LDmicro0.1 MICRO=Microchip PIC16F876 28-PDIP or 28-SOIC CYCLE=10000 CRYSTAL=4000000 BAUD=2400 COMPILED=C:\depot\ldmicro\reg\expected\contacts.hex IO LIST Xa at 2 Xb at 3 Xc at 4 Xd at 5 Xe at 6 Yf at 11 Yg at 7 Yh at 12 END PROGRAM RUNG COMMENT All types of contacts (NO, NC), and all types of coils (normal, inverted, set,\r\nreset); also test series and parallel combinations. END RUNG CONTACTS Xa 0 COIL Yf 0 0 0 END RUNG PARALLEL CONTACTS Xb 0 CONTACTS Xc 0 END COIL Yg 0 1 0 END RUNG CONTACTS Xd 0 CONTACTS Xe 1 PARALLEL COIL Yg 0 0 1 COIL Yh 1 0 0 END END