"Target frequency %d Hz, closest achievable is %d Hz (warning, >5%% error)." "Hedef frekans %d Hz, bu de�ere en yak�n olas� de�er %d Hz (Uyar�, >5% hatas�)." "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for AVR to '%s'.\r\n\r\nRemember to set the processor configuration (fuses) correctly. This does not happen automatically." "Derleme ba�ar�l�. AVR i�in derlenen '%s' IHEX dosyas�na kaydedildi.\r\n\r\n M�B konfig�rasyonunu ayarlamay� unutmay�n. Bu i�lem otomatik olarak yap�lmamaktad�r." "( ) Normal" "( ) Normal" "(/) Negated" "(/) Terslenmi�" "(S) Set-Only" "(S) Set" "(R) Reset-Only" "(R) Reset" "Pin on MCU" "M�B Baca��" "Coil" "Bobin" "Comment" "A��klama" "Cycle Time (ms):" "�evrim S�resi (ms):" "Crystal Frequency (MHz):" "Kristal Frekans� (MHz):" "UART Baud Rate (bps):" "UART Baud Rate (bps):" "Serial (UART) will use pins %d and %d.\r\n\r\n" "Seri ileti�im i�in (UART) %d ve %d bacaklar� kullan�lacakt�r.\r\n\r\n" "Please select a micro with a UART.\r\n\r\n" "L�tfen UART olan bir M�B se�iniz.\r\n\r\n" "No serial instructions (UART Send/UART Receive) are in use; add one to program before setting baud rate.\r\n\r\n" "Seri ileti�im komutu kullanmad�n�z. H�z� ayarlamadan �nce komut kullanmal�s�n�z.\r\n\r\n" "The cycle time for the 'PLC' runtime generated by LDmicro is user-configurable. Very short cycle times may not be achievable due to processor speed constraints, and very long cycle times may not be achievable due to hardware overflows. Cycle times between 10 ms and 100 ms will usually be practical.\r\n\r\nThe compiler must know what speed crystal you are using with the micro to convert between timing in clock cycles and timing in seconds. A 4 MHz to 20 MHz crystal is typical; check the speed grade of the part you are using to determine the maximum allowable clock speed before choosing a crystal." "PLC i�in LDMicro taraf�ndan verilen �evrim s�resi kullan�c� taraf�ndan de�i�tirilebilir. �ok k�sa s�reler i�lemcinin h�z�ndan kaynaklanan sebeplerden dolay� verilemeyebilir. 10ms ile 100ms aras�ndaki de�erler �evrim s�resi i�in genellikle uygun de�erlerdir.\r\n\r\n.LDMicro kullan�lan kristalin h�z�n� bilmelidir. Bu de�er program i�erisinde kullan�l�r. Bilindi�i �zere genellikle 4MHz ile 20MHz aras�nda de�ere sahip kristaller kullan�lmaktad�r. Kulland���n�z kristalin de�erini ayarlamal�s�n�z." "PLC Configuration" "PLC Ayarlar�" "Zero cycle time not valid; resetting to 10 ms." "�evrim s�resi s�f�r olamaz. 10ms olarak de�i�tirildi." "Source" "Kaynak" "Internal Relay" "Dahili R�le" "Input pin" "Giri� Baca��" "Output pin" "��k�� Baca��" "|/| Negated" "|/| Terslenmi�" "Contacts" "Kontak" "No ADC or ADC not supported for selected micro." "Bu i�lemcide ADC yok yada ADC desteklenmiyor." "Assign:" "De�eri:" "No microcontroller has been selected. You must select a microcontroller before you can assign I/O pins.\r\n\r\nSelect a microcontroller under the Settings menu and try again." "��lemci se�mediniz.