlo; liquid_inlet.mixMolEnth = inLiqMolEnth; liquid_inlet.mixMolFrac[:] = inLiqCompMolFrac[:]; vapor_outlet.mixMolFlo = outVapMolFlo; vapor_outlet.mixMolEnth = outVapMolEnth; vapor_outlet.mixMolFrac[:] = outVapCompMolFrac[:]; heat_load.enFlo = heatLoad; //Adjustment for thermodynamic packages compMolFrac[1, :] = (sideDrawMolFlo .* sideDrawMolFrac[:] + outVapMolFlo .* outVapCompMolFrac[:])./(sideDrawMolFlo + outVapMolFlo); compMolFrac[2, :] = sideDrawMolFrac[:];//This equation is temporarily valid since this is only "partial" reboiler. Rewrite equation when "total" reboiler functionality is added compMolFrac[3, :] = outVapCompMolFrac[:]; //Bubble point calculation Pbubl = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Dew point calculation Pdew = 1 / sum(compMolFrac[1, :] ./ (gammaDew[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])) .* vapfugcoeff_dew[:]); //molar balance // feedMolFlo + inLiqMolFlo = sideDrawMolFlo + outVapMolFlo; for i in 1:NOC loop feedMolFlo .* feedMolFrac[i] + inLiqMolFlo .* inLiqCompMolFrac[i] = sideDrawMolFlo .* sideDrawMolFrac[i] + outVapMolFlo .* outVapCompMolFrac[i]; end for; //equillibrium outVapCompMolFrac[:] = K[:] .* sideDrawMolFrac[:]; //summation equation // sum(outVapCompMolFrac[:]) = 1; sum(sideDrawMolFrac[:]) = 1; for i in 1:NOC loop outVapCompMolEnth[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.HVapId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); end for; outVapMolEnth = sum(outVapCompMolFrac[:] .* outVapCompMolEnth[:]) + resMolEnth[3]; // bubble point calculations P = sum(sideDrawMolFrac[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])); // sideDrawMolFlo = 10; feedMolFlo * feedMolEnth + inLiqMolFlo * inLiqMolEnth = sideDrawMolFlo * sideDrawMolEnth + outVapMolFlo * outVapMolEnth + heatLoad; annotation( Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -40}, {100, 40}})), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -40}, {100, 40}})), __OpenModelica_commandLineOptions = ""); end Reb; model DistCol parameter Integer NOC; import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; parameter Boolean boolFeed[noOfStages] = Simulator.Files.Other_Functions.colBoolCalc(noOfStages, noOfFeeds, feedStages); parameter Integer noOfStages = 4, noOfSideDraws = 0, noOfHeatLoads = 0, noOfFeeds = 1, feedStages[noOfFeeds]; parameter String condType = "Total"; //Total or Partial Real refluxRatio(min = 0); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn feed[noOfFeeds](each connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-98, -4}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-98, -4}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn distillate(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {98, 72}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 72}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn bottoms(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, -74}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -72}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn condensor_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {60, 100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {60, 96}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn reboiler_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {60, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {72, -100}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn side_draw[noOfSideDraws](each connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 20}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 24}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.enConn heat_load[noOfHeatLoads](each connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, -20}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {102, -22}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation for i in 1:noOfFeeds loop if feedStages[i] == 1 then connect(feed[i], condensor.feed); elseif feedStages[i] == noOfStages then connect(feed[i], reboiler.feed); elseif (feedStages[i] > 1 and feedStages[i] < noOfStages) then //this is adjustment done since OpenModelica 1.11 is not handling array modification properly feed[i]. P = tray[feedStages[i] - 1].dummyP1; feed[i].T = tray[feedStages[i] - 1].dummyT1; feed[i].mixMolFlo = tray[feedStages[i] - 1].dummyMixMolFlo1; feed[i].mixMolFrac = tray[feedStages[i] - 1].dummyMixMolFrac1; feed[i].mixMolEnth = tray[feedStages[i] - 1].dummyMixMolEnth1; feed[i].mixMolEntr = tray[feedStages[i] - 1].dummyMixMolEntr1; feed[i].vapPhasMolFrac = tray[feedStages[i] - 1].dummyVapPhasMolFrac1; end if; end for; connect(condensor.side_draw, distillate); connect(reboiler.side_draw, bottoms); connect(condensor.heat_load, condensor_duty); connect(reboiler.heat_load, reboiler_duty); for i in 1:noOfStages - 3 loop connect(tray[i].liquid_outlet, tray[i + 1].liquid_inlet); connect(tray[i].vapor_inlet, tray[i + 1].vapor_outlet); end for; connect(tray[1].vapor_outlet, condensor.vapor_inlet); connect(condensor.liquid_outlet, tray[1].liquid_inlet); connect(tray[noOfStages - 2].liquid_outlet, reboiler.liquid_inlet); connect(reboiler.vapor_outlet, tray[noOfStages - 2].vapor_inlet); //tray pressures for i in 1:noOfStages - 2 loop tray[i].P = condensor.P + i * (reboiler.P - condensor.P) / (noOfStages - 1); end for; for i in 2:noOfStages - 1 loop tray[i - 1].sideDrawType = "Null"; tray[i - 1].side_draw.mixMolFrac = zeros(3, NOC); tray[i - 1].side_draw.mixMolFlo = 0; tray[i - 1].side_draw.mixMolEnth = 0; tray[i - 1].side_draw.mixMolEntr = 0; tray[i - 1].side_draw.vapPhasMolFrac = 0; tray[i - 1].heatLoad = 0; end for; refluxRatio = condensor.outLiqMolFlo / condensor.side_draw.mixMolFlo; end DistCol; end Distillation_Column; package Absorption_Column model AbsTray import Simulator.Files.*; parameter Integer NOC; parameter Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; Real P(min = 0, start = 101325), T(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Tb) / NOC); Real vapMolFlo[2](each min = 0, each start = 100), liqMolFlo[2](each min = 0, each start = 100), vapCompMolFrac[2, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1 / (NOC + 1)), liqCompMolFrac[2, NOC](each min = 0, each max = 1, each start = 1 / (NOC + 1)), vapMolEnth[2], liqMolEnth[2], outVapCompMolEnth[NOC], outLiqCompMolEnth[NOC]; Real compMolFrac[3, NOC](each min =0, each max = 0, each start = 1/(NOC + 1)), Pdew(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC), Pbubl(min = 0, start = sum(comp[:].Pc)/NOC); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn liquid_inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn liquid_outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn vapor_outlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {50, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.trayConn vapor_inlet(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {50, -40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //connector equation liquid_inlet.mixMolFlo = liqMolFlo[1]; liquid_inlet.mixMolEnth = liqMolEnth[1]; liquid_inlet.mixMolFrac[:] = liqCompMolFrac[1, :]; liquid_outlet.mixMolFlo = liqMolFlo[2]; liquid_outlet.mixMolEnth = liqMolEnth[2]; liquid_outlet.mixMolFrac[:] = liqCompMolFrac[2, :]; vapor_inlet.mixMolFlo = vapMolFlo[1]; vapor_inlet.mixMolEnth = vapMolEnth[1]; vapor_inlet.mixMolFrac[:] = vapCompMolFrac[1, :]; vapor_outlet.mixMolFlo = vapMolFlo[2]; vapor_outlet.mixMolEnth = vapMolEnth[2]; vapor_outlet.mixMolFrac[:] = vapCompMolFrac[2, :]; //Adjustment for thermodynamic packages compMolFrac[1, :] = (vapMolFlo[2] .* vapCompMolFrac[2, :] + liqMolFlo[2] .* liqCompMolFrac[2, :]) / (liqMolFlo[2] + vapMolFlo[2]); compMolFrac[2, :] = liqCompMolFrac[2,:]; compMolFrac[3, :] = vapCompMolFrac[2,:]; //Bubble point calculation Pbubl = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* compMolFrac[1, :] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Dew point calculation Pdew = 1 / sum(compMolFrac[1, :] ./ (gammaDew[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / T + comp[:].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[:].VP[5] .* T .^ comp[:].VP[6])) .* vapfugcoeff_dew[:]); //molar balance vapMolFlo[1] .* vapCompMolFrac[1, :] + liqMolFlo[1] .* liqCompMolFrac[1, :] = vapMolFlo[2] .* vapCompMolFrac[2, :] + liqMolFlo[2] .* liqCompMolFrac[2, :]; //equillibrium vapCompMolFrac[2, :] = K[:] .* liqCompMolFrac[2, :]; // for i in 1:NOC loop // vapCompMolFrac[2,i] = ((K[i]/(K[1])) * liqCompMolFrac[2,i]) / (1 + (K[i] / (K[1])) * liqCompMolFrac[2,i]); // end for; //summation equation sum(liqCompMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; sum(vapCompMolFrac[2, :]) = 1; // Enthalpy balance vapMolFlo[1] * vapMolEnth[1] + liqMolFlo[1] * liqMolEnth[1] = vapMolFlo[2] * vapMolEnth[2] + liqMolFlo[2] * liqMolEnth[2]; //enthalpy calculation for i in 1:NOC loop outLiqCompMolEnth[i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HLiqId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); outVapCompMolEnth[i] = Thermodynamic_Functions.HVapId(comp[i].SH, comp[i].VapCp, comp[i].HOV, comp[i].Tc, T); end for; liqMolEnth[2] = sum(liqCompMolFrac[2, :] .* outLiqCompMolEnth[:]) + resMolEnth[2]; vapMolEnth[2] = sum(vapCompMolFrac[2, :] .* outVapCompMolEnth[:]) + resMolEnth[3]; annotation( Diagram(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -40}, {100, 40}})), Icon(coordinateSystem(extent = {{-100, -40}, {100, 40}})), __OpenModelica_commandLineOptions = ""); end AbsTray; model AbsCol import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter Integer NOC "Number of Components"; parameter Integer noOfStages; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC]; Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn top_feed(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, 80}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, 80}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn bottom_feed(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-100, -80}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {-100, -80}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn top_product(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, 80}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, 80}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Files.Connection.matConn bottom_product(connNOC = NOC) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {100, -80}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0), iconTransformation(origin = {100, -80}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation //connector equation tray[1].liqMolFlo[1] = top_feed.mixMolFlo; tray[1].liqCompMolFrac[1, :] = top_feed.mixMolFrac[1, :]; tray[1].liqMolEnth[1] = top_feed.mixMolEnth; tray[1].vapMolFlo[2] = top_product.mixMolFlo; tray[1].vapCompMolFrac[2, :] = top_product.mixMolFrac[1, :]; // tray[1].vapMolEnth[2] = top_product.mixMolEnth; tray[1].T = top_product.T; tray[noOfStages].liqMolFlo[2] = bottom_product.mixMolFlo; tray[noOfStages].liqCompMolFrac[2, :] = bottom_product.mixMolFrac[1, :]; // tray[noOfStages].liqMolEnth[2] = bottom_product.mixMolEnth; tray[noOfStages].T = bottom_product.T; tray[noOfStages].vapMolFlo[1] = bottom_feed.mixMolFlo; tray[noOfStages].vapCompMolFrac[1, :] = bottom_feed.mixMolFrac[1, :]; tray[noOfStages].vapMolEnth[1] = bottom_feed.mixMolEnth; for i in 1:noOfStages - 1 loop connect(tray[i].liquid_outlet, tray[i + 1].liquid_inlet); connect(tray[i].vapor_inlet, tray[i + 1].vapor_outlet); end for; //tray pressures for i in 2:noOfStages - 1 loop tray[i].P = tray[1].P + i * (tray[noOfStages].P - tray[1].P) / (noOfStages - 1); end for; tray[1].P = top_feed.P; tray[noOfStages].P = bottom_feed.P; tray[1].P = top_product.P; tray[noOfStages].P = bottom_product.P; end