#ifdef LDLANG_DE static LangTable LangDeTable[] = { { "Target frequency %d Hz, closest achievable is %d Hz (warning, >5%% error).", "Zielfrequenz %d Hz, n�chste erreichbare ist %d Hz (Warnung, >5% Abweichung)." }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for AVR to '%s'.\r\n\r\nRemember to set the processor configuration (fuses) correctly. This does not happen automatically.", "Kompilierung war erfolgreich. IHEX f�r AVR gespeichert unter '%s'.\r\n\r\n Die Prozessor-Konfigurationsbits m�ssen richtig gesetzt werden. Dies geschieht nicht automatisch" }, { "( ) Normal", "( ) Normal" }, { "(/) Negated", "(/) Negiert" }, { "(S) Set-Only", "(S) Setzen" }, { "(R) Reset-Only", "(R) R�cksetzen" }, { "Pin on MCU", "Prozessorpin" }, { "Coil", "Spule" }, { "Comment", "Kommentar" }, { "Cycle Time (ms):", "Zykluszeit (ms):" }, { "Crystal Frequency (MHz):", "Quarzfrequenz (MHz):" }, { "UART Baud Rate (bps):", "UART Baudrate (bps):" }, { "Serial (UART) will use pins %d and %d.\r\n\r\n", "Serielles (UART) verwendet die Pins %d und %d.\r\n\r\n" }, { "Please select a micro with a UART.\r\n\r\n", "Einen Prozessor mit UART w�hlen.\r\n\r\n" }, { "No serial instructions (UART Send/UART Receive) are in use; add one to program before setting baud rate.\r\n\r\n", "Keine UART-Anweisung Senden/Empfangen gefunden; die Baudrate festlegen, wenn diese Anweisung verwendet wird.\r\n\r\n" }, { "The cycle time for the 'PLC' runtime generated by LDmicro is user-configurable. Very short cycle times may not be achievable due to processor speed constraints, and very long cycle times may not be achievable due to hardware overflows. Cycle times between 10 ms and 100 ms will usually be practical.\r\n\r\nThe compiler must know what speed crystal you are using with the micro to convert between timing in clock cycles and timing in seconds. A 4 MHz to 20 MHz crystal is typical; check the speed grade of the part you are using to determine the maximum allowable clock speed before choosing a crystal.", "Die von LDmicro erzeugte Zykluszeit des SPS-Ablaufs ist vom Anwender konfigurierbar. Sehr kurze Zykluszeiten k�nnen wegen Prozessorbeschr�nkungen nicht erreichbar sein, und sehr lange Zykluszeiten k�nnen wegen Hardware-�berlaufs nicht erreichbar sein. Zykluszeiten zwischen 10 ms und 100 ms sind �blich.\r\n\r\nF�r die Umrechnung des Taktzykluses und der Zeitberechnung in Sekunden, muss der Compiler wissen, welche Quarzfrequenz beim Prozessor verwendet wird. Ein Quarz mit 4 bis 20 MHz ist �blich; �berpr�fen Sie die Geschwindigkeit Ihres Prozessors, um die maximal erlaubte Taktgeschwindigkeit zu bestimmen, bevor Sie einen Quarz w�hlen." }, { "PLC Configuration", "SPS-Konfiguration" }, { "Zero cycle time not valid; resetting to 10 ms.", "Zykluszeit = 0, nicht zul�ssig; wird auf 10 ms gesetzt." }, { "Source", "Quelle" }, { "Internal Relay", "Merker" }, { "Input pin", "Eingangspin" }, { "Output pin", "Ausgangspin" }, { "|/| Negated", "|/| Negiert" }, { "Contacts", "Kontakte" }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for selected micro.", "Kein A/D-Wandler vorhanden oder A/D-Wandler wird vom gew�hlten Prozessor nicht unterst�tzt." }, { "Assign:", "Zuweisen:" }, { "No microcontroller has been selected. You must select a microcontroller before you can assign I/O pins.\r\n\r\nSelect a microcontroller under the Settings menu and try again.", "Kein Prozessor gew�hlt. Sie m�ssen einen Prozessor w�hlen, bevor Sie E/A Pins zuweisen k�nnen.\r\n\r\nW�hlen Sie einen Prozessor im Voreinstellungs-Menu und versuchen es noch mal." }, { "I/O Pin Assignment", "E/A Pin Zuweisung" }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for ANSI C target; compile and see comments in generated source code.", "Keine E/A Zuweisung f�r ANSI C-Ziel m�glich; kompilieren Sie und beachten die Kommentare im erzeugten Quellcode." }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for interpretable target; see comments in reference implementation of interpreter.", "Keine E/A Zuweisung f�r ANSI C-Ziel m�glich; beachten Sie die Kommentare der Referenz-Ausf�hrung des Interpreters." }, { "Can only assign pin number to input/output pins (Xname or Yname or Aname).", "Nur f�r Ein- und Ausgangspins k�nnen Pin-Nummern vergeben werden (XName oder YName oder AName)." }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for this micro.", "Kein A/D-Wandler vorhanden oder A/D-Wandler wird vom gew�hlten Prozessor nicht unterst�tzt." }, { "Rename I/O from default name ('%s') before assigning MCU pin.", "Die Standardbezeichnung ('%s') des E/A�s vor der Zuweisung des Prozessorpins �ndern." }, { "I/O Pin", "E/A Pin" }, { "(no pin)", "(kein Pin)" }, { "<UART needs!>", "<UART ben�tigt!>" }, { "<PWM needs!>", "<PWM ben�tigt!>" }, { "<not an I/O!>", "<kein E/A!>" }, { "Export As Text", "Als Text exportieren" }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'.", "Speichern nicht m�glich unter '%s'." }, { "Compile To", "Kompilieren unter" }, { "Must choose a target microcontroller before compiling.", "Vor dem Kompilieren muss ein Prozessor gew�hlt werden." }, { "UART function used but not supported for this micro.", "Dieser Prozessor unterst�tzt keine UART-Funktion." }, { "PWM function used but not supported for this micro.", "Dieser Prozessor unterst�tzt keine PWM-Funktion." }, { "The program has changed since it was last saved.\r\n\r\nDo you want to save the changes?", "Das Programm wurde nach dem letzten Speichern ge�ndert.\r\n\r\n M�chten Sie die �nderungen speichern?" }, { "--add comment here--", "--Hier Komentar einf�gen--" }, { "Start new program?", "Neues Programm starten?" }, { "Couldn't open '%s'.", "Kann nicht ge�ffnet werden '%s'." }, { "Name", "Name" }, { "State", "Status" }, { "Pin on Processor", "Prozessorpin" }, { "MCU Port", "Prozessor-Port" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Running)", "LDmicro - Simulation (am Laufen)" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Stopped)", "LDmicro - Simulation (Angehalten)" }, { "LDmicro - Program Editor", "LDmicro � Programm-Editor" }, { " - (not yet saved)", " - (noch nicht gespeichert)" }, { "&New\tCtrl+N", "&Neu\tStrg+N" }, { "&Open...\tCtrl+O", "&�ffnen...\tStrg+O" }, { "&Save\tCtrl+S", "&Speichern\tStrg+S" }, { "Save &As...", "Speichern &unter..." }, { "&Export As Text...\tCtrl+E", "&Als Text exportieren...\tStrg+E" }, { "E&xit", "&Beenden" }, { "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", "&Aufheben\tStrg+Z" }, { "&Redo\tCtrl+Y", "&Wiederherstellen\tStrg+Y" }, { "Insert Rung &Before\tShift+6", "Netzwerk Einf�gen &Davor\tShift+6" }, { "Insert Rung &After\tShift+V", "Netzwerk Einf�gen &Danach\tShift+V" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Up\tShift+Up", "Gew�hltes Netzwerk schieben &nach oben\tShift+Up" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Down\tShift+Down", "Gew�hltes Netzwerk schieben &nach unten\tShift+Down" }, { "&Delete Selected Element\tDel", "&Gew�hltes Element l�schen\tEntf" }, { "D&elete Rung\tShift+Del", "Netzwerk l�schen\tShift+Entf" }, { "Insert Co&mment\t;", "Kommentar &einf�gen\t;" }, { "Insert &Contacts\tC", "Kontakt &einf�gen\tC" }, { "Insert OSR (One Shot Rising)\t&/", "OSR einf�gen (Steigende Flanke)\t&/" }, { "Insert OSF (One Shot Falling)\t&\\", "OSF einf�gen (Fallende Flanke)\t&\\" }, { "Insert T&ON (Delayed Turn On)\tO", "T&ON einf�gen (Anzugsverz�gerung)\tO" }, { "Insert TO&F (Delayed Turn Off)\tF", "TO&F einf�gen (Abfallverz�gerung)\tF" }, { "Insert R&TO (Retentive Delayed Turn On)\tT", "R&TO einf�gen (Speichernde Anzugsverz�gerung)\tT" }, { "Insert CT&U (Count Up)\tU", "CT&U einf�gen (Aufw�rtsz�hler)\tU" }, { "Insert CT&D (Count Down)\tI", "CT&D einf�gen (Abw�rtsz�hler)\tI" }, { "Insert CT&C (Count Circular)\tJ", "CT&C einf�gen (Zirkulierender Z�hler)\tJ" }, { "Insert EQU (Compare for Equals)\t=", "EQU einf�gen (Vergleich auf gleich)\t=" }, { "Insert NEQ (Compare for Not Equals)", "NEQ einf�gen (Vergleich auf ungleich)" }, { "Insert GRT (Compare for Greater Than)\t>", "GRT einf�gen (Vergleich auf gr��er)\t>" }, { "Insert GEQ (Compare for Greater Than or Equal)\t.", "GEQ einf�gen (Vergleich auf gr��er oder gleich)\t." }, { "Insert LES (Compare for Less Than)\t<", "LES einf�gen (Vergleich auf kleiner)\t<" }, { "Insert LEQ (Compare for Less Than or Equal)\t,", "LEQ einf�gen (Vergleich auf kleiner oder gleich)\t," }, { "Insert Open-Circuit", "�ffnung einf�gen" }, { "Insert Short-Circuit", "Br�cke einf�gen" }, { "Insert Master Control Relay", "Master Control Relais einf�gen" }, { "Insert Coi&l\tL", "Spule einf�gen \tL" }, { "Insert R&ES (Counter/RTO Reset)\tE", "R&ES einf�gen (RTO/Z�hler r�cksetzen)\tE" }, { "Insert MOV (Move)\tM", "Transferieren (Move) einf�gen\tM" }, { "Insert ADD (16-bit Integer Add)\t+", "ADD einf�gen (16-bit Ganzzahl Addierer)\t+" }, { "Insert SUB (16-bit Integer Subtract)\t-", "SUB einf�gen (16-bit Ganzzahl Subtrahierer)\t-" }, { "Insert MUL (16-bit Integer Multiply)\t*", "MUL einf�gen (16-bit Ganzzahl Multiplizierer)\t*" }, { "Insert DIV (16-bit Integer Divide)\tD", "DIV einf�gen (16-bit Ganzzahl Dividierer)\tD" }, { "Insert Shift Register", "Schieberegister einf�gen" }, { "Insert Look-Up Table", "Nachschlag-Tabelle einf�gen" }, { "Insert Piecewise Linear", "N�herungs-Linear-Tabelle einf�gen" }, { "Insert Formatted String Over UART", "Formatierte Zeichenfolge �ber UART einf�gen" }, { "Insert &UART Send", "&UART Senden einf�gen" }, { "Insert &UART Receive", "&UART Empfangen einf�gen" }, { "Insert Set PWM Output", "PWM Ausgang einf�gen" }, { "Insert A/D Converter Read\tP", "A/D-Wandler Einlesen einf�gen\tP" }, { "Insert Make Persistent", "Remanent machen einf�gen" }, { "Make Norm&al\tA", "Auf Normal �ndern\tA" }, { "Make &Negated\tN", "Auf &Negieren �ndern\tN" }, { "Make &Set-Only\tS", "Auf &Setzen �ndern\tS" }, { "Make &Reset-Only\tR", "Auf &R�cksetzen �ndern\tR" }, { "&MCU Parameters...", "&Prozessor-Parameter..." }, { "(no microcontroller)", "(kein Prozessor)" }, { "&Microcontroller", "&Mikroprozessor" }, { "Si&mulation Mode\tCtrl+M", "Simulationsbetrieb\tStrg+M" }, { "Start &Real-Time Simulation\tCtrl+R", "Start &Echtzeit- Simulation\tStrg+R" }, { "&Halt Simulation\tCtrl+H", "&Simulation Anhalten\tStrg+H" }, { "Single &Cycle\tSpace", "&Einzelzyklus\tLeertaste" }, { "&Compile\tF5", "&Kompilieren\tF5" }, { "Compile &As...", "Kompilieren &unter..." }, { "&Manual...\tF1", "&Handbuch...\tF1" }, { "&About...", "&�ber LDmicro..." }, { "&File", "&Datei" }, { "&Edit", "&Bearbeiten" }, { "&Settings", "&Voreinstellungen" }, { "&Instruction", "&Anweisung" }, { "Si&mulate", "Simulieren" }, { "&Compile", "&Kompilieren" }, { "&Help", "&Hilfe" }, { "no MCU selected", "kein Prozessor gew�hlt" }, { "cycle time %.2f ms", "Zykluszeit %.2f ms" }, { "processor clock %.4f MHz", "Taktfrequenz Prozessor %.4f MHz" }, { "Internal error relating to PIC paging; make program smaller or reshuffle it.", "Interner Fehler beim PIC paging Seitenwechsel; Programm verkleinern oder umbilden" }, { "PWM frequency too fast.", "PWM Frequenz zu schnell." }, { "PWM frequency too slow.", "PWM Frequenz zu langsam." }, { "Cycle time too fast; increase cycle time, or use faster crystal.", "Zykluszeit zu schnell; Zykluszeit vergr��ern oder schnelleren Quarz w�hlen." }, { "Cycle time too slow; decrease cycle time, or use slower crystal.", "Zykluszeit zu langsam; Zykluszeit verringern oder langsameren Quarz w�hlen." }, { "Couldn't open file '%s'", "Datei konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden '%s'" }, { "Zero baud rate not possible.", "Baudrate = 0 nicht m�glich" }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for PIC16 to '%s'.\r\n\r\nConfiguration word (fuses) has been set for crystal oscillator, BOD enabled, LVP disabled, PWRT enabled, all code protection off.\r\n\r\nUsed %d/%d words of program flash (chip %d%% full).", "Kompilierung war erfolgreich; IHEX f�r PIC16 gespeichert unter '%s'.\r\n\r\nKonfigurations-Wort (fuse) f�r Quarz-Oszillator festgelegt, BOD aktiviert, LVP gesperrt, PWRT aktiviert, Verschl�sselungsschutz aus.\r\n\r\nVerwendete %d/%d Worte des Flash-Speichers (Chip %d%% voll)." }, { "Type", "Typ" }, { "Timer", "Timer" }, { "Counter", "Z�hler" }, { "Reset", "R�cksetzen" }, { "OK", "OK" }, { "Cancel", "Abbrechen" }, { "Empty textbox; not permitted.", "Leere Testbox; nicht erlaubt" }, { "Bad use of quotes: <%s>", "Quoten falsch verwendet: <%s>" }, { "Turn-On Delay", "Anzugsverz�gerung" }, { "Turn-Off Delay", "Abfallverz�gerung" }, { "Retentive Turn-On Delay", "Speichernde Anzugsverz�gerung" }, { "Delay (ms):", "Verz�gerung (ms):" }, { "Delay too long; maximum is 2**31 us.", "Verz�gerung zu lang; maximal 2**31 us." }, { "Delay cannot be zero or negative.", "Verz�gerung kann nicht gleich Null oder negativ sein." }, { "Count Up", "Aufw�rtsz�hlen" }, { "Count Down", "Abw�rtsz�hlen" }, { "Circular Counter", "Zirkulierender Z�hler" }, { "Max value:", "Maximalwert:" }, { "True if >= :", "Wahr wenn >= :" }, { "If Equals", "Wenn gleich" }, { "If Not Equals", "Wenn ungleich" }, { "If Greater Than", "Wenn gr��er als" }, { "If Greater Than or Equal To", "Wenn gr��er als oder gleich" }, { "If Less Than", "Wenn kleiner als" }, { "If Less Than or Equal To", "Wenn kleiner als oder gleich" }, { "'Closed' if:", "'Geschlossen' wenn:" }, { "Move", "Transferieren" }, { "Read A/D Converter", "A/D-Wandler einlesen" }, { "Duty cycle var:", "Einsatzzyklus Var:" }, { "Frequency (Hz):", "Frequenz (Hz):" }, { "Set PWM Duty Cycle", "PWM Einsatzzyklus eingeben" }, { "Source:", "Quelle:" }, { "Receive from UART", "Mit UART empfangen" }, { "Send to UART", "Mit UART senden" }, { "Add", "Addieren" }, { "Subtract", "Subtrahieren" }, { "Multiply", "Multiplizieren" }, { "Divide", "Dividieren" }, { "Destination:", "Ziel:" }, { "is set := :", "gesetzt auf := :" }, { "Name:", "Name:" }, { "Stages:", "Stufen:" }, { "Shift Register", "Schieberegister" }, { "Not a reasonable size for a shift register.", "Kein angemessenes Format f�r ein Schieberegister." }, { "String:", "Zeichensatz:" }, { "Formatted String Over UART", "Formatierter Zeichensatz �ber UART" }, { "Variable:", "Variable:" }, { "Make Persistent", "Remanent machen" }, { "Too many elements in subcircuit!", "Zu viele Elemente im Netzwerk!" }, { "Too many rungs!", "Zu viele Netzwerke!" }, { "Error", "Fehler" }, { "ANSI C target does not support peripherals (UART, PWM, ADC, EEPROM). Skipping that instruction.", "ANSI C Zieldatei unterst�tzt keine Peripherien (wie UART, ADC, EEPROM). Die Anweisung wird ausgelassen." }, { "Compile successful; wrote C source code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nThis is not a complete C program. You have to provide the runtime and all the I/O routines. See the comments in the source code for information about how to do this.", "Die Kompilierung war erfolgreich; der C-Quellcode wurde gespeichert unter '%s'.\r\n\r\nDies ist kein komplettes C-Programm. Sie m�ssen die Laufzeit und alle E/A Routinen vorgeben. Siehe die Kommentare im Quellcode f�r Informationen, wie man das macht." }, { "Cannot delete rung; program must have at least one rung.", "Das Netzwerk nicht l�schbar, das Programm muss mindestens ein Netzwerk haben." }, { "Out of memory; simplify program or choose microcontroller with more memory.", "Speicher voll; vereinfachen Sie das Programm oder w�hlen Sie einen Prozessor mit mehr Speicherkapazit�t." }, { "Must assign pins for all ADC inputs (name '%s').", "F�r alle ADC-Eing�nge m�ssen Pins zugewiesen werden (Name '%s')." }, { "Internal limit exceeded (number of vars)", "Interne Begrenzung �berschritten (Anzahl der Variablen)" }, { "Internal relay '%s' never assigned; add its coil somewhere.", "Keine Zuweisung f�r Merker '%s', vergeben Sie eine Spule im Programm." }, { "Must assign pins for all I/O.\r\n\r\n'%s' is not assigned.", "F�r alle E/A's m�ssen Pins zugewiesen werden.\r\n\r\n'%s' ist nicht zugewiesen." }, { "UART in use; pins %d and %d reserved for that.", "UART in Verwendung; Pins %d und %d sind hierf�r reserviert." }, { "PWM in use; pin %d reserved for that.", "PWM in Verwendung; Pin %d hierf�r reserviert." }, { "UART baud rate generator: divisor=%d actual=%.4f for %.2f%% error.\r\n\r\nThis is too large; try a different baud rate (slower probably), or a crystal frequency chosen to be divisible by many common baud rates (e.g. 3.6864 MHz, 14.7456 MHz).\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial may be unreliable or completely broken.", "UART Baudraten-Generator: Divisor=%d aktuell=%.4f f�r %.2f%% Fehler.\r\n\r\nDiese ist zu hoch; versuchen Sie es mit einer anderen Baudrate (wahrscheinlich langsamer), oder eine Quarzfrequenz w�hlen die von vielen �blichen Baudraten teilbar ist (wie 3.6864MHz, 14.7456MHz).