\r\n\r\n G/� u�lar�n� se�meden �nce Ayarlar men�s�nden i�lemci se�iniz." "I/O Pin Assignment" "G/� Bacak Tan�m�" "Can't specify I/O assignment for ANSI C target; compile and see comments in generated source code." "ANSI C hedef i�in G/� tan�mlamas� yap�lamad�. Dosyay� derleyerek olu�turulan kaynak kodundaki yorumlar� inceleyiniz." "Can't specify I/O assignment for interpretable target; see comments in reference implementation of interpreter." "Hedef i�in G/� tan�m� yap�lamad�. Derleyicinin kullan�m kitap����n� inceleyiniz." "Can only assign pin number to input/output pins (Xname or Yname or Aname)." "Sadece giri�/��k�� u�lar� i�in bacak tan�mlamas� yap�labilir. (XName veya YName veya AName)." "No ADC or ADC not supported for this micro." "Bu i�lemcide ADC yok yada ADC desteklenmiyor." "Rename I/O from default name ('%s') before assigning MCU pin." "('%s') �ntan�ml� isimdir. M�B baca�� tan�mlamadan �nce bu ismi de�i�tiriniz." "I/O Pin" "G/� Bacaklar�" "(no pin)" "(Bacak Yok)" "<UART needs!>" "<UART gerekli!>" "<PWM needs!>" "<PWM gerekli!>" "<not an I/O!>" "<G/� de�il>" "Export As Text" "Yaz� dosyas� olarak ver" "Couldn't write to '%s'." "'%s' dosyas�na yaz�lamad�." "Compile To" "Derlenecek Yer" "Must choose a target microcontroller before compiling." "Derlemeden �nce i�lemci se�ilmelidir." "UART function used but not supported for this micro." "Komut kullanm��s�n�z, ancak UART i�lemleri bu i�lemci i�in desteklenmiyor." "PWM function used but not supported for this micro." "Komut kullanm��s�n�z, ancak PWM i�lemleri bu i�lemci i�in desteklenmiyor." "The program has changed since it was last saved.\r\n\r\nDo you want to save the changes?" "Dosyada de�i�iklik yapt�n�z.\r\n\r\n Kaydetmek ister misiniz?" "--add comment here--" "--aciklamanizi buraya ekleyiniz--" "Start new program?" "Yeni dosya olu�turulsun mu?" "Couldn't open '%s'." "'%s' dosyas�na kay�t yap�lam�yor." "Name" "�sim" "State" "Durum/De�er" "Pin on Processor" "��lemci Bacak No" "MCU Port" "��lemci Portu" "LDmicro - Simulation (Running)" "LDmicro - Sim�lasyon (�al���yor)" "LDmicro - Simulation (Stopped)" "LDmicro - Sim�lasyon (Durduruldu)" "LDmicro - Program Editor" "LDmicro � Program Edit�r� " " - (not yet saved)" " - (de�i�iklikler kaydedilmedi)" "&New\tCtrl+N" "&Yeni Dosya\tCtrl+N" "&Open...\tCtrl+O" "&Dosya A�\tCtrl+O" "&Save\tCtrl+S" "&Dosyay� Kaydet\tCtrl+S" "Save &As..." "Dosyay� Farkl� Kaydet" "&Export As Text...\tCtrl+E" "&Metin Dosyas� Olarak Kaydet\tCtrl+E" "E&xit" "��k��" "&Undo\tCtrl+Z" "De�i�ikli�i Geri Al\tCtrl+Z" "&Redo\tCtrl+Y" "&De�i�ikli�i Tekrarla\tCtrl+Y" "Insert Rung &Before\tShift+6" "�st k�sma sat�r (Rung) ekle\tShift+6" "Insert Rung &After\tShift+V" "Alt k�sma sat�r (Rung) ekle\tShift+V" "Move Selected Rung &Up\tShift+Up" "Se�ili sat�r� �ste ta��\tShift+Up" "Move Selected Rung &Down\tShift+Down" "Se�ili sat�r� alta ta��\tShift+Down" "&Delete Selected Element\tDel" "&Se�ili Eleman� Sil\tDel" "D&elete Rung\tShift+Del" "Se�ili Sat�r� Sil\tShift+Del" "Insert Co&mment\t;" "A��klama Ekle\t;" "Insert &Contacts\tC" "Kontak Eekle\tC" "Insert OSR (One Shot Rising)\t&/" "OSR ekle (Y�kselen Kenar)\t&/" "Insert OSF (One Shot Falling)\t&\\" "OSF ekle (D��en Kenar)\t&\\" "Insert T&ON (Delayed Turn On)\tO" "T&ON ekle (Turn-On Gecikme)\tO" "Insert TO&F (Delayed Turn Off)\tF" "T&OF ekle (Turn-Off Gecikme)\tF" "Insert R&TO (Retentive Delayed Turn On)\tT" "R&TO ekle (S�re Sayan Turn-On Gecikme)\tT" "Insert CT&U (Count Up)\tU" "CT&U ekle (Yukar� Say�c�)\tU" "Insert CT&D (Count Down)\tI" "CT&D ekle (A�a�� Say�c�)\tI" "Insert CT&C (Count