LDmicro0.1 MICRO=Atmel AVR ATmega128 64-TQFP CYCLE=10000 CRYSTAL=4000000 BAUD=2400 COMPILED=C:\depot\ldmicro\reg\expected\timers-counters.ld IO LIST Xdown at 2 Xres at 3 Xup at 4 Ydown at 27 Ypulse at 46 Yup at 56 END PROGRAM RUNG COMMENT Test all the timers (TON, TOF, RTO) and counters (CTC, CTU, CTD), and the\r\nreset (RES) instruction. Also test one-shots. END RUNG CONTACTS Rosc 0 TOF Tof 100000 TON Ton 100000 COIL Rosc 1 0 0 END RUNG CONTACTS Rosc 0 CONTACTS Xup 0 CTU Ccnt 20 RTO Trto 10000000 COIL Yup 0 0 0 END RUNG CONTACTS Rosc 0 CONTACTS Xdown 0 CTD Ccnt 10 COIL Ydown 0 0 0 END RUNG CONTACTS Xres 0 PARALLEL OSR OSF END RES Trto END RUNG CONTACTS Rosc 0 CTC Ccirc 7 END RUNG EQU Ccirc 3 OSF TOF Tpulse 200000 COIL Ypulse 0 0 0 END