\r\n\r\nCode wird trotzdem erzeugt, aber er kann unzuverl�ssig oder besch�digt sein." }, { "UART baud rate generator: too slow, divisor overflows. Use a slower crystal or a faster baud rate.\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial will likely be completely broken.", "UART Baudraten-Generator: Zu langsam, der Divisor hat �berlauf. Einen langsameren Quarz oder schnellere Baudrate verwenden.\r\n\r\nCode wird trotzdem erzeugt, aber er wird wahrscheinlich besch�digt sein." }, { "Couldn't open '%s'\n", "Konnte nicht ge�ffnet werden '%s'\n" }, { "Timer period too short (needs faster cycle time).", "Timer-Intervall zu kurz (schnellere Zykluszeit n�tig)." }, { "Timer period too long (max 32767 times cycle time); use a slower cycle time.", "Timer-Intervall zu lang (max. 32767mal die Zykluszeit); langsamere Zykluszeit verwenden." }, { "Constant %d out of range: -32768 to 32767 inclusive.", "Konstante %d au�erhalb des Bereichs: -32768 bis 32767 inklusive." }, { "Move instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Transfer-Anweisung: '%s' ist keine g�ltige Zieladresse." }, { "Math instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Mathem. Anweisung: '%s'keine g�ltige Zieladresse." }, { "Piecewise linear lookup table with zero elements!", "N�herungs-Linear-Tabelle ohne Elemente!" }, { "x values in piecewise linear table must be strictly increasing.", "Die x-Werte in der N�herungs-Linear-Tabelle m�ssen strikt aufsteigend sein." }, { "Numerical problem with piecewise linear lookup table. Either make the table entries smaller, or space the points together more closely.\r\n\r\nSee the help file for details.", "Zahlenm��iges Problem mit der N�herungs-Linear-Tabelle. Entweder die Eingangswerte der Tabelle verringern, oder die Punkte n�her zusammen legen.\r\n\r\nF�r Details siehe unter Hilfe." }, { "Multiple escapes (\\0-9) present in format string, not allowed.", "Mehrfacher Zeilenumbruch (\\0-9)in formatierter Zeichenfolge nicht gestattet." }, { "Bad escape: correct form is \\xAB.", "Falscher Zeilenumbruch: Korrekte Form = \\xAB." }, { "Bad escape '\\%c'", "Falscher Zeilenumbruch '\\%c'" }, { "Variable is interpolated into formatted string, but none is specified.", "Formatierte Zeichenfolge enth�lt Variable, aber keine ist angegeben." }, { "No variable is interpolated into formatted string, but a variable name is specified. Include a string like '\\-3', or leave variable name blank.", "Keine Variable in formatierter Zeichenfolge eingef�gt, aber ein Variabelen-Name wurde vergeben. Geben Sie eine Zeichenfolge ein, wie z.B. '\\-3', oder den Variabelen-Namen unausgef�llt lassen." }, { "Empty row; delete it or add instructions before compiling.", "Leere Reihe; vor dem Kompilieren l�schen oder Anweisungen einf�gen." }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'", "Nicht m�glich, speichern unter '%s'." }, { "Unsupported op (anything ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM) for interpretable target.", "Keine unterst�tzte Operation der interpretierbaren Zieldatei (kein ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM m�glich)." }, { "Compile successful; wrote interpretable code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nYou probably have to adapt the interpreter to your application. See the documentation.", "Kompilierung war erfolgreich; interpretierbarer Code gespeichert unter '%s'.\r\n\r\nWahrscheinlich m�ssen Sie den Interpreter an Ihre Anwendung anpassen. Siehe Dokumentation." }, { "Microcontroller '%s' not supported.\r\n\r\nDefaulting to no selected MCU.", "Prozessor '%s' nicht unterst�tzt.\r\n\r\nZur�ck zu: Kein Prozessor gew�hlt." }, { "File format error; perhaps this program is for a newer version of LDmicro?", "Fehler beim Dateiformat; vielleicht ist dies ein Programm f�r eine neuere Version von LDmicro." }, { "Index:", "Liste:" }, { "Points:", "Punkte:" }, { "Count:", "Berechnung:" }, { "Edit table of ASCII values like a string", "ASCII-Werte Tabelle als Zeichenfolge ausgeben" }, { "Look-Up Table", "Nachschlag-Tabelle" }, { "Piecewise Linear Table", "N�herungs-Linear-Tabelle" }, { "LDmicro Error", "Fehler LDmicro" }, { "Compile Successful", "Kompilierung war erfolgreich" }, { "digital in", "Digitaler Eingang" }, { "digital out", "Digitaler Ausgang" }, { "int. relay", "Merker" }, { "UART tx", "UART tx" }, { "UART rx", "UART rx" }, { "PWM out", "PWM Ausgang" }, { "turn-on delay", "Anzugsverz�gerung" }, { "turn-off delay", "Abfallverz�gerung" }, { "retentive timer", "Speichernder Timer" }, { "counter", "Z�hler" }, { "general var", "Allg. Variable" }, { "adc input", "ADC Eingang" }, { "<corrupt!>", "<besch�digt!>" }, { "(not assigned)", "(nicht zugewiesen)" }, { "<no UART!>", "<kein UART!>" }, { "<no PWM!>", "<kein PWM!>" }, { "TOF: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TOF: Variable kann andernorts nicht verwendet werden" }, { "TON: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TON: Variable kann andernorts nicht verwendet werden" }, { "RTO: variable can only be used for RES elsewhere", "RTO: Variable kann andernorts nur f�r RES verwendet werden" }, { "Variable '%s' not assigned to, e.g. with a MOV statement, an ADD statement, etc.\r\n\r\nThis is probably a programming error; now it will always be zero.", "Variable '%s' nicht zugewiesen, z.B. zu einer Transfer- oder ADD-Anweisung usw.\r\n\r\nDas ist vermutlich ein Programmierungsfehler; jetzt wird sie immer Null sein." }, { "Variable for '%s' incorrectly assigned: %s.", "Variable f�r '%s' falsch zugewiesen: %s." }, { "Division by zero; halting simulation", "Division durch Null; Simulation gestoppt" }, { "!!!too long!!!", " !!!zu lang!!!" }, { "\n\nI/O ASSIGNMENT:\n\n", "\n\nE/A Zuweisungen:\n\n" }, { " Name | Type | Pin\n", " Name | Typ | Pin\n" }, }; static Lang LangDe = { LangDeTable, sizeof(LangDeTable)/sizeof(LangDeTable[0]) }; #endif #ifdef LDLANG_ES static LangTable LangEsTable[] = { { "Target frequency %d Hz, closest achievable is %d Hz (warning, >5%% error).", "Frecuencia Micro %d Hz, la mejor aproximaci�n es %d Hz (aviso, >5%% error)." }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for AVR to '%s'.\r\n\r\nRemember to set the processor configuration (fuses) correctly. This does not happen automatically.", "Compilaci�n correcta; se escribi� IHEX para AVR en '%s'.\r\n\r\nRecuerde marcar la configuraci�n (fuses) del micro correctamente. Esto NO se hace automaticamente." }, { "( ) Normal", "( ) Normal" }, { "(/) Negated", "(/) Negado" }, { "(S) Set-Only", "(S) Activar" }, { "(R) Reset-Only", "(R) Desactivar" }, { "Pin on MCU", "Pata del Micro" }, { "Coil", "Bobina" }, { "Comment", "Comentario" }, { "Cycle Time (ms):", "Tiempo Ciclo (ms):" }, { "Crystal Frequency (MHz):", "Frecuencia Cristal (MHz):" }, { "UART Baud Rate (bps):", "Baudios UART (bps):" }, { "Serie (UART) will use pins %d and %d.\r\n\r\n", "Puerto Serie (UART) usar� las patas %d y %d.\r\n\r\n" }, { "Please select a micro with a UART.\r\n\r\n", "Por favor. Seleccione un micro con UART.\r\n\r\n" }, { "No serial instructions (UART Send/UART Receive) are in use; add one to program before setting baud rate.\r\n\r\n", "No se han usado instrucciones (UART Enviar/UART Recibir) para el puerto serie aun; A�ada una al programa antes de configurar los baudios.\r\n\r\n" }, { "The cycle time for the 'PLC' runtime generated by LDmicro is user-configurable. Very short cycle times may not be achievable due to processor speed constraints, and very long cycle times may not be achievable due to hardware overflows. Cycle times between 10 ms and 100 ms will usually be practical.\r\n\r\nThe compiler must know what speed crystal you are using with the micro to convert between timing in clock cycles and timing in seconds. A 4 MHz to 20 MHz crystal is typical; check the speed grade of the part you are using to determine the maximum allowable clock speed before choosing a crystal.", "El tiempo de ciclo de ejecuci�n para el 'PLC' es configurable. Un tiempo de ciclo muy corto puede no funcionar debido a la baja velocidad del micro, y un tiempo de ciclo muy largo puede no funcionar por limitaciones del temporizador del micro. Ciclos de tiempo entre 10 y 100 ms suele ser lo normal.\r\n\r\nEl compilador debe conocer la velocidad del cristal que estas usando para poder convertir entre tiempo en ciclos de reloj y tiempo en segundos. Un cristal entre 4 Mhz y 20 Mhz es lo t�pico; Comprueba la velocidad a la que puede funcionar tu micro y calcula la velocidad m�xima del reloj antes de elegir el cristal." }, { "PLC Configuration", "Configuraci�n PLC" }, { "Zero cycle time not valid; resetting to 10 ms.", "No es valido un tiempo de ciclo 0; forzado a 10 ms." }, { "Source", "Fuente" }, { "Internal Relay", "Rele Interno" }, { "Input pin", "Pata Entrada" }, { "Output pin", "Pata Salida" }, { "|/| Negated", "|/| Negado" }, { "Contacts", "Contacto" }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for selected micro.", "El micro seleccionado no tiene ADC o no esta soportado." }, { "Assign:", "Asignar:" }, { "No microcontroller has been selected. You must select a microcontroller before you can assign I/O pins.\r\n\r\nSelect a microcontroller under the Settings menu and try again.", "No se ha seleccionado micro. Debes seleccionar un micro antes de asignar patas E/S.\r\n\r\nElije un micro en el menu de configuraci�n y prueba otra vez." }, { "I/O Pin Assignment", "Asignaci�n de pata E/S" }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for ANSI C target; compile and see comments in generated source code.", "No se puede asignar la E/S especificadas para el ANSI C generado; compile y vea los comentarios generados en el c�digo fuente." }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for interpretable target; see comments in reference implementation of interpreter.", "No se puede asignar la E/S especificadas para el c�digo generado para el interprete; vea los comentarios en la implementaci�n del interprete." }, { "Can only assign pin number to input/output pins (Xname or Yname or Aname).", "Solo puede asignar numero de pata a las patas de Entrada/Salida (Xname o Yname o Aname)." }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for this micro.", "Este micro no tiene ADC o no esta soportado." }, { "Rename I/O from default name ('%s') before assigning MCU pin.", "Cambie el nombre por defecto ('%s') antes de asignarle una pata del micro." }, { "I/O Pin", "E/S Pata" }, { "(no pin)", "(falta pata)" }, { "<UART needs!>", "<Se necesita UART!>" }, { "<PWM needs!>", "<Se necesita PWM!>" }, { "<not an I/O!>", "<No es una E/S!>" }, { "Export As Text", "Exportar como Texto" }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'.", "No puedo escribir en '%s'." }, { "Compile To", "Compilar" }, { "Must choose a target microcontroller before compiling.", "Debe elegir un micro antes de compilar." }, { "UART function used but not supported for this micro.", "Usadas Funciones para UART. Este micro no las soporta." }, { "PWM function used but not supported for this micro.", "Usadas Funciones para PWM. Este micro no las soporta." }, { "The program has changed since it was last saved.\r\n\r\nDo you want to save the changes?", "El programa ha cambiado desde la �ltima vez que los guardo.\r\n\r\n�Quieres guardar los cambios?" }, { "--add comment here--", "--a�ade el comentario aqu�--" }, { "Start new program?", "�Empezar un nuevo programa?" }, { "Couldn't open '%s'.", "No puedo abrir '%s'." }, { "Name", "Nombre" }, { "State", "Estado" }, { "Pin on Processor", "Pata del Micro" }, { "MCU Port", "Puerto del Micro" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Running)", "LDmicro - Simulaci�n (Ejecutando)" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Stopped)", "LDmicro - Simulaci�n (Parada)" }, { "LDmicro - Program Editor", "LDmicro � Editor de Programa" }, { " - (not yet saved)", " - (no guardado a�n)" }, { "&New\tCtrl+N", "&Nuevo\tCtrl+N" }, { "&Open...\tCtrl+O", "&Abrir...\tCtrl+O" }, { "&Save\tCtrl+S", "&Guardar\tCtrl+S" }, { "Save &As...", "Guardar &Como..." }, { "&Export As Text...\tCtrl+E", "&Exportar a Texto...\tCtrl+E" }, { "E&xit", "&Salir" }, { "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", "&Deshacer\tCtrl+Z" }, { "&Redo\tCtrl+Y", "&Rehacer\tCtrl+Y" }, { "Insert Rung &Before\tShift+6", "Insertar L�nea (Rung) &Antes\tShift+6" }, { "Insert Rung &After\tShift+V", "Insertar L�nea (Rung) &Despues\tShift+V" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Up\tShift+Up", "Subir L�nea (Rung) Seleccionada\tShift+Up" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Down\tShift+Down", "Bajar L�nea (Rung) Seleccionada\tShift+Down" }, { "&Delete Selected Element\tDel", "&Borrar Elemento Seleccionado\tSupr" }, { "D&elete Rung\tShift+Del", "B&orrar L�nea (Rung) Seleccionada\tShift+Supr" }, { "Insert Co&mment\t;", "Insertar Co&mentario\t;" }, { "Insert &Contacts\tC", "Insertar &Contacto\tC" }, { "Insert OSR (One Shot Rising)\t&/", "Insertar OSR (Flanco de Subida)\t&/" }, { "Insert OSF (One Shot Falling)\t&\\", "Insertar OSF (Flanco de Bajada)\t&\\" }, { "Insert T&ON (Delayed Turn On)\tO", "Insertar T&ON (Encendido Retardado)\tO" }, { "Insert TO&F (Delayed Turn Off)\tF", "Insertar TO&F (Apagado Retardado)\tF" }, { "Insert R&TO (Retentive Delayed Turn On)\tT", "Insertar R&TO (Encendido Retardado con Memoria)\tT" }, { "Insert CT&U (Count Up)\tU", "Insertar CT&U (Contador Incremental)\tU" }, { "Insert CT&D (Count Down)\tI", "Insertar CT&D (Contador Decremental)\tI" }, { "Insert CT&C (Count Circular)\tJ", "Insertar CT&C (Contador Circular)\tJ" }, { "Insert EQU (Compare for Equals)\t=", "Insertar EQU (Comparador si Igual)\t=" }, { "Insert NEQ (Compare for Not Equals)", "Insertar NEQ (Comparador si NO Igual)" }, { "Insert GRT (Compare for Greater Than)\t>", "Insertar GRT (Comparador si Mayor que)\t>" }, { "Insert GEQ (Compare for Greater Than or Equal)\t.", "Insertar GEQ (Comparador si Mayor o Igual que)\t." }, { "Insert LES (Compare for Less Than)\t<", "Insertar LES (Comparador si Menor que)\t<" }, { "Insert LEQ (Compare for Less Than or Equal)\t,", "Insertar LEQ (Comparador si Menor o Igual que)\t," }, { "Insert Open-Circuit", "Insertar Circuito-Abierto" }, { "Insert Short-Circuit", "Insertar Circuito-Cerrado" }, { "Insert Master Control Relay", "Insertar Rele de Control Maestro" }, { "Insert Coi&l\tL", "Insertar &Bobina\tL" }, { "Insert R&ES (Counter/RTO Reset)\tE", "Insertar R&ES (Contador/RTO Reinicio)\tE" }, { "Insert MOV (Move)\tM", "Insertar MOV (Mover)\tM" }, { "Insert ADD (16-bit Integer Add)\t+", "Insertar ADD (Suma Entero 16-bit)\t+" }, { "Insert SUB (16-bit Integer Subtract)\t-", "Insertar SUB (Resta Entero 16-bit)\t-" }, { "Insert MUL (16-bit Integer Multiply)\t*", "Insertar MUL (Multiplica Entero 16-bit)\t*" }, { "Insert DIV (16-bit Integer Divide)\tD", "Insertar DIV (Divide Entero 16-bit)\tD" }, { "Insert Shift Register", "Insertar Registro de Desplazamiento" }, { "Insert Look-Up Table", "Insertar Tabla de Busqueda" }, { "Insert Piecewise Linear", "Insertar Linealizaci�n por Segmentos" }, { "Insert Formatted String Over UART", "Insertar Cadena Formateada en la UART" }, { "Insert &UART Send", "Insertar &UART Enviar" }, { "Insert &UART Receive", "Insertar &UART Recibir" }, { "Insert Set PWM Output", "Insertar Valor Salida PWM" }, { "Insert A/D Converter Read\tP", "Insertar Lectura Conversor A/D\tP" }, { "Insert Make Persistent", "Insertar Hacer Permanente" }, { "Make Norm&al\tA", "Hacer Norm&al\tA" }, { "Make &Negated\tN", "Hacer &Negado\tN" }, { "Make &Set-Only\tS", "Hacer &Solo-Activar\tS" }, { "Make &Reset-Only\tR", "Hace&r Solo-Desactivar\tR" }, { "&MCU Parameters...", "&Parametros del Micro..." }, { "(no microcontroller)", "(no microcontrolador)" }, { "&Microcontroller", "&Microcontrolador" }, { "Si&mulation Mode\tCtrl+M", "Modo Si&mulaci�n \tCtrl+M" }, { "Start &Real-Time Simulation\tCtrl+R", "Empezar Simulaci�n en Tiempo &Real\tCtrl+R" }, { "&Halt Simulation\tCtrl+H", "Parar Simulaci�n\tCtrl+H" }, { "Single &Cycle\tSpace", "Solo un &Ciclo\tSpace" }, { "&Compile\tF5", "&Compilar\tF5" }, { "Compile &As...", "Compilar &Como..." }, { "&Manual...\tF1", "&Manual...