AbsCol; end Absorption_Column; end Unit_Operations; package Test model msTP //we have to first instance components to give to material stream model. import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instantiation of chemsep database parameter data.Methanol meth; //instantiation of methanol parameter data.Ethanol eth; //instantiation of ethanol parameter data.Water wat; //instantiation of water extends Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 3, comp = {meth, eth, wat}, compMolFrac(each min = 0.01, each max = 1, start = {{0.33, 0.33, 0.34}, {0.32, 0.33, 0.34}, {0.53, 0.32, 0.14}}), totMolFlo(each start = 50)); //material stream model is extended and values of parameters NOC and comp are given. These parameters are declared in Material stream model. We are only giving them values here. //NOC - number of components, comp - component array. //start values are given for convergence extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; //Thermodynamic package is extended. We can use other thermodynamics also(not yet added) after little modification and inclusion of residual properties equations. equation //These are the values to be specified by user. In this P, T, mixture mole fraction and mixture molar flow is specified. These variables are declared in Material stream model, only values are given here. P = 101325; T = 351; compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.33, 0.33, 0.34}; totMolFlo[1] = 100; end msTP; model msTVF // database and components are instantiated, material stream and thermodynamic package extended Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database data; parameter data.Methanol meth; parameter data.Ethanol eth; parameter data.Water wat; extends Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 3, comp = {meth, eth, wat}, compMolFrac(start = {{0.33, 0.33, 0.34}, {0.32, 0.33, 0.34}, {0.53, 0.32, 0.14}})); //NOC - number of components, comp - component array. extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; equation //Here vapor phase mole fraction, temperature, mixture component mole fraction and mixture molar flow is given. vapPhasMolFrac = 0.036257; T = 351; compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.33, 0.33, 0.34}; totMolFlo[1] = 31.346262; end msTVF; model msPVF import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Methanol meth; parameter data.Ethanol eth; parameter data.Water wat; extends Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 3, comp = {meth, eth, wat}, T(start = 355.97), compMolFrac(start = {{0.33, 0.33, 0.34}, {0.32, 0.33, 0.34}, {0.53, 0.32, 0.14}})); extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; equation P = 101325; vapPhasMolFrac = 0.036257; compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.33, 0.33, 0.34}; totMolFlo[1] = 100; end msPVF; model msPH //we have to first instance components to give to material stream model. import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instantiation of chemsep database parameter data.Methanol meth; //instantiation of methanol parameter data.Ethanol eth; //instantiation of ethanol parameter data.Water wat; //instantiation of water extends Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 3, comp = {meth, eth, wat}, totMolFlo(each start = 1), compMolFrac(each start = 0.33), T(start = sum(comp.Tb) / NOC)); //material stream model is extended and values of parameters NOC and comp are given. These parameters are declred in Material stream model. We are only giving them values here. //we need to give proper initialization values for converging, Initialization values are provided for totMolFlo, compMolFrac and T while extending. //NOC - number of components, comp - component array. extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; //Thermodynamic package is extended. We can use other thermodynamics also(not yet added) after little modification and inclusion of residual properties equations. equation //These are the values to be specified by user. In this P, mixture molar enthalpy, mixture mole fraction and mixture molar flow is specified. These variables are declared in Material stream model, only values are given here. P = 101325; phasMolEnth[1] = -34452; compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.33, 0.33, 0.34}; //1 stands for mixture totMolFlo[1] = 31.346262; //1 stands for mixture end msPH; model msPS //we have to first instance components to give to material stream model. import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instantiation of chemsep database parameter data.Methanol meth; //instantiation of methanol parameter data.Ethanol eth; //instantiation of ethanol parameter data.Water wat; //instantiation of water extends Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 3, comp = {meth, eth, wat}, totMolFlo(each start = 100), compMolFrac(each start = 0.33), T(start = sum(comp.Tb) / NOC)); //material stream model is extended and values of parameters NOC and comp are given. These parameters are declred in Material stream model. We are only giving them values here. //we need to give proper initialization values for converging, Initialization values are provided for totMolFlo, compMolFrac and T while extending. //NOC - number of components, comp - component array. extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; //Thermodynamic package is extended. We can use other thermodynamics also(not yet added) after little modification and inclusion of residual properties equations. equation //These are the values to be specified by user. In this P, mixture molar enthalpy, mixture mole fraction and mixture molar flow is specified. These variables are declared in Material stream model, only values are given here. P = 101325; phasMolEntr[1] = -84.39; compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.33, 0.33, 0.34}; //1 stands for mixture totMolFlo[1] = 31.346262; //1 stands for mixture end msPS; model msTPbbp "material stream below bubble point" //we have to first instance components to give to material stream model. import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instantiation of chemsep database parameter data.Methanol meth; //instantiation of methanol parameter data.Ethanol eth; //instantiation of ethanol parameter data.Water wat; //instantiation of water extends Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 3, comp = {meth, eth, wat}, compMolEnth(each start = eth.SH), compMolEntr(each start = eth.AS), compMolFrac(each min = 0.01, each max = 1, each start = 0.33)); //material stream model is extended and values of parameters NOC and comp are given. These parameters are declared in Material stream model. We are only giving them values here. //NOC - number of components, comp - component array. extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; //Thermodynamic package is extended. We can use other thermodynamics also(not yet added) after little modification and inclusion of residual properties equations. equation //These are the values to be specified by user. In this P, T, mixture mole fraction and mixture molar flow is specified. These variables are declared in Material stream model, only values are given here. P = 202650; T = 320; compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.33, 0.33, 0.34}; //1 stands for mixture totMolFlo[1] = 31.346262; //1 stands for mixture end msTPbbp; model msTPUNIQUAC import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Ethanol eth; parameter data.Water wat; extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 2, comp = {eth, wat}, Pbubl(start = 101325), Pdew(start = 101325), compMolFrac(each start = 0.33)); extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.UNIQUAC; equation compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; totMolFlo[1] = 50; P = 101325; T = 354; end msTPUNIQUAC; model msTPNRTL import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Onehexene ohex; parameter data.Ethanol eth; extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 2, comp = {ohex, eth}, compMolFrac(each start = 0.33)); extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.NRTL; equation compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; totMolFlo[1] = 100; P = 101325; T = 330; end msTPNRTL; model msTPGrayson import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Ethylene eth; parameter data.Acetylene acet; parameter data.OneOnedichloroethane dich; parameter data.Propadiene prop; //w=Acentric Factor //Sp = Solublity Parameter //V = Molar Volume //All the above three parameters have to be mentioned as arguments while extending the thermodynamic Package Grayson Streed as shown below extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Grayson_Streed(w={0.0949,0.1841,0.244612,0.3125},Sp={0.00297044,0.00449341,0.00437069,0.00419199},V={61,42.1382,84.7207,60.4292}); extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 4, comp = {eth, acet, dich, prop}); //Equations equation P = 101325; T = 210.246; compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.4, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1}; totMolFlo[1] = 50; end msTPGrayson; package cmpstms model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end ms; model main //instance of database import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instance of components parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; //declaration of NOC and comp parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {benz, tol}; //instance of composite material stream ms1(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-50, 0}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation ms1.P = 101325; ms1.T = 368; ms1.totMolFlo[1] = 100; ms1.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; end main; end cmpstms; package heater1 model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; //material stream extended extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; //thermodynamic package Raoults law is extended end ms; model heat //instance of chemsep database import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instance of methanol parameter data.Methanol meth; //instance of ethanol parameter data.Ethanol eth; //instance of water parameter data.Water wat; //instance of heater parameter Integer NOC = 3; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {meth, eth, wat}; Simulator.Unit_Operations.Heater heater1(pressDrop = 101325, eff = 1, NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-28, 10}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //instances of composite material stream ms inlet(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-74, 10}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms outlet(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, T(start = 353), compMolFrac(start = {{0.33, 0.33, 0.34}, {0.24, 0.31, 0.43}, {0.44, 0.34, 0.31}}), P(start = 101325)) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {18, 10}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); //instance of energy stream Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-60, -38}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(heater1.outlet, outlet.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-18, 10}, {8, 10}})); connect(inlet.outlet, heater1.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-64, 10}, {-38, 10}})); connect(energy.outlet, annotation( Line(points = {{-50, -38}, {-28, -38}, {-28, 0}})); equation inlet.