Circular)\tJ" "CT&C ekle (D�ng�sel Say�c�)\tJ" "Insert EQU (Compare for Equals)\t=" "EQU ekle (E�itlik Kontrol�)\t=" "Insert NEQ (Compare for Not Equals)" "NEQ ekle (Farkl�l�k Kontrol�)" "Insert GRT (Compare for Greater Than)\t>" "GRT ekle (B�y�k Kontrol�)\t>" "Insert GEQ (Compare for Greater Than or Equal)\t." "GEQ ekle (B�y�k yada E�it Kontrol�)\t." "Insert LES (Compare for Less Than)\t<" "LES ekle (K���k Kontrol�)\t<" "Insert LEQ (Compare for Less Than or Equal)\t," "LEQ ekle (K���k yada E�it Kontrol�)\t," "Insert Open-Circuit" "A��k Devre ekle" "Insert Short-Circuit" "Kapal� Devre ekle" "Insert Master Control Relay" "Ana Kontrol R�lesi ekle" "Insert Coi&l\tL" "Bobin ek&le\tL" "Insert R&ES (Counter/RTO Reset)\tE" "R&ES ekle (RTO/Say�c� S�f�rlamas�)\tE" "Insert MOV (Move)\tM" "MOV (Ta��) ekle\tM" "Insert ADD (16-bit Integer Add)\t+" "ADD (16 bit Toplama)ekle\t+" "Insert SUB (16-bit Integer Subtract)\t-" "SUB (16 bit ��karma) ekle\t-" "Insert MUL (16-bit Integer Multiply)\t*" "MUL (16 bit �arpma) ekle\t*" "Insert DIV (16-bit Integer Divide)\tD" "DIV (16 bit b�lme) ekle\tD" "Insert Shift Register" "Shift Register ekle" "Insert Look-Up Table" "De�er Tablosu ekle" "Insert Piecewise Linear" "Par�al� Lineer ekle" "Insert Formatted String Over UART" "UART �zerinden Bi�imlendirilmi� Kelime Ekle" "Insert &UART Send" "&UART'dan G�nderme ekle" "Insert &UART Receive" "&UART'dan Alma ekle" "Insert Set PWM Output" "PWM ��k��� Akit Et ekle" "Insert A/D Converter Read\tP" "A/D �eviriciden Oku ekle\tP" "Insert Make Persistent" "EPROM'da Sakla ekle" "Make Norm&al\tA" "Normale �evir\tA" "Make &Negated\tN" "Terslenmi� Yap\tN" "Make &Set-Only\tS" "Set Yap\tS" "Make &Reset-Only\tR" "Reset Yap\tR" "&MCU Parameters..." "&��lemci Ayarlar�..." "(no microcontroller)" "(i�lemci yok)" "&Microcontroller" "��lemci Se�imi" "Si&mulation Mode\tCtrl+M" "Si&m�lasyon Modu\tCtrl+M" "Start &Real-Time Simulation\tCtrl+R" "Ge&r�ek Zamanl� Sim�lasyonu Ba�lat\tCtrl+R" "&Halt Simulation\tCtrl+H" "Sim�lasyonu Durdur\tCtrl+H" "Single &Cycle\tSpace" "Sat�r Sat�r Sim�lasyon\tEspace" "&Compile\tF5" "&Derle\tF5" "Compile &As..." "Farkl� Derle..." "&Manual...\tF1" "&Kitap��k...\tF1" "&About..." "&Bilgi..." "&File" "&Dosya" "&Edit" "&D�zen" "&Settings" "&Ayarlar" "&Instruction" "K&omutlar" "Si&mulate" "Si&m�lasyon" "&Compile" "&Derle" "&Help" "&Yard�m" "no MCU selected" "��lemci Se�ilmedi" "cycle time %.2f ms" "�evrim s�resi %.2f ms" "processor clock %.4f MHz" "i�lemci frekans� %.4f MHz" "Internal error relating to PIC paging; make program smaller or reshuffle it." "PIC sayfalamas� ile ilgili dahili hata olu�tu. Program� k�salt�n�z yada de�i�tiriniz." "PWM frequency too fast." "PWM frekans� �ok h�zl�." "PWM frequency too slow." "PWM frekans� �ok yava�." "Cycle time too fast; increase cycle time, or use faster crystal." "�evrim s�resi �ok k�sa. S�reyi yada kristal frekans�n� art�r�n�z." "Cycle time too slow; decrease cycle time, or use slower crystal." "�evrim s�resi �ok uzun. S�reyi yada kristal frekans�n� azalt�n�z.." "Couldn't open file '%s'" "'%s' dosyas� a��lamad�." "Zero baud rate not possible." "�leti�im h�z� (Baudrate) s�f�r olamaz." "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for PIC16 to '%s'.