\tF1" }, { "&About...", "&Acerca de..." }, { "&File", "&Archivo" }, { "&Edit", "&Editar" }, { "&Settings", "&Configuraciones" }, { "&Instruction", "&Instrucci�n" }, { "Si&mulate", "Si&mular" }, { "&Compile", "&Compilar" }, { "&Help", "&Ayuda" }, { "no MCU selected", "micro no seleccionado" }, { "cycle time %.2f ms", "tiempo ciclo %.2f ms" }, { "processor clock %.4f MHz", "reloj procesador %.4f MHz" }, { "Internal error relating to PIC paging; make program smaller or reshuffle it.", "Error interno relativo a la paginaci�n del PIC; Haz el programa mas peque�o o reorganizalo" }, { "PWM frequency too fast.", "Frecuencia del PWM demasiado alta." }, { "PWM frequency too slow.", "Frecuencia del PWM demasiado baja." }, { "Cycle time too fast; increase cycle time, or use faster crystal.", "Tiempo del Ciclo demasiado rapido; aumenta el tiempo de ciclo, o usa un cristal de mas Mhz." }, { "Cycle time too slow; decrease cycle time, or use slower crystal.", "Tiempo del Ciclo demasiado lento; incrementa el tiempo de ciclo, o usa un cristal de menos Mhz." }, { "Couldn't open file '%s'", "No puedo abrir el archivo '%s'" }, { "Zero baud rate not possible.", "Cero baudios no es posible." }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for PIC16 to '%s'.\r\n\r\nConfiguration word (fuses) has been set for crystal oscillator, BOD enabled, LVP disabled, PWRT enabled, all code protection off.\r\n\r\nUsed %d/%d words of program flash (chip %d%% full).", "Compilaci�n correcta; escrito IHEX para PIC16 en '%s'.\r\n\r\nBits de Configurari�n (fuses) han sido establecidos para oscilador a cristal, BOD activado, LVP desactivado, PWRT activado, Todos los bits de protecci�n desactivados.\r\n\r\nUsadas %d/%d palabras de programa en flash (Chip %d%% lleno)." }, { "Type", "Tipo" }, { "Timer", "Temporizador" }, { "Counter", "Contador" }, { "Reset", "Reiniciar" }, { "OK", "OK" }, { "Cancel", "Cancelar" }, { "Empty textbox; not permitted.", "Texto vacio; no permitido" }, { "Bad use of quotes: <%s>", "Mal uso de las comillas: <%s>" }, { "Turn-On Delay", "Activar Retardado" }, { "Turn-Off Delay", "Desactivar Retardado" }, { "Retentive Turn-On Delay", "Activar Retardado con Memoria" }, { "Delay (ms):", "Retardo (ms):" }, { "Delay too long; maximum is 2**31 us.", "Retardo demasiado largo; maximo 2**31 us." }, { "Delay cannot be zero or negative.", "El retardo no puede ser cero o negativo." }, { "Count Up", "Contador Creciente" }, { "Count Down", "Contador Decreciente" }, { "Circular Counter", "Contador Circular" }, { "Max value:", "Valor Max:" }, { "True if >= :", "Verdad si >= :" }, { "If Equals", "Si igual" }, { "If Not Equals", "Si NO igual" }, { "If Greater Than", "Si mayor que" }, { "If Greater Than or Equal To", "Si mayor o igual que" }, { "If Less Than", "Si menor que" }, { "If Less Than or Equal To", "Si menor o igual que" }, { "'Closed' if:", "'Cerrado' si:" }, { "Move", "Mover" }, { "Read A/D Converter", "Leer Conversor A/D" }, { "Duty cycle var:", "Var Ancho Ciclo:" }, { "Frequency (Hz):", "Frecuencia (Hz):" }, { "Set PWM Duty Cycle", "Poner Ancho de Pulso PWM" }, { "Source:", "Fuente:" }, { "Receive from UART", "Recibido en la UART" }, { "Send to UART", "Enviado a la UART" }, { "Add", "Sumar" }, { "Subtract", "Restar" }, { "Multiply", "Multiplicar" }, { "Divide", "Dividir" }, { "Destination:", "Destino:" }, { "is set := :", "esta puesto := :" }, { "Name:", "Nombre:" }, { "Stages:", "Fases:" }, { "Shift Register", "Registro Desplazamiento" }, { "Not a reasonable size for a shift register.", "No es un tama�o razonable para el Registro de Desplazamiento." }, { "String:", "Cadena:" }, { "Formatted String Over UART", "Cadena Formateada para UART" }, { "Variable:", "Variable:" }, { "Make Persistent", "Hacer permanente" }, { "Too many elements in subcircuit!", "Demasiados elementos en un SubCircuito!" }, { "Too many rungs!", "Demasiadas Lineas (rungs)!" }, { "Error", "Error" }, { "ANSI C target does not support peripherals (UART, PWM, ADC, EEPROM). Skipping that instruction.", "ANSI C de destino no soporta perifericos (UART, PWM, ADC, EEPROM). Evite esa instrucci�n." }, { "Compile successful; wrote C source code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nThis is not a complete C program. You have to provide the runtime and all the I/O routines. See the comments in the source code for information about how to do this.", "Compilaci�n correcta: Escrito C�digo Fuente en C en '%s'.\r\n\r\nNo es un programa completo en C. Tiene que a�adirle el procedimiento principal y todas las rutinas de E/S. Vea los comentarios en el c�digo fuente para mas informaci�n sobre como hacer esto" }, { "Cannot delete rung; program must have at least one rung.", "No puedo borrar la Linea (rung); el programa debe tener al menos una Linea (rung)." }, { "Out of memory; simplify program or choose microcontroller with more memory.", "Fuera de Memoria; Simplifique el programa o elija un micro con mas memoria.." }, { "Must assign pins for all ADC inputs (name '%s').", "Debe asignar patas para todas las entradas del ADC (nombre '%s')." }, { "Internal limit exceeded (number of vars)", "Limite interno superado (numero de variables)" }, { "Internal relay '%s' never assigned; add its coil somewhere.", "No ha asignado el rele interno '%s'; a�ada la bobina en cualquier parte del programa." }, { "Must assign pins for all I/O.\r\n\r\n'%s' is not assigned.", "Debe asignar patas a todas las E/S.\r\n\r\n'%s' no esta asignada." }, { "UART in use; pins %d and %d reserved for that.", "UART en uso; patas %d y %d reservadas para eso." }, { "PWM in use; pin %d reserved for that.", "PWM en uso; pata %d reservada para eso." }, { "UART baud rate generator: divisor=%d actual=%.4f for %.2f%% error.\r\n\r\nThis is too large; try a different baud rate (slower probably), or a crystal frequency chosen to be divisible by many common baud rates (e.g. 3.6864 MHz, 14.7456 MHz).\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial may be unreliable or completely broken.", "UART generador de baudios: divisor=%d actual=%.4f para %.2f%% error.\r\n\r\nEs demasiado grande; Prueba con otro valor de baudios (probablemente menor), o un cristal cuya frecuencia sea divible por los baudios mas comunes (p.e. 3.6864MHz, 14.7456MHz).\r\n\r\nEl c�digo se genera de todas formas pero las tramas serie sean inestable o no entendible." }, { "UART baud rate generator: too slow, divisor overflows. Use a slower crystal or a faster baud rate.\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial will likely be completely broken.", "UART generador de baudios: demasiado lento, divisor demasiado grande. Use un cristal mas lento o mayor baudios.\r\n\r\nEl c�digo se genera de todas formas pero las tramas serie ser�n no entendible.." }, { "Couldn't open '%s'\n", "No puedo abrir '%s'\n" }, { "Timer period too short (needs faster cycle time).", "Periodo de Tiempo demasiado corto (se necesita un tiempo de ciclo menor)." }, { "Timer period too long (max 32767 times cycle time); use a slower cycle time.", "Periodo del temporizador demasiado largo (max. 32767 veces el tiempo de ciclo); use un tiempo de ciclo mayor." }, { "Constant %d out of range: -32768 to 32767 inclusive.", "Constante %d fuera de rango: -32768 a 32767 inclusive." }, { "Move instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Instrucci�n Move: '%s' no es valido el destino." }, { "Math instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Instrucci�n Math: '%s' no es valido el destino." }, { "Piecewise linear lookup table with zero elements!", "tabla de linealizacion por segmentos con cero elementos!" }, { "x values in piecewise linear table must be strictly increasing.", "Los valores X en la tabla de linealizaci�n por segmentos deben ser estrictamente incrementales." }, { "Numerical problem with piecewise linear lookup table. Either make the table entries smaller, or space the points together more closely.\r\n\r\nSee the help file for details.", "Problema num�rico con la tabla de linealizaci�n por segmentos. Haz la tabla de entradas mas peque�a, o aleja mas los puntos juntos.\r\n\r\nMira la ayuda para mas detalles." }, { "Multiple escapes (\\0-9) present in format string, not allowed.", "No esta permitido mas de un caracter especial (\\0-9) dentro de la cadena de caractares." }, { "Bad escape: correct form is \\xAB.", "Caracter Especial Erroneo: la forma correcta es = \\xAB." }, { "Bad escape '\\%c'", "Caracter Especial Erroneo '\\%c'" }, { "Variable is interpolated into formatted string, but none is specified.", "Se ha declarado un parametro dentro la cadena de caracteres, pero falta especificar la variable." }, { "No variable is interpolated into formatted string, but a variable name is specified. Include a string like '\\-3', or leave variable name blank.", "No se ha declarado un parametro dentro de la cadena de caractares pero sin embargo se ha especificado una variable. A�ada un cadena como '\\-3', o quite el nombre de la variable." }, { "Empty row; delete it or add instructions before compiling.", "Fila vacia; borrela o a�ada instrucciones antes de compilar." }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'", "No puedo escribir en '%s'." }, { "Unsupported op (anything ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM) for interpretable target.", "Op no soportada en el interprete (algun ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM)." }, { "Compile successful; wrote interpretable code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nYou probably have to adapt the interpreter to your application. See the documentation.", "Compilaci�n correcta: C�digo para interprete escrito en '%s'.\r\n\r\nProblablemente tengas que adaptar el interprete a tu aplicaci�n. Mira la documentaci�n." }, { "Microcontroller '%s' not supported.\r\n\r\nDefaulting to no selected MCU.", "Microcontrolador '%s' no sorportado.\r\n\r\nForzando ninguna CPU." }, { "File format error; perhaps this program is for a newer version of LDmicro?", "Error en el formato de archivo; quizas este programa es una version mas moderna de LDmicro?." }, { "Index:", "Indice:" }, { "Points:", "Puntos:" }, { "Count:", "Cantidad:" }, { "Edit table of ASCII values like a string", "Editar tabla de valores ascii como una cadena" }, { "Look-Up Table", "Buscar en Tabla" }, { "Piecewise Linear Table", "Tabla de linealizaci�n por segmentos" }, { "LDmicro Error", "LDmicro Error" }, { "Compile Successful", "Compilaci�n Correcta" }, { "digital in", "entrada digital" }, { "digital out", "salida digital" }, { "int. relay", "rele interno" }, { "UART tx", "UART tx" }, { "UART rx", "UART rx" }, { "PWM out", "salida PWM" }, { "turn-on delay", "activar retardo" }, { "turn-off delay", "desactivar retardo" }, { "retentive timer", "temporizador con memoria" }, { "counter", "contador" }, { "general var", "var general" }, { "adc input", "entrada adc" }, { "<corrupt!>", "<estropeado!>" }, { "(not assigned)", "(no asignado)" }, { "<no UART!>", "<no UART!>" }, { "<no PWM!>", "<no PWM!>" }, { "TOF: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TOF: la variable no puede ser usada en otra parte" }, { "TON: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TON: la variable no puede ser usada en otra parte" }, { "RTO: variable can only be used for RES elsewhere", "RTO: la variable solo puede ser usada como RES en otra parte" }, { "Variable '%s' not assigned to, e.g. with a MOV statement, an ADD statement, etc.\r\n\r\nThis is probably a programming error; now it will always be zero.", "Variable '%s' no asignada, p.e. con el comando MOV, una instrucci�n ADD, etc.\r\n\r\nEsto es probablemente un error de programaci�n; valdr� cero." }, { "Variable for '%s' incorrectly assigned: %s.", "Variable para '%s' incorrectamente asignada: %s." }, { "Division by zero; halting simulation", "Divisi�n por cero; Parando simulaci�n" }, { "!!!too long!!!", "!!Muy grande!!" }, { "\n\nI/O ASSIGNMENT:\n\n", "\n\nE/S ASIGNACI�N:\n\n" }, { " Name | Type | Pin\n", " Nombre | Tipo | Pata\n" }, { "Serial (UART) will use pins %d and %d.\r\n\r\n", "El Puerto Serie (UART) usar� los pines %d y %d.\r\n\r\n" }, }; static Lang LangEs = { LangEsTable, sizeof(LangEsTable)/sizeof(LangEsTable[0]) }; #endif #ifdef LDLANG_FR static LangTable LangFrTable[] = { { "Target frequency %d Hz, closest achievable is %d Hz (warning, >5%% error).", "Fr�quence de la cible %d Hz, fonction accomplie � %d Hz (ATTENTION, >5% erreur)." }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for AVR to '%s'.\r\n\r\nRemember to set the processor configuration (fuses) correctly. This does not happen automatically.", "Compil� avec succ�s. Ecriture du fichier IHEX pour AVR sous '%s'.\r\n\r\nVous devez configurer manuellement les Bits de configuration (fusibles). Ceci n'est pas accompli automatiquement." }, { "( ) Normal", "( ) Normal" }, { "(/) Negated", "(/) Invers�e" }, { "(S) Set-Only", "(S) Activer" }, { "(R) Reset-Only", "(R) RAZ" }, { "Pin on MCU", "Broche MCU" }, { "Coil", "Bobine" }, { "Comment", "Commentaire" }, { "Cycle Time (ms):", "Temps de cycle (ms):" }, { "Crystal Frequency (MHz):", "Fr�quence quartz (MHz):" }, { "UART Baud Rate (bps):", "UART Vitesse (bps):" }, { "Serial (UART) will use pins %d and %d.\r\n\r\n", "Communication s�rie utilisera broches %d et %d.\r\n\r\n" }, { "Please select a micro with a UART.\r\n\r\n", "S�lectionnez un processeur avec UART.\r\n\r\n" }, { "No serial instructions (UART Send/UART Receive) are in use; add one to program before setting baud rate.\r\n\r\n", "Aucune instruction (�mission ou r�ception UART) n'est utilis�e; ajouter une instruction avant de fixer les vitesses.\r\n\r\n" }, { "The cycle time for the 'PLC' runtime generated by LDmicro is user-configurable. Very short cycle times may not be achievable due to processor speed constraints, and very long cycle times may not be achievable due to hardware overflows. Cycle times between 10 ms and 100 ms will usually be practical.\r\n\r\nThe compiler must know what speed crystal you are using with the micro to convert between timing in clock cycles and timing in seconds. A 4 MHz to 20 MHz crystal is typical; check the speed grade of the part you are using to determine the maximum allowable clock speed before choosing a crystal.", "Le temps de cycle de l'API (automate programmable) est configurable par l'utilisateur. Un temps trop court n'est pas utilisable d� � des contraintes de vitesse du processeur. Des temps de cycle trop longs ne sont pas utilisables � cause du d�passement de capacit� des registres. Des temps de cycle compris entre 10 ms et 100 ms sont g�neralement utilisables.\r\n\r\nLe compilateur doit connaitre la fr�quence du quartz utilis� pour d�finir les temps de cycles d'horloge ainsi que les temporisations, les fr�quences de 4 � 20 mhz sont typiques. D�terminer la vitesse d�sir�e avant de choisir le quartz." }, { "PLC Configuration", "Configuration API" }, { "Zero cycle time not valid; resetting to 10 ms.", "Temps de cycle non valide ; remis � 10 ms." }, { "Source", "Source" }, { "Internal Relay", "Relais interne" }, { "Input pin", "Entr�e" }, { "Output pin", "Sortie" }, { "|/| Negated", "|/| Normalement ferm�" }, { "Contacts", "Contacts" }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for selected micro.", "Pas de convertisseur A/D ou convertisseur non support� pour le MCU s�lectionn�." }, { "Assign:", "Affectations:" }, { "No microcontroller has been selected. You must select a microcontroller before you can assign I/O pins.\r\n\r\nSelect a microcontroller under the Settings menu and try again.", "Aucun microcontrolleur s�lectionn�. Vous devez s�lectionner un microcontroleur avant de d�finir l'utilisation des broches.\r\n\r\nS�lectionnez un micro dans le menu et essayez � nouveau." }, { "I/O Pin Assignment", "Affectation broches E/S" }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for ANSI C target; compile and see comments in generated source code.", "Ne pas sp�cifier les E/S pour code en ANSI C; Compiler et voir les commentaires dans le code source g�n�r�." }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for interpretable target; see comments in reference implementation of interpreter.", "Ne pas sp�cifier les E/S pour sortie en code interpr�t�; Voir les commentaires pour l'impl�mentation de l'interpr�teur ." }, { "Can only assign pin number to input/output pins (Xname or Yname or Aname).", "Vous pouvez uniquement affecter les broches Entr�es/Sorties (XName , YName ou AName)." }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for this micro.", "Pas de convertisseur A/D ou convertisseur non support� pour ce micro." }, { "Rename I/O from default name ('%s') before assigning MCU pin.", "Changer les noms par d�fauts des E/S ('%s') avant de leur affecter une broche MCU." }, { "I/O Pin", "Broches E/S" }, { "(no pin)", "(Aucune broche)" }, { "<UART needs!>", "<UART n�cessaire!>" }, { "<PWM needs!>", "<PWM n�cessaire!>" }, { "<not an I/O!>", "<Pas une E/S!