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.33, 0.33, 0.34}; //mixture molar composition inlet.P = 202650; //input pressure inlet.T = 320; //input temperature inlet.totMolFlo[1] = 100; //input molar flow heater1.heatAdd = 2000000; //heat added end heat; end heater1; package Heat_Exchanger //Model of a General Purpouse Heat Exchanger operating with multiple modes //================================================================================================================ model MS extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; //material stream extended extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; //thermodynamic package Raoults law is extended end MS; model HX_Test import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instantiation of ethanol parameter data.Styrene sty; //instantiation of acetic acid parameter data.Toluene tol; parameter Integer NOC =2; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {sty,tol}; Simulator.Unit_Operations.Rigorous_HX HX(NOC=NOC,comp=comp,deltap_hot=0,deltap_cold=0,Heat_Loss=0,Calculation_Method="Outlet_Temparatures") annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-2, 16}, extent = {{-22, -22}, {22, 22}}, rotation = 0))); Heat_Exchanger.MS Hot_In(NOC=NOC,comp=comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-58, 70}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Heat_Exchanger.MS Hot_Out(NOC=NOC,comp=comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {66, 56}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Heat_Exchanger.MS Cold_In(NOC=NOC,comp=comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-76, -16}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Heat_Exchanger.MS Cold_Out(NOC=NOC,comp=comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {50, -32}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(Cold_In.outlet, HX.Cold_In) annotation( Line(points = {{-68, -16}, {-38, -16}, {-38, 10}, {-18, 10}})); connect(HX.Hot_Out, Hot_Out.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{16, 24}, {58, 24}, {58, 56}})); connect(HX.Cold_Out, Cold_Out.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{14, 10}, {15, 10}, {15, -32}, {42, -32}})); connect(Hot_In.outlet,HX.Hot_In) annotation( Line(points = {{-50, 70}, {-18, 70}, {-18, 24}})); Hot_In.compMolFrac[1, :] = {1, 0}; Cold_In.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0, 1}; Hot_In.totMolFlo[1] = 181.46776; Cold_In.totMolFlo[1] = 170.93083; Hot_In.T = 422.03889; Cold_In.T = 310.92778; Hot_In.P = 344737.24128; Cold_In.P = 620527.03429; HX.U=300; HX.Qactual=2700E03; end HX_Test; end Heat_Exchanger; package cooler1 model ms //This model will be instantiated in maintest model as outlet stream of cooler. Dont run this model. Run maintest model for cooler test extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 2); //material stream extended extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; //thermodynamic package Raoults law is extended end ms; model cool //use non linear solver hybrid to simulate this model import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instantiation of chemsep database parameter data.Methanol meth; //instantiation of methanol parameter data.Ethanol eth; //instantiation of ethanol parameter data.Water wat; //instantiation of water Unit_Operations.Cooler cooler1(pressDrop = 0, eff = 1, NOC = 3, comp = {meth, eth, wat}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-4, 18}, extent = {{-14, -14}, {14, 14}}, rotation = 0))); ms inlet(NOC = 3, comp = {meth, eth, wat}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-72, 18}, extent = {{-12, -12}, {12, 12}}, rotation = 0))); ms outlet(NOC = 3, comp = {meth, eth, wat}, T(start = 352.6146), compMolFrac(start = {{0.33, 0.33, 0.34}, {0.27, 0.32, 0.39}, {0.48, 0.33, 0.18}}), P(start = 101325)) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {58, 18}, extent = {{-12, -12}, {12, 12}}, rotation = 0))); Streams.Energy_Stream energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {33, -43}, extent = {{-13, -13}, {13, 13}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(, energy.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-4, 4}, {-4, 4}, {-4, -44}, {20, -44}, {20, -44}})); connect(cooler1.outlet, outlet.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{10, 18}, {44, 18}, {44, 18}, {46, 18}})); connect(inlet.outlet, cooler1.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-60, 18}, {-20, 18}, {-20, 18}, {-18, 18}})); equation inlet.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.33, 0.33, 0.34}; //mixture molar composition inlet.P = 101325; //input pressure inlet.T = 353; //input temperature inlet.totMolFlo[1] = 100; //input molar flow cooler1.heatRem = 200000; //heat removed end cool; end cooler1; package valve1 model ms //This model will be instantiated in maintest model as outlet stream of valve. Dont run this model. Run maintest model for valve test extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; //material stream extended extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; //thermodynamic package Raoults law is extended end ms; model valve import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instantiation of chemsep database parameter data.Methanol meth; //instantiation of methanol parameter data.Ethanol eth; //instantiation of ethanol parameter data.Water wat; //instantiation of water parameter Integer NOC = 3; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {meth, eth, wat}; Unit_Operations.Valve valve1(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, 4}, extent = {{-14, -14}, {14, 14}}, rotation = 0))); ms inlet(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-74, 4}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms outlet(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, T(start = 352), compMolFrac(start = {{0.33, 0.33, 0.34}, {0.26, 0.32, 0.40}, {0.47, 0.34, 0.18}})) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {66, 4}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(inlet.outlet, valve1.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-64, 4}, {-14, 4}})); connect(valve1.outlet, outlet.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{14, 4}, {56, 4}})); inlet.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.33, 0.33, 0.34}; //mixture molar composition inlet.P = 202650; //input pressure valve1.pressDrop = 101325; //Pressure Drop inlet.T = 372; //input temperature inlet.totMolFlo[1] = 100; //input molar flow end valve; end valve1; package mix1 model ms //This model will be instantiated in maintest model as material streams extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; //material stream extended extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; //thermodynamic package Raoults law is extended end ms; model mix import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Ethanol eth; parameter data.Methanol meth; parameter data.Water wat; parameter Integer NOC = 3; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {meth, eth, wat}; ms ms1(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-84, 88}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms ms2(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-84, 58}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms ms3(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-86, 24}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms ms4(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-84, -16}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms ms5(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-84, -52}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms ms6(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-82, -86}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Unit_Operations.Mixer mixer1(NOC = NOC, NI = 6, comp = comp, outPress = "Inlet_Average") annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {0, 2}, extent = {{-26, -26}, {26, 26}}, rotation = 0))); ms out1(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, T(start = 354), totMolFlo(start = 1600)) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {62, 2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(mixer1.outlet, out1.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{26, 2}, {52, 2}, {52, 2}, {52, 2}})); connect(ms6.outlet, mixer1.inlet[6]) annotation( Line(points = {{-72, -86}, {-34, -86}, {-34, -20}, {-26, -20}, {-26, -20}})); connect(ms5.outlet, mixer1.inlet[5]) annotation( Line(points = {{-74, -52}, {-44, -52}, {-44, -12}, {-26, -12}, {-26, -12}})); connect(ms4.outlet, mixer1.inlet[4]) annotation( Line(points = {{-74, -16}, {-50, -16}, {-50, -2}, {-26, -2}, {-26, -4}})); connect(ms3.outlet, mixer1.inlet[3]) annotation( Line(points = {{-76, 24}, {-50, 24}, {-50, 6}, {-26, 6}, {-26, 8}})); connect(ms2.outlet, mixer1.inlet[2]) annotation( Line(points = {{-74, 58}, {-44, 58}, {-44, 16}, {-26, 16}, {-26, 16}})); connect(ms1.outlet, mixer1.inlet[1]) annotation( Line(points = {{-74, 88}, {-26, 88}, {-26, 25}})); equation ms1.P = 101325; ms2.P = 202650; ms3.P = 126523; ms4.P = 215365; ms5.P = 152365; ms6.P = 152568; ms1.T = 353; ms2.T = 353; ms3.T = 353; ms4.T = 353; ms5.T = 353; ms6.T = 353; ms1.totMolFlo[1] = 100; ms2.totMolFlo[1] = 100; ms3.totMolFlo[1] = 300; ms4.totMolFlo[1] = 500; ms5.totMolFlo[1] = 400; ms6.totMolFlo[1] = 200; ms1.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.25, 0.25, 0.5}; ms2.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0, 0, 1}; ms3.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.4}; ms4.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.25, 0.25, 0.5}; ms5.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.2, 0.4, 0.4}; ms6.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0, 1, 0}; end mix; end mix1; package comp_sep1 model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream(NOC = 2, comp = {benz, tol}); extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end ms; model main import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; Simulator.Unit_Operations.Compound_Separator compound_Separator1(NOC = 2, comp = {benz, tol}, sepFact = {"Molar_Flow", "Mass_Flow"}, sepStrm = 2) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-5, -1}, extent = {{-27, -27}, {27, 27}}, rotation = 0))); ms Inlet(NOC = 2, comp = {benz, tol}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-82, -2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms Outlet1(NOC = 2, comp = {benz, tol}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {64, 18}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Outlet2(NOC = 2, comp = {benz, tol}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {66, -20}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream Energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-40, -50}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(compound_Separator1.outlet2, Outlet2.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, -20}, {56, -20}})); connect(compound_Separator1.outlet1, Outlet1.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, 18}, {54, 18}, {54, 18}, {54, 18}})); connect(Inlet.outlet, compound_Separator1.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-72, -2}, {-30, -2}, {-30, 0}, {-32, 0}})); connect(Energy.outlet, annotation( Line(points = {{-30, -50}, {-4, -50}, {-4, -28}, {-4, -28}})); Inlet.P = 101325; Inlet.T = 298.15; Inlet.