// Copyright 2007 Jonathan Westhues
// This file is part of LDmicro.
// LDmicro is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// LDmicro is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with LDmicro. If not, see .
// Routines to simulate the logic interactively, for testing purposes. We can
// simulate in real time, triggering off a Windows timer, or we can
// single-cycle it. The GUI acts differently in simulation mode, to show the
// status of all the signals graphically, show how much time is left on the
// timers, etc.
// Jonathan Westhues, Nov 2004
#include "linuxUI.h"
#include "ldmicro.h"
#include "intcode.h"
#include "freezeLD.h"
static struct {
char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
BOOL powered;
} SingleBitItems[MAX_IO];
static int SingleBitItemsCount;
static struct {
char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
SWORD val;
DWORD usedFlags;
} Variables[MAX_IO];
static int VariablesCount;
static struct {
char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
SWORD val;
} AdcShadows[MAX_IO];
static int AdcShadowsCount;
#define VAR_FLAG_TON 0x00000001
#define VAR_FLAG_TOF 0x00000002
#define VAR_FLAG_RTO 0x00000004
#define VAR_FLAG_CTU 0x00000008
#define VAR_FLAG_CTD 0x00000010
#define VAR_FLAG_CTC 0x00000020
#define VAR_FLAG_RES 0x00000040
#define VAR_FLAG_ANY 0x00000080
// Schematic-drawing code needs to know whether we're in simulation mode or
// note, as that changes how everything is drawn; also UI code, to disable
// editing during simulation.
BOOL InSimulationMode;
// Don't want to redraw the screen unless necessary; track whether a coil
// changed state or a timer output switched to see if anything could have
// changed (not just coil, as we show the intermediate steps too).
static BOOL NeedRedraw;
// Have to let the effects of a coil change in cycle k appear in cycle k+1,
// or set by the UI code to indicate that user manually changed an Xfoo
// input.
BOOL SimulateRedrawAfterNextCycle;
// Don't want to set a timer every 100 us to simulate a 100 us cycle
// time...but we can cycle multiple times per timer interrupt and it will
// be almost as good, as long as everything runs fast.
static int CyclesPerTimerTick;
// Program counter as we evaluate the intermediate code.
static int IntPc;
// A window to allow simulation with the UART stuff (insert keystrokes into
// the program, view the output, like a terminal window).
static HWND UartSimulationWindow;
static HWND UartSimulationTextControl;
static LONG_PTR PrevTextProc;
static int QueuedUartCharacter = -1;
static int SimulateUartTxCountdown = 0;
static void AppendToUartSimulationTextControl(BYTE b);
static void SimulateIntCode(void);
static char *MarkUsedVariable(char *name, DWORD flag);
// Query the state of a single-bit element (relay, digital in, digital out).
// Looks in the SingleBitItems list; if an item is not present then it is
// FALSE by default.
// static BOOL SingleBitOn(char *name)
// {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < SingleBitItemsCount; i++) {
// if(strcmp(SingleBitItems[i].name, name)==0) {
// return SingleBitItems[i].powered;
// }
// }
// return FALSE;
// }
// Set the state of a single-bit item. Adds it to the list if it is not there
// already.
// static void SetSingleBit(char *name, BOOL state)
// {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < SingleBitItemsCount; i++) {
// if(strcmp(SingleBitItems[i].name, name)==0) {
// SingleBitItems[i].powered = state;
// return;
// }
// }
// if(i < MAX_IO) {
// strcpy(SingleBitItems[i].name, name);
// SingleBitItems[i].powered = state;
// SingleBitItemsCount++;
// }
// }
// Count a timer up (i.e. increment its associated count by 1). Must already
// exist in the table.
// static void IncrementVariable(char *name)
// {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < VariablesCount; i++) {
// if(strcmp(Variables[i].name, name)==0) {
// (Variables[i].val)++;
// return;
// }
// }
// oops();
// }
// Set a variable to a value.
// static void SetSimulationVariable(char *name, SWORD val)
// {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < VariablesCount; i++) {
// if(strcmp(Variables[i].name, name)==0) {
// Variables[i].val = val;
// return;
// }
// }
// MarkUsedVariable(name, VAR_FLAG_OTHERWISE_FORGOTTEN);
// SetSimulationVariable(name, val);
// }
// Read a variable's value.