>" }, { "Export As Text", "Exporter en texte" }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'.", "Impossible d'�crire '%s'." }, { "Compile To", "Compiler sous" }, { "Must choose a target microcontroller before compiling.", "Choisir un microcontrolleur avant de compiler." }, { "UART function used but not supported for this micro.", "Des fonctions UART sont utilis�es, mais non support�es par ce micro." }, { "PWM function used but not supported for this micro.", "Fonctions PWM utilis�es mais non support�es par ce micro." }, { "The program has changed since it was last saved.\r\n\r\nDo you want to save the changes?", "Le programme a chang� depuis la derni�re sauvegarde.\r\n\r\nVoulez-vous sauvegarder les changements?" }, { "--add comment here--", "--Ajouter les commentaires ICI--" }, { "Start new program?", "Commencer un nouveau programme?" }, { "Couldn't open '%s'.", "Impossible d'ouvrir '%s'." }, { "Name", "Nom" }, { "State", "Etat" }, { "Pin on Processor", "Broche du Micro" }, { "MCU Port", "Port du processeur" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Running)", "LDmicro - Simulation (en cours)" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Stopped)", "LDmicro - Simulation (Arr�t�e)" }, { "LDmicro - Program Editor", "LDmicro � Edition du programme " }, { " - (not yet saved)", " - (fichier non sauvegard�)" }, { "&New\tCtrl+N", "&Nouveau\tCtrl+N" }, { "&Open...\tCtrl+O", "&Ouvrir...\tCtrl+O" }, { "&Save\tCtrl+S", "&Sauvegarder\tCtrl+S" }, { "Save &As...", "S&auvegarder sous..." }, { "&Export As Text...\tCtrl+E", "&Exporter en texte...\tCtrl+E" }, { "E&xit", "Quitter" }, { "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", "Annuler\tCtrl+Z" }, { "&Redo\tCtrl+Y", "&Refaire\tCtrl+Y" }, { "Insert Rung &Before\tShift+6", "Ins�rer ligne avant\tShift+6" }, { "Insert Rung &After\tShift+V", "Ins�rer ligne &apr�s\tShift+V" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Up\tShift+Up", "D�placer la ligne s�lectionn�e au dessus\tShift+Up" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Down\tShift+Down", "D�placer la ligne s�lectionn�e au dessous\tShift+Down" }, { "&Delete Selected Element\tDel", "&Effacer l'�lement s�lectionn�\tSuppr" }, { "D&elete Rung\tShift+Del", "Supprimer la ligne\tShift+Suppr" }, { "Insert Co&mment\t;", "Ins�rer commentaire\t;" }, { "Insert &Contacts\tC", "Ins�rer &contact\tC" }, { "Insert OSR (One Shot Rising)\t&/", "Ins�rer OSR (Front montant)\t&/" }, { "Insert OSF (One Shot Falling)\t&\\", "Ins�rer OSF (Front descendant)\t&\\" }, { "Insert T&ON (Delayed Turn On)\tO", "Ins�rer T&ON (Tempo travail)\tO" }, { "Insert TO&F (Delayed Turn Off)\tF", "Ins�rer TO&F (Tempo repos)\tF" }, { "Insert R&TO (Retentive Delayed Turn On)\tT", "Ins�rer R&TO (Tempo totalisatrice)\tT" }, { "Insert CT&U (Count Up)\tU", "Ins�rer CT&U (Compteur)\tU" }, { "Insert CT&D (Count Down)\tI", "Ins�rer CT&D (D�compteur)\tI" }, { "Insert CT&C (Count Circular)\tJ", "Ins�rer CT&C (Compteur cyclique)\tJ" }, { "Insert EQU (Compare for Equals)\t=", "Ins�rer EQU (Compare pour �galit�)\t=" }, { "Insert NEQ (Compare for Not Equals)", "Ins�rer NEQ (Compare pour in�galit�)" }, { "Insert GRT (Compare for Greater Than)\t>", "Ins�rer GRT (Compare plus grand que)\t>" }, { "Insert GEQ (Compare for Greater Than or Equal)\t.", "Ins�rer GEQ (Compare plus grand ou �gal �)\t." }, { "Insert LES (Compare for Less Than)\t<", "Ins�rer LES (Compare plus petit que)\t<" }, { "Insert LEQ (Compare for Less Than or Equal)\t,", "Ins�rer LEQ (Compare plus petit ou �gal �)\t," }, { "Insert Open-Circuit", "Ins�rer circuit ouvert" }, { "Insert Short-Circuit", "Ins�rer court circuit" }, { "Insert Master Control Relay", "Ins�rer relais de contr�le maitre" }, { "Insert Coi&l\tL", "Ins�rer bobine re&lais \tL" }, { "Insert R&ES (Counter/RTO Reset)\tE", "Ins�rer R&ES (Remise � z�ro RTO/compteur)\tE" }, { "Insert MOV (Move)\tM", "Ins�rer MOV (Mouvoir)\tM" }, { "Insert ADD (16-bit Integer Add)\t+", "Ins�rer ADD (Addition entier 16-bit)\t+" }, { "Insert SUB (16-bit Integer Subtract)\t-", "Ins�rer SUB (Soustraction entier 16-bit)\t-" }, { "Insert MUL (16-bit Integer Multiply)\t*", "Ins�rer MUL (Multiplication entier 16-bit)\t*" }, { "Insert DIV (16-bit Integer Divide)\tD", "Ins�rer DIV (Division entier 16-bit)\tD" }, { "Insert Shift Register", "Ins�rer registre � d�calage" }, { "Insert Look-Up Table", "Ins�rer tableau index�" }, { "Insert Piecewise Linear", "Ins�rer tableau d'�l�ments lin�aires" }, { "Insert Formatted String Over UART", "Ins�rer chaine formatt�e pour l'UART" }, { "Insert &UART Send", "Ins�rer �mission &UART" }, { "Insert &UART Receive", "Ins�rer r�ception &UART" }, { "Insert Set PWM Output", "Ins�rer fixer sortie PWM" }, { "Insert A/D Converter Read\tP", "Ins�rer lecture convertisseur A/D\tP" }, { "Insert Make Persistent", "Ins�rer mettre r�manent" }, { "Make Norm&al\tA", "Mettre norm&al\tA" }, { "Make &Negated\tN", "I&nverser\tN" }, { "Make &Set-Only\tS", "Activer uniquement\tS" }, { "Make &Reset-Only\tR", "Faire RAZ uniquement\tR" }, { "&MCU Parameters...", "&Param�tres MCU..." }, { "(no microcontroller)", "(pas de microcontrolleur)" }, { "&Microcontroller", "&Microcontrolleur" }, { "Si&mulation Mode\tCtrl+M", "Mode si&mulation\tCtrl+M" }, { "Start &Real-Time Simulation\tCtrl+R", "Commencer la simulation en temps &r�el\tCtrl+R" }, { "&Halt Simulation\tCtrl+H", "&Arr�ter la simulation\tCtrl+H" }, { "Single &Cycle\tSpace", "&Cycle unique\tEspace" }, { "&Compile\tF5", "&Compiler\tF5" }, { "Compile &As...", "Compiler sous..." }, { "&Manual...\tF1", "&Manuel...\tF1" }, { "&About...", "&A propos..." }, { "&File", "&Fichier" }, { "&Edit", "&Edition" }, { "&Settings", "&Param�tres" }, { "&Instruction", "&Instruction" }, { "Si&mulate", "Si&mulation" }, { "&Compile", "&Compilation" }, { "&Help", "&Aide" }, { "no MCU selected", "pas de MCU s�lectionn�" }, { "cycle time %.2f ms", "cycle %.2f ms" }, { "processor clock %.4f MHz", "horloge processeur %.4f MHz" }, { "Internal error relating to PIC paging; make program smaller or reshuffle it.", "Erreur interne dans l'utilisation des pages du PIC; Diminuer le programme ou le remanier" }, { "PWM frequency too fast.", "Fr�quence PWM trop rapide." }, { "PWM frequency too slow.", "Frequence PWM trop lente." }, { "Cycle time too fast; increase cycle time, or use faster crystal.", "Temps cycle trop court; augmenter le temps de cycle ou utiliser un quartz plus rapide." }, { "Cycle time too slow; decrease cycle time, or use slower crystal.", "Temps de cycle trop long ; Diminuer le temps de cycle ou la fr�quence du quartz ." }, { "Couldn't open file '%s'", "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier '%s'" }, { "Zero baud rate not possible.", "Vitesse transmission = 0 : impossible" }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for PIC16 to '%s'.\r\n\r\nConfiguration word (fuses) has been set for crystal oscillator, BOD enabled, LVP disabled, PWRT enabled, all code protection off.\r\n\r\nUsed %d/%d words of program flash (chip %d%% full).", "Compil� avec succ�s; Ecriture IHEX pour PIC16 sous '%s'.\r\n\r\nLes bits de configuration (fuse) : Oscillateur quartz, BOD activ�, LVP d�activ�, PWRT activ�, sans code de protection.\r\n\r\nUtilise %d/%d mots du programme flash (Chip %d%% au total)." }, { "Type", "Type" }, { "Timer", "Temporisation" }, { "Counter", "Compteur" }, { "Reset", "RAZ" }, { "OK", "OK" }, { "Cancel", "Annuler" }, { "Empty textbox; not permitted.", "Zone de texte vide; interdite" }, { "Bad use of quotes: <%s>", "Utilisation incorrecte des guillemets: <%s>" }, { "Turn-On Delay", "Tempo travail" }, { "Turn-Off Delay", "Tempo repos" }, { "Retentive Turn-On Delay", "Temporisation totalisatrice" }, { "Delay (ms):", "Temps (ms):" }, { "Delay too long; maximum is 2**31 us.", "Temps trop long; maximum 2**31 us." }, { "Delay cannot be zero or negative.", "Tempo ne peut �tre � ZERO ou NEGATIF." }, { "Count Up", "Compteur" }, { "Count Down", "D�compteur" }, { "Circular Counter", "Compteur cyclique" }, { "Max value:", "Valeur max.:" }, { "True if >= :", "Vrai si >= :" }, { "If Equals", "Si EGAL" }, { "If Not Equals", "Si non EGAL �" }, { "If Greater Than", "Si plus grand que" }, { "If Greater Than or Equal To", "Si plus grand ou �gal �" }, { "If Less Than", "Si plus petit que" }, { "If Less Than or Equal To", "Si plus petit ou �gal �" }, { "'Closed' if:", "'Ferm�' si:" }, { "Move", "Mouvoir" }, { "Read A/D Converter", "Lecture du convertisseur A/D" }, { "Duty cycle var:", "Utilisation:" }, { "Frequency (Hz):", "Frequence (Hz):" }, { "Set PWM Duty Cycle", "Fixer le rapport de cycle PWM" }, { "Source:", "Source:" }, { "Receive from UART", "Reception depuis l'UART" }, { "Send to UART", "Envoyer vers l'UART" }, { "Add", "Addition" }, { "Subtract", "Soustraction" }, { "Multiply", "Multiplication" }, { "Divide", "Division" }, { "Destination:", "Destination:" }, { "is set := :", "Valeur := :" }, { "Name:", "Nom:" }, { "Stages:", "Etapes:" }, { "Shift Register", "Registre � d�calage" }, { "Not a reasonable size for a shift register.", "N'est pas une bonne taille pour un registre � d�calage." }, { "String:", "Chaine:" }, { "Formatted String Over UART", "Chaine format�e pour l'UART" }, { "Variable:", "Variable:" }, { "Make Persistent", "Mettre r�manent" }, { "Too many elements in subcircuit!", "Trop d'�l�ments dans le circuit secondaire !" }, { "Too many rungs!", "Trop de s�quences!" }, { "Error", "Erreur" }, { "ANSI C target does not support peripherals (UART, PWM, ADC, EEPROM). Skipping that instruction.", "La sortie en code ANSI C ne supporte pas les p�riph�riques (UART, ADC, EEPROM). Ne pas utiliser ces instructions." }, { "Compile successful; wrote C source code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nThis is not a complete C program. You have to provide the runtime and all the I/O routines. See the comments in the source code for information about how to do this.", "Compil� avec succ�s; Le code source C enregistr� sous '%s'.\r\n\r\nCe programme n'est pas complet. Vous devez pr�voir le runtime ainsi que toutes les routines d'entr�es/sorties. Voir les commentaires pour connaitre la fa�on de proc�der." }, { "Cannot delete rung; program must have at least one rung.", "Impossible de supprimer la ligne, le programme doit avoir au moins une ligne." }, { "Out of memory; simplify program or choose microcontroller with more memory.", "M�moire insuffisante; simplifiez le programme ou utiliser un controleur avec plus de m�moire." }, { "Must assign pins for all ADC inputs (name '%s').", "Vous devez sp�cifier une broche pour toutes les entr�es ADC (nom '%s')." }, { "Internal limit exceeded (number of vars)", "Vous d�passez la limite interne du nombre de variables" }, { "Internal relay '%s' never assigned; add its coil somewhere.", "Relais internes '%s', jamais utilis�s, � utiliser pour la commande de bobines dans le programme." }, { "Must assign pins for all I/O.\r\n\r\n'%s' is not assigned.", "Vous devez sp�cifier les broches pour toutes les E/S.\r\n\r\n'%s' ." }, { "UART in use; pins %d and %d reserved for that.", "UART utilis�; broches %d et %d r�serv�e pour cette fonction." }, { "PWM in use; pin %d reserved for that.", "PWM utilis�; broche %d r�serv�e pour cela." }, { "UART baud rate generator: divisor=%d actual=%.4f for %.2f%% error.\r\n\r\nThis is too large; try a different baud rate (slower probably), or a crystal frequency chosen to be divisible by many common baud rates (e.g. 3.6864 MHz, 14.7456 MHz).\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial may be unreliable or completely broken.", "UART G�n�rateur vitesse: Diviseur=%d actuel=%.4f pour %.2f%% Erreur.\r\n\r\nCeci est trop important; Essayez une autre vitesse (probablement plus lente), ou choisir un quartz divisible par plus de vitesses de transmission (comme 3.6864MHz, 14.7456MHz).\r\n\r\nCode est tout de m�me g�n�r�, mais la liaison peut �tre inutilisable ou la transmission erron�e." }, { "UART baud rate generator: too slow, divisor overflows. Use a slower crystal or a faster baud rate.\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial will likely be completely broken.", "G�n�rateur vitesse UART trop lent, d�passement de capacit� du diviseur. Utiliser un quartz plus lent ou une vitesse plus �lev�e.\r\n\r\nCode est g�n�r� mais la liaison semble inutilisable." }, { "Couldn't open '%s'\n", "Impossible d'ouvrir '%s'\n" }, { "Timer period too short (needs faster cycle time).", "P�riode temporisation trop courte (Diminuer le temps de cycle)." }, { "Timer period too long (max 32767 times cycle time); use a slower cycle time.", "P�riode de tempo trop longue (max. 32767 fois le temps de cycle); utiliser un temps de cycle plus long." }, { "Constant %d out of range: -32768 to 32767 inclusive.", "Constante %d hors limites: -32768 � 32767 inclus." }, { "Move instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Instruction 'Mouvoir': '%s' n'est pas une destination valide." }, { "Math instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Instruction Math: '%s' n'est pas une destination valide." }, { "Piecewise linear lookup table with zero elements!", "Le tableau index� lin�aire ne comporte aucun �l�ment!" }, { "x values in piecewise linear table must be strictly increasing.", "Les valeurs x du tableau index� lin�aire doivent �tre obligatoirement dans un ordre croissant." }, { "Numerical problem with piecewise linear lookup table. Either make the table entries smaller, or space the points together more closely.\r\n\r\nSee the help file for details.", "Probl�me num�rique avec le tableau. Commencer par les faibles valeurs ou rapprocher les points du tableau .\r\n\r\nVoir fichier d'aide pour plus de d�tails." }, { "Multiple escapes (\\0-9) present in format string, not allowed.", "Multiples ESC (\\0-9)pr�sents dans un format chaines non permit." }, { "Bad escape: correct form is \\xAB.", "ESC incorrect: Forme correcte = \\xAB." }, { "Bad escape '\\%c'", "ESC incorrect '\\%c'" }, { "Variable is interpolated into formatted string, but none is specified.", "Une variable est appell�e dans une chaine formatt�e, mais n'est pas sp�cifi�e." }, { "No variable is interpolated into formatted string, but a variable name is specified. Include a string like '\\-3', or leave variable name blank.", "Aucune variable n'est appel�e dans une chaine formatt�e, mais un nom de variable est sp�cifi� . Ins�rer une chaine comme: '\\-3', ou laisser le nom de variable vide." }, { "Empty row; delete it or add instructions before compiling.", "Ligne vide; la supprimer ou ajouter instructions avant compilation." }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'", "Impossible d'�crire sous '%s'." }, { "Unsupported op (anything ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM) for interpretable target.", "Instructions non support�es (comme ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM ) pour sortie en code interpr�t�." }, { "Compile successful; wrote interpretable code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nYou probably have to adapt the interpreter to your application. See the documentation.", "Compil� avec succ�s; Code interpr�t� �crit sous '%s'.\r\n\r\nQue vous devez adapter probablement pour votre application. Voir documentation." }, { "Microcontroller '%s' not supported.\r\n\r\nDefaulting to no selected MCU.", "Microcontrolleur '%s' non support�.\r\n\r\nErreur pas de MCU s�lectionn�." }, { "File format error; perhaps this program is for a newer version of LDmicro?", "Erreur format du fichier; ce programme est pour une nouvelle version de LDmicro." }, { "Index:", "Index:" }, { "Points:", "Points:" }, { "Count:", "Compteur:" }, { "Edit table of ASCII values like a string", "Editer tableau de valeur ASCII comme chaine" }, { "Look-Up Table", "Tableau index�" }, { "Piecewise Linear Table", "Tableau d'�l�ments lin�aire" }, { "LDmicro Error", "Erreur LDmicro" }, { "Compile Successful", "Compil� avec succ�s" }, { "digital in", "Entr�e digitale" }, { "digital out", "Sortie digitale" }, { "int. relay", "Relais interne" }, { "UART tx", "UART tx" }, { "UART rx", "UART rx" }, { "PWM out", "Sortie PWM" }, { "turn-on delay", "Tempo travail" }, { "turn-off delay", "Tempo repos" }, { "retentive timer", "Tempo totalisatrice" }, { "counter", "Compteur" }, { "general var", "Var. g�n�rale" }, { "adc input", "Entr�e ADC" }, { "<corrupt!>", "<Corrompu!>" }, { "(not assigned)", "(Non affect�)" }, { "<no UART!>", "<Pas UART!>" }, { "<no PWM!>", "<Pas de PWM!>" }, { "TOF: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TOF: Variable ne peut �tre utilis�e nullepart ailleurs" }, { "TON: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TON: Variable ne peut �tre utilis�e nullepart ailleurs" }, { "RTO: variable can only be used for RES elsewhere", "RTO: Variable ne peut �tre uniquement utilis�e que pour RAZ" }, { "Variable '%s' not assigned to, e.g. with a MOV statement, an ADD statement, etc.