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; Inlet.totMolFlo[1] = 100; compound_Separator1.sepFactVal = {20, 1500}; end main; end comp_sep1; package shortcut1 model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end ms; model Shortcut extends Simulator.Unit_Operations.Shortcut_Column; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end Shortcut; model main //use non linear solver homotopy for solving import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {benz, tol}; Simulator.Test.shortcut1.Shortcut shortcut(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, condType = "Partial", HKey = 2, LKey = 1, mixMolFrac(start = {{0.5, 0.5}, {0.01, 0.99}, {0.99, 0.01}}), minN(start = 9.1859), theta(start = 1, min = 1), minR(start = 2, min = 0)) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {2, 4}, extent = {{-30, -30}, {30, 30}}, rotation = 0))); ms feed(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, compMolFrac(start = {{0.5, 0.5}, {0.34, 0.65}, {0.56, 0.44}})) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-74, 4}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms bottoms(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, T(start = 383.08), compMolFrac(start = {{0.01, 0.99}, {0.01, 0.99}, {0, 0}})) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {76, -28}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms distillate(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, T(start = 353.83), compMolFrac(start = {{0.99, 0.01}, {0.99, 0.01}, {0, 0}})) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {76, 38}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream Condensor_Duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {40, 76}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream Reboiler_Duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-8, -84}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(shortcut.reboiler_duty, Reboiler_Duty.outlet) annotation( Line(points = {{18, -26}, {18, -55}, {2, -55}, {2, -84}})); connect(Condensor_Duty.inlet, shortcut.condenser_duty) annotation( Line(points = {{30, 76}, {30, 57}, {18, 57}, {18, 34}})); connect(shortcut.distillate, distillate.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{32, 20}, {50, 20}, {50, 38}, {66, 38}})); connect(shortcut.bottoms, bottoms.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{32, -10}, {51, -10}, {51, -28}, {66, -28}})); connect(feed.outlet, shortcut.feed) annotation( Line(points = {{-64, 4}, {-30, 4}, {-30, 4}, {-28, 4}})); feed.P = 101325; feed.T = 370; feed.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; feed.totMolFlo[1] = 100; shortcut.rebP = 101325; shortcut.condP = 101325; shortcut.mixMolFrac[2, shortcut.LKey] = 0.01; shortcut.mixMolFrac[3, shortcut.HKey] = 0.01; shortcut.actR = 2; end main; end shortcut1; package flash model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end ms; model fls extends Simulator.Unit_Operations.Flash; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end fls; model test import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {benz, tol}; ms inlet(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-70, 2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); fls fls1(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-6, 4}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms outlet1(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {66, -20}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms outlet2(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {58, 40}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(outlet2.inlet, fls1.vapor) annotation( Line(points = {{48, 40}, {28, 40}, {28, 10}, {4, 10}, {4, 12}})); connect(fls1.liquid, outlet1.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{4, -4}, {32, -4}, {32, -20}, {56, -20}, {56, -20}})); connect(inlet.outlet, fls1.feed) annotation( Line(points = {{-60, 2}, {-16, 2}, {-16, 4}, {-16, 4}})); inlet.P = 101325; inlet.T = 368; inlet.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; inlet.totMolFlo[1] = 100; end test; end flash; package split model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end ms; model main import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {benz, tol}; ms inlet(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-80, 10}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms outlet1(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {38, 56}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms outlet2(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {38, -58}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Unit_Operations.Splitter split(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, NO = 2, calcType = "Molar_Flow") annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-12, 12}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(outlet2.inlet, split.outlet[2]) annotation( Line(points = {{28, -58}, {16, -58}, {16, 12}, {-2, 12}, {-2, 12}})); connect(outlet1.inlet, split.outlet[1]) annotation( Line(points = {{28, 56}, {12, 56}, {12, 12}, {-2, 12}, {-2, 12}})); connect(inlet.outlet, split.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-70, 10}, {-24, 10}, {-24, 10}, {-24, 10}})); // connect(split.outlet[1], outlet1.inlet); // connect(split.outlet[2], outlet2.inlet); inlet.P = 101325; inlet.T = 300; inlet.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; inlet.totMolFlo[1] = 100; split.specVal = {20, 80}; end main; end split; package pump model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end ms; model main import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; inlet(NOC = 2, comp = {benz, tol}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-68, 2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Unit_Operations.Centrifugal_Pump pump(comp = {benz, tol}, NOC = 2, eff = 0.75) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-2, 2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); outlet(NOC = 2, comp = {benz, tol}, T(start = 300.089), compMolFrac(start = {{0.5, 0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}, {0, 0}}), totMolFlo(start = 100)) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {68, 2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Streams.Energy_Stream energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-38, -44}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(pump.outlet, outlet.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{8, 2}, {58, 2}})); connect(inlet.outlet, pump.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-58, 2}, {-12, 2}})); connect(energy.outlet, annotation( Line(points = {{-28, -44}, {-2, -44}, {-2, -8}, {-2, -8}})); inlet.totMolFlo[1] = 100; inlet.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; inlet.P = 101325; inlet.T = 300; pump.pressInc = 101325; end main; end pump; package adia_comp1 model ms //This model will be instantiated in adia_comp model as outlet stream of heater. Dont run this model. Run adia_comp model for test extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end ms; model compres extends Unit_Operations.Adiabatic_Compressor; extends Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end compres; model main import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instantiation of chemsep database parameter data.Benzene ben; //instantiation of methanol parameter data.Toluene tol; //instantiation of ethanol parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {ben, tol}; compres adiabatic_Compressor1(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, eff = 0.75) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-9, 7}, extent = {{-23, -23}, {23, 23}}, rotation = 0))); inlet(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-78, 8}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms outlet(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, T(start = 374)) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {58, 6}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream power annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-50, -56}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(power.outlet, annotation( Line(points = {{-40, -56}, {-10, -56}, {-10, -16}, {-8, -16}})); connect(adiabatic_Compressor1.outlet, outlet.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{14, 6}, {48, 6}, {48, 6}, {48, 6}})); connect(inlet.outlet, adiabatic_Compressor1.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-68, 8}, {-32, 8}})); inlet.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; //mixture molar composition inlet.P = 202650; //input pressure inlet.T = 372; //input temperature inlet.totMolFlo[1] = 100; //input molar flow adiabatic_Compressor1.pressInc = 10000; //pressure increase end main; end adia_comp1; package adia_exp1 model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end ms; model exp extends Simulator.Unit_Operations.Adiabatic_Expander; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end exp; model main import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instantiation of chemsep database parameter data.Benzene ben; //instantiation of methanol parameter data.Toluene tol; //instantiation of ethanol parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {ben, tol}; exp exp1(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, eff = 0.75) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-9, 7}, extent = {{-23, -23}, {23, 23}}, rotation = 0))); inlet(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-78, 8}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms outlet(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, T(start = 374)) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {58, 6}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream power annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-50, -56}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(power.outlet, annotation( Line(points = {{-40, -56}, {-10, -56}, {-10, -16}, {-8, -16}})); connect(exp1.outlet, outlet.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{14, 6}, {48, 6}, {48, 6}, {48, 6}})); connect(inlet.outlet, exp1.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-68, 8}, {-32, 8}})); inlet.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; //mixture molar composition inlet.P = 131325; //input pressure inlet.T = 372; //input temperature inlet.totMolFlo[1] = 100; //input molar flow exp1.pressDrop = 10000; //pressure drop end main; end adia_exp1; package rigDist model Condensor extends Simulator.Unit_Operations.Distillation_Column.Cond; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end Condensor; model Tray extends Simulator.Unit_Operations.Distillation_Column.DistTray; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end Tray; model Reboiler extends Simulator.Unit_Operations.Distillation_Column.Reb; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end Reboiler; model DistColumn extends Simulator.Unit_Operations.Distillation_Column.DistCol; Condensor condensor(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, condType = condType, boolFeed = boolFeed[1], T(start = 300)); Reboiler reboiler(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, boolFeed = boolFeed[noOfStages]); Tray tray[noOfStages - 2](each NOC = NOC, each comp = comp, boolFeed = boolFeed[2:noOfStages -1], each liqMolFlo(each start = 150), each vapMolFlo(each start = 150)); end DistColumn; model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end ms; model Test parameter Integer NOC = 2; import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {benz, tol}; DistColumn distCol(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, noOfStages = 4, noOfFeeds = 1, feedStages = {3}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-3, 3}, extent = {{-25, -25}, {25, 25}}, rotation = 0))); ms feed(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-76, 2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms distillate(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {64, 22}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms bottoms(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {68, -16}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream cond_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {38, 62}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream reb_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {48, -52}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(distCol.condensor_duty, cond_duty.