\r\n\r\nConfiguration word (fuses) has been set for crystal oscillator, BOD enabled, LVP disabled, PWRT enabled, all code protection off.\r\n\r\nUsed %d/%d words of program flash (chip %d%% full)." "Derleme ba�ar�yla yap�ld�; PIC16 i�in IHEX dosyas� '%s' dosyas�na kaydedildi.\r\n\r\nAyarlar: (PIC konfig�rasyonu) kristal osilat�r, BOD aktif, LVP pasif, PWRT aktif, t�m kod korumas� kapal�.\r\n\r\nPIC haf�zas�n�n %d/%d kelimesi kullan�ld�. (Haf�za %d%% dolu)." "Type" "Tipi" "Timer" "Zamanlay�c�" "Counter" "Say�c�" "Reset" "Reset" "OK" "Tamam" "Cancel" "Vazge�" "Empty textbox; not permitted." "Yaz� kutusu bo� olamaz" "Bad use of quotes: <%s>" "T�rnaklar yanl�� kullan�lm��: <%s>" "Turn-On Delay" "Turn-On Gecikme Devresi" "Turn-Off Delay" "Turn-Off Gecikme Devresi" "Retentive Turn-On Delay" "De�eri Saklanan Turn-On Gecikme" "Delay (ms):" "Gecikme (ms):" "Delay too long; maximum is 2**31 us." "Gecikme �ok fazla. En fazla 2**31 us olabilir." "Delay cannot be zero or negative." "Gecikme s�f�r yada eksi de�er olamaz." "Count Up" "Yukar� Say" "Count Down" "A�a�� Say" "Circular Counter" "Dairesel Say�c�" "Max value:" "En Y�ksek De�er:" "True if >= :" "Do�ru E�er >= :" "If Equals" "E�itse" "If Not Equals" "E�it De�ilse" "If Greater Than" "B�y�kse" "If Greater Than or Equal To" "B�y�k yada E�itse" "If Less Than" "K���kse" "If Less Than or Equal To" "K���k yada E�itse" "'Closed' if:" "'Kapal�' E�er:" "Move" "Ta��" "Read A/D Converter" "A/D �eviriciyi Oku" "Duty cycle var:" "Pals Geni�li�i De�eri:" "Frequency (Hz):" "Frekans (Hz):" "Set PWM Duty Cycle" "PWM Pals Geni�li�i De�eri" "Source:" "Kaynak:" "Receive from UART" "UART'dan bilgi al" "Send to UART" "UART'dan bilgi g�nder" "Add" "Topla" "Subtract" "��kar" "Multiply" "�arp" "Divide" "B�l" "Destination:" "Hedef:" "is set := :" "Verilen De�er := :" "Name:" "�sim:" "Stages:" "A�amalar:" "Shift Register" "Shift Register" "Not a reasonable size for a shift register." "Shift Register i�in kabul edilebilir de�er de�il." "String:" "Karakter Dizisi:" "Formatted String Over UART" "UART �zerinden Bi�imlendirilmi� Karakter Dizisi" "Variable:" "De�i�ken:" "Make Persistent" "EEPROM'da Sakla" "Too many elements in subcircuit!" "Alt devrede �ok fazla eleman var!" "Too many rungs!" "Sat�r say�s� (Rung) fazla!" "Error" "Hata" "ANSI C target does not support peripherals (UART, PWM, ADC, EEPROM). Skipping that instruction." "ANSI C hedef �zellikleri desteklemiyor.(UART, ADC, EEPROM). �lgili komutlar i�lenmeyecek." "Compile successful; wrote C source code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nThis is not a complete C program. You have to provide the runtime and all the I/O routines. See the comments in the source code for information about how to do this." "Derleme ba�ar�yla tamamland�. C kaynak kodu '%s' dosyas�na yaz�ld�.\r\n\r\nBu dosya tam bir C dosyas� de�ildir. G/� rutinlerini kendiniz sa�lamal�s�n�z. Dosyay� incelemeniz faydal� olacakt�r." "Cannot delete rung; program must have at least one rung." "Bu sat�r silinemez. Programda en az bir tane sat�r (Rung) olmal�d�r." "Out of memory; simplify program or choose microcontroller with more memory." "��lemci haf�zas� doldu; Program� k�salt�n�z yada daha y�ksek haf�zas� olan bir i�lemci se�iniz." "Must assign pins for all ADC inputs (name '%s')." "T�m ADC giri�lerinin bacaklar� belirtilmelidir (ADC '%s')." "Internal limit exceeded (number of vars)" "Dahili s�n�r a��ld� (De�i�ken Say�s�)" "Internal relay '%s' never assigned; add its coil somewhere." "'%s' dahili r�lesine de�er verilmedi, Bu r�le i�in bir bobin ekleyiniz." "Must assign pins for all I/O.