\r\n\r\nThis is probably a programming error; now it will always be zero.", "Variable '%s' non affect�e, ex: avec une commande MOV, une instruction ADD-etc.\r\n\r\nCeci est probablement une erreur de programmation; elle reste toujours � z�ro." }, { "Variable for '%s' incorrectly assigned: %s.", "Variable pour '%s' Affectation incorrecte: %s." }, { "Division by zero; halting simulation", "Division par z�ro; Simulation arr�t�e" }, { "!!!too long!!!", "!!!trop long!!" }, { "\n\nI/O ASSIGNMENT:\n\n", "\n\nE/S AFFECTATIONS:\n\n" }, { " Name | Type | Pin\n", " Nom | Type | Broche\n" }, }; static Lang LangFr = { LangFrTable, sizeof(LangFrTable)/sizeof(LangFrTable[0]) }; #endif #ifdef LDLANG_IT static LangTable LangItTable[] = { { "Target frequency %d Hz, closest achievable is %d Hz (warning, >5%% error).", "Target frequenza %d Hz, il pi� vicino realizzabile � %d Hz (avvertimento, >5%% di errore)." }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for AVR to '%s'.\r\n\r\nRemember to set the processor configuration (fuses) correctly. This does not happen automatically.", "Compilazione ok; scritto IHEX per AVR a '%s'.\r\n\r\nRicorda di impostare il processore (Configurazione fusibili) correttamente. Questo non avviene automaticamente." }, { "( ) Normal", "( ) Aperto" }, { "(/) Negated", "(/) Negato" }, { "(S) Set-Only", "(S) Setta" }, { "(R) Reset-Only", "(R) Resetta" }, { "Pin on MCU", "Pin MCU" }, { "Coil", "Bobina" }, { "Comment", "Commento" }, { "Cycle Time (ms):", "Tempo di ciclo (ms):" }, { "Crystal Frequency (MHz):", "Frequenza quarzo (MHz):" }, { "UART Baud Rate (bps):", "UART Baud Rate (bps):" }, { "Serial (UART) will use pins %d and %d.\r\n\r\n", "Comunicazione seriale pin utilizzati %d et %d.\r\n\r\n" }, { "Please select a micro with a UART.\r\n\r\n", "Selezionare un processore dotato di UART.\r\n\r\n" }, { "No serial instructions (UART Send/UART Receive) are in use; add one to program before setting baud rate.\r\n\r\n", "Nessuna istruzione (UART trasmetti o UART ricevi) � utilizzata; aggiungere un istruzione prima di settare il baud rate.\r\n\r\n" }, { "The cycle time for the 'PLC' runtime generated by LDmicro is user-configurable. Very short cycle times may not be achievable due to processor speed constraints, and very long cycle times may not be achievable due to hardware overflows. Cycle times between 10 ms and 100 ms will usually be practical.\r\n\r\nThe compiler must know what speed crystal you are using with the micro to convert between timing in clock cycles and timing in seconds. A 4 MHz to 20 MHz crystal is typical; check the speed grade of the part you are using to determine the maximum allowable clock speed before choosing a crystal.", "Il tempo di ciclo per il 'PLC' LDmicro � configurabile dall' utente. Tempi di ciclo molto brevi possono non essere realizzabili a causa di vincoli di velocit� del processore, e tempi di ciclo molto lunghi possono essere causa di overflow. Tempi di ciclo tra i 10 ms e di 100 ms di solito sono usuali.\r\n\r\nIl compilatore deve sapere che velocit� di cristallo stai usando con il micro per convertire in cicli di clock i Tempi. Da 4 MHz a 20 MHz, � il cristallo tipico; determinare la velocit� massima consentita prima di scegliere un cristallo." }, { "PLC Configuration", "Configurazione PLC" }, { "Zero cycle time not valid; resetting to 10 ms.", "Tempo di ciclo non valido; reimpostare a 10 ms." }, { "Source", "Sorgente" }, { "Internal Relay", "Rel� interno" }, { "Input pin", "Input pin" }, { "Output pin", "Output pin" }, { "|/| Negated", "|/| Normalmente chiuso" }, { "Contacts", "Contatto" }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for selected micro.", "Questo micro non suppota l'ADC." }, { "Assign:", "Assegna:" }, { "No microcontroller has been selected. You must select a microcontroller before you can assign I/O pins.\r\n\r\nSelect a microcontroller under the Settings menu and try again.", "Microcontrollore non selezionato. Selezionare un microcontrollore prima di assegnare i pin.\r\n\r\nSeleziona un microcontrollore dal il menu Impostazioni e riprova." }, { "I/O Pin Assignment", "Assegnazione Pin I/O" }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for ANSI C target; compile and see comments in generated source code.", "Non specificare l'assegnazione dell' I/O per la generazione di ANSI C; compilare e visualizzare i commenti nel codice sorgente." }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for interpretable target; see comments in reference implementation of interpreter.", "Non specificare l'assegnazione dell' I/O per la generazione di codice interpretabile; compilare e visualizzare i commenti nel codice sorgente." }, { "Can only assign pin number to input/output pins (Xname or Yname or Aname).", "Assegnare unicamente il numero di pin input/output (XNome, YNome ou ANome)." }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for this micro.", "Questo micro non contiene ADC." }, { "Rename I/O from default name ('%s') before assigning MCU pin.", "Rinominare l' I/O per ottenere il nome di defolt ('%s') prima di assegnare i pin del Micro." }, { "I/O Pin", "I/O Pin" }, { "(no pin)", "(senza pin)" }, { "<UART needs!>", "<UART necessario!>" }, { "<PWM needs!>", "<PWM necessario!>" }, { "<not an I/O!>", "<nessun I/O!>" }, { "Export As Text", "Esportare il testo" }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'.", "Scrittura Impossibile '%s'." }, { "Compile To", "Per compilare" }, { "Must choose a target microcontroller before compiling.", "Scegliere un microcontrollore prima di compilare." }, { "UART function used but not supported for this micro.", "Le funzioni UART sono usate ma non supportate da questo micro." }, { "PWM function used but not supported for this micro.", "Le funzioni PWM sono usate ma non supportate da questo micro." }, { "The program has changed since it was last saved.\r\n\r\nDo you want to save the changes?", "Il programma � cambiato da quando � stato salvato l'ultima volta.\r\n\r\nDo si desidera salvare le modifiche? " }, { "--add comment here--", "--aggiungere il commento--" }, { "Start new program?", "Iniziare nuovo programma?" }, { "Couldn't open '%s'.", "Impossibile aprire '%s'." }, { "Name", "Nome" }, { "State", "Stato" }, { "Pin on Processor", "Pin del Micro" }, { "MCU Port", "Porta del processore" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Running)", "LDmicro - Simulazione (in corso)" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Stopped)", "LDmicro - Simulazione (Ferma)" }, { "LDmicro - Program Editor", "LDmicro - Scrivere il programma" }, { " - (not yet saved)", " - (non ancora salvato)" }, { "&New\tCtrl+N", "&Nuovo\tCtrl+N" }, { "&Open...\tCtrl+O", "&Aprire...\tCtrl+O" }, { "&Save\tCtrl+S", "&Salva\tCtrl+S" }, { "Save &As...", "Salva &con nome..." }, { "&Export As Text...\tCtrl+E", "&Esportare il testo...\tCtrl+E" }, { "E&xit", "U&scita" }, { "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", "&Torna indietro\tCtrl+Z" }, { "&Redo\tCtrl+Y", "&Rifare\tCtrl+Y" }, { "Insert Rung &Before\tShift+6", "Inserire Ramo &Davanti\tShift+6" }, { "Insert Rung &After\tShift+V", "Inserire Ramo &Dietro\tShift+V" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Up\tShift+Up", "Muove il Ramo selezionato &Su\tShift+Up" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Down\tShift+Down", "Muove il Ramo selezionato &Gi�\tShift+Down" }, { "&Delete Selected Element\tDel", "&Cancella l'elemento selezionato\tDel" }, { "D&elete Rung\tShift+Del", "Cancellare il Ramo\tShift+Del" }, { "Insert Co&mment\t;", "Inserire Co&mmento\t;" }, { "Insert &Contacts\tC", "Inserire &Contatto\tC" }, { "Insert OSR (One Shot Rising)\t&/", "Inserire PULSUP (Fronte di salita)\t&/" }, { "Insert OSF (One Shot Falling)\t&\\", "Inserire PULSDW (Fronte di discesa)\t&\\" }, { "Insert T&ON (Delayed Turn On)\tO", "Inserire T&ON (Tempo di ritardo On)\tO" }, { "Insert TO&F (Delayed Turn Off)\tF", "Inserire TO&F (Tempo di ritardo Off)\tF" }, { "Insert R&TO (Retentive Delayed Turn On)\tT", "Inserire R&TO (Tempo di ritardo ritentivo On)\tT" }, { "Insert CT&U (Count Up)\tU", "Inserire CT&U (Contatore Up)\tU" }, { "Insert CT&D (Count Down)\tI", "Inserire CT&D (Contatore Down)\tI" }, { "Insert CT&C (Count Circular)\tJ", "Inserire CT&C (Contatore ciclico)\tJ" }, { "Insert EQU (Compare for Equals)\t=", "Inserire EQU (Compara per Uguale)\t=" }, { "Insert NEQ (Compare for Not Equals)", "Inserire NEQ (Compara per Diverso)" }, { "Insert GRT (Compare for Greater Than)\t>", "Inserire GRT (Compara per Maggiore)\t>" }, { "Insert GEQ (Compare for Greater Than or Equal)\t.", "Inserire GEQ (Compara per Maggiore o Uguale)\t." }, { "Insert LES (Compare for Less Than)\t<", "Inserire LES (Compara per Minore)\t<" }, { "Insert LEQ (Compare for Less Than or Equal)\t,", "Inserire LEQ (Compara per Minore o Uguale)\t," }, { "Insert Open-Circuit", "Inserire Circuito Aperto" }, { "Insert Short-Circuit", "Inserire Corto Circuito" }, { "Insert Master Control Relay", "Inserire Master Control Relay" }, { "Insert Coi&l\tL", "Inserire Bobina Re&l�\tL" }, { "Insert R&ES (Counter/RTO Reset)\tE", "Inserire R&ES (Contatore/RTO Reset)\tE" }, { "Insert MOV (Move)\tM", "Inserire MOV (Spostare)\tM" }, { "Insert ADD (16-bit Integer Add)\t+", "Inserire ADD (Addizione intera 16-bit)\t+" }, { "Insert SUB (16-bit Integer Subtract)\t-", "Inserire SUB (Sottrazione intera 16-bit)\t-" }, { "Insert MUL (16-bit Integer Multiply)\t*", "Inserire MUL (Moltiplicazione intera 16-bit)\t*" }, { "Insert DIV (16-bit Integer Divide)\tD", "Inserire DIV (Divisione intera 16-bit)\tD" }, { "Insert Shift Register", "Inserire Shift Register" }, { "Insert Look-Up Table", "Inserire Tavola Indicizzata" }, { "Insert Piecewise Linear", "Inserire Tavola di Elementi Lineari" }, { "Insert Formatted String Over UART", "Inserire Stringhe Formattate per l'UART" }, { "Insert &UART Send", "Inserire Trasmissione &UART" }, { "Insert &UART Receive", "Inserire Ricezione &UART" }, { "Insert Set PWM Output", "Inserire Valore di Uscita PWM" }, { "Insert A/D Converter Read\tP", "Inserire Lettura del Convertitore A/D\tP" }, { "Insert Make Persistent", "Inserire Scrittura Permanente" }, { "Make Norm&al\tA", "Attivazione Norm&ale\tA" }, { "Make &Negated\tN", "Attivazione &Negata\tN" }, { "Make &Set-Only\tS", "Attivazione &Solo-Set\tS" }, { "Make &Reset-Only\tR", "Attivazione &Solo-Reset\tR" }, { "&MCU Parameters...", "&Parametri MCU..." }, { "(no microcontroller)", "(nessun microcontroller)" }, { "&Microcontroller", "&Microcontroller" }, { "Si&mulation Mode\tCtrl+M", "Modo Si&mulazione\tCtrl+M" }, { "Start &Real-Time Simulation\tCtrl+R", "Avviare la &Simulazione in Tempo Reale\tCtrl+R" }, { "&Halt Simulation\tCtrl+H", "&Arrestare la Simulazione\tCtrl+H" }, { "Single &Cycle\tSpace", "Singolo &Ciclo\tSpazio" }, { "&Compile\tF5", "&Compila\tF5" }, { "Compile &As...", "Compila &Come..." }, { "&Manual...\tF1", "&Manuale...\tF1" }, { "&About...", "&About..." }, { "&File", "&File" }, { "&Edit", "&Editazione" }, { "&Settings", "&Settaggi" }, { "&Instruction", "&Istruzione" }, { "Si&mulate", "Si&mulazione" }, { "&Compile", "&Compilazione" }, { "&Help", "&Aiuto" }, { "no MCU selected", "nessuna MCU selezionata" }, { "cycle time %.2f ms", "tempo ciclo %.2f ms" }, { "processor clock %.4f MHz", "clock processore %.4f MHz" }, { "Internal error relating to PIC paging; make program smaller or reshuffle it.", "Errore interno relativo allla paginazione PIC; rendere il programma pi� piccolo." }, { "PWM frequency too fast.", "Frequenza PWM troppo alta." }, { "PWM frequency too slow.", "Frequenza PWM tropppo lenta." }, { "Cycle time too fast; increase cycle time, or use faster crystal.", "Tempo di ciclo troppo veloce; aumentare il tempo di ciclo o utilizzare un quarzo pi� veloce." }, { "Cycle time too slow; decrease cycle time, or use slower crystal.", "Tempo di ciclo troppo lento; diminuire il tempo di ciclo o utilizzare un quarzo pi� lento." }, { "Couldn't open file '%s'", "Impossibile aprire il file '%s'" }, { "Zero baud rate not possible.", "baud rate = Zero non � possibile" }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for PIC16 to '%s'.\r\n\r\nConfiguration word (fuses) has been set for crystal oscillator, BOD enabled, LVP disabled, PWRT enabled, all code protection off.\r\n\r\nUsed %d/%d words of program flash (chip %d%% full).", "Compilato con successo; scritto IHEX per PIC16 per '%s'.\r\n\r\nConfigurazione word (fusibili), � stato fissato per il cristallo oscillatore, BOD abilitato, LVP disabilitati, PWRT attivato, tutto il codice di protezione off.\r\n\r\nUsed %d/%d word di Programma flash (chip %d%% full)." }, { "Type", "Tipo" }, { "Timer", "Temporizzazione" }, { "Counter", "Contatore" }, { "Reset", "Reset" }, { "OK", "OK" }, { "Cancel", "Cancellare" }, { "Empty textbox; not permitted.", "Spazio vuoto per testo; non � consentito" }, { "Bad use of quotes: <%s>", "Quota utilizzata scorretta: <%s>" }, { "Turn-On Delay", "Ritardo all' eccitazione" }, { "Turn-Off Delay", "Ritardo alla diseccitazione" }, { "Retentive Turn-On Delay", "Ritardo Ritentivo all' eccitazione" }, { "Delay (ms):", "Ritardo (ms):" }, { "Delay too long; maximum is 2**31 us.", "Ritardo troppo lungo; massimo 2**31 us." }, { "Delay cannot be zero or negative.", "Ritardo zero o negativo non possibile." }, { "Count Up", "Contatore in avanti" }, { "Count Down", "Contatore in discesa" }, { "Circular Counter", "Contatore ciclico" }, { "Max value:", "Valore massimo:" }, { "True if >= :", "Vero se >= :" }, { "If Equals", "Se Uguale" }, { "If Not Equals", "Se non Uguale" }, { "If Greater Than", "Se pi� grande di" }, { "If Greater Than or Equal To", "Se pi� grande o uguale di" }, { "If Less Than", "Se pi� piccolo di" }, { "If Less Than or Equal To", "Se pi� piccolo o uguale di" }, { "'Closed' if:", "Chiuso se:" }, { "Move", "Spostare" }, { "Read A/D Converter", "Lettura del convertitore A/D" }, { "Duty cycle var:", "Duty cycle var:" }, { "Frequency (Hz):", "Frequenza (Hz):" }, { "Set PWM Duty Cycle", "Settare PWM Duty Cycle" }, { "Source:", "Sorgente:" }, { "Receive from UART", "Ricezione dall' UART" }, { "Send to UART", "Trasmissione all' UART" }, { "Add", "Addizione" }, { "Subtract", "Sottrazione" }, { "Multiply", "Moltiplicazione" }, { "Divide", "Divisione" }, { "Destination:", "Destinazione:" }, { "is set := :", "� impostato := :" }, { "Name:", "Nome:" }, { "Stages:", "Stati:" }, { "Shift Register", "Registro a scorrimento" }, { "Not a reasonable size for a shift register.", "Non � una dimensione ragionevole per un registro scorrimento." }, { "String:", "Stringhe:" }, { "Formatted String Over UART", "Stringhe formattate per l'UART" }, { "Variable:", "Variabile:" }, { "Make Persistent", "Memoria rimanante" }, { "Too many elements in subcircuit!", "Troppi elementi nel circuito secondario!" }, { "Too many rungs!", "Troppi rami!" }, { "Error", "Errore" }, { "ANSI C target does not support peripherals (UART, PWM, ADC, EEPROM). Skipping that instruction.", "Il codice in uscita ANSI C non supporta queste istruzioni (UART, PWM, ADC, EEPROM). Non usare queste istruzioni." }, { "Compile successful; wrote C source code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nThis is not a complete C program. You have to provide the runtime and all the I/O routines. See the comments in the source code for information about how to do this.", "Compilato con successo; scritto il codice sorgente in C '%s'.\r\n\r\nIl non � un completo programma in C. Si deve fornire il runtime e tutti gli I / O di routine. Vedere i commenti nel codice sorgente per informazioni su come fare." }, { "Cannot delete rung; program must have at least one rung.", "Non � in grado di eliminare le linee; il programma deve avere almeno una linea." }, { "Out of memory; simplify program or choose microcontroller with more memory.", "Memoria insufficiente; semplificare il programma oppure scegliere microcontrollori con pi� memoria ." }, { "Must assign pins for all ADC inputs (name '%s').", "Devi assegnare i pin per tutti gli ingressi ADC (nom '%s')." }, { "Internal limit exceeded (number of vars)", "Superato il limite interno (numero di variabili)" }, { "Internal relay '%s' never assigned; add its coil somewhere.", "Rel� interno '%s' non assegnato; aggiungere la sua bobina." }, { "Must assign pins for all I/O.\r\n\r\n'%s' is not assigned.", "Devi assegnare tutti i pin di I / O.\r\n\r\n'%s' non � stato assegnato." }, { "UART in use; pins %d and %d reserved for that.", "UART in uso; pins %d et %d riservati per questa." }, { "PWM in use; pin %d reserved for that.", "PWM utilizzato; pin %d riservati per questo." }, { "UART baud rate generator: divisor=%d actual=%.4f for %.2f%% error.