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{12, 28}, {12, 28}, {12, 62}, {28, 62}, {28, 62}})); connect(distCol.reboiler_duty, reb_duty.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{16, -22}, {16, -22}, {16, -52}, {38, -52}, {38, -52}})); connect(distCol.bottoms, bottoms.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, -14}, {56, -14}, {56, -16}, {58, -16}})); connect(distCol.distillate, distillate.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, 22}, {54, 22}, {54, 22}, {54, 22}})); connect(feed.outlet, distCol.feed[1]) annotation( Line(points = {{-66, 2}, {-30, 2}, {-30, 2}, {-28, 2}})); feed.P = 101325; feed.T = 298.15; feed.totMolFlo[1] = 100; feed.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; distCol.condensor.P = 101325; distCol.reboiler.P = 101325; distCol.refluxRatio = 2; bottoms.totMolFlo[1] = 50; end Test; model Test2 parameter Integer NOC = 2; import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {benz, tol}; DistColumn distCol(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, noOfStages = 12, noOfFeeds = 1, feedStages = {7}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-3, 3}, extent = {{-25, -25}, {25, 25}}, rotation = 0))); ms feed(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-76, 2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms distillate(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {64, 22}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms bottoms(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {68, -16}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream cond_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {38, 62}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream reb_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {48, -52}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(distCol.condensor_duty, cond_duty.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{12, 28}, {12, 28}, {12, 62}, {28, 62}, {28, 62}})); connect(distCol.reboiler_duty, reb_duty.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{16, -22}, {16, -22}, {16, -52}, {38, -52}, {38, -52}})); connect(distCol.bottoms, bottoms.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, -14}, {56, -14}, {56, -16}, {58, -16}})); connect(distCol.distillate, distillate.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, 22}, {54, 22}, {54, 22}, {54, 22}})); connect(feed.outlet, distCol.feed[1]) annotation( Line(points = {{-66, 2}, {-30, 2}, {-30, 2}, {-28, 2}})); feed.P = 101325; feed.T = 298.15; feed.totMolFlo[1] = 100; feed.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; distCol.condensor.P = 101325; distCol.reboiler.P = 101325; distCol.refluxRatio = 2; bottoms.totMolFlo[1] = 50; end Test2; model Test3 parameter Integer NOC = 2; import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {benz, tol}; DistColumn distCol(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, noOfFeeds = 1, noOfStages = 22, feedStages = {10}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-3, 3}, extent = {{-25, -25}, {25, 25}}, rotation = 0))); ms feed(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-76, 2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms distillate(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {64, 22}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms bottoms(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {68, -16}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream cond_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {38, 62}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream reb_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {48, -52}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(distCol.condensor_duty, cond_duty.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{12, 28}, {12, 28}, {12, 62}, {28, 62}, {28, 62}})); connect(distCol.reboiler_duty, reb_duty.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{16, -22}, {16, -22}, {16, -52}, {38, -52}, {38, -52}})); connect(distCol.bottoms, bottoms.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, -14}, {56, -14}, {56, -16}, {58, -16}})); connect(distCol.distillate, distillate.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, 22}, {54, 22}, {54, 22}, {54, 22}})); connect(feed.outlet, distCol.feed[1]) annotation( Line(points = {{-66, 2}, {-30, 2}, {-30, 2}, {-28, 2}})); feed.P = 101325; feed.T = 298.15; feed.totMolFlo[1] = 100; feed.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.3, 0.7}; distCol.condensor.P = 101325; distCol.reboiler.P = 101325; distCol.refluxRatio = 1.5; bottoms.totMolFlo[1] = 70; end Test3; model Test4 parameter Integer NOC = 2; import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {benz, tol}; DistColumn distCol(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, noOfStages = 22, noOfFeeds = 1, feedStages = {10}, condensor.condType = "Partial", each tray.liqMolFlo(each start = 100), each tray.vapMolFlo(each start = 100)) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-3, 3}, extent = {{-25, -25}, {25, 25}}, rotation = 0))); ms feed(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-76, 2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms distillate(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {64, 22}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms bottoms(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {68, -16}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream cond_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {38, 62}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream reb_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {48, -52}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(distCol.condensor_duty, cond_duty.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{12, 28}, {12, 28}, {12, 62}, {28, 62}, {28, 62}})); connect(distCol.reboiler_duty, reb_duty.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{16, -22}, {16, -22}, {16, -52}, {38, -52}, {38, -52}})); connect(distCol.bottoms, bottoms.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, -14}, {56, -14}, {56, -16}, {58, -16}})); connect(distCol.distillate, distillate.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, 22}, {54, 22}, {54, 22}, {54, 22}})); connect(feed.outlet, distCol.feed[1]) annotation( Line(points = {{-66, 2}, {-30, 2}, {-30, 2}, {-28, 2}})); feed.P = 101325; feed.T = 298.15; feed.totMolFlo[1] = 96.8; feed.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.3, 0.7}; distCol.condensor.P = 151325; distCol.reboiler.P = 101325; distCol.refluxRatio = 1.5; bottoms.totMolFlo[1] = 70; end Test4; model multiFeedTest parameter Integer NOC = 2; import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Benzene benz; parameter data.Toluene tol; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {benz, tol}; DistColumn distCol(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, noOfStages = 5, noOfFeeds = 2, feedStages = {3, 4}) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-3, 3}, extent = {{-25, -25}, {25, 25}}, rotation = 0))); ms feed(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-76, 2}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms distillate(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {64, 22}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms bottoms(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {68, -16}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream cond_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {38, 62}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream reb_duty annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {48, -52}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms ms1(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-80, 50}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(ms1.outlet, distCol.feed[2]) annotation( Line(points = {{-70, 50}, {-26, 50}, {-26, 2}, {-28, 2}})); connect(distCol.condensor_duty, cond_duty.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{12, 28}, {12, 28}, {12, 62}, {28, 62}, {28, 62}})); connect(distCol.reboiler_duty, reb_duty.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{16, -22}, {16, -22}, {16, -52}, {38, -52}, {38, -52}})); connect(distCol.bottoms, bottoms.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, -14}, {56, -14}, {56, -16}, {58, -16}})); connect(distCol.distillate, distillate.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{22, 22}, {54, 22}, {54, 22}, {54, 22}})); connect(feed.outlet, distCol.feed[1]) annotation( Line(points = {{-66, 2}, {-30, 2}, {-30, 2}, {-28, 2}})); feed.P = 101325; feed.T = 298.15; feed.totMolFlo[1] = 100; feed.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; distCol.condensor.P = 101325; distCol.reboiler.P = 101325; distCol.refluxRatio = 2; bottoms.totMolFlo[1] = 50; ms1.P = 101325; ms1.T = 298.15; ms1.totMolFlo[1] = 100; ms1.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5}; end multiFeedTest; end rigDist; package PFR_Test model MS extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end MS; model PFR_Test_II //Advicable to select the first component as the base component // importing the thermodynamic data from chemsep database import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; //instantiation of ethanol parameter data.Ethyleneoxide eth; //instantiation of acetic acid parameter data.Ethyleneglycol eg; //instantiation of water parameter data.Water wat; parameter Integer NOC = 3; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {eth, wat, eg}; // Instantiating the material stream model(as inlet and outlet) and also the model for PFR with connectors Simulator.Streams.Energy_Stream Energy annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {2, -36}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); Simulator.Unit_Operations.PF_Reactor.PFR PFR(NOC = 3, Nr = 1, comp = {eth, wat, eg}, Mode = 2, Phase = 3, Tdef = 410) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {8, 22}, extent = {{-38, -38}, {38, 38}}, rotation = 0))); MS Inlet(NOC=NOC,comp=comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-66, 8}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); MS Outlet(NOC=NOC,comp=comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {86, 10}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(Outlet.inlet, PFR.outlet) annotation( Line(points = {{76, 10}, {60.5, 10}, {60.5, 22}, {41, 22}})); connect(PFR.inlet, Inlet.outlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-22, 22}, {-56, 22}, {-56, 8}})); connect(Energy.inlet, PFR.en_Conn) annotation( Line(points = {{-8, -36}, {0, -36}, {0, 5}, {3, 5}})); // Connection of PFR with inlet and outlet stream // Giving values to the instantiated inlet material stream //mixture molar composition Inlet.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.2, 0.8, 0}; //input pressure Inlet.P = 101325; //input temperature Inlet.T = 395; // total moles of inlet stream Inlet.totMolFlo[1] = 100; //Conversion of Base_component PFR.X[1] = 0.0741; end PFR_Test_II; end PFR_Test; package CR_test model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.NRTL; end ms; model test import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter Integer NOC = 4; parameter data.Ethylacetate etac; parameter data.Water wat; parameter data.Aceticacid aa; parameter data.Ethanol eth; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {etac, wat, aa, eth}; conv_react cr(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, Nr = 1, Bc = {3}, Sc = {{1}, {1}, {-1}, {-1}}, X = {0.3}, calcMode = "Define_Outlet_Temperature", Tdef = 300) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {11, -7}, extent = {{-29, -29}, {29, 29}}, rotation = 0))); feed(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-83, -5}, extent = {{-13, -13}, {13, 13}}, rotation = 0))); product(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {88, -6}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(cr.outlet, product.