\r\n\r\n'%s' is not assigned." "T�m G/� u�lar� i�in bacaklar belirtilmelidir.\r\n\r\n'%s' ucuna de�er verilmemi�." "UART in use; pins %d and %d reserved for that." "UART Kullan�mda; %d ve %d bacaklar� bunun i�in kullan�lmaktad�r. Siz kullanamazs�n�z." "PWM in use; pin %d reserved for that." "PWM Kullan�mda; %d baca�� bunun i�in ayr�lm��t�r. Siz kullanamazs�n�z.." "UART baud rate generator: divisor=%d actual=%.4f for %.2f%% error.\r\n\r\nThis is too large; try a different baud rate (slower probably), or a crystal frequency chosen to be divisible by many common baud rates (e.g. 3.6864 MHz, 14.7456 MHz).\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial may be unreliable or completely broken." "UART H�z Hesaplay�c�s�: B�len=%d Ger�ekte=%.4f (%.2f%% hata pay� ile).\r\n\r\nBu de�er �ok y�ksektir. De�i�ik bir de�er denemelisiniz yada kristal frekans�n� s�k kullan�lan ve bu de�erlere b�l�nebilen bir de�er se�iniz. (Mesela 3.6864MHz, 14.7456MHz gibi).\r\n\r\nHer durumda kod olu�turulacakt�r; ancak seri ileti�im d�zg�n �al��mayabilir yada tamamen durabilir." "UART baud rate generator: too slow, divisor overflows. Use a slower crystal or a faster baud rate.\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial will likely be completely broken." "UART H�z Hesaplay�c�s�: H�z �ok d���k. Bu nedenle b�len ta�ma yap�yor. Ya kristal frekans�n� d���r�n�z yada h�z� (baudrate) art�r�n�z.\r\n\r\nHer durumda kod olu�turulacakt�r; ancak seri ileti�im d�zg�n �al��mayabilir yada tamamen durabilir." "Couldn't open '%s'\n" "'%s' dosyas� a��lamad�\n" "Timer period too short (needs faster cycle time)." "Zamanlay�c� peryodu �ok k�sa (daha y�ksek �evrim s�resi gerekli)." "Timer period too long (max 32767 times cycle time); use a slower cycle time." "Zamanlay�c� peryodu �ok k�sa(en fazla. �evrim s�resinin 32767 kat� olabilir); �evrim s�resini d���r�n�z." "Constant %d out of range: -32768 to 32767 inclusive." "%d sabiti aral���n d���nda: -32768 ile 32767 aras�nda olmal�d�r." "Move instruction: '%s' not a valid destination." "Ta��ma Komutu: '%s' ge�erli bir hedef adresi de�il." "Math instruction: '%s' not a valid destination." "Matematik Komutu: '%s'ge�erli bir hedef adresi de�il." "Piecewise linear lookup table with zero elements!" "Par�al� do�rusal arama tablosunda de�er yok!" "x values in piecewise linear table must be strictly increasing." "Par�al� do�rusal arama tablosundaki x de�erleri artan s�ralamal� olmal�." "Numerical problem with piecewise linear lookup table. Either make the table entries smaller, or space the points together more closely.\r\n\r\nSee the help file for details." "Par�al� do�rusal arama tablosunda say�sal hata.