\r\n\r\nThis is too large; try a different baud rate (slower probably), or a crystal frequency chosen to be divisible by many common baud rates (e.g. 3.6864 MHz, 14.7456 MHz).\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial may be unreliable or completely broken.", "UART generatore di baud rate: divisore = %d effettivo = %.4f per %.2f%% di errore.\r\n\r\nIl � troppo grande; prova un altro baud rate (probabilmente pi� lento), o il quarzo scelto non � divisibile per molti comuni baud (ad esempio, 3.6864 MHz, 14.7456 MHz).\r\n\r\nIl codice verr� generato, ma comunque pu� essere inaffidabile o completamente non funzionante." }, { "UART baud rate generator: too slow, divisor overflows. Use a slower crystal or a faster baud rate.\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial will likely be completely broken.", "UART generatore di baud rate: troppo lento, overflow. Utilizzare un quarzo pi� lento o una velocit� pi� alta di baud.\r\n\r\nIl codice verr� generato, ma comunque sar� probabilmente completamente inutilizzabile." }, { "Couldn't open '%s'\n", "Impossibile aprire '%s'\n" }, { "Timer period too short (needs faster cycle time).", "Periodo troppo corto (Diminuire il tempo de ciclo)." }, { "Timer period too long (max 32767 times cycle time); use a slower cycle time.", "Tempo troppo lungo (max 32767 volte di ciclo); utilizzare un tempo di ciclo pi� lento." }, { "Constant %d out of range: -32768 to 32767 inclusive.", "Costante %d oltre il limite: -32768 a 32767 inclusi." }, { "Move instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Sposta istruzione: '%s' non � una destinazione valida." }, { "Math instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Math istruzione: '%s' non � una destinazione valida" }, { "Piecewise linear lookup table with zero elements!", "La tabella lineare di ricerca non contiene elementi!" }, { "x values in piecewise linear table must be strictly increasing.", "X valori nella tabella lineare devono essere crescenti." }, { "Numerical problem with piecewise linear lookup table. Either make the table entries smaller, or space the points together more closely.\r\n\r\nSee the help file for details.", "Problema numerico con la tabella lineare di ricerca. Sia la tabella voci pi� piccole, o insieme di punti pi� vicini.\r\n\r\nVedere il file di aiuto per ulteriori dettagli." }, { "Multiple escapes (\\0-9) present in format string, not allowed.", "Uscita multipla (\\0-9) presente nel formato stringa, non consentito." }, { "Bad escape: correct form is \\xAB.", "Uscita errata: Forma non corretta = \\xAB." }, { "Bad escape '\\%c'", "Uscita non corretta '\\%c'" }, { "Variable is interpolated into formatted string, but none is specified.", "Variabile interpolata in formato stringa, ma non � specificata." }, { "No variable is interpolated into formatted string, but a variable name is specified. Include a string like '\\-3', or leave variable name blank.", "Variabile interpolata non in formato stringa, ma un nome di variabile � stato specificato. Includi una stringa come '\\-3', o lasciare vuoto." }, { "Empty row; delete it or add instructions before compiling.", "Riga vuota, eliminare o aggiungere istruzioni prima di compilare." }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'", "Impossibile scrivere qui '%s'." }, { "Unsupported op (anything ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM) for interpretable target.", "Istruzioni non supportate (come ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM ) per il codice interpretato." }, { "Compile successful; wrote interpretable code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nYou probably have to adapt the interpreter to your application. See the documentation.", "Compilazione riuscita; codice interpretabile scritto per '%s'.\r\n\r\nSi dovr� probabilmente adattare l'interprete per la vostra applicazione. Vedi la documentazione." }, { "Microcontroller '%s' not supported.\r\n\r\nDefaulting to no selected MCU.", "Microcontrollore '%s' non � supportato.\r\n\r\nNessuna MCU selezionata di default." }, { "File format error; perhaps this program is for a newer version of LDmicro?", "Errore del formato del file, forse questo � il programma per una nuova versione di LDmicro?" }, { "Index:", "Indice:" }, { "Points:", "Punto:" }, { "Count:", "Contatore:" }, { "Edit table of ASCII values like a string", "Modifica tabella dei valori ASCII come stringa" }, { "Look-Up Table", "Tabella indicizzata" }, { "Piecewise Linear Table", "Tabella di elementi lineari" }, { "LDmicro Error", "Errore LDmicro" }, { "Compile Successful", "Compilato con successo" }, { "digital in", "Input digitale" }, { "digital out", "Uscita digitale" }, { "int. relay", "Rel� interno" }, { "UART tx", "UART tx" }, { "UART rx", "UART rx" }, { "PWM out", "Uscita PWM" }, { "turn-on delay", "ritardo all' eccitazione" }, { "turn-off delay", "ritardo alla diseccitazione" }, { "retentive timer", "ritardo ritentivo" }, { "counter", "contatore" }, { "general var", "Var. generale" }, { "adc input", "Ingrasso ADC" }, { "<corrupt!>", "<Corrotto!>" }, { "(not assigned)", "(non assegnato)" }, { "<no UART!>", "<nessuna UART!>" }, { "<no PWM!>", "<nessun PWM!>" }, { "TOF: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TOF: la variabile non pu� essere utilizzata altrove" }, { "TON: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TON: la variabile non pu� essere utilizzata altrove" }, { "RTO: variable can only be used for RES elsewhere", "RTO: la variabile pu� essere utilizzata altrove solo per il RES" }, { "Variable '%s' not assigned to, e.g. with a MOV statement, an ADD statement, etc.\r\n\r\nThis is probably a programming error; now it will always be zero.", "Variabile '%s' non assegnate, ad esempio, con una dichiarazione, MOV, una dichiarazione ADD, ecc\r\n\r\nQuesto � probabilmente un errore di programmazione; ora sar� sempre uguale a zero." }, { "Variable for '%s' incorrectly assigned: %s.", "Variabile per '%s' assegnazione incorretta: %s." }, { "Division by zero; halting simulation", "Divisione per zero; Simulazione fermata" }, { "!!!too long!!!", "!troppo lungo!" }, { "\n\nI/O ASSIGNMENT:\n\n", "\n\nE/S ASSEGNAZIONE:\n\n" }, { " Name | Type | Pin\n", " Nome | Type | Pin\n" }, }; static Lang LangIt = { LangItTable, sizeof(LangItTable)/sizeof(LangItTable[0]) }; #endif #ifdef LDLANG_PT static LangTable LangPtTable[] = { { "Target frequency %d Hz, closest achievable is %d Hz (warning, >5%% error).", "Freq��ncia do Micro %d Hz, a melhor aproxima��o � %d Hz (aviso, >5%% error)." }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for AVR to '%s'.\r\n\r\nRemember to set the processor configuration (fuses) correctly. This does not happen automatically.", "Compila��o sucedida; se escrito em IHEX para AVR para '%s'.\r\n\r\nLembrar de anotar as configura��es (fuses) do micro, corretamente. Isto n�o acontece automaticamente." }, { "( ) Normal", "( ) Normal" }, { "(/) Negated", "(/) Negado" }, { "(S) Set-Only", "(S) Ativar" }, { "(R) Reset-Only", "(R) Desativar" }, { "Pin on MCU", "Pino no Micro" }, { "Coil", "Bobina" }, { "Comment", "Coment�rio" }, { "Cycle Time (ms):", "Tempo de Ciclo (ms):" }, { "Crystal Frequency (MHz):", "Freq��ncia Cristal (MHz):" }, { "UART Baud Rate (bps):", "Baud Rate UART (bps):" }, { "Serie (UART) will use pins %d and %d.\r\n\r\n", "Porta Serial (UART) usar� os pinos %d e %d.\r\n\r\n" }, { "Please select a micro with a UART.\r\n\r\n", "Por favor, selecione um micro com UART.\r\n\r\n" }, { "No serial instructions (UART Send/UART Receive) are in use; add one to program before setting baud rate.\r\n\r\n", "Nenhuma instru��o serial (UART Enviar/UART Recebe) est� em uso; adicione uma ao programa antes de configurar a taxa de transmiss�o (baud rate).\r\n\r\n" }, { "The cycle time for the 'PLC' runtime generated by LDmicro is user-configurable. Very short cycle times may not be achievable due to processor speed constraints, and very long cycle times may not be achievable due to hardware overflows. Cycle times between 10 ms and 100 ms will usually be practical.\r\n\r\nThe compiler must know what speed crystal you are using with the micro to convert between timing in clock cycles and timing in seconds. A 4 MHz to 20 MHz crystal is typical; check the speed grade of the part you are using to determine the maximum allowable clock speed before choosing a crystal.", "O tempo de ciclo para o PLC generalizado pelo LDmicro � configuravel pelo usu�rio. Tempos de ciclo muito pequenos podem n�o ser realiz�veis devido a baixa velocidade do processador, e tempos de ciclo muito longos podem n�o ser realiz�veis devido ao temporizador do micro. Ciclos de tempo entre 10 e 100ms s�o mais usuais.\r\n\r\n O compilador tem que saber qual � a freq��ncia do cristal que est� sendo usado para poder converter entre o tempo em ciclos do clock e tempo em segundos. Cristais entre 4 Mhz e 20 Mhz s�o os mais t�picos. Confira a velocidade que pode funcionar seu micro e calcule a velocidade m�xima do clock antes de encolher o cristal." }, { "PLC Configuration", "Configura��o PLC" }, { "Zero cycle time not valid; resetting to 10 ms.", "N�o � v�lido um tempo de ciclo 0; retornando a 10 ms." }, { "Source", "Fonte" }, { "Internal Relay", "Rele Interno" }, { "Input pin", "Pino Entrada" }, { "Output pin", "Pino Saida" }, { "|/| Negated", "|/| Negado" }, { "Contacts", "Contatos" }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for selected micro.", "O micro selecionado n�o possui ADC ou n�o suporta." }, { "Assign:", "Atribua:" }, { "No microcontroller has been selected. You must select a microcontroller before you can assign I/O pins.\r\n\r\nSelect a microcontroller under the Settings menu and try again.", "Nenhum micro esta selecionado. Voc� deve selecionar um micro antes de atribuir os pinos E/S.\r\n\r\nSelecione um micro no menu de configura��o e tente novamente." }, { "I/O Pin Assignment", "Atribui��o de Pinos de E/S" }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for ANSI C target; compile and see comments in generated source code.", "N�o se pode atribuir as E/S especificadas para o ANSI C gerado; compile e veja os coment�rios gerados no c�digo fonte." }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for interpretable target; see comments in reference implementation of interpreter.", "N�o se pode atribuir as E/S especificadas para o c�digo gerado para o interpretador; veja os coment�rios na implementa��o do interpretador." }, { "Can only assign pin number to input/output pins (Xname or Yname or Aname).", "Somente pode atribuir n�meros dos pinos aos pinos de Entrada/Sa�da (Xname ou Yname ou Aname)." }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for this micro.", "Este micro n�o tem ADC ou n�o � suportado." }, { "Rename I/O from default name ('%s') before assigning MCU pin.", "Renomear as E/S para nome padr�o ('%s') antes de atribuir um pino do micro." }, { "I/O Pin", "Pino E/S" }, { "(no pin)", "(sem pino)" }, { "<UART needs!>", "<Se necessitar UART!>" }, { "<PWM needs!>", "<Se necessitar PWM!>" }, { "<not an I/O!>", "<N�o � uma E/S!>" }, { "Export As Text", "Exportar como Texto" }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'.", "N�o pode gravar para '%s'." }, { "Compile To", "Compilar Para" }, { "Must choose a target microcontroller before compiling.", "Deve selecionar um microcontrolador antes de compilar." }, { "UART function used but not supported for this micro.", "Fun��o UART � usada porem n�o suportada por este micro." }, { "PWM function used but not supported for this micro.", "Fun��o PWM � usada porem n�o suportada por este micro." }, { "The program has changed since it was last saved.\r\n\r\nDo you want to save the changes?", "Este programa contem mudan�as desde a ultima vez salva.\r\n\r\n Voc� quer salvar as mudan�as?" }, { "--add comment here--", "--Adicione Coment�rios Aqui--" }, { "Start new program?", "Iniciar um novo programa?" }, { "Couldn't open '%s'.", "N�o pode abrir '%s'." }, { "Name", "Nome" }, { "State", "Estado" }, { "Pin on Processor", "Pino do Processador" }, { "MCU Port", "Porta do Micro" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Running)", "LDmicro - Simula��o (Executando)" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Stopped)", "LDmicro - Simula��o (Parado)" }, { "LDmicro - Program Editor", "LDmicro - Editor de Programa" }, { " - (not yet saved)", " - (ainda n�o salvo)" }, { "&New\tCtrl+N", "&Novo\tCtrl+N" }, { "&Open...\tCtrl+O", "&Abrir...\tCtrl+O" }, { "&Save\tCtrl+S", "&Salvar\tCtrl+S" }, { "Save &As...", "Salvar &Como..." }, { "&Export As Text...\tCtrl+E", "&Exportar como Texto...\tCtrl+E" }, { "E&xit", "&Sair" }, { "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", "&Desfazer\tCtrl+Z" }, { "&Redo\tCtrl+Y", "&Refazer\tCtrl+Y" }, { "Insert Rung &Before\tShift+6", "Inserir Linha (Rung) &Antes\tShift+6" }, { "Insert Rung &After\tShift+V", "Inserir Linha (Rung) &Depois\tShift+V" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Up\tShift+Up", "Mover Linha Selecionada (Rung) &Acima\tShift+Up" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Down\tShift+Down", "Mover Linha Selecionada(Rung) &Abaixo\tShift+Down" }, { "&Delete Selected Element\tDel", "&Apagar Elemento Selecionado\tDel" }, { "D&elete Rung\tShift+Del", "A&pagar Linha (Rung) \tShift+Del" }, { "Insert Co&mment\t;", "Inserir Co&ment�rio\t;" }, { "Insert &Contacts\tC", "Inserir &Contatos\tC" }, { "Insert OSR (One Shot Rising)\t&/", "Inserir OSR (Detecta Borda de Subida)\t&/" }, { "Insert OSF (One Shot Falling)\t&\\", "Inserir OSF (Detecta Borda de Descida)\t&\\" }, { "Insert T&ON (Delayed Turn On)\tO", "Inserir T&ON (Temporizador para Ligar)\tO" }, { "Insert TO&F (Delayed Turn Off)\tF", "Inserir TO&F (Temporizador para Desligar)\tF" }, { "Insert R&TO (Retentive Delayed Turn On)\tT", "Inserir R&TO (Temporizar Retentivo para Ligar)\tT" }, { "Insert CT&U (Count Up)\tU", "Inserir CT&U (Contador Incremental)\tU" }, { "Insert CT&D (Count Down)\tI", "Inserir CT&D (Contador Decremental)\tI" }, { "Insert CT&C (Count Circular)\tJ", "Inserir CT&C (Contador Circular)\tJ" }, { "Insert EQU (Compare for Equals)\t=", "Inserir EQU (Comparar se � Igual)\t=" }, { "Insert NEQ (Compare for Not Equals)", "Inserir NEQ (Comparar se � Diferente)" }, { "Insert GRT (Compare for Greater Than)\t>", "Inserir GRT (Comparar se Maior Que)\t>" }, { "Insert GEQ (Compare for Greater Than or Equal)\t.", "Inserir GEQ (Comparar se Maior ou Igual Que)\t." }, { "Insert LES (Compare for Less Than)\t<", "Inserir LES (Comparar se Menor Que)\t<" }, { "Insert LEQ (Compare for Less Than or Equal)\t,", "Inserir LEQ (Comparar se Menor ou Igual Que)\t," }, { "Insert Open-Circuit", "Inserir Circuito Aberto" }, { "Insert Short-Circuit", "Inserir Curto Circuito" }, { "Insert Master Control Relay", "Inserir Rele de Controle Mestre" }, { "Insert Coi&l\tL", "Inserir &Bobina\tL" }, { "Insert R&ES (Counter/RTO Reset)\tE", "Inserir R&ES (Contador/RTO Reinicia)\tE" }, { "Insert MOV (Move)\tM", "Inserir MOV (Mover)\tM" }, { "Insert ADD (16-bit Integer Add)\t+", "Inserir ADD (Soma Inteiro 16-bit)\t+" }, { "Insert SUB (16-bit Integer Subtract)\t-", "Inserir SUB (Subtrair Inteiro 16-bit)\t-" }, { "Insert MUL (16-bit Integer Multiply)\t*", "Inserir MUL (Multiplica Inteiro 16-bit)\t*" }, { "Insert DIV (16-bit Integer Divide)\tD", "Inserir DIV (Divide Inteiro 16-bit)\tD" }, { "Insert Shift Register", "Inserir Registro de Troca" }, { "Insert Look-Up Table", "Inserir Tabela de Busca" }, { "Insert Piecewise Linear", "Inserir Lineariza��o por Segmentos" }, { "Insert Formatted String Over UART", "Inserir String Formatada na UART" }, { "Insert &UART Send", "Inserir &UART Enviar" }, { "Insert &UART Receive", "Inserir &UART Receber" }, { "Insert Set PWM Output", "Inserir Valor de Sa�da PWM" }, { "Insert A/D Converter Read\tP", "Inserir Leitura do Conversor A/D\tP" }, { "Insert Make Persistent", "Inserir Fazer Permanente" }, { "Make Norm&al\tA", "Fazer Norm&al\tA" }, { "Make &Negated\tN", "Fazer &Negado\tN" }, { "Make &Set-Only\tS", "Fazer &Ativar-Somente\tS" }, { "Make &Reset-Only\tR", "Fazer&Desativar-Somente\tR" }, { "&MCU Parameters...", "&Par�metros do Micro..." }, { "(no microcontroller)", "(sem microcontrolador)" }, { "&Microcontroller", "&Microcontrolador" }, { "Si&mulation Mode\tCtrl+M", "Modo Si&mula��o \tCtrl+M" }, { "Start &Real-Time Simulation\tCtrl+R", "Iniciar Simula��o em Tempo &Real\tCtrl+R" }, { "&Halt Simulation\tCtrl+H", "Parar Simula��o\tCtrl+H" }, { "Single &Cycle\tSpace", "Simples &Ciclo\tEspa�o" }, { "&Compile\tF5", "&Compilar\tF5" }, { "Compile &As...", "Compilar &Como..." }, { "&Manual...\tF1", "&Manual...