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{32, -6}, {78, -6}})); connect(feed.outlet, cr.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{-70, -6}, {-8, -6}, {-8, -6}, {-10, -6}})); feed.P = 101325; feed.T = 300; feed.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0, 0, 0.4, 0.6}; feed.totMolFlo[1] = 100; end test; model conv_react extends Simulator.Unit_Operations.Conversion_Reactor; extends Simulator.Files.Models.ReactionManager.Reaction_Manager; end conv_react; end CR_test; package rigAbs model ms extends Simulator.Streams.Material_Stream; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end ms; model Tray extends Simulator.Unit_Operations.Absorption_Column.AbsTray; extends Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Packages.Raoults_Law; end Tray; model AbsColumn extends Simulator.Unit_Operations.Absorption_Column.AbsCol; Tray tray[noOfStages](each NOC = NOC, each comp = comp, each liqMolFlo(each start = 30), each vapMolFlo(each start = 30), each T(start = 300)); end AbsColumn; model Test import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter Integer NOC = 3; parameter data.Acetone acet; parameter data.Air air; parameter data.Water wat; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {acet, air, wat}; water(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-70, 62}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms air_acetone(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-70, -56}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); rigAbs.AbsColumn abs(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, noOfStages = 10) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {-3, 11}, extent = {{-33, -33}, {33, 33}}, rotation = 0))); ms top(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {62, 60}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); ms bottom(NOC = NOC, comp = comp) annotation( Placement(visible = true, transformation(origin = {66, -52}, extent = {{-10, -10}, {10, 10}}, rotation = 0))); equation connect(abs.bottom_product, bottom.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{30, -16}, {42, -16}, {42, -50}, {56, -50}, {56, -52}})); connect(abs.top_product, top.inlet) annotation( Line(points = {{30, 38}, {40, 38}, {40, 60}, {52, 60}, {52, 60}})); connect(air_acetone.outlet, abs.bottom_feed) annotation( Line(points = {{-60, -56}, {-52, -56}, {-52, -14}, {-36, -14}, {-36, -16}})); connect(water.outlet, abs.top_feed) annotation( Line(points = {{-60, 62}, {-48, 62}, {-48, 38}, {-36, 38}, {-36, 38}})); water.P = 101325; water.T = 325; water.totMolFlo[1] = 30; water.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0, 0, 1}; air_acetone.P = 101325; air_acetone.T = 335; air_acetone.totMolFlo[1] = 30; air_acetone.compMolFrac[1, :] = {0.5, 0.5, 0}; end Test; end rigAbs; end Test; package Binary_Phase_Envelope package Binary_Phase_Envelope_UNIQUAC //============================================================================================================== function Gamma_UNIQUAC input Integer Choice "Enter if choice of VLE curve is Pxy or Txy"; //Note : Choice = 1 = P-x-y-Envelope // Choice = 2 = T-x-y-Envelope input Integer N "Number of data points", NOC "Total number of components"; input Real z1[N + 1], z2[N + 1]; input Real R[NOC], Q[NOC]; input Real tow[NOC, NOC]; input Real towk[N + 1, NOC, NOC]; parameter Real Z = 10 "Compresseblity Factor"; parameter Real R_gas = 1.98721 "Gas Constant"; //Activity coefficients output Real gammaBubl1[N + 1], gammaBubl2[N + 1]; protected //Intermediate parameters used to calculate the Combinatorial and Residual contribution" Real r_bubl[N + 1], q_bubl[N + 1]; Real teta1_bubl[N + 1], teta2_bubl[N + 1]; Real S1_bubl[N + 1], S2_bubl[N + 1]; Real sum1_bubl[N + 1], sum2_bubl[N + 1]; //Residual contribution term of Activity coefficient Real gammar1_bubl[N + 1], gammar2_bubl[N + 1]; //Cobinatorial contribution term of Activity coefficient Real gammac1_bubl[N + 1], gammac2_bubl[N + 1]; //Empherical Parameter at different temperatures Real toww[N, NOC, NOC]; //========================================================================================= algorithm for i in 1:N + 1 loop r_bubl[i] := z1[i] * R[1] + z2[i] * R[2]; q_bubl[i] := z1[i] * Q[1] + z2[i] * Q[2]; end for; if Choice == 1 then for i in 1:N + 1 loop teta1_bubl[i] := z1[i] * Q[1] * (1 / q_bubl[i]); teta2_bubl[i] := z2[i] * Q[2] * (1 / q_bubl[i]); S1_bubl[i] := teta1_bubl[i] * tow[1, 1] + teta2_bubl[i] * tow[1, 2]; S2_bubl[i] := teta1_bubl[i] * tow[2, 1] + teta2_bubl[i] * tow[2, 2]; sum1_bubl[i] := teta1_bubl[i] * (tow[1, 1] / S1_bubl[i]) + teta2_bubl[i] * (tow[1, 2] / S2_bubl[i]); sum2_bubl[i] := teta1_bubl[i] * (tow[2, 1] / S1_bubl[i]) + teta2_bubl[i] * (tow[2, 2] / S2_bubl[i]); gammar1_bubl[i] := exp(Q[1] * (1 - log(S1_bubl[i]) - sum1_bubl[i])); gammar2_bubl[i] := exp(Q[2] * (1 - log(S2_bubl[i]) - sum2_bubl[i])); gammac1_bubl[i] := exp(1 - R[1] / r_bubl[i] + log(R[1] / r_bubl[i]) + (-Z / 2 * Q[1] * (1 - R[1] / r_bubl[i] / (Q[1] / q_bubl[i]) + log(R[1] / r_bubl[i] / (Q[1] / q_bubl[i]))))); gammac2_bubl[i] := exp(1 - R[2] / r_bubl[i] + log(R[2] / r_bubl[i]) + (-Z / 2 * Q[2] * (1 - R[2] / r_bubl[i] / (Q[2] / q_bubl[i]) + log(R[2] / r_bubl[i] / (Q[2] / q_bubl[i]))))); gammaBubl1[i] := exp(log(gammac1_bubl[i]) + log(gammar1_bubl[i])); gammaBubl2[i] := exp(log(gammac2_bubl[i]) + log(gammar2_bubl[i])); end for; else for i in 1:N + 1 loop teta1_bubl[i] := z1[i] * Q[1] * (1 / q_bubl[i]); teta2_bubl[i] := z2[i] * Q[2] * (1 / q_bubl[i]); S1_bubl[i] := teta1_bubl[i] * towk[i, 1, 1] + teta2_bubl[i] * towk[i, 1, 2]; S2_bubl[i] := teta1_bubl[i] * towk[i, 2, 1] + teta2_bubl[i] * towk[i, 2, 2]; sum1_bubl[i] := teta1_bubl[i] * (towk[i, 1, 1] / S1_bubl[i]) + teta2_bubl[i] * (towk[i, 1, 2] / S2_bubl[i]); sum2_bubl[i] := teta1_bubl[i] * (towk[i, 2, 1] / S1_bubl[i]) + teta2_bubl[i] * (towk[i, 2, 2] / S2_bubl[i]); gammar1_bubl[i] := exp(Q[1] * (1 - log(S1_bubl[i]) - sum1_bubl[i])); gammar2_bubl[i] := exp(Q[2] * (1 - log(S2_bubl[i]) - sum2_bubl[i])); gammac1_bubl[i] := exp(1 - R[1] / r_bubl[i] + log(R[1] / r_bubl[i]) + (-Z / 2 * Q[1] * (1 - R[1] / r_bubl[i] / (Q[1] / q_bubl[i]) + log(R[1] / r_bubl[i] / (Q[1] / q_bubl[i]))))); gammac2_bubl[i] := exp(1 - R[2] / r_bubl[i] + log(R[2] / r_bubl[i]) + (-Z / 2 * Q[2] * (1 - R[2] / r_bubl[i] / (Q[2] / q_bubl[i]) + log(R[2] / r_bubl[i] / (Q[2] / q_bubl[i]))))); gammaBubl1[i] := exp(log(gammac1_bubl[i]) + log(gammar1_bubl[i])); gammaBubl2[i] := exp(log(gammac2_bubl[i]) + log(gammar2_bubl[i])); end for; end if; //Calculation of Activity coefficients at different pressures( P-x-y calculation routine) //Calculation of residual contribution term of activity coefficient //Calculation of combinatorial term of activity coefficient //Calculation of activity coefficients at different temperatures (T-x-y calculation routine) //Calculation of residual contribution term of activity coefficient //Calculation of combinatorial term of activity coefficient end Gamma_UNIQUAC; //================================================================================================ //Binary Phase Envelope //Envelope Type : P-x-y //Thermodynamic-Model : UNIQUAC //Nature of System : Azeotropic System //======================================================================================== model P_x_y_UNIQUAC //Libraries import Simulator.*; //Extension of Chemsep Database Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database data; //Parameter Section //Selection of compounds parameter data.Water wat; parameter data.Ethanol eth; //Instantiation of selected compounds parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {wat, eth}; parameter Integer NOC = 2 "Number of components"; parameter Integer Choice = 1 "System choice of Txy or Pxy"; parameter Real T(unit = "K") = 315 "System Temperature"; //Empherical parameter (towk) at different temperatures //Note : The below value will be active only in the T-x-y phase envelope routine Real towk[N + 1, NOC, NOC]; parameter Integer N = 40 "Number of points of data generation"; Real delta "Increment step"; parameter Real a[NOC, NOC] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.BIP_UNIQUAC(NOC, "Interaction Parameters"; //UNIQUAC parameters instantiated from Chemsep Database parameter Real R[NOC] = comp.UniquacR; parameter Real Q[NOC] = comp.UniquacQ; //Variable Section //Empherical Parameter (tow) at the system temperature Real tow[NOC, NOC]; //Mole Fractions (x-axis) of the P-x-y plot Real z1[N + 1], z2[N + 1]; //Activity coefficients at different Pressures Real gammaBubl1[N + 1], gammaBubl2[N + 1]; //Bubble Pressure Real P[N + 1](each unit = "Pa", each start = 776454); //Distribution coefficient Real K1[N + 1]; //Vapour Phase Mole Fraction Real y1[N + 1](each start = 0.5), y2[N + 1](each start = 0.5); //Vapour Pressure at the chosen temperature Real Psat[NOC](unit = "Pa") "Vapour Pressure"; //========================================================================================= //Equation Section equation //Calculation of Vapour Pressure at the input temperature //Thermodynamic Function Psat is instantiated from Simulator Package for i in 1:NOC loop Psat[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[i].VP, T); end for; //Calculation of increment step for the total number of points delta = 1 / N; //Empherical parameter (towk) is assigned to 1 for P-x-y mode of operation for k in 1:N + 1 loop for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:NOC loop towk[k, i, j] = 1; end for; end for; end for; //Calculation of Empherical parameter (tow) at the system temperature tow = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Tow_UNIQUAC(NOC, a, T); //Generation of mole fraction from 0 to 1 in steps of "delta" z1[1] = 0; for i in 2:N + 1 loop z1[i] = z1[i - 1] + delta; end for; for i in 1:N + 1 loop z2[i] = 1 - z1[i]; end for; //Calculation of Activity coefficients at different conditions using the function "Gamma_UNIQUAC" (gammaBubl1, gammaBubl2) = Binary_Phase_Envelope_UNIQUAC.Gamma_UNIQUAC(Choice, N, NOC, z1, z2, R, Q, tow, towk); //Bubble point calculation for i in 1:N + 1 loop P[i] = gammaBubl1[i] * z1[i] * exp(comp[1].VP[2] + comp[1].VP[3] / T + comp[1].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[1].VP[5] * T ^ comp[1].VP[6]) + gammaBubl2[i] * z2[i] * exp(comp[2].VP[2] + comp[2].VP[3] / T + comp[2].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[2].VP[5] * T ^ comp[2].VP[6]); end for; //Phase Equlibria for i in 1:N + 1 loop K1[i] = gammaBubl1[i] * (Psat[1] / P[i]); y1[i] = K1[i] * z1[i]; y2[i] = 1 - y1[i]; end for; end P_x_y_UNIQUAC; //===================================================================================================== model T_x_y_UNIQUAC //Libraries import Simulator.