\r\n\r\nDetaylar i�in yard�m men�s�n� inceleyiniz." "Multiple escapes (\\0-9) present in format string, not allowed." "Bi�imli karakter dizisinde birden �ok escape kodu var(\\0-9)." "Bad escape: correct form is \\xAB." "Yanl�� ESC komutu: do�ru �ekil = \\xAB." "Bad escape '\\%c'" "Yanl�� ESC komutu '\\%c'" "Variable is interpolated into formatted string, but none is specified." "Bi�imlendirilmi� karakter k�mesine de�i�ken tan�mlanm�� ama hi� belirtilmemi�." "No variable is interpolated into formatted string, but a variable name is specified. Include a string like '\\-3', or leave variable name blank." "Bi�imlendirilmi� karakter k�mesine de�i�ken atanmam�� ama de�i�ken ismi belirtilmi�. Ya de�i�ken ismini belirtiniz yada '\\-3' gibi bir de�er veriniz.." "Empty row; delete it or add instructions before compiling." "Sat�r bo�; Sat�r� silmeli yada komut eklemelisiniz." "Couldn't write to '%s'" "'%s' dosyas�na kay�t yap�lam�yor." "Unsupported op (anything ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM) for interpretable target." "Komut desteklenmiyor. (ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM ile ilgili komutlardan herhangi biri)" "Compile successful; wrote interpretable code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nYou probably have to adapt the interpreter to your application. See the documentation." "Derleme ba�ar�yla tamamland�. Kod '%s' dosyas�na yaz�ld�.\r\n\r\nDerleyiciyi uygulaman�za g�re de�i�tirmeniz gerekebilir. Geni� bilgi i�in LDMicro belgelerine ba�vurabilirsiniz." "Microcontroller '%s' not supported.\r\n\r\nDefaulting to no selected MCU." "'%s' desteklenen bir i�lemci de�il.\r\n\r\n��lemci ayar� i�lemci yok �eklinde de�i�tirilmi�tir." "File format error; perhaps this program is for a newer version of LDmicro?" "Dosya bi�imi hatas�. A�maya �al��t���n�z dosya ya LDMicro dosyas� de�il yada yeni bir s�r�m ile yaz�lm��." "Index:" "Liste:" "Points:" "De�er Say�s�:" "Count:" "Adet:" "Edit table of ASCII values like a string" "ASCII de�er tablosunu karakter dizisi gibi d�zenle." "Look-Up Table" "Arama Tablosu" "Piecewise Linear Table" "Par�al� Lineer Tablo" "LDmicro Error" "LDmicro Hatas�" "Compile Successful" "Derleme Ba�ar�l�" "digital in" "Dijital Giri�" "digital out" "Dijital ��k��" "int. relay" "Dahili R�le" "UART tx" "UART tx" "UART rx" "UART rx" "PWM out" "PWM ��k���" "turn-on delay" "Turn-On Gecikme" "turn-off delay" "Turn-Off Gecikme" "retentive timer" "de�eri saklanan zamanlay�c�" "counter" "Say�c�" "general var" "Genel De�i�ken" "adc input" "ADC Giri�i" "<corrupt!>" "<bozuk>" "(not assigned)" "(tan�ml� de�il)" "<no UART!>" "<UART Yok!>" "<no PWM!>" "<PWM Yok!>" "TOF: variable cannot be used elsewhere" "TOF: De�i�ken ba�ka bir yerde kullan�lamaz" "TON: variable cannot be used elsewhere" "TON: De�i�ken ba�ka bir yerde kullan�lamaz" "RTO: variable can only be used for RES elsewhere" "RTO: De�i�ken sadece RES i�in kullan�labilir" "Variable '%s' not assigned to, e.g. with a MOV statement, an ADD statement, etc.\r\n\r\nThis is probably a programming error; now it will always be zero." "'%s' de�er atanmam��.�rne�in, MOV, ADD komutlar� ile de�er atanabilir.\r\n\r\nMuhtemelen bu bir programlama hatas�d�r. Bu nedenle de�i�kenin de�eri 0 olarak kullan�lacakt�r." "Variable for '%s' incorrectly assigned: %s." "'%s' i�in de�i�ken hatal� atanm��: %s." "Division by zero; halting simulation" "S�f�ra b�l�m; Sim�lasyon durduruldu." "!!!too long!!!" "!!!�ok uzun!!" "\n\nI/O ASSIGNMENT:\n\n" "\n\nG/� TANIMI:\n\n" " Name | Type | Pin\n" " �sim | Tipi | Bacak\n"