LDmicro0.1 MICRO=Atmel AVR ATmega162 40-PDIP CYCLE=50000 CRYSTAL=10000000 BAUD=2400 COMPILED=C:\depot\ldmicro\reg\expected\integers.hex IO LIST Xa at 1 Yno at 16 Yok at 37 END PROGRAM RUNG COMMENT Test integer variable manipulations: move, arithmetic, comparison. Also test\r\na 50 ms cycle time, and the ATmega162 (odd timer register locations). END RUNG PARALLEL SERIES CONTACTS Xa 0 MOVE a 1323 END SERIES CONTACTS Xa 1 MOVE a -12 END END END RUNG PARALLEL ADD c a 1000 SUB d a 5 MUL e a 3 DIV f e 3 END END RUNG PARALLEL EQU a 1323 SHORT END PARALLEL LES c 0 LEQ d 1318 SHORT END SHORT PARALLEL GRT c 20000 GEQ e 3969 OPEN END COIL Yok 0 0 0 END RUNG NEQ e -36 GRT a 0 TON Ton 1000000 COIL Yno 0 0 0 END