\tF1" }, { "&About...", "&Sobre..." }, { "&File", "&Arquivo" }, { "&Edit", "&Editar" }, { "&Settings", "&Configura��es" }, { "&Instruction", "&Instru��es" }, { "Si&mulate", "Si&mular" }, { "&Compile", "&Compilar" }, { "&Help", "&Ajuda" }, { "no MCU selected", "Micro n�o selecionado" }, { "cycle time %.2f ms", "tempo de ciclo %.2f ms" }, { "processor clock %.4f MHz", "clock do processador %.4f MHz" }, { "Internal error relating to PIC paging; make program smaller or reshuffle it.", "Erro interno relativo a pagina��o do PIC; fazer um programa menor ou reorganiza-lo" }, { "PWM frequency too fast.", "Freq��ncia do PWM muito alta." }, { "PWM frequency too slow.", "Freq��ncia do PWM muito baixa." }, { "Cycle time too fast; increase cycle time, or use faster crystal.", "Tempo de Ciclo muito r�pido; aumentar tempo do ciclo, ou usar um cristal de maior Mhz." }, { "Cycle time too slow; decrease cycle time, or use slower crystal.", "Tempo de Ciclo muito lento; diminuir tempo do ciclo, ou usar um cristal de menor Mhz." }, { "Couldn't open file '%s'", "N�o pode abrir o arquivo '%s'" }, { "Zero baud rate not possible.", "Zero Baud Rate n�o � poss�vel." }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for PIC16 to '%s'.\r\n\r\nConfiguration word (fuses) has been set for crystal oscillator, BOD enabled, LVP disabled, PWRT enabled, all code protection off.\r\n\r\nUsed %d/%d words of program flash (chip %d%% full).", "Compila��o sucedida; escrito IHEX para PIC16 em '%s'.\r\n\r\nBits de Configura��o (fuses) foi estabelecido para o cristal oscilador, BOD ativado, LVP desativado, PWRT ativado, Todos os bits de prote��o desativados.\r\n\r\nUsadas %d/%d palavras de programa em flash (Chip %d%% completo)." }, { "Type", "Tipo" }, { "Timer", "Temporizador" }, { "Counter", "Contador" }, { "Reset", "Reiniciar" }, { "OK", "OK" }, { "Cancel", "Cancelar" }, { "Empty textbox; not permitted.", "Texto vazio; n�o � permitido" }, { "Bad use of quotes: <%s>", "Mau uso das aspas: <%s>" }, { "Turn-On Delay", "Temporizador para Ligar" }, { "Turn-Off Delay", "Temporizador para Desligar" }, { "Retentive Turn-On Delay", "Temporizador Retentivo para Ligar" }, { "Delay (ms):", "Tempo (ms):" }, { "Delay too long; maximum is 2**31 us.", "Tempo muito longo; Maximo 2**31 us." }, { "Delay cannot be zero or negative.", "Tempo n�o pode ser zero ou negativo." }, { "Count Up", "Contador Crescente" }, { "Count Down", "Contador Decrescente" }, { "Circular Counter", "Contador Circular" }, { "Max value:", "Valor Max:" }, { "True if >= :", "Verdadeiro se >= :" }, { "If Equals", "Se Igual" }, { "If Not Equals", " Se Diferente" }, { "If Greater Than", "Se Maior Que" }, { "If Greater Than or Equal To", "Se Maior ou Igual Que" }, { "If Less Than", "Se Menor Que" }, { "If Less Than or Equal To", "Se Menor ou Igual Que" }, { "'Closed' if:", "'Fechado' se:" }, { "Move", "Mover" }, { "Read A/D Converter", "Ler Conversor A/D" }, { "Duty cycle var:", "Var Duty cycle:" }, { "Frequency (Hz):", "Frequencia (Hz):" }, { "Set PWM Duty Cycle", "Acionar PWM Duty Cycle" }, { "Source:", "Fonte:" }, { "Receive from UART", "Recebe da UART" }, { "Send to UART", "Envia para UART" }, { "Add", "Somar" }, { "Subtract", "Subtrair" }, { "Multiply", "Multiplicar" }, { "Divide", "Dividir" }, { "Destination:", "Destino:" }, { "is set := :", "esta acionado := :" }, { "Name:", "Nome:" }, { "Stages:", "Fases:" }, { "Shift Register", "Deslocar Registro" }, { "Not a reasonable size for a shift register.", "N�o � um tamanho razo�vel para um registro de deslocamento." }, { "String:", "String:" }, { "Formatted String Over UART", "String Formatada para UART" }, { "Variable:", "Variavel:" }, { "Make Persistent", "Fazer Permanente" }, { "Too many elements in subcircuit!", "Excesso de elementos no SubCircuito!" }, { "Too many rungs!", "Muitas Linhas (rungs)!" }, { "Error", "Error" }, { "ANSI C target does not support peripherals (UART, PWM, ADC, EEPROM). Skipping that instruction.", "ANSI C n�o suporta perif�ricos (UART, PWM, ADC, EEPROM). Evite essas instru��es." }, { "Compile successful; wrote C source code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nThis is not a complete C program. You have to provide the runtime and all the I/O routines. See the comments in the source code for information about how to do this.", "Compila��o sucedida: C�digo Fonte escrito em C para '%s'.\r\n\r\nEste programa nao � completo em C. Voc� tem que fornecer o tempo de execu��o e de todas as rotinas de E/S. Veja os coment�rios no c�digo fonte para mais informa��o sobre como fazer isto." }, { "Cannot delete rung; program must have at least one rung.", "N�o pode apagar a Linha (rung); O programa deve contem pelo menos uma Linha (rung)." }, { "Out of memory; simplify program or choose microcontroller with more memory.", "Fora de Mem�ria; Simplifique o programa ou escolha um microcontrolador com mais mem�ria." }, { "Must assign pins for all ADC inputs (name '%s').", "Deve associar pinos para todas as entradas do ADC (nome '%s')." }, { "Internal limit exceeded (number of vars)", "Limite interno excedido (numero de vari�veis)" }, { "Internal relay '%s' never assigned; add its coil somewhere.", "Rele Interno'%s' n�o foi associado; adicione esta bobina em outro lugar." }, { "Must assign pins for all I/O.\r\n\r\n'%s' is not assigned.", "Deve associar pinos a todas E/S.\r\n\r\n'%s' n�o esta associado." }, { "UART in use; pins %d and %d reserved for that.", "UART em uso; pinos %d e %d reservado para isso." }, { "PWM in use; pin %d reserved for that.", "PWM em uso; pino %d reservada para isso." }, { "UART baud rate generator: divisor=%d actual=%.4f for %.2f%% error.\r\n\r\nThis is too large; try a different baud rate (slower probably), or a crystal frequency chosen to be divisible by many common baud rates (e.g. 3.6864 MHz, 14.7456 MHz).\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial may be unreliable or completely broken.", "Gerador UART baud rate: divisor=%d atual=%.4f para %.2f%% error.\r\n\r\nEste � muito grande; Tente com outro valor (provavelmente menor), ou um cristal cuja freq��ncia seja divis�vel pelos baud rate mais comuns (p.e. 3.6864MHz, 14.7456MHz).\r\n\r\nO c�digo ser� gerado de qualquer maneira, porem a serial poder� ser incerta ou completamente fragmentada." }, { "UART baud rate generator: too slow, divisor overflows. Use a slower crystal or a faster baud rate.\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial will likely be completely broken.", "Gerador UART baud rate: muito lento, divisor excedido. Use um cristal mais lento ou um baud rate maior.\r\n\r\nO c�digo ser� gerado de qualquer maneira, porem a serial poder� ser incerta ou completamente fragmentada.." }, { "Couldn't open '%s'\n", "N�o pode abrir '%s'\n" }, { "Timer period too short (needs faster cycle time).", "Per�odo de Tempo muito curto (necessitara de um tempo de ciclo maior)." }, { "Timer period too long (max 32767 times cycle time); use a slower cycle time.", "Tempo do Temporizador muito grande(max. 32767 tempo de ciclo); use um tempo de ciclo menor." }, { "Constant %d out of range: -32768 to 32767 inclusive.", "Constante %d fora do range: -32768 a 32767 inclusive." }, { "Move instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Instru��o Mover: '%s' o destino n�o � v�lido." }, { "Math instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Instru��es Math: '%s' o destino n�o � v�lido." }, { "Piecewise linear lookup table with zero elements!", "Consulta da Tabela de Lineariza��o por Segmentos com elementos zero!" }, { "x values in piecewise linear table must be strictly increasing.", "Os valores X na Tabela de Lineariza��o por Segmentos deve ser estritamente incrementais." }, { "Numerical problem with piecewise linear lookup table. Either make the table entries smaller, or space the points together more closely.\r\n\r\nSee the help file for details.", "Problema num�rico com a Tabela de Lineariza��o por segmentos. Fa�a qualquer tabela com entradas menores. ou espace os pontos para mais pr�ximo.\r\n\r\nVeja em ajuda para mais detalhes." }, { "Multiple escapes (\\0-9) present in format string, not allowed.", "N�o � permitido mais de um caractere especial (\\0-9) dentro da string formatada." }, { "Bad escape: correct form is \\xAB.", "Caractere Especial com Erro: A forma correta � \\xAB." }, { "Bad escape '\\%c'", "Caractere Especial com Erro '\\%c'" }, { "Variable is interpolated into formatted string, but none is specified.", "A vari�vel � interpolada dentro da string formatada, mas nenhuma � especificado." }, { "No variable is interpolated into formatted string, but a variable name is specified. Include a string like '\\-3', or leave variable name blank.", "Nenhuma vari�vel esta interpolada dentro da string formatada, porem um nome de vari�vel � especificada. Inclua uma string como '\\-3', ou deixe o nome da vari�vel em branco." }, { "Empty row; delete it or add instructions before compiling.", "Linha Vazia; apague ou adicione instru��es antes de compilar." }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'", "N�o pode ser gravado para '%s'." }, { "Unsupported op (anything ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM) for interpretable target.", "Op n�o suportada no interpretador (algum ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM)." }, { "Compile successful; wrote interpretable code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nYou probably have to adapt the interpreter to your application. See the documentation.", "Compila��o sucedida: C�digo para interpretador escrito para '%s'.\r\n\r\nVoc� provavelmente tem que adaptar o interpretador para sua aplica��o. Veja a documenta��o." }, { "Microcontroller '%s' not supported.\r\n\r\nDefaulting to no selected MCU.", "Microcontrolador '%s' n�o suportado.\r\n\r\nFalha nenhum Micro selecionado." }, { "File format error; perhaps this program is for a newer version of LDmicro?", "Erro no formato de arquivo; talvez este programa � para uma vers�o mais nova do LDmicro?." }, { "Index:", "�ndice:" }, { "Points:", "Pontos:" }, { "Count:", "Contador:" }, { "Edit table of ASCII values like a string", "Editar tabela do ASCII, valores como uma string" }, { "Look-Up Table", "Buscar na Tabela" }, { "Piecewise Linear Table", "Tabela de Lineariza��o por Segmentos" }, { "LDmicro Error", "LDmicro Error" }, { "Compile Successful", "Compila��o Sucedida" }, { "digital in", "entrada digital" }, { "digital out", "sa�da digital" }, { "int. relay", "rele interno" }, { "UART tx", "UART tx" }, { "UART rx", "UART rx" }, { "PWM out", "sa�da PWM" }, { "turn-on delay", "ativar atraso" }, { "turn-off delay", "desativar atraso" }, { "retentive timer", "temporizador com mem�ria" }, { "counter", "contador" }, { "general var", "var geral" }, { "adc input", "entrada adc" }, { "<corrupt!>", "<corrompido!>" }, { "(not assigned)", "(sem atribui��o)" }, { "<no UART!>", "<sem UART!>" }, { "<no PWM!>", "<sem PWM!>" }, { "TOF: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TOF: a vari�vel n�o pode ser usada em outra parte" }, { "TON: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TON: a vari�vel n�o pode ser usada em outra parte" }, { "RTO: variable can only be used for RES elsewhere", "RTO: a vari�vel somente pode ser usada como RES em outra parte" }, { "Variable '%s' not assigned to, e.g. with a MOV statement, an ADD statement, etc.\r\n\r\nThis is probably a programming error; now it will always be zero.", "vari�vel '%s' n�o atribu�da, p.e. com o comando MOV, comando ADD, etc.\r\n\r\nIsto � provavelmente um erro de programa��o; ser� sempre zero." }, { "Variable for '%s' incorrectly assigned: %s.", "Vari�vel para '%s' atribu�da incorretamente : %s." }, { "Division by zero; halting simulation", "Divis�o por zero; Parando simula��o" }, { "!!!too long!!!", "!Muito longo!" }, { "\n\nI/O ASSIGNMENT:\n\n", "\n\nE/S ATRIBUIDA:\n\n" }, { " Name | Type | Pin\n", " Nome | Tipo | Pino\n" }, { "Serial (UART) will use pins %d and %d.\r\n\r\n", "A porta Serial (UART) usar� os pinos %d e %d.\r\n\r\n" }, }; static Lang LangPt = { LangPtTable, sizeof(LangPtTable)/sizeof(LangPtTable[0]) }; #endif #ifdef LDLANG_TR static LangTable LangTrTable[] = { { "Target frequency %d Hz, closest achievable is %d Hz (warning, >5%% error).", "Hedef frekans %d Hz, bu de�ere en yak�n olas� de�er %d Hz (Uyar�, >5% hatas�)." }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for AVR to '%s'.\r\n\r\nRemember to set the processor configuration (fuses) correctly. This does not happen automatically.", "Derleme ba�ar�l�. AVR i�in derlenen '%s' IHEX dosyas�na kaydedildi.\r\n\r\n M�B konfig�rasyonunu ayarlamay� unutmay�n. Bu i�lem otomatik olarak yap�lmamaktad�r." }, { "( ) Normal", "( ) Normal" }, { "(/) Negated", "(/) Terslenmi�" }, { "(S) Set-Only", "(S) Set" }, { "(R) Reset-Only", "(R) Reset" }, { "Pin on MCU", "M�B Baca��" }, { "Coil", "Bobin" }, { "Comment", "A��klama" }, { "Cycle Time (ms):", "�evrim S�resi (ms):" }, { "Crystal Frequency (MHz):", "Kristal Frekans� (MHz):" }, { "UART Baud Rate (bps):", "UART Baud Rate (bps):" }, { "Serial (UART) will use pins %d and %d.\r\n\r\n", "Seri ileti�im i�in (UART) %d ve %d bacaklar� kullan�lacakt�r.\r\n\r\n" }, { "Please select a micro with a UART.\r\n\r\n", "L�tfen UART olan bir M�B se�iniz.\r\n\r\n" }, { "No serial instructions (UART Send/UART Receive) are in use; add one to program before setting baud rate.\r\n\r\n", "Seri ileti�im komutu kullanmad�n�z. H�z� ayarlamadan �nce komut kullanmal�s�n�z.\r\n\r\n" }, { "The cycle time for the 'PLC' runtime generated by LDmicro is user-configurable. Very short cycle times may not be achievable due to processor speed constraints, and very long cycle times may not be achievable due to hardware overflows. Cycle times between 10 ms and 100 ms will usually be practical.\r\n\r\nThe compiler must know what speed crystal you are using with the micro to convert between timing in clock cycles and timing in seconds. A 4 MHz to 20 MHz crystal is typical; check the speed grade of the part you are using to determine the maximum allowable clock speed before choosing a crystal.", "PLC i�in LDMicro taraf�ndan verilen �evrim s�resi kullan�c� taraf�ndan de�i�tirilebilir. �ok k�sa s�reler i�lemcinin h�z�ndan kaynaklanan sebeplerden dolay� verilemeyebilir. 10ms ile 100ms aras�ndaki de�erler �evrim s�resi i�in genellikle uygun de�erlerdir.\r\n\r\n.LDMicro kullan�lan kristalin h�z�n� bilmelidir. Bu de�er program i�erisinde kullan�l�r. Bilindi�i �zere genellikle 4MHz ile 20MHz aras�nda de�ere sahip kristaller kullan�lmaktad�r. Kulland���n�z kristalin de�erini ayarlamal�s�n�z." }, { "PLC Configuration", "PLC Ayarlar�" }, { "Zero cycle time not valid; resetting to 10 ms.", "�evrim s�resi s�f�r olamaz. 10ms olarak de�i�tirildi." }, { "Source", "Kaynak" }, { "Internal Relay", "Dahili R�le" }, { "Input pin", "Giri� Baca��" }, { "Output pin", "��k�� Baca��" }, { "|/| Negated", "|/| Terslenmi�" }, { "Contacts", "Kontak" }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for selected micro.", "Bu i�lemcide ADC yok yada ADC desteklenmiyor." }, { "Assign:", "De�eri:" }, { "No microcontroller has been selected. You must select a microcontroller before you can assign I/O pins.\r\n\r\nSelect a microcontroller under the Settings menu and try again.", "��lemci se�mediniz.\r\n\r\n G/� u�lar�n� se�meden �nce Ayarlar men�s�nden i�lemci se�iniz." }, { "I/O Pin Assignment", "G/� Bacak Tan�m�" }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for ANSI C target; compile and see comments in generated source code.", "ANSI C hedef i�in G/� tan�mlamas� yap�lamad�. Dosyay� derleyerek olu�turulan kaynak kodundaki yorumlar� inceleyiniz." }, { "Can't specify I/O assignment for interpretable target; see comments in reference implementation of interpreter.", "Hedef i�in G/� tan�m� yap�lamad�. Derleyicinin kullan�m kitap����n� inceleyiniz." }, { "Can only assign pin number to input/output pins (Xname or Yname or Aname).", "Sadece giri�/��k�� u�lar� i�in bacak tan�mlamas� yap�labilir. (XName veya YName veya AName)." }, { "No ADC or ADC not supported for this micro.", "Bu i�lemcide ADC yok yada ADC desteklenmiyor." }, { "Rename I/O from default name ('%s') before assigning MCU pin.", "('%s') �ntan�ml� isimdir. M�B baca�� tan�mlamadan �nce bu ismi de�i�tiriniz." }, { "I/O Pin", "G/� Bacaklar�" }, { "(no pin)", "(Bacak Yok)" }, { "<UART needs!>", "<UART gerekli!>" }, { "<PWM needs!>", "<PWM gerekli!>" }, { "<not an I/O!