// SWORD GetSimulationVariable(char *name)
// {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < VariablesCount; i++) {
// if(strcmp(Variables[i].name, name)==0) {
// return Variables[i].val;
// }
// }
// MarkUsedVariable(name, VAR_FLAG_OTHERWISE_FORGOTTEN);
// return GetSimulationVariable(name);
// }
// Set the shadow copy of a variable associated with a READ ADC operation. This
// will get committed to the real copy when the rung-in condition to the
// READ ADC is true.
// void SetAdcShadow(char *name, SWORD val)
// {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < AdcShadowsCount; i++) {
// if(strcmp(AdcShadows[i].name, name)==0) {
// AdcShadows[i].val = val;
// return;
// }
// }
// strcpy(AdcShadows[i].name, name);
// AdcShadows[i].val = val;
// AdcShadowsCount++;
// }
// Return the shadow value of a variable associated with a READ ADC. This is
// what gets copied into the real variable when an ADC read is simulated.
// SWORD GetAdcShadow(char *name)
// {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < AdcShadowsCount; i++) {
// if(strcmp(AdcShadows[i].name, name)==0) {
// return AdcShadows[i].val;
// }
// }
// return 0;
// }
// Mark how a variable is used; a series of flags that we can OR together,
// then we can check to make sure that only valid combinations have been used
// (e.g. just a TON, an RTO with its reset, etc.). Returns NULL for success,
// else an error string.
// static char *MarkUsedVariable(char *name, DWORD flag)
// {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < VariablesCount; i++) {
// if(strcmp(Variables[i].name, name)==0) {
// break;
// }
// }
// if(i >= MAX_IO) return "";
// if(i == VariablesCount) {
// strcpy(Variables[i].name, name);
// Variables[i].usedFlags = 0;
// Variables[i].val = 0;
// VariablesCount++;
// }
// switch(flag) {
// case VAR_FLAG_TOF:
// if(Variables[i].usedFlags != 0)
// return _("TOF: variable cannot be used elsewhere");
// break;
// case VAR_FLAG_TON:
// if(Variables[i].usedFlags != 0)
// return _("TON: variable cannot be used elsewhere");
// break;
// case VAR_FLAG_RTO:
// if(Variables[i].usedFlags & ~VAR_FLAG_RES)
// return _("RTO: variable can only be used for RES elsewhere");
// break;
// case VAR_FLAG_CTU:
// case VAR_FLAG_CTD:
// case VAR_FLAG_CTC:
// case VAR_FLAG_RES:
// case VAR_FLAG_ANY:
// break;
// if(name[0] != '$') {
// Error(_("Variable '%s' not assigned to, e.g. with a "
// "MOV statement, an ADD statement, etc.\r\n\r\n"
// "This is probably a programming error; now it "
// "will always be zero."), name);
// }
// break;
// default:
// oops();
// }
// Variables[i].usedFlags |= flag;
// return NULL;
// }
// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// // Check for duplicate uses of a single variable. For example, there should
// // not be two TONs with the same name. On the other hand, it would be okay
// // to have an RTO with the same name as its reset; in fact, verify that
// // there must be a reset for each RTO.