*; //Extension of Chemsep database Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database data; //Parameter Section //Selection of compounds parameter data.Water wat; parameter data.Ethanol eth; //Instantiation of selected compounds parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {wat, eth}; parameter Integer Choice = 2 "System choice of Txy or Pxy"; parameter Integer NOC = 2 "Number of components"; parameter Real P(unit = "Pa") = 101325 "System Pressure"; parameter Integer N = 40 "Number of points of data generation"; //UNIQUAC Parameters parameter Real R[NOC] = comp.UniquacR; parameter Real Q[NOC] = comp.UniquacQ; parameter Real a[NOC, NOC] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.BIP_UNIQUAC(NOC, "Interaction temperatures"; //Variable Section Real delta "Increment step"; //Empherical parameter (towk) at different temperatures //Note : The below value will be active only in the T-x-y phase envelope routine Real towk[N + 1, NOC, NOC]; //Empherical Parameter (tow) at the system temperature //Note : The below value will be active only in the P-x-y phase envelope routine Real tow[NOC, NOC]; //Mole Fractions (x-axis) of the T-x-y plot Real z1[N + 1], z2[N + 1]; //Bubble Temperature Real T[N + 1](each unit = "K", each start = 300); //Distribution coefficient Real K1[N + 1]; //Vapour Phase Mole Fraction Real y1[N + 1](each start = 0.5), y2[N + 1](each start = 0.5); //Vapour Pressure at the chosen temperature range Real Psat[N + 1, 1](each unit = "Pa"); //Activity coefficients at different Temperatures Real gammaBubl1[N + 1], gammaBubl2[N + 1]; //Gas constant parameter Real R_gas = 1.98721; //======================================================================================================= //Equation Section equation //Calculation of increment step for the total number of points delta = 1 / N; //Empherical parameter (towk) is calculated at different temperatures in the T-x-y mode of operation for k in 1:N + 1 loop for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:NOC loop towk[k, i, j] = exp(-a[i, j] / (R_gas * T[k])); end for; end for; end for; //Empherical parameter (tow) is assigned to 1 for T-x-y mode of operation for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:NOC loop tow[i, j] = 1; end for; end for; //Generation of mole fraction from 0 to 1 in steps of "delta" z1[1] = 0; for i in 2:N + 1 loop z1[i] = z1[i - 1] + delta; end for; for i in 1:N + 1 loop z2[i] = 1 - z1[i]; end for; //Calculation of Activity coefficients at different conditions using the function "Gamma_UNIQUAC" (gammaBubl1, gammaBubl2) = Binary_Phase_Envelope_UNIQUAC.Gamma_UNIQUAC(Choice, N, NOC, z1, z2, R, Q, tow, towk); //Bubble point calculation for i in 1:N + 1 loop P = gammaBubl1[i] * z1[i] * exp(comp[1].VP[2] + comp[1].VP[3] / T[i] + comp[1].VP[4] * log(T[i]) + comp[1].VP[5] * T[i] ^ comp[1].VP[6]) + gammaBubl2[i] * z2[i] * exp(comp[2].VP[2] + comp[2].VP[3] / T[i] + comp[2].VP[4] * log(T[i]) + comp[2].VP[5] * T[i] ^ comp[2].VP[6]); end for; //Phase Equilibria for i in 1:N + 1 loop K1[i] = gammaBubl1[i] * (Psat[i, 1] / P); y1[i] = K1[i] * z1[i]; y2[i] = 1 - y1[i]; end for; //Calculation of vapour pressures at different temperatures for i in 1:N + 1 loop Psat[i, 1] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[1].VP, T[i]); end for; end T_x_y_UNIQUAC; //================================================================================================ //============================================================================================================== //================================================================================================================ end Binary_Phase_Envelope_UNIQUAC; package Binary_Phase_Envelope_UNIFAC model P_x_y_UNIFAC //Libraries import Simulator.*; //Extension of Chemsep Database Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database data; //Parameter Section //Selection of compounds parameter data.Methylethylketone meth; parameter data.Aceticacid eth; //Instantiation of selected compounds parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {meth, eth}; parameter Integer NOC = 2 "Number of components"; parameter Integer Choice = 1 "System choice of Txy or Pxy"; parameter Real T(unit = "K") = 375 "System Temperature"; parameter Integer N = 40 "Number of points of data generation"; parameter Integer m = 4 "Interaction parameter index"; parameter Integer k = 4 "Number of Functional groups present in the compound"; parameter Real a[m, k] = {{0, 0, 476.4, 663.5}, {0, 0, 476.4, 663.5}, {26.76, 26.76, 0, 669.4}, {315.3, 315.3, -297.8, 0}} "Binary intraction parameter"; parameter Real V[NOC, k] = {{1, 1, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0, 1}} "Number of group of kind k in molecule "; parameter Real R[NOC, k] = {{0.9011, 0.6744, 1.6724, 0.0}, {0.9011, 0, 0, 1.3013}} "Group volume of group k "; parameter Real Q[NOC, k] = {{0.848, 0.540, 1.448, 0}, {0.848, 0, 0, 1.224}} "Group surface area of group k"; //Gas constant parameter Real R_gas = 1.98721; //Variable Section Real delta "Increment step"; Real e[k, NOC]; Real B[NOC, k]; Real q[NOC] "Van der waal molecular surface area"; Real r[NOC] "Van der waal molecular volume"; Real tow[m, k] "Empherical Parameter (tow) at the system temperature"; //Mole Fractions (x-axis) of the P-x-y plot Real z1[N + 1], z2[N + 1]; //Intermediate parameters used to calculate the Combinatorial contribution" Real J1_bubl[N + 1], J2_bubl[N + 1]; Real L1_bubl[N + 1], L2_bubl[N + 1]; Real gammac1_bubl[N + 1], gammac2_bubl[N + 1]; //Intermediate parameters used to calculate the Residual contribution" Real teta1_bubl[N + 1, k]; Real S1_bubl[N + 1, k]; Real sum1_bubl[N + 1, k], sum2_bubl[N + 1, k]; Real sum_bubl[N + 1], summ_bubl[N + 1]; Real gammar1_bubl[N + 1], gammar2_bubl[N + 1]; //Activity coefficients at different Pressures Real gammaBubl1[N + 1](each start = 0.5), gammaBubl2[N + 1]; //Bubble Pressure Real P[N + 1](each unit = "Pa", each start = 117018); //Distribution coefficient Real K1[N + 1]; //Vapour Phase Mole Fraction Real y1[N + 1](each start = 0.5), y2[N + 1](each start = 0.5); //Vapour Pressure at the chosen temperature Real Psat[NOC](each unit = "Pa") "Vapour Pressure"; //=========================================================================================== //Equation Section equation //Calculation of Vapour Pressure at the input temperature //Thermodynamic Function Psat is instantiated from Simulator Package for i in 1:NOC loop Psat[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[i].VP, T); end for; //Calculation of increment step for the total number of points delta = 1 / N; //Calculation of Unifac parameter R and Q for the induvidual compounds for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:k loop B[i, j] = sum(e[:, i] .* tow[:, j]); end for; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop r[i] = sum(V[i, :] .* R[i, :]); q[i] = sum(V[i, :] .* Q[i, :]); e[:, i] = V[i, :] .* Q[i, :] / q[i]; end for; //Calculation of Empherical parameter (tow) at the system temperature for i in 1:m loop tow[i, :] = exp((-a[i, :]) / T); end for; //Generation of mole fraction from 0 to 1 in steps of "delta" z1[1] = 0; for i in 2:N + 1 loop z1[i] = z1[i - 1] + delta; end for; for i in 1:N + 1 loop z2[i] = 1 - z1[i]; end for; //Calculation of combinatorial contribution parameter used to compute activity coefficient at the corresponding compositions for i in 1:N + 1 loop J1_bubl[i] = r[1] / (r[1] * z1[i] + r[2] * z2[i]); J2_bubl[i] = r[2] / (r[1] * z1[i] + r[2] * z2[i]); L1_bubl[i] = q[1] / (q[1] * z1[i] + q[2] * z2[i]); L2_bubl[i] = q[2] / (q[1] * z1[i] + q[2] * z2[i]); gammac1_bubl[i] = exp(1 - J1_bubl[i] + log(J1_bubl[i]) + (-5 * q[1] * (1 - J1_bubl[i] / L1_bubl[i] + log(J1_bubl[i] / L1_bubl[i])))); gammac2_bubl[i] = exp(1 - J2_bubl[i] + log(J2_bubl[i]) + (-5 * q[2] * (1 - J2_bubl[i] / L2_bubl[i] + log(J2_bubl[i] / L2_bubl[i])))); end for; //Calculation of residual contribution parameter used to compute activity coefficient at the corresponding compositions for i in 1:N + 1 loop teta1_bubl[i, :] = (z1[i] * q[1] .* e[:, 1] + z2[i] * q[2] .* e[:, 2]) / (z1[i] * q[1] + z2[i] * q[2]); end for; for i in 1:N + 1 loop for j in 1:k loop S1_bubl[i, j] = sum(teta1_bubl[i, :] .* tow[:, j]); sum1_bubl[i, j] = teta1_bubl[i, j] * B[1, j] / S1_bubl[i, j] - e[j, 1] * log(B[1, j] / S1_bubl[i, j]); sum2_bubl[i, j] = teta1_bubl[i, j] * B[2, j] / S1_bubl[i, j] - e[j, 2] * log(B[2, j] / S1_bubl[i, j]); end for; end for; for i in 1:N + 1 loop gammar1_bubl[i] = exp(q[1] * (1 - sum_bubl[i])); gammar2_bubl[i] = exp(q[2] * (1 - summ_bubl[i])); sum_bubl[i] = sum(sum1_bubl[i, :]); summ_bubl[i] = sum(sum2_bubl[i, :]); gammaBubl1[i] = exp(log(gammac1_bubl[i]) + log(gammar1_bubl[i])); gammaBubl2[i] = exp(log(gammac2_bubl[i]) + log(gammar2_bubl[i])); end for; //Bubble point calculation for i in 1:N + 1 loop P[i] = gammaBubl1[i] * z1[i] * exp(comp[1].VP[2] + comp[1].VP[3] / T + comp[1].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[1].VP[5] * T ^ comp[1].VP[6]) + gammaBubl2[i] * z2[i] * exp(comp[2].VP[2] + comp[2].VP[3] / T + comp[2].VP[4] * log(T) + comp[2].VP[5] * T ^ comp[2].VP[6]); end for; //Phase Equilibria for i in 1:N + 1 loop K1[i] = gammaBubl1[i] * (Psat[1] / P[i]); y1[i] = K1[i] * z1[i]; y2[i] = 1 - y1[i]; end for; end P_x_y_UNIFAC; //==================================================================================================== model T_x_y_UNIFAC //Libraries import Simulator.*; //Extension of Chemsep Database Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database data; //Parameter Section //Selection of compounds parameter data.Methylethylketone meth; parameter data.Aceticacid eth; //Instantiation of selected compounds parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {meth, eth}; parameter Real Z = 10 "Compressiblity Factor"; parameter Integer Choice = 2 "System choice of Txy or Pxy"; parameter Integer NOC = 2 "Number of components"; parameter Real P(unit = "Pa") = 101325 "System Pressure"; parameter Integer N = 40 "Number of points of data generation"; parameter Integer m = 4 "Interaction parameter index", k = 4 "Number of Functional groups present in the compound"; parameter Real a[m, k] = {{0, 0, 476.4, 663.5}, {0, 0, 476.4, 663.5}, {26.76, 26.76, 0, 669.4}, {315.3, 315.3, -297.8, 0}} "Binary intraction parameter"; parameter Real V[NOC, k] = {{1, 1, 1, 0}, {1, 0, 0, 1}} "number of group of kind k in molecule "; parameter Real R[NOC, k] = {{0.9011, 0.6744, 1.6724, 0.0}, {0.9011, 0, 0, 1.3013}} "group volume of group k "; parameter Real Q[NOC, k] = {{0.848, 0.540, 1.448, 0}, {0.848, 0, 0, 1.224}} "group surface area of group k"; //Gas constant parameter Real R_gas = 1.98721; //Variable Section Real delta "Increment step"; Real e[k, NOC]; Real B[N + 1, NOC, k]; Real q[NOC] "van der walls molecular surface area"; Real r[NOC] "van der walls molecular volume"; //Empherical parameter (tow) at different temperatures Real tow[N + 1, m, k]; //Intermediate parameters used to calculate the Combinatorial contribution" Real J1_bubl[N + 1], J2_bubl[N + 1]; Real L1_bubl[N + 1], L2_bubl[N + 1]; Real gammac1_bubl[N + 1], gammac2_bubl[N + 1]; //Intermediate parameters used to calculate the Residual contribution" Real teta1_bubl[N + 1, k]; Real S1_bubl[N + 1, k]; Real sum1_bubl[N + 1, k], sum2_bubl[N + 1, k]; Real sum_bubl[N + 1], summ_bubl[N + 1]; Real gammar1_bubl[N + 1], gammar2_bubl[N + 1]; //Activity coefficients at different Temperatures Real gammaBubl1[N + 1](each start = 0.5), gammaBubl2[N + 1]; //Mole Fractions (x-axis) of the T-x-y plot Real z1[N + 1], z2[N + 1]; //Bubble Temperature Real T[N + 1](unit = "K", each start = 300); //Distribution coefficient Real K1[N + 1]; //Vapour Phase Mole Fraction Real y1[N + 1](each start = 0.5), y2[N + 1](each start = 0.5); //Vapour Pressure at the chosen temperature range Real Psat[N + 1, 1]; //====================================================================================================== equation //Calculation of increment step for the total number of points delta = 1 / N; //Calculation of vapour pressures at different temperatures for i in 1:N + 1 loop Psat[i, 1] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[1].VP, T[i]); end for; //Generation of mole fraction from 0 to 1 in steps of "delta" z1[1] = 0; for i in 2:N + 1 loop z1[i] = z1[i - 1] + delta; end for; for i in 1:N + 1 loop z2[i] = 1 - z1[i]; end for; //Calculation of r and q for compounds for l in 1:N + 1 loop for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:k loop B[l, i, j] = sum(e[:, i] .