>", "<G/� de�il>" }, { "Export As Text", "Yaz� dosyas� olarak ver" }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'.", "'%s' dosyas�na yaz�lamad�." }, { "Compile To", "Derlenecek Yer" }, { "Must choose a target microcontroller before compiling.", "Derlemeden �nce i�lemci se�ilmelidir." }, { "UART function used but not supported for this micro.", "Komut kullanm��s�n�z, ancak UART i�lemleri bu i�lemci i�in desteklenmiyor." }, { "PWM function used but not supported for this micro.", "Komut kullanm��s�n�z, ancak PWM i�lemleri bu i�lemci i�in desteklenmiyor." }, { "The program has changed since it was last saved.\r\n\r\nDo you want to save the changes?", "Dosyada de�i�iklik yapt�n�z.\r\n\r\n Kaydetmek ister misiniz?" }, { "--add comment here--", "--aciklamanizi buraya ekleyiniz--" }, { "Start new program?", "Yeni dosya olu�turulsun mu?" }, { "Couldn't open '%s'.", "'%s' dosyas�na kay�t yap�lam�yor." }, { "Name", "�sim" }, { "State", "Durum/De�er" }, { "Pin on Processor", "��lemci Bacak No" }, { "MCU Port", "��lemci Portu" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Running)", "LDmicro - Sim�lasyon (�al���yor)" }, { "LDmicro - Simulation (Stopped)", "LDmicro - Sim�lasyon (Durduruldu)" }, { "LDmicro - Program Editor", "LDmicro � Program Edit�r� " }, { " - (not yet saved)", " - (de�i�iklikler kaydedilmedi)" }, { "&New\tCtrl+N", "&Yeni Dosya\tCtrl+N" }, { "&Open...\tCtrl+O", "&Dosya A�\tCtrl+O" }, { "&Save\tCtrl+S", "&Dosyay� Kaydet\tCtrl+S" }, { "Save &As...", "Dosyay� Farkl� Kaydet" }, { "&Export As Text...\tCtrl+E", "&Metin Dosyas� Olarak Kaydet\tCtrl+E" }, { "E&xit", "��k��" }, { "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", "De�i�ikli�i Geri Al\tCtrl+Z" }, { "&Redo\tCtrl+Y", "&De�i�ikli�i Tekrarla\tCtrl+Y" }, { "Insert Rung &Before\tShift+6", "�st k�sma sat�r (Rung) ekle\tShift+6" }, { "Insert Rung &After\tShift+V", "Alt k�sma sat�r (Rung) ekle\tShift+V" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Up\tShift+Up", "Se�ili sat�r� �ste ta��\tShift+Up" }, { "Move Selected Rung &Down\tShift+Down", "Se�ili sat�r� alta ta��\tShift+Down" }, { "&Delete Selected Element\tDel", "&Se�ili Eleman� Sil\tDel" }, { "D&elete Rung\tShift+Del", "Se�ili Sat�r� Sil\tShift+Del" }, { "Insert Co&mment\t;", "A��klama Ekle\t;" }, { "Insert &Contacts\tC", "Kontak Eekle\tC" }, { "Insert OSR (One Shot Rising)\t&/", "OSR ekle (Y�kselen Kenar)\t&/" }, { "Insert OSF (One Shot Falling)\t&\\", "OSF ekle (D��en Kenar)\t&\\" }, { "Insert T&ON (Delayed Turn On)\tO", "T&ON ekle (Turn-On Gecikme)\tO" }, { "Insert TO&F (Delayed Turn Off)\tF", "T&OF ekle (Turn-Off Gecikme)\tF" }, { "Insert R&TO (Retentive Delayed Turn On)\tT", "R&TO ekle (S�re Sayan Turn-On Gecikme)\tT" }, { "Insert CT&U (Count Up)\tU", "CT&U ekle (Yukar� Say�c�)\tU" }, { "Insert CT&D (Count Down)\tI", "CT&D ekle (A�a�� Say�c�)\tI" }, { "Insert CT&C (Count Circular)\tJ", "CT&C ekle (D�ng�sel Say�c�)\tJ" }, { "Insert EQU (Compare for Equals)\t=", "EQU ekle (E�itlik Kontrol�)\t=" }, { "Insert NEQ (Compare for Not Equals)", "NEQ ekle (Farkl�l�k Kontrol�)" }, { "Insert GRT (Compare for Greater Than)\t>", "GRT ekle (B�y�k Kontrol�)\t>" }, { "Insert GEQ (Compare for Greater Than or Equal)\t.", "GEQ ekle (B�y�k yada E�it Kontrol�)\t." }, { "Insert LES (Compare for Less Than)\t<", "LES ekle (K���k Kontrol�)\t<" }, { "Insert LEQ (Compare for Less Than or Equal)\t,", "LEQ ekle (K���k yada E�it Kontrol�)\t," }, { "Insert Open-Circuit", "A��k Devre ekle" }, { "Insert Short-Circuit", "Kapal� Devre ekle" }, { "Insert Master Control Relay", "Ana Kontrol R�lesi ekle" }, { "Insert Coi&l\tL", "Bobin ek&le\tL" }, { "Insert R&ES (Counter/RTO Reset)\tE", "R&ES ekle (RTO/Say�c� S�f�rlamas�)\tE" }, { "Insert MOV (Move)\tM", "MOV (Ta��) ekle\tM" }, { "Insert ADD (16-bit Integer Add)\t+", "ADD (16 bit Toplama)ekle\t+" }, { "Insert SUB (16-bit Integer Subtract)\t-", "SUB (16 bit ��karma) ekle\t-" }, { "Insert MUL (16-bit Integer Multiply)\t*", "MUL (16 bit �arpma) ekle\t*" }, { "Insert DIV (16-bit Integer Divide)\tD", "DIV (16 bit b�lme) ekle\tD" }, { "Insert Shift Register", "Shift Register ekle" }, { "Insert Look-Up Table", "De�er Tablosu ekle" }, { "Insert Piecewise Linear", "Par�al� Lineer ekle" }, { "Insert Formatted String Over UART", "UART �zerinden Bi�imlendirilmi� Kelime Ekle" }, { "Insert &UART Send", "&UART'dan G�nderme ekle" }, { "Insert &UART Receive", "&UART'dan Alma ekle" }, { "Insert Set PWM Output", "PWM ��k��� Akit Et ekle" }, { "Insert A/D Converter Read\tP", "A/D �eviriciden Oku ekle\tP" }, { "Insert Make Persistent", "EPROM'da Sakla ekle" }, { "Make Norm&al\tA", "Normale �evir\tA" }, { "Make &Negated\tN", "Terslenmi� Yap\tN" }, { "Make &Set-Only\tS", "Set Yap\tS" }, { "Make &Reset-Only\tR", "Reset Yap\tR" }, { "&MCU Parameters...", "&��lemci Ayarlar�..." }, { "(no microcontroller)", "(i�lemci yok)" }, { "&Microcontroller", "��lemci Se�imi" }, { "Si&mulation Mode\tCtrl+M", "Si&m�lasyon Modu\tCtrl+M" }, { "Start &Real-Time Simulation\tCtrl+R", "Ge&r�ek Zamanl� Sim�lasyonu Ba�lat\tCtrl+R" }, { "&Halt Simulation\tCtrl+H", "Sim�lasyonu Durdur\tCtrl+H" }, { "Single &Cycle\tSpace", "Sat�r Sat�r Sim�lasyon\tEspace" }, { "&Compile\tF5", "&Derle\tF5" }, { "Compile &As...", "Farkl� Derle..." }, { "&Manual...\tF1", "&Kitap��k...\tF1" }, { "&About...", "&Bilgi..." }, { "&File", "&Dosya" }, { "&Edit", "&D�zen" }, { "&Settings", "&Ayarlar" }, { "&Instruction", "K&omutlar" }, { "Si&mulate", "Si&m�lasyon" }, { "&Compile", "&Derle" }, { "&Help", "&Yard�m" }, { "no MCU selected", "��lemci Se�ilmedi" }, { "cycle time %.2f ms", "�evrim s�resi %.2f ms" }, { "processor clock %.4f MHz", "i�lemci frekans� %.4f MHz" }, { "Internal error relating to PIC paging; make program smaller or reshuffle it.", "PIC sayfalamas� ile ilgili dahili hata olu�tu. Program� k�salt�n�z yada de�i�tiriniz." }, { "PWM frequency too fast.", "PWM frekans� �ok h�zl�." }, { "PWM frequency too slow.", "PWM frekans� �ok yava�." }, { "Cycle time too fast; increase cycle time, or use faster crystal.", "�evrim s�resi �ok k�sa. S�reyi yada kristal frekans�n� art�r�n�z." }, { "Cycle time too slow; decrease cycle time, or use slower crystal.", "�evrim s�resi �ok uzun. S�reyi yada kristal frekans�n� azalt�n�z.." }, { "Couldn't open file '%s'", "'%s' dosyas� a��lamad�." }, { "Zero baud rate not possible.", "�leti�im h�z� (Baudrate) s�f�r olamaz." }, { "Compile successful; wrote IHEX for PIC16 to '%s'.\r\n\r\nConfiguration word (fuses) has been set for crystal oscillator, BOD enabled, LVP disabled, PWRT enabled, all code protection off.\r\n\r\nUsed %d/%d words of program flash (chip %d%% full).", "Derleme ba�ar�yla yap�ld�; PIC16 i�in IHEX dosyas� '%s' dosyas�na kaydedildi.\r\n\r\nAyarlar: (PIC konfig�rasyonu) kristal osilat�r, BOD aktif, LVP pasif, PWRT aktif, t�m kod korumas� kapal�.\r\n\r\nPIC haf�zas�n�n %d/%d kelimesi kullan�ld�. (Haf�za %d%% dolu)." }, { "Type", "Tipi" }, { "Timer", "Zamanlay�c�" }, { "Counter", "Say�c�" }, { "Reset", "Reset" }, { "OK", "Tamam" }, { "Cancel", "Vazge�" }, { "Empty textbox; not permitted.", "Yaz� kutusu bo� olamaz" }, { "Bad use of quotes: <%s>", "T�rnaklar yanl�� kullan�lm��: <%s>" }, { "Turn-On Delay", "Turn-On Gecikme Devresi" }, { "Turn-Off Delay", "Turn-Off Gecikme Devresi" }, { "Retentive Turn-On Delay", "De�eri Saklanan Turn-On Gecikme" }, { "Delay (ms):", "Gecikme (ms):" }, { "Delay too long; maximum is 2**31 us.", "Gecikme �ok fazla. En fazla 2**31 us olabilir." }, { "Delay cannot be zero or negative.", "Gecikme s�f�r yada eksi de�er olamaz." }, { "Count Up", "Yukar� Say" }, { "Count Down", "A�a�� Say" }, { "Circular Counter", "Dairesel Say�c�" }, { "Max value:", "En Y�ksek De�er:" }, { "True if >= :", "Do�ru E�er >= :" }, { "If Equals", "E�itse" }, { "If Not Equals", "E�it De�ilse" }, { "If Greater Than", "B�y�kse" }, { "If Greater Than or Equal To", "B�y�k yada E�itse" }, { "If Less Than", "K���kse" }, { "If Less Than or Equal To", "K���k yada E�itse" }, { "'Closed' if:", "'Kapal�' E�er:" }, { "Move", "Ta��" }, { "Read A/D Converter", "A/D �eviriciyi Oku" }, { "Duty cycle var:", "Pals Geni�li�i De�eri:" }, { "Frequency (Hz):", "Frekans (Hz):" }, { "Set PWM Duty Cycle", "PWM Pals Geni�li�i De�eri" }, { "Source:", "Kaynak:" }, { "Receive from UART", "UART'dan bilgi al" }, { "Send to UART", "UART'dan bilgi g�nder" }, { "Add", "Topla" }, { "Subtract", "��kar" }, { "Multiply", "�arp" }, { "Divide", "B�l" }, { "Destination:", "Hedef:" }, { "is set := :", "Verilen De�er := :" }, { "Name:", "�sim:" }, { "Stages:", "A�amalar:" }, { "Shift Register", "Shift Register" }, { "Not a reasonable size for a shift register.", "Shift Register i�in kabul edilebilir de�er de�il." }, { "String:", "Karakter Dizisi:" }, { "Formatted String Over UART", "UART �zerinden Bi�imlendirilmi� Karakter Dizisi" }, { "Variable:", "De�i�ken:" }, { "Make Persistent", "EEPROM'da Sakla" }, { "Too many elements in subcircuit!", "Alt devrede �ok fazla eleman var!" }, { "Too many rungs!", "Sat�r say�s� (Rung) fazla!" }, { "Error", "Hata" }, { "ANSI C target does not support peripherals (UART, PWM, ADC, EEPROM). Skipping that instruction.", "ANSI C hedef �zellikleri desteklemiyor.(UART, ADC, EEPROM). �lgili komutlar i�lenmeyecek." }, { "Compile successful; wrote C source code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nThis is not a complete C program. You have to provide the runtime and all the I/O routines. See the comments in the source code for information about how to do this.", "Derleme ba�ar�yla tamamland�. C kaynak kodu '%s' dosyas�na yaz�ld�.\r\n\r\nBu dosya tam bir C dosyas� de�ildir. G/� rutinlerini kendiniz sa�lamal�s�n�z. Dosyay� incelemeniz faydal� olacakt�r." }, { "Cannot delete rung; program must have at least one rung.", "Bu sat�r silinemez. Programda en az bir tane sat�r (Rung) olmal�d�r." }, { "Out of memory; simplify program or choose microcontroller with more memory.", "��lemci haf�zas� doldu; Program� k�salt�n�z yada daha y�ksek haf�zas� olan bir i�lemci se�iniz." }, { "Must assign pins for all ADC inputs (name '%s').", "T�m ADC giri�lerinin bacaklar� belirtilmelidir (ADC '%s')." }, { "Internal limit exceeded (number of vars)", "Dahili s�n�r a��ld� (De�i�ken Say�s�)" }, { "Internal relay '%s' never assigned; add its coil somewhere.", "'%s' dahili r�lesine de�er verilmedi, Bu r�le i�in bir bobin ekleyiniz." }, { "Must assign pins for all I/O.\r\n\r\n'%s' is not assigned.", "T�m G/� u�lar� i�in bacaklar belirtilmelidir.\r\n\r\n'%s' ucuna de�er verilmemi�." }, { "UART in use; pins %d and %d reserved for that.", "UART Kullan�mda; %d ve %d bacaklar� bunun i�in kullan�lmaktad�r. Siz kullanamazs�n�z." }, { "PWM in use; pin %d reserved for that.", "PWM Kullan�mda; %d baca�� bunun i�in ayr�lm��t�r. Siz kullanamazs�n�z.." }, { "UART baud rate generator: divisor=%d actual=%.4f for %.2f%% error.\r\n\r\nThis is too large; try a different baud rate (slower probably), or a crystal frequency chosen to be divisible by many common baud rates (e.g. 3.6864 MHz, 14.7456 MHz).\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial may be unreliable or completely broken.", "UART H�z Hesaplay�c�s�: B�len=%d Ger�ekte=%.4f (%.2f%% hata pay� ile).\r\n\r\nBu de�er �ok y�ksektir. De�i�ik bir de�er denemelisiniz yada kristal frekans�n� s�k kullan�lan ve bu de�erlere b�l�nebilen bir de�er se�iniz. (Mesela 3.6864MHz, 14.7456MHz gibi).\r\n\r\nHer durumda kod olu�turulacakt�r; ancak seri ileti�im d�zg�n �al��mayabilir yada tamamen durabilir." }, { "UART baud rate generator: too slow, divisor overflows. Use a slower crystal or a faster baud rate.\r\n\r\nCode will be generated anyways but serial will likely be completely broken.", "UART H�z Hesaplay�c�s�: H�z �ok d���k. Bu nedenle b�len ta�ma yap�yor. Ya kristal frekans�n� d���r�n�z yada h�z� (baudrate) art�r�n�z.\r\n\r\nHer durumda kod olu�turulacakt�r; ancak seri ileti�im d�zg�n �al��mayabilir yada tamamen durabilir." }, { "Couldn't open '%s'\n", "'%s' dosyas� a��lamad�\n" }, { "Timer period too short (needs faster cycle time).", "Zamanlay�c� peryodu �ok k�sa (daha y�ksek �evrim s�resi gerekli)." }, { "Timer period too long (max 32767 times cycle time); use a slower cycle time.", "Zamanlay�c� peryodu �ok k�sa(en fazla. �evrim s�resinin 32767 kat� olabilir); �evrim s�resini d���r�n�z." }, { "Constant %d out of range: -32768 to 32767 inclusive.", "%d sabiti aral���n d���nda: -32768 ile 32767 aras�nda olmal�d�r." }, { "Move instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Ta��ma Komutu: '%s' ge�erli bir hedef adresi de�il." }, { "Math instruction: '%s' not a valid destination.", "Matematik Komutu: '%s'ge�erli bir hedef adresi de�il." }, { "Piecewise linear lookup table with zero elements!", "Par�al� do�rusal arama tablosunda de�er yok!" }, { "x values in piecewise linear table must be strictly increasing.", "Par�al� do�rusal arama tablosundaki x de�erleri artan s�ralamal� olmal�." }, { "Numerical problem with piecewise linear lookup table. Either make the table entries smaller, or space the points together more closely.\r\n\r\nSee the help file for details.", "Par�al� do�rusal arama tablosunda say�sal hata.\r\n\r\nDetaylar i�in yard�m men�s�n� inceleyiniz." }, { "Multiple escapes (\\0-9) present in format string, not allowed.", "Bi�imli karakter dizisinde birden �ok escape kodu var(\\0-9)." }, { "Bad escape: correct form is \\xAB.", "Yanl�� ESC komutu: do�ru �ekil = \\xAB." }, { "Bad escape '\\%c'", "Yanl�� ESC komutu '\\%c'" }, { "Variable is interpolated into formatted string, but none is specified.", "Bi�imlendirilmi� karakter k�mesine de�i�ken tan�mlanm�� ama hi� belirtilmemi�." }, { "No variable is interpolated into formatted string, but a variable name is specified. Include a string like '\\-3', or leave variable name blank.", "Bi�imlendirilmi� karakter k�mesine de�i�ken atanmam�� ama de�i�ken ismi belirtilmi�. Ya de�i�ken ismini belirtiniz yada '\\-3' gibi bir de�er veriniz.." }, { "Empty row; delete it or add instructions before compiling.", "Sat�r bo�; Sat�r� silmeli yada komut eklemelisiniz." }, { "Couldn't write to '%s'", "'%s' dosyas�na kay�t yap�lam�yor." }, { "Unsupported op (anything ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM) for interpretable target.", "Komut desteklenmiyor. (ADC, PWM, UART, EEPROM ile ilgili komutlardan herhangi biri)" }, { "Compile successful; wrote interpretable code to '%s'.\r\n\r\nYou probably have to adapt the interpreter to your application. See the documentation.", "Derleme ba�ar�yla tamamland�. Kod '%s' dosyas�na yaz�ld�.\r\n\r\nDerleyiciyi uygulaman�za g�re de�i�tirmeniz gerekebilir. Geni� bilgi i�in LDMicro belgelerine ba�vurabilirsiniz." }, { "Microcontroller '%s' not supported.\r\n\r\nDefaulting to no selected MCU.", "'%s' desteklenen bir i�lemci de�il.\r\n\r\n��lemci ayar� i�lemci yok �eklinde de�i�tirilmi�tir." }, { "File format error; perhaps this program is for a newer version of LDmicro?", "Dosya bi�imi hatas�. A�maya �al��t���n�z dosya ya LDMicro dosyas� de�il yada yeni bir s�r�m ile yaz�lm��." }, { "Index:", "Liste:" }, { "Points:", "De�er Say�s�:" }, { "Count:", "Adet:" }, { "Edit table of ASCII values like a string", "ASCII de�er tablosunu karakter dizisi gibi d�zenle." }, { "Look-Up Table", "Arama Tablosu" }, { "Piecewise Linear Table", "Par�al� Lineer Tablo" }, { "LDmicro Error", "LDmicro Hatas�" }, { "Compile Successful", "Derleme Ba�ar�l�" }, { "digital in", "Dijital Giri�" }, { "digital out", "Dijital ��k��" }, { "int. relay", "Dahili R�le" }, { "UART tx", "UART tx" }, { "UART rx", "UART rx" }, { "PWM out", "PWM ��k���" }, { "turn-on delay", "Turn-On Gecikme" }, { "turn-off delay", "Turn-Off Gecikme" }, { "retentive timer", "de�eri saklanan zamanlay�c�" }, { "counter", "Say�c�" }, { "general var", "Genel De�i�ken" }, { "adc input", "ADC Giri�i" }, { "<corrupt!>", "<bozuk>" }, { "(not assigned)", "(tan�ml� de�il)" }, { "<no UART!>", "<UART Yok!>" }, { "<no PWM!>", "<PWM Yok!>" }, { "TOF: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TOF: De�i�ken ba�ka bir yerde kullan�lamaz" }, { "TON: variable cannot be used elsewhere", "TON: De�i�ken ba�ka bir yerde kullan�lamaz" }, { "RTO: variable can only be used for RES elsewhere", "RTO: De�i�ken sadece RES i�in kullan�labilir" }, { "Variable '%s' not assigned to, e.g. with a MOV statement, an ADD statement, etc.\r\n\r\nThis is probably a programming error; now it will always be zero.", "'%s' de�er atanmam��.�rne�in, MOV, ADD komutlar� ile de�er atanabilir.\r\n\r\nMuhtemelen bu bir programlama hatas�d�r. Bu nedenle de�i�kenin de�eri 0 olarak kullan�lacakt�r." }, { "Variable for '%s' incorrectly assigned: %s.", "'%s' i�in de�i�ken hatal� atanm��: %s." }, { "Division by zero; halting simulation", "S�f�ra b�l�m; Sim�lasyon durduruldu." }, { "!!!too long!!!", "!!!�ok uzun!!" }, { "\n\nI/O ASSIGNMENT:\n\n", "\n\nG/� TANIMI:\n\n" }, { " Name | Type | Pin\n", " �sim | Tipi | Bacak\n" }, }; static Lang LangTr = { LangTrTable, sizeof(LangTrTable)/sizeof(LangTrTable[0]) }; #endif