// //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// static void MarkWithCheck(char *name, int flag)
// {
// char *s = MarkUsedVariable(name, flag);
// if(s) {
// Error(_("Variable for '%s' incorrectly assigned: %s."), name, s);
// }
// }
// static void CheckVariableNamesCircuit(int which, void *elem)
// {
// ElemLeaf *l = (ElemLeaf *)elem;
// char *name = NULL;
// DWORD flag;
// switch(which) {
// // int i;
// // ElemSubcktSeries *s = (ElemSubcktSeries *)elem;
// // for(i = 0; i < s->count; i++) {
// // CheckVariableNamesCircuit(s->contents[i].which,
// // s->contents[i].d.any);
// // }
// // break;
// }
// // int i;
// // ElemSubcktParallel *p = (ElemSubcktParallel *)elem;
// // for(i = 0; i < p->count; i++) {
// // CheckVariableNamesCircuit(p->contents[i].which,
// // p->contents[i].d.any);
// // }
// // break;
// }
// case ELEM_RTO:
// case ELEM_TOF:
// case ELEM_TON:
// if(which == ELEM_RTO)
// flag = VAR_FLAG_RTO;
// else if(which == ELEM_TOF)
// flag = VAR_FLAG_TOF;
// else if(which == ELEM_TON)
// flag = VAR_FLAG_TON;
// else oops();
// MarkWithCheck(l->d.timer.name, flag);
// break;
// case ELEM_CTU:
// case ELEM_CTD:
// case ELEM_CTC:
// if(which == ELEM_CTU)
// flag = VAR_FLAG_CTU;
// else if(which == ELEM_CTD)
// flag = VAR_FLAG_CTD;
// else if(which == ELEM_CTC)
// flag = VAR_FLAG_CTC;
// else oops();
// MarkWithCheck(l->d.counter.name, flag);
// break;
// case ELEM_RES:
// MarkWithCheck(l->d.reset.name, VAR_FLAG_RES);
// break;
// case ELEM_MOVE:
// MarkWithCheck(l->d.move.dest, VAR_FLAG_ANY);
// break;
// MarkWithCheck(l->d.lookUpTable.dest, VAR_FLAG_ANY);
// break;
// // MarkWithCheck(l->d.piecewiseLinear.dest, VAR_FLAG_ANY);
// break;
// case ELEM_READ_ADC:
// // MarkWithCheck(l->d.readAdc.name, VAR_FLAG_ANY);
// break;
// case ELEM_ADD:
// case ELEM_SUB:
// case ELEM_MUL:
// case ELEM_DIV:
// // MarkWithCheck(l->d.math.dest, VAR_FLAG_ANY);
// break;
// // MarkWithCheck(l->d.uart.name, VAR_FLAG_ANY);
// break;
// // int i;
// // for(i = 1; i < l->d.shiftRegister.stages; i++) {
// // char str[MAX_NAME_LEN+10];
// // sprintf(str, "%s%d", l->d.shiftRegister.name, i);
// // MarkWithCheck(str, VAR_FLAG_ANY);
// // }
// break;
// }
// case ELEM_SET_PWM:
// case ELEM_OPEN:
// case ELEM_SHORT:
// case ELEM_COIL:
// case ELEM_EQU:
// case ELEM_NEQ:
// case ELEM_GRT:
// case ELEM_GEQ:
// case ELEM_LES:
// case ELEM_LEQ:
// break;
// default:
// oops();
// }
// }
// static void CheckVariableNames(void)
// {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < Prog.numRungs; i++) {
// CheckVariableNamesCircuit(ELEM_SERIES_SUBCKT, Prog.rungs[i]);
// }
// }
// The IF condition is true. Execute the body, up until the ELSE or the
// END IF, and then skip the ELSE if it is present. Called with PC on the
// IF, returns with PC on the END IF.
// static void IfConditionTrue(void)
// {
// IntPc++;
// // now PC is on the first statement of the IF body
// SimulateIntCode();
// // now PC is on the ELSE or the END IF
// if(IntCode[IntPc].op == INT_ELSE) {
// int nesting = 1;
// for(; ; IntPc++) {
// if(IntPc >= IntCodeLen) oops();
// if(IntCode[IntPc].op == INT_END_IF) {
// nesting--;
// } else if(INT_IF_GROUP(IntCode[IntPc].op)) {
// nesting++;
// }
// if(nesting == 0) break;
// }
// } else if(IntCode[IntPc].op == INT_END_IF) {
// return;
// } else {
// oops();
// }
// }
// The IF condition is false. Skip the body, up until the ELSE or the END
// IF, and then execute the ELSE if it is present. Called with PC on the IF,
// returns with PC on the END IF.
// static void IfConditionFalse(void)
// {
// int nesting = 0;
// for(; ; IntPc++) {
// if(IntPc >= IntCodeLen) oops();
// if(IntCode[IntPc].op == INT_END_IF) {
// nesting--;
// } else if(INT_IF_GROUP(IntCode[IntPc].op)) {
// nesting++;
// } else if(IntCode[IntPc].op == INT_ELSE && nesting == 1) {
// break;
// }
// if(nesting == 0) break;
// }
// // now PC is on the ELSE or the END IF
// if(IntCode[IntPc].op == INT_ELSE) {
// IntPc++;
// SimulateIntCode();
// } else if(IntCode[IntPc].op == INT_END_IF) {
// return;
// } else {
// oops();
// }
// }
// Evaluate a circuit, calling ourselves recursively to evaluate if/else
// constructs. Updates the on/off state of all the leaf elements in our
// internal tables. Returns when it reaches an end if or an else construct,
// or at the end of the program.