* tow[l, :, j]); end for; end for; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop r[i] = sum(V[i, :] .* R[i, :]); q[i] = sum(V[i, :] .* Q[i, :]); e[:, i] = V[i, :] .* Q[i, :] / q[i]; end for; //Empherical parameter (towk) is calculated at different temperatures in the T-x-y mode of operation for j in 1:N + 1 loop for i in 1:m loop tow[j, i, :] = exp((-a[i, :]) / T[j]); end for; end for; //Calculation of combinatorial contribution parameter used to compute activity coefficient at the corresponding compositions for i in 1:N + 1 loop J1_bubl[i] = r[1] / (r[1] * z1[i] + r[2] * z2[i]); J2_bubl[i] = r[2] / (r[1] * z1[i] + r[2] * z2[i]); L1_bubl[i] = q[1] / (q[1] * z1[i] + q[2] * z2[i]); L2_bubl[i] = q[2] / (q[1] * z1[i] + q[2] * z2[i]); gammac1_bubl[i] = exp(1 - J1_bubl[i] + log(J1_bubl[i]) + (-5 * q[1] * (1 - J1_bubl[i] / L1_bubl[i] + log(J1_bubl[i] / L1_bubl[i])))); gammac2_bubl[i] = exp(1 - J2_bubl[i] + log(J2_bubl[i]) + (-5 * q[2] * (1 - J2_bubl[i] / L2_bubl[i] + log(J2_bubl[i] / L2_bubl[i])))); end for; //Calculation of residual contribution parameter used to compute activity coefficient at the corresponding compositions for i in 1:N + 1 loop teta1_bubl[i, :] = (z1[i] * q[1] .* e[:, 1] + z2[i] * q[2] .* e[:, 2]) / (z1[i] * q[1] + z2[i] * q[2]); end for; for i in 1:N + 1 loop for j in 1:k loop S1_bubl[i, j] = sum(teta1_bubl[i, :] .* tow[i, :, j]); end for; end for; for i in 1:N + 1 loop for j in 1:k loop sum1_bubl[i, j] = teta1_bubl[i, j] * B[i, 1, j] / S1_bubl[i, j] - e[j, 1] * log(B[i, 1, j] / S1_bubl[i, j]); sum2_bubl[i, j] = teta1_bubl[i, j] * B[i, 2, j] / S1_bubl[i, j] - e[j, 2] * log(B[i, 2, j] / S1_bubl[i, j]); end for; end for; for i in 1:N + 1 loop gammar1_bubl[i] = exp(q[1] * (1 - sum_bubl[i])); gammar2_bubl[i] = exp(q[2] * (1 - summ_bubl[i])); sum_bubl[i] = sum(sum1_bubl[i, :]); summ_bubl[i] = sum(sum2_bubl[i, :]); gammaBubl1[i] = exp(log(gammac1_bubl[i]) + log(gammar1_bubl[i])); gammaBubl2[i] = exp(log(gammac2_bubl[i]) + log(gammar2_bubl[i])); end for; //Bubble point calculation for i in 1:N + 1 loop P = gammaBubl1[i] * z1[i] * exp(comp[1].VP[2] + comp[1].VP[3] / T[i] + comp[1].VP[4] * log(T[i]) + comp[1].VP[5] * T[i] ^ comp[1].VP[6]) + gammaBubl2[i] * z2[i] * exp(comp[2].VP[2] + comp[2].VP[3] / T[i] + comp[2].VP[4] * log(T[i]) + comp[2].VP[5] * T[i] ^ comp[2].VP[6]); end for; //Phase Equlibria for i in 1:N + 1 loop K1[i] = gammaBubl1[i] * (Psat[i, 1] / P); y1[i] = K1[i] * z1[i]; y2[i] = 1 - y1[i]; end for; end T_x_y_UNIFAC; //================================================================================================================ end Binary_Phase_Envelope_UNIFAC; package Binary_Phase_Envelope_PR function Compresseblity_Factor input Real b[NOC]; input Real aij[NOC, NOC]; input Real P; input Real T; input Integer NOC; input Real m[NOC]; output Real am; output Real bm; output Real A; output Real B; output Real Z[3]; protected Real R = 8.314; Real C[4]; Real ZR[3, 2]; algorithm am := sum({{m[i] * m[j] * aij[i, j] for i in 1:NOC} for j in 1:NOC}); bm := sum(b .* m); A := am * P / (R * T) ^ 2; B := bm * P / (R * T); C[1] := 1; C[2] := B - 1; C[3] := A - 3 * B ^ 2 - 2 * B; C[4] := B ^ 3 + B ^ 2 - A * B; ZR := Modelica.Math.Vectors.Utilities.roots(C); Z := {ZR[i, 1] for i in 1:3}; end Compresseblity_Factor; model PR parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; parameter Integer NOC; parameter Real R = 8.314; parameter Real kij[NOC, NOC] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.BIP_PR(NOC,; Real Tr[NOC]; Real b[NOC]; Real m[NOC]; Real q[NOC]; Real a[NOC]; Real aij[NOC, NOC]; Real amL, bmL; Real AL, BL, Z_L[3]; Real ZL; Real sum_xa[NOC]; Real liqfugcoeff[NOC]; Real amV, bmV; Real AV, BV, Z_V[3]; Real ZV; Real sum_ya[NOC]; Real vapfugcoeff[NOC]; Real P; Real T(start = 273); Real Psat[NOC]; //Bubble and Dew Point Calculation Real Tr_bubl[NOC]; Real a_bubl[NOC]; Real aij_bubl[NOC, NOC]; Real Psat_bubl[NOC]; Real amL_bubl, bmL_bubl; Real AL_bubl, BL_bubl, Z_L_bubl[3]; Real ZL_bubl; Real sum_xa_bubl[NOC]; Real liqfugcoeff_bubl[NOC]; Real gammaBubl[NOC]; Real Tbubl(start = 273); equation for i in 1:NOC loop Psat_bubl[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[i].VP, Tbubl); Psat[i] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.Psat(comp[i].VP, T); end for; //Bubble Point and Dew Point Calculation Routine Tr_bubl = Tbubl ./ comp.Tc; a_bubl = q .* (1 .+ m .* (1 .- sqrt(Tr_bubl))) .^ 2; aij_bubl = {{(1 - kij[i, j]) * sqrt(a_bubl[i] * a_bubl[j]) for i in 1:NOC} for j in 1:NOC}; (amL_bubl, bmL_bubl, AL_bubl, BL_bubl, Z_L_bubl) = Compresseblity_Factor(b, aij_bubl, P, Tbubl, NOC, x[:]); ZL_bubl = min({Z_L_bubl}); sum_xa_bubl = {sum({x[j] * aij_bubl[i, j] for j in 1:NOC}) for i in 1:NOC}; liqfugcoeff_bubl = exp(AL_bubl / (BL_bubl * sqrt(8)) * log((ZL_bubl + 2.4142135 * BL_bubl) / (ZL_bubl - 0.414213 * BL_bubl)) .* (b / bmL_bubl .- 2 * sum_xa_bubl / amL_bubl) .+ (ZL_bubl - 1) * (b / bmL_bubl) .- log(ZL_bubl - BL_bubl)); liqfugcoeff_bubl[:] = gammaBubl[:] .* P ./ Psat_bubl[:]; P = sum(gammaBubl[:] .* x[:] .* exp(comp[:].VP[2] + comp[:].VP[3] / Tbubl + comp[:].VP[4] * log(Tbubl) + comp[:].VP[5] .* Tbubl .^ comp[:].VP[6]) ./ liqfugcoeff_bubl[:]); //Calculation of Temperatures at different compositions Tr = T ./ comp.Tc; b = 0.0778 * R * comp.Tc ./ comp.Pc; m = 0.37464 .+ 1.54226 * comp.AF .- 0.26992 * comp.AF .^ 2; q = 0.45724 * R ^ 2 * comp.Tc .^ 2 ./ comp.Pc; a = q .* (1 .+ m .* (1 .- sqrt(Tr))) .^ 2; aij = {{(1 - kij[i, j]) * sqrt(a[i] * a[j]) for i in 1:NOC} for j in 1:NOC}; //Liquid Phase Calculation Routine (amL, bmL, AL, BL, Z_L) = Compresseblity_Factor(b, aij, P, T, NOC, x[:]); ZL = min({Z_L}); sum_xa = {sum({x[j] * aij[i, j] for j in 1:NOC}) for i in 1:NOC}; liqfugcoeff = exp(AL / (BL * sqrt(8)) * log((ZL + 2.4142135 * BL) / (ZL - 0.414213 * BL)) .* (b / bmL .- 2 * sum_xa / amL) .+ (ZL - 1) * (b / bmL) .- log(ZL - BL)); //Vapour Phase Calculation Routine (amV, bmV, AV, BV, Z_V) = Compresseblity_Factor(b, aij, P, T, NOC, y[:]); ZV = max({Z_V}); sum_ya = {sum({y[j] * aij[i, j] for j in 1:NOC}) for i in 1:NOC}; vapfugcoeff = exp(AV / (BV * sqrt(8)) * log((ZV + 2.4142135 * BV) / (ZV - 0.414213 * BV)) .* (b / bmV .- 2 * sum_ya / amV) .+ (ZV - 1) * (b / bmV) .- log(ZV - BV)); end PR; model Phase_Equilibria import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Ethane eth; parameter data.Propane prop; extends PR(NOC = 2, comp = {eth, prop}); Real P, T(start = 273), K[NOC], x[NOC](each start = 0.5), y[NOC], Tbubl(start = 273); equation K[:] = liqfugcoeff[:] ./ vapfugcoeff[:]; y[:] = K[:] .* x[:]; sum(x[:]) = 1; sum(y[:]) = 1; end Phase_Equilibria; model Peng_Robinson_Pxy import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Ethane eth; parameter data.Propane prop; parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter Integer N = 2; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {eth, prop}; Phase_Equilibria points[N](each T = 210, each NOC = NOC, each comp = comp, each T(start = 273), each Tbubl(start = 273), each x(each start = 0.5), each y(each start = 0.5)); Real x1[N], y1[N], x2[N], y2[N], P[N](each start = 101325), Tbubl[N], Temp[N]; equation //Generation of Points to compute Bubble Temperature points[:].x[1] = x1[:]; points[:].y[1] = y1[:]; points[:].x[2] = x2[:]; points[:].y[2] = y2[:]; points[:].P = P; points[:].Tbubl = Tbubl; Temp[1] = Tbubl[1]; Temp[N] = Tbubl[N]; for i in 2:N - 1 loop Temp[i] = points[i].T; end for; for i in 1:N loop x1[i] = 0.5 + (i - 1) * 0.025; end for; end Peng_Robinson_Pxy; model Peng_Robinson_Txy import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Ethane eth; parameter data.Propane prop; parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter Integer N = 1; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {eth, prop}; Phase_Equilibria points[N](each P = 101325, each NOC = NOC, each comp = comp, each T(start = 273), each Tbubl(start = 273), each x(each start = 0.5), each y(each start = 0.5)); Real x[N, NOC], y[N, NOC], T[N], Tbubl[N], T_PR[N]; equation points[:].x = x; points[:].y = y; points[:].T = T; points[:].Tbubl = Tbubl; T_PR[1] = Tbubl[1]; T_PR[N] = Tbubl[N]; for i in 2:N - 1 loop T_PR[i] = T[i]; end for; for i in 1:N loop x[i, 1] = 0 + (i - 1) * 0.025; end for; end Peng_Robinson_Txy; end Binary_Phase_Envelope_PR; package Binary_Phase_Envelope_NRTL model NRTL_model import Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.*; gammaNRTL_model Gamma(NOC = NOC, comp = comp, molFrac = x[:], T = T); Real density[NOC], BIPS[NOC, NOC, 2]; equation gamma = Gamma.gamma; BIPS = Gamma.BIPS; for i in 1:NOC loop density[i] = Dens(comp[i].LiqDen, comp[i].Tc, T, P); end for; for i in 1:NOC loop K[i] = gamma[i] * Psat(comp[i].VP, T) / P; end for; end NRTL_model; model gammaNRTL_model parameter Integer NOC; parameter Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database.General_Properties comp[NOC]; Real molFrac[NOC], T; Real gamma[NOC]; Real tau[NOC, NOC], G[NOC, NOC], alpha[NOC, NOC], A[NOC, NOC], BIPS[NOC, NOC, 2]; Real sum1[NOC], sum2[NOC]; constant Real R = 1.98721; equation A = BIPS[:, :, 1]; alpha = BIPS[:, :, 2]; tau = A ./ (R * T); for i in 1:NOC loop for j in 1:NOC loop G[i, j] = exp(-alpha[i, j] * tau[i, j]); end for; end for; for i in 1:NOC loop sum1[i] = sum(molFrac[:] .* G[:, i]); sum2[i] = sum(molFrac[:] .* tau[:, i] .* G[:, i]); end for; for i in 1:NOC loop log(gamma[i]) = sum(molFrac[:] .* tau[:, i] .* G[:, i]) / sum(molFrac[:] .* G[:, i]) + sum(molFrac[:] .* G[i, :] ./ sum1[:] .* (tau[i, :] .- sum2[:] ./ sum1[:])); end for; end gammaNRTL_model; model base import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter Integer NOC; parameter Real BIP[NOC, NOC, 2]; parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC]; extends NRTL_model(BIPS = BIP); Real P, T(start = 300), gamma[NOC], K[NOC], x[NOC](each start = 0.5), y[NOC]; equation y[:] = K[:] .* x[:]; sum(x[:]) = 1; sum(y[:]) = 1; end base; model Onehexene_Acetone_Txy import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Onehexene ohex; parameter data.Acetone acet; parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter Real BIP[NOC, NOC, 2] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.BIPNRTL(NOC, comp.CAS); parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {ohex, acet}; base points[41](each P = 1013250, each NOC = NOC, each comp = comp, each BIP = BIP); Real x[41, NOC], y[41, NOC], T[41]; equation points[:].x = x; points[:].y = y; points[:].T = T; for i in 1:41 loop x[i, 1] = 0 + (i - 1) * 0.025; end for; end Onehexene_Acetone_Txy; model Onehexene_Acetone_Pxy import data = Simulator.Files.Chemsep_Database; parameter data.Onehexene ohex; parameter data.Acetone acet; parameter Integer NOC = 2; parameter Real BIP[NOC, NOC, 2] = Simulator.Files.Thermodynamic_Functions.BIPNRTL(NOC, comp.CAS); parameter data.General_Properties comp[NOC] = {ohex, acet}; base points[41](each T = 424, each NOC = NOC, each comp = comp, each BIP = BIP); Real x[41, NOC], y[41, NOC], P[41]; equation points[:].x = x; points[:].y = y; points[:].P = P; for i in 1:41 loop x[i, 1] = 0 + (i - 1) * 0.025; end for; end Onehexene_Acetone_Pxy; end Binary_Phase_Envelope_NRTL; end Binary_Phase_Envelope; end Simulator;