// static void SimulateIntCode(void)
// {
// for(; IntPc < IntCodeLen; IntPc++) {
// IntOp *a = &IntCode[IntPc];
// switch(a->op) {
// if(*(a->poweredAfter) != SingleBitOn(a->name1))
// NeedRedraw = TRUE;
// *(a->poweredAfter) = SingleBitOn(a->name1);
// break;
// case INT_SET_BIT:
// SetSingleBit(a->name1, TRUE);
// break;
// case INT_CLEAR_BIT:
// SetSingleBit(a->name1, FALSE);
// break;
// SetSingleBit(a->name1, SingleBitOn(a->name2));
// break;
// if(GetSimulationVariable(a->name1) !=
// a->literal && a->name1[0] != '$')
// {
// NeedRedraw = TRUE;
// }
// SetSimulationVariable(a->name1, a->literal);
// break;
// if(GetSimulationVariable(a->name1) !=
// GetSimulationVariable(a->name2))
// {
// NeedRedraw = TRUE;
// }
// SetSimulationVariable(a->name1,
// GetSimulationVariable(a->name2));
// break;
// IncrementVariable(a->name1);
// break;
// {
// SWORD v;
// v = GetSimulationVariable(a->name2) +
// GetSimulationVariable(a->name3);
// goto math;
// v = GetSimulationVariable(a->name2) -
// GetSimulationVariable(a->name3);
// goto math;
// v = GetSimulationVariable(a->name2) *
// GetSimulationVariable(a->name3);
// goto math;
// if(GetSimulationVariable(a->name3) != 0) {
// v = GetSimulationVariable(a->name2) /
// GetSimulationVariable(a->name3);
// } else {
// v = 0;
// Error(_("Division by zero; halting simulation"));
// StopSimulation();
// }
// goto math;
// math:
// if(GetSimulationVariable(a->name1) != v) {
// NeedRedraw = TRUE;
// SetSimulationVariable(a->name1, v);
// }
// break;
// }
// #define IF_BODY \
// { \
// IfConditionTrue(); \
// } else { \
// IfConditionFalse(); \
// }
// case INT_IF_BIT_SET:
// if(SingleBitOn(a->name1))
// break;
// if(!SingleBitOn(a->name1))
// break;
// if(GetSimulationVariable(a->name1) < a->literal)
// break;
// if(GetSimulationVariable(a->name1) ==
// GetSimulationVariable(a->name2))
// break;
// if(GetSimulationVariable(a->name1) >
// GetSimulationVariable(a->name2))
// break;
// case INT_SET_PWM:
// // Dummy call will cause a warning if no one ever assigned
// // to that variable.
// (void)GetSimulationVariable(a->name1);
// break;
// // Don't try to simulate the EEPROM stuff: just hold the EEPROM
// // busy all the time, so that the program never does anything
// // with it.
// SetSingleBit(a->name1, TRUE);
// break;
// oops();
// break;
// case INT_READ_ADC:
// // Keep the shadow copies of the ADC variables because in
// // the real device they will not be updated until an actual
// // read is performed, which occurs only for a true rung-in
// // condition there.
// SetSimulationVariable(a->name1, GetAdcShadow(a->name1));
// break;
// case INT_UART_SEND:
// if(SingleBitOn(a->name2) && (SimulateUartTxCountdown == 0)) {
// SimulateUartTxCountdown = 2;
// AppendToUartSimulationTextControl(
// (BYTE)GetSimulationVariable(a->name1));
// }
// if(SimulateUartTxCountdown == 0) {
// SetSingleBit(a->name2, FALSE);
// } else {
// SetSingleBit(a->name2, TRUE);
// }
// break;
// case INT_UART_RECV:
// if(QueuedUartCharacter >= 0) {
// SetSingleBit(a->name2, TRUE);
// SetSimulationVariable(a->name1, (SWORD)QueuedUartCharacter);
// QueuedUartCharacter = -1;
// } else {
// SetSingleBit(a->name2, FALSE);
// }
// break;
// case INT_END_IF:
// case INT_ELSE:
// return;
// case INT_COMMENT:
// break;
// default:
// oops();
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// Called by the Windows timer that triggers cycles when we are running
// in real time.
// void CALLBACK PlcCycleTimer(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, UINT_PTR id, DWORD time)
// {
// int i;
// for(i = 0; i < CyclesPerTimerTick; i++) {
// SimulateOneCycle(FALSE);
// }
// }
// Simulate one cycle of the PLC. Update everything, and keep track of whether
// any outputs have changed. If so, force a screen refresh. If requested do
// a screen refresh regardless.
// void SimulateOneCycle(BOOL forceRefresh)
// {
// When there is an error message up, the modal dialog makes its own
// event loop, and there is risk that we would go recursive. So let
// us fix that. (Note that there are no concurrency issues; we really
// would get called recursively, not just reentrantly.)
// static BOOL Simulating = FALSE;
// if(Simulating) return;
// Simulating = TRUE;
// NeedRedraw = FALSE;
// if(SimulateUartTxCountdown > 0) {
// SimulateUartTxCountdown--;
// } else {
// SimulateUartTxCountdown = 0;
// }
// IntPc = 0;
// SimulateIntCode();
// if(NeedRedraw || SimulateRedrawAfterNextCycle || forceRefresh) {
// InvalidateRect(MainWindow, NULL, FALSE);
// ListView_RedrawItems(IoList, 0, Prog.io.count - 1);
// }
// SimulateRedrawAfterNextCycle = FALSE;
// if(NeedRedraw) SimulateRedrawAfterNextCycle = TRUE;
// Simulating = FALSE;
// }
// Start the timer that we use to trigger PLC cycles in approximately real
// time. Independently of the given cycle time, just go at 40 Hz, since that
// is about as fast as anyone could follow by eye. Faster timers will just
// go instantly.
// void StartSimulationTimer(void)
// {
// int p = Prog.cycleTime/1000;
// if(p < 5) {
// SetTimer(MainWindow, TIMER_SIMULATE, 10, PlcCycleTimer);
// CyclesPerTimerTick = 10000 / Prog.cycleTime;
// } else {
// SetTimer(MainWindow, TIMER_SIMULATE, p, PlcCycleTimer);
// CyclesPerTimerTick = 1;
// }
// }
// Clear out all the parameters relating to the previous simulation.
// void ClearSimulationData(void)
// {
// VariablesCount = 0;
// SingleBitItemsCount = 0;
// AdcShadowsCount = 0;
// QueuedUartCharacter = -1;
// SimulateUartTxCountdown = 0;
// CheckVariableNames();
// SimulateRedrawAfterNextCycle = TRUE;
// if(!GenerateIntermediateCode()) {
// ToggleSimulationMode();
// return;
// }
// SimulateOneCycle(TRUE);
// }
// Provide a description for an item (Xcontacts, Ycoil, Rrelay, Ttimer,
// or other) in the I/O list.
// void DescribeForIoList(char *name, char *out)
// {
// switch(name[0]) {
// case 'R':
// case 'X':
// case 'Y':
// sprintf(out, "%d", SingleBitOn(name));
// break;
// case 'T': {
// double dtms = GetSimulationVariable(name) *
// (Prog.cycleTime / 1000.0);
// if(dtms < 1000) {
// sprintf(out, "%.2f ms", dtms);
// } else {
// sprintf(out, "%.3f s", dtms / 1000);
// }
// break;
// }
// default: {
// SWORD v = GetSimulationVariable(name);
// sprintf(out, "%hd (0x%04hx)", v, v);
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// Toggle the state of a contact input; for simulation purposes, so that we
// can set the input state of the program.
// void SimulationToggleContact(char *name)
// {
// SetSingleBit(name, !SingleBitOn(name));
// ListView_RedrawItems(IoList, 0, Prog.io.count - 1);
// }
// Dialog proc for the popup that lets you interact with the UART stuff.
// static LRESULT CALLBACK UartSimulationProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg,
// WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// {
// switch (msg) {
// case WM_DESTROY:
// DestroyUartSimulationWindow();
// break;
// case WM_CLOSE:
// break;
// case WM_SIZE:
// MoveWindow(UartSimulationTextControl, 0, 0, LOWORD(lParam),
// HIWORD(lParam), TRUE);
// break;
// case WM_ACTIVATE:
// if(wParam != WA_INACTIVE) {
// SetFocus(UartSimulationTextControl);
// }
// break;
// default:
// return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
// }
// return 1;
// }
// Intercept WM_CHAR messages that to the terminal simulation window so that
// we can redirect them to the PLC program.
// static LRESULT CALLBACK UartSimulationTextProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg,
// WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
// {
// if(msg == WM_CHAR) {
// QueuedUartCharacter = (BYTE)wParam;
// return 0;
// }
// return CallWindowProc((WNDPROC)PrevTextProc, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
// }
// Pop up the UART simulation window; like a terminal window where the
// characters that you type go into UART RECV instruction and whatever
// the program puts into UART SEND shows up as text.
// void ShowUartSimulationWindow(void)
// {
// memset(&wc, 0, sizeof(wc));
// wc.cbSize = sizeof(wc);
// wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)UartSimulationProc;
// wc.hInstance = Instance;
// wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)COLOR_BTNSHADOW;
// wc.lpszClassName = "LDmicroUartSimulationWindow";
// wc.lpszMenuName = NULL;
// wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
// RegisterClassEx(&wc);
// DWORD TerminalX = 200, TerminalY = 200, TerminalW = 300, TerminalH = 150;
// ThawDWORD(TerminalX);
// ThawDWORD(TerminalY);
// ThawDWORD(TerminalW);
// ThawDWORD(TerminalH);
// if(TerminalW > 800) TerminalW = 100;
// if(TerminalH > 800) TerminalH = 100;
// RECT r;
// GetClientRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &r);
// if(TerminalX >= (DWORD)(r.right - 10)) TerminalX = 100;
// if(TerminalY >= (DWORD)(r.bottom - 10)) TerminalY = 100;
// UartSimulationWindow = CreateWindowClient(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW |
// WS_EX_APPWINDOW, "LDmicroUartSimulationWindow",
// "UART Simulation (Terminal)", WS_VISIBLE | WS_SIZEBOX,
// TerminalX, TerminalY, TerminalW, TerminalH,
// NULL, NULL, Instance, NULL);
// UartSimulationTextControl = CreateWindowEx(0, WC_EDIT, "", WS_CHILD |
// WS_VSCROLL, 0, 0, TerminalW, TerminalH, UartSimulationWindow, NULL,
// Instance, NULL);
// HFONT fixedFont = CreateFont(14, 0, 0, 0, FW_REGULAR, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,
// FF_DONTCARE, "Lucida Console");
// if(!fixedFont)
// fixedFont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT);
// SendMessage((HWND)UartSimulationTextControl, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)fixedFont,
// TRUE);
// PrevTextProc = SetWindowLongPtr(UartSimulationTextControl,
// GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR)UartSimulationTextProc);
// ShowWindow(UartSimulationWindow, TRUE);
// SetFocus(MainWindow);
// }
// Get rid of the UART simulation terminal-type window.
// void DestroyUartSimulationWindow(void)
// {
// // Try not to destroy the window if it is already destroyed; that is
// // not for the sake of the window, but so that we don't trash the
// // stored position.
// if(UartSimulationWindow == NULL) return;
// DWORD TerminalX, TerminalY, TerminalW, TerminalH;
// RECT r;
// GetClientRect(UartSimulationWindow, &r);
// TerminalW = r.right - r.left;
// TerminalH = r.bottom - r.top;
// GetWindowRect(UartSimulationWindow, &r);
// TerminalX = r.left;
// TerminalY = r.top;
// FreezeDWORD(TerminalX);
// FreezeDWORD(TerminalY);
// FreezeDWORD(TerminalW);
// FreezeDWORD(TerminalH);
// DestroyWindow(UartSimulationWindow);
// UartSimulationWindow = NULL;
// }
// Append a received character to the terminal buffer.
// static void AppendToUartSimulationTextControl(BYTE b)
// {
// char append[5];
// if((isalnum(b) || strchr("[]{};':\",.<>/?`~ !@#$%^&*()-=_+|", b) ||
// b == '\r' || b == '\n') && b != '\0')
// {
// append[0] = b;
// append[1] = '\0';
// } else {
// sprintf(append, "\\x%02x", b);
// }
// #define MAX_SCROLLBACK 256
// char buf[MAX_SCROLLBACK];
// SendMessage(UartSimulationTextControl, WM_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)sizeof(buf),
// (LPARAM)buf);
// int overBy = (strlen(buf) + strlen(append) + 1) - sizeof(buf);
// if(overBy > 0) {
// memmove(buf, buf + overBy, strlen(buf));
// }
// strcat(buf, append);
// SendMessage(UartSimulationTextControl, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)buf);
// SendMessage(UartSimulationTextControl, